Quotes about honor. Why did Tatyana Larina choose life with her unloved husband rather than with Evgeniy? (School essays)

This is the diamond on the hand of virtue. Francois Voltaire

True honor is the decision to do, in all circumstances, what is useful to the most people. Benjamin Franklin

A girl’s honor is all her wealth, it is more valuable than any inheritance. William Shakespeare

Publius Syrus

Where can you find someone who would put the honor of a friend above his own? Marcus Tullius Cicero

Honor is the cornerstone of human wisdom. Vissarion Belinsky

Only through labor and struggle is identity and self-esteem achieved. Fedor Dostoevsky

An honest man can be persecuted, but not dishonored. Francois Voltaire

Honor is external conscience, and conscience is internal honor. Arthur Schopenhauer

What kind of glory is this if it forces you to seek honor from your inferiors? Honor consists in enjoying glory from those above. John Chrysostom

The one who demands payment for his money most often sells his honor. Luc Vauvenargues

Consciousness of one's dignity makes smart person more modest, but at the same time more persistent. Philip Chesterfield

The more we talk about our virtues, the less they believe in them. Edmond Beauchaine

The honest and the dishonest are known not only by what they do, but also by what they desire. Democritus

Immense pride and conceit is not a sign of self-esteem. Fedor Dostoevsky

A child who suffers less insults grows up to be more self-aware. Nikolai Chernyshevsky

Honor rarely exists where there is glory, and even more rarely does glory exist where there is honor. Johann Seime

Honor is the same for women and men, girls, married women, old men and women: “don’t deceive”, “don’t steal”, “don’t get drunk”; Only from such rules, applicable to all people, is a code of “honor” formed in the true sense of the word. Nikolai Chernyshevsky

To deprive another of his honor is to deprive him of his own. Publilius Syrus

Even in the company of two people, I will certainly find something to learn from them. I will try to imitate their virtues, and I myself will learn from their shortcomings. Confucius

Truly extraordinary virtues are possessed by those who have managed to earn the praise of their envious people. Francois La Rochefoucauld

To each, posterity will give its honor. Tacitus

Without virtue there is neither glory nor honor. Alexander Suvorov

My honor is my life; both grow from the same root. Take away my honor - and mine life will come end. William Shakespeare

True honor cannot tolerate untruth. Henry Fielding

It is a mistake to think that a lot of knowledge is a virtue. It's not quantity that matters, but quality. Lev Tolstoy

There is nothing more useful good name, and nothing creates it as firmly as dignity. Luc Vauvenargues

The dignity of every person depends only on how he shows himself in his actions. Adolf Knigge

Essay “Reflections on honor and conscience”

Completed by: 9th grade student

MKOU "Tundutovskaya Secondary School"

Zinchenko Arina

"Honor is an external conscience,

conscience is inner honor"

A. Schopenhauer

Why were we born into this world, why do we live? For my short life a person must learn everything, be in time everywhere, experience all the joys and sorrows of life, learn to overcome difficulties and, most importantly, leave a bright memory of himself. One wise man said: “If you want to be remembered after death, leave behind worthy descendants or good book" Leave worthy descendants... These words place a double responsibility on a person. First, educating yourself to educate others. Secondly, raising a deeply moral generation. Generations of honor and conscience.

Honor and conscience... We hear these words so often that they have already somewhat lost their meaning for us true meaning, turned into a set of meaningless words. We often pronounce them, but, alas, we rarely think about what they mean.

Honor and conscience... What do they mean for a person? Why are these qualities the most important advantages? human soul? This question always worries people's hearts. What lies behind these concepts?

“And the first treasure was my honor,” wrote A.S. Pushkin. Honor is a moral virtue, something that evokes and maintains respect for oneself or from others. "There is honorthe cornerstone of human wisdom" - asserted G.V. Belinsky

Conscience is an internal assessment, inner consciousness, the morality of one’s own actions and feelings. This is moral responsibility for one’s behavior. This explains the meaning of these words Dictionary V.Dal. Speaking about conscience, I recall the words of A. Gaidar from the story “Conscience” “... Conscience cannot be passed from hand to hand. It cannot even be borrowed and it is impossible to learn. Conscience can only be awakened” That is, every person has this feeling, but

Someone might have her sleeping.
The inner beauty of a person lies in the fact that his feelings and thoughts should be harmonious. Saving your inner wealth, loyalty to one's moral positions, one’s worldview – the main virtues of a person. The concepts of dignity and honor cannot be applied to someone who sacrifices his principles in order to achieve some base goals, who lives only to satisfy personal needs, not noticing the people around him, stepping over them. No wonder L.N. Tolstoy called Napoleon - legendary personality, who managed to conquer Europe at the cost of many lives, is “a man with a darkened conscience.” And how many people with a darkened conscience are there in our difficult times? It is bitter to realize, but the younger generation denies all moral principles, overstepping such concepts as honor and conscience. You can often hear the following question: “Do you have a conscience? But, unfortunately, not everyone finds the answer to it; many do not even understand what we are talking about.

Looking at people with a broken conscience is scary and shameful. That is why preserving one’s honor and dignity and remaining with an unblemished conscience is very important for any person, regardless of the conditions of his existence or the business in which he is engaged in his life. But still, it seems to me, there are professions that oblige a person to be impeccably moral. This is a teacher, this is an actor, this is anyone creative worker, this is a doctor. These professions are among the noblest on earth. Look at what these people are doing: introducing children to culture, morality and language. The awakening in each of us of some creative veins that are located in the depths of our soul and, perhaps, unknown to us for the time being. Finally, saving human lives.

I in no way want to say that other people have the right to do without honor and conscience. No, these qualities must be fully inherent in every person. But the professions I have named require special moral qualities from people.

Unfortunately, not everyone has honor and conscience. Otherwise, would we admire every manifestation of these qualities in someone? But this should be a thing that comes naturally, of course!

For each of us, the ideals of honor and conscience are different. For me, the ideal of honor and conscience is Leonid Roshal, pediatrician, who saves the lives of children every day. Our world is supported and moved by such people.

How to get out of a difficult situation with honor? I think that every person faces this question during his life. Human life is complex, full of trials, obstacles, contradictions: a person often has to do moral choice, how to do the right thing, how not to lose your own honor in difficult moments of life. Let's first understand what honor is. Honor, in my opinion, is a way of life based on conscience, nobility, truthfulness and courage. Let us also recall the words of the great Russian critic V. G. Belinsky about honor: “Honor is the cornerstone of human wisdom.” Usually a person who finds himself in a difficult situation has a rather difficult time. I think that in any situation, each of us should listen to our inner judge - conscience, which will not allow us to act unworthily, because what could be worse if a person is gnawing at a merciless conscience.

No wonder folk wisdom says: don’t treat people the way you don’t want them to treat you. At all times, people have valued nobility. Nobility is kindness, selflessness, the ability to put the interests of others above personal ones. About how difficult it is for a person to get out of difficult situation, many writers thought, for example, A. S. Pushkin in his novels " Captain's daughter", "Eugene Onegin", M. Yu. Lermontov in "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young guardsman and swashbuckling merchant Kalashnikov" and others. I would like to consider the actions of people in critical situations using the example of A. S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin".

The writer tells us that Tatyana Larina, a romantic nature who grew up reading French novels, fell in love with Eugene Onegin as soon as she saw him.

Her soul thirsted for love, the heroine wanted to love and be loved. Although Onegin liked Tatyana, he rejected her feelings. Evgeny Onegin was convinced that family life was destiny ordinary people. He considered himself not like everyone else, he put himself above others. Family life seemed something boring to him, he thought that he was not created for a family. Rejected by Onegin, Tatyana suffers and suffers for a long time. A poor girl not of her own free will, but at the insistence of her mother, she marries an unloved person. Years later, both heroes meet again. When meeting Onegin, whom she still loves, Tatyana did not move a single muscle. Onegin confesses his love for her. Everything that Tatyana dreamed of has finally come true: now she is loved by Onegin, he cannot imagine life without her. It would seem that Tatyana will step towards her long-awaited happiness. But Tatyana remained faithful to her husband. How difficult and difficult it must have been for her to make this choice! On the one hand, there was her feminine happiness, a natural desire to be happy, and on the other, her own honor and that of her husband, but life with an unloved person. I believe that Tatyana chose the path of honor. First of all, she thinks about others and puts her own interests in the background. We can say that she sacrifices her happiness for the honor of her husband, whom she respects. I think that Pushkin’s heroine acted nobly and came out of a difficult situation with honor.

Thus, no matter what difficult and difficult situation a person finds himself in, he must act according to the duty of his conscience, not do what he does not want to receive from others. I am sure that each of us is obliged to act..., because kindness is the most important quality of a person.

Updated: 2017-12-29

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Clever aphorisms about conscience, quotes about honor and unchanging dignity

Human, who from the very beginning behaves with dignity, is free from remorse.

Abul Faraj

Dullness conscience is learned from the inability to be indignant against actions that harm humanity.

A. Amiel

Shame and honor is like a dress: the more shabby they are, the more careless you treat them.


Our conscience is an infallible judge until we kill it.

O. Balzac

Nice follow the dictates of conscience.

O. Balzac

Honor is the cornerstone of human wisdom,

V. G. Belinsky

Where Is the true greatness of a person known if not in those cases in which he decides it is better to suffer forever than to do something contrary to his conscience?

V. G. Belinsky

Human conscience encourages a person to seek the best and sometimes helps him to abandon the old, cozy, sweet, but dying and decaying - in favor of the new, at first uncomfortable and unlovable, but promising fresh life.

P. Buast

All, what soothes a guilty conscience harms society.


Remorse conscience is the echo of lost virtue.

E. Bulwer-Lytton

Eat something as beautiful as a great man is a man of honor.

A. Vigny

Honor- this is courageous modesty.

A. Vigny

That, whoever demands payment for his honesty most often sells his honor.

L. Vauvenargues

Bargain does not enrich with honor.

L. Vauvenargues

Honor is a diamond on the hand of virtue.

F. Voltaire

Honor is the desire to gain honor; to observe your honor means not to do anything that would be unworthy of honor.

F. Voltaire

People never feel remorse from the post of icons, which have become their custom.

F. Voltaire

Remorse is the only virtue remaining to criminals.


In matters of conscience, the law of the majority does not apply.

M. Gandhi

Shyness indicates the inner limit of human sin; when a person blushes, his nobler self begins to appear.

Honor is the cornerstone
human wisdom.
V.G. Belinsky

There are events in life that are like meeting old friends. And such a meeting is always a test. Unintentional, involuntary and, nevertheless, the most impartial. You look at your own life with an impartial gaze, and you don’t have to be disingenuous with yourself. For me, such a meeting turned out to be my acquaintance with Andrei Bolkonsky, the hero of L. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.”

Prince Andrei is, first of all, a man of action. He explains to Pierre why he is going to war: “I am going because this life that I lead here, this life is not for me!” He talks about hopes and strengths lost in secular existence. Prince Andrei does not want to allow the accidents of the flow of life to determine his fate; it is not he who will correspond surrounding life, and life should be according to it. He believes in his high purpose, and thus he seems to have decided for himself general question about the meaning human life, about human honor.

Prince Andrey believes in his star. It is not by chance that he is thrown into the world without a purpose; he believes that he was born for feat and greatness. This faith is associated with his family “Bolkon” pride.

Dreaming of his Toulon, Bolkonsky goes to war. So, Prince Andrei is at war... Before us is a neat, efficient staff officer. Reading about this, you feel disappointed: did Prince Andrei really go to war to draw up memoranda? We would like to see him in battle, in the powder smoke, ahead of the troops, but here is the office, the rustle of papers, quiet steps on the carpet...

But here’s what’s surprising: Prince Andrei “changed a lot during this time... he had the appearance of a man... busy with business pleasant and interesting."

The fact is that war consists not only of the roar of guns, battles and exploits. Here, as in peaceful life, there are everyday life - and, perhaps, it is more difficult to behave with dignity in the everyday life of war than in battles.

But here’s what I want to think about: it seems that he copes with himself more easily in battle than in everyday life. In battle, everything is clear: behind are your own, ahead are strangers, but in everyday life everything is intertwined, and it can be difficult to understand who is yours, who is a stranger, and where the main enemies are.

Here he is galloping to Brunn to the Austrian court with news of the Russian victory. He is joyfully excited, excited, has suffered a lot in a day, and is in a solemn mood. But the Austrian court was not at all as pleased with the Russian victory as Prince Andrei imagined.

The diplomat Bilibin explains to the prince what he does not understand.

What joy does the Austrian court have from the victory of the Russian troops, when the Austrian generals, one after another, are completely defeated? It turns out that the same laws from which Prince Andrei fled from the St. Petersburg world live and dictate their will here.

Returning to Bilibin, Prince Andrei learns that the French are approaching Brunn. Does that mean the army died too? She will be cut off.

The news of the hopeless situation of the Russian army “was sad and at the same time pleasant for Prince Andrei... it occurred to him that he was destined to lead the Russian army out of this situation, that here was Toulon, who would lead him out of the ranks of unknown officers and will open for him the first path to glory.”

Bilibin persuades him - very wisely, from the point of view of common sense - not to return to Kutuzov’s army, where “either defeat and shame” await him, or peace, if it is concluded.

“I can’t judge this,” Prince Andrei said coldly, but thought: “I’m going to save the army.”

Which one is right? Yes, Bilibin’s reasoning is completely fair, and the position of the Russian army is hopeless, and there is no need for Prince Andrei to go, but Bilibin himself, contrary to everyone common sense, admits: “My dear, you are a hero.” Therefore, this ability to act contrary to common sense, obeying only the voice of one’s conscience, only a sense of duty, one’s responsibility to people, the country, the army - this skill is called heroism.

“What if there is nothing left but to die? - thought Prince Andrey already on the road, heading towards the Russian army. Well, if necessary! I will do it no worse than anyone else.”

This is what old Bolkonsky meant when he squealed: “... if I find out that you did not behave like the son of Nikolai Bolkonsky, I will be ... ashamed!” These are difficult, these proud people They place honor, their manhood and human dignity above all else. Refusing to go with Bilibin and heading towards Kutuzov’s army, Prince Andrei behaves like the son of Nikolai Bolkonsky. The sky of Austerlitz awaits him ahead.

What did Prince Andrei understand on the field of Austerlitz? No, he did not come to God, as his sister, Princess Marya, dreamed when she put the icon on him. The faith of Princess Marya seems so clear and simple to Prince Andrei, everything is actually more complicated. But he understood one thing under the high and kind sky: the previous aspirations for glory, for human love are vain and therefore insignificant. A person should look for something else in life, but what?

After living permanently in the village, Bolkonsky left for St. Petersburg to be useful to people.

From the very first lines, depicting the appearance of Prince Andrei in St. Petersburg, Tolstoy prepares us for his future disappointment. Prince Andrei is still full of hope. But we, thanks to Tolstoy, already see how cold the tsar is with him, dissatisfied with the fact that Bolkonsky has not served since 1805, how dull Arakcheev’s eyes are and his tone is almost impolite; how unnatural is Speransky, in whom Prince Andrei expects to find “the complete perfection of human virtues.”

The emotional drama that Bolkonsky experiences after breaking up with Natasha intensifies his moral and philosophical quest.

However, the desire to consider one’s life in broad connections with the lives of other people, which was born in Prince Andrei as a result of overcoming individualistic prejudices, clearly and strongly manifests itself in the days of people’s trials, in the days of the Battle of Borodino. Bolkonsky feels the true closeness of his thoughts and desires to the thoughts and desires of broad sections of the people. Bolkonsky’s patriotic feelings and aspirations also reflect the spontaneity and strength of his deep love for native land, the sharpness of his thoughts, life's quest on the path of honor.

This hero is very dear to me, because he helped me understand one important idea.

In life, in any ordinary matter, the concept of honor and a great goal - not even conscious, not fully thought out, but only constantly felt, tormenting the soul - forces us to improve. Inspires. Elevates. Both professionally and morally.