What does the proverb mean: the hunchbacked grave will correct. The grave will correct the hunchback: a funny incident from life

HUMPBACK<ОДНА>THE GRAVE WILL FIX. Beliefs or deep-rooted shortcomings, vices of smb. impossible to fix. Wed. You can’t wash a black dog white; As goes to the cradle, so goes to the grave. I drink to your health, my friend, and you drink to the health of the old idiot-idealist and wish him that he would die as an idealist. Leopard change his spots. Chekhov, From friends. “We need to teach Shevchenko, not beat him,” Lazo disagreed. “The grave will correct the hunchback.” F. Garin, Front Commander. - I see that ideological positions have not been surrendered. - And they will not be surrendered. Never! - Or maybe over time the “legal” ones will move to the left? - Hardly. Leopard change his spots. In the meantime, the main thing for us is to fire at the populists. A. Koptelov, The Big Beginning. “No, Elisey Karpovich,” Gusarov grinned.., “it’s useless to reprimand you.” Leopard change his spots. F. Taurin, Angara.-Your only opportunity to prove to the court that you can still return to an honest life is frank confession. Confess everything to the end.” Mukhalyadov was sullenly silent, and only from the corner where Arsky was sitting did he hear: “The grave will correct the hunchback.” V. Milchakov, Such people cannot be spared. “Time, Fedenka, time,” he said. “Still, seven years.” In seven years, they say, all substances in the body undergo metabolism. They are being replaced... - Quantitatively, - objected Fyodor Ivanovich. - But not qualitatively. - The academician, apparently, took these words as a hint at his Weismann-Morganist past - they say, the hunchbacked grave will correct. V. Dudintsev, White clothes. [Ivan] took dishes and a bottle of cognac from the sideboard and deftly set the table. At the same time, without stopping, he reasoned that his gullibility does not lead to goodness, once again it ends up in history, but<горбатого могила исправит», видно, ему на роду написано страдать за свою простоту. Слава богу, мир не без добрых людей, случай свел с хорошим человеком. Н. Леонов, Бесплатных пирожных не бывает. Безалаберщина у тебя в исполкоме. Каков поп, таков и приход! Засиделся ты, Астахов, и черт тебя знает, что с тобой делать. Может быть, Ракитина подтянет, да и на то мало надежды. Горбатого разве что могила исправит. Вирта, Крутые горы.- Эх, Леша, Леша, как мне тебя жалко. Год в столице для тебя прошел даром. Правду говорят, что горбатого только могила исправит. И. Лазутин, Сержант милиции. И вдруг явишься ты, беспартийный, беглый из Сибири... Думаешь,- обрадуются? Что им с тобой делать?..- Эх вы! - махнул полковник рукой.- Недаром говорится: горбатого исправит могила! Короленко, Федор Бесприютный. Зашел он ко мне, думая и во мне найти такую же метаморфозу... да знаете, по пословице: горбатого одна могила исправит. Боборыкин, Перевал.- Опомнится Капитон Титыч.- Опомнится? Горбатого-то, милушка, одна могила исправит. Мамин-Сибиряк, Пир горой. Из XVIII в.: Не называю никого в глаза глупым, без которых как мне кажется, обойтися не можно, я видел их в домах, на улицах и в поле, однако, исправить их не берусь.., исправит горбатого могила, а глупого случай, ибо он только один дурацкий учитель. И то и се, январь, третья неделя.
- Simoni: Gorbatago fixes the coffin; Snegirev: The hunchback will be corrected by the grave, and the stubborn will be corrected by the club; Dahl: The hunchback will be corrected by the grave, and the stubborn will be corrected by the club; Rybnikova: The grave will correct the hunchback; Sobolev: The hunchback will be corrected by the grave, and the stubborn will be corrected by the club.


Leopard change his spots

“Of course, efforts are in vain,
And nothing can be drilled into them.
Objects are meaningless to them,
And white is just black"

Yuliy Kim "Lawyer's Waltz"

Leopard change his spots.

As you know, more than two weeks ago, the Chairman of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights (also Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation), Mikhail Aleksandrovich Fedotov, was included in the sanctions list of the US Treasury Department.

This event caused genuine indignation and resentment of the self-proclaimed president of the country, who shared his feelings at a meeting with his confidants: “My adviser, who heads the human rights council, was included in the list, which means that all human rights activists were included there along with him?”

It is absolutely impossible for a person with a clear mind and sober memory to agree that Mr. Fedotov M.A. represents all human rights activists in the country, but for the president of the country, who has long lost touch with reality, this is quite forgivable.

Less explainable is the assessment of this fact by the Chairman of the Moscow Helsinki Group and member of the Council headed by M.A. Fedotov, Alekseeva Lyudmila Mikhailovna: “I am at a loss about the inclusion of Mikhail Alexandrovich in this list because he is not an oligarch, he is an adviser on the development of civil society and rights person. It has nothing to do with wealth or power. He very conscientiously and selflessly fulfills his duties as chairman of the human rights council, and you have to be completely ignorant of matters to include him in the list of people close to power and involved in some kind of aggressive actions.”

For me, a person with 20 years of human rights experience, the inclusion of Mr. M.A. Fedotov is completely natural and logical. on an extremely unpleasant list for the following reasons.

Every human rights activist knows the axiom: human rights activists and the government are antagonists by nature. After all, people with an active civic position, with a heightened sense of justice and human dignity, do not become human rights defenders out of their own whim or great desire (after all, this work is large, intense, requires a lot of knowledge, time, effort and, as a rule, is completely thankless in the material sense) .

The active protest (and therefore unsafe) activity of these people was and is causing their indignant minds to “boil”, the gross, cynical, large-scale disregard for human rights and freedoms by numerous government agencies and the “hired workers” inhabiting them, who, according to the basic law countries (social contract) were created for this purpose at our (taxpayers’) expense, to ensure in the country (and not only) the implementation of these rights and freedoms of the “source of power”, their fellow citizens. But despite this direct official responsibility, in fact (and there is countless evidence of this today) it is the Russian government (in all its manifestations and levels) that is the biggest violator of human rights and freedoms in our country.

Here are just some examples of violations of fundamental human rights in Russia.

Over the course of at least the last 18 years, Russians have been deprived of the right to periodically change power due to the lack of fair, equal and competitive elections; there is no real separation of powers in the country; the judicial and representative powers are formed and dependent on the executive power represented by the self-proclaimed the president and his administration. As a result, Russians have actually lost the right to judicial protection (according to the Prosecutor General of the country, 25% of the country's citizens are deprived of liberty due to unjust sentences), they cannot influence and prevent the emergence of laws that violate their rights and freedoms (after all, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation consists not of those elected by the people, but from “senators” and “deputies” appointed by the impostor and pleasing to him). The country lacks the right to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly. Law enforcement agencies (police, prosecutor's office, investigative committee, Federal Penitentiary Service, etc.), instead of fulfilling their direct duties to protect the rights and freedoms of fellow citizens, for which they, in fact, were created and function with taxpayers' money, have been turned into guardsmen who, to please the usurper and his governors in the regions, contrary to the law and the Constitution, they violate human rights and freedoms in every possible way and for far-fetched reasons.

Citizens of the country, generally recognized as the richest in natural resources, are deprived of the right to a decent standard of living, only because the country’s national wealth has been almost completely seized with the connivance and with the participation of the usurper, hundreds of dollar billionaires, also included in the “Kremlin list.” Hence the miserable pensions of Russians, a quarter of their fellow citizens eking out an existence below the poverty line, dying villages, a growing number of suicides, and the lack of the right to full medical care and education.

Finally, cynically and grossly disregarding the norms of international law, the self-proclaimed president with a nuclear club, who has lost touch with reality, has been dragging the country and its citizens into so-called hybrid wars (Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Syria) for the last few years with manic stupidity and persistence under far-fetched pretexts. depriving many Russians (and not only others) of perhaps the most important human right – the right to life, and bringing the world closer to nuclear self-destruction.

The properties found in the epigraph of Julius Kim are fully applicable to this current government.

Thus, in Russia the usurper has created a criminal system of power that does not in any way correspond to the basic law of the country and violates the Constitution. The presence and participation of Russian citizens in this vicious system of power (even as part of very attractive in name (Public Chamber under the President, Human Rights Council under the President, etc.), but fake, in fact, pseudo-civilian pro-government structures) inevitably dooms them to be accomplices and accomplices in the crimes of the regime.

And it is absolutely unacceptable, in my deep conviction, such presence and participation in the criminal system of power created by the impostor for people with a heightened sense of justice and human dignity, i.e. human rights defenders.

Any person always has a choice in life. “Human rights activist” M.A. Fedotov also had the same choice. when he agreed to be an adviser to the usurper and head the Human Rights Council under his person.

So why today, taking into account the above, the inclusion of this name on the sanctions list should cause anyone offense, surprise, bewilderment or indignation. I believe this event is completely justified and natural.

I have always been surprised and outraged by the ardent desire of many very well-known fellow citizens who call themselves human rights activists, which they showed at one time during the formation of the notorious Human Rights Council under the person of the impostor. After all, it was a serious struggle (even with a real threat to the health of the participants) for every seat on the coveted Council. One of the contenders, the notorious “human rights activist” Brod, even went on a hunger strike without being included in the Council. But then the “good” usurper did not allow Brod to die of starvation, condescendingly, from the master’s shoulder, increasing the number of members of the Council.

It is difficult for me to imagine such behavior, for example, of Polish human rights activists, distinguished by their integrity and consistency, many of whom, after active participation in the events of 1981 (when the pro-Soviet regime of General Jaruzelski fell and Lech Walesa became president in the elections), were called to participate in work in the structures the authorities of the emerging democratic Poland (Sejm, government). Human rights activists went to power, but their membership in the human rights movement was immediately suspended precisely because human rights protection and power are incompatible and unnatural concepts. This is, if you like, “hot ice”, which does not exist in nature.

Often fellow citizens justify their voluntary entry into the structures of criminal power by the emergence of additional opportunities to influence the authorities (proximity to the body of the usurper creates this illusion) and the use of these opportunities to restore human rights and freedoms violated by the same authorities.

In this regard, I remember the time of Gorbachev’s Thaw in the mid-80s, when many members of the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union, if anyone has forgotten), fully aware of the disastrous and criminal rule of this party for the country, naively tried from within, remaining communists , influence it, change it. Then, it’s scary to think, a faction was even created in the CPSU - “Democratic Platform in the CPSU.” And how these attempts ended: the complete collapse of not only the party, but also the country. And there was only one reason: the CPSU had already long passed the point of no return and was agonizing under the unbearable burden of boundless lies, theft, corruption and unfounded ambitions.

“Our”, as the Russian Central Election Commission calls him on his campaign posters, “the president” has long passed the same point of no return and for the same reasons. I am sure that even “human rights activists” in the relevant Council are beyond the power to influence him, to change his twilight consciousness and inappropriate behavior.

This is about the same as convincing a tenth-generation inveterate cannibal to eat grass or sincerely believing in the possibility of Chikatilo turning into a respectable and law-abiding citizen.

Leopard change his spots.

Ryazan Oblast

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Proverbs and sayings are a concentrate of wisdom that our ancestors collected bit by bit. No wonder they are passed down from generation to generation. There are a lot of them, so you can choose the appropriate smart thought for almost any situation. In this article we will look at the following expression: “The grave will correct the hunchback.” Everyone probably knows the meaning of this saying. But is it so unconditional, or are there still exceptions to this rule?

Origin of the saying

There is a saying in the Bible: “What is crooked cannot be made straight.” There is an assumption that the saying “The grave will straighten the hunchback” is a transformation of biblical wisdom.

The meaning of these two expressions is really similar. Just as a crooked person cannot straighten, so during life he cannot find a straight back.

There is also a version that the phrase “The hunchbacked grave will correct” was made popular by Joseph Stalin.

During the Second World War there was a general named Gorbatov. He was not distinguished by loyalty, was straightforward, proactive and often irritated the Generalissimo. One day the above phrase was said to him, which later became popular.

In Dahl's book, which contains Russian proverbs, there is the following saying: “The grave will correct the hunchback, but the cudgel will correct the stubborn.” This is the full version of the saying.

The meaning of the saying “The grave will correct the hunchback”

The human hump is not always considered only in the literal sense. In a figurative understanding, it can symbolize some sins and shortcomings that burden life and prevent a person from improving spiritually. A hump is a kind of cross that a person carries through life.

Disadvantages can be different, it could be an addiction to alcohol, an obnoxious character, passion for gambling, inability to make compromises, etc.

What does the saying “The grave will straighten the hunchback” mean? She says that, unfortunately, Why does the grave correct the hunchback? Because after a person dies, it doesn’t matter what he was like. In death, everyone is equal, both the hunchbacked and the slender - everyone finds the same refuge.

Is it really? Is it really impossible to change a person? In most cases this is true. However, there are exceptions to every rule. Sometimes events happen in people's lives that change their consciousness. There are many examples when, say, after an accident, people become completely different and start a new life.

In addition to this expression, there are other well-known sayings that reflect the essence of established inclinations that are difficult to eradicate. For example: “You can’t wash a black dog white.” There is also a saying in French that literally means: “He who drinks will continue to drink.” In this particular case we are talking about alcoholism. However, this saying is taken in a broader meaning not only in relation to drunkenness. It characterizes bad inclinations and character traits that cannot be corrected.


The essence of the saying, of course, reflects reality. However, this does not mean that you should not believe in the best. Of course, if a person himself does not want to change, nothing will force him. However, if the desire to become better arises in the person himself, and it is strong enough, everything is possible. There are many examples of this. Usually people are forced to reconsider their life views by some serious trials, which are probably sent to us in order to improve. Life does not teach everyone, and not everyone draws the right conclusions, but there are people who can cross out their past and start over from scratch.

Leopard change his spots(meaning) - nothing can re-educate an adult, established person.

Usually said in a negative sense.

An expression from a Russian proverb - “The hunchback will be corrected by the grave, but the stubborn will be straightened by a club,” which is listed in the book “” (1853) (section - “”).

In French there is a similar proverb - Qui a bu boira, which literally translates as - he who drinks will continue to drink (meaning alcohol). But it applies to habits in a broader sense. Approximately the same meaning as “The grave will correct the hunchback.”


(b. 1940)

(2010) - “As for my husband, he once drove into the garage, got drunk there and fell asleep. And the frost then was oh so severe! He managed to save his life, but his legs were paralyzed. Now he’s disabled, but he only 45 years old. And still continues to drink. No wonder they say - leopard change his spots.".

(1905 - 1984)

"Quiet Don" (1925 - 1940), book. 4, part 8 ch. 4: "It is truly true that the grave will straighten the hunchback. He also came from the Red Army with looted goods."

(1873 - 1938)

" " (1932) ( , 6): "And it is sung with such heart and soul that it is not noticed that the sweetheart is accidentally hunchbacked... Leopard change his spots; and I’ll say - and the song..."

(1844 - 1927)

Volume 1 “From the Notes of a Judicial Official” (Publishing House “Yuridicheskaya Literature”, Moscow, 1966), about the organizer of an illegal gambling house:

Qui a bu - boira!“Kolemin moved to France, and then to Spain, and there, according to rumors, he continued his activities for some time in S. Sebastiano.”

(1860 - 1904)

(1898) - Sergei Sergeevich says to Podgorin:

“We, old students, knew how to drink, and speak eloquently, and get things done. I drink to your health, my friend, and you drink to the health of the old foolish idealist and wish him that he would die as an idealist. Leopard change his spots."