Issue 2 of the Magic Club magazine. Winx Magic Club Magazine

They began to produce in Russia and Ukraine new magazine"Winx: Magic Club". This is a magazine with gifts (cosmetics and various jewelry).

Magazine with gifts

In the first issue we will find lip gloss in a ring. Looks nice, the color is good too. But its lid falls off and does not want to close. The ring is small (it’s designed for eight-year-old children), so not everyone can wear it. Now let’s move on to the magazine. As always, Bloom is first in everything, so when we open the magazine, we are greeted with the article “All about Bloom.” I was surprised that after all the events in the animated series, the magazine says absolutely nothing about Bloom's parents (Oritel and Marion) (it's as if she doesn't even know about them).

On the next page they tell us how you can wear a gift in the “Create an Image with Bloom” section. After it comes “Drawing School with Flora”. Next comes another section, “Fairytale crafts with the Muse.” They show how you can make a bag (very childish, so I won’t write about it). In the “Stylish Secrets from Stella” section, we are told about Flora’s style and given a test. After that, Leila teaches us how to make naughty ponytails. And Flora gives ideas for get-togethers with friends. What I liked most was the article about how you can update old jeans. And finally, the story of how Stella overcame the Trix spell with the help of glitter.


The magazine comes with a large poster (I was very happy to see it). On the poster, our beloved Winx fairies enchant everyone with their enchantix, and strange green butterflies fly around them and flowers of unknown origin grow...

In the second issue we will find a silver scarf, Flora's story and a box for storing gifts.

The cartoon is very beautiful, while watching it I simply could not tear myself away from the beauty conveyed in this film. And what is the “Bilivix” transformation worth, it’s generally beyond competition, because “Winx Club” is the first cartoon with a 3D transformation, and it was done quite well. If you haven’t watched the first Winx Club movie, I recommend it, because you need to watch the second movie after the first, otherwise the whole meaning will be lost. And, of course, the transformation in the first cartoon is just as beautiful as in the second.


As for the music, I expected the worst from Ranetki. I was perplexed when I heard the song at the very beginning of the film. I thought that there would be these usual squeals of “Ranetok”, but everything turned out to be the opposite, they sang perfectly! And I was also shocked that Biliviks sang “Ranetka” with a man, although, if you think about it, a girl should sing such songs, well, this is the choice of the authors, and their choice is good, I liked it. The rest of the songs are also quite good, I can’t choose the one that is poorly sung, etc., because there is none. Everything is sung perfectly. I was pleased.

Graphic arts

The graphics are pretty nice in the movie, but it's not Disney or DreamWorks. The difference between Rainbow and DreamWorks is visible, and very visible. But, as the producer of the cartoon Winx said at the premiere in St. Petersburg, the cartoon costs $3,000,000! I didn’t believe it at first, but if you think about it, the Winx Club series is very, very profitable, then why not the Rainbow company take advantage of this money and make a Winx Club masterpiece in 3D and with excellent latest graphics? They took advantage of this and the result was a real masterpiece for all children, which they will definitely love!

Which was a little upsetting

I didn't like the way the series deviated from the plot. Like, in season 4, Nabu (Leila's boyfriend) died, and suddenly he appears in the film. It was upsetting. “Biliwix,” as Faragonda (the headmistress of the fairy school) said, does not work in the Magix dimension, but only on Earth, and here on you, in Magix, the Winx fairies have “Biliwix.” Why was it necessary to talk about this in season 4? I don't understand. But this doesn't spoil my impression of the film.

I don’t even know what else I can write, but I’ll write something so that parents who have children who are interested in Winx should definitely take them to “Winx Club Magic Adventure”. There is so much laughter, joy and magic! Your children will receive all this after watching the cartoon! Even though I am 16 years old, I was GREATLY impressed by of this film. Iginio Straffi has outdone himself, however, the film turned out to be more interesting than the series.

Thank you all, and I recommend it to everyone again! You will definitely like it!

Number four

Number 6 - prince.

All four remaining dolls

All four remaining dolls

  • Winx. Love & Pet
  • Winx Club
  • Winx-club. My favorite dolls
  • Magicians Sorceresses
  • Pixie (Pixie) Tumblers
  • Flower Magic - Iris and Orchid
  • Collection "Hello Kitty"
  • Magici - partworks from DeAgostini
  • Glacial period. Animal collection
  • Majiki - Star Horses
  • Dolls with "Angels Friends" magazine
  • Mini dolls "Magic Fairies"
  • Articulated Winx doll Bloom Believix
  • Winx dolls
  • Winx Bloom
  • Winx Stella

    Yes, he is really good, I like him - he really is a prince. And how creepy he looked in the promo photo! :-)

    Really like! It turns out the Winx look so cool in dresses!

    The seventh issue of Stella in a dress has been released

    But we still didn’t buy Winx, but we bought issue 4 of Playing with Barbie (with a baby doll), and now we really want all of the magazine Playing with Barbie. But number 5 has not appeared yet. :-)
    Beautiful; Winx figurines for the first time fluffy dresses I see, I really like the collection!

    Tell me, will there be a Bloom Believix doll with the magazine “My Favorite Winx Dolls”?

    No, it won’t just be in a dress like a princess.

    No, Bloom will not be presented in this series only as a princess in a dress

    Yes in issue 10

    Where does this information come from?

    Number 8 is out, the doll is very cute

    Oh - oh - oh - very beautiful!

    From 2 numbers beautiful doll Flora

    We started collecting from the second magazine, tell me where to buy Bloom and Stella Belivix?

    And today I bought issue 56 of the Magic Club magazine, very cool!!!

    And I have 6 episodes

    How to purchase these dolls?

    Winx class, I thought I didn’t like Winx anymore, but no, I love them even more

    People! Need dolls from the series magical adventure, my daughter is really looking forward to them from Santa Claus, where can I get the missing ones?

    I like Bloom Believix

    Hello. I’m writing here because there’s nowhere else to go. I Sonya really love this site. I love toys, even though I’m already quite old (as everyone seems to think). This is a cry from the soul. Everyone at school humiliates me. Because I’m quiet, and like everyone else, I don’t destroy classes, I don’t swear at the whole school. Many in the class already smoke, drink, date men (who are 10 years older), send teachers, etc. But I'm not like that! I don't need all this. I want an interesting book and a soft bear! I'm a good student, and now it's cool to be bad guys. It is very difficult in such a society. Everyone calls me names and humiliates me.
    I hope you will listen to me and reassure me.
    I am writing in the wink section. j. This, in my opinion, is one of the popular sections.

    Dear Sonya, don’t be upset that you are different from your classmates, you are better than them. They themselves don’t yet understand what seems cool to them, it’s just the fluff and stupidity of teenagers who don’t understand anything at all in their lives and in the lives of other people. I’m very glad that there are such wonderful girls like you, I’ve been an adult for a long time, but I’m still glad soft toys and dolls.
    Sonya, hang in there, it’s difficult, but you have to get through this difficult period of your life. I believe everything will pass, and this nightmare that is around you will also end. Good luck to you, dear Sonechka.

    This is also why we don’t go to school. But if you have to walk, it’s okay, you can get over it, in fact, towards the end of school, you guys will be more interesting than all the fashionable classmates. And so - school flies by quickly, graduate - and it’s as if it never happened, and who will be left with what after school - that’s the question. Purity today (in all respects, including purity of thoughts) is a very rare and very valuable phenomenon, so hang in there, it’s worth it!

    I can say from my own experience - of my coolest and most advanced former classmates, who at the age of 12 already had boyfriends much older than them and made fun of us - home girls, three are complete losers, without a family, without normal relationships with the surrounding reality, two more - divorced sponges who look ten years older than their peers. Sonechka, find like-minded people - they are probably somewhere nearby, and live calmly, in 10 years life will put everything in its place!

    Sonya, maybe it’s better for you to go to a better school?.. S in-depth study any items that you like best? In our regular school in the yard, students are like you say: studying well there is not prestigious. But in special schools it’s still different: either the students are capable and interested in learning, or their parents force them - one way or another, everyone learns.
    There are smart teenagers... Just not very many of them. My daughter went to All-Russian Olympiad- so she still remembers with delight how wonderful the guys there were and how interesting it was to talk with them on any topic. But they brought together the best from all over Russia...

    Sonya! I also want to support you! My life at school was similar, I didn’t communicate with anyone, of course there were difficulties because of this. Sometimes she would start crying as soon as she took a swing at me. I remember one such day in my life - when I started crying, but I was ashamed - I’m big, I can’t give back... - and I think I have to endure it and not cry. I don’t remember how old I was then, but I almost never cried in public anymore. , but who would know how difficult it was for me! Sometimes they called me names, but I endured it (to put it briefly, this happened to me since kindergarten, when I was punished undeservedly, without even understanding it). But there were also such people - both classmates, and - there was one schoolboy (I don’t even know what his name was) several years older than me - they defended me.
    In general, I was such a person - I tried to stay away from everyone, I didn’t trust anyone, I wasn’t friends with anyone, I didn’t talk to anyone.
    I don’t like swearing, I hate it! I can’t even express in words how disgusted this makes me. A person who speaks this language disgusts me!!! When I used to come to my mother’s work and one of the ladies there accidentally said some word, they asked me for forgiveness for it! And I thought - who am I to ask for forgiveness?! But now I often hear swear words... Maybe people aren’t embarrassed - because I’m an adult, but the fact that I’m an adult is not an excuse - it’s not respect for me and others. And also this - and low level inner world(there are people for whom every word is a swear word, and it seems to me that sometimes it is difficult for them to communicate with each other - there are not many words in the dictionary :)
    There’s so much I want to say... There’s so much in my head that my thoughts are confused, and even the keyboard is jamming (and I’m also in Lately I started writing words backwards and got tired of correcting them)...
    About smoking... At school we went to smoke in two places - behind the school and in the toilet. They usually dispersed behind the school, so they went to the toilet. And the toilet was, to put it mildly, a very terribly dirty place. I didn’t understand, and now I don’t understand, how could you go to this place to indulge in joy?!
    I called myself a person - a ghost - they told me everything in front of me, either they trusted me, or they thought I was a fool, or they didn’t notice my existence. So I knew a lot about everyone. About how they bought alcohol, what parties they organized, what someone did, who said what about whom.
    There were people who wanted to be friends with me, but I didn’t want to, not that they were bad, I was just a different person, and I wanted to be myself.
    Now I may have become more talkative, but if I really talk, it’s about what’s interesting to me, in ordinary life I don’t have like-minded people, I talk with my mother and sister. I have no friends (among people), but I don’t suffer from this, since you shouldn’t be friends according to the principle - don’t be with anyone, because... it won’t give anything good, I was convinced of this more than once, and because of this I ended up in unpleasant stories.
    Sonya! As they say, from the height of my years I will say - be yourself, be a good man; Alcohol, cigarettes and other similar things do not add intelligence or impart talent.
    I don’t want to seem like - I’m all so good, in general in life I’m afraid that they will think of me - better - than I am - in fact, I’m not perfect! But I try to focus on good people.
    Books - in my opinion, are of great value, and reading is very good! I had problems with reading at school, I now know that I had dyslexia, but then I considered myself very stupid! Didn't like to read at all. j. It was difficult. Then I became interested in one book - and read it! I started going to school library(and here’s another challenge - you need to go to the librarian... What can I say... I need to read it on time!) And this - voluntary reading - helped me - to study better.
    I’m many years old now, and I have dolls living with me, I haven’t counted them for a long time, but more than 6 Barbies - similar ones, more than 20 porcelain ones, some small animals, a dog, a pink bear (which I bought for myself as a gift, several years ago, although before that I was indifferent to bears!). I returned to dolls after more than 15 years, this is part of my world in which I feel good.
    Sonya, you write - Because I’m quiet, and like everyone else, I don’t destroy classes, I don’t swear at the whole school. - the thing is, how can I say it, that such people against such a background feel worse and, accordingly, they do not like it.
    Hold on!!! I wish you to study well and be a good person!!! Be strong!!!

    Thank you all for your support.
    I'm in 8th grade. I don't want to move to another school. I have at least one friend here.
    I try not to pay attention to the others. I don’t communicate with them (only spoil my mood). But it's still disgusting. They look at you from head to toe with this look. They whisper and discuss.
    Leila, in front of me they also discuss everything, who is messing with whom, who writes what to whom.
    Everyone laughs that in winter I dress warmly (hat, scarf, down jacket, cotton pants). Not like the cool girls - a miniskirt, nylon tights, a light short jacket, and no hat.
    I also don’t understand this principle that at my age you can’t play with toys! And I love toys! Of course, I don’t tell anyone at school about this. Will new topic for discussion. I don’t care about these principles, I will always love toys anyway.

    And rightly so! We know that we are the best!!!;-)
    p.s. - a little about short skirts, from memories from school years: I kept wondering where the girls got such short skirts?! One day I looked at the skirt of one of my classmates, and it dawned on me that the distance from the last button to the bottom was equal to the distance between the other buttons, but it should be greater, in general it dawned on me that she had shortened it. This is me in the sense that I thought they were selling such people, but it turns out that this is not enough for them, they need to be brief! :-) but this is the picture I often observed: some comrades loved coming (it’s funny especially when from the toilet (not the cleanest in the world )) to class, sit on a desk, and put your feet on a chair, and the girls in their short skirts, then sat on these chairs. Since then, I have developed a reflex - before sitting on a chair, look to see if anyone was sitting on it :)))
    In general, how can I say this - sometimes a person dresses out of a need for everyone around him to appreciate him, to be superior to others. Of course, I dressed terribly at school, I didn’t have any fashionable things at all, I had no money. And there were cases when I didn’t even want to: once they bought me sneakers (or whatever they’re called) black from denim and with a white sole. How I liked them! :-) But I heard whispers behind my back... It was not pleasant... But I still liked my shoes and I was glad that I had them! It happened that when they didn’t buy something new, I was in no hurry to wear it, I didn’t want it to be perceived as if I wanted to stand out. Although, in my opinion, there was no one there to exhibit in front of, but they certainly didn’t think that way about themselves :-))) Mini this may not be very bad, but there are situations when it is definitely not appropriate :)
    then maybe I began to dress better, but now I dress very simply, somehow it doesn’t work out to buy exactly what I want, so I try to dress of great importance do not attach. Lately, I even want to wear Arabic clothes, an abaya, because sometimes the attention of some people is so disgusting, but I don’t want to scare other people :) At the same time, I don’t want everyone to dress the same way as I do - I am for beauty and first of all - internal!!! :-)

    Hello, please tell me how I can buy a Stella figurine, we missed this release, and now there’s a tragedy at home, the child bought everyone.... I’d really like it, help

    And where are you?

    Hello. I would like to purchase Winx Magic Club issues. Where do various jewelry and cosmetics go.

    How can I purchase them?
    Or buy on some website

    There is such a series with Winx