Werner is a hero of our time description. Essay on the topic: Pechorin and Doctor Werner, a comparative description of the heroes of the novel by M. Yu

April 21, 2017

An infinitive is the indefinite or initial form of a verb. It would seem what simple thing! But this linguistic phenomenon also has its own characteristics and even “pitfalls,” which will be discussed later in this article.

Brief description of the infinitive in Russian

An infinitive verb is what we see written in a dictionary entry. It has no mood, person, number, time, that is, it is not changed depending on who performs the action, since there is simply no such subject. However, such a verb still has some characteristics - aspect (perfect or imperfect) and conjugation (first or second). In addition, it is characterized by recurrence or irrevocability, as well as transitivity or intransitivity.

How to understand that a verb is in the infinitive

To determine what this form the word denoting action is actually an infinitive, you need to ask questions about the infinitive form of the verb. These include: " what to do?" (for example, "read" or "talk") or " what to do?” (for example, “give as a gift” or “drink”). If the verb answers them, then it is in the initial form.

In addition, the infinitive in Russian always has suffixes: -t-, -ti-, -who-, -est- and -sti-. It is worth noting that some linguists argue that these are the endings of indefinite verbs, since this morpheme is subject to change. However, the controversy still does not subside.

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What is the indefinite form of the verb used for?

The Russian language is quite rich in various possibilities for using the infinitive. The indefinite form of a verb can be the subject, predicate, modifier, object, and also be integral part verb predicate, to express imperative mood or future tense. Next, we will take a closer look at each of the listed cases using examples.

Specific syntactic roles of the verb in the initial form

So, a verb in an indefinite form is a subject if it is characterized in any way. For example:

  • Drawing was the meaning of his life.
  • Being a mother is the meaning of Svetlana’s life.

In these sentences " paint" And " to be (mother)"are subject because they are separate, independent actions.

In addition, a sentence can contain two infinitives, one of which characterizes the other:

  • To live is to love.

Then here " live" is the subject, and " be in love" - predicate. In this case, the member of the sentence is easily determined: the subject comes before the predicate. Also instead of " Means" there may be a dash or the words “ this", "is"and the like.

An infinitive can be a modifier if it stands in this form, for example:

  • He went to bed with a firm decision to read a book tomorrow.

It turns out that the verb “read” here answers the question “in what way?” With what decision did he go to bed? Read (a book tomorrow). That is, an indefinite verb is a definition if it refers to a noun that means necessity, decision, desire, expression of will, and the like.

The indefinite form of a verb can also be an object if, for example, it is used in the following phrase:

  • Dad asked Lena to pick up her pencil.

That is, the verb “asked” has a full meaning here. lexical meaning. Both verbs refer to different peopleasked" - to dad, and " raise" - to Lena).

The infinitive is an integral part of the verbal predicate if it is used with a verb that denotes the beginning, continuation or completion of an action, that is, it has an auxiliary meaning. For example:

  • The puppy quickly began to fall asleep.
  • The teacher continued teaching the lesson.

"Began" And " continued" are precisely such verbs, therefore " fall asleep" And " lead" will be parts of the predicate.

The infinitive expresses the imperative mood if used in a commanding tone. For example, a squad leader may order: “ Be silent!", and the captain of the ship shouted: " All hands on deck!»

The initial form of the verb expresses the future tense in sentences like this:

  • Yes, Ivan should not be a pilot!

That is, it should contain some shade of annoyance or regret.

Common spelling mistakes

Most of the time, the indefinite verb is an easy thing to spell, but sometimes people still get confused. This happens when the verb is reflexive. Simply forgotten soft sign before the suffix - Xia-, so it turns out that the verb is in the third person and singular. And sometimes this makes it very difficult to understand when reading.

In order to avoid mistakes and write suffixes (or endings of indefinite verbs) correctly, you need to mentally ask them questions each time: “h what to do?" or "h what to do?“If the verb clearly answers them, you need to put a soft sign. For example, in last word in a sentence " Petya is going to get some sleep today." a soft sign is given, since Peter going what to do? Get some sleep.

Thus, the indefinite verb is a rather interesting and important part of the language that can be used in different cases, the main thing is to master them well.

The ability to form an indefinite form, recognize it in a text, and distinguish it from other forms of a verb is necessary not only when studying a verb, but also when forming its forms. Various tasks, exercises, and work with tables will help you develop this skill.

In school practice, to identify an indefinite form, the teacher most often uses only questions (what to do?) (what to do?), paying little attention to a detailed acquaintance with this form. For example, mistakes are very common when defining verbs like carry, take care. However, these errors can be prevented if students are offered such a table when familiarizing themselves with the indefinite form.

This table will help you recognize the indefinite form by its external formal features (finite -t, -ch or -ti). The number of verbs in the indefinite form in -ti and –ch is small. Students should be introduced to the most common of them:

Verbs in -ti:

go, go, wander, carry, lead, row, sweep, carry, find, graze, weave, crawl, grow, scrape, shake, bloom.

These verbs can be included in the exercises.

1. From various forms verbs in -ti form an indefinite form: sweep - revenge, carry - carry, etc.

2. Put these verbs in the 1st person form singular: row - I'm rowing, find - I'll find, etc.

3. From these verbs, using various prefixes, form new ones: weave - braid, intertwine, weave, etc.

4. Using the verbs to carry, rake, revenge, go, come, carry, compose a coherent text on the topic “At the subbotnik.”

Similar work is carried out with verbs ending in -ch.

Verbs starting with -ch:

protect, achieve, burn, lie down, clothe, doom, renounce, oven, help, neglect, cut, guard, flog, flow, pound, captivate, harness

Very often, children form non-literary forms from verbs starting with -ch: “burns”, “flows”, etc. To avoid this, you need to lead them to the conclusion that only in the 1st person singular and in the 3rd person plural these verbs retain the sounds g and k (zhgu - burn, bake - bake), and in other forms there is an alternation of g - z and k - h (zhgu - zhzhesh, burns, burns, burns; tek - you flow, flows, flows, flowing).

Accordingly, students are also hampered by the reverse operation, i.e., the formation of an indefinite form from personal forms of verbs, for example: shore, reach, lie down, flow, get carried away, cut, renounce, guard.

Students also experience difficulties in forming the indefinite form from impersonal verbs (by the way, the comparison of the 3rd person and the indefinite form is especially important from the point of view of spelling), so it is useful to practice tasks such as finding the indefinite form from impersonal verbs: it gets dark early (dusk) .

I want to sleep, it becomes cool, I feel the approach of spring, I feel completely grown up.

How well students have learned to find the indefinite form from which the verb is derived will be shown by the results of completing such a task.

Write down verbs from each sentence and choose an indefinite form for them.

1) The boy walked barefoot and carried his shoes in a bag.

2) I cleaned the kettle, filled it with water and went to the fire.

3) The old man smiles, winks, and squats down.

4) Summer short night was leaving, the dawn was already red in the east, the stars were slowly extinguishing.

5) It’s getting dark outside, but we don’t want to go back.

6) Styopka has his arms outstretched and is lying on his back, his hat is lying on the sand.

7) Evening shadows fall on the ground, merge, filling the streets with darkness.

Work on spelling when studying an indefinite form can be accompanied by work on speech development,

1. Find synonyms for these verbs (also verbs in the indefinite form).

Shy (fear), argue (prove), submit (obey), motivate (justify), send (send), restore (restore), export (export), import (import), debate (argue), stimulate (encourage), blame (reproach, reproach), hope (hope), study (study), groom (undead, cherish), zeal (try), oppose (object)

2. Find antonyms for these verbs (also verbs in the indefinite form).

Punish (forgive), hurry (slow down), chat (be silent), praise (scold), extinguish (ignite), chill (warm up), cry (laugh), start (finish), agree (object), appear (disappear), spoil (fix), love (hate), climb (descend), thaw (freeze), rest (work), dawn (dark), cool (heat), despair (hope), build (destroy), work (idle).

3. Replace these phrases with verbs that are similar in meaning.

To languish from idleness (to be bored), to fish (to fish), to win (to win), to experience fear (to be afraid), to send a telegram (to telegraph), to go back (to return), to improve in something (to qualify), to be examined (to be examined) ), to understand something (to get oriented), to come to consciousness (to wake up), to move to another country (to emigrate), to admit mistakes (to repent), to be released from accusations (to rehabilitate).

4. Explain the meaning of phraseological units using synonymous verbs. WITH phraseological units make sentences.

To beat one's forehead (to ask), to beat one's head (to mess around), to bring out clean water(expose), hack on the nose (remember), turn one's nose up (become proud), nod off (doze), pout one's lips (offend), hang one's head (be despondent), come to one's senses (come to one's senses).

Exercises on various substitutions should be carried out throughout the study of the verb (2-3 minutes at the end of the lesson). Some attention should be paid to paronyms, i.e. words that are different in meaning, but similar in pronunciation, such as: gape - shine, import - export, put on - put on, reject - refute, present - provide, etc. These words you can pronounce them in class, write them down in a student’s dictionary, include them in dictations, and come up with sentences with them; It is useful to look up their meanings in an explanatory dictionary.

When reviewing morphology in high school, students should remember that verbs in the indefinite form can be various members of a sentence: subject (Learning is always useful), predicate (Our task is to study), definition (I got the opportunity to study), object (We agreed to study only good and excellent), circumstance (The guys came to the city to study).

The following suggestions will help consolidate this information.

1) I went out into the air to freshen up (L.).

2) Riding this horse was a pleasure for Rostov (L. T.).

3) I lay down on the camp bed to rest a little (T.).

4) I saw the need to change the conversation (P.).

5) I have an innate passion to contradict (L.).

6) The sun was just beginning to rise (L. T.).

In contact with

Indefinite verbs are used in dictionaries. What is an infinitive? Features are as follows:

  1. Verbs in the indefinite form answer the questions “what to do?” and “what to do?”
  2. Endowed with grammatical features of the form (perfect or imperfect).
  3. It can be returnable or non-refundable.
  4. Saved.
  5. When forming, suffixes of the indefinite form of the verb are used -т, -ти, -ч. For some verbs it is -st, -sti.

Important! Any verbal word form can be put into initial form using the question “what to do?” or “what should I do?”

Such word forms are called indefinite because it is impossible to determine their basic grammatical features: tense, person, mood, gender and number, which is how they differ from the rest.

Infinitive form of the verb: signs

Signs of the infinitive form of the verb

The main features are the endings of verbs in -ti, -t and -ch. Questions “what to do?” will help determine this. and “what to do?”

Examples of education

The infinitive ends with the suffix –ti if it is preceded by a consonant: come, crawl, shake. The suffix –т is used after vowels: write, fly, shoot, pull.

In some words ending in -ch, there is no ending in the initial form, and -ch is included in the structure of the root. For example, attract, bake, preserve, grind.

How to use the infinitive form of a verb

The infinitive is necessary to form other verb forms and check spelling.

Often the endings of verbs in personal word forms are unstressed, which raises doubts about their writing. To check your spelling, you need to know how to put a verb into the indefinite form.

For example:

  • You are building - What to do? build. This means that the correct ending is -ish.
  • Gluing, gluing - What to do? glue. The correct spelling is -it and -il.
  • I hated it - What should I do? hate. Correctly write the vowel -e.

An unstressed suffix in an infinitive indicates its writing in the past tense, in the adverbial and participial form.

Gluing - gluing - gluing - gluing - gluing.

What is a reflexive or non-reflexive verb?

Sometimes after the word-forming suffix –ть, -ти, -ч, an additional postfix – ся or –сь is used. For example, pray, take care, ask, take shelter.

Postfix allows you to determine returnable and non-returnable forms.

The rule explains that word forms with -sya (-s) are considered reflexive and mean the action of someone or something directed towards oneself, contact or the position of an object. For example, capsize, deteriorate, equip, make your way.

Irreflexive infinitives express an action towards someone or something. For example, reeling, eavesdropping, stroking.

Reflexive verb

Signs of transitive and intransitive infinitive

Transitivity in an indefinite form allows us to identify additional word indicating an object or phenomenon involved in an action.

The following is used as an additional word:

  • Noun or pronoun used in accusative case and without an excuse. For example, putting on a coat, preparing lunch.
  • Noun (accusative or Genitive), expressing an attitude or share of something and used without a preposition. For example, pouring tea, waiting for guests.
  • A negative expression with an infinitive uses a genitive noun or pronoun. For example, not to have a chance, not to hurt her.

Additional words give meaning to the infinitive, and without them the essence of what is happening is lost. Some part of the action is transferred to objects or circumstances, they acquire a clear meaning.

In an intransitive infinitive, the action denotes one word.

Perfect and imperfect types

Verb words are classified into perfect and imperfect.

Imperfects characterize an action that lasts without a specific time reference. These actions can be called eternal; there is no indication of their completeness or incompleteness. They are approached by the question “What to do?”

  • I'm going on a trip.
  • The street lights began to go out.

Perfect infinitives indicate completed action or something that will definitely happen. The result can already be observed or is still expected. The question “What to do?” is used.

  • After opening tin can the contents must be rearranged.
  • Have you received instructions on what to report?

Known a small part of ambiguous infinitives. They are used in both forms in one word form. They are defined by meaning. A standard question can be asked about dual verbs in the infinitive.

  • The entire area should be cleaned tomorrow. - "What to do?".
  • Remove trash from your desk and room. - "What to do?".
  • You need to explore the city. - "What to do?".
  • They were to explore the city at dawn. - "What to do?"

Perfect and imperfect appearance

Any verb can be put into a form called initial. She is also called indefinite verb form or infinitive. The indefinite form of the verb received this name due to the fact that it does not show time, number, person, or gender, that is, these signs are not defined.

Verbs in the indefinite form answer the questions what to do? what to do? Verbs that answer the question what to do? are imperfective verbs. Verbs that answer the question what to do? are perfective verbs.

The infinitive form of the verb most often ends in - t or - you(sing, dance, walk, go out, find, drive, crawl). These are suffixes. The indefinite form can be obtained using other inflectional suffixes: -st (to steal), -sti (to carry, to row).

Sometimes the indefinite form of the verb ends in -ch, but these letters are part of the root: guard - guard (root guard-, guard-), prilyayu - lie down (root lie-, lie down-). In some elementary school textbooks, -ch is considered a suffix, and in high school they teach that -ch is included in the root.

In the infinitive form of verbs, if it does NOT end in –ti, it is always written ь. It is also written after the letter h (-ch) - this is a spelling for the rule: ь in the infinitive form of the verb.

The vowel letters in the indefinite form of verbs before -т are most often suffixes. They can be different: -a, -e, -i, -i, -o.

If they are unstressed, then there is always an orthogram in their place. These suffix letters cannot be determined by rule; they can only be recognized in a dictionary and remembered.

Suffix -a: hear, swim, jump, listen
Suffix –e: see, offend, depend
Suffix -i: build, iron, cook, glue, put, construct
Suffix –ya: bark, melt, winnow, sow

In verbs there is often a special suffix –sya or –sya. It is special because it is located after. To distinguish it from other suffixes, scientists gave it their name - postfix(“attached after”) Examples: swim, listen.

There is confusion with the indefinite form of the verb and verbs used in the complex future tense. The future complex tense is formed precisely from imperfect verbs and answers the questions what will I do?, what will they do?, formed from the verb to be (I will write, will smile). Although the infinitive remains an infinitive, teachers in primary school they teach that this is the future tense, not the initial form. In the future complex tense, only the verb “to be” changes in persons and numbers.

Morphological features of the infinitive

The infinitive or indefinite form of a verb is an unchangeable, unconjugated form of the verb. It has only constant grammatical features of verbs:

View– perfect, denoting a completed action (rewrite, wash), imperfect (cook, give).
Repayment– returnable (listen, wrap up), non-returnable (fold, close).
Transitivity– transitive (read a book, see a picture), intransitive (have fun, live).
Conjugation– I conjugation (to do, mix) and II conjugation (to love, to draw).
Also the infinitive of the verb is inherent inflectional feature of voice: active voice (Mom decided to cook lasagna); passive voice(Lasagna should be ready soon).

We train in the formation of indefinite verbs

Let's find verbs in the indefinite form in the text.

It’s good in the summer to get up early (what to do?) and (what to do?) go to the lake. It’s nice (what to do?) sunbathe in the sun, (what to do?) swim in clear water, (what to do?) pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, (what to do?) listen to birdsong. It’s interesting (what to do?) to observe the behavior of insects, (what to do?) to play football with friends. It is useful (what to do?) to work in the garden and vegetable garden, (what to do?) to help elders with housework. I ( what will I do?) will Great conduct(complex future tense, singular, not n.f.) time in summer.

Let's put the verbs in the indefinite form.

Let's take it - what do we do?, what do we do? take

Let's add - what shall we do?, what shall we do? add

Let's beat it - what will we do?, what will we do? beat

Let's pour it out - what do we do?, what do we do? pour out

Let's add - what should we do?, what should we do? add

Let's mix - what do we do?, what do we do? mix

We bake - what are we doing?, what to do? bake

It leaked - what did you do?, last century, what to do? leak (root flow-flow)

I'm cutting my hair - what am I doing?, present time, what to do?, cutting (root cut-cut)

I’ll save - what will I do?, bud.v., what to do?, save (root shore-save)

I’ll carry you away - what will I do?, b.v., what to do?, carry away (root attract-to attract)

Form infinitive verbs using these suffixes and prefixes.

Prefixes VZ-, PO-, PRI-, OT-. Roots –DREAM-, -COUGH-, -DANCE-. Suffixes –IVA-, -NU-, -YVA-, -A-, -I-, -SYA.

Take a nap - prefix vz-, suffix -well-,

take a nap – prefix po-, suffix –a,

cough – prefix po-, suffix –ya-,

clear your throat – prefix from-, suffix –я-,

dance – prefix po-, suffix –a-,

dance – prefix pri-, suffix –yva-,

dance – prefix from-, suffix –yva-.