I was sitting at the table in the upper room. Presentation-narration: “The last titmouse

I was sitting at the table in the upper room and did not notice how dark the air had become. I looked out the window and saw: a titmouse sitting on a wire, very close by. He sits and stretches his head, now to the left, now to the right. At the same time, her thin beak opened and closed. What is she doing? I came closer to the window and forgot about the tit: snowflakes were slowly flying from above. That's why it got dark outside. Summer is over. It's time to leave the village.

The titmouse kept turning her head this way and that. I looked closer and saw that she was catching snowflakes. Ah, lazy girl! She didn't want to fly to the river. She quenched her thirst with snowflakes. I've never seen anything like this. Or maybe she mistook snowflakes for midges? It’s not for nothing that they say about the first snowball: “White flies flew.”

(According to V. Belov)


  1. Determine the topic and idea of ​​the text.
  2. Make a plan that reflects the development of the action.
  3. Write a summary that is close to the text, without changing the narrator’s face, and give a detailed answer to the question: “What is this story about?”


  • Theme of the story: “Farewell to the village”; idea of ​​the story: “It’s good to live in the village, and now it’s sad to part with it.”
  • Plan.
  • It got dark in the air.
  • Titmouse outside the window.
  • It is snowing.
  • What was the titmouse doing?
  • It's time to leave the village.
  • This is a story about how sad it is to part with the village and summer. It is clear from the story that the author is an observant person. He is interested in the world around him, he loves nature. That is why he saw something that others would not have noticed: a titmouse catches snowflakes, thinking that they are midges. It is unlikely that in the city the author will have the opportunity to come into such close contact with the world of birds and animals, so he is sad and does not want to leave the village, where it was so good.
  • L.L. Strakhov "Expositions for junior schoolchildren". Hints on the theory and practice of writing expositions. Texts and plans for expositions with the implementation of creative tasks.

    Lesson notes on Russian language in 5th grade

    Oral retelling.

    V. Belov's story “The Last Titmouse.”

    Continue working on the story.

    Analysis of the text in order to retell what you read as closely as possible to the text based on the analysis.

    The purpose of the lesson: write a statement on this text.


    Educational: teach children how to write a statement, continue their acquaintance with types of speech, work out the concept of narration, its differences from other types of speech, teach how to highlight keywords.

    Developmental: develop text analysis skills, detailed presentation skills, ability to retell text, develop skills monologue speech.

    Educators: cultivate love and respect for the Russian language, for native land, nature, animals.

    Lesson type: speech development lesson

    Technical equipment: computer, multimedia installation.

    Methodical techniques: teacher explanation, conversation, expressive reading, vocabulary work, Teacher explanation, completing tasks, observation, drawing up a plan, written work (presentation).


    Using the Internet, books, dictionaries to prepare doctoral statements.

    Forms of work with students: frontal survey, search method, creative tasks, work with text, work with a dictionary.

    Resources: electronic application for the lesson - presentation, dictionary, creative task.

    Structure and course of the lesson.

      Org moment.

      Updating basic knowledge.

      Goal setting and motivation (how important it is in life)

      Learning new material.

      Creative work (consolidation, development, practical work).

      Lesson summary.

      Lesson grades.


    Hello guys, sit down. Today we are conducting a lesson on speech development. Please read the topic of the lesson. What do you think we will do in class today?

    When we smile

    We make mistakes less often.

    And we are rewarded more often

    Gifts of fate.

    Let these gifts be lasting knowledge.

    I hope for your active work in class.

    Guys, what do we need to be successful in class?

    Open your notebooks and write down the number.


    I propose to recall what we already know on this topic: let’s play the game “Do you believe that...”

    Formulation of the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson.

    We must get acquainted with the story of V.I. Belova "The Last Titmouse".

    What do we need for this?

    We must analyze this work, and then write an exposition based on this text.

    Well done guys, you have correctly defined the goals of our work. But first, you and I must remember what we know about types of speech.

    The concept of types of speech. Narration.

    All texts, oral and written, can be divided into three types: description, narration and reasoning.

    Let's try to imagine what pictures were imprinted in memory after reading the text. What can you remember, mentally outline, imagine in the form of a photograph? If memory has photographed, recorded images that we can describe, we have a description in front of us.

    The word narrative should be considered not as a story in general, about anything, but as a story about some events in their time sequence. This story can be imagined as a small movie in which the pictures are constantly changing. By checking whether the text contains successive events, actions, i.e. narration, we mentally replay the film of memory.

    And now about what cannot be represented in images, captured as pictures, photographs, individual or successive - about reasoning. There are several types of reasoning: reflection, explanation, proof. If the author reflects, explains something, analyzes his observations, argues with an imaginary interlocutor, evaluates, expresses his judgments, proves, draws conclusions, then we are dealing with reasoning.

    3–5 slides.

    And now, guys, we move on to our main work. And first, I will introduce you to the author of the story “The Last Titmouse” Vasily Ivanovich Belov.

    Vasily Ivanovich Belov - famous novelist. He was born in 1932 in the village of Timonikha, Vologda region, and the material for his books is mainly peasant life this northern region. He is the author of the story “Business as Usual”, the novel “Eves”, the story “Education According to Dr. Spock”, an in-depth study of folk life"Lad", a number of collections of stories and short stories.

    The miniature of the last titmouse completes “Stories about all living creatures” - a small collection by V. Belov, published in 1978.

    The book, addressed to children, good-naturedly, with love for all living things, tells about what the author saw in the summer in the village - about a dog, a rooster, rabbits... In the preface to the book, the writer E. Nosov writes about its author: “Vasily Ivanovich Belov... born and raised in a northern village. And although, having become a writer, he settled in the city of Vologda, even now he has not forgotten his previous skills: he knows how to sharpen a scythe and sweep away a high northern haystack, harness a horse and go behind a plow... And he is not short of words to talk about all kinds of rural living creatures.”

    The story “The Last Titmouse” is a farewell to the village in which the writer lived all summer.

    Tips before your hearing.

    Try to visually imagine what is being depicted in words, to see it fully and clearly.

    Remember these pictures and their dynamics, movement, color, lighting.

    Remember the words that create pictures.

    Remember the order in which words and sentences are arranged.

    Try to understand the theme and idea of ​​the story. You will understand - and then when retelling it will be easier for you to convey general atmosphere events. And it feels good: it was good to live in the village, and now it’s sad to part with it.

    In the text you will meet unclear words, let's see what they mean.

    7 slide

    Explanation of words.

    Upper room- clean half peasant hut. From the word mountain - high, heavenly.

    Midge- midges in the collective meaning. Similar cases: children - children, mosquitoes - mosquitoes, leaves - foliage, animals - animals and others.

    Outskirts- the outskirts of the village. From the word kolo – circle. With the same root: ring, wheel, about, band, roundabout and others.

    And now I'm reading the text.

    Reading text.

    The last titmouse.

    I was sitting at the table in the upper room and did not notice how dark the air had become. I looked out the window and saw: a titmouse sitting on a wire, very close by. He sits and stretches his head, now to the left, now to the right. At the same time, her thin beak opened and closed. What is she doing? I came closer to the window and forgot about the tit: snowflakes were slowly flying from above. That's why it got dark outside. Summer is over. It's time to leave the village.

    The titmouse kept turning her head this way and that. I looked closer and saw that she was catching snowflakes. Ah, lazy girl! She didn't want to fly to the river. She quenched her thirst with snowflakes. I've never seen anything like this. Or maybe she mistook snowflakes for midges? It’s not for nothing that they say about the first snowball: “White flies flew.”

    Conversation after reading.

    5.1. What type of speech is the text?

    5.2. What is your attitude towards what you read?

    5.3. What new have you learned?

    5.5. Determine the theme of the story. Which answer is more accurate: “The onset of winter”, “Farewell to summer” or “Farewell to the village”?

    5.6. Will it be successful if we choose a different title: “Titmouse”, “Lazy Titmouse”, “Strange Titmouse”, “Goodbye, Summer!”? How do you explain the author's title?

    5.7. Show how the action develops, make a plan.


      It got dark in the air.

      Titmouse under the window.

      It is snowing.

      What was the titmouse doing?

    5. Departure.

    How are the beginning and end of the text related?

    By what word of the first sentence can you understand that we are talking about a village?

    Why are there a lot of endearing words about the titmouse in the story?

    Retelling the text.

    7. Writing a presentation.

    8. Check homework (self-written poems, drawings, learned poems).

    9. Summing up the lesson.

    Guys, have we achieved the goal of the lesson?

    We got acquainted with the story of V.I. Belova "The Last Titmouse".

    We analyzed this work and wrote an exposition based on this text.

    We listened to the titmouse singing.

    10. Lesson grades(explain).

    11. Explanation of d/z.

    The story of Vasily Ivanovich Belov “The Last Titmouse”.

    Continue working on the story. Analysis of the text in order to, based on the analysis, retell what has been read as closely as possible to the text.

    When we smile

    We make mistakes less often.

    And we are rewarded more often

    Gifts of fate.

    Let these gifts be lasting knowledge.

    I hope for your active work in class.

    Guys, what do we need to be successful in class?

    Open your notebooks and write down the number.

    So, today we have a lesson in speech development - you will write a summary based on the story by Vasily Ivanovich Belov “The Last Titmouse”.

    So what is the goal of our work?

    Formulation of the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson.

    1. We must get acquainted with the story of V.I. Belova "The Last Titmouse".
    2. We must analyze this work, and then write an exposition based on this text.

    And now, guys, let's move on to our main work. I will introduce you to the author of the story “The Last Titmouse”

    1. The teacher's word about the author of the text.

    Vasily Ivanovich Belov- famous prose writer. He was born in 1932 in the village of Timonikha, Vologda region, and the material for his books is mainly the peasant life of this northern region. He is the author of the story “A Business as Usual”, the novel “Eves”, the story “Education According to Doctor Spock”, an in-depth study of folk life “Lad”, a number of collections of stories and short stories.

    The miniature of the last titmouse completes “Stories about all living creatures” - a small collection by V. Belov, published in 1978.

    The book, addressed to children, good-naturedly, with love for all living things, tells about what the author saw in the summer in the village - about a dog, a rooster, rabbits... In the preface to the book, the writer E.N. writes about its author: “Vasily Ivanovich Belov... was born and raised in a northern village. And although, having become a writer, he settled in the city of Vologda, he still has not forgotten his previous skills: he knows how to sharpen a scythe and sweep away a high northern haystack, harness a horse and go behind a plow... And he is not short of words to talk about all kinds of rural living creatures.”

    The story “The Last Titmouse” is a farewell to the village in which the writer lived all summer.

    Guys, you will come across some incomprehensible words in the text, let's see what they mean?

    1. Explanation of words.

    Upper room - pure half of the peasant hut. From the word mountain - high, heavenly.

    Midge - midges in the collective meaning. Similar cases: children - children, mosquitoes - mosquitoes, leaves - foliage, animals - animals and others.

    Outskirts - the outskirts of the village. From the word kolo – circle. With the same root: ring, wheel, about, band, roundabout and others.

    1. Tips before your hearing.

    And now I'm reading the text.

    1. Reading text.

    The last titmouse.

    1. Conversation after reading.

    5.1. What is your attitude towards what you read?

    5.2. What new have you learned?

    5.4. What type of speech is the text?

    But before answering this question, let's remember what types of speech we know?

    That's right, guys, all texts, oral and written, can be divided into three types:description, narration and reasoning.

    1. If memory has photographed, recorded images that we can describe, before us description .
    2. The word narrative should be considered not as a story in general, about anything, but as a story about some events in their time sequence. This story can be imagined as a small movie in which the pictures are constantly changing. By checking whether the text contains successive events, actions, i.e. narration , we mentally replay the memory film.
    3. And now about what cannot be represented in images, captured as pictures, photographs, individual or successive - about reasoning. There are several types of reasoning: reflection, explanation, proof. If the author reflects, explains something, analyzes his observations, argues with an imaginary interlocutor, evaluates, expresses his judgments, proves, draws conclusions, then we are dealing with reasoning.

    Well done guys, you know the types of speech.

    5.5. Determine the theme of the story. Which answer is more accurate: “The onset of winter”, “Farewell to summer” or “Farewell to the village”?

    5.6. Will it be successful if we choose a different title: “Titmouse”, “Lazy Titmouse”, “Strange Titmouse”, “Goodbye, Summer!”? How do you explain the author's title?

    5.7. Show how the action develops, make a plan.


    1. It got dark in the air.
    2. Titmouse under the window.
    3. It is snowing.
    4. What was the titmouse doing?
    5. Departure.
    1. How are the beginning and end of the text related?
    2. By what word of the first sentence can you understand that we are talking about a village?
    3. Why are there a lot of endearing words about the titmouse in the story?
    4. Explain why interrogative sentences are used in the storyWhat is she doing?; Or maybe she mistook snowflakes for midges?
    5. The word living creatures – these are small animals, all together. Is it possible to replace this word in the story with the word animals ? Will it be good? Why?
    6. Formulate the idea for the story.
    1. Retelling the text.

    7. Writing a summary.

    The last titmouse.

    I was sitting at the table in the upper room and did not notice how dark the air had become.

    I looked out the window and saw: a titmouse sitting on a wire, very close by. He sits and stretches his head, now to the left, now to the right. At the same time, her thin beak opened and closed. What is she doing?

    I came closer to the window and forgot about the tit: snowflakes were slowly flying from above. That's why it got dark outside.

    The titmouse kept turning her head this way and that. I looked closer and saw that she was catching snowflakes. Ah, lazy girl! She didn't want to fly to the river. She quenched her thirst with snowflakes. I've never seen anything like this. Or maybe she mistook snowflakes for midges? It’s not for nothing that they say about the first snowball: “White flies flew.”

    Summer is over. It's time to leave the village.

    The last titmouse.

    I was sitting at the table in the upper room and did not notice how dark the air had become.

    I looked out the window and saw: a titmouse sitting on a wire, very close by. He sits and stretches his head, now to the left, now to the right. At the same time, her thin beak opened and closed. What is she doing?

    I came closer to the window and forgot about the tit: snowflakes were slowly flying from above. That's why it got dark outside.

    The titmouse kept turning her head this way and that. I looked closer and saw that she was catching snowflakes. Ah, lazy girl! She didn't want to fly to the river. She quenched her thirst with snowflakes. I've never seen anything like this. Or maybe she mistook snowflakes for midges? It’s not for nothing that they say about the first snowball: “White flies flew.”

    Summer is over. It's time to leave the village.

    A reminder for analyzing the retelling.

    1.Speak up general impression about retelling.

    1. Describe the completeness of the content transfer. What's missing? What's added?
    2. Remember the beginning of the retelling and its ending.
    3. Determine whether the idea of ​​the story is expressed in the retelling.
    4. Describe speech changes when transmitting text, their advantages and disadvantages.
    5. Focus on the expressiveness of your speech. Tell us about the intonation, its correspondence to the conveyed content, its sincerity, and the strength of the voice.
    6. Describe the narrator’s ability to behave in front of an audience: calmness, contact with the audience, freedom in using language.
    7. Do general conclusion about retelling. Give advice to retellers and listeners.

    A reminder for analyzing the retelling.

    1. Express your general impression of the retelling.
    2. Describe the completeness of the content transfer. What's missing? What's added?
    3. Remember the beginning of the retelling and its ending.
    4. Determine whether the idea of ​​the story is expressed in the retelling.
    5. Describe speech changes when transmitting text, their advantages and disadvantages.
    6. Focus on the expressiveness of your speech. Tell us about the intonation, its correspondence to the conveyed content, its sincerity, and the strength of the voice.
    7. Describe the narrator’s ability to behave in front of an audience: calmness, contact with the audience, freedom in using language.
    8. Make a general conclusion about the retelling. Give advice to retellers and listeners.

    Tips before your hearing.

    1. Try to visually imagine what is being depicted in words, to see it fully and clearly.
    2. Remember these pictures and their dynamics, movement, color, lighting.
    3. remember the words that create pictures.
    4. Remember the order in which words and sentences are arranged.
    5. Try to understand the theme and idea of ​​the story. You will understand - and then when retelling it will be easier for you to convey the general atmosphere of the event. And it feels good: it was good to live in the village, and now it’s sad to part with it.

    Tips before your hearing.

    1. Try to visually imagine what is being depicted in words, to see it fully and clearly.
    2. Remember these pictures and their dynamics, movement, color, lighting.
    3. remember the words that create pictures.
    4. Remember the order in which words and sentences are arranged.
    5. Try to understand the theme and idea of ​​the story. You will understand - and then when retelling it will be easier for you to convey the general atmosphere of the event. And it feels good: it was good to live in the village, and now it’s sad to part with it.

    Tips before your hearing.

    1. Try to visually imagine what is being depicted in words, to see it fully and clearly.
    2. Remember these pictures and their dynamics, movement, color, lighting.
    3. remember the words that create pictures.
    4. Remember the order in which words and sentences are arranged.
    5. Try to understand the theme and idea of ​​the story. You will understand - and then when retelling it will be easier for you to convey the general atmosphere of the event. And it feels good: it was good to live in the village, and now it’s sad to part with it.


    To use presentation previews, create an account for yourself ( account) Google and log in:


    Audio story by Vasily Ivanovich Belov “The Last Titmouse” for children of primary school age.
    “I was sitting at the table in the upper room and didn’t notice how dark it was in the air. I looked out the window and saw: on a wire, very close, a titmouse was sitting. It sat and stretched its head first to the left, then to the right. At the same time, its thin beak opened and closed. What is she doing? I came closer to the window and forgot about the tit: snowflakes were slowly flying from above. That’s why it got dark outside. Summer is over. It’s time to leave this village.
    The titmouse kept turning her head this way and that. I looked closer and saw that she was catching snowflakes in her mouth. Ah, lazy girl! She didn't want to fly to the river. She quenched her thirst with snowflakes. I've never seen anything like this. Or maybe she mistook snowflakes for midges and caught them? It’s not for nothing that they say about the first snowball: “White flies flew.”
    This titmouse was the last of all the village animals I met this summer..."

    For 6th grade we offer control dictations with grammar tasks compiled for the entire academic year for those teachers who work according to S.I.’s textbooks. Lvovoy, R.N. Buneeva and E.V. Buneeva and other authors.

    The texts are universal. They are suitable for all thematic blocks being studied. You can add other grammar tasks to them.

    Control dictation based on the resultsIquarters

    Treasures of the Pyramids

    There are amazing mountains in the western Libyan Desert in Egypt. They seem to grow out of the sand and amaze with their size and severity of outline. 4 These mountains of stone are the tombs of the kings of Egypt. It’s hard to imagine that people put them together with their own hands.

    The largest tomb is the Pyramid of Cheops. It took more than twenty years to build.

    Excavations speak of the unheard-of value of the treasures that were hidden in the royal graves. They were kept in a special room. The Egyptians believed that they accompanied the king in his afterlife.

    False galleries and passages were built in the pyramid so that robbers could not find treasures. A man could wander around the gallery for hours, but never reach the hall with the ruler’s sarcophagus. 4 Even in ancient times, almost all the pyramids were plundered.

    (From the book “Seven Wonders of the World” by A. Neihardt, I. Shishova.)

    Grammar task

    1. Produce: A man could wander through the gallery for hours, but never reach the hall with the sarcophagus of the ruler. 4 (1 option);

    They seem to grow out of the sand and amaze with their size and severity of outline. 4 (option 2).

    2. Perform morphemic analysis with fishing: royal, plundered, transitions (1 option); afterlife, stored, valuables (2nd option).

    3. Execute morphological analysis words: built (1 option), erected (2 option).


    Lotus is a symbol of purity and nobility. It grows in silt and muddy water, but is not polluted by them. 4 People who have not stained themselves and have not submitted to evil and difficult fate can be compared to a lotus.

    The lotus blooms in July and August in quiet ponds. Crowds of surprised, admiring people do not leave the shores of reservoirs from morning to evening. With the graceful outlines of white or soft pink petals and the characteristic rustling of leaves, the lotus makes an indelible impression.

    “The lotus is the friend of the sun,” they wrote in the sacred books of India. Unfortunately, the wonderful flower enchants viewers for only three days. 4 But already on the fourth day beautiful flowers wither. And only its leaves, like umbrellas, continue to stand on the water. (102 words.)

    Grammar task

    1. Produce parsing offers:

    It grows in silt and muddy water, but is not polluted by them. 4 (1 option);

    Unfortunately, the wonderful flower enchants viewers for only three days. 4 (option 2).

    2. Perform morphemic analysis of words: wonderful, grows, umbrellas (option 1); sacred, polluted, purity (2nd option).

    3. Perform a morphological analysis of the word: blooms (option 1), produces (option 2).

    Control dictation with a grammar task based on the results of the second quarter

    Tits and snowflakes

    I was sitting at the table in the upper room. I looked out the window and saw a titmouse sitting on the wire. He sits and turns his head around. At the same time, her small beak slowly opens and closes. 4 What is she doing?

    I came closer to the window. White snowflakes were flying smoothly from above. I looked closer and saw that the titmouse was catching snowflakes in its mouth.

    What a lazy girl! She didn't want to fly to the river. She mistook snowflakes for midges and quenched her thirst with them. 4 It’s not for nothing that people say: “White flies have flown.”

    Summer is over. It's time to leave the village. This titmouse was the last of all the village animals that I met this summer. (According to V. Belov.)

    (102 words.)

    Grammar task

    1. Parse the sentence: At the same time, her small beak slowly opens and closes. 4 (1 option); She mistook snowflakes for midges and quenched her thirst with them. 4 (option 2).

    2. Perform morphemic analysis of words: looked closely, head, small (option 1); met, beak, villager (option 2).

    3. Perform a morphological analysis of the word: rustic (option 1), small (option 2).


    Above the central building telephone exchange The bluish-gray sky lit up. It was a foggy day in late Parisian autumn. In a round, clean square, the cyclist, for a break from riding on the slippery pavements, got off his bike and started walking.

    In the round lid of the bicycle bell, the sun over Paris flashed like a silver star. The cyclist passed by the monument to Louis the Fourteenth. The horse raised its front legs, tucked its hind legs, and rested its entire weight on its powerful tail. This made the monument similar to the monument to Peter in St. Petersburg. But equestrian statue the French king stood on an ordinary, traditional rectangular plinth. And his royal brother - the Russian emperor - stood with his horse on a Finnish rock of natural shape. (According to V. Kataev.)

    Grammar task

    1 option

    Option 2 is more difficult

    Find in the text

    Morphological analysis of the word



    Morphemic word parsing

    bicycle, telephone

    rectangular, traditional

    Parsing a sentence

    But the equestrian statue of the French king stood on an ordinary, traditional rectangular plinth.

    The horse raised its front legs, tucked its hind legs, and rested its entire weight on its powerful tail.

    Winter in the taiga

    The gloomy silence is full of secrets winter forest. The soft silvery light of the moon penetrates the black and emerald crown coniferous trees and quietly illuminates the white and blue snowdrifts of the taiga.

    Under a snowdrift in his den, a dark brown bear is dozing in the silence of the night. He is not bothered by the cold ray of the moon and the various rustles of the forest. Back in September, the bear ate too many acorns and lingonberries, and is now sleeping in a sweet, tender sleep.

    The dry land rang and the snow crunched. It's through the snowdrifts moonlit path Smoky gray moose make their way through. In search of food, they walk through deep snow in a southeast direction. It's hard to find food in winter!

    Spring is coming, but the golden-red sun will come to the taiga only in April. (94 words.)

    Grammar task

    1 option

    Option 2 is more difficult

    Find in the text

    Write down 2 qualitative adjectives

    Write down 2 relative adjectives

    Morphological analysis of the word


    Derivational analysis of words

    black-emerald, winter

    Cold, southeast

    Parsing a sentence

    Back in September, the bear ate too many acorns and lingonberries, and is now sleeping in a sweet, tender sleep.

    The soft silvery light of the moon penetrates the black and emerald crown of coniferous trees and quietly illuminates the white and blue snowdrifts of the taiga.

    Control dictation based on the results of the third quarter

    End of winter

    It was April here, but there were snowdrifts outside the window. Yesterday a drift of snow ran along the road and soon became a real snowstorm.

    By morning everything had changed. The tongues of the snowstorm no longer hit the windows of the houses. The wind changed direction, turning from north to south. 4 Warmth came from the south, and the snow became soft and sticky.

    When the sun rose above the village, it no longer caught the night storm. There was pure snow all around. It melted slightly, settled down and even seemed warm. And then on the spreading branches of our gray willow I saw the first rooks.

    The rooks were very black among white snow and seemed large and heavy. 4 So the messengers of spring came to us. (103 words.)

    Grammar task

    1. Perform a morphological analysis of the word: everything (1 option); to us (option 2).

    2. Perform a morphemic analysis of the words: spreading, flew in, messengers (option 1); heavy, rose, direction (2 option).

    The wind changed direction, turning from north to south. 4 (1 option); The rooks were very black among the white snow and seemed large and heavy. 4 (option 2).

    Natural disasters

    Humanity has always been plagued by natural disasters. Today we will remind you about certain natural disasters.

    In one thousand four hundred fifty-five Sixty thousand people died in an earthquake in Naples. A hundred years later in China the number of victims reached eight hundred and thirty thousand. In one thousand seven hundred and fifty-five, an underground storm destroyed Lisbon and carried away seventy thousand. 4

    In the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty, terrible tremors shook Tokyo and carried away one hundred thousand human lives. 4 In nineteen forty-eight, the city of Ashgabat turned into ruins in seven seconds. It's dead eighty thousand Human. In Armenia in nineteen eighty-eight, an underground storm swallowed up one hundred and nineteen thousand people.

    Natural disasters have caused enormous damage to people. (100 words.)

    Grammar task

    1. Perform a morphological analysis of the numeral: in one thousand four hundred and fifty-five (year) (option 1); eighty thousand (people) (option 2).

    2. Write out 3 different numerals from the text (simple, complex and compound): from paragraph 2 (option 1); from 3 paragraphs (2nd option).

    3. Parse the sentence and draw a diagram:

    In one thousand seven hundred and fifty-five, an underground storm destroyed Lisbon and carried away seventy thousand. (1 option);

    In 1920, terrible tremors shook Tokyo and claimed one hundred thousand human lives. (Option 2).

    Feat of Stalingrad

    The last shots of the great Battle of Stalingrad died down on February 2, 1943. This battle lasted 200 days and nights. At certain stages of its battles, more than two million people participated simultaneously. 4

    Later, the amount of fire and metal that the Nazis rained down on the city was accurately calculated. On every square meter Mamayev Kurgan, for example, 1200 fragments were found. The Nazi invaders burned and blew up 41,685 houses in the city (85.5 percent of the housing stock)...

    In the battle for Stalingrad, the enemy lost up to one and a half million people killed and wounded... 4

    Victory of the Red Army in Battle of Stalingrad marked the beginning of a radical change during the Great Patriotic War and World War II in general. (100 words.)

    Grammar task

    1. Perform a morphological analysis: second (February) (1 option); up to one and a half million (people) (option 2).

    2. Write out 3 different numerals from the text (integer, fractional, and ordinal): from paragraphs 1 and 3 (option 1); from paragraphs 2 and 4 (option 2).

    3. Parse the sentence and draw a diagram:

    In the battle for Stalingrad, the enemy lost up to one and a half million people killed and wounded... (1 option);

    At certain stages of its battles, more than two million people participated simultaneously. (Option 2).


    The leaden sky is still frowning, but in the gaps of the clouds on some time, a ray of sun breaks through with a sword. Spring is picking up speed.

    In the mornings, a slight chill lingers in the lowlands, and on the southern side of the hillock the yellow lights of some plant have already lit up. This is coltsfoot. The leaves and yellow baskets of her flower cannot be confused with anything. 4

    Something flashed in the pink fan of rays. It softly merges with the shine of the waters and the remnants of the snow, the sky-high radiance of the sun.

    Someone singing comes from the bushes, like a silver bell ringing. Oatmeal! In winter they are lethargic and inconspicuous, but now they are talking in a full voice. 4 Some week will pass, and the hubbub of rooks and the songs of larks will announce the victory of spring. Other birds will return too. They will have to overcome many difficulties on the way to their native places, but none obstacles will not stop them. (100 words.)

    Grammar task

    1. Perform a morphological analysis of the participle: some (option 1); none (option 2).

    2. Write out 3 pronouns of different categories from the text: from 1-2 paragraphs (1 option); from 3-4 paragraphs (option 2).

    3. Parse the sentence and draw a diagram:

    In winter they are sluggish and inconspicuous, but now they speak in full voice. (1 option); The leaves and yellow baskets of her flower cannot be confused with anything. . (Option 2).

    Tiger cub

    We were playing in the back garden when the hunters returned. They shouted from the terrace: “Run quickly, look who they brought!”

    In the yard, describing a circle in front of the porch, 3 loaded carts passed one after another. They were wearing animal skins, wild goat horns and boar carcasses. The father walked by the last cart, and a tiger cub sat on it, hunched over and looking around. Yes, yes, a real tiger cub, covered in dust. When the horse stopped in front of the porch, he got scared, backed away and looked back at his father.

    While the father unharnessed the tired 3 horses, sorted out his things and washed himself after long journey, we took the tiger cub in our arms, carried him into the living room, put him in the place of honor and stood around him.

    We tried to notice something special in him and looked closely at him.

    The tiger cub was fed warm boiled milk from a cup. Having drunk himself, he stretched out again on the sofa and squinted into the light of the large lamp. (110 words.)

    Grammar task

    1. Perform a morphological analysis of the participle: loaded 3 (1 option); tired 3 (option 2).

    2. Morphemic analysis of words: hunched over, screamed, covered (1 option); describing , sorted it out , tired (option 2).

    3. Parse the sentence and draw a diagram:

    Loaded carts passed one after another through the yard, describing a circle in front of the porch. (1 option);

    Having drunk himself, he stretched out again on the sofa and squinted into the light of the large lamp. (Option 2).

    Angry dummies

    The clearing looked like round table, covered with a grass-woven golden tablecloth. Black teapots, puffing and gurgling with impatience, were placed 3 in the middle. There was a grand tea party going on!

    It’s good that I wasn’t basking in a warm bed that early morning. As a reward, I saw something that since then I always get up at dawn.

    The kettles gurgled and gurgled. Steam hissed out of the black spouts. They were so bursting from the inside that they even jumped! And they rattled...

    How truly do mowers look like hissing teapots! On hissing, gurgling, smoky hunting kettles. The nose-necks are raised up, and the tail braids are curved with a handle. Red-hot coals of red eyebrows flare up. And steam comes out of the spout! And they attack each other so much that only splashes fly!

    You who love to sleep, when you start pouring tea in the morning, take a closer look at your black teapots. They will remind you of the scythe tournament that you so carelessly slept through. (109 words.)

    Grammar task

    1. Perform a morphological analysis of the participle: loving (option 1); arranged (option 2).

    2. Morphemic analysis of words: basked , red-hot , early (1 option); jumped up , puffed , grass cloth (2nd option).

    The clearing looked like a round table covered with a golden grass tablecloth. (1 option);

    Black teapots, puffing and gurgling with impatience, were placed in the middle. (Option 2).

    Control dictation at the end of the academic year

    Artist's intention

    One morning I got up a little earlier. I look - the two of them are sitting at a table near the curtained window - an outwardly stern fisherman and a boy trying to imitate him in everything. They are silent, immersed in their thoughts. Their relationship was so cordial, warm, and in no way apparent outwardly, that it could not help but sink into the soul.

    Soft, invisible with the naked eye light enveloped their figures. Warm on faces loving look. In some subtle way I felt that this was not father and son.

    Dmitry Fedorovich is a very kind man, but he looked stern and reserved. Vovka is the complete opposite of him. This boy has an unusually spiritual face, glowing from within in the dawn twilight. And first of all, I wanted to convey the warmth radiating from within that was revealed in them for me that early morning. (According to V. Gavrilov.)

    Grammar task

    1. Perform a morphological analysis of the participle: restrained (option 1); hung (option 2).

    2. Morphemic analysis of words: trying, cordial, opened up (1 option); glowing, dawn, wanted (2 option).

    3. Do a full parsing of the sentence:

    A soft light, invisible to the naked eye, enveloped their figures. (1 option);

    This boy has an unusually spiritual face, glowing from within in the dawn twilight. (Option 2).