How to make money on sports betting - fast and effective methods. Double chance bet

Any person who comes to the site bookmaker's office, strives to win. You want to win immediately and preferably, as in the movies - fabulous sums that are simply physically impossible to spend in your entire life. However, reality is usually different from the cinema, losses and wins constantly replace each other. The most unlucky people believe that it is impossible to win on bets. We’ll talk further about the technical side of betting on eSports and whether it’s even possible to win by trying to guess the outcome of matches.

Knowledge is power in eSports

The first thing to understand is: in the betting, as a rule, do not win millions. Forget all the images imposed by cinema. If you bet $10, do not expect the winnings to be $100 million. For such amounts, the bets should be appropriate.

In the same way, you should not expect that by betting just once you will instantly become rich. The first thing you should remember when betting on the outcome of a match in the same “DotA 2”: losing is real. So take care to calculate all the chances of winning and make your informed choice. Common misconception: putting a huge amount, you will definitely win. The money you invest in a betting account should be the last link in a long chain of complex calculations and reasoning.

Another useful tip is not to take the odds given on websites too seriously. These indicators often indicate not an invincible master, but the current favorite. In addition, a position with a high odds has a greater chance of winning, so there will predictably be more bets on it, and less winnings.

To start winning, you need to find your own path in the future, and not blindly follow the opinion of the crowd, “raising” 2 cents on every dollar.

Before going to bet on any of the eSports disciplines, it is strongly recommended to get at least a rough idea about it, and better yet, some experience, even of amateur gaming. Unlike traditional sports, when betting on eSports competitions, you have to take into account a huge number of factors, some of which are often unknown even to the player himself.

Luck in eSports smiles on the prepared

The second thing to remember when preparing to place a bet is that it is absolutely possible to win. There is no global conspiracy of bookmakers who decided to take money from users at all costs and spend it on gold Ferraris. Every reputable company has a reputation that it values, so it will not deceive people. In addition, eSports is akin to mathematics - if all the conditions for “solving a problem” are met, the “answer” will definitely be correct. However, your first bet simply must be an amount that you are willing to part with irrevocably. No matter what anyone tells you, it is almost impossible to hit a more or less significant jackpot the first time. Do not give in to emotions, do not try to “appease Fortune” or “attract luck” - these superstitions simply have no place in the bookmaker’s craft. Be collected, analyze the play of the team you want to bet money on. Take the time to find recordings of their games on the Internet and carefully study their tactics. After all, you're going to bet money on these people and you need to know how they win, so keep an eye on things regularly.

Ignore other people's chatter. On the Internet, the perceived anonymity can make everyone seem smarter and claim that they know exactly who will win the next game. But if the matches are not discussed by professional players or people who have dedicated their entire lives to the eSports industry, such an “authoritative” opinion can be ignored. This is difficult, because one of the features of the human psyche is to rely on the supernatural “wisdom” or “insight” of people around. However, constantly challenge yourself with one simple question: “If these advisors are so smart, why don’t they ever place bets?” In fact, today there is not a single analyst who can tell you exactly who will win a particular game and when. “DotA 2”, “FIFA”, “StarCraft 2”, “Counter Strike” - each of them has its own features, and in order to thoroughly understand them, you need to spend hundreds of hours at the computer.

Win with one click

What else can you do to increase your chances of winning when betting on an eSports event? At a minimum, refrain from betting on games that you have no idea about. You wouldn't bet on football without at least knowing the rules of the game, would you? Why then is this principle not transferred to computer games? A huge number of users who want to place a bet still perceive eSports as something frivolous and smacks of infantilism. So if you want to earn a stable income, then think about specialization. As you know, fundamental knowledge in one area is often much preferable to a general understanding of everything in the world. Do you want to win by doing big bets on StarCraft 2? Install this game and play it online for a month, trying to win.

Is it possible to win by betting on eSports? Yes. It's not as difficult as it might seem, but it's also not as simple as it is commonly believed. Today, thousands of people earn their living from this, they simply understand the games and know which team can win and when, even if all the odds are against it.

If you want to win, you should take eSports as seriously as more traditional sports and study the subject. You can't just go to a bookmaker's website, place five bets at random, get your billion dollars and go live in Hawaii - it's the same hard work as any other business.

And finally, remember: in order to win, you need, oddly enough, to always use your head, and not someone else’s opinion.

E-sports are catching up with real sports in popularity and sponsorship contracts, but you can get a team of gamers for a few thousand dollars. RBC collected stories of entrepreneurs making money from eSports

“In Russia six years ago there was nothing. It was a challenge, an excitement. It took a lot of effort and time to turn esports in Russia into a business project understandable to investors. Now we are realizing our dream by holding tournaments and developing teams,” says Anton Cherepennikov, a professional Counter-Strike player, founder of one of the most popular e-sports teams in the world,, and the gaming holding ESForce.

In October 2015, Alisher Usmanov (No. 3 in Russian rating Forbes). And in December 2016, the company opened the world’s largest eSports arena with an area of ​​5 thousand square meters in Moscow. m. “The volume of prize money and the overall scale of the cyber industry are growing steadily,” rejoices Cherepennikov.

Cherepennikov is a star player in this industry. But this does not mean that there is no place for others in it. The computer gaming space is the same for both champions and novice gamers. And you can assemble your team in a game that is just gaining popularity with a few thousand dollars.

Esports market

Russia was the first in the world to recognize eSports as an official sport back in 2001. However, in 2006, e-sports was deprived of this status and returned to the All-Russian Register of Sports only on June 7, 2016. Now e-sportsmen can receive the titles of Master of Sports of Russia and Master of Sports of International Class.

The main esports disciplines: Dota 2 - total prize pool of $87.4 million, Counter-Strike - $33 million, League of Legends - $30.9 million and StarCraft - $27.4 million. According to SuperData forecasts, the volume of the global esports market in 2016 will be $892.8 million, in Russia - $35.4 million. The audience in the world and Russia is 214 million and 2.2 million people, respectively. By 2018, the volume of the eSports market in Russia will increase to $43.7 million, and the audience will increase to 4.3 million people.

The main source of income for esports players is sponsorship contracts. They start from $2-5 thousand per month, and teams that show good results can count on support of $120-300 thousand per month. Top global teams receive up to $9 million.

Another 5-10% of the team’s revenue usually comes from the sale of paraphernalia with its symbols. Prize money is usually received by the players themselves; about 10% of the money won goes to the team’s overall budget.


As a child, St. Petersburg resident Igor Utkin was fond of acrobatics and performed in the circus, practiced freestyle wrestling and kung fu. But at the age of 16, he preferred computer sports to traditional sports.

Founder of the ROX team Igor Utkin (Photo: from personal archive)

He reasoned that online competitions are more fair - in eSports, height and weight are not important, and there is no need to spend a lot of money on preparation. It's good enough to play a lot. You can start participating in small competitions for virtual currency, step by step to reach a higher level and receive a more serious reward: devices or prize money. At any stage, there is a chance that you will be noticed by the manager of an esports team and your hobby will turn into a full-fledged source of income.

Utkin studied at St. Petersburg State Economic University and that’s it free time dedicated to games. Naturally, the parents did not share their son’s hobbies and urged him to look for a normal job. The questions stopped only when Igor’s income at the age of 19 exceeded his mother’s salary - he began to win Russian, European and world StarCraft competitions.

The peaks in eSports are usually reached between the ages of 15 and 22. “At this age, reflexes are as fast as possible, learning ability is also at a minimum. high level. An athlete is not burdened with work, family, and can sublimate all his energy into self-improvement,” explains Utkin. By the age of 30, at the latest, your eSports career will probably end. Many become commentators, coaches or team managers.

Utkin assembled his ROX team in 2005, when he turned 20 years old. He was not satisfied with the level of existing Russian StarCraft teams. At first it all seemed a little like business. “Gamers played with enthusiasm and received small prizes,” recalls Utkin. Together with his teammates, he drew up a training schedule, analyzed games, and developed strategies. At first, Utkin spent about $50 thousand of personal savings, all his prize money, on creating and maintaining the team.

For three years the team was looking for its first sponsor, Utkin sent letters to all organizations in a row, but few understood what he even wanted. The first sponsor appeared only in 2008: it became the ES-Gaming online store. Later, the manufacturer of anti-virus programs Kaspersky Lab became partners, technology company Lenovo, sport Club"Dynamo" and energy drink Tornado Energy.

“We have been the general sponsor of the ROX team for several years. The main task that we solved together with the team was updating the problem of Internet security among young people who play. This large audience, which, unfortunately, does not fully understand the risks that exist on the Internet,” says Oleg Gudilin, head of marketing at Kaspersky Lab in Russia, the countries of Transcaucasia and Central Asia.

“Everything is like in the textbook,” Utkin describes the technology for finding sponsors, “cold calls, letters, presentations, meetings. Then you draw up a mini-plan and sponsorship packages. You get to know your partner and integrate your capabilities into the company’s marketing plan.”

Currently, ROX employs 35 people - these are five gaming squads for League of Legends, Overwatch, FIFA, World of Tanks and Street Fighter. The company also employs trainers, designers, and social media content editors. Maintaining a team costs approximately $300 thousand a year, including salaries, training camp costs, visas, and flights. Utkin plans to reduce staff and focus on the most popular and spectacular disciplines. "Every game has its own life cycle“Utkin explains. He's betting on League of Legends.

Sponsors help not only with money. Lenovo provides the team with powerful computers, and ROX training camps are held at the Dynamo football club in Novogorsk. Gamers have everything like football players: separate rooms, five meals a day, Gym, pool.

To strengthen the team's position, Utkin bought a Polish legionnaire. The team tried to talk in English language, but wasted time on this - the Pole had to learn Russian. Another problem of communication is that players are used to talking to each other using obscenities, but now competition organizers conduct online broadcasts of competitions, and all team conversations go online. Players are asked to watch their language; choosing words again takes time.

According to SPARK, the revenue of ROKS LLC in 2015 increased more than three times, to 51 million rubles. The net loss amounted to 981 thousand rubles. According to Utkin, he reinvests all income into the team, and makes money from his advertising agency Powerducks, which promotes e-sportsmen.

Transfer Master

Alexander Solomonov, the sports director of Team Empire, became interested in computer gaming competitions at the age of 18—too late to become a professional eSports player. He understood this, so he immediately joined the organizers.

Sports Director of Team Empire Alexander Solomonov (Photo: from personal archive)

In 2004-2005, he began organizing Warcraft 3 matches among amateurs, then became a team manager. Solomonov was even the manager of the Russian national team, which, under his management, took second place at the European Championships for the first time. However, Warcraft 3 was losing popularity, and fewer and fewer competitions were being held. It was crowded out by another strategy game, StarCraft, but Solomonov liked it less. He planned to retire from eSports.

However, in 2010, Alexander was offered to lead the StarCraft 2 Team Empire team. According to SPARK, MGO Empire LLC ( entity teams) 50/50 is now owned by Mikhail Barashkov and Sergey Nevodnichiy.

Team Empire was one of the first in Russia to start making money from player transfers and concluding long-term contracts with gamers. The contract stipulates the period of cooperation, transfer cost, salary, and obligations to broadcast games. Alexander does not recognize legionnaires; he prefers to find talent in the CIS.

The search for players is carried out by the sports director and team manager. First they look at the ratings within the game. Then they watch the game of the ranking leaders. They look at how they behave in game situations and how well they can work in a team. If the results are good and progress is evident, the player is invited to Team Empire. One of the players was observed for six months, and as a result he became one of the strongest in the CIS.

Currently, Team Empire has two gaming squads of five people each: a Dota 2 team and a League of Legends team. Including trainers, designers and SMM editors, the team employs about 30 people. Maintaining players costs approximately $20 thousand per month.

The company lives on sponsorship money - it is supported by the manufacturers of AX deodorants and Seagate hard drives, the brand of the Omen by HP line of gaming laptops and computers. Another major source of income is prize money. The largest amount that was won at one time was $221 thousand. In total, last year the team won $609 thousand. According to SPARK, the net profit of MGO Empire LLC for 2015 amounted to 5 million rubles.

According to Solomonov, it is possible to create a profitable esports team from scratch. Now at the start you will have to pay the players at least $500 a month, about the same for the coach - that turns out to be about $3 thousand a month. As soon as the team starts winning the first competitions on such a minimal budget, a manager will be needed to manage social networks, designer - you need popularity on the Internet to find sponsors. The investment will pay off no sooner than in three years: if, of course, there are victories and victories.

Solomonov complains that many marketers still do not understand: e-sports helps brands advertise among a youth audience that does not watch TV or read the press, but enthusiastically follows broadcasts of computer games. “E-Sports still remains a rather narrow niche in our country, unlike, for example, South Korea, where the players are the idols of millions. For now, it’s more interesting for us to focus not so much on e-sports, but on the broad masses of players - to cooperate with such well-known companies, like Blizzard Entertainment, Wargaming, Mail.Ru Group. With these companies we conduct special promotions for our users,” says Gudilin.

It is noteworthy that Solomonov, like many professional managers and players in e-sports, also has a more stable income. He works for the Amigo Design company, which produces sun protection and roller shutter systems.

85% eSports audience is male, mostly aged 18-25

IN $20-25 thousand it costs per month to maintain an eSports team

$3 thousand per month - average salary experienced players

50-80% team budget - sponsors' money

98 million people — the average monthly audience for League of Legends competitions in the first half of 2016, according to SuperData, in second place is the game Call of Duty with an audience of 75 million, in third place is FIFA16 with an audience of 23 million people.

$2.63 million The richest esports player in the world, Saahil UNiVeRSe Arora, earned his career from the game Dota 2.

Gamer financier

Yuri Markov really liked to play Dota 2 and did not like office work. He worked as a financial director in a company that supplied building materials, and he found the money to take the risk of turning his hobby into a business in 2014.

Director of the Albus NoX League of Legends roster Yuri Markov (Photo: from personal archive)

First, Markov decided to talk to famous eSports players - Inmate and Dread. They warned that the barrier to entry in terms of initial investment in Dota 2 is high and it is better to choose some other game. And Markov then decided to focus on a less popular option.

Markov began organizing the first Hearthstone tournaments with prize money of 5 thousand rubles each in order to find promising players. In addition to the Hearthstone team, he also worked with the League of Legends team. At the start, Yuri spent 15 thousand rubles. per month - the game was just gaining popularity, and the players had enough salaries of 4 thousand rubles. per month. Once his team Hard Random confidently went to victory in the tournament, but took second place due to the fact that study distracted one of the players from training.

Markov realized that these are not toys - just like in business, you need to build a clear structure, write a development strategy, record agreements and recruit players to the team who have solved problems with their studies. Average age the team is now 20 years old.

Soon the team began to win - out of the last eight major regional tournaments, it won five. In 2015 and 2016, she became the best League of Legends player in the CIS, this year she was included in the list of eight best teams peace.

In May 2016, sponsor-partner Albus NoX, a global multi-gaming organization that invests in promising teams, drew attention to the team’s success. “I understood that at some point my money would not be enough, they would eat us,” explains the entrepreneur. Markov quit his job and devoted himself entirely to esports.

The team now has 13 people: five players, a coach, a manager, an analyst, a director, two content managers and two reserve players. Maintaining a team costs approximately $20 thousand.

League of Legends players have an important advantage: the game's publisher, Riot Games, pays everyone professional players scholarship of 28 thousand rubles. per month, another 25 thousand rubles. managers receive a month to organize training. According to Vladimir Tortsov, eSports manager at Riot Games, for the League of Legends publisher, supporting eSports is an investment in the future: “We want the game to be successful and relevant for a long time, but every year technologies develop, new games appear. And esports is a show that piques the public’s interest and holds their attention.”

Markov admits that as the owner and manager of an esports team, he earns less than he received as the financial director of a construction materials company, but “it’s enough to support a family and a car.” And if the team consistently wins international competitions, then in the future you can earn tens of millions of dollars. Prize fund League of Legends World Championship amounted to $4 million in 2016, last year it was watched on the Internet by more than 36 million people.

Disclaimer: For obvious reasons, this text you won't find a literal guide to action. The material is not a tutorial on how to fill your pockets with money, but only describes the basic principles of making money in computer games. As for the more detailed and subtle details, they will all vary in each particular case. We are sure that you already know very well about many of the examples below, but we still hope that we can surprise you.

  1. cybersport

    Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when you mention making money in computer games is eSports. Behind last years The market for esports competitions has grown tenfold, and hundreds of millions of dollars are invested in it every year. Nowadays, eSports balances on the line between big professional sports and show business, which allows it to take only the best from both areas.

    Of course, the level of income almost always directly depends on professional results. The better you play, the thicker your wallet becomes. The beauty of this system is that you don’t have to be the best of the best to afford your bread and butter. Semi-professional teams now provide excellent conditions for career growth. If you have talent and a desire to develop, then you can easily find yourself a team with an acceptable system of incentives/bonuses. Then all that remains is to conquer small tournaments and wait for the chance to break into the world stage.


If for some reason you were not lucky enough to be born an esports athlete, then do not despair! Although a professional gaming career will remain a pipe dream for you, you can still make money from other people's games. Of course, we mean betting on matches through various eSports betting sites.

Now only lazy betting portals do not pay attention to computer sports. More perspicacious companies have long been spying on our sphere in order to extract money from gambling addicts. more money. Making money on eSports betting is quite a risky thing, but systematic approach and careful analysis, almost anyone can earn enough money at a distance a large amount. All you need is a good knowledge of the esports scene, a reliable bookmaker site (or better yet, several sites at once) and a little luck.

Let us remind you that on some sites you can bet on in-game items - skins, cases, weapons, etc. Thus, you don’t even need to have any starting capital to start betting. It is enough to find a couple of unnecessary things in your inventory.


Another popular way to make money from games is by selling in-game items. If we look at Valve’s projects, then for victories in Dota 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive matches you can get various rewards in the form of items, skins, sets, etc. If you're lucky, you can make some good money by selling this junk. However, such an income is unlikely to please you with its stability, since truly valuable (expensive) things appear extremely rarely. In this case, we advise you to pay attention to trading.

Last year we already wrote interesting article about how you can make money from cases in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. If you missed it, be sure to check it out! We will remind you of the basic principle of trading, which is already known to everyone - buy low and sell high.

Being a trader means constantly being aware of all changes in “your market”. You will have to regularly monitor price dynamics, track the demand and supply of ordinary users, as well as other traders. If you decide to trade, then be patient, because it’s a long process and you can’t count on immediate profit.


It’s hard not to notice how the era of video bloggers is gradually giving way to the era of streamers and let’s players. Modern Internet technologies, as well as the availability and variety of streaming services (Twitch, GoodGame, YouTube, Hitbox, Azubu, etc.) can make a “screen star” out of almost anyone. If you love playing games, have an attractive appearance, a pleasant voice and charisma, then just let other people watch you. Money will flow to you like a river.

The main goal of any streamer is to expand their audience and increase the number of channel subscribers. The logic here is quite simple: what more people watch the broadcast - the more money the streamer receives. In pursuit of viewers, many home-grown stand-up masters often act “on the verge of a foul,” for which they often receive a channel ban from moderators. However, every day there are more and more people wanting to earn this easy money.


What to do if you don't know how to play yourself? Of course, teach others to play! IN Lately personal “coaching” is gradually fading into the background, but just a few years ago the conditional profession of a game coach was very popular. To a greater extent, this area of ​​activity affects individual games. Much less common are team disciplines and MOBAs.

The main task of the coach is to analyze the playing skills of the “student” and help the student improve them. Typically, the criterion for assessing successful training is the player's progress in the ladder or the transition from a low league to a higher one. Most often, experienced players become coaches who have a rich supply of theoretical knowledge, but for various reasons cannot apply it in practice. However, as it says folk wisdom To teach, a teacher only needs to be one step ahead of his student.

If you don’t have a more or less successful professional career in eSports, then your chances of becoming a teacher are extremely low. Here, image and past achievements play a big role, which usually speak for themselves. Each trainer/teacher evaluates his work individually, depending on the training methodology, the time spent and the final result.

Account boosters

Very often there are situations when people do not want to spend time improving their playing skills. They are already confident in their abilities, and a weak league or low MMR is simply a system error in calibration. Boosters come to the rescue of such poor fellows, who nominal fee raise their accounts to the desired rating.

Boosters are found in almost all games, from StarCraft2 to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Usually these are people who spend a lot of time in the game, have good statistics on the ladder, but for some reason they couldn’t make it to the professional scene. The income of boosters directly depends on the complexity of the task. If you need to upgrade your account from scratch, it will be one amount. If only a small adjustment is needed, then there will be a different conversation.

Income from boosting can hardly be called regular, and you are unlikely to be satisfied with the amount received. On the other hand, if you still spend all day playing games, then it is better to do it with meaning and at least some financial gain.

Providing services in games

Continuing the topic of account boosting, we will consider other types of in-game services. Stepping away from eSports, let's look at the genre of MMORPG. The characteristics of income in this area are best considered on a specific game or even a specific game server, taking into account the gaming environment that has developed there. Main principle almost always remains unchanged - more strong players help beginners cope with all adversities and dangers virtual world. Of course, they do this not only for a “thank you,” but also for hard cash.

The greatest demand is for services to help you complete some particularly tricky quests. It’s not uncommon for novice players to buy themselves a “guide” through the instance or an entire “retinue of mercenaries” that helps with killing raid bosses. Game items are another valuable commodity that can be monetized without too much trouble if you find an interested and lazy buyer. You will laugh, but Runet knows examples when especially rare things were bought not only with money, but even with intimate services.

In addition to items, in MMORPGs you can sell anything, from in-game currency to special “patronage” from the strongest players. There are many options and it all depends solely on your imagination.


Dealers are a special caste of people who often don’t play the games themselves, but are important element any game universe. They are the ones who help ordinary users make financial operations in one project or another.

If you want to throw money into the game to buy a couple of fashionable things for your character, the system will probably offer you to use the payment methods that the game developers themselves have chosen. Most often they have a standard " gentleman's set"in the form of transfers via Webmoney, VISA, MasterCard and "replenish the balance via SMS". Dealers can offer much wider possibilities for translations. They have dozens of accounts at their disposal. different countries world, and they work with all popular payment systems. In addition, many dealers will lend you money, especially if you have used their services many times and have earned some credibility.

Of course, the dealer works for a reason, but for a percentage of the transfer, which varies depending on the payment method you choose. Most often, dealers serve entire clans and cooperate only with regular customers. They value their reputation very much, so deception on their part is out of the question, and in some game projects even the administration can vouch for the official dealers.


We will finish our article on the topic of “drove”. At their core, these are the same boosters that pump up your account/character so that you can later brag about it to your friends and clanmates. Most often, carriers are found in various MMORPGs and browser-based multiplayer games like “Fight Club”, “Legend: Legacy of the Dragons” and the like.

The services of drivers are used by rich uncles and aunts who can afford to invest several tens of thousands of dollars into the game to dress their virtual hero in beautiful pictures with swords, armor and coats of arms. For such people, the game is simply a way to have fun and measure their strength with wealthy “wallets” like themselves. However, game mechanics often require long and methodical character development. To become the best, you will have to not only invest a lot of money, but also sweat a lot on quests. It is this “dirty work” that the drivers do.

Simply put, the driver is like a groom who takes care of the horse (character), feeds him experience, polishes his mane (armor) and takes him for a walk (in the instance). When the master wants to have fun, he enters the game, saddles his sleek “stallion” and with a brave cry of “Ki-Ya!” Shows all enemies where crustaceans spend the winter.

Usually, trusted people from the inner circle of the “wallet” become drivers, because no matter who they belong to dear characters they won't trust you. As for the financial component of such “work,” everything depends on the individual agreements of the interested parties. Payment can take place either with real money or with some valuable in-game “goodies”.

This concludes our small business training on making money in computer games. Maybe in the future we will return to this topic and describe others interesting ways receiving income. We hope you liked the article. Be sure to leave your comments and also share your tips on how to get financial well-being in the virtual (and not only) world.

I won’t dwell on the topic for a long time with the question: is it possible to make money on sports betting? The answer is yes, you can. You just need to understand that on average 3-5% of all players earn on bets, these figures are approximately comparable to how many traders earn on the stock exchange.

How much can you earn from betting?

You can earn from 30 to 50% per annum. If you come across people/cappers who claim that they raise up to 1000 percent a year on easy, and now you happily rub your hands in the hope of easy money, then I hasten to disappoint you, such a percentage of profitability does not exist. Believe me, if everything were so simple, then these people would never share any information with you, but would simply relax somewhere in Saint-Tropez and not worry about you, offering/forcing you to buy forecasts from them for pennies.

You can start making money on bets only if you are ready to devote yourself completely to this matter, devoting yourself to studying and testing various strategies. The worst thing that can happen to a player at the first stage is if he has several bets in a row. The player begins to believe in himself too much, thoughts appear in his head: " Why did I even go to work if you can make money so easily on bets?"As a rule, after this the player makes a bet either all-in or very a large sum, in the hope of quick money and of course he loses everything. Absolutely everyone goes through this and this is a normal situation, the main thing is to draw the right conclusions and build your own strategy that will allow you to make money on bets.

How to make money on sports betting?

As mentioned earlier, the player must build his own strategy. This strategy must include the following:

  • Bank management. The player must determine the amount of money he is willing to invest in bets. The maximum bet size must also be determined; in the first stages it should not exceed 5%.
  • "Dogon" strategy. Do not use the “catch-up” strategy, up to at least 1000 bets made, i.e. until you can objectively assess whether this strategy will suit you. Not worth believing beautiful stories that “catching up” is the only strategy for making money on sports betting. For novice players, this strategy should be called “quick deposit drain”.
  • Repeat bid. Do not place 2 bets on the same event. Many people, after a failed bet, have the thought of quickly winning back in their heads. Better take a break and analyze not past bid, only after you are confident in the next bet, make it.
  • Value betting. For novice players, it is quite difficult to find value bets, but they are the key to successful bets and one of the main factors that will allow you to earn money from bets at a distance. In order to find value bets, you need to focus your attention on only one sport. Start your analysis not with the bookmaker’s line, but with the event itself, i.e. no coefficients shown. Set your own odds, then compare them with the bookmaker's. If you are sure that the bookmaker underestimated one of the athletes or one of the teams, then place a bet.
  • Sites with sports forecasts. There are many useful free sites with sports forecasts in RuNet. Consider them as recommendations, and not as instructions for action. You should not buy sports forecasts; their forecasts are absolutely no different from free ones. If you do not have a capper whose advice you listen to, then you can rely on our independent “Capper Rating”. It is located on the left side of this resource.
  • Use different useful services . There is no need to purchase anything; there are many useful free tools available. For example: OddsPortal - comparison of odds from 80 bookmakers in pre-match and live, - bookmaker line loading, - live statistics for 32 sports. More free services for big earnings on sports are available in the "" section. Located at the very bottom of the page.

By complying with these requirements, the likelihood of achieving success in terms of your earnings on bets will greatly increase. The main thing is to understand that this is a sport in which Barcelona can lose to an outsider.

Register and get a bonus

What you should definitely NOT do:

  • Place bets on "after the goal". If the bookmaker forgives the player for the first and second time for a bet, the outcome of which was known to the player in advance, then for subsequent times the punishment will be a reduction in the maximum or blocking of the account.
  • Create multiple accounts.
  • "Fork". The attitude of bookmakers towards arbers is the same as towards “after bettors”.
  • Deposit money not from their own bank cards and electronic wallets.
  • Register a new account for your friend, wife, mother, aunt or grandmother. If a player’s account has been blocked, then under no circumstances should you open it to women who do not understand betting. Since if you win and try to withdraw money, the bookmaker will most likely ask you to identify yourself. In which he will begin to ask what exactly was the motivation for this or that bet, how does P1 differ from P2?

Is it really possible to make money on bets?

To summarize this article, which described how much you can earn on bets and how to do it. It must be said that betting is only suitable for those who are not just interested in sports, but approach betting with all seriousness and awareness. Gambling people will not be able to make money on bets; in this matter, you need to weigh each of your actions. There is often a situation in which a player earned a whole month on a bet, and then within 24 hours managed to lose the entire bank.

Good afternoon, today I would like to tell you about a way to make money by betting on eSports competitions.
So, let's begin.
First, we need starting capital. (min. bet $1)
1. Let's go to the site where we will place bets. :

2. Click "Registration". Fill in all fields

After this, we will receive an email to activate your account.

3. Account replenishment (deposit)
We see in red letters it says "MAKE A DEPOSIT"
You can top up your account different ways, as you can see in the screenshot.

4. Place bets
Choose the right match which we want to bet on. Minimum 1 dollar. The amount you can win is displayed below, click “Place a bet”.
I'll give little advice, made 15 bets. According to the simplest system, when the odds of the games were "Na"Vi vs Shololo99" it was clear that Navi would win, they had odds of 1.4, for schoolchildren 109.9. Study the teams you are going to bet on. Google, watch their videos on YouTube, the more information, the better. But I’ll tell you my point of view about all this.. It’s not like in hockey, where you can accidentally score if the goalie is distracted. Professional teams play here, with everything coordinated. 14 bets passed, 15 failed. t .k. put on bad team for which the odds were 3.2... So it’s better not to take risks, there are many games a day, I definitely haven’t counted them. but more than 30 definitely. There are also matches with three outcomes, i.e. there is still a draw. I don’t bet on such things and I don’t advise you to. Be sure to read "F.A.Q", there is also a very good video instruction in Russian.

To place a bet, enter the amount in the box for the team you want to bet on. And click “Place a bet”

5. Withdrawing money
You can withdraw your funds to:
1) webmoney
2) PayPal
3) Yandex money
4) Money Bookers
Minimka: 15$