Personal and corporate business cards according to business etiquette. How to create a business card: design tips, useful services

What is a business card for?

A business card provides the interlocutor with some information about you and your occupation; it is a necessary tool for a business person and an integral part of your image.

Business cards are not only a beautiful attribute, but also a rule of good manners. Moreover, now it’s not at all difficult, as there are many convenient online services for creating business cards, for example,.

Using business cards is convenient: share your contacts with other people without unnecessary steps.

In addition to all of the above, a business card has advertising properties, it is understood that it should also have some effect on the recipient, so when creating it, it is worth considering every detail.

Business cards are also an integral element of corporate identity.

Functions of business cards

Business cards serve to perform the following basic functions:

Informative— the specified data on the business card provides some information about you and your activities: your name, position, contacts, so that a person can contact you or your office.

Image- such a small piece of thick paper as a business card, depending on the design, be it cheerful or elegant, bulky or laconic design can say a lot about you not only as a person, but also as a businessman. A high-quality and tasteful business card creates a positive image of you or your company in the eyes of the recipient.

Promotion function- most likely, a satisfied client will remember that he has your business card and will gladly, if necessary, pass on your contact information to his friends and comrades. A business card also helps spread your logo and slogan, making them more recognizable and memorable.

Types of business cards

In the modern business world, the following types are distinguished:

Personal business cards You may need them during normal acquaintance and communication in friendly companies. Performed in a completely free style. Most often you will see a last name, first name, mobile phone or email address on them. Job title and company name are usually not indicated, but the person's area of ​​activity may be noted.

Business cards an integral attribute of an entrepreneur, their presence is necessary to comply with the basic rules of business etiquette. They are given to potential partners and provide information about the owner. They indicate your first and last name, the name of the organization you represent, as well as contact information. In addition, it is generally accepted to place the company logo and a list of services offered on it. When making such a business card, do not forget to adhere to the corporate style.

Corporate business cards Unlike business ones, they do not represent a specific person, but the company and the services it provides as a whole. During registration, they provide information about the company, field of activity, list of services provided, contact information, website address, and often include a location map.

How to properly design a business card?

When creating a business card, it is desirable that the design include the following elements:

  • company name and logo (in the case of corporate business cards);
  • name and position;
  • postal address, telephone number (possibly several);
  • E-mail address;
  • website address (URL).

In addition, pay attention to the following requirements for business cards:

1. An overabundance and clutter of information creates a negative impression of the cardholder, while a large amount of empty space on business cards in most cases creates the impression of neatness.

2. Check the text seven times for errors. Handwritten corrections are not acceptable as they create a negative impression.

3. Pay attention to whether the color scheme is RGB or CMYK. Color images on screen and on paper do not always look the same. RGB colors are used for display on the screen. The CMYK color scheme is used for typographic printing, so layout elements must be made in this color model.

4. Make sure the resolution is at least 300 dpi.

5. Standard sizes are 90x50 mm, less commonly used are 90x55 or 85x55 mm.

6. Make sure there are indentations to avoid errors during cutting.

7. If you are creating not only business cards, but also other printed materials, make sure that they are all in the same color.

8. As your business contacts expand, you should think about creating a business card in a foreign language. If you do business in a specific region, it is worth making business cards in the local language. In addition, it is advisable to make business cards in English, which is the language of international business communication.

How to create a business card?

You can resort to several options for creating business cards. You can always order business cards from a designer or a printing agency.
However, to create a business card, it is not necessary to resort to the services of printing salons. If you're wondering how to create a business card yourself, you have two options:

  1. Draw in a graphics editor, for example, Photoshop, Inkscape.
  2. Use one of the many online editors and online generators, on whose websites you will find modern business card layouts. It's easy to add and edit personal information into the layouts.

Having created business cards yourself, all you have to do is find a printing house and order printing.
But here, too, modern services have gone far; with their help, in just a few clicks you can order printing of business cards and their delivery without leaving your home.

Creating business cards using the Logaster online service

The advantage of the Logaster service is the ability to create the above business cards in a matter of minutes. However, before you move on to creating a business card, you need to create your logo.

Below you will find step-by-step instructions on how to make a logo and then a business card.

1. Select the “Create Logo” option, enter your company name or words that will be associated with your business. Below you can add a slogan that you want to convey to your customers. Below, select your area of ​​activity. Click the “Next” button.

2. Choose a suitable logo. The choice of icon for your logo usually depends on your field of activity.

3. Now you can edit the logo: choose the color, font. To cancel an action, there is a “Reset element” button at the bottom. If you are satisfied with the design, click on the “Next” button.

4. If you like everything, then click on the “Save” button.

5. After creating the logo, Logaster will generate a large number of business card layouts in the colors of your logo. To do this, go to the logo page and click on the triangle in the edit menu above the logo. Click "Create a business card with this logo." Choose your favorite design and save.

6. Next, using the editing options, you need to enter personal data or data of your employee.

A good business card not only helps to establish the first contact, but also keeps information about the owner in the hands of the right person for a long time. This review contains 30 original, witty, funny, and, most importantly, great business cards.

Plastic surgeon business card

Advertising agency: Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann. Vienna, Austria.

Yoga instructor business card

Advertising agency: Marked for Trade.

Business card in the form of a cheese grater

Advertising agency: JWT, Brazil.

Business card of a lawyer specializing in divorce proceedings

Please note that the business card contains contact information on both sides, so one half can be given to each spouse.

Business card of a yoga center from Vancouver

A simple but effective business card for a Vancouver yoga center. The business card is rolled into a roll similar to a yoga mat.

Fitness trainer business card

A fitness trainer will help you remove your bulging belly. Advertising agency: Leo Burnett. Dubai, UAE.

Landscape designer business card

Author of design and idea: Jamie Wieck.

Advertising agency: Healthy People by Gray. Istanbul, Türkiye.

Photographer's business card

A photographer's business card in the form of a viewfinder.

Dentist business card

The message is obvious and therefore ingenious - to remove caries from a tooth, you need to pull out the insert with the phone number. Design: Michael Häne & Remo Caminada.

Personal fitness trainer business card

To read the text on this business card, you will have to make an effort, stretching it like an expander. The contract with the coach has not yet been signed, but the work has already begun...

Hair stylist business card

Design and idea: Igor Perkusic.

Business card - a set of filters for marijuana joints

Business card - a set of filters for "jambs".

Not a bad idea for a business card for an employee of the State Drug Control Service. Advertising agency: Bos. Toronto, Canada.

Business card for an investment company

The business card for a Canadian investment company clearly demonstrates situations when to buy and when to sell shares and assets. Professionalism should be in everything! Advertising agency: Rethink, Canada.

Business card of the yoga center "Straw"

Business card of the yoga center "Straw".

Advertising agency: Leo Burnett. Shanghai, China.

Sommelier business card

A business card clearly demonstrates what its owner does, as long as he doesn’t take work home. Design and idea: Caserne.

Personal Lego agent business card

Business card in the form of a photo frame

Advertising agency: Piko, Moldova.

Designer's signature business card - stylish, fun, transparent

Idea and design: Dario Monetini.

An excellent universal idea for a business card - the stamp can be placed anywhere, even on the neck. But, of course, it will look most original on a napkin, and it will also be safer. Advertising agency: OpusMultipla, Brazil.

Business card in the form of a folding toy chair

Advertising agency: DDB, Brazil.

Business card plunger with contacts

You can’t call it a business card, and a miniature plunger is unlikely to fit into a business card holder. But you are unlikely to raise your hand to throw away such a funny “business card”.

Business card in the form of a bag of seeds

A useful business card in every sense. Advertising agency: Struck, USA.

Business card in the form of a universal bicycle key

This business card immediately shows who it belongs to - a smart and practical bicycle technician. Of course, entrusting your favorite bike to such a person will not be scary at all. Designer: Rethink, Canada.

Musical comb business card for hair care salon

The idea of ​​this original comb business card is based on the principle of a music box. By running your finger over all the teeth one by one, you can hear the famous rock melody. This musical business card, oddly enough, belongs to a hair care salon. Advertising agency: Fabio Milito design. Rome, Italy.

Business card of a company engaged in the transportation of goods

The original origami business card, which folds into a packaging box, belongs to a company specializing in cargo transportation. Advertising agency: Y&R. Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Business card of the restaurant "Salt", stylized as a salt shaker

The business card of the "Salt" restaurant, stylized as a salt shaker.

Minimalistic, but original, effective and intelligible. Design: flux.

The business card of a survival specialist is made on a plate of dried meat. Anything can happen in life... Even if a person did not have time to attend survival training, in some situations such a business card can save him from starvation, giving him a chance to still attend these trainings later. Advertising agency: Rethink. Vancouver, Canada.

Business card of a company selling grills. To find out the contacts, it must be heated. Of course, such a business card is not very convenient for everyday use, but you can be sure that the person who receives it will definitely check how it works. Which means Bingo!

However, it happens that business cards, which are used by specialists like clothes, are valued not for beauty or originality, but for their manufacturability, as we once wrote about in our review.

A business card is one of the cheapest and most common advertising materials. Now it is available to people of various professions - from directors of large companies to mechanics who work part-time after their shift at a factory.

A small square with a few lines of text can look different and have different effects. Many people simply feel a pity to throw away a beautiful, unusual and well-made business card, and in addition they will want to look at it - that is, they will read the information on it and take note of it. But a cheap piece of cardboard with a design made in Paint in 10 minutes is unlikely to be appreciated.

Below Reconomica We will look in detail at a selection of tips for creating really good business cards. We will not describe the drawing process itself, but will focus on creating the design and content.

Let's make a reservation right away: there are no strict standards here - if you wish, you can make a business card the other way around. We will only cite common trends.

Basic Rules design: how to make a really cool business card? (+video selection of examples)

WITH beginning - the basic rules for designing a business card:

    Shrift- readable, contrasting with the background, WITHOUT decorative elements, NO curls, NOT capital - necessarily even. This is probably one of the basic rules that all more or less good designers adhere to.

    Size. Standard - 50x90 or 55x85 mm. However, you can experiment with both aspect ratio and size. Just keep in mind that business cards are usually put away in a pocket or purse - that is, there is no need to make an item that is too large. And too small too.

    Pleasant to the eye color scheme, ideally - calm shades. Background - shades of white, gray, golden. In some cases, a black background will look stylish. The text is in a contrasting color with the background.

    Form. Traditionally - a regular rectangle. But if you wish, you can order a business card of a different shape - with rounded edges, or some other. For example, a hairdresser can order a business card in the shape of a comb(P for high-quality implementation this interesting solution). N Please note that any non-standard parameters increase the price of printing. In addition, keep in mind that the shape must be reliable - bends that are too thin will quickly wrinkle, and a beautiful piece of paper with useful contact will turn into trash that they definitely won’t carry in their wallet.

    Language - only Russian(or the one where you communicate with the client). If there is a possibility of contact with a partner/client who speaks a different language, it is better to make a small separate batch.

What can (and should) be on a business card

It can be:

    Contacts. Since people now use a large number of means of communication, you need to indicate everything by which you are available and which are common in your region. Regular dialing - mobile phone, Viber, Telegram, Vkontakte. If you have one - website, Instagram, Facebook. If necessary, the address (for example, a store, hairdresser, auto repair shop). It is important to indicate your email if you are in contact with people who can use it: for example, a business partner can send a price list.

    First Name Last Name. Middle name - you can specify it if you are a big boss. It is recommended to indicate your first and last name, even if the business card says “Balcony finishing” - after all, when communicating, the interlocutor needs to know how to address you.

    Occupation. It can be indicated both as a profession (photographer, English tutor) and as a field of activity (finishing balconies, external insulation of apartments). It is stated concisely, briefly and clearly.

    Logo and company name- if this is not a “personal” business card, but of an employee who represents a company.

The points above (except, perhaps, the logo) are mandatory. Additionally, if there is space, you can tell us more about your services - if there are several of them.

For example, you are doing finishing work. On the business card you can write “Finishing works” in large font, and below is a list in smaller font, which includes the services that you still provide:

    redevelopment of the premises;

    rough finishing on a turnkey basis;

    turnkey finishing of apartments.

An important nuance: in this example, a large number of “separate” services could be cited (wallpapering, floor screeding, wall painting, plasterboard finishing, suspended ceilings, and so on). If they fit neatly and beautifully (outwardly) on a business card, great: fit it. Otherwise, try to group them.

What should not be on your business card

Since the size of the business card is small, it is not possible to squeeze in a lot of content even in small print. However, for some reason many people strive to write as much text as possible on a small piece of cardboard - believing that this will attract the client.

What NOT to post:

    "Extra" contacts. A mailbox (for example, if you are engaged in finishing balconies, clients are unlikely to write by mail), fax, home phone, pages on social networks that you do not use or rarely use (for example, you registered on Facebook for the sake of respectability, but on the page come once a week).

    “Extra” titles, positions, achievements. “Ivan Petrov, director of Omskaluminium LLC, candidate of chemical sciences, dean of Omsk State University, MSMC in weightlifting.” If you need to distribute your contacts as a specialist in different fields, it is better to have separate business cards with different information.

    Promotional/incentive phrases. “Buy from us”, “Call us and we will tell you more details.” Even if they fit, they are almost never placed on business cards: this is a kind of bad form. Try to find at least one beautiful business card with similar slogans on it - it’s unlikely to work.

Material and additional “finishing” of the business card

In addition to visual perception, the client’s tactile sensations are also important. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the choice of material.

When a designer worked on a business card, it’s immediately obvious.

It could be:

    Coated paper. The most widespread and cheapest option. It can be either white or colored, glossy or matte.

    Textured paper. It has a textured surface and can be made to imitate some material: wood, fabric, leather.

    Metallized paper. The surface will have a metallic sheen (even better than glossy).

    Touch cover paper. A pleasant silky surface is created thanks to latex coating. In addition to the interesting structure, they are also good at being resistant to abrasion.

    Pearl paper. Has a spectacular shine.

An important nuance: the chosen paper and its quality must be combined with the design of the business card. For example, if you order an original and really cool layout, but print it on the cheapest paper, it will not give the desired effect. And vice versa: if you choose the most expensive paper, but the design is cheap/tasteless/outdated, the effect will also not be very good.

In addition to paper, in rare cases, other materials can be used: plastic, iron or wood. The cost of such business cards will be much higher than paper ones, but they can also look very cool if implemented correctly.

The method of applying text (or image) may also be unusual. The options are:

    Foil stamping.

    Embossing (relief embossing).

    Thermal rise.

Such techniques allow you to create a business card with protruding (relief) elements.

Review of the main design mistakes (video)

Should I fill both sides?

T Traditionally, business cards were made one-sided. Moreover, the “front” side could be glossy, matte, or have another “finish,” while the back side remained ordinary paper. If necessary, it was possible to quickly add something on it.

Now this trend is not generally accepted - you can also make a double-sided business card. However, there is no need to do this intentionally - if all the necessary information fits on one side, then it is better to limit it to it.

If the information does not fit (this is true, for example, if you have 5-6 contacts for communication, + an extensive list of services offered), then it is better not to reduce the font and not to squeeze in the text, but to spread it on 2 sides.

For example, marketing expert Igor Mann (founder of the MYTH publishing house) believes that a business card is one of the most effective shareware tools for promoting a personal brand and business. But it is important that your business card contains a “trick” - a specific unique offer. Mann himself offers a selection of books from his publishing house on his business card.

Ways to improve: how to make a business card more memorable and convenient

Since modern marketers and designers have already tried many options, and a business card is a simple product, it will not be possible to invent many ways.

You can stand out using the following techniques:

    Unusual shape. It is important to experiment with the shape of a business card if it can somehow be stylized to suit your type of activity. For example, if you are a photographer, instead of a rectangle, you can cut out a business card in the shape of the outline of a camera.

    High quality paper. Not a unique technique, but very effective if you work in the low or mid-price segment. In this case, many competitors will probably have simple, cheap cardboard boxes, and probably not very nicely designed ones. If your business card is visually and tactilely different, it will definitely make your company stand out.

    Availability of QR code. This is also not a unique method, although it is not very common for the Russian market. It is important to do this if you can “hide” some useful information in the code. For example, if you are a photographer, it can lead directly to your portfolio page.

Programs for creating business cards yourself

If you have taste and imagination, it can be used to create a business card Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDraw or even MS Word.

There is an alternative - special programs. As an example:

    Power Card Maker.

    Easy Card Creator Express.

    Business Card Studio.

    Master of Business Cards.

    Business card Office.

There is also a simpler option - online constructors. Among the most convenient, functional and simple:

We have provided only a few options for your reference: in fact, there are a huge number of them, with a wide variety of functionality.

Lesson on creating business cards in Photoshop (video)

A business card is an integral part of the image of any entrepreneur. This is not only an advertisement for your goods and services, but also the face of the company, so the production of this business tool should be approached with all responsibility, and we will help you with this.

A business card is not an advertising brochure

This is worth remembering for every person who is going to make their own cards for the employees of their company or for themselves personally. Pay attention to what format the future business card will be. Examples of sizes are varied, but it is worth choosing the standard 5 by 9 centimeters. This will be quite enough to place important information, not to “blow the mind” of the future client with unnecessary trifles, and to place the card in the most compact wallet.

There should be a minimum of information. Conciseness and information content, that is, the phone number and address of the company, what you do, the name and surname of the employee, position. All. You shouldn’t cram in information about all your products and services, list the names of employees, and even less push in a map to your office. Most of these overloaded business cards end up in the nearest trash can before they even have time to warm up in the hand of a future client.

Variety of languages

One wrong decision can completely ruin your business card. Examples of incorrect business cards include putting information on them in different languages. If you decide to attract clients from other countries or you have business partners in different countries, then spare no expense in producing a batch of cards for foreigners.

By printing in different languages ​​on the same business card, you will ruin the company's reputation and will be known as greedy people. In business, this should not be allowed to flourish, and not to overwhelm the whole business with the wrong “face of the company.”

Rainbow of colors

Not so long ago, business cards were more fashionable if they had a variety of colors in their graphics. The fact is that even 10 years ago, using a color printer was a status symbol. Now this method is not relevant, and the era of minimalism has come. She touched on everything, including the business information cards.

Just looking at the examples of business cards (photo below) with the wrong choice of colors, you want to close your eyes, because it seems that you are holding in your hands not business information, but a dancing gypsy camp. Few people will want to cooperate with a company whose business cards have no meaning or taste.

Remember the three rules of an elegant card: minimalism, conciseness, and information content. This also applies to the colors chosen for decoration. Use your company's color scheme (if you have one), making sure that all the tones are compatible. Business cards, the design examples of which are correct, have no more than three or four colors that are completely in harmony with each other.

Also, the font color should be business black. You cannot write in a new shade on each line, even if you offer to buy paints.

How to arrange the elements?

Business cards, the design examples of which inspire admiration, differ in the arrangement of all elements.

To make the card truly work, order several types of printed business cards, this is the only way you can identify their shortcomings. Take the phone in one hand, and an informative “piece of paper” in the other, then swap them. If in any case the contacts were covered with your finger, then change the arrangement of the elements.

The company logo should be placed in the upper corner, or you can completely abandon it so as not to clutter the information view.

Materials for business cards

A business card does not have to be exclusively cardboard. Examples of materials for manufacturing: leather, wood, plastic, rubber, exotic base and others. It all depends on your imagination. But keep this point in mind: the raw materials for making cards must correspond to the line of business of your company. It would be unethical to give out business cards made from animal skin when you are raising funds to save rare species.

Companies involved in the production of business cards offer a lot of options for applying fonts: embroidery, burning, and simple application of information with paints. To ensure that the base of the card is in harmony with the method of applying letters and numbers on it, think carefully when choosing this or that design proposal.

An example of the right business card: professional production

To avoid being branded as a redneck and a person who does not respect business partners, never make business cards yourself. It is clear that everyone is chasing savings, but this should not affect the company’s reputation.

Nowadays, all offices have color printers, and you might think that it is possible to make cards yourself. If you are not a professional designer, then do not undertake to create, print, or even cut out business cards with scissors. This is poor quality, possible bad taste, incorrect design. As a result, we saved two rubles, but lost a million by missing out on clients. Order business cards from professionals.

Business card holder

If you think that allocating money to purchase a business card holder for storing cards is a waste, then you are very mistaken. Would you personally like it if you received a business card from someone who took it out of his back pants pocket? I think not very much. First of all, it's unethical. Secondly, the card will be in terrible condition.

A person can sit down several times during the day. Thus, business cards become wrinkled and worn out, losing their entire appearance. Jacket pockets are also not able to preserve the original appearance of the card, so it’s worth purchasing a business card holder to store them. It will not only keep the “face of the company” intact, but will also emphasize the style of a business person.

A business card, the design examples of which we have provided you with, should become a business tool for attracting clients and partners, so do not spare any expense on its production!

Business cards are a popular topic of discussion and there is no doubt that they are extremely important. The Internet is full of examples of a wide variety of layouts. Today it is not difficult to buy creative business cards, both ready-made and original ones. Therefore, too ordinary a design becomes a problem.

Today I would like to give you some tips on how to choose the right business card design that is both impressive and effective. Your business card should work for you. To avoid hurting the designers' feelings, I asked a designer from CrazyPixels to create some samples. Of course, he did his best to draw attention to the details that I am about to talk to you about. The result is an incredibly modern and interesting business card design.

Pictures on a bright background

So here's the first design:

Bright and stylish business card. Attracts attention at first sight. If you? a creative person such as a photographer or designer, this business card will be the best choice for you. The image on the back can showcase your professional creativity and this business card can be part of your portfolio. You can create several versions of these business cards with different photos and give potential clients the opportunity to choose the one they like best. I'm sure they will remember you.

Here are some examples of great business cards with great photography and vibrant colors:

Use of colors

Just look at the design of this business card:

The pattern on a business card doesn't matter. It can be stripes, squares, circles or triangles; the appropriate color scheme remains decisive. Like the previous model, this business card attracts attention with its design, but at the same time it is not one-color, but represents a whole range of colors. I also want you to notice the QR code on this business card. The dots on the QR code are made in the same color scheme as the entire card. It's a small thing, but it adds meaning to the design and makes it more interesting.

Review of business cards with interesting colors:

Minimalist design

A completely minimalist logo designed in one color while creatively using the white space on the front of the business card? a great way to make a stylish card. You can place a logo or any other image on the front side, and all the necessary information? on the back. This could be a name, a key phrase, or contact information. There are many options for creating similar designs:

Business cards with minimalist design:

Embossing (letterpress effect)

Embossing? This is a way of using a stamp to create a raised design of different shapes on a business card. This effect gives your business card texture, style, and a classic look. Does this allow you to only use one color? the original color of your business card paper. This makes the business card look modern and elegant.

Embossed business cards:

Adding QR codes

QR code? This is a modern version of encoding information that can be recognized using a smartphone. The code may redirect you to a website, online portfolio or resume. This is a great way to bridge the gap between your business card and your online work. Make sure your target audience is able to use this communication tool before you make yourself business cards with a QR code.

Creative business cards with QR codes:

Font design

Font design is a popular trend that is worth paying attention to. It can be difficult to find the right font, but there is a huge amount of choice available, so you'll be sure to find the right font...

Business cards based on font design:

Transparent business cards: a new idea

Examples of transparent business cards design:

Black and white

Black and white business cards will be an excellent choice for businessmen, economists, lawyers and all those who are considered “serious business”. If you're looking for a simple, elegant, classic design, black and white business cards may be what you're looking for.

Black and white business cards:

Unusual shapes

These business cards have unusual shapes and in most cases are individual designs. Business cards with unusual shapes are more expensive than regular ones. They may make a bigger impression, but your customers may be quicker to throw them away due to the odd shape that doesn't fit their pockets. You should think about this option from the perspective of a potential client.

Here are some examples of unusually shaped business cards:

Logical conclusion

When it comes to creating business cards, try to do something unusual. There is only one chance to make a first impression on potential clients. Try this and you will see what works best. Your business card should represent your brand and your name. I hope this collection has inspired you to create unique and creative designs for your own business cards.