How to draw a straight line in Photoshop: regular, broken or at an angle. Drawing lines in Photoshop

Of course, one of the simplest and most frequently used elements in drawing is the line. Adobe program Photoshop is no exception. Especially if you plan to seriously study the field of website design.

One of the advantages of the Photoshop program is the interchangeability of actions. You can achieve the same result with many different in different ways. Now we will study several options for command sequences with which we can make a line in Photoshop.

Let's start by creating a new document. A document size of 1000 by 1000 pixels is quite suitable for us. Detailed description Creating a new document in Photoshop can be found here.

Let's start with the line tool. We will find it on the tank panel.

Now let's set the characteristics of our future line.

Let's set the line thickness. I decided that a thickness of 4 pixels would suit me. If you wish, you can choose its style. I'll make do with the simplest ones.

Let's decide on the color. You will also find the primary color selection icon on the sidebar. By clicking, a window for choosing a color is called up.

Well, that's it now! Let's draw. Click on the work area and draw a line with the mouse.

Now our line is a smart object. You can turn it into a regular layer in the layers window using the “rasterize layer” command.

The line is ready. As you can see, drawing a straight line in Photoshop is very easy. We have discussed an elementary method, which, despite its convenience, has a number of limitations. Let's take the second one apart and draw a line using the pen tool.

It should be noted that in in this case It’s worth changing the settings of your brush or pencil to the appropriate ones in advance, because your line will repeat these outlines. Therefore, let's set up the pencil tool together. Select it in the sidebar. And click on the work area.

Set the following pencil settings. How to choose a color is mentioned above.

In the sidebar, look for the pen tool.

We make two clicks on the work area. It should be noted that if you want to make the line smooth and strictly horizontal or vertical, hold down the shift key while clicking.

Click on the line with the left key. In the drop-down list, select the “outline outline” command.

We trace the outline and click again with the left mouse button. Select the “delete contour” command.

So, the line is ready! In just five minutes we learned two ways to draw straight line in Photoshop.

When using Microsoft Word, you need to know how to draw a line in Word. For these purposes, you can use the Borders function in word.

word boundaries

You are typing text and there comes a time when you need to draw a line separating it in the document. How to make an underline in Word without text?

One way: place the cursor in in the right place, press, without releasing, the shift key and at the same time, press the dash. Here you can choose the stroke length you need. This can be done automatically using Word boundaries.

They can be used in tables. To do this, place the cursor in the required place. Next, you need to click on Borders (in the formatting panel). Here we select - Lower border.

If you click on the top border, the line will be below the text. You can also click on "Add horizontal line", which will create a gray line in horizontal position.

By selecting the Outer Border command, we will create a frame in which we can type text.

If you no longer need the frame, place the cursor inside it and click on “Remove borders”.

Lines can also be drawn in many other ways. Let's look at 2 more of them.

Option 1. How to make a line directly under the text in Word? You have typed the text and now you need to draw a line under it. In this case, select all this text and click on the Ch icon in the panel, all the text will become underlined.

Option 2 - here we will learn how to make a line in Word without text. If you need a line anywhere in the text, and it can be not only horizontal, but also vertical, oblique, etc., then you need to go to the tab - Insert and select “Shapes” there, select the icon with the image of a straight line and install it in the required place, specifying its starting and ending points.

How to write above the line in word?

The good thing about the Microsoft Word office program is that one task can be solved in different ways.

Method one: you need to go to Page Layout, then click on the function - " Horizontal line" and select the one you need, there are many options: wavy, smooth, bold or dotted.

The second way is to draw using the "Drawing" tab. Select - Shapes - Lines. We select the option we need and install the line in the place we need.

Also, the third method has already been described above - we use the underscore.

Like these ones simple methods will make it easier for you to work in Microsoft Word.

If you like stripes, you can try making them yourself. Any room will become lighter, brighter and more interesting if you do it carefully and with soul.

You will need:
Masking tape
Paint (colors of your choice, amount based on the area you plan to paint)

Step 1: Masking tape
You will need masking tape. First you need to apply it around the perimeter of the ceiling (if you plan to paint it, do it before you start on the walls). Cover the floor, remove the trim from the doors (or also protect them from painting with masking tape).

Step 2. Prepare the walls for painting

If your walls have been painted, you can wipe them with a regular rag or cellulose sponge. Add a little dishwashing liquid to the water to remove all dust and dirt. After that, wipe the wall clean water to remove leftovers detergent and wait until it dries.

Otherwise, you will have to go through the standard procedure for preparing walls for painting.

Step 3: Plan out your drawing

Select the size and location of the stripes you want to draw. Keep in mind that vertical stripes are recommended in most cases as they make ceilings appear higher and walls appear wider. Horizontal stripes are suitable in cases where the ceilings are high. A large number of horizontal stripes overloads the room. Therefore, if you want to place horizontal stripes from floor to ceiling, do it not on all walls, but on one. If your room is long, stripes like these on a shorter wall will make it look squarer.

Measure the room accurately and draw stripes to scale on a piece of paper. Then you can adjust their width and visually evaluate whether the colors are chosen well.

Step 4. Marking

Using a tape, level, pencil, mark top point and several points along which the edge of the strip will pass. Make strokes using a level. You may need a friend's help for this.

Step 5: Apply Tape

Place the tape strictly along the line on the side where you do not want the paint to get. Avoid creases and irregularities so that the paint does not get under the tape.

Step 6. Getting started

First apply paint with a brush along the line. This ensures that the edge is stained and clean.

Step 7: Painting

Using a roller if the strip is wide or a brush (sponge) if thin, apply the paint in a slight zigzag. Continue working until you complete the strip completely.

Step 8. Second stripe

Wait until the paint is completely dry (usually about an hour) before moving on to the next stripe.

This technology is also suitable for applying stripes to furniture.

A little eclecticism in design makes the room more cozy. So why not stripes? Make life a little less strict!

Not uncommon when designing text documents there is a need to draw a line, for example, in order to separate one part of the text from another. In the Microsoft Word text editor, there are several options for solving this problem.

In this article we will look at three of the most simple ways draw a line in Word. The material will be relevant to everyone modern versions Word. Including Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

Method No. 1. Inserting a dash or underscore.

Perhaps the easiest way to draw a line in Word is to use a dash or underscore. Inserting in a row a large number of such signs, you will get a horizontal line. For example, to draw a line using a dash sign, simply hold down the CTRL key and, without releasing it, press the minus key on the additional keyboard block. Then hold this key combination until you get the line of the length you need.

In a similar way, you can draw a line using an underscore. To do this, hold down the SHIFT key and the underscore key. Then you need to hold down these keys until a line of the desired length is drawn.

This method of creating lines is convenient because such a line is easy to draw and easy to remove. If the line turns out to be unnecessary, then it can be deleted just like any other text.

Method No. 2. Inserting a finished line.

Another way to draw a line in Word is to use the button to create borders. This button is located on the “Home” tab and it allows you to quickly draw a line anywhere in the text. All you need to do is place the cursor where you want the line to be, click on the button and select “Horizontal Line”. As a result, a horizontal line will be drawn at the selected location on the page.

The advantage of this method is that the line drawn in this way can be changed. The line can be made thicker, thinner, longer or shorter. To do this, you need to select the line with the mouse, after which its size can be adjusted by moving its corners. In order to delete such a line, you just need to select it and press the Delete key.

Method number 3. Inserting a shape.

On the Insert tab, there is a Shapes button that allows you to insert shapes into your document. various figures. Among other things, there is a figure in the form of a line. To insert it into the document, click on the “Shapes” button, select the line and draw a line of the length you need in the document.

The advantage of this method is that such a line can be placed at any angle. In order to delete such a line, you just need to select it with the mouse and press the Delete key.