What is shown in Levitan's painting March. Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan “March

One of the new cosmetic procedures is TCA peeling (photos before and after the procedure are in this article). This is the most common procedure among chemical cleaning options. It is considered the safest and most effective. All chemical skin cleansing belongs to the category of complex procedures, so doing them yourself is not recommended in order to avoid negative consequences and complications.

Video - TCA peeling: the story of one patient

Description of TCA peeling

TCA peeling (photos of the results are posted in this article) is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for facial cleansing. The procedure is gentle and has repeatedly proven its high effectiveness. The main component of the peeling is trichloroacetic acid. It can be combined with several others:

  • dairy;
  • retina;
  • salicylic;
  • lemon

The result is several types of peeling. Each option differs in its effect on the skin. Some types are more aggressive, but also cleanse the skin deeper. There is minimal and medium impact.

Types of TCA peeling

Chemical facial cleansing is divided into types depending on the degree of impact on the layers of the epidermis. The most minimal, superficial peeling is TCA-15 (before and after photos are published in the article).

The next, deeper one is called the middle one. These two types are the most in demand. Usually they are combined into one subspecies - superficial-medium, which uses 15% trichloroacetic acid. The superficial-medium peel, called TCA-15 peel, can be used for both the face and body, even for such delicate areas as the décolleté. This type is done when:

  • photoaging;
  • shallow facial wrinkles;
  • stretch marks;
  • teenage problem skin;
  • scars that appeared after acne;
  • keratosis;
  • hyperpigmentation.

When using the TCA-25 medium peel (before and after photos are in this article), an acid of appropriate concentration is used, from which all types get their name. This cleansing has a regenerating and stimulating effect. During the procedure, the structure of the skin changes. After TCA-25 peeling, it takes about a week for all external effects to disappear.

Deep cleansing is considered the most difficult. It is carried out for older people who have already begun to undergo physiological changes, including deformations of the integument. Thanks to deep peeling TCA-30, pigment spots with diameters of no more than one centimeter disappear.

To treat keratoses and freckles, a composition with a 40 percent acid content is used.

With deep cleansing, free radicals are neutralized and the skin's permeability to active substances increases. At the same time, the regeneration process is accelerated, and the effect of deep TCA peeling is distributed evenly.

This type of cleansing is used very carefully, especially for sensitive skin. She may react with severe irritation. The procedure for very sensitive skin may be accompanied by noticeable pain or burning. In this case, ketanov, tempalgin, etc. are needed.

Peeling principle

The basic component in skin cleansing is trichloroacetic acid, contained in facial peels, which is why the TCA procedure is very effective. The substance has an aggressive chemical composition and easily penetrates into the middle layers of the dermis. Trichloroacetic acid removes dead and diseased skin cells and improves skin color.

The substance promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which as a result increases the tone and elasticity of the dermis. The acid is actively involved in increasing local immunity, reducing strong sebaceous secretions, inflammation and the formation of acne. The substance fights well against harmful bacteria.

As a result, the acid destroys old damaged cells and helps the formation of new ones. As a result, the skin is restored, acquires a normal healthy color and is renewed, which gives a rejuvenating effect.


There are deep, superficial and medium TCA peels. All of them are recognized, in comparison with similar procedures, to be less traumatic and more effective. Roughly speaking, peeling is a chemical burn, the strength of which is strictly controlled. The procedure is indicated if:

  • small wrinkles;
  • scars or pits;
  • stretch marks;
  • acne;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • thickened stratum corneum;
  • oily problem skin;
  • manifestations of acne.

And also after chicken pox or a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, when it becomes flabby. The procedure is indicated for people with enlarged pores. Small benign tumors are removed well.


There are a number of contraindications for TCA chemical peeling. The procedure is not performed in the presence of ARVI or exacerbations of any chronic diseases. Cleaning cannot be done if a person is using Roaccutane. Peeling is prohibited if:

  • mental and oncological diseases;
  • fever;
  • elevated temperature;
  • chills;
  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • having a strong tan;
  • severe rosacea;
  • fresh injuries, scratches or wounds;
  • skin diseases and their exacerbations;
  • herpes infection;
  • hypertension;
  • papillomas and warts;
  • photodermatitis.

Chemical peeling is not performed during pregnancy and lactation. Facial cleansing should not be done by people under 18 years of age or with skin phototype 4-6. Peeling is not performed in anticipation of radiotherapy, if there is a tendency to keloid scars. You cannot do chemical facial cleansing if laser resurfacing, mesotherapy, or a course of taking retinoids was completed less than 2 months ago.

Menstrual period, hypertrichosis and hirsutism are also contraindications, but in some cases chemical facial cleansing may be permitted.

Preparing for a chemical peel

Before peeling, preliminary preparation of the skin is carried out. A month before the scheduled procedure, you must stop using cosmetics containing fruit acids. Several superficial cleansings are done. It is necessary to exclude visits to saunas, baths, steam rooms, etc. Immediately a few days before peeling, eyebrow correction should not be done. You need to take antiherpes drugs that strengthen the immune system and blood vessels.

Performing peeling

The peeling procedure begins with makeup removal and skin cleansing. For this purpose, special cosmetics are used. Then the trichloroacetic acid composition is applied. This is done very quickly, carefully, with a wide brush, so that there are no stains left on the skin later. At this time, a slight burning sensation will be felt, which disappears after the peeling is neutralized.

To alleviate discomfort, a stream of air from a fan is directed onto the face. After the required amount of time has elapsed, the acid is neutralized with a special solution or plain water. Since the skin is exposed to a lot of stress after chemical cleansing, a nourishing anti-inflammatory mask is applied to the face.

Side effects and complications

Some people are wary of doing a TCA peel. This is due to the side effects that appear after the procedure. But this is the body's natural reaction to chemicals entering the skin. A response occurs in almost all patients. It may appear as:

  • redness of the skin;
  • severe peeling;
  • dark pigment spots;
  • swelling;
  • increasing skin sensitivity to external irritants.

The side effects disappear on their own within a few days. The complications that the procedure can cause are dangerous. Among them are inflammatory processes, seborrhea and severe allergies. In some cases, an exacerbation of herpes begins.

Rehabilitation after the procedure

After the TCA peeling procedure, post-peel care on a daily basis is mandatory. The instructions are not complicated, the recovery period can be from several days to two weeks. The result sometimes appears only after 1.5 months. Skin care after TCA peeling (photo) by day:

  1. Immediately after the procedure, the face will acquire a pronounced red tint, so during the first three days the skin is intensively moisturized. For this purpose, Pantekrem and Depantol are used.
  2. On the first day after peeling, only micellar or distilled water is used for washing.
  3. On the third day, the treated area is wiped with agave juice. This promotes rapid tissue restoration.
  4. On the fourth day, active peeling begins. During this period, dead cells fall off and crusts form. They cannot be removed even with scrubs. The formations should fall off on their own.
  5. At the end of the first week after TCA peeling, a decoction of chamomile inflorescences is prepared. The liquid is applied to the treated area in the form of compresses to soothe irritated skin.

During the second week of rehabilitation, the epidermis is maximally protected from any irritating factors and dirt. To do this, cosmetics are applied to the skin to block the effects of ultraviolet rays. Medicines prescribed by a cosmetologist are taken.

Required number of procedures

For TCA peeling, how many procedures need to be performed in order for the effect to be visible is determined individually. Chemical purification is a rather complex process. It is done so that surface layer the skin was slightly damaged. Peeling should not be overused.

The number of procedures depends on the skin type, the scope of the task and the type of peeling. For superficial cleaning, 5-8 sessions are enough. For a full average course, 2 to 3 procedures are performed. There should be an interval between them of at least two weeks, and preferably four.

Video - TCA peeling (trichloroacetic peeling) 15% composition

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TCA peel or trichloroacetic acid peel for face

TCA peeling is a type of chemical peeling that affects the middle layers of the epidermis. At the same time, the skin is cleansed at sufficiently deep levels. This peeling is carried out using trichloroacetic acid (Trichloroacetic acid) or trichloroethanoic acid - a highly toxic, absorbed through the skin, which has a pronounced bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and cauterizing effect, an analogue of acetic acid.

The mechanism of action of TCA peeling consists of coagulation of protein structures of the epidermis, destruction and removal of damaged skin cells, stimulation of increased division of cells in the basal layer, and the formation of young cells with an even distribution of the natural pigment melanin. The effect of TCA peeling depends on its depth.

Exposing the skin to 15% trichloroacetic acid provides a superficial peel. A solution of 20-35 percent acid is used for medium peeling. Trichloroacetic acid in a concentration of more than 40% is not used for peeling due to the high risk of complications. Such a solution can be used strictly locally to remove pinpoint (no more than 1 cm in diameter) benign formations.

The diffusion of this acid into the epidermal tissue, as well as the effectiveness of its effect, depend on the number of layers of the applied solution, its type (gel or hydroalcoholic), the connection during one procedure with other substances (resorcinol, acetone, glycolic and salicylic acids), the presence of mechanical damage in the treated areas, the nature of the pre-peeling preparation.

TCA peeling is considered much more painful than, for example, exposure of the epidermis to hydroxy acids.

Peeling with trichloroacetic acid is a serious cosmetic procedure related to medical, and not at all aesthetic, cosmetology. For this reason, it should be performed exclusively by a cosmetologist.

Indications for TCA peeling

TCA peeling is prescribed if:

Uneven skin
fine-mesh and medium-depth wrinkles caused by photoaging
acne scars
solar and senile lentigo (freckles)
flat birthmarks
oily skin prone to acne
congestive spots after acne
dull complexion
inelastic skin
stretch marks (striae)
enlarged pores

Contraindications for TCA peeling

This peeling is not performed if you have:

Any chronic diseases in the acute stage
need to take Roaccutane
any fresh injuries and skin lesions in the treated area
pronounced rosacea
need for radiotherapy
fresh tan
IV–VI skin phototype determined according to Fitzpatrick
patient's age is less than 18 years
acute inflammatory processes on the skin, exacerbation of dermatoses, herpes infection, acne
tendency to form hypertrophic and keloid scars
recently (less than 8 weeks ago) traumatic procedures (deep cleaning, mesotherapy, laser resurfacing)
mental illness
recent (less than 6 months ago) completed use of various aromatic retinoids
tendency to papillomas and warts

There are also relative contraindications for performing TCA peeling, they are associated with the presence of:

Sensitive skin
multiple nevi
hypertrichosis, hirsutism (since trichloroacetic acid is a strong hair growth stimulator)

Properties of trichloroacetic acid

Trichloroethanoic acid or trichloroethanoic acid is an analogue of acetic acid halogenated at the methyl group, in which three hydrogen atoms of the methyl group are completely replaced by chlorine atoms. Trichloroacetic acid is obtained by the synthesis of chlorine with acetic acid in the presence of a catalyst.

This acid has the following effects:

keratolytic(stronger than retinoic and glycolic acids), which ensures loosening and removal of the upper layers of the epidermis

lifting caused by increased synthesis of collagen and elastin

antioxidant, which involves binding heavy metals and blocking free radicals, which helps protect skin cells from harmful environmental influences

comedolytic, ensuring the elimination of blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts and smoothing of pores

whitening, which occurs due to exfoliation of keratinized layers and smoothing of the skin

antiseptic, affecting skin microbes both bacteriostatically and bactericidally

remodeling on dermal structures

Benefits of TCA peels

Relative safety. The main difference between trichloroacetic acid and other peeling agents, like phenol, is the absence of severe toxic effects;

The presence of clear criteria for the depth of penetration of trichloroacetic acid, which is determined by the nature of the “frost” (the effect of instant skin lightening due to protein denaturation);

Good distribution of trichloroacetic acid over the skin;

Significant visible results;

Minimal preparation;

Fast completion of the procedure;

Minimal rehabilitation period and absence of social restrictions in the case of using a 15% TCA solution.

Before and after photos

Disadvantages of TCA peels

A significant list of contraindications;
high rates of penetration of trichloroacetic acid into the skin, which may make it difficult precise definition the depth of its impact during the procedure;
presence of pain in patients during procedures;
the presence of active large-plate peeling in the post-peeling period when using 20-35% solutions of trichloroacetic acid, which leads to longer rehabilitation periods.

Stages of TCA peeling

Performing a TCA peel involves the following:

1. pre-peeling preparation;
2. make-up removal and cleansing;
3. applying trichloroacetic acid to the skin;
4. neutralization;
5. applying an anti-inflammatory mask;
6. home post-peeling care.

Pre-peeling preparation

The optimal period for performing a median TCA peel is considered to be from October to March. Pre-peeling preparation consists of superficial glycolic peeling. After its completion, the patient is asked to use creams with fruit acids, as well as moisturizing sunscreens, for 14-20 days.

During pre-peeling preparation, experts recommend taking medications that help strengthen blood vessels, which ensures more successful tissue regeneration.
In addition, a month before the procedure, you should exclude the use of scrubs, washcloths, sponges, as well as hair removal, shaving, eyebrow correction, visiting the bathhouse and solarium. For 3-4 days before the procedure, it is recommended to use antiviral drugs to prevent herpes.

Performing TCA peeling

make-up removal and cleansing, for which special gel-like preparations are used, since when using traditional milk, including lipids, there is a decrease in acid penetration;

applying acid to skin using a brush, it is produced evenly in fast pace. During the application of the drug, patients feel a burning sensation, to eliminate which a fan is used. Due to severe pain, peeling using trichloroacetic acid, which has a concentration of more than 30%, is carried out under anesthesia. The exhibition continues for several minutes. Key condition competent TCA peeling is recognized to ensure uniform and controlled penetration of acid into the epidermis. The main feature that determines the depth of penetration is the appearance of frost. Externally, frost appears in the form of zones white. Thus, the presence of pink frost indicates superficial penetration of acid, milky white indicates superficial-medium penetration, and dull white frost indicates median penetration (at the level of the basement membrane).

There is also an assessment of the depth of skin damage when using TCA peeling based on a technique developed by the American dermatologist and scientist Dr. Zein Obagi, MD. He developed a modified 30% TCA peel (Blue Peel), where he mixed the composition with a special blue base and substances that slow down the penetration of trichloroacetic acid into the skin to create a 15% solution. The cosmetologist performing the procedure should apply the peeling composition evenly and ensure that the skin is evenly colored blue. If the coloring is uneven, the acid will penetrate the skin unevenly and cause complications. Depending on the thickness of the epidermis, in order to obtain the desired depth of penetration, it is necessary to apply from 1 to 4 layers of peeling.

Obagi grades of skin damage:

1. Epidermolysis- mobility of the epidermis, which can be determined by palpation (the skin feels like soft cheese)

2. Pink spots- the acid has reached the epidermal and dermal junction (skin color is pink)

3. Even blue color - the beginning of acid penetration into the dermis (skin color is light blue)

4. Frost(from the English frost - frost) or dull white color - penetration of acid into the upper layer of the reticular dermis (skin as if covered with frost);

neutralization, which in the case of TCA peeling is carried out by washing off the acid with water, although some companies have a special alkaline neutralizing preparation. In this case, the burning sensation should gradually go away;

applying an anti-inflammatory, moisturizing mask.

Stages of post-peeling skin care

Post-peeling care is recognized as one of the most important stages of the peeling procedure. The final results and the quality of prevention of possible complications depend on the thoroughness of its implementation. The key goal of post-peeling care is to ensure the protection of the skin from a variety of damaging factors such as dehydration, UV radiation, damage by microorganisms, as well as to help stimulate regeneration processes.

For these purposes, a whole range of means is used:

Preparations that form semi-permeable films (protein hydrolysates, aloe extract, hyaluronic acid), retain moisture and ensure the creation effective conditions for regeneration

Sunscreens (SPF 50+) and melanogenesis inhibitors to prevent the appearance of hyperpigmentation

Antioxidant agents like green tea extract

Preparations with vasoprotective and anti-inflammatory effects (witch hazel, calendula extracts), reducing inflammation, swelling and hyperemia

Products that stimulate regeneration processes (zinc, vitamin complexes), which provide skin remodeling and scar prevention

Ceramides that help restore the epidermal barrier and reduce skin sensitivity

Antiviral drugs, which are recommended for use within 3-4 days after the procedure to prevent herpes

Mesotherapy biorevitalization using hyaluronic acid, ensuring restoration of skin moisture and elasticity

Post-peel care is performed daily for 14 days after the TCA peel procedure.

Possible complications after TCA peeling

Expected complications

Expected problems include those that occur to some extent in the majority of patients. Traditionally, their occurrence is observed in the first days after the procedure, and they pass without consequences quite quickly. Thus, the expected complications are a predictable reaction of the skin to the presence of trichloroacetic acid. You need to be prepared for the following reactions:

erythema, representing redness of the treated areas. The severity of this complication depends on the concentration of the trichloroacetic acid solution used during the procedure. So, for example, when the skin is exposed to alpha hydroxy acids, erythema persists for up to 4 hours, and when performing a medium TCA peel - up to 5 days;

peeling, which is a common post-peeling phenomenon. If it is almost unnoticeable after fruit peelings, then TCA causes large-scale peeling of the treated areas for almost a week;

swelling, signaling the presence of a local inflammatory reaction of the skin in response to aggressive influence. The mechanism for the occurrence of edema is determined by the fact that after the peeling procedure, the permeability of capillaries increases, while capillary fluid can accumulate in the tissues, causing edema. Thus, the use of fruit acids in the peeling process does not have such side effects, but TCA, the concentration of which is less than 15%, may well cause them. Swelling, as a rule, occurs 1-2 days after completion of the procedure and can persist for several days;

darkening of the skin in treated areas, which resolves after complete exfoliation in approximately 10 days;

skin sensitivity, which is expressed in the fact that the treated areas react to external stimuli such as sunlight, mechanical and temperature influences. Usually this condition goes away within 10 days.

Unexpected complications after TCA peel

Unexpected complications can appear either immediately upon completion of the procedure or after a very long period of time. They are not a normal reaction to peelings; they have an extremely Negative influence on the health and aesthetic results of the procedure. Such reactions include:

herpetic infection, which usually occurs when using a 20-35% solution of trichloroacetic acid. The risk group consists of patients with recurrent herpes, as well as reduced immunity. Acyclovir can be used as a preventative measure; treatment of herpes may require a full course of special medications

infectious complications, the impetus for which arises from violations of hygiene standards by specialists when performing procedures or by patients during rehabilitation measures. The most common infections include, for example, streptostaphyloderma, the treatment of which involves the use of antibiotics

allergies, which is rare when using trichloroacetic acid. In this case, the reaction in the post-peeling period to other external stimuli may be unexpectedly strong. To avoid allergies, it is advisable to take care of testing for sensitivity to peeling ingredients before the procedure and completely eliminate exposure to other allergens during the rehabilitation period

marbling of the skin, which is a consequence of death huge amount melanocytes as a result of too deep chemical exposure. This situation is very difficult to correct; it is only possible to slightly even out the tone using a series of superficial peels

persistent persistent erythema, to which patients with dilated superficial skin vessels are prone. This reaction lasts up to 12 months and goes away on its own. In order to speed up the elimination of this reaction, insolation, saunas, physical activity, alcohol, spicy food

hyperpigmentation, which occurs especially often during TCA peeling. This complication is recognized as a direct consequence of poorly performed pre-peel diagnostics. The causes of hyperpigmentation include improper functioning of skin cells. This trouble can be eliminated only with a thorough preliminary examination, determining the presence of a predisposition to pigmentation, and treating existing inflammations. If this complication occurs, the use of additional phenol or retinoic peels and mesotherapy based on 15 percent ascorbic acid is indicated.

exacerbation of seborrhea, as well as acne, the provoking factors of which are inflammatory reactions that encourage sebocyte cells to work intensively. To the risk group in in this case Patients with oily skin and acne are included. Taking the drug "Aevit" is considered an effective preventive measure.

demarcation line, which occurs between the treated skin areas and the untouched areas of the skin. This type of complication most often occurs in those with porous dark skin. This problem is eliminated through additional Jesner peeling.

the appearance of rough keloid or hypertrophic scars due to the use of an increased (50%) concentration of trichloroacetic acid or a violation of the procedure when using a 30% solution.

As a rule, the presence of active large-plate peeling in the post-peeling period when using 20-35% solutions of trichloroacetic acid causes longer rehabilitation periods (up to 2 weeks). You should be prepared for the need to give up active social life in this period.

If we're talking about about repeated peeling, then the next procedure using a 15% trichloroacetic acid solution can be performed no earlier than after 2 months. Medium TCA peel procedures can be performed multiple times, but no more than one procedure per year.

It should be remembered that with age, the regenerative potential of the skin decreases, so this type of peeling is not always recommended for aging skin. The appearance of complications in the form of persistent erythema and post-traumatic hyperpigmentation is more common in older people. Only a responsible doctor who is able to carefully assess the body’s available resources can make a qualified decision on the need for a median TCA peel.

Nervous stress, psychological overload, poor environmental conditions and many other unfavorable factors make our life far from being as simple as we would like. We can still cope with purely medical problems with the help of a doctor, although most often we go to the clinic only when it’s really bad. But the inevitable cosmetic defects on the face (network of wrinkles, acne, pimples, bags under the eyes, jaundiced complexion) cause much more difficulties, which often remain unresolved. The effect of a soft mask is often very, very unnoticeable. Lotions and scrubs used at home require sufficient time, and the result, alas, is not immediately noticeable. Grandmother's recipes seem ridiculous and ridiculous in the 21st century. And procedures in the salon, which are considered absolutely safe, actually have significant contraindications. But if the situation with your skin is close to critical, and your face increasingly resembles the ruins of a once majestic ancient temple, you will have to take risks, since there is no other way out. And instead of leisurely and gentle skin care at home, settle for something much more effective and dangerous. For example, for TCA peeling (medium or deep).

On the one hand, after such a procedure your face will literally be transformed. The result is truly fantastic, and reviews from women who agreed to take the risk are full of enthusiastic comments. But even a medium TCA peel cannot be called at least relatively safe (deep in this sense is even more risky), and you often have to pay very dearly for the cosmetic effect. And those women who tried to do it at home risk continuing the “treatment” in the intensive care unit. What is trichloroacetic acid peeling? How to make sure that after the procedure there is no severe disappointment? What contraindications are there for this type of chemical facial cleansing? Let's figure it out together.

Customer reviews: I suffered for a long time with my severely problematic skin. I tried a lot of things, but if there was any result, it was very, very insignificant. The cosmetologist recommended TCA peeling, and I took a chance. I did everything in the salon according to all the rules: an appointment with a doctor, careful preparation, skin care after the procedure... But in the end I’m happy. Dina, 36 years old.

TCA peeling: what is it?

The answer may vary. From the point of view of the salon client, for whom everything ended well, this is one of the most effective methods dry cleaning (after the procedure, the face is literally transformed). Less “lucky” women will tell you that such skin care is very dangerous, and to prove their words they will tell you own story. In fairness, it should be noted that bad reputation TCA peeling owes much to neglect elementary rules security. The cosmetologist will give you a detailed and comprehensive lecture about chemical properties 3-chloroacetic and 3-chloroethanoic acids, their effect on the skin and main methods of application. Theoretical part we propose to omit it (those interested can find the necessary information on the Internet), focusing on the practical side of the issue.

Properties of 3-chloroethane and 3-chloroacetic acids

  • Keratolytic: loosening and effective removal of cells from the upper layers of the skin.
  • Antioxidant: binding free radicals, blocking heavy metal salts, protecting the epidermis from adverse environmental factors.
  • Mattifying: the face gets rid of unnatural oily shine, “shedding” dead skin particles.
  • Tightening: TCA peeling stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, which provide a wonderful lifting effect (you can do it at home).
  • Antiseptic: as a result of exposure to acids on the face, most pathogenic microorganisms immediately die, and after the procedure the result lasts quite a long time.
  • Comedolytic: narrowing of enlarged pores, eliminating blockage of the sebaceous glands.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, doing a TCA peel, or generally agreeing to any potentially dangerous cosmetic procedure, is strictly prohibited.

Indications and contraindications

First of all, let us remind you once again, dear readers, that TCA peeling is very, very serious. And skin care should first of all be safe, and only then effective. Therefore, before making an important and responsible decision regarding this procedure, it is worth weighing the pros and cons.


  • Pronounced skin irregularities.
  • A network of wrinkles caused by prolonged exposure to harsh ultraviolet radiation (for example, due to excessive use of tanning beds).
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Spots on the skin after acne.
  • Striae (stretch marks).
  • Enlarged pores.
  • Hyperkeratosis.
  • Large scars resulting from acne.
  • Lentigo (freckles): senile and solar.
  • Melasma.

Skin types that best tolerate the procedure

  • Fat.
  • With a tendency to rashes.
  • Dim.
  • Inelastic.

Absolute contraindications

  • Chronic diseases, especially in the acute stage.
  • Fever with signs of ARVI: fever, headache, body aches, cough, rhinitis.
  • Fresh skin injuries in the intended treatment area.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Just received a tan (naturally or in a solarium).
  • Age restrictions (TCA peeling is not performed on teenagers under 18 and elderly people over 60 years old).
  • A pronounced tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars, papillomas, warts.
  • Any traumatic cosmetic procedures, if less than 2 months have passed since them.
  • Hypertension.
  • Photodermatitis.
  • Cuperosis.
  • Any inflammatory process on the skin: exacerbation of dermatosis, acne, herpes.
  • Some types of treatment (taking roacutane, radiotherapy, aromatic retinoids).
  • Mental pathologies.
  • IV, V and VI skin phototypes (the so-called Fitzpatrick scale).

Relative contraindications

  • Multiple nevi.
  • Days of menstruation.
  • Hirsutism and hypertrichosis.
  • Increased skin sensitivity.

An anecdote on topic. If you are completely satisfied with your appearance, but want to have more expressive eyes, try ordering a classic Greek profile from a cosmetologist, and then look at the invoice. A positive effect is guaranteed!

Advantages and disadvantages

It is difficult to call the acids used in TCA peeling harmless, but here a lot will depend on the qualifications of the cosmetologist, individual characteristics your body, the concentration of the active substance and the tasks to be solved. However, such a procedure still has more advantages than disadvantages.


  • Highest efficiency. TCA peeling is a recognized leader in salon cosmetology, successfully combining an acceptable cost and a wonderful final result.
  • Relative safety. Both acids (both 3-chloroacetic and 3-chloroethane), if all precautions are followed, are unlikely to lead to serious consequences. Which, alas, cannot be said about, which cosmetologists themselves consider a full-fledged operation.
  • The active components are well distributed over the skin.
  • Relatively short time for preliminary preparation and rehabilitation period (provided that the acid concentration is no more than 15%).
  • Instant lightening effect (occurs due to protein denaturation).
  • The result is noticeable after the first procedure (although skin care, if certain chemical acids are used, must be comprehensive).
  • TCA peels are relatively quick.


  • A large list of contraindications.
  • A visit to the doctor before the procedure is mandatory.
  • A pronounced pain effect is possible (depending on the individual characteristics of the body).
  • The high rate of acid penetration deep into the skin, which significantly increases the requirements for the qualifications of a cosmetologist.
  • There is a considerable likelihood of extensive areas of skin peeling (from 20 to 35%). In this case, the rehabilitation period will be significantly increased.

Large discounts offered by some beauty salons are explained by the use of questionable or expired reagents. Because low price should not be the main selection factor.

Execution steps

TCA peeling can be of three types: superficial, medium and deep. In the first case, the acid concentration is less than 15%, in the second - from 20 to 25%, in the third - more than 40%. Consequently, the details of the procedure may differ quite a lot, but the main stages of its implementation will be the same in any case.

Preliminary preparation

  • Superficial glycolic peeling - 2-3 weeks before the procedure.
  • The use of special sunscreen and moisturizing preparations, as well as creams with fruit acids.
  • A course of therapy aimed at strengthening blood vessels and stimulating tissue regeneration.
  • Refusal to use rough washcloths, scrubs, hair removal, eyebrow correction, as well as visits to the solarium, sauna and bath - for a month before the procedure (we recommend reading about).
  • Preventive administration of antiviral drugs - 3-4 days before the session.

Basic procedure

  • Cleansing the skin and thoroughly removing makeup (special gel-like preparations, not traditional milk).
  • Application of the basic composition to the face (at the client’s request, anesthesia can be used).
  • Neutralization of acid (most often, ordinary water is used for this).
  • Apply a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory mask to the skin.

During the procedure, the cosmetologist must constantly monitor the depth of penetration of the acid, for which a special technique developed by the American doctor Zane Obagi is used (epidermolysis - pink spots - persistent blue tint - pronounced white skin color). By the way, he developed the so-called blue TCA peel, which differs from the traditional one in the reduced rate of acid penetration into the epidermis. With a similar therapeutic effect, it has a lower risk of side effects and is better tolerated, so in general it is worth choosing it.

How often can you do a TCA peel? If the acid concentration is less than 15%, then the procedure can be repeated after 2-3 months. Medium and deep peeling is done no more than once a year and only in the absence of significant side effects.

Skin care after TCA peel

This stage is the most important and responsible. After all, the therapeutic effect ultimately depends on how carefully you follow all the cosmetologist’s recommendations. Drugs used during the rehabilitation period are divided into several groups:

  • sunscreen (SPF no less than 50);
  • melanogenesis inhibitors (protection against hyperpigmentation);
  • vasoprotectors;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (calendula and witch hazel extracts);
  • ceramides (reduce skin sensitivity, restore its protective barrier);
  • antioxidants (the most popular is green tea extract);
  • stimulants that ensure the prevention of scarring and remodeling of the epidermis (vitamin complexes, zinc);
  • antiviral agents for the prevention of herpes;
  • mesotherapy biorevitalizers with hyaluronic acid;
  • preparations that help restore the film that retains moisture (aloe extract, protein hydrolysates).

If all contraindications are taken into account and side effects are absent or mild, skin care after the procedure may take 2-3 weeks.

Expected complications

  • Severe redness of the treatment area (erythema) lasts from 3-4 hours to 5 days.
  • Severe peeling of the skin.
  • Edema (the presence of an inflammatory reaction within the epidermis).
  • Increased skin sensitivity may last for 7-10 days.

Dangerous complications (consult a doctor required!)

  • Activation of herpes.
  • Infectious lesion of the body (a course of antibiotics is required).
  • Acute allergic reaction (unlikely, but possible).
  • Persistent erythema.
  • Change in skin color (marbling).
  • Hyperpigmentation (can be treated with additional peeling sessions or mesotherapy).
  • Exacerbation of acne or seborrhea.
  • The appearance on the face of a clear boundary between two zones - treated and untouched (the problem is eliminated by Jessner peeling).
  • Formation of rough hypertrophic or keloid scars.

Review from a cosmetologist

TCA peeling is a procedure with a very controversial reputation. Its effectiveness is exceptionally high, but you will have to pay well for it, both literally and figuratively. The author of the material clearly pointed out possible complications and side effects, and I want to add that the average prices for this type peelings are very immodest - from 12 to 35 thousand rubles. And if you need certain expensive rehabilitation procedures, the costs will increase even more.
Therefore, the justification for TCA peeling is not as clear as it seems. In many cases, skin care can be organized with much more safe methods, especially if the problem you are facing is medically minor. But if you still decide, I urge you to approach the choice of a salon in the most responsible manner, and take the cosmetologist’s recommendations with all possible seriousness. Believe me, this is not a whim, but an urgent necessity.

TCA peeling should be understood as a low-traumatic, highly effective skin rejuvenation procedure using trichloroacetic acid, and, if necessary, with the addition of other acids (for example, citric, lactic, salicylic, retinoic, ascorbic). In each case, the specialist individually prescribes his own depth of acid exposure, taking into account the specific characteristics of the skin (structure, thickness of the stratum corneum, degree of fat content, etc.), the presence of cosmetic problems and the expected effect.

Superficial and medium TCA peels.
TCA peels with different levels of acid concentration are classified as chemical peels. This procedure helps get rid of problems such as scars and spots after acne, acne (post-acne) and chickenpox, pigment spots and freckles, photoaging and other skin imperfections and defects. The visible effect of lifting and general rejuvenation of the skin after TCA peeling is due to the dissolution and removal of old, damaged and dead cells, and the increased formation of new cells against this background. Considering the level of acid concentration and the depth of TCA exposure, peeling can be superficial (15%) and medium (from 25 to 30%). IN special cases(in the presence of benign formations no more than 1 cm in diameter), TCA peeling is prescribed with a concentration of 40%.

The result and effect of the procedure largely depends on the number of sessions performed (the depth of penetration increases), on the additional presence of other acids in the solution (salicylic, lactic, citric, etc.), as well as on the quality of the pre-peel preparation. Superficial TCA peeling (cleansing, eliminating facial wrinkles, smoothing skin texture, eliminating pigmentation) does not damage healthy cells, so the risk of complications during this procedure is minimal. To achieve the highest effect (smoothing out deep wrinkles, skin lifting, narrowing pores), TCA superficial peeling is carried out with increasing acid concentration and number of procedures.

TCA peeling stimulates blood circulation in tissues, significantly improves skin structure, reducing the thickness of the stratum corneum, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers by cells, increasing firmness and elasticity, which gives a visible effect of younger-looking skin. A course of TCA peeling procedures should not be performed more than twice a year. It is advisable to do it in early spring, late autumn and winter period, it is important to use sunscreen cosmetics.

Indications for TCA peeling.
Superficial TCA peeling with a concentration level of 15% is indicated for the correction of fine wrinkles, age-related pigmentation, and post-acne. Medium (25-30%) TCA peeling is recommended for oily skin with enlarged pores, disturbed pigmentation, the presence of scars, to get rid of signs of photoaging, smooth out deep wrinkles. Before deciding to undergo another procedure, it is necessary to consult an experienced cosmetologist who can adequately assess the condition of the patient’s skin. This is explained by the fact that, against the background of a decrease in the regenerative properties of the skin with age, frequent exposure to acid can lead to the development of persistent erythema, post-traumatic hyperpigmentation, and decreased regeneration.

Pre-peeling preparation.
Compliance with the rules of pre-peel preparation increases the final result of TCA peeling. It is imperative to prepare for the procedure, including using cosmetics with fruit acids a month before it, and performing several superficial peels using hydroxyl acids in a beauty salon. Don't forget about cosmetics with protective factors. At this time, it is necessary to make all kinds of trips to baths, solariums, and also not to do eyebrow correction a couple of days before the procedure. Four days before and several days after the peel, it is important to take medications to prevent the occurrence of herpes. During the pre-peeling preparation period, specialists also prescribe patients to take vascular-strengthening medications, which will ensure high tissue regeneration after the procedure.

Features of TCA peeling.
It is very important that the procedure is carried out by an experienced cosmetologist who has repeatedly dealt with the use of acids. An important condition for a competent TCA peel is the specialist’s ability to evenly distribute the layer of peeling composition (in this case acid), otherwise problems may arise. serious complications. So, the procedure takes place in several stages. First, the specialist removes cosmetics and impurities from the face using special preparations with a gel-like texture. Next, an acid of a specific concentration is applied to the treated areas with a special brush, while the cosmetologist’s movements must be fast and accurate. The procedure is quite painful; during the application of acid, the skin burns strongly (the intensity of the burning directly depends on the depth of penetration of the acid), so if the acid concentration is over 30%, anesthesia is used.

Superficial TCA peeling involves exposure to acid until the skin appears slightly red or so-called pink frost (approximately 5-7 minutes). If the skin has scars or deep wrinkles, a medium TCA peel is usually preferred. In this case, the effect of acid lasts until a white “frost” appears (resembling frost). Patients also note a strong burning sensation of the skin. At a superficial-medium level of acid penetration, milky white frost forms on the surface of the skin. As soon as the period of exposure to the acid ends, the specialist neutralizes the effect of the acid by washing off the composition from the skin. Finally, a post-peel mask is applied to the face, the action of which is aimed at consolidating the effect of TCA peeling, calming and restoring the skin.

After the TCA peel procedure.
Half an hour after the procedure, redness and swelling of the skin begins to appear, accompanied by burning and weeping. After a day, a crust forms on the affected area. After four to five days, active peeling is observed, which completely disappears after about ten days. After this, the skin becomes smooth and pinkish. The redness completely disappears after two weeks. Later, brown spots may form on the skin; this happens most often in patients with dark skin when the overly thinned skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation. This is why it is imperative to use sunscreen cosmetics after a TCA peel. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated only after a month.

The recovery period takes about two weeks, this fact must be taken into account if you work (take vacation). The final result of TCA peeling can be assessed after a month or a month and a half: the skin is smooth, clean, acquires elasticity, pores narrow, scars and blemishes become less noticeable or disappear altogether.

Complications of TCA peel:

  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • infection with further formation of scars;
  • pigmentation disorder, in which the skin’s ability to produce pigment is lost;
  • formation of a noticeable border between treated and untreated areas.
Care after TCA peeling.
Skin care after TCA peeling is the main stage, ensuring a high effect of the procedure and preventing the development of complications. In general, post-procedure care continues for two weeks and is aimed at preventing dehydration, protecting against ultraviolet damage, infection, as well as activating regeneration and recovery processes. For this purpose, a group of funds is prescribed:
  • preparations aimed at retaining moisture, stimulating regenerative processes and preventing the formation of scars (aloe extract, zinc hyaluronic acid, vitamin complexes);
  • antiviral drugs;
  • funds from high level sun protection (over 50) and means to prevent hyperpigmentation;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (witch hazel, calendula extracts), reducing the manifestations of edema, hyperemia, inflammation;
  • ceramides to restore the protective barrier and reduce skin sensitivity;
  • biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid to restore moisture levels and increase skin elasticity.
Contraindications for TCA peeling:
  • age up to 25 years (alternative to peeling with fruit acids);
  • the presence of a predisposition to the formation of warts and papillomas;
  • epilepsy;
  • bad reaction of the body to peelings in the past;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • radiation therapy;
  • inflammatory and infectious processes on the skin;
  • keloid scars and the tendency to form them;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • facial injuries and surgeries;
  • exacerbation of urticaria;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy or lactation period;
  • tanning the day before the procedure.
In case of more serious skin problems, it is recommended

Modern cosmetology makes it possible to relieve the patient of most aesthetic defects and traces of biological aging. Medium peeling can be used as a regular treatment for aging facial skin. TCA peeling is especially popular in advanced cosmetology centers.

TCA peeling- This is a low-traumatic procedure that can restore a clear oval face, get rid of wrinkles and age spots. This method of rejuvenation is preferred by middle-aged ladies, for whom conventional care products do not help hide age-related changes.

Peeling performed with trichloroacetic acid is a method of mid-face resurfacing. The active enzymes of the drug penetrate all layers of the epidermis, affecting the border with the dermis. In some cases, to achieve a greater effect, the papillary layer of the dermis is additionally burned.

Sometimes cosmetologists call TCA peeling superficial due to the gentle effect of the drugs. After using trichloroacetic acid, minor chemical burns remain, which heal without the use of medications.

The substance is effective against most aesthetic defects due to its wide spectrum of action. Trichloroacetic acid has the following benefits for skin health. This:

  1. Cleansing. The acid pushes out dirt, dust and sebum from enlarged pores, giving the face a smooth texture.
  2. Regeneration. The effect of the substance on the deep layers of the epidermis promotes the production of new skin cells.
  3. Anti-inflammatory. By drying the skin and slowing down the secretory function of the sebaceous glands, the drug protects the face from acne, comedones, and other aesthetic defects.
  4. Stimulating. Accelerating blood and lymph flow normalizes the course of metabolic processes in skin cells, promoting the resorption of age spots and scars.
  5. Antimicrobial. The drug destroys all microbes, stopping any inflammatory processes.

Indications for TCA peeling

Based on beneficial properties trichloroacetic acid, cosmetologists have developed a number of indications, in the presence of which the patient is recommended to use this method of eliminating aesthetic defects.

The main indications for TCA peeling are:

  • the presence of small facial wrinkles in the mouth and corners of the eyes;
  • scars, acne marks;
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • enlarged pores, comedones;
  • natural age-related changes.

The procedure is carried out exclusively in a high-quality cosmetology center after a series of diagnostic measures.

Before using innovative cosmetic technologies, it would be optimal to visit a dermatologist to rule out fungal skin diseases in the intended area of ​​influence of the drug.

When should you stop using TCA peeling?

The method of treating facial skin with trichloroacetic acid is gentle, but, nevertheless, there are a number of cases when the patient is forced to look for analogue methods of solving an aesthetic problem.

Contraindications include:

  • herpetic lesions and other inflammatory processes;
  • the presence of a purulent rash;
  • individual intolerance to active peeling components;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • fresh keloid scars;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • any dermatological diseases.

Before the peeling procedure with trichloroacetic acid, you must first prepare the skin. For this, the cosmetologist uses special lotions. This is necessary to cleanse the face of natural pollution, sebum and traces of cosmetics. Only after completion preparatory stage, chemical reagents are applied to the face.

Peeling with trichloroacetic acid is perceived differently by patients. Some do not experience any discomfort during the effects of the drug, while others complain of a burning sensation and pain. Everything here is individual, and depends on sensitivity and the degree of pain threshold. It is better to discuss such features of the body with a cosmetologist in advance. If necessary, the patient will be offered effective pain relief. Injections containing analgesics are suitable for such purposes.

Session duration and recovery period

Average duration of TCA peel- 20 minutes. After this time has expired, the cosmetologist washes off the remaining trichloroacetic acid from the surface of the skin. In the place where the drug was applied, whitish lesions immediately appear. This is the result of the action of the enzymes of the drug. Typically, this effect will disappear a few days after treatment is completed. During this time, crusts appear on the whitened areas, which fall off over time. After the crusts come off, the patient can observe clean, rejuvenated skin without visible aesthetic defects. In addition, peeling with trichloroacetic acid stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which has a tightening effect on the face.

Effect of the procedure. Where should you not do TCA peeling and why?

The effect of peeling with trichloroacetic acid lasts for several months, after which the procedure can be repeated. The patient should be prepared that TCA peeling involves a recovery period, so if there is no other week available, it is better to choose an alternative method of combating aesthetic defects.

It will not be possible to implement the procedure at home, because the use of acid is possible only under the supervision of an experienced cosmetologist, which is necessary to avoid a number of complications and side effects.

The cost of trichloroacetic acid treatment is affordable for most women.