The meaning of the proverb is revealed. Proverbs are the wisdom of the people

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Survival is genetically embedded in us. Evolution took care of this. Individuals unadapted to survival died out, the rest developed and moved forward. Gradually, humanity has developed 4 life strategies, which Radislav Gandapas talks about today in a particularly interesting way. Based on his lectures, this article was made, which lists the main strategies and names best strategy in life.

Basic Life Strategies

Humanity has survived by adapting. Addressing risk and resource issues. Moreover, under the term:

  • risk - all actions were understood in order to survive, live as long as possible and leave behind offspring;
  • resource – all basic human needs (remember Maslow’s pyramid).

If resources and risks are decomposed according to a binary coordinate system, you will get a matrix like this. It has four sectors, each of which has its own life strategy program.

It is interesting that today we live according to the same strategies as our ancestors, but we use them not for survival, but for achieving everyday and significant success. By risks we mean efforts, investments, emotional or financial expenses; under resources are material and cultural benefits and other delights of everyday life.

So, I suggest we dive deeper into the matrix and find out what strategies drive our results.

Formation of strategy in life

Every strategy “has its place.” The options are neither good nor bad. They just are. They live by them - and not bad, they achieve their goals, develop and enjoy life.

  • "Outsider". This term will have a slightly loose interpretation, since in life strategies the position of “self-deception” can be called an outsider. A person cannot have what he really wants, so he convinces himself that this is excess, bullshit, “overpaying for brands.” In short, he is content with little and is happy. Its risks and resources follow the lower boundaries - a kind of comfortable swamp of existence. But there is no need to strain.

  • "Hero". Unique caste people who take excessive risks - disproportionate to the resources they receive for it. These are all testers, military, security officials, as well as workers social sphere, where investments exceed returns. Including material ones.

  • "Leader". This category is willing to take risks in order to achieve resources, and this often brings success. All businessmen and freelancers occupy a leadership position, since their results directly depend on the efforts made.

What's the best life strategy? It’s very simple: in which life is comfortable in all respects - self-esteem does not suffer, there is positivity, everything suits you according to most criteria.

If we replace “risks” with “stress” (how hard we are willing to strain to achieve our goals), and “resources” with “goodies” (how much goods and values ​​we want to have), then the matrix of life strategy easily turns into a matrix of personal success.

Is a new life strategy possible?

In fact this is the most interest Ask: Is it possible to move between sectors. We do not take into account the change of strategy in a growing child.

In principle, this is possible. But we must understand that the ability/desire to take risks and the desire for more is often inherent in us, if not genetically, then by upbringing. To move to the next level you need:

  • break existing stereotypes;
  • increase your own ambitions;
  • understand the purpose of moving forward;
  • develop your own development strategy;
  • get out of your “comfort zone”.

Time management tools, understanding the processes of the brain, and various life hacks are great help with this. Exercises and practices become indirect regulators, as they help you feel what has not yet happened and become imbued with confidence.

Conclusion: a change in life strategy is possible, but you have to really want it.

Hoping that everything will be fine is not a strategy, but laziness. Wise people understand how important it is to live consciously, make a plan for the next few years and adjust it if necessary. Losers simply believe without doing anything.

When you decide whether to go to this university or that one, to work or travel, to read a book or communicate with a person, it takes effort and time. Especially if you don't have a clear strategy.

There are several definitions of the term “life strategy”. We will give only one, the best, in our opinion. So, this is a form of purposeful organization by a person of his own life, including his attitude to his capabilities and resources, their actualization and implementation.

Life strategy is a course of life that a person chooses consciously, taking into account his beliefs, values ​​and goals. This is the ability to spend your time, energy and money correctly. Sounds great, but how to achieve this?

The answer is unlikely to please: in order to understand a life strategy, you need to spend a large number of time and effort. And even if successful, changes will have to be made to it. This is an eternal process.

But there is good news: whoever creates it will overwhelmingly life situations will make the right decisions. You will act like a professional chess player, that is, sacrifice pawns to get to the king. It will be difficult, because you will need to study a lot, develop, observe yourself and draw the right conclusions. And perhaps there will be no tangible results in the first months. But after a few years, you will see how the choice, thought out and made in advance, helped.

Elements of life strategy

Of course, every person changes his life strategy during his life, especially when he acquires new experience and experiences an epiphany. Therefore, you should update it every few years.

However, the elements of life strategy basically consist of the same decisions that we must make:

  • Proper education.
  • Taking care of your body and appearance.
  • and personality traits.
  • Development of competencies and skills.
  • Family relationships.
  • Relationships with children.
  • Career strategy.
  • Money and investment management strategy.
  • Your social strategy.
  • Art and culture.
  • Hobbies and entertainment.
  • Attitude to nature and animals.
  • Attitude to the environment.
  • Trips.
  • Strategy for using technology.
  • Spirituality and religion.
  • Taking care of your emotional health.
  • Self-development.
  • Relationships with people.

All of these components can be completely different depending on what you want to achieve.

How is our life going?

Perhaps you don't think you need a life strategy. Let's look at a hypothetical story.


The first 15 years are a lot of fun, you do what they tell you to do. You don't think much about the future. Kindergarten, school, first difficulties.


You are young and have energy, but you have absolutely no experience. It turns out that most of the great jobs are taken and you have to go out of your way to get them.

You urgently need to improve your skills. There will never be such an amount of free time and energy.

Every activity you do affects your skills and mood. It turns out that it is not always clear which tasks to choose and which decisions to make. There is a first realization that something more is needed than myopic adherence to generally accepted norms.

You also begin to understand how complex the psyche is. For example, what decision to go to Gym, taken sincerely and thoughtfully, has no effect on the level of motivation after two weeks. You quit sports because you can't see special meaning deal with them.

You go to university and prepare for a new life.

Mature age

You are not very happy with your job - 15 years of experience and three companies you worked for. You still give it your all because you really want to go to Greenland and buy a new car.

It turns out that motivation can be overcome by willpower. The work gets done, but there is no joy. The psyche, it turns out, is even more complex than you thought.

Old age

You have retired and receive a good salary from the state. Grandchildren appeared, each of them has their own worries. And it seems like life went well (you lived to see old age, which is great in itself), but it still feels like you're missing something. We didn’t realize our potential and weren’t doing what we should have been doing.

This story is a little primitive, but it makes one important thing clear: if you live from paycheck to paycheck and plan your life a maximum of a month in advance, you will not achieve any significant success.

You get money, spend it, then get it again and spend it again. Every decision is made based on the current situation, not life in general.

You have a million dollars. There are only five options for how you can spend them and you need to choose one of them:

  • Buy big house, move your family there and become a writer.
  • Travel for the rest of your life.
  • Create your own business, but not for the sake of increasing profits, but for the sake of pleasure in the process.
  • Put money in the bank and try to find a job that brings you joy. Live on interest.
  • Give money to charity.

It doesn't matter which option you choose. It is important that it corresponds to an important life strategy. If you are “torn” between 2-3 options, it means you have absolutely no idea what you want.

Give this money to an ambitious businessman: he will know exactly what to do with it. Why? Because he had been thinking about it for several years. He lives by this, his every action is subordinated to strategy. His goal was to create capital and then invest in a profitable business. Now, if there is a choice between sleep and a party, for him it is not a choice at all.

This is why strategy is important. It greatly facilitates the decision-making process and at the same time allows you to choose the best option. But, as we have already said, before this you will need to work hard.

Preparing to formulate a life strategy

You can’t just sit down and write a life strategy on your knees. Before you even begin to compose it, you will need to go through a process of self-reflection. To do this, complete the following tasks.

Determine the meaning of your existence

Reply to next questions as honestly as possible. There are no right or wrong answers. If necessary, come back to them a little later and correct them.

Personality: who you are?

Target: Why are you here and where are you going?

Mission: What is your specific task? Why were you born? What makes you feel alive? What do you hope to be remembered for? What are you doing about it today?

Vision: What does achieving your mission look like?

Values: What is of the highest value to you?

Goals: What are your specific goals, both tactical and strategic? What is your timeline for achieving these goals?

Keep a diary

Create a virtual or real diary in which you will write down all your successes, ideas and achievements. Start with this.

Create a list of quotes that inspire. But especially if they are catchy. Pay attention to any phrase that makes you feel alive.

Write down the definition of success. What's in it for you? How can you describe it in 5-6 words? What would you write if you were asked to expand your description to a full page?

Create a "dream board"

Buy a wooden board or use your wall. Fill it with images, quotes, and inspirational clippings of everything you want to receive or experience.

Look at this board every day of your life, reminding yourself of what you are trying to achieve. You should not miss a single day, this is extremely important. Always keep your global goals in mind. you will see big picture rather than getting stuck in the details.

The board may change over time. You're evolving and it's normal that your goals at 20 will be different than your goals at 35. Look at the board every morning and ask yourself:

  • Am I getting closer to my goal?
  • What did I do yesterday for this?
  • What did I do last week?
  • What will I do this week?
  • What do I need to achieve this year?

The Dream Board is a simple and powerful tool that will serve as a visual reminder of what is most important to you in life.

Create a life plan

Create a life plan divided into the areas that are most important to you. For example:

  • Finance.
  • Physical health.
  • Spiritual development.
  • Career.

Let this be just a rough sketch at first. Just a list of goals you want to achieve. But it should hang in front of you and remind you of itself. You will rework your life plan more than once. Especially when you create your life strategy.

How to form your life strategy

To do this, you need to go through each area that is important to you and outline your goals. And then - find out if there is a contradiction between them and where to find it for all this time.

Not every strategy takes time, by the way. Some of them simply help you make decisions. When you receive a salary, there should be no doubt in your mind because you know your goal.

Worldview and personality

The first and most important part of the strategy is you. Here and now you must make a choice about how valuable the goals you have set are.

Also determine which people you will perceive as competitors and which as partners.

The next decision you will need to make is whether your mind will focus on the past, present or future. Of course, it will jump from one to the other, but you have to choose the priority.

For example, you decided that you will constantly think about the future. This is your decision and it is justified, because it will allow you not to lose sight of your life strategy. And at what moments is it better to focus on the present? Think about it carefully.

Now think about your personal level of ethics and morality. Where is this line? Can you deceive a person in order to profit from him? What would you never do? It is extremely important to answer these questions clearly. This will help you make the right decisions in the future.

Self-development, competencies and skills

We all know that traditional education is not enough to achieve success. If it doesn’t destroy you, it certainly doesn’t develop your potential. Therefore, this matter will have to be dealt with alone.

We are talking about knowledge, skills, and talent development. Decide firmly:

  • To what level do you want to develop your competence?
  • How will you develop your talents?
  • What knowledge do you want to gain?
  • What skills do you want to gain? (programming, cooking)
  • What soft skills do you want to develop? (team work, )
  • What languages ​​will you learn?

Relationships with people

Perhaps one of the most important areas in the life of any person, although not everyone admits it.

The bottom line is this: you have to watch what comes out of your mouth. Your career, mental health, family relationships and much, much more depend on it. Define:

  • Your own communication style.
  • How actively you will listen to other people.
  • The level of communication skills you want to achieve.
  • How often will you criticize and compliment?
  • Will you gossip?

Relationships with your family

If someone lives in your house loving family who shares your values, then she will become a solid support. And vice versa: a bad relationship can destroy everything, including a marriage or career.

Decide clearly:

  • How often will you keep in touch with your parents?
  • How much loved ones you want to be your parents.
  • How often will you keep in touch with your brothers and sisters?
  • How often will you see your grandparents?
  • How will you treat psychological trauma received in childhood?
  • How do you see your family?

Money and investment strategy

First, you need to decide how valuable you are as an employee, and how much income you can safely count on. And whether you want to become a freelancer, a business owner or an employee.

You definitely need to decide how much money you will spend, save and invest. This requires a strategy for investing and saving.

You also need to get rid of debt and stop making impulse purchases. Remember: the fact that you were born poor is not your fault, but the fact that you die poor is entirely your fault.

Form your strategy around the following:

  • In what ways will you earn money (employee, freelancer, businessman, investor).
  • What type of income will you have (active, passive income, investments).
  • Will you insure the property?
  • How much will you save?
  • Will you borrow?
  • Will you donate money and how much?
  • Will you buy a house or rent it?
  • What luxury do you want to allow yourself?

Career strategy

Your income is very closely related to your career, achievements and social status.

It should be understood that career strategy completely depends on ambitions. For some it is enough to be a simple programmer, while others want to create social network, which will conquer the whole world. The more ambitions, the more refined the strategy should be.

You need to decide whether you want to be a leader or an employee. And also, what industry do you want to work in?

Your career depends heavily on your diplomatic skills. The larger the company you work for, the higher this level should be. Clearly define:

  • Your level of ambition.
  • Are you a leader or a follower?
  • The industry you want to work in.
  • The company you want to work for.
  • Do you want to create your own business?
  • What is your management style?
  • How will you develop your diplomatic skills?

Social strategy

We all social creatures and we cannot survive without other people. Relationships fill us with pleasant feelings and make us happy, but sometimes they also hurt us.

All people are different. Some are more likely to be extroverts, others are introverts. One person prefers business relationship, and the other is personal.

You need to know clearly what they mean to you social relations how much time and effort you are willing to invest in them.

It's no secret that social skills can be developed - this is called acquiring social capital.

Find out about yourself and other people:

  • Extrovert or introvert?
  • Business or personal relationships?

In addition, determine:

  • When and why do you need to socialize?
  • List of people you want to hang out with most of its time.
  • How often do you change friends and social circles?
  • What is your social intelligence and social skills?
  • How often will you help your friends?

Hobbies and pleasures

Now this area of ​​life seems so far away, because here you make the most important decisions. What other hobbies and pleasures? However, without them, life will very quickly turn into hell.

You have to make an important decision about how much time you will spend on your entertainment and hobbies, and how much time you will leave for “adult things.”

Clearly define:

  • What relaxes you?
  • How often will you relax?
  • How will you spend your free time?

Forming a life strategy is, as we have already said, a difficult and long stage. But you can start with the most important things. Pick 4-5 main areas and ask yourself a few dozen questions. But remember that the strategy will change many times - and that's normal. Finding yourself is a very long process.

We wish you good luck!