The best tennis betting strategies. Mathematical strategy for betting on tennis How to make money on tennis at bookmaker

Betting on tennis at online bookmakers offers great earning opportunities that you need to know how to use. If you've been looking for the secrets of tennis betting, the philosopher's stone that turns every bet into gold, then you've come to the wrong place. And if you want to know all the nuances of online betting on tennis and learn to win at bookmakers using your knowledge in this sport, then the material below will certainly interest you.

Betting on tennis is a mix of bright emotions and crazy winnings

Advantages of betting on tennis

Tennis is one of the most popular sports among bookmakers. To be more precise, it ranks second among domestic players after football. This popularity is due to many factors, the most significant of which are the advantages of tennis betting:

  • No draw. Let's start with the fact that tennis is one of the sports where a draw is impossible. This greatly simplifies the bettor’s life, because he needs to choose the correct outcome among two options, and not three, as, for example, in football.
  • Single sport. You can argue for a long time about which sports it is better to bet on - singles or team sports, each has its own nuances, but if you come to a single conclusion, then victory will go to singles, among which, in fact, is tennis. The main argument is the analysis of the match. After all, it is much easier to assess the fitness of one tennis player than to get a real picture of the form of a team of 11 people.
  • Minimal influence of judges. Unlike many other sports, refereeing errors have minimal impact on the outcome of a tennis match. In addition, tennis players have the opportunity to request a video replay.
  • High percentage of comebacks. It is no secret that professional players bet on tennis in most cases live, anticipating the victory of the tennis player who is losing during the match, for whose victory the bookmakers at that moment gave a high odds.
  • A large number of tournaments. There are practically no gaps in the tennis calendar, and therefore betters have the opportunity to bet regularly, choosing games from a variety of tournaments of varying sizes.

It is also worth noting that when betting on tennis, bookmakers offer tempting odds, a wide line and a rich description, and broadcasts and detailed statistics can be easily found on the Internet. This is important. Learn how to bet on tennis correctly and convert these advantages into your own wealth. Betting on tennis matches is much easier than betting on games in other sports, but without the appropriate knowledge it is impossible to become a successful player.

Types of tennis bets at bookmakers

Bookmakers offer much fewer options for betting on tennis than on football, which is explained not so much by its popularity as by the specifics of this sport. But nevertheless, the list of the best bookmakers is rich in various offers, among which tennis connoisseurs will definitely find a suitable bet. Let's look at the main types of tennis bets:

  • Match winner– P1 or P2. The P1 bet wins if the tennis player listed first in the pair wins the match. Accordingly, if the second athlete wins, bet P2 will bring profit.
  • Total match– TB or TM. Total in tennis betting is the total number of games played in a match. The player needs to predict whether the game total will be more or less than the value set by the bookmaker.
  • Individual total– ITM or ITB. Individual total refers to the number of games won by a particular tennis player.
  • Correct score– 3:0, 3:1, 3:2, 2:3 and so on. The market is difficult to predict, but the risks are compensated by high quotes.
  • Win with handicap or Asian handicap. An opportunity to bet on a tennis player with a minus or plus handicap to win.
  • Presence of a tiebreaker in the match. Also, many operators offer to bet on whether there will be a tiebreaker in the fight.
  • Winner or total set. You can bet not on the entire match, but on individual sets - who will win, total, handicap.
  • Long-term bets on tennis. Most online bookmakers have markets with bets on the winners of various tournaments: Australian Open, Wimbledon, Roland Garros, US Open and others.

Before choosing an outcome for betting, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of tennis bets, which will be discussed in the next subsection.

Pre-match analytics in tennis

Everyone dreams of making win-win bets on tennis, but this is unrealistic unless you are the winner of some kind of psychic battle. But you should always strive to minimize the number of losses, and this can be achieved through serious pre-match analytics. Consider the following during your analysis:

  • Current form (recent games);
  • Court coverage and statistics of performances on it;
  • Psychological condition;
  • Motivation for the match and the tournament as a whole;
  • In-person meetings of tennis players;
  • Weather factor;
  • Recent injuries, etc.

Analyze matches, gain experience and learn from the pros by studying tennis predictions. With the right approach and constant self-development, you will be able to correctly assess your opponents' chances and make winning bets.

However, analysis and accurate forecasts alone do not guarantee results, since no one can win all the time, and therefore the strategy and tactics of tennis betting are of utmost importance. Read more about this in our special Game Strategy section. (at

Where to bet on tennis?

In the previous paragraphs we talked about how to bet on tennis and win, and finally we’ll talk about where to bet. This issue cannot be ignored, and, despite the seeming similarity of bookmakers for beginners, the differences between them are significant.

Choosing the right bookmaker– one of the important components of achieving success in tennis betting. Odds, line, design, bonuses, reliability, transparency of the rules - all this affects the player’s results. Use the professional rating of bookmakers to choose a good operator for tennis bets. is a popular online information portal about bookmakers and sports betting and forecasts.

Bookmakers have one sport for which they offer many events with different outcomes. This is tennis. Matches take place every day, 11 months a year and almost without a break. This is due to the fact that athletes need to maintain their ranking. Therefore, in terms of the number of matches, tennis is simply a gift for handicappers. Additionally, it is an individual sport and much easier to analyze than a team sport. But on the other hand, everything is not so simple. To make money from bookmakers, you need a clear action plan. In this article we will list the most popular tennis betting strategies. So let's get started.

Against the favorite

Despite the paradoxical name, this strategy is used quite often. Let's look at a specific example. The score is 3-0, the first set, and now the outsider manages to win back a point. The score becomes 3-1 and he serves next. This is where you can bet against the favorite in the hope that the outsider will “get the courage” and win the next game. By the way, using the same scheme you can bet on the same strategy.

A huge advantage of this tactic is its versatility. It applies to any tennis match at any time period. The disadvantages include low profitability.

Tennis betting strategy: total

In relation to this sport it is not very effective. It seems to us that bookmakers specifically came up with this type of bet to take money from honest cappers. Let's explain now.

Whether the total goes through or not depends entirely on whether there will be a 3rd set. But this is already very difficult to predict. Even if a serious fight is expected, there may still not be three sets. By betting on a handicap, we accurately determine the line of the match: the winner, possible breaks, etc. In the case of a total, elementary guessing works. And it's like flipping a coin. And on each throw, bookmakers earn from 3 to 5%. It is possible to predict totals only in matches of five sets. But the tennis federation has already abandoned them.

Double rate

Recently, its popularity has grown significantly. And it’s not surprising, because this is a win-win tennis betting strategy. You ask: “How is this possible?” It's simple. Money is bet on two possible outcomes at once. In this case, the passage of at least one bet will ensure a zero loss, and if both pass, there will be a profit.

If the opponents’ chances are approximately the same, then bookmakers give equal odds for their victory. In addition, you are allowed to bet on a zero handicap on games with similar odds. For this bet to win, the tennis player needs to win the match with an advantage of one game. If the opponents have the same number of games won, then there will be a return. That is, by making a similar bet on a tennis player, you can make a profit even if in general he lost the match, but won more games. Important: before making such bets, you should thoroughly study the tennis players themselves.

If the odds on the player you have chosen are not very high, you can bet on a negative handicap. That is, you can bet money on the fact that your tennis player will win against his opponent by a certain margin. But such bets are appropriate when the favorite is an order of magnitude stronger than his opponent. In general, before choosing a match, it would be a good idea to do a thorough analysis of the statistics.

Live tennis betting strategies

Let us immediately note that there are several of them, but we will tell you about the most effective one. This is a bet on break points and breaks. But before we begin the explanation, let’s list the advantages of live betting (tennis trading).

1. No time limit

In hockey, basketball, football and other famous sports, the match time is limited. There is no such thing in tennis. It follows from this that the losing athlete in the case of better endurance, change of tactics, etc. can regain an advantage at any moment in the fight. That is, it is never too late to fix everything.

2. Specific counting system

Some live tennis betting strategies focus on a specific scoring system. In this sport, it can only take a few minutes from taking the lead to a crushing loss. For example, a tennis player loses the first set with a score of 6-1, and the second with a break of 5-3. A moment's confusion of the leader, who was celebrating his victory in advance, leads to a 5-5 score in games, and now the outsider wins the second set. The set score becomes 1-1, which means the opponents already have equal chances. Following from will immediately equalize the odds.

3. Minimum starting capital

Live tennis betting strategies do not require a large bankroll. Let's use the example already given above. When the leader beats the outsider (6-1;5-3) and serves, then the bookmakers place a bet against him with a coefficient of 1.01 (provided that the tennis players are approximately equal in strength). If you bet $5 against the leader, then if your opponent wins, your winnings will be $500. And this money will be at your disposal in a matter of minutes. Let's imagine that the leader fell into a stupor from an unexpected loss and allowed the outsider to make an additional break at the beginning of the 3rd set. He took his serve and made a couple of break points on the leader's serve. For example, the odds on the latter increased to 36, and you bet the previously won $500 on him, since technically he is stronger than his opponent, and he should have come out of his stupor by now. And the leader came to his senses, made a reverse break, snatching victory. What do we end up seeing? The $5 bet at the beginning of the match turned into $17,000. And this is not a rare case. You can visit any one and see for yourself. Such situations occur especially often in the women's league.

Live tennis betting strategy: break points and breaks

This is a very effective and easy to understand tactic. To implement it, we will need to compile a list of athletes who can take the opponent’s serve well, or those who, being an outsider at the beginning of the game, are able to make a break. These indicators for tennis players may vary depending on the surface of the court. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a separate rating for each of them.

By the way, the leaders of the WTA and ATP leagues may not be in the first positions of such lists. It’s just that, as practice shows, athletes who are strong in serving have a rather weak technique. And very often it is those who are strong in serve who are in higher positions. Generally, tennis betting strategies are based on segmentation and classification, so we will delve deeper into the discussion of serve returns.

To compile a list of “good return” athletes, two types of ratings from statistics will help us - the number of breaks/break points and the number of serves received. You also need starting odds for a tennis player to win. But there are two important notes. Firstly, the list of breaks is suitable to replace the list of break points. Secondly, it is not necessary to evaluate the combination of receiving ability versus serving power. It is enough to focus only on the reception. Within a game, only 4 points and a serve can lead to a failure. It is more important to grab a several-point advantage on your opponent's serve. If we consider replacing the ability to make a break with the ability to make a break point, then this is quite acceptable. In any case, when an athlete regularly faces break points, it is likely that sooner or later he will break. And only the inability to master his own serve prevents such a tennis player from becoming a real star.

Now let’s give a clear example of the strategy. To begin with, we make a rating of the most active athletes (attending many competitions), focusing on the average number of break points per game in the last couple of years. When compiling, we immediately exclude young tennis players, since their technical arsenal is in the process of development. We also do not take into account matches with obvious favorites (odds less than 1.25) and do not consider athletes below 100th place in the ranking. Next, we select the starting odds in the selected one and multiply them by the number of break points for each game in history. Now, based on the average number of points in the final rating, you can determine the degree of profitability of an athlete for a given strategy.

After compiling the list, we will clearly evaluate the effectiveness of a particular tennis player. In the first set of the match, we wait for the outsider to break (from the compiled rating) and see how the increased odds for the favorite to win appear in the live game. All that remains is to place a bet. Leaders recoup quite often, so in the long run you will make a profit.


So now you know tennis betting strategies. All that remains is to put them into practice and earn a lot of money. Good luck!

I, LUCKY, a professional player, I’ll tell you in detail about several sports and how to bet more profitably.

Let's look at the benefits of betting on some sports.

Bets on sporting events amaze with their diversity. There are many types of sports: strength, technical, team, single. The choice of what to bet on is made by each player for himself. I advise you to bet on a sport that you understand or can easily learn to understand. To do this, you need to have an interest in sports, a desire to spend a little time to win money, the availability of video or live broadcasts (this is available in the bookmaker’s office, from live broadcasts to live scores). The sport you bet on should bring you a pleasant feeling both from watching the game and from the opportunity to earn money by watching matches and betting on them. After all, you are unlikely to get any pleasure from watching Indian elephant polo or the Sumatra championship in team coconut throwing by aborigines, because you will not be able to bet on it or repeat this game at the amateur level. And everyone can play tennis, hockey, futsal, football, and bet on the matches of professional athletes, cheer for their favorite player or team, and win them.

Among the Americans, overseas, the most popular are baseball and American football. In our country, football is in first place in terms of popularity of watching matches and betting on them, followed by tennis.

In the following materials we will talk about football, hockey, basketball, and other sports.


Tennis originated in the 16th century and has since grown into one of the most popular sports in the world. Tennis is played singles and in pairs. Tennis is loved not only by fans, but also by sports betting professionals, as well as all ordinary clients of bookmakers. The most popular are the 4 Grand Slam tournaments. Tennis is played on different types of surfaces, which, of course, affects the dynamics of the game and the chances of the participants. The game can take place on synthetic surface (hard), clay or grass. At Grand Slam tournaments, the activity of bookmakers is simply off the charts.

The main events in the tennis calendar are the Grand Slam tournaments. These include the Australian Open, the French Open, Wimbledon, and the US Open. The Australian Open takes place January 17-30 at Melbourne Park in Melbourne. The tournament is played on a synthetic surface. The next big tennis event is the French Open, which takes place from May 22 to June 5 on the clay courts of Roland Garros in Paris. The next big tournament is Wimbledon, which takes place from June 20 to July 3 on grass at the All England Tennis Club in the suburbs of London. The final Big Four tournament is the US Open. The tournament runs from September 29 to 12 at Flushing Meadows in New York. The tournament is also played on hard court. Winning all four Grand Slams in a row is the greatest achievement in tennis. Steffi Graff succeeded for the first time in 1988. Exactly ten years later, her achievement was repeated by Martina Hingis.

Betting on tennis has gained great popularity with the development of digital television, which allows live and video broadcasts of even the smallest tournaments in good quality. Tennis matches are broadcast in large numbers on most sports channels. We, players, prefer to bet on events that we can watch broadcasts of, so tennis is ideal to bet on singles, express bets, bet on it both before the match and live.

The undeniable advantage of betting on tennis is that the form of players in it is much easier to track than in any other sport. Tennis is a singles sport, and tracking the form of one or two athletes is easier than tracking the form of an entire football team. In tennis, it is quite possible to watch several matches of a player, evaluate them in order to understand his current form and decide what bet to place on the tennis player’s match. You can also win very well on the changing ups and downs of tennis players by correctly identifying the beginning of a decline in a tennis player and starting to bet against him and, conversely, noticing that the tennis player has begun to gain shape, start betting on him, at high odds, which will become lower only then , when all the offices realize that the tennis player is in shape. Each stage of the endless cycle of changing the form of tennis players lasts from 1 to 4 weeks, begins and ends suddenly, so the bookmakers do not very quickly understand that the tennis player has played better or has suffered a sharp decline, and on some Saville you can always have a head start (advantage) over the bookmaker office, bet and win against the office.

The advantage of tennis for betting not only before the match, but also live over many sports is undeniable. In tennis, there are very often comebacks (situations when the loser quickly wins back and starts winning). And the live odds change. Having bet on a high odds on the outsider (let's say 4.50), if he plays the first set well and wins with a break, you can bet on the losing favorite to win at 2.2 and get a win in any outcome, this is called a “arb”. Or not bet, knowing that the player assessed the tennis player’s chances better than the office did, and, after being a little nervous, still immediately after the end of the match, get 4 thousand 500 rubles in winnings from a thousand rubles bet on 4.5, a net winning of 350%. For an hour or two of match duration, this is great, because not a single bank will give more than 15% for a whole year. In tennis you can bet on totals and handicaps. Are you sure it will be a tough match? We bet on the total more or on the handicap 2. Do we want to win more? We also bet on victory 2, then we watch in live, we also bet in live. Are you sure the favorite will win easily? We bet victory 1 or exact score 2:0. Low odds for favorite? For example, 1.18? It's okay, there's a head start. Want to win while risking less? Bet big on p1. Do you want to win more and are sure that the favorite will win confidently? We set the handicap to 1. You can bet on several wins of the favorites in the express, getting a solid odds. There are a lot of things you can bet on in tennis, the most important thing is to correctly assess the chances and strengths of a tennis player.

Number of tournaments and number of tennis players. How many teams are there in each rugby championship? Relatively little, and for each team the bookmaker can and should know more than the player. What about tennis? There are hundreds of tournaments and thousands of tennis players in tennis, and you can easily recognize and remember them quite quickly. Bookmakers often do not have time to keep track of even the first hundred (200 tennis players for the first hundred for women and men, office workers are dizzy). You can often easily win even if Mayer and Kolya Davydenko merge, no matter how much the bookmaker protects against it. And to predict that Estevez or Zivkovic will lose without a fight, so a good player can bet P2 and win against the office much better and faster than the office will insure against this by lowering the odds.

A large number of tournaments. In no other sport do matches take place as often and in such daily numbers as in tennis. At any time, entering the office, you can see, either online or live, if not a big tournament, then always a dozen little-known Indians, Czechs, Colombians, etc., trading on small futures with more tenacity than Davydenko on

Grand Slam. The office can only know about them their names and ratings (and the current account, if it’s live), and it’s much easier to beat the bookmakers on them on any day. Tennis matches are held year-round, every day. There is not a single day when at least several tennis players do not play.

Since tennis is predominantly a singles sport, tennis players will not be able to play without playing. Each of you knows how disappointing it is, having bet on the total in football, to watch a match for 90 minutes where the players lazily run around the field and do not create scoring chances, finishing the match dry or with a minimum number of goals. In tennis, an athlete will not be able to, as in football, simply do nothing and get paid for the game without ever hitting the other team’s goal. A tennis player must play to win. A match cannot take place between two tennis players who are not playing. Either they both play, giving their all, or one plays and wins, but the score is 0:0 and there is no lack of interesting moments in tennis.

In many sports, it is possible to change the composition of teams before the game, but you bet on the expected composition of the teams, and the bet remains valid. And after replacing players, you can lose the bet because of it if half of the main squad does not show up. In tennis, only those who are registered a large amount of time before the match always play 100%, and the maximum that will happen when a tennis player is replaced is a refund of the bet due to the cancellation of the match.

The impact of referee error or referee interest on the outcome of a tennis match is minimal. If in another sport a judge can use deletions and penalties to ensure that teams play in his favor, to the point that some judges bet on the number of yellow and red cards that they themselves assign, then in tennis the judge can only decide whether a player was in whether the ball hit the court, there is also a video for this, so a judge judging a football team can do a lot of bad things, a tennis judge can do almost nothing, because every tennis player also has video replay attempts, in case of disagreement with judge. And even if you come across a very stubborn judge who wants to judge, then one serve in tennis and one goal in football and a puck in hockey are completely different, you will agree. After a penalty required by the referee or a deletion that should not have happened, the team may lose, and the number of breaks in tennis is very large, and for one incorrectly given game the referee will achieve little.

Main types of tennis bets:

1. Winning the match. P1 or P2. In these bets, you need to decide for yourself which tennis player, in your opinion, will be the winner of the match, with any score, will simply win the match. And put it on it.

2. Handicap. The difference in the number of games between tennis players with which the match will end. The handicap can be plus or minus. Minus for the favorite (for the one with P1 lower odds), plus for the outsider (for the one with P2 higher odds). For example, if you bet on Williams with a handicap of -4.5, then you need her to win by 5 games or more. Examples of scores with a minus handicap (handicap 1): 6:4, 6:3; 6:2, 7:5; 4:6, 6:1, 6:3. If you bet on a handicap against Williams, then you need to ensure that her opponent does not lose more than 4 games. Examples of accounts with a plus handicap (handicap 2): 6:4, 6:4; 6:3, 7:6; 6:2, 3:6, 6:3, etc., the main thing is the final difference in games between the winning tennis player and the losing one.

3. Total. The total number of games with which the match will end. The total is bet on “under” and “over”. For example, total 19.5. Less than 1.9, more than 1.9. You will win 900 rubles for every 1,000 bet if you decide correctly whether to bet more or less. 6:4, 6:4, and the total is over 19.5. 6:1, 6:3, and the total is less than 19.5. Sometimes there is a return when the number of games as a result of the match is equal to the whole number in the line (without 0.5 after the whole number, for example, the total is 20, and the score is 6:4, 6:4).

To the main line, in bets on totals and handicaps, there is a large list of additional bets, where you can choose any totals and handicaps, and odds (higher or lower) that your heart desires.

4. Score by set. In all matches for women and in most matches for men, the game consists of three sets, until two win. 2:0, 0:2, 2:1, 1:2. At the Grand Slam in cup competitions, men play up to 5 sets (3:0, maximum 3:2). Previously, most men's finals were played in 5 sets, but now they have reduced it to 3 sets.

5. Other bets. Bets on total or handicap in the first set, on the number of breaks in the first set, on aces and double faults, on games, on tiebreak...

The choice of tennis matches and tennis bets is huge.

You can place bets at high odds and read my daily analytics at the betting points of the bookmaker where I publish. The diary, which I, Fartovy, a professional player, will keep for you, dear players, will be very useful to you. In it, in addition to bets, I will consider many issues that interest you. In daily issues you will have the pleasure of reading my sports analytics. At the bookmaker's office, along with the line, ask the cashier to print out my daily issue for you; it will always contain my detailed reviews of matches and bets. Wimbledon begins!!!

06/19/2013. FARTOVY, professional player.

Addresses of the betting points of the bookmaker "Capper" (open 24 hours a day) for sports fans:

How to bet on tennis for beginners and experienced players? In the article we will analyze the pros and cons of tennis, types of bets, strategies, bookmakers, rules for big wins.

Why is it profitable to bet on tennis tournaments and matches?

  • Bet at any time of the year. Meetings take place all year round (with the exception of breaks at the end of the year).
    Tracking your opponents' form. If a team is playing, it is difficult to understand its form: some of the athletes are sick, some are “in the spirit”, some cannot recover from an injury. With tennis everything is much simpler. You need to follow one athlete (social networks, news, statistics). If the match is “2 on 2”, then take an interest in the results and form of 4 tennis players.
  • Comebacks. They make your bets profitable, and the process of viewing the meeting filled with vivid emotions, passions and experiences. For example, in 2011 at the US Open, the comeback of athlete Novak Djokovic in the semi-finals of the meeting with Roger Federer was recognized as the best. Just imagine that Nova Djokovic first lost with a score of 6:7 and 4:6, and then “pulled himself together” and won 6:3, 6:2 and 7:5.
  • No draw. Either athlete #1 or athlete #2 will win.
  • Judging. In football or hockey you can often hear: “The referee is screwed!” (due to mistakes and wrong decisions). In tennis, this risk is minimized.
  • Live betting (live). You can not only watch an exciting match of tennis players online, but also earn money from it. Betters offer a special strategy for betting on live tennis.

Disadvantages of tennis. Disadvantages that are important for every bettor to know about

  1. Indefinite duration of the meeting. Bookmakers often even indicate in the rules: “We are not responsible for the specified duration of the meeting” or something similar.
  2. Weather. The fights take place on open courts, so possible rain and wind will affect them. By postponing the meeting, tennis players can get an advantage: someone will recover from an injury, someone will rest after a series of difficult matches. If the meeting is postponed due to weather for 48-72 hours (depending on the rules of the bookmaker), then your bets remain valid. If the transfer occurs for a longer period of time (a week or 2 weeks), then the bookmaker calculates bets with odds of “1”.
  3. Psychological mood. Motivation and attitude are important. For example, Novak Djokovic gave birth to a son. It is clear that he will play better on an emotional wave. His opponent, Stanislav Wawrinka, went through a difficult divorce from his wife, so he can play worse.

How to bet on tennis correctly? Types of bets that can be placed at a bookmaker's office

For example, we went to the bookmaker’s office “League of Stakes” and chose the match “Basilashvili N. - Kohlschreiber F.” within the ATP. Australian Open, which is scheduled to take place on January 16, 2017 at 2:00. Here is a list of bets that the bookmaker offers:

  • Outcome (victory of N. Basilashvili or F. Kohlschreiber).
  • Set handicap (we are offered +1.5 or -1.5 or 2.5).
  • Accurate score.
  • Number of sets.
  • A shutout win in any set (the match must be played).
  • Winner of the 1st set/entire match.
  • Player 1 wins at least one set.
  • Player 2 wins at least one set.
  • Total by sets.
  • Set winner.

What bets should you place on tennis? Details about types of tennis bets for beginners

How to bet on tennis? Subtleties of preliminary analysis

Preliminary analysis is the work of a professional better, which can take up to 3-4 hours. But thanks to it, you are protected from ill-conceived and pre-failed bets. What subtleties are important for you to keep in mind?

Subtlety No. 1. Specifics of the court surface

Some tennis players play better on hard surfaces; others choose soil. Why does this happen and is there any pattern?

  • The bounce of the ball on the ground is slow and high.
  • The ball's bounce on grass is fast and low.
  • Hard is a coating with “average characteristics” that is recognized as universal.

Which tennis players “love” which surfaces?

  • Novak Djokovic is a hard player (but the athlete feels comfortable on other courts).
  • Rafael Nadal is a clay player (this is due to the fact that you need to spend less effort).
  • Roger Federer is grass (he gives 100% here).
  • Maria Sharapova is an all-rounder (she likes to play on grass, but grew up on clay).
  • Serena Williams is a grass (although the tennis player has already shown her versatility).

ATTENTION! Tennis players from Argentina and Spain feel great on clay.

Subtlety No. 2. Tennis player's position in the ranking

Rating is a determination of the strength and capabilities of an athlete at the time of the meeting. We recommend that you take the rating into account, but do not trust it blindly: the favorites may be out of shape, play on an uncomfortable surface or have problems with motivation.

ATTENTION! In this regard, 2014 is indicative, when at Wimbledon Andrei Kuznetsov (ranked 118th) defeated David Ferrer (ranked 7th). A strange story happened to Stan Wawrinka, who is in the TOP 3 best, but lost miserably to the tennis player who was ranked 41st.

Subtlety No. 3. Tennis player's physical condition

To understand the current physical condition of a tennis player, bettors:

  1. They watch a number of previous meetings.
  2. They get on social networks.
  3. Watch sports reviews and news.
  4. Read interviews with athletes or coaches.
  5. They are trying to trace the date of the onset of “critical days” for girls.

A tennis player may be tired from a long season; may be at the peak of his form; may be recovering from an injury sustained during competition or training. There are simple rules that will protect you from “bad” bets:

  • See if there have been any crushing losses to weaker opponents lately.
  • Assess whether the matches were difficult and long (the athlete may be tired).
  • Review and try to figure out what form the athlete is in.

Subtlety No. 4. Playing style and personal details

As a rule, the style of play is established at the beginning of a career (then it may change slightly). For successful bets, it is important for you to know age, weight, and “working hand”.

Subtlety No. 5. Motivation

It's always nice to win everywhere. But every athlete understands that this is impossible (and if you strive for such a goal, you can quickly exhaust yourself and “burn out”). At small commercial tournaments, the best rackets in the world can show different results: their motivation to win is not so high. If we are talking about top tournaments, then here they are ready to do everything for the sake of victory, to “give all their best” to the fullest.

Subtlety No. 6. Personal meetings and their results

Every athlete has a “least favorite opponent” who is superior in strength or experience. As a result, such meetings can be protracted and difficult, accompanied by losses. Before placing a bet at a bookmaker's office, check this feature, evaluate the statistics and results of past matches of tennis players.

Subtlety No. 7. Statistics, or numbers don't lie

If your goal is to increase your chances of winning at a bookmaker, then statistics will help you. There are websites that host data; You can make your own statistics in an excel file.

ATTENTION! The Internet offers paid and free forecasts. You can look at them at first, but you don’t need to blindly follow the advice of cappers or betters.

How to bet on tennis? Strategies for Beginners

In this article, we have selected the simplest and most understandable strategies that will help beginners make their first winning bets.

Bet on the favorite to win the game

The strategy assumes that you are watching the fight live. During the first 3-4 games, we carefully analyze the behavior of the athletes, their will to win, and the conditions of the meeting. We need to wait for the period when the favorite (or stronger player) will serve. If he has serve + if the score in the game is 40:0 or 40:15, we bet on winning the game.

Tennis betting strategy based on form

Conditions for using this strategy:

  • The favorite of the meeting is out of shape (recovering from an injury, not getting into shape after a recent difficult meeting, going through a crisis in his personal life).
  • The coefficient for the favorite is as high as possible (for example, at the beginning of the match it was 1.16, and after the favorite lost it was already 2.9).
  • We place a bet on the favorite to win the match either in a set or in the entire match.

Tennis betting strategy against the favorite

We are watching the progress of the confrontation and waiting for a convenient time. For example, you can bet against the favorite if, with the score 3:0, the weak opponent takes the game (thus the score becomes 3:1).

Betting strategy "Insurance"

It assumes that you make 2 bets: one is standard, and the other is the opposite. If done correctly, this strategy will bring you profit.

Let's say we have a meeting between Nadal and Djokovic. The opponents are approximately equal in strength, so the bookmaker set odds of 2 for Nadal to win and odds of 2 for Djokovic to win. First, you bet $100 on Nadal (if you pass, you win $200). After the 1st set, Djokovic leads, the odds on him rise to 3. You bet $50 on him (to cover a possible loss). So if Djokovic wins, you don't lose anything. And if Nadal wins, you get about another $50 in NET profit.

Now you know how to place live bets on tennis, what strategies you can use, and how to get results. All that remains is to look into the rules of bookmakers regarding accepting bets and making winnings.

Which bookmakers can you bet on tennis?

These are 3 legal companies that accept money through TsUPIS. These are “1xBet”, “Leon”, “Betting League”. But the prohibited analogues are “”, “1xBet” and “LeonBets”.
Let's take a look at the rules of the BC "Betting League"

  1. Coverage information is for reference only. If the tennis court surface is replaced, all bets will remain valid.
  2. The bookmaker takes statistics on athletes and tournaments from the official websites of the tournament.
  3. If a tennis match was interrupted (not completed or postponed), then all bets remain valid until the end of the tournament. They will be settled when the match is completed (or when one of the athletes refuses).
  4. Bets on the outcome of a match in the event of disqualification or withdrawal from the game remain valid if the opponents have completed at least 1 set. If the set is not completed, then all bets are returned to the players.

That's all we could tell you about tennis betting and strategies. All that remains is to wish you good luck and competent analysis of statistics.

The strategy of betting on the favorite in tennis is popular among a certain part of bettors. They claim that with its help you can earn substantial money with virtually no risk. Opponents of the technique complain that a successful game will require a substantial bankroll, and a series of several unsuccessful matches will completely devastate the gaming account. In this article we will look at the main strategies for betting on the favorite in tennis.

Betting strategy on the winner in tennis - catching up

The technique is based on the classic catch-up - increasing each subsequent bet in case of an unsuccessful outcome until a positive result occurs. The winnings should cover all losses from unsuccessful bets and bring profit.

To successfully play the strategy of betting on the winner in tennis, you will need a significant bank. It must be divided so that there is enough money for 5-7 iterations (bet). This will help you get even if you run into a bad streak. Ideally, if you have enough money for 10-15 laps.

For example, we bet 1000 rubles on the Favorite to win, odds 1.55. Our tennis player is losing.

In the next meeting we bet not 1000, but 3000 rubles on the same athlete. The coefficient is 1.60. Defeat again.

We're raising our bets on him winning the next game. We bet 9000 rubles. The coefficient is 1.60. The bet is closed.

Let's calculate the winnings: 9000 * 1.60 = 14400 – 9000 (our bet) – 4000 (lost bets) = 1400 rubles of net profit.

  • Coefficient.
  • Previously lost funds.
  • Desired winnings.

The choice of bookmaker plays a key role. Find the office with the lowest margin. The ideal option is if it does not exceed 5%. At first glance, it seems that the difference between the coefficients is not so significant. But any professional player knows that every hundredth is important at a distance. This is especially noticeable when playing with low odds.

Selection of matches for betting on the favorite in tennis

We come to the most interesting part – selecting matches for betting. This point requires special attention. After all, a thorough analysis will allow you to more accurately predict the result of the upcoming game.

To determine the favorite, the bettor must first study the ratings of tennis players.

In theory, everything is quite simple - the higher an athlete is on the list, the stronger he is. In practice, things are somewhat different.

Tennis players have a fairly busy calendar. They often save their energy by not scattering themselves on minor tournaments. Some athletes participate in to get in shape, while others allow them to earn money or ranking points.

In any case, if we are talking about a prestigious tournament, it is unlikely that the fifth racket will lose to the 128th.

Tennis betting based on factor strategy

  • Carefully study the statistics of head-to-head matches between athletes.
  • The degree of penetration of the odds. Analyze the last 10 games of a tennis player. If he constantly breaks the bookmaker’s handicap, then the bookmaker’s analysts underestimate him.
  • Statistics of performances on a specific surface for each athlete for the calendar year.

Bet on the tennis player who wins in all three indicators.

For example, take the match between Djokovic and Dimitrov:

Statistics of head-to-head matches on grass. Djokovic (2-0).

Statistics of personal games. Djokovic (6-2).

Degree of handicap penetration over the last 10 games: Djokovic (+14), Dimitrov (+7).

Statistics of performances on the relevant surface for the calendar year:

Djokovic (11-3).

Dimitrov (7-3).

In all respects, Djokovic wins confidently. If a tennis player wins in terms of indicators, then you need to bet on him. Bookmaker analysts share our opinion, presenting the tennis player as the undisputed favorite of the match. The odds for Djokovic to win are 1.36.

In the current ATP rankings, Dimitrov is ranked fifth and Djokovic is ranked 22nd. But the favorite of the match is the Serbian tennis player. The fact is that Novak missed a lot due to injury and at the time of the match with Dimitrov he was returning to big sport. He is just getting into optimal playing condition, so he may not be in the best shape. This factor must be taken into account when choosing a match. In such games, the bettor needs to carefully monitor the bookmaker’s line. Value coefficients may slip through it.

Strategy based on ELO rating

This rating does not show the number of points scored in various tournaments, but the pattern of play of each tennis player. Analysts form it based on the real strength of a certain opponent. A match with a more skilled opponent will bring more points to your treasury than a game with an outsider. The ELO ranking does not take into account the stage of the tournament.

For example: a difference of 100 points means that the tennis player will win with a probability of 64%, 200 points - 76%, 300 - 85%, 400 - 91%, 500 - 95%.

The pass rate of bets on the favorite to win, made using this strategy, was more than 70% in the 2017 season.

If you want to get more accurate calculations, you can use ELO on a specific coating. Add total ELO and ELO on ground.

Let's enter the following parameters:

  • Current ELO rating.
  • Current ELO rating on the relevant coverage.
  • ELO rating three months ago.
  • ELO rating on coverage three months ago.

We calculate the relative index for each tennis player:

I (index) = (current ELO + current ELO on the cover) / (ELO three months ago + ELO on the cover three months ago).

You need to bet on the athlete with a higher score.

Live betting strategy on the favorite in tennis

The technique is based on changes in live quotes. If the match started unsuccessfully for the favorite (odds for victory no more than 1.60) (for example, behind in games), then the odds for his victory increases (1.80-1.90). If the quotes have increased by 10% or more compared to the preliminary ones, then it is a favorable time to enter the game. Bets must be placed only in the first game. It is advisable to bet in the first six games.

Tennis matches rarely develop according to a well-established scenario, so live odds change quite often. This allows bettors to earn additional profit.


We looked at the main strategies for betting on the winner in tennis. If you strictly follow the rules, you can count on significant profits. Analyze statistics of tennis players' performances. This will help you make better predictions. Test the method on a virtual account. If you start winning consistently, switch to real money.