Is Larisa's death accidental in the play The Dowry? What is the tragedy of Larisa Ogudalova based on the play by A.N.

Larisa Ogudalova is the main character of A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “Dowry,” which was first published in “ Domestic notes"in 1879. In Ostrovsky's dramaturgy of the 70s and 80s, the main theme becomes the power of money, property, and wealth in the era of the “triumph of the bourgeoisie.” The playwright continues to search for forces in Russian life that could resist the elements of unbridled predation, humiliation of human dignity, cold calculation and selfishness. The writer’s concern for the fate of a person “with a warm heart” is especially felt, who, even in this calculating time, continues to live by feeling, looking for love, understanding, and happiness. Such is the heroine of the play “Dowry”.

Larisa has everything - intelligence, talent, beauty, sensitivity. She is pure in soul and selfless. She reaches out to people, believes them, hopes for understanding and reciprocal feelings. But Larisa is homeless, and this predetermines her tragic fate.

Larisa's mother strives to get her daughter married at a better price; she is trying to teach Larisa to live by the rules that time dictates, forcing her daughter to lie and be nice to richer young people. But the heroine of the play cannot act according to calculation. She gives her heart to Sergei Sergeevich Paratov, handsome, smart and strong. But Paratov is a man of his time, living by the principle: “Every product has a price.” Larisa is also a commodity for him. And he is not ready to pay with his material well-being for love and happiness. Paratov marries a rich bride, or rather, the gold mines that are given to her as a dowry.

Not finding love, Larisa tries to live “like everyone else.” She decides to marry the poor official Yuli Kapitonovich Karandyshev. In her chosen one, Larisa looks for traits worthy of respect: “I should at least respect my husband,” she says. But it is difficult to respect Karandyshev. In his vain attempts to compare with Knurov and Vozhevatov, he looks ridiculous and pathetic. He does not hear Larisa’s plea to go to the village, where she hopes to find at least peace of mind. It is more important for Yuliy Kapitonovich to “in turn laugh” at those whose humiliation he endured for three years. He has no time for Larisa's torment!

After breaking up with Karandyshev, after Paratov’s deception, Larisa seeks simple human sympathy, turning to her childhood friend Vozhevatov: “Well, at least cry with me,” she asks him. However, Vozhevatov has already lost to Knurov the opportunity to influence Larisa’s fate. “I can’t, I can’t do anything,” is Vozhevatov’s answer to Larisa. Material from the site

Having found neither love, nor respect, nor simple compassion and understanding, Larisa loses the meaning of life. She says bitterly: “They looked at me and still look at me as if I was a joke. No one ever tried to look into my soul, I didn’t see sympathy from anyone, I didn’t hear warmth, heartfelt words. But it’s cold to live like this.”

Karandyshev's shot becomes for her a deliverance from mental anguish, from vulgar life“things”, toys in the hands of those who can pay for it. “To die while there is still nothing to reproach yourself with” is the best thing that remains for a “hot heart” in the world of calculation and vanity.

This is Larisa’s personal tragedy. But this is also the tragedy of a society where money rules and a person’s happiness is measured only by their quantity.

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  • the tragedy of Larisa, the homeless woman
  • than the tragedy of the fate of Larisa Ogudalova
  • message on the topic of what is Larisa’s tragedy
  • Ostrovsky dowry what is the tragedy of Ogudalova
  • what could be the fate of Larisa in the dowry

Ostrovsky "Dowry" - essay "The tragic fate of Larisa in the "dark kingdom" (based on the play "Dowry" by A. N. Ostrovsky)"

The heroes of Ostrovsky's plays most often become women. Of course, these women are extraordinary and extraordinary individuals. Suffice it to recall the heroine of the drama “The Thunderstorm” Katerina. She is so emotional and impressionable that she stands apart from the other characters in the play. Katerina's fate is somewhat similar to the fate of Ostrovsky's other heroine. IN in this case we're talking about about the play “Dowry”.
Larisa Ogudalova had to experience the indifference and cruelty of those around her, to endure love drama, and as a result she dies, just like the heroine of “The Thunderstorm”. But despite the apparent similarity, Larisa Ogudalova has a completely different character than Katerina Kabanova. The girl received an excellent education. She is smart, sophisticated, educated, dreams of beautiful love, but initially her life turns out completely differently. She is homeless. Larisa's mother is very selfish. She sells the beauty and youth of her daughters. Larisa’s older sisters have already been “settled in” thanks to the care of their resourceful parent, but, unfortunately, their lives are developing very, very tragically.
Larisa Ogudalova falls in love with the “brilliant master” Sergei Sergeevich Paratov. She sincerely considers him the ideal man. The master has a fortune, he fully corresponds to the idea of ​​​​a noble and educated person. Inner essence his is revealed later. Larisa is young and inexperienced, so she falls into Paratov’s trap and ruins herself. She doesn't have strong character and becomes a toy in the hands of others. It comes to the point where the girl is being played toss. Those around her consider her a thing, an expensive and beautiful amusement, but her sublime soul, beauty and talent turn out to be unimportant. Karandyshev tells Larisa: “They don’t look at you as a woman, as a person... they look at you as a thing.”
She herself agrees with this: “A thing... yes, a thing! They are right, I am a thing, I am not a person...”
Larisa has a passionate heart, she is sincere and emotional. She generously gives her love, but what does she get in return? For her loved one, Larisa is just another form of entertainment and fun. Out of despair, she even agrees to accept Knurov’s conditions.
Death is a kind of salvation for Larisa, a spiritual salvation, of course. Such a tragic ending saves her from the difficult choice that she is trying to make, saves her from moral death and falling into the abyss called depravity.

Tragic fate Larisa in " dark kingdom"(based on the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Dowry")

The heroes of Ostrovsky's plays most often become women. Of course, these women are extraordinary and extraordinary individuals. Suffice it to recall the heroine of the drama “The Thunderstorm” Katerina. She is so emotional and impressionable that she stands apart from the other characters in the play. The fate of Katerina is somewhat similar to the fate of another Ostrovsky heroine

In this case we are talking about the play “Dowry”.
Larisa Ogudalova had to experience the indifference and cruelty of those around her, survive a love drama, and as a result she dies, just like the heroine of “The Thunderstorm”. But despite the apparent similarity, Larisa Ogudalova has a completely different character than Katerina Kabanova. The girl received an excellent education. She is smart, sophisticated, educated, dreams of beautiful love, but initially her life turns out completely differently. She is homeless. Larisa's mother is very selfish. She sells the beauty and youth of her daughters. Larisa’s older sisters have already been “settled in” thanks to the care of their resourceful parent, but, unfortunately, their lives are developing very, very tragically.
Larisa Ogudalova falls in love with the “brilliant master” Sergei Sergeevich Para. She sincerely considers him the ideal man. The master has a fortune, he fully corresponds to the idea of ​​a noble and educated person. His inner essence is revealed later. Larisa is young and inexperienced, so she falls into Paraᴛᴏʙa’s trap and ruins herself. She does not have a strong character and becomes a toy in the hands of others. It comes to the point where the girl is being played toss. Those around her consider her a thing, an expensive and beautiful amusement, but her sublime soul, beauty and talent turn out to be unimportant. Karandyshev tells Larisa: “They don’t look at you as a woman, as a person... they look at you as a thing.”
She herself agrees with this: “A thing... yes, a thing! They are right, I am a thing, I am not a person...”
Larisa has a passionate heart, she is sincere and emotional. She generously gives her love, but what does she get in return? For her loved one, Larisa is just another form of entertainment and fun. Out of despair, she even agrees to accept Knurov’s conditions.
Death is a kind of salvation for Larisa, a spiritual salvation, of course. Such a tragic ending saves her from the difficult choice that she is trying to make, saves her from moral death and falling into the abyss called depravity.

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Ostrovsky's drama "The Dowry" is built on the classical naturalness and simplicity of the images of the heroes, but at the same time on the complexity of their characters and actions. The drama is not like others, there are no strong intrigues in it, the heroes are the same people, but with the difference that that they are simpler and easy to understand.

Goncharov, discussing the basis of Ostrovsky’s drama, said that the playwright “seems to not want to resort to plot - this artificiality is beneath him: he must sacrifice to it a part of truthfulness, integrity of character, precious touches of morals, details of everyday life - and he is more willing to lengthen the action, cool the viewer , just to carefully preserve what he sees and feels alive and true in nature."

Ostrovsky's work does not fit into any of the classical genre forms, this gave Dobrolyubov a reason to talk about it as a “play of life.” In "The Dowry" Ostrovsky comes to reveal complex, subtle, psychologically polyphonic human characters. He shows us the conflict of life, the reader lives this short period of life, like a resident of the same city of Bryakhimov, or, what is even more interesting, like any hero of the drama.

Larisa Ogudalova is the main character of the drama, all the action is happening around her, intrigues are “wandering.”

Larisa is a girl who is even more fragile and unprotected than she seems at first glance. In my opinion, she can be compared to a noble white rose. The girl is just as gentle and beautiful, it’s not for nothing that they call her “the decoration of the city.” But on the other hand, they say about Larisa that she is “an expensive piece of jewelry that requires a good jeweler.” Maybe it would be nice, but here, in the play, these words sounded impudent and vulgar. After all, here Larisa is valued as a thing, in this case, as a precious stone. Of course, precious is flattering, but a stone, something cold, lifeless, insensitive, not at all suitable romantic nature Larisa.

Her soul is refined, bright, musical, sensitive and melodic. Larisa is like a light in this city, like the heroine of one of the Russian romances that she loves to sing. Having heard enough romances in own performance, she starts to dream about pure love, O strong family, loving wife.

But everything doesn’t work out the way the girl wants it. At the heart of the drama - social theme. Larisa is poor, she is a girl without a material dowry, but at the same time she has a rich inner world, which we will not find anymore in any of the heroes of the drama. Larisa lives in a world where everything is bought and sold, even girlish beauty and love. But, lost in her dreams, in her rainbow world, she does not notice the most disgusting sides in people, does not notice the ugly attitude towards herself, Larisa sees only good everywhere and in everyone and believes that people are like that.

That's how Larisa made a mistake in Paratov. He leaves the girl he loves for the sake of profit, ruins at will. Afterwards, Larisa is preparing to marry Karandyshev. The girl perceives him as a kind, poor man who is not understood by others. But the heroine does not understand and does not feel Karandyshev’s envious, proud nature. Indeed, in his attitude towards Larisa there is more complacency for owning such precious stone like Larisa.

At the end of the drama, Larisa comes to realization. She understands with horror and bitterness that everyone around her perceives her as a thing or, even worse, wants to make her a kept woman, such as Knurov and Vozhevatov.

And then the heroine says the words: “A thing... yes a thing. They are right, I am a thing, not a person.” Larisa, in despair, tries to throw herself into the Volga, but cannot, she is afraid to part with her life, no matter how worthless and unhappy it may seem to her.

The upset girl finally understands that everything in this world is assessed by the “rustle of banknotes,” and then she decides: “If there is to be a thing, then there is only one consolation - to be expensive.”

Karandyshev's shot is salvation in Larisa's eyes, she is glad that she again belongs only to herself, they cannot sell or buy her, she is free. In Karandyshev’s thoughtless, random act, Larisa finds a shadow of nobility and living human feeling, and her emotional drama the end ends, for the first time the heroine feels for real happy and free.

The drama by A. N. Ostrovsky "Dowry" is a wonderful play late period writer's creativity. It was conceived in 1874, completed in 1878 and staged in Moscow and St. Petersburg in the same year. M. Ermolova, M. Savina, and later V. Komissarzhevskaya - best actors capital theaters - took on the role of Larisa Ogudalova. What captivated them so much with this wonderful heroine?

Larisa Ogudalova is distinguished by her truthfulness, sincerity, and directness of character, thereby reminiscent of Katerina from “The Thunderstorm.” According to Vozhevaty, Larisa Dmitrievna “has no cunning.” What brings her closer to the heroine of “The Thunderstorm” is her high poetry. Larisa is attracted by the Trans-Volga distance, the forests beyond the river, and beckoned by the beauty itself - the Volga with its spaciousness. “There is no earthly, this worldly thing,” notes Knurov. And in fact: she all seems to be raised above the dirt of reality, above the vulgarity and baseness of life. In the depths of her soul, like a bird that she herself resembles, beats the dream of a beautiful and noble, honest and quiet life, Translated from Greek, Larisa means “seagull”, and this is no coincidence.

Shouldn't I prefer my mother's lifestyle? Kharita Ignatievna, left a widow with three daughters, is constantly cunning and cunning, flattering and ingratiating, begging from the rich and accepting their handouts. She made her house really noisy" gypsy camp"to create the appearance of beauty and splendor of life. And all this in order, under the cover of this tinsel, to trade in living goods. She has already ruined two daughters, now it’s the turn of the third to trade. But Larisa cannot accept this way of life of her mother, it is alien to her The mother tells her daughter to smile, but she wants to cry. And she asks the groom to tear her out of this “bazaar” that surrounds her, where there is a lot of “all sorts of rabble,” and to take her far away, beyond the Volga.

However, Larisa is a dowryless, poor, cash-strapped bride. She has to put up with it. In addition, she herself managed to become infected with a craving for external brilliance. Larisa lacks integrity of character, her mental life is quite contradictory. Not only does she not want to see the vulgarity and cynicism of the people around her, but for quite a long time she cannot discern it. All this distinguishes her from Katerina. Refusing her mother's lifestyle, she exists among vulgar admirers.

Larisa Ogudalova had to experience the indifference and cruelty of those around her, survive a love drama, and as a result she dies, just like the heroine of “The Thunderstorm”. But despite the apparent similarity, Larisa Ogudalova has a completely different character than Katerina Kabanova. The girl received an excellent education, she is smart, sophisticated, educated, dreams of beautiful love, but initially her life turns out completely differently. She is homeless. Larisa's mother is very selfish. She sells the beauty and youth of her daughters.

First, an old man with gout appeared in the house. Larisa clearly doesn't want this unequal marriage, but “you had to be nice: mummy orders.” Then the rich manager of some prince came running, always drunk. Larisa has no time for him, but in the house they accept him: “her position is unenviable.” Then a certain cashier “appeared”, showering Kharita Ignatievna with money. This one fought off everyone, but didn’t show off for long. Circumstances here helped the bride: he was arrested in their house with a scandal.

Larisa Ogudalova falls in love with the “brilliant master” Sergei Sergeevich Paratov. She sincerely considers him the ideal man. The master has a fortune, he fully corresponds to the idea of ​​a noble and educated person. His inner essence is revealed later. Larisa is young and inexperienced, so she falls into Paratov’s trap and ruins herself. She does not have a strong character and becomes a toy in the hands of others. It comes to the point where the girl is being played toss. Those around her consider her a thing, an expensive and beautiful amusement, but her sublime soul, beauty and talent turn out to be unimportant. Karandyshev tells Larisa: “They don’t look at you as a woman, as a person... they look at you as a thing.”

She herself agrees with this: “A thing... yes, a thing! They are right, I am a thing, I am not a person...”.

Larisa has a passionate heart, she is sincere and emotional. She generously gives her love, but what does she get in return? For her loved one, Larisa is just another form of entertainment and fun. Out of despair, she even agrees to accept Knurov’s conditions.

Death is a kind of salvation for Larisa, a spiritual salvation, of course. Such a tragic ending saves her from the difficult choice that she is trying to make, saves her from moral death and falling into the abyss called depravity.

The only way out that Larisa finds is leaving this world. Larisa first wanted to commit suicide herself. She approached the cliff and looked down, but unlike Katerina, she did not have enough determination and strength to accomplish her plan. However, Larisa's death is predetermined and prepared by the entire play. Suddenly a shot is heard from the pier (this is what Larisa is scared of). Then the ax in Karandyshev’s hands is mentioned. He calls certain death a fall from a cliff. Larisa talks about Paratov’s “indifferent shot” at the coin she was holding in her hands. She herself thinks that here on any branch “you can hang yourself,” but on the Volga “it’s easy to drown yourself everywhere.” Robinson has a premonition of a possible murder. Finally, Larisa dreams: “If only someone would kill me now?”

The death of the heroine becomes inevitable, and it comes. In a mad fit of ownership, performing a great deed for her, Karandyshev kills her. This is the last and involuntary choice of the homeless woman. This is how the tragedy ends main character Ostrovsky's plays.

"Dowry" is a drama about the catastrophe of personality in an inhuman world. This work is about the tragedy of an ordinary Russian woman, a homeless woman with a warm, loving heart.