Cat coloring page for children. An easy way to learn how to draw a domestic cat with a pencil step by step

Total found: 15

Tell me if spaces are needed before and after the slash, and in this case: seller/manufacturer of the product; borrower/one of the co-borrowers; borrower/co-borrower/guarantor.
Thank you!

No spaces required.

Question No. 275822
Please tell me how to correctly pronounce the word slash (slash):
"slash" or "slash"? Why?

Sincerely, Geoffrey Oneal

Russian help desk response

Question No. 275428
Hello! I just can’t understand how abbreviations are written using slashes - with or without a dot. I'm especially interested in the spelling after the slash a. For example, I often come across rubles/pcs. How will it be true? Is there a need for a period after pc? Please, help! I've been looking for an answer to this question for a long time, but I haven't found it from you. Thank you in advance)

Russian help desk response

Here is a quote from the complete academic reference book “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation” (M., 2006 and subsequent editions):

“Oblique-linear abbreviations are used instead of phrases, less often - difficult words, eg: and I(PO Box), k/t(cinema), cotton(cotton), rpm(revolutions per minute), r/s And cash account(checking account); in these cases, periods are not placed after abbreviated elements of words.”

Question No. 256872
Hello! Actually, it's crazy when the help desk doesn't answer questions. As they say, you called yourself a load, climb into the back...
So, please tell me, when and in what cases are spaces placed before and after slashes? In answers No. 183946, 213343, 241178 spaces are placed and formulated as if general rule, that there is no need to put them, but in answer No. 241930, point 2, spaces are already put. Sorry, I don't want to offend anyone...

Russian help desk response

The help desk tries to answer questions related to the Russian language. The question of slashes and spaces is difficult to consider as such. But still. The slash sign is used: 1) instead of the dividing conjunction “or”; 2) as a fraction sign in formulas, quantities ( km/hour, rub./kg). In both cases, spaces are not needed.

Question No. 255054
How would you recommend formatting dates indicated with slashes in the old and new styles - with or without spaces: May 18/31, May 19/June 1?

Russian help desk response

Dates of the old (more precisely, new) style are usually enclosed in brackets: May 18 (31), May 19 (June 1).

Question No. 254104
And one more question please. It is well known that the following reference entry is correct: Ivanov I. I. How to kill time. M.: Higher. school, 2000. P. 11.
The author of the book is I. I. Ivanov. Tell me, how should this same reference be written if I. I. Ivanov is not the author, but the compiler? In this case, would the entry begin with the title of the book, and information about the compiler be given after the slash, for example: How to kill time / Compiled by I. I. Ivanov. M.: Higher. school, 2000. P. 11. Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Yes, Peter, you are absolutely right here.

Question No. 241178
Hello, last days I don't get answers to my questions!!!
Should there be a space before and after the slash in such abbreviations and which reference book records this: km/h, rub. / kg?

Russian help desk response

No space needed. See “Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences” and “Directory of the Publisher and Author” by A. E. Milchin and L. K. Cheltsova.

Question No. 234618
Good afternoon. Please tell me what point of view should be followed in the spelling of the word “slash” (I mean slash). In your spelling dictionary through E, and in explanatory dictionary throughE? Thank you in advance.

Russian help desk response

You should follow the recommendations of the spelling dictionary.
Question No. 232567
For God's sake, tell me how you can format a poem if one line does not fit entirely (a narrow column in a newspaper). Is it possible to type in a selection (without breaking it into lines); do I need to separate the lines with a slash?

Russian help desk response

In this case, there are two design options: you can move part of the poetic line to the next line (aligned to the right) or print without breaking into lines, but separate the poetic lines with two slashes: _I’ll sing you a song about five minutes, // This song let them sing mine..._
If we're talking about about the agricultural year, say 2007-2008, is it correct to write numbers separated by a dash or slash? In the 2007/2008 agricultural year... Thank you!

Russian help desk response

The correct spelling is separated by a slash.
Question No. 223222
Hello. Please tell me the origin of the word "slash" and what it means. Thank you.

Russian help desk response

_Slash_ - from the English slash "slash (symbol or mathematical sign)".
Question No. 215057
Please tell me how the words are written: “slash” or “slash” (slash /\), “tag” or “tag” (for example, in HTML, XML)

Russian help desk response

Correct: _slash, tag_.
Question No. 213343
Hello! Please tell me whether I need to put a space before and after the "slash" sign in the following sentence: "The buyer/manufacturer may demand payment of compensation..." Or should I write "buyer/manufacturer"? Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Correct without spaces.

Many people love cats, and of course children. Cats are perhaps one of the most popular pets in the world. Drawing these charming and unusually graceful creatures is extremely exciting. In order to depict a cat, you will need a set of colored pencils, an eraser, paper, a gel pen (black) and a mechanical pencil.

The most convenient way to draw a cat is in stages:

1. Draw a small circle at the top of a piece of paper;

2. Draw ears to the circle. Try to make the ears the same length;

3. Divide the circle vertical line into two approximately equal parts. Then mark the circle by drawing two horizontal lines. The top line indicates the location of the cat's eyes, and the bottom line indicates the location of his nose;

4. Draw two eyes, the distance between them is approximately equal to the size of one eye. Then draw the nose, which is shaped like an inverted triangle;

5. Draw the pupils and mouth of the cat. Draw the shape of his head;

6. Outline the cat’s body and draw a tail;

7. Draw the cat’s paws in more detail;

8. Using a pen, trace the drawing;

9. Use an eraser to erase the sketch;

10. Inner part Color the ears with light pink and nude pencils. Color the cat's eyes with light green and green tones, and the pupil with black. Shade the fur in places with pencils gray shades;

11. Paint over the lower part of the background green pencil, and shade the top one with pencils in lilac shades.

The cat drawing is completely ready. You can draw this animal using other materials. For example, pastel or gouache. It is especially interesting to draw a cat from life, because in this case you can display all the grace of this extraordinary creature in your work.

Now we will learn to draw a kitten from the very beginning, and with our own hands. If you learn to draw it with a pencil, you can draw it with anything.

Like this one.

Step 1
In order to draw it correctly, you need to figure out what it is made of. What, what, what are our kittens made of?.. Naturally, from the head, carcass, paws (4 pcs.) and tail.

All shapes are very simple: the body and front legs resemble sausages, the hind legs resemble sausages with lentils attached to the top, the head is a flattened ball, the ears are rounded triangles.

Step 2
Now let's connect the parts together. Naturally, we don’t stupidly apply one to the other - this is not Soviet that manufacturing Teddy bear! And the kitten’s paws are not nailed down. They need to be grown. Imagine that you are sculpting it from plasticine - you make a body, a paw, and then top part press it into the body and lubricate the joint with your finger. So it is here. The transition from the body to the paws should be smooth, do not forget that the kitten still has time to walk and jump on them! If the muzzle is half turned, then the far ear needs to be turned: it will become narrower, and the inside of the ear will almost not be visible.

To make the picture look more alive: do not draw with straight lines! Also, don't draw the entire object with one simple arc. Look at the near front leg: it is not straight, not concave or curved, it bends in both directions!

Step 3
Now we draw the eyes and nose. We draw them at the bottom of the head, leaving the kitten more space for the brains (his brains will be useful to him in life). We draw the eyes almost at the same level as the nose; in fact, the inner corners of the eyes and the lower corner of the nose form obtuse triangle. Don't forget that the head is not round, but spherical. That is, it is volumetric, so even with the slightest rotation there will be slight distortion.

Step 4
Draw the pupils following the Caracal tutorial. Carefully draw the nose, eyes, outline the eyebrows and mouth (this way you can make the face more expressive).

Now the outline and features of the faces... muzzles! ready. But he shouldn't be bald! This is not a sphinx, this is an ordinary kitten. We need to make it wool. Therefore, before drawing the fur, I erase the clear dark outline of the kitten. Well, I paint the eyes, I like to do it. Dark on top, light arc below, white highlight on top.

Step 6
Now you can make the outline woolen. We draw in place of the old outline of the hair.

Carefully draw the tail. Many people like to immediately draw a panicle, so that it is more magnificent and beautiful. In fact, a thin ponytail that tapers towards the end looks much more touching!

Step 7

The most tedious part is shading the kitten with hairs. At the same time, we make sure that the hairs grow in the right direction, do not continue each other and do not merge. You can make a few stripes on the tail and leave a white breast.

Step 8
Woolen, but flat. It's like it's covered in texture. Ugly. Need to add volume! Add it along the edges of the legs, body, head, using neat semicircular strokes. We shade from the edge to the middle in an arc! Select arcuate stripes. The far paw should be made darker than the near one. You can also put triangular shadows on the paws above the toes and above the nose. We paint over the ears in depth.

Step 9
Now, it’s already beautiful! Now we strengthen all the shadows, because there are few of them yet. If somewhere it turns out to be a very dark place, lighten it with a nag. And along the edges we add random thin hairs to enliven the picture. Don't forget about the mustache: it grows on the muzzle near the nose, on the eyebrows and in the ears. Well, we need to put it on the surface, then a shadow will come to our aid if there is no time or desire to come up with something else

Step 10
From these same simple shapes By combining them and bending them, you can create different poses. It’s okay if the sketches are sloppy, you can always draw 5 pieces, select the most successful one and redraw it on a clean copy.

Pictures for children about cats are a way to show a child how different this animal can be. Regardless of the breed, the affectionate Murka always evokes warm feelings in children.
Many poems, songs, fairy tales and cartoons are dedicated to pets. No less interesting are pencil drawings of cats, in which she is depicted in images for every taste.

Pictures and photos of cats, cats and kittens for children

Cats have been living alongside humans for about 10,000 years, since humans began to lead a sedentary lifestyle. These mammals are perfect solitary predators.

People quickly realized that they needed to “make friends” with cats so that they would have someone to guard food supplies that were mercilessly destroyed by rodents. They were first introduced in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. In Ancient Egypt, the animal was considered sacred and symbolized fertility. Today, cats are kept as companion animals: the fluffy beauties become home decorations, and people enjoy communicating with them.

In the photo, on a white background, funny kittens are playing carefree. Not everyone knows that this is how they practice their hunting skills. Interestingly, they are one of the few in nature who kill for pleasure.

Since cats were domesticated, more than 200 breeds have been developed. Murki differ in the type, length and color of their coat. And sphinxes, for example, are completely devoid of it. In general, cat selection is a very complex and responsible thing. Ears bent forward, like those of the British and Scottish Folds, or backwards, like those of American Curls, short legs, like those of Munchkins, etc., make the animals cute and unusual. But all these features appearance- no matter what, gene mutations. At the same time, cats also inherit health problems.

Cats are very social, they communicate with each other using sounds (there are more than 100 of them in animals), pheromones and body movements.

Cool and funny photos and pictures of cats

The cat has a well-developed vestibular apparatus. That's why she always lands on her feet. During the fall, the animal deftly and quickly turns so that its head, belly and tail are parallel to the ground. It lands on soft paws, which absorbs the impact on the ground.

It's funny to look at pictures for children where a cat steals food. They do this when they are hungry, or simply out of curiosity. There is no need to scold your pet for such pampering. It’s better to train yourself to immediately clear everything from the table after eating.

It happens like this: you hear a suspicious sound from the kitchen, you walk in, and the cat is on the table. Why does he always climb there? Remnants of predator instincts force the pet to climb higher in order to have a good view.

All cats generally love to watch what is happening around them from above. Cats are so cool when they sit on fences, cabinets or shelves.

Children and adults admire the video of how deftly a tiger or leopard hunts: they track their prey and, bending low to the ground, creep up to it as close as possible to make the final dash. Domestic cats are no less skillful than their predatory counterparts!

Every child knows about cats and dogs that they are sworn enemies. Animals literally speak different languages: what for a cat is a gesture of carelessness and relaxation, dogs perceive as aggression. But if the owners try, kittens and puppies can coexist peacefully under one roof and become friends. Videos and pictures of such strange four-legged friends are now not uncommon.

Cat with kittens, cat with kittens, family

A cat gives birth to from 1 to 8 kittens, on average there are 5-6 of them. The mother immediately begins to care for the babies, who remain deaf and blind for up to 2 weeks: she feeds them, licks them, and carries them in her teeth in case of danger.

A good mother - a cat and kittens are inseparable. She leaves them for short periods of time when absolutely necessary. She teaches them the rules of hygiene.

Kitten plays with a ball, sits on a tree, sleeps

Newborn babies feed on the milk of their mother cat, but after a month they must begin to be taught to eat from a bowl. Kittens are so cute when they lap up milk!

At the age of three weeks, kittens become very playful. Children who have ever had such a “kindergarten” at home are very lucky to watch kittens run, jump and tumble, play with balls and hunt for a teaser stick. Others can see it in photos or pictures.

Thanks to the presence of sharp claws, murchiki climb trees very deftly. But sometimes they have problems with the descent. The fact that firefighters removed the mustachioed and striped one from the top of the poplar is not a fairy tale at all.

Watching a sleeping kitten is a great pleasure. In a dream, a baby can take the most intricate poses. The photo shows how funny cats They sleep with their paws up, or comfortably nestled in the mistress’s slipper.

Drawn cats: pencil drawings, Cheshire cat

The drawn cats are kind and funny. Artists try to convey the softness of their fur and graceful movements. Some even manage to draw the smile of a Cheshire cat with a pencil.

Funny pictures of cats depict animals with a bow on their neck, a mouse and a colorful butterfly.

Cartoon cat. Guess the cartoon from the picture

The photo of cartoon cats with answers depicts the heroes of the child’s favorite stories: famous storyteller- cat scientist A.S. Pushkin, the good-natured cat Leopold, the resourceful cat Matroskin from Prostakvashino, the charming puss in boots from Shrek. Is there a cartoon cat in the images that the baby has not yet met? Perhaps he will watch a new cartoon tonight.

How to draw a cat with a pencil step by step: for children and beginners

Pictures of pets are one of the first that a baby learns to make. If he has a saffron milk cap or a striped whale at home, or he really wants to get one, the child will definitely ask how to draw pictures of cats with a pencil. Simple circuits How to draw a cat for children will help you do it with just a few hand movements. And the child can choose any color of fur for his drawn pet.

How to draw Simon the Cat with a pencil/marker step by step

Rhymes and videos for kindergarten and primary school children

Observe your pet and prepare a story about it for a lesson at school or an activity. kindergarten- a simple task for children who know Interesting Facts about cats. You can supplement your story with a poem or a picture drawn in pencil.

Children's short rhymes

The cat often becomes the hero of children's nursery rhymes, as, for example, in “The Little Gray Kitty.”

It will be very easy for kids to guess the purr by their habits and taste preferences.

Video for children

A. Krylov appropriated the cunning and love of stealing food, inherent in many cats, to the character of his nursery rhyme.

In the fairy tale "The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox" the mustachioed - striped - positive character, who managed to fool even sly fox and protect the rooster from it.

Cool video with cats

Creativity is extremely beneficial for children's development. Even a few lines or crooked circles made with your own hand will bring the child into unimaginable delight. Drawing will not only give you a wonderful mood, but will also help you to perceive correctly the world. In addition, such a pastime is useful for children’s fingers and promotes their rapid development.

Learn to draw a kitten

Very often, having learned to draw simple elements (a circle, lines, a sun, a flower, etc.), a child tries to depict something more complex, for example, to draw a favorite kitten. Of course, he doesn’t succeed on the first try, so parents must help their child. But it happens that mom and dad don’t know how to draw at all. In this case, you just need to find information on how to draw a kitten, and happily start drawing together with your baby. First, you should carefully observe the kitten and decide in what position you will portray it. Little kittens are extremely active and do not sit in one place for a long time. Consequently, the pose will have to be reproduced from memory. Also decide what you will draw with: pencil, paints or felt-tip pens. Many people do not know how to draw kittens with a pencil, but believe me, it is not so difficult, you will definitely succeed.

Let's start the creative process

So that everything turns out correctly, and the drawing pleases your little artist, be sure to use the information on how to draw a kitten step by step.

First stage

First you should make general sketches of the body shape. They may not be very accurate. The main thing is to correctly convey the proportions of the head, legs and body. The head should not be large, but not small, and the paws should be the same in thickness and length.

Second phase

It is necessary to make a more detailed drawing of the paws and muzzle. Want to know about something quickly? Then concentrate and apply with light strokes necessary details. The most important point is to draw the cat's eyes, nose and mouth, if you get them, then you don't have to worry, then everything will go by itself.

Final stage

Make sure what you draw matches reality. The drawing may differ slightly, but the main features of the body should still be the same. Only after this can you and your little artist begin the final stage. You need to carefully draw the eyes, then the nose and mouth. After this, you can finish drawing the entire face, adding long thin antennae and finishing the fur with small, frequent strokes. That's all, the drawing of the pet is ready. Now you know how to draw a kitten quickly and correctly. But the most important thing is that you did it together with your baby. Who knows, maybe in many years he will become famous artist and will talk about his first drawing. If you are thinking about how to draw a kitten more simple method, then don’t be afraid to experiment, the main thing is that you and your baby enjoy this process!