How to draw a Snow Maiden with a pencil. How to beautifully draw a Snow Maiden with colored pencils

How to draw Snow Maiden

Portrait of the Snow Maiden. Drawing step by step

Maria Vladimirovna Puchkova, art and art teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 19” of the Saransk urban district of the Republic of Mordovia

Master class on drawing: “Portrait of the Snow Maiden in mixed media.”

Description: This master class is intended for children from 7 years old, art teachers, additional education teachers, educators.
Target: making a portrait of the Snow Maiden in mixed media.
by means of artistic expressiveness - shape, proportions, color, line, texture of material, composition - to master the image of a portrait of a fairy-tale hero (as imagined) on a plane in mixed media; study the proportions of the head, the structure of the face.
develop creative imagination and fine motor skills.
cultivate a conscious attitude towards the image process, accuracy, and the desire to complete the work.
Materials: wax crayons, watercolors, brush, water jar, album, pencil, salt.

Progress of the master class:

With Grandfather Frost nearby,
Shines with a festive outfit.
Asks us riddles
He leads a round dance and sings.
A jacket made of snowflakes,
Who is this?…

Only our Father Frost has a granddaughter, Snegurochka, and she was born in Russia. The Snow Maiden is a literary character. Soon after the hero Father Frost appeared in the lives of Russians, in 1873 he had a young assistant, at first positioned as a daughter - Snegurochka. This happened thanks to Alexander Ostrovsky’s play “The Snow Maiden,” which he created based on a folk tale about a girl fashioned from snow and melted by the warm rays of the sun. Later, writers and poets turned her into a granddaughter. Many people liked the lyrical, beautiful story about the Snow Maiden. The famous philanthropist Savva Ivanovich Mamontov wanted to stage it on the home stage of the Abramtsevo circle in Moscow. The premiere took place on January 6, 1882. Costume sketches for her were made by V. M. Vasnetsov (in a light sundress with a hoop or headband), and three years later the famous artist made new sketches for the production of the opera of the same name by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov.
Two more famous artists were involved in creating the appearance of the Snow Maiden. In 1898, M. A. Vrubel created the image of the Snow Maiden for a decorative panel in the house of A. V. Morozov (in white clothes woven from snow and down, lined with ermine fur). Later, in 1912, N.K. Roerich (in a fur coat) presented his vision of the Snow Maiden, who participated in the production of a dramatic play about the Snow Maiden in St. Petersburg.
The story of the snow girl who came to people became increasingly popular and fit very well into the city's Christmas tree programs. Gradually, the Snow Maiden becomes a permanent character during the holidays as an assistant to Father Frost. This is how the special Russian custom of celebrating Christmas with the participation of Father Frost and his beautiful and intelligent granddaughter is born.
After the repressions of 1927 - 1935, the Snow Maiden disappeared for a long time and as a constant companion of Grandfather, she was revived only in the early 1950s thanks to the efforts of children's classics Lev Kassil and Sergei Mikhalkov, who wrote scripts for the Kremlin Christmas trees. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden entered the public life of the country as obligatory attributes of the coming New Year. The place of her birth today is disputed by two localities in Russia: the Kostroma region, where Ostrovsky wrote his famous fairy tale on the Shchelykovo estate, and St. Petersburg, where he created his immortal opera by Rimsky-Korsakov.
What is she like, our Snow Maiden?!
The young girl is the child of Frost and Spring. She is pure as white snow, but her cold soul did not know love. The heart of a beautiful girl strives upward to discover this feeling. But at the very moment when love opens to her heart, she must perish. The purest creation, combining both the earthly and the unearthly, so captivates the artist’s soul that it becomes real, embodied on the master’s canvas.
As a rule, artists paint the image of the Snow Maiden in cold tones of paint. The purest untouched snow that accompanies the girl seems to reflect the purity of the girl’s soul and the coldness of her heart. Her wonderful face radiates purity and tenderness. Painting masters complement this beautiful image of a young girl with a wonderful traditional Russian folk costume (sarafan, shirt or fur coat). And the headdress, kokoshnik, gives the Snow Maiden’s image femininity and tenderness.
She is charming, even nature itself admires the beauty of her creation.
Let's try to create the image of a girl from a fairy tale. Let's do a full-length portrait. The portrait depicts the external appearance (and through it the inner world) of a person, in our case a literary hero.
So, we make a sketch with a pencil.
The human head has an oval shape, wider at the top and narrower at the bottom. It is correct, the same on the left and right sides, i.e. symmetrical.
Draw a vertical line in the middle of the sheet, this will help draw the correct oval.

The face is divided into three parts:
1- forehead, 2- eyes. nose, 3- lips, chin.
Let's draw horizontal lines.

Riddles will help us in further work.
My brother lives behind the mountain,
May he not meet me.

On the top line we draw eyebrows, below – eyes.
The shape of the eyes consists of arched lines (upper and lower eyelids). We outline the eyelashes and pupil.

Who am i?
Always with you,
At least stand, at least sit -
Always ahead.

The nose is located in the middle of the leaf. The bridge of the nose comes from the eyebrows (draw with a smooth arched line). The crown of the nose is rounded, we draw the wings of the nose on the side, marking the nostrils.

Two brothers are standing
Velvet caftans,
Red outfits,
They live nearby
They'll come together
They'll separate
They will hug hotly -
They'll fight hard.

Below the nose we draw a mouth.

On the sides at the level of the nose we draw ears.

They don’t sow, they don’t plant,
And they themselves grow.

We draw a “cap” of hair and outline a braid.
By the way, in Rus', unmarried girls wore one braid. Good, thick hair was highly valued as it spoke of strength and health. We can say that the expression “a braid is a girl’s beauty” had a completely literal meaning - the one with the longest braid was considered the best bride. And so the girls tried their best to make their braids grow thick.

We outline the line of the shoulders, the collar of the shirt, designate the shape of the kokoshnik and decorations.
Usually the kokoshnik was worn on holidays. Unlike the kichka and magpie, which were worn only by married women, the kokoshnik could also be worn by unmarried girls. It was made to order by professional craftswomen - “kokoshnitsy”, who had the skills of sewing with pearls, beads, gold thread and the ability to handle factory fabrics. Kokoshniks were carefully kept in the family and passed on by inheritance.
On the shirt, embroidery went along the bottom of the hem, the bottom of the sleeves, on the chest and collar, i.e. the physical body and internal energies are completely protected by the symbols of the Family - all grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandfathers, the entire Family to the beginning, all the power goes to the Amulet. The collar of a woman's shirt is fastened with a button or buckle, and the girl's is tied inside with a braided rope.

Speaking about the choice of color, we remind you that we create the image of a girl using delicate, cool shades.
This material is very interesting; both professional artists and amateurs use it. We consider it appropriate to use wax crayons in children's creativity. The works turn out bright and juicy.
Tell us how they should work. You can draw with crayons in different ways. The sharp edge leaves clear, bright lines. When you draw with one end for quite a long time, edges are formed on it and the lines they leave are softer.
There is another very interesting way of working: to do this, you need to take a chalk with three fingers parallel to a sheet of paper and leave a wide colored spot with its edge. Large areas of color can be covered in this way.

We place a color accent on the eyes, create a portrait of the Snow Maiden, and outline an ornament on the clothes and kokoshnik.

We cover the background with watercolor paints, choose colors to taste, before the paints dry, sprinkle our picture with rock salt. Salt creates an incredible effect by absorbing the pigment from the paint as it dries.

After the paint layer has dried, carefully shake off the salt. We frame the drawing.

We bring to your attention the works of students of the Municipal Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 19” in Saransk.

On a winter night, fabulous,
I'll go out onto the street.
From a mysterious country
I'll call the Snow Maiden.
It will swirl, it will swirl
There is a snowstorm above me.
Maybe the fairy tale will come true
Believe it or not.

The story of distant childhood -
Snow beauty
Hurt my heart,
I can't handle him.
The thin frame of a reed,
Like fingers of ice,
The girls remember you
Boys love you.

You are white in winter
Born on the sidelines
Where are the brave ones on the roller coaster?
The Christmas trees have become friends.
Among all the outskirts
Mother villages
There is no better assistant
At my beloved grandmother's.

But in the thawed spring
You trust fate
And a small snowflake
You'll melt again in the evening.
When he meets a dream in the grass -
Winter dream oak tree,
They will be waiting for you to come to them
Grandfather and grandmother.

The windows are painted
Silvery frost.
- Don’t ask anything
The blue sky will say.
Wait until autumn
Moons are colorful
The world will be decorated with gray hair
The pearls are countless.

On a winter night, fabulous,
I'll go out onto the street
From a mysterious country
I'll call the Snow Maiden.
It will swirl, it will swirl
There's a snowstorm above me,
Maybe the fairy tale will come true
I will hope.
Oleg Abritsov

Most recently, you and I learned to use pencils. But he doesn’t come alone. Before the chimes strike midnight, you have a great opportunity to learn how to draw the granddaughter of Santa Claus in order to appease him to receive the desired gift in the New Year.

We will tell you about the step-by-step drawing of the Snow Maiden in today's master class.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colour pencils.

Stage of the Snow Maiden image:

  1. At the first stage, we will depict the Snow Maiden’s head in the form of an oval. In the upper part we will draw curls of hair. Then we will “dress” the Snow Maiden with a headdress - a warm winter hat with a fur lapel.

  1. Now we move just below the head and draw the girl’s torso, which will be dressed in a warm long fur coat.

  1. We finish drawing the hands that will be wearing mittens. We will decorate the Snow Maiden's fur coat with fur inserts so that it is beautiful on the outside and warm on the inside.

  1. At the bottom of the picture, under the long fur coat, we will place boots.

  1. We finish drawing the granddaughter of Santa Claus a beautiful and long braid in the background.

  1. Draw the girl's face. You don’t need to draw her features in detail, but make them schematically. Overall, the face should look sweet and kind.


  1. Now let’s prepare a step-by-step drawing of the Snow Maiden for applying colored pencils. To do this, use an eraser in the necessary places.

  1. Use a light blue pencil to color all areas of the clothing - the top of the hat, mittens and fur coat.

  1. Use a dark blue pencil to enhance the color in the shadow areas and make a stroke.

  1. Using pencils in yellow, orange and pink tones, we give a natural shade to the skin on the Snow Maiden’s face.

  1. To give a golden color to the hair of Santa Claus's granddaughter, we use a bright yellow and brown pencil. We will also make the shoes brown.

  1. Using brown and black pencils of different tones, we will decorate the Snow Maiden’s boots and outline all the elements. If necessary, we will use them to paint the shadow areas to give depth to the drawing.

New Year is coming soon! What can you draw for this holiday, so anticipated by many children? You can draw the main beauty of this holiday - the Snow Maiden. In this pencil drawing lesson we will tell you how to learn how to correctly draw the beautiful granddaughter of the Snow Maiden - the Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden is the main assistant of Father Frost, whose drawing lesson is also available on our website. The most important thing is to follow the tips that were prepared especially for you.

Stage 1. First, we need to outline the basic proportions of the drawing, we do this using lines. We schematically draw the oval of the face, neck, position of the hands and the outline of the Snow Maiden’s fur coat. Try to maintain the proportions especially carefully in the upper part of the drawing. Pay attention to the position of your face relative to your neck - this is very important! Otherwise, in the end you will get a Snow Maiden whose head sticks forward or backward.

Stage 2. Let's move on to drawing the head. Mark out the lines of your eyes, nose and lips so that you can navigate as easily as possible. You can draw the Snow Maiden’s face the way you want - you don’t have to completely copy our girl’s face. The main thing is that the granddaughter Snow Maiden turns out to be a real beauty - to do this, draw her big eyes, a small, neat nose and expressive, moderately plump lips.

Stage 3. Move on to the crown - draw it with a double line and add a decorative circle on each ray. The collar of the fur coat should stand up nicely, and the mittens should be stacked on top of each other.

Stage 4. Decorate the crown - there is one rule here - no rules! Get creative and come up with your own decorations, for example, you can draw snowflakes on the crown, but we decorated it with beads, and the crown comes with cute earrings.

Stage 5. The real Snow Maiden always has very long and beautiful hair, so we drew two braids. Drawing a pigtail is quite simple, but quite time-consuming! You need to draw each segment separately, starting from the top. Here we add shoes and decorate the dress with winter patterns - just draw them exactly like ours.

Snegurochka is the granddaughter of Father Frost, a young beauty, smart girl and a kind helper.

On the eve of the New Year, you should decide how to draw the Snow Maiden so that the holiday sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow.

1. We start by designating the general outline of the future heroine of the fairy-tale epic

2. At the top of the picture we denote a face with an ellipse

3. Then move on to the figure

4. Using the main points and lines we show all the articulations of the Snow Maiden’s arms

5. How to draw the Snow Maiden without a warm fur coat: the style will be flared towards the bottom

6. Let’s start drawing a gentle girl’s face, draw big eyes, thin eyebrows, plump lips, and a graceful nose. For the lesson "how to draw a Snow Maiden" we recommend watching the lesson " how to draw Santa Claus" or " how to draw a Christmas tree "

7. Dress the Snow Maiden in a warm fur coat and mittens

8. Draw a fur hat with a lapel and a luxurious shawl collar

9. Get rid of extra lines using an eraser

10. Give the bottom of the fur coat a finished look: draw trim from the waist down and along the hem

11. It is worth paying special attention to the hairstyle - the Snow Maiden has a luxurious braid decorated with a bow

12. It’s time to start drawing out the details - we give the trim of the fur coat a natural look

13. Snow Maiden is a beautiful girl who loves jewelry, draw her intricate earrings

14. Start shading and adding volume to the clothes and appearance of the Snow Maiden

15. Having completed the outfit, you can use highlights and snowflakes to decorate the Snow Maiden’s fur coat and mittens

It’s not so much important how to draw the Snow Maiden, but how to get a feeling of the upcoming holiday and fun, laughter and happiness with your family and close friends.

In Russia, New Year's holidays are associated not only with the kind Father Frost, who generously distributes gifts to everyone, but also with his charming granddaughter, Snegurochka. This character, which we associate with holidays, fairy tales and good mood, is usually used to decorate New Year's paraphernalia, cards and crafts. Today we will tell you how to draw the Snow Maiden with a pencil step by step for beginners. Learning to draw this fairy-tale girl is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

In order to beautifully draw the Snow Maiden with colored pencils, you will need:

- colour pencils;
- eraser;
- a simple pencil;
- black gel pen;
- paper.

How to draw the Snow Maiden with a pencil step by step for beginners

1. Having prepared everything you need, you can start drawing the Snow Maiden. Draw a vertical line along the length of the future image of the character and the top edge of the snowdrift on which our character will stand. Work with smooth, not too thick lines, since these strokes will need to be removed with an eraser at the final stage of the drawing.

2. Draw the outlines of the fur coat, as well as the Snow Maiden’s head and hands. Before you draw the Snow Maiden with a pencil, consider step by step what position she will stand or sit in, who and what will surround her, so that the New Year’s drawing turns out lively, bright and festive.

3. Mark the collar, as well as the edge of the coat and felt boots.

4. Draw mittens.

5. Draw the coat in more detail. Draw the face of the Snow Maiden, draw her a traditional long braid and a hat.

6. Draw a hare next to the girl, because she is always surrounded by forest animals. You can also draw squirrels, bear cubs, fox cubs and other animals and birds. You can also draw a snow-covered fluffy Christmas tree, decorated with bright toys and garlands. And since the symbol of 2015 will be a sheep, you can draw next to the Snow Maiden.

7. Draw the animal’s face in more detail.

8. Use a black gel pen or a thin felt-tip pen to outline all the contours, being careful not to deviate from the pencil outlines.

9. Carefully erase the pencil drawing of the Snow Maiden.

10. Color both the bunny and the Snow Maiden with colored pencils.

Our beautiful New Year's drawing is ready! Now you know how to beautifully draw the Snow Maiden with colored pencils, but if you wish, you can use any paints or felt-tip pens to color such a picture. You can successfully use your skills in drawing the Snow Maiden when creating.

On the eve of the New Year, I want to take out a sketchbook and draw my favorite winter characters on a blank sheet of paper. For example, Snow Maiden. Let's draw her in a simple image, where there will be a fur coat with fluffy inserts and a warm hat.

For drawing you will need:

- paper;
- pencils (both simple graphite and colored);
- eraser and black marker.

Drawing steps:

1. You can find a lot of lessons and tips on how to draw the Snow Maiden. They all start with the fact that you need to draw a circle that will become the girl’s face. Next she needs to add a headdress. Some suggest decorating with a crown, others with a kokoshnik, and still others with a simple winter hat. Let's do so! Let's add several arches to the contour of the head, which together will make a beautiful hat with a lush bubo.

2. We outline the outline of the body on which we put the fur coat. We will make the collar, lower parts of the sleeves and the fur coat itself in the form of fur inserts.

3. Let’s finish drawing the mitten, thin pants and boots.

4. Almost every Snow Maiden has long braids. Ours will have two. First we draw the hair on the head, and then the outline of the braids on the sides. Let's add bows.

5. At this stage we create the girl’s facial features. To do this, use a simple pencil to outline the eyes, large nose, mouth and eyebrows. Let's add small details to the clothes and move on to coloring the winter pattern.

6. Color the fur coat, headdress and ties on the pigtails with blue pencils. On fur inserts we create a light tone.

7. Use a blue-violet pencil to paint over areas of the New Year’s outfit to add color saturation.

8. We create the Snow Maiden’s sweet and happy face in natural tones. To do this, you can’t do without a beige, pink and yellow pencil. On the cheeks and tip of the nose we apply more strokes of pink.

9. Make the hair yellow. We also paint a button on a fur coat, mittens and boots with this shade. We darken the areas with a brown pencil.

10. Use red to create the girl’s mouth. Use blue and blue pencils to paint over the panties and fur inserts on the boots.

11. Finally, use a thin felt-tip pen or a special tool to create lines. We work out not only the outline, but also small details that need to be completely painted over. In addition, we shade the shadow in all areas of the drawing.

12. So we get a bright drawing for the New Year, where the beautiful Snow Maiden is placed in the center. The illustration will certainly come in handy for decorating a holiday wall newspaper at school or kindergarten, and it can also be used for a postcard.