Defeated demon. In a world of hallucinations

Joseph Davidovich Kobzon was born on September 11, 1937. In addition to his merits in the field of pop music, he is also known for wearing a rather tacky wig almost all his life. Nature does not understand whether a person will notice or not, and therefore even the most famous stars are not immune from baldness. Some of them don’t even try to hide wearing a wig, while others carefully hide rare hair under natural overlays. However, it is almost impossible to escape the watchful gaze of photographers. Here are the celebrities caught wearing wigs.
Joseph Kobzon. The master first felt the need to wear a wig 40 years ago. As his mother said, as a teenager Joseph suffered frostbite on his head in the cold, which is why he lost his hair.

Oddly enough, no one has yet managed to photograph Kobzon without a wig, but in many photos it is noticeable that the wig fits worse and worse on the singer and resembles a cap.

In some photographs the line of the performer's real hair is visible.

John Travolta. Many have long noticed that something strange is happening to the actor’s hair: his hairstyles changed quite suddenly.

Everything became clearer when Travolta was photographed after playing tennis with friends, where his natural hair was visible.

It is curious that at the press conference the next day he appeared with a full head of hair.

After this incident, the balding Travolta was photographed “in all his glory” several more times.

This is what John Travolta looks like without a wig.

Mickey Rourke. The actor began to lose his hair simultaneously with his passion for plastic surgery.

Later, the paparazzi managed to photograph his obviously extended strands.

Jon Cryer. The 46-year-old actor was photographed at a sporting event in Malibu with noticeably thinning hair on his head.

And a few hours later, the star of the TV series “Two and a Half Men” attended the ceremony with a full head of hair.

By the way, in last season series, he still chose a natural image.

Charlie Sheen doesn't try to hide his own bad habits, but until recently I successfully hid my baldness.

Recently, the paparazzi took a photo of the actor, who revealed his secret.

Rihanna. The singer did all kinds of hairstyles, and fans considered such experiments of the star to be her trademark “trick.”

Like other wig lovers, the singer has been photographed more than once looking “unkempt.”

Rihanna herself does not deny that she wears wigs, saying that it is a great way to keep her own hair healthy.

Gene Simmons. The shock rocker has recently shocked the public with his rather strange hair, which clearly looks like a wig.

Everything was confirmed when Simmons was photographed in the company of his wife with a completely bald head.

The real state of affairs was also visible in the selfie that Jin himself posted

The paparazzi also took Simmons' colleague Paul Stanley by surprise.

And in “ceremonial form” the rocker looks like this.

Naomi Campbell. The supermodel has been exposed more than once for wearing permanent wigs due to careless care.

Naomi has to wear wigs both during vacation and during work.

Several times the paparazzi managed to photograph the sad state of her own hair.

For example, while swimming at sea.

Brendan Fraser. The photo of the balding actor spread throughout all the yellow publications in America.

IN ordinary situations Brandon carefully combs his hair and uses a hairpiece.

Jason Alexander. The Seinfeld actor appeared in front of photographers with a bald head a few months after filming.

Then a new transformation happened to Jason and Thick hair miraculously returned to their place.

Hugh Laurie. Even many fans believe that the star of the TV series “House” has thick hair, since the wig that the stylists selected for him looks very natural.

But in the photos taken by the paparazzi, his hair is quite sparse.

Laurie only wears wigs when she's in movies. ordinary life he is clearly satisfied with the state of affairs.

Nicolas Cage. Actor's hair mysteriously It either thickens or thins right before our eyes.

According to stylists and paparazzi, it is almost always not his hair in the photo.

In fact, the actor is rapidly losing his hair.

Like this sad picture captured by paparazzi.

The rear view is also quite sad.

A lyrical baritone of clear color is the voice of Joseph Kobzon. The specific and noble timbre is recognizable from the first sounds. Joseph Kobzon - the most titled singer national stage, public figure, State Duma deputy (since 1995).

Childhood and family

The mother of the future great artist, Ida Isaeva Shoikhet, was born in the Podolsk province. In 1917, a large family (there were four children in the family) was left without a father. From the age of 13, the girl had to earn a living by growing tobacco, then work at a woodworking factory in Proskurov. At the age of 22, Ida joined the CPSU(b). Joseph Davydovich Kobzon himself admitted many times that his mother played a key role in his life and was his moral guide.

In 1930, Ida Isaevna married political worker David Kunovich Kobzon. The couple moved to Slavyansk, where the woman got a job at the Slavyansk insulator plant. Four years later, she was appointed people's judge in the town of Chasov Yar. It was there that Joseph Kobzon was born in September 1937.

Before the Great Patriotic War The Kobzons moved to Lvov. On the second day of the war, the head of the family went to the front, while the mother, three children, a disabled brother and grandmother were evacuated to Uzbekistan. The family settled near Tashkent, in the city of Yangiyul. In 1943, David Kunovich was shell-shocked, and after treatment he was demobilized. True, he did not return to his family. David met another woman, married again and settled in Moscow.

Joseph Kobzon about his difficult war childhood

In 1944, Joseph Kobzon’s family returned to Ukraine and settled in the city of Kramatorsk. Here the future voice of Russia went to first grade. Two years later, my mother got married for the second time. The stepfather of 9-year-old Yossi was a former front-line soldier named Mikhail Rappoport. In addition to his two siblings, Joseph had two half-brothers.

Kobzon never hid his nationality and, having become a pop star, never ceased to be amazed at how a simple guy with a Jewish appearance and Jewish surname reached such heights in the Soviet Union! Meanwhile, the boy showed vocal abilities in early childhood, and at the age of 9 he won a talent competition in Donetsk, then won a higher rank vocal competition and performed in the Kremlin in front of Joseph Stalin with the song “They Are Flying” migratory birds" Two years later, he again appeared before the leader, this time with the song “Golden Wheat.” Interesting fact: Since then, Kobzon has spoken to every leader of the USSR, then Russia.

At the end of the 40s, the Kobzons moved to Dnepropetrovsk. Until 1957, the family rented a room from a retired colonel in a house on Dimitrova Street. In the house register, the entry of Joseph’s surname with the letter “p” remains: Kopzon. The letter “b” fell into place only when the artist received his passport.

Joseph Kobzon graduated from the eighth grade of school No. 48 with honors, after which he entered the Dnepropetrovsk Mining College. And right there on stage educational institution, tried out my baritone voice for the first time. He sang in a duet with the first champion of the Ukrainian SSR, future master of sports in badminton Boris Barshak. And at the technical school future artist became interested in boxing, even won the city championship among youths and the Ukrainian championship. However, after the first knockout he left the sport. During his studies, Kobzon received a huge scholarship at that time, 180 rubles, and studied with a straight B.

Way to success

In 1956, Joseph Kobzon was drafted into the army. Until 1959, he was a member of the song and dance ensemble of the Transcaucasian Military District. After being transferred to the reserve, Leonid Tereshchenko, the director of the choir of the Dnepropetrovsk Palace of Students, who prepared Kobzon for exams at the Odessa Conservatory, became his singing teacher.

“We did an individual program; we did it after choir. I walk in, and a student is standing on stage with my friend Viktor Falkovsky, singing a song, and straining his throat terribly! He tries to sound properly against the backdrop of pop music! I say: “You’ll lose your voice, keep your throat healthy.” You can’t strain yourself until you finally deliver the vocals, but they sounded better day by day. Then he stopped singing pop,” Tereshchenko recalled.

Tereshchenko also arranged for his student to wipe gas masks from the bomb shelter of the Chemical Technology Institute with alcohol for a salary of 50 rubles. The future artist worked there before leaving for Moscow, where he entered the Gnessin State Musical and Pedagogical Institute, worked in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, and was remembered by the audience for the song “Cuba is my love.” The singer's first fame came thanks to his duet performances with classmate Viktor Kokhno, but by 1962 he had become solo artist, was appointed soloist of the Mosconcert (he retained this position until 1989). Popularity and fame came after the airing of the song “And in our yard” by Arkady Ostrovsky.

Joseph Kobzon - And in our yard (1964)

In the 60s, Kobzon had already developed a performing style - the bel canto technique, attention to words and poetic intonation. He deservedly took his place next to other stage masters. Even though his manner was inferior in emotionality to the voice of Muslim Magomayev, even if he lacked the solemnity of Lev Leshchenko and the common people of Eduard Khil, he found his niche and won the trust of his listener.

In 1964, Joseph became a laureate All-Russian competition pop artists, as well as a laureate of a competition in Sopot, Poland. In the same year, the singer became “Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.” A year later he participated in international competition“Friendship”, which took place in six countries. Kobzon won first places in Budapest, Berlin and Warsaw.

Joseph Kobzon – Song of the night city

Since 1971, the artist began to reach the final of “Song of the Year” every year. The very first festival “Song of the Year” in 1971 just opened with Joseph Kobzon’s song “Ballad of Colors”. He secured the title of the highest paid singer of the Union. This was true, his performances were paid at the highest rates possible, but it is worth noting that no one else worked as hard as Kobzon. In addition, he always had an active civil position: attended Komsomol shock construction sites with concerts, fought for world peace, was a member of international delegations, performed for Soviet troops in Afghanistan. He can rightfully be considered godfather modern Russian “show business”.

In 1984, Joseph Kobzon began teaching pop vocals at the Gnessin Institute. His students are singer Valeria, Valentina Legkostupova, Irina Otieva. In 1986 he was given the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

Joseph Kobzon. last love

In the 80s, Joseph Kobzon recorded lyrical and comic songs of the 30s from the repertoire of V. Kozin, K. Sokolsky, A. Pogodin, K. Shulzhenko, I. Yuryeva, G. Vinogradov, not allowing the valuable song culture to get lost. The artist performed classic romances, opera and operetta arias, arioso. His repertoire of those years includes Russian, Jewish and Ukrainian folk songs. The singer did not ignore the bard song, performing Okudzhava’s compositions “François Villon’s Prayer,” “Song about the Arbat,” “About the Blue Trolleybus,” Vysotsky’s “He Didn’t Return from the Battle,” and Dolsky. In total, Joseph Kobzon has more than 3 thousand songs.

Joseph Kobzon in politics

Joseph Kobzon began his political career in 1990 as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He was involved in peacekeeping activities in the 90s, during the suppression of Chechen separatism. Afterwards he negotiated with Barayev’s gang, and in 2002 with the invaders of the Theater Center on Dubrovka.

In 1995 and until his death, Kobzon was banned from entering the United States. The State Department canceled his visa, citing possible involvement in the mafia.

Kobzon was a State Duma deputy from the party " United Russia"(from the 2nd to the 7th convocation), from 2011 – deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Culture. He was a member of the board of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the country, the presidium of the all-Russian public organization"League of National Health". The singer was a close friend of the former mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov.

Joseph Kobzon about Ukraine

After the aggravation of relations between Russia and Ukraine, Joseph Davydovich signed open letter Vladimir Putin, expressing joy for the annexation of Crimea. In the summer of 2014, he was denied entry into Latvia with the wording “for helping to undermine the sovereignty of Ukraine.” A few months later, Ukraine introduced similar sanctions. Kobzon responded to this by traveling to his native Donetsk. Against the backdrop of these events, most Ukrainian cities where Kobzon lived in early years, deprived him of the status of an honorary citizen: Kramatorsk, Slavyansk, Kobelyak, Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava. In February 2015, the European Union also included Kobzon’s name on the list of persons prohibited from entering the territory of the commonwealth.

In May 2016, the singer became a citizen of the self-proclaimed Donetsk Republic. The head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, presented him with a passport.

Personal life of Joseph Kobzon

Joseph Kobzon's first marriage lasted from 1965 to 1967. In 1964, singer Veronika Kruglova (born 1940) was a soloist in Oleg Lundstrem's orchestra, but, alas, only for 4 months. She left the team due to pregnancy. The father of the child she carried under her heart was Joseph Kobzon, who saw her at one of her performances and fell madly in love. They settled in a small apartment on the outskirts of Moscow, since both were registered in other cities (she in Leningrad, he in Dnepropetrovsk). The relationship was far from idyllic. To top it all off, Veronica's baby was stillborn. Kobzon about Lyudmila Gurchenko

In 1971, Kobzon and Gurchenko separated, and they parted as enemies. There is an opinion that Lyudmila Markovna did not get along with her mother-in-law. So much so that she didn’t even dare to appear on family holidays. Someone claimed that Kobzon did not forgive his wife for refusing to bear him children. But perhaps two bright, original personalities simply did not mesh in character.

The singer's third wife was Ninel Drizina. Kobzon has two children - Andrei Kobzon and Natalya Rappoport, as well as five granddaughters and two grandchildren.

Andrei Kobzon was a musician in his youth, played in bands " Moral code", "Resurrection", in this moment does business. Natalya married Australian Yuri Rappoport.

Health problems

In 2002, Kobzon was diagnosed with prostate cancer. An operation was carried out, which was unsuccessful - the artist fell into a two-week coma.

In 2005, Joseph Kobzon again underwent a complex operation, entrusting his life to the hands of the best doctors in Germany. The intervention of surgeons sharply weakened the artist’s immunity, as a result of which a blood clot formed in the pulmonary vessels, and inflammation of the lungs and tissues in the kidneys appeared. Only a thirst for life and the help of highly qualified doctors helped the already middle-aged artist cope with his illness. Five days after the operation, Kobzon came to Jurmala and sang live on stage.

At the end of 2010, while performing in Astana, Joseph Kobzon felt ill and fainted twice right on stage. Doctors on stage provided emergency assistance. It turned out that the cancer was still making itself felt: it led to anemia, which was the reason for the loss of consciousness.


In recent years, many unscrupulous media outlets have speculated on the topic of Joseph Kobzon’s death - rumors about his death appeared in the press with alarming regularity. So when on August 30, 2018, online publications were full of headlines “Iosif Kobzon has died,” admirers of the talent people's artist They decided it was just another duck. However, this time the news of the singer’s death was confirmed from the mouth of Nelly Kobzon’s assistant. The cause of death was cancer, which Kobzon had been battling since the early 2000s. According to relatives, last days During his life he was in an unconscious state.

    Joseph Kobzon has been wearing a wig since about 1979, therefore, before that we saw him with his own hair. I happened to study at school then. We need to find an old photo from those years, that’s all. In particular, this is in periodicals those years.

    It is known that singer Joseph Kobzon has been wearing a wig for a long time (you can find out more about this in this question: There are not many photographs on the Internet where Joseph Kobzon is without a wig:

    Whether the photograph is reliable or not is unclear.

    It's also worth noting that his wig sometimes let him down, sliding off his head:

    It’s difficult, of course, to see Joseph Kobzon in a photograph without a wig. If someone managed to do this, he remains silent.

    The photograph shown in Ryzhik’s answer also exists in another version:

    Let the craftsmen figure out what the difference is - that the wig was removed with Photoshop or, on the contrary, painted on. By the way, in the version I found, the bottom of the photo is not cropped and there you can see the inscription on English language: Ilya Varlamov. He must know exactly how he filmed Kobzon - bald or not.

    But here’s another photo found on the Internet. I wonder if there is an unedited original or if this is the original?

    Find photo of Joseph Kobzon without a wig Nowadays it’s not very difficult; you can find anything on the vast Internet. Here's what a darling he is in his natural form:

    The paparazzi still managed to capture the pop master without a wig, and they seized the moment (if the photo is natural, of course).

    Of course, everyone has their own preferences, tastes and preferences, but in my opinion, the natural baldness of Joseph Davydovich Kobzon is much prettier than the wig that has grown together with him over many decades. Baldness in no way detracts from a man’s dignity, but on the contrary makes him respectable.

    Maybe Kobzon is already tired of the wig, but getting rid of the existing image is not so easy now.

    Kobzon very carefully guards his bald head from prying eyes. I monitored search engines for a long time and social media, before we managed to find at least some photo of Kobzon without a wig on his head.

    True, most likely this is photoshop, but nevertheless:

    In my opinion, photographs of Kobzon without a wig simply do not exist in nature, but in the century computer technology this problem is easily solved and you can still find out what Kobzon looks like without a wig.

The biography of Joseph Kobzon and his personal life are always in the center of public attention and cause lively discussions. This is easily explained: Joseph Davydovich is an entire era, an iconic figure of our time.


Joseph Kobzon was born in 1937 in the city of Chasov Yar, Ukrainian SSR. His vocal talent first emerged in 1956, while serving in the army, where he became a soloist in the ensemble of the Transcaucasian Military District. More than sixty years on stage, great amount awards, popular love and recognition, active political activity- all this is Joseph Kobzon.

Joseph Kobzon in childhood and now

Childhood and family

Those who study the biography of Joseph Kobzon are usually interested in his nationality. He was born into a Jewish family. During the war, his father went to the front, and the family was evacuated to Uzbekistan. Joseph’s own father did not die on the war fronts, but did not return to the family: he chose another woman and stayed with her to live in Moscow.

From evacuation, the family returned to Ukraine, to the city of Kramotorsk, and then moved to Dnepropetrovsk. Joseph's mother remarried, and he had half-brothers. He graduated from the Mining College, for some time he was interested in boxing, but made a choice in favor of singing.

In Dnepropetrovsk, he met his first mentor and vocal teacher, Leonid Tereshchenko, who did an incredible amount for the future singer and “gave” him a professional voice.

Singer Joseph Kobzon


In 1959, Joseph Kobzon moved to Moscow, and his ascent to the top began musical Olympus. From that moment on, fateful changes took place both in the biography of Joseph Kobzon and in his personal life. Major milestones creative path these years:

  • 1962, soloist of All-Union Radio
  • 1965, soloist of the State Concert
  • 1966, soloist of Mosconert

The songs performed by Kobzon are heard by everyone, the whole country sings them, and meanwhile he wins one award after another. These are the festivals in socialist countries, and all-Union competitions.

Joseph Kobzon on stage

In 1963, he graduated from the famous Gnesinka in vocal class. In addition, he has a diploma from the University of Marxism-Leninism.

Since 1984, Joseph Kobzon has been teaching vocals in his native Gnesinka, and among his students there are many real pop stars.

The singer never stood aside from public life. He performed both in front of fighters in Afghanistan and in front of liquidators in Chernobyl, and toured all the Komsomol construction sites in the country with concerts, including the famous BAM.

Joseph Kobzon spoke to Russian pilots at the Khmeimim base in Syria

Thanks to Kobzon’s efforts, many returned to the audience popular songs 30s from the repertoire of Leshchenko, Kozin, Yuryeva and other stars of those years. In general, the singer’s repertoire includes more three thousand a variety of songs - military, lyrical, patriotic. The country's leading composers considered it an honor to write specifically for him.

The secret of Joseph Kobzon's popularity is explained simply: he has the main thing that a singer needs: a unique performing style, a recognizable, bright timbre of his voice combined with a dramatic gift. His soft, insinuating, velvety baritone can hardly be confused with any other.

It's hard to imagine that famous song“Don’t think down on the seconds” from the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” someone will someday be able to perform better than Kobzon.

Film "Seventeen Moments of Spring"

Joseph Kobzon in politics

The singer has always been distinguished by the most active participation in politics. In the late 80s - early 90s he was a People's Deputy of the USSR and supported the preservation of the union state.

He ran for office several times and in 1997 became a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for the first time.

He showed himself during the seizure of the Theater Center on Dubrovka in 2002. Thanks to the negotiations that he and Khakamada conducted with terrorists, a woman with three children was released from the center building.

Currently, Kobzon is a member of the State Duma from the United Russia party and holds the position of first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture.

Joseph Kobzon

Thanks to his tough, principled position, Kobzon repeatedly found himself at the center of political scandals. Since 1995, he has been banned from entering the United States, and the formal reason for this is suspicion of connections with organized crime. Published photos of compromising content cannot be considered evidence.

Kobzon actively supported the annexation of Crimea to Russia. From that moment on, the SBU included him in the black list of artists and cultural figures who are prohibited from entering the territory of Ukraine. In 2015, it was included in the EU sanctions list.

Despite his high social status, awards and titles - Kobzon remains a man, and, of course, the questions of who Joseph Kobzon’s wives are and what his personal life is like continue to worry many.

Vladimir Putin and Joseph Kobzon

Health problems

At the beginning of the 2000s, the singer’s health deteriorated sharply. After a serious operation, he spent half a month in a coma. Due to cancer problems, he underwent two more operations, the last in 2009. Despite the difficult recovery period, he showed iron willpower and within five days he appeared on the stage of the festival in Jurmala.

Photos of Kobzon without a wig have appeared on the Internet more than once. Yes, he lost his hair quite early also due to health problems - frostbite on his head at a young age affected him. However, the wig, which is already more than forty years old, has become his unique calling card, an integral attribute image.

Joseph Kobzon without a wig

Personal life

When it comes to the biography of Joseph Kobzon and his personal life, of course, they remember his wives and children. The first time Kobzon married Veronica Kruglova, a pop star of the sixties. The two constantly touring stars did not get along under the same roof, and two years later in 1967 they broke up.

In general, Joseph Kobzon’s wives very clearly illustrate all the features of his personal life. He tried to choose companions to match himself, and Lyudmila Gurchenko became his second wife. But this star marriage also turned out to be fragile, and burst at the seams after just three years. No one wanted to give in to each other, conflicts arose at the slightest provocation and sparks flew.

The aftertaste after this marriage turned out to be so persistent that for almost half a century Kobzon and Gurchenko practically did not communicate with each other.

Joseph Kobzon and Lyudmila Gurchenko

1971 was a happy year for Kobzon, when he married Ninel Drizina. The third wife was far from the world of show business, but turned out to be an excellent housewife and loving mother, and gave him two children: son Andrei and daughter Natalya. Andrey started out as a musician in the Resurrection group, and later went into the restaurant business and real estate. Natalia for a long time worked in PR at Valentin Yudashkin’s company.

Joseph Kobzon with Ninel Drizina

Joseph Kobzon now

In 2017, the singer celebrated his 80th birthday, but continues to amaze fans of his talent. This is how his joint compositions with Yegor Creed and the Respublika group became very popular.

Joseph Kobzon with Yegor Creed

However, Kobzon would not have been Kobzon if he had not found himself in the midst of boiling political passions. Another conflict occurred between him and Culture Medinsky. Kobzon expressed, in general, quite understandable complaints regarding how the funds allocated for the restoration of cultural and antique monuments are spent. Medinsky responded by calling these reproaches offensive and contributed to the expulsion of Kobzon from the Expert Council of the Ministry of Culture.

It remains to wish the popularly beloved singer human and creative longevity, and, most importantly, health and vigorous energy. People like Kobzon always become role models in matters of dedication and determination to change the world for the better.