Sad pictures. Sad picture

I can't understand people!
What a sad picture!
Or they can only raise them
Empty store shelves?!

The authorities are ready to kick the people.
She is alien and disgusting to me!
I can't understand people!
What a sad picture!

The authorities will blame themselves
When the dam collapses.
I can't understand people!
What a sad picture!

Sad. Sad.
And my heart is empty.
I'm worried without you,
Happiness is impossible.

Where are you, my joy?
Sadness has crept into me
The soul is hopeless.
It's worrying without you.

This is an obsession -
Heart eclipse
My deep sadness -
Blue-eyed poison -
Spread through my heart,
There's no escape.
(And) I captivated Darling
Thought about something cute.

Sad. Sad.
Feelings came over me.
Too lonely
And my soul is in trouble.

Why is it so hard for me?
Life is my vest -
Meetings and separations
Hearts are beating.

The picture is old,
The frame is already cracked.
The artist's eyes are tired
They sparkle like a diamond after being cut.
And that night the breath of the wind
Carries a divine aroma.
It's hard to imagine that somewhere
There is dirt and envy, pain and stench.
Sitting on a chair on the balcony,
Look at the lights of Paris.
What kind of chase?
Where do you want to live, but die in Paris?
A fragrant cigarette smokes,
Inspiration walked out the door for a moment.
And she began to quietly get angry,
I knew that the Muse is insidious, it’s better not to trust her.
And crossing my legs,

Paintings are windows into another world,
World of beauty. Without evil and falsehood.
Peace flows quietly from them,
Goodness lies in our souls.

There's an expanse of blue sky,
The sun plays in it, having fun,
And beauty high mountains
He meets with his coldness.

Floats in the palms of the shores
The rivulet sings a lullaby.
Above the colorful meadows
Day turns into evening gradually.

When you sometimes feel uneasy,
The thought does not want to calm down,
I will open windows to another world,
So that, forgetting everything, dissolve in it.

Picture of the day: blind with happiness,
Trampled in love, wounded by dreams,
Killed by a tear torn apart
With luck and half with holy joy.

The crowd rejoiced
And she threw her hats into the air.
And ran around the church
The priests are in madness.

Everyone is tired today -
They cried so much:
In the middle of the square
Pillars are made of tears.

The eyes turned silver -
So it became bright for everyone!
On the square near the church
Evil was lying in a heap...

The picture of the day is diverse,
But everyone sees only their own:
Who looks ugly
Looks amazing to some.

Judgment templates are strong.
But there are no culprits, there is trouble.
Love-creating Laws
They will always bring you out of the shadows.

Healing with invisible power,
She does without words.
Her motive is unique
Timeless and ever new.

Sad picture!
A thick cloud
Climbing out of the barn
There is smoke behind the village.
Unenviable terrain:
scant land,
flat neighborhood,
The fields are squeezed out.
Everything seems to be in a fog,
Everything seems to be asleep...
In a skinny caftan
The man is standing
shakes his head -
The grind is bad,
Thinks and wonders:
How about in the winter?
This is how life goes
With grief in half;
That's where death comes,
With her the end of the work.
Communion to the sick
Country pop,
They will bring pine
A coffin from a neighbor
They will sing sadly...
And the old mother
Long over the grave
Will lament...

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You've probably noticed more than once that after a lot of fun, a holiday, have a fun party with friends comes a strange feeling of sadness and looming before your eyes, loss and emptiness. Yes, of course, it would be good to blame everything on excess alcohol, because according to doctors, it is this that can cause such an unpleasant state of depression. But if the time of celebration and fun passed completely innocently, then why does an unclear feeling of sadness creep unbidden into the soul. The simplest and seemingly banal answer is given by those who reduce the whole meaning of the word “joy” to constant entertainment. Today we were happy, but tomorrow we were sad, because there was no holiday sad pictures, which means the reason to continue the fun is gone, that’s the whole reason for the blues. But don’t you think that you can get tired of the holidays, that an endless series of entertainment only dulls the feeling of holiday, novelty and pushes a person even deeper into a depression, from which such a person begins to look for a way out in more acute sensations. It’s not for nothing that at the end of the vacation or after New Year's holidays, tired of idleness, we want to occupy ourselves with something, or in the end we just go to work. And such a theory is too poor and primitive, since by reducing a person’s needs to obtaining pleasure and avoiding cases leading to their loss, it reduces a person to the level of cattle, alien to moral obligations and moral ideals. Another explanation for the phenomenon is natural psychological exhaustion, similar to how, after doing hard physical work, a person may feel tired, slightly unwell and want to sleep or watch. . And so that such an explanation does not seem too simple to you, we will try to translate it into the philosophical plane of dualism. Everything in the world should be balanced, night and day, heat and cold, winter and summer. So it’s not surprising that sadness replaces joy and vice versa. Simple law of the pendulum. At least this theory is more practical, rationalistic and does not give room to despair, reminding us that “everything will still be.” We could probably stop there if it weren’t for the exceptions that we encounter not so rarely. Not all joyful events come with sadness. Have you noticed that meeting with people dear to you whom you have not seen for a long time or achieving any positive goal does not bring that deadly feeling of emptiness and alienation. And the experienced joy, diminishing, is simply little by little compared with the natural course of life. And this form of sadness is rarely experienced by children, or rather, if they are experienced, it is devoid of that admixture of devastation and depression characteristic of adults. And therefore, no matter how reasonable these two theories may seem, they still do not answer the question posed. The reasons for this phenomenon are far from being in natural physiological processes, not in successive dualistic principles, but in what we fill our nature with during festive fun. After all, like is attracted by like. See how empty and meaningless our hours of fun are and what constitutes the main part of them. Food, alcohol, jokes and entertainment of dubious quality... And where things and events are not endowed with a higher meaning and idea, where the very concept of pleasure and joy comes down to satisfying the needs of the body, one’s own vanity and petty intellectual requests - the payback is always sadness and emptiness. The emptiness of entertainment, which we do not notice, when leaving entails an even greater emptiness, a psychological vacuum, giving rise to an incomprehensible feeling of sadness and loss and sad pictures in our hands at such a moment. If I can put it more simply, all this is due to lack of spirituality and inattention to internal state the soul and the processes occurring in it. As the energy of our inner Self is replaced by external impressions and becomes dependent on them, our inner world becomes poor and desolate. But if every cloud has a silver lining, perhaps it is precisely such moments of sadness that will give a person the opportunity to think about its causes, about his life, and about the meaning of life in general. After all, by doing this, a person learns to think, and only in this way can he begin to develop and enrich his inner world, and who knows, maybe he will be able to find a source of such joy that will never dry up.