Girl from Ural dumplings. Girls from the show Ural Dumplings (35 photos)

Name: Anna Semenovich. Date of birth: March 1, 1980 (37 years old). Place of birth: Moscow (Russia).

Childhood and youth

Anna Grigorievna Semenovich was born on March 1, 1980 in Moscow into a fairly wealthy family. Her father, Grigory Timofeevich, was the director of a fur atelier, and her mother, Tatyana Dmitrievna, worked as an economist.

When Anya was only two years old, she became seriously ill and doctors diagnosed her with rheumatoid arthritis. The girl spent a long time in the hospital, and upon discharge, the doctors advised her parents to send her to sports. So at the age of three, Semenovich began to go to figure skating.

Anya achieved success in this activity while studying at high school. By the way, she changed several schools due to problems with classmates - many children were jealous of her because Semenovich went to foreign competitions.

Anna Semenovich in childhood

At the same time, Anna managed to practice vocals all this time. However, after finishing secondary school the girl decided to opt for figure skating and entered the Academy physical culture in Moscow.

Sports achivments

Anna's coaches were such well-known and eminent teachers as Elena Tchaikovskaya, Natalya Linichuk and Gennady Karponosov. Under their leadership, Anna repeatedly won prizes in various competitions, including international ones.

Anna's highest achievement can be considered first place at the Finlandia Trophy in Helsinki in 1996, where she danced together with Vladimir Fedorov. She never climbed to the first place in world tournaments, but was often one of the top three winners (third place).

In addition, Semenovich won medals at the Russian Championship twice: in 1998 - bronze (together with Fedorov), and in 2000 - silver (paired with Roman Kostomarov).

IN different time Anna’s partners were also Maxim Kachanov and Denis Samokhin.

Semenovich is an international master of sports in figure skating, but at the age of 20 the girl had to say goodbye to the big sport. Anna damaged her meniscus, she had a successful operation, but riding high level The skater couldn’t do it anymore - the pain in her knee didn’t allow her to do it.

Anna Semenovich in her youth with her mother

Music career

Over the next few months, after it became clear that she would no longer be a professional athlete, Anna began to think about what to do next, and this is where the singing lessons she took in childhood and adolescence came in very handy.

In 2001, Anna was taken to Music band Charlie's Angels, however, it soon disbanded due to financial difficulties. Fortunately, by that time Semenovich had already been noticed by the producers of the Blestyaschiye group. In 2003, Anna joined other soloists of the popular group - Zhanna Friske, Yulia Kovalchuk and Ksenia Novikova.

As part of Blestyashchie, Anna starred in six videos, recorded two albums and about a dozen singles. The most famous songs group during the period when Semenovich sang there - “Orange Song”, “ New Year's song" and "Oriental Tales".

Anna Semenovich in the group “Brilliant”

In 2007, Semenovich decided that she was ready to start solo career, and soon presented her first independent works to the public.

Anna’s debut song was “I’m all so sudden” (2007), but the radio charts were blown up by her duet with Arash “On the Seas,” which was released in 2008. During the same period, the debut (and so far the only) solo album Semenovich "Rumors".

From then to the present, Anna has released about two dozen songs, many of which became hits, for example, the duet track with Dmitry Malikov “25 hours” (2015).

Anna recorded her last songs in 2016 - “Not Just Love” and “Habit” (together with Denis Klyaver).


Anna Semenovich quite actively appears in films and television series - as a cameo, that is, she plays herself, or appears in episodic roles.

Semenovich has and the main role- in the TV series “All So Sudden” (2007), where she plays journalist Alexandra Strelkina. The singer also recorded the soundtrack for this project.

Other well-known and notable roles of Semenovich in films include “The Club” (2006), “Hitler Kaput!” (2008), “Rzhevsky vs. Napoleon” (2012) and “Doctor Richter” (2017).

In addition, Semenovich dubbed Master Viper into Russian in the animated film “Kung Fu Panda” (2008) and voiced an overseas princess in the cartoon “Three Heroes” (2013).

Return to ice and television

In 2006, Anna nevertheless returned to the ice, however, as a professional “part” of the competing couple of the Channel One television project “Stars on Ice”, actor Vyacheslav Razbegaev became her partner.

In 2007, Semenovich also became a member of the competition couple, but already on the show “ glacial period" (First channel). That time, Anna’s partner was actor Alexei Makarov.

IN next year, in the second season of this show, Anna skated first with singer Alexei Kortnev, and after he was injured, with fencer Pavel Kolobkov.

In 2009, Anna performed with actor Vadim Kolganov on the project “Ice Age-3.” In 2010-2011, Semenovich took part in the reality show “Wife for Rent” on the MUZ-TV channel.

From 2010 to 2015, Anna was the co-host of the program “The Young Lady and the Cook” on the TV Center channel (together with Mikhail Plotnikov). Anna Semenovich appeared as a guest star in the TV game KVN, and also more than once became an object for jokes performed by the club teams. Personal life

Anna's successes were always on camera, but journalists paid even more attention to her personal life. There are two reasons for this: Anna’s bright appearance and the fact that the girl always tried to hide the details of her relationship.

Most of the novels that the press attributes to Anna are nothing more than rumors and speculation. The only confirmed relationship was Semenovich’s romance with businessman Dmitry Kashintsev, but the couple broke up.

At the beginning of 2017, in an interview with the press, Semenovich stated that by the age of forty she would like to give birth to a child, perhaps even without a husband, if by that time she had not found the man of her dreams.

At the end of the year, in December, Anna told the media that her heart was now occupied, but the couple was in no hurry to go to the registry office - first “they need to check their feelings.” The name of the chosen one of the blonde with an impressive (five and a half!) bust size is not named.

Anna Semenovich. December 2017

Speaking of size, Anna claims that “this” is genetics, which she inherited from her mother, and she did not resort to the services of plastic surgeons.

By the way, Anna’s magnificent forms in all their glory could be seen at different times on the covers of glossy men’s magazines, including Maxim, Penguin and FHM.

Graduated from the Ural State Pedagogical University (teacher of Russian language and literature) and Yekaterinburg State Theatre Institute(drama and film actor). He uses both specialties with interest on the same stage with “Ural Dumplings”, while managing to outshine the entire team no more than 9 times out of 10.

Biker, athlete, hockey lover and just a lover!
“My first passion for hockey arose, like many boys in the 80s, in the yard. I really wanted to get into the yard team so that they would give me a uniform and a helmet. I was once placed at the gate. After one of the shots, I substituted my stick, and the puck hit my lip. That’s where I finished hockey,” Sergei Isaev recalls his childhood at Khimmashevsk.

Sergey Kalugin is a sound engineer and musician. Member of the team since 1995.
I joined the Ural Pelmeni team through A major.

Therefore, I immediately took the music niche in the team.

With these hands he composes words in such an order that it becomes funny.

I got into the Ural Dumplings team by trolleybus.
He masterfully masters rhymes: “the toilet seat is a merry fellow” and “the seat is a darling.”

Exchanged the burden of fame for the burden of oblivion with an additional payment.

I joined the team on the way from Kazakhstan to Moscow State University, getting off the train onto the platform to buy dumplings.
Nickname "Kutila". No money, but lives well! There are often breakdowns.
During the next one, I profitably exchanged a six-room apartment for a basement.

Slava joined the Ural Dumplings team in 1998, assigned by the institute.
Vyacheslav is a very independent young man; when he was born, there was no one at home, and there was a note on the table: “The potty is on the floor, the tit is in the refrigerator!”

Born at 7 years old. He immediately began to develop, picking up a stick. At the age of 8, he mastered the bat and stopped developing by force of will.
At school, according to the total grades from the diary, I was in first place, getting two marks. Although lagging behind in intelligence, he quickly caught up with his classmates in height.
He joined the army for health reasons. The army taught him to take responsibility for bullshit.

Under the guise of a child, he entered the family. I grew up as a boy, maybe not a gifted one, but a boy. This made him very happy.
In general, he grew up as a boy, and he grew up as a boy.
Teetotaler. At the sound of “Will you drink?” loses time, memory, money and the Apollo-Soyuz badge.
He is very attached to the house, but sometimes he bites the reins and runs away.

As a child, Andryusha grew up quiet and shy. Sasha.
According to the horoscope, he is a chair. He is secretive, stingy, and when he drives along the roundabout he is withdrawn.
Still waiting for letters from Pushkin, upset when they don’t arrive.
Once upon a time in New Year's Eve became a man, but then changed his mind and became a snoring piece of trash.

Ilana Yuryeva (Isakzhanova) was born on July 7, 1988 in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). From the age of 7 she hosted the children's program “Firefly” on local television. As a child, she practiced ballroom dancing for 8 years, has a class “C” in sports ballroom dancing. At the age of 10, Ilana moved with her parents to St. Petersburg, where she graduated from high school and at the same time from music school.

Ksenia’s parents instilled a love for KVN and from the age of 9 she played school team, but it wasn’t very similar to real KVN. Later at the university, in her first year, Ksenia approached the KVN player and said that I wanted to play. He consulted with the team captain and she was accepted.

Artem Pushkin has been associated with Ural Pelmeni since the days of KVN. He took part in many performances in Major League. He is one of the writers who writes for the show. And only quite recently, namely in the second half of 2016, he began to participate in the show as an actor.

Former participants of Ural Dumplings

He considers himself a Polish Belarusian, since his grandmother’s last name is Abramovich.

For two TV seasons in a row, readers of Express Gazeta called the show “Ural Dumplings” the most popular humorous program. Last year, this team of cheerful and resourceful people was included in the ranking of the richest for the first time Russian celebrities, compiled by Forbes, the guys were in 15th place with an annual income of $2.8 million, displacing superstars URGANT, GALUSTYAN and SVETLAKOV. And this year we celebrated an anniversary: ​​for 20 years creative life“dumplings” have become native to half of the vast country. True, if the project participants talk about life outside of television, it is only in their characteristic humorous manner. We tried to find out what was a joke in their stories and what was the truth.

Sokolov left his wife because of his career

The most mature and colorful “dumpling” - Dmitry Sokolov was born in the small town of Pervouralsk, not far from Yekaterinburg. Growing up, I was a mischievous person - educators and teachers often called my parents to the carpet. But in love affairs the guy was always shy.
IN kindergarten he liked the princess with curls and pink bows. But she preferred another boy. Sokolov fought with his opponent, but could not fight off his sweetheart.
Unrequited love happened to Dima in the ninth grade. To buy the girl a huge bouquet of her favorite roses, he went to work on a collective farm. Then I came to her house, but my mother opened the door. Dima was confused, asked to hand over the flowers, and he himself - to tear them up. Nothing worked out with that young lady: she married Sokolov’s friend.

And only at the institute the next love that overwhelmed Dmitry turned out to be mutual. At that time, student construction teams were popular: the guys went to collective and state farms, helped the locals in any way they could, and held concerts in the evenings. There I met future wife. The joker and ringleader nicknamed Falcon quickly attracted Natalya's attention. The candy-bouquet period did not last long - they soon got married, a son, Sasha, was born, and ten years later, a daughter, Anechka. But her husband’s fanatical passion for KVN began to irritate Natalya: permanent income it didn’t bring any results, and at the same time it took a lot of time.
“Natasha is a wonderful woman,” sighs Sokolov’s mother, Irina Aleksandrovna. - When Dima became interested in dumplings, all worries about the house and children fell on her shoulders. It was very difficult for Natasha, and she put him before a choice. She wanted her husband to always be there, and Dima to constantly travel. And they parted. The divorce was difficult for Natalya, but, having swallowed the insult, she did not stop Dima from meeting with the children. Now they are friends. Natasha has never established her personal life - it seems to me that she is still worried.
But Sokol did not stay single. In 2006, at a meeting of KVN student teams in Yekaterinburg, I met a young member of the group “Irina Mikhailovna”. Ksenia Li (she turned out to be 23 years younger) performed on stage, and Dmitry sat on the jury as Kaveanov’s guru. And it began to spin... Their relationship entered a serious phase after they spent time together new year holidays in Sochi.
- Falcon bought Ksyukha a fur coat, a car, a house! - says their mutual friend Vladimir Kovalev. “But the main thing is that he, like no one else, supported Ksyusha during the most difficult period for her: since childhood she suffered from progressive deformation of her legs. It got to the point that the girl could not walk normally and moved on crutches. It was necessary to have an operation. Ksyukha was worried - she couldn’t make up her mind, and she needed a lot of money for rehabilitation. But Dima managed to persuade her. He was there all the time, massaging her legs at night to relieve the pain. Agree, not everyone is capable of this! The wedding of Dima and Ksyusha took place on September 8, 2011, as befits KVN members, noisily and cheerfully. And in October 2012, the young wife gave Sokolov a daughter, Mashenka.

For the sake of the children, Rozhkov compromised with his wife

The 43-year-old performer has almost all female roles In Andrei Rozhkov’s “dumplings” show, his personal life was also not going smoothly. In his youth, he could not find a mate for a long time. Rozhkov once worked as a driver in high heels - he delivered cement to construction sites and was known as an inveterate bachelor. But 18 years ago he came to Moscow, and his friends introduced him to a pretty brunette Elechka. The guys got used to each other for six years. Then Andrey finally decided to propose. Two sons were born - Semyon and Peter. Elvira carried the household and took care of the children. There were no problems with the eldest son, but the youngest grew up as a naughty boy. At some point, Elya couldn’t stand it.
- She was exhausted by the endless bustle. “I wanted attention, to grow creatively, but Andrei confined her to four walls,” family friend Inga Chernykh complained to us. - Elvira gave Rozhkov an ultimatum: either she goes to work, or a divorce! Andrey loves children very much, so he agreed to all his wife’s conditions. Now she makes stained glass. There is no end to customers - fashionable decor in price now.

Mikhalkova seduced an honest deputy

The most incredible rumors circulated about the only “dumpling” - the sexy beauty Yulia Mikhalkova. The newspapers wrote that she was from Yekaterinburg, married to a bandit, and began her career as a stripper...
In fact, Yulia was born in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, a suburb of the Ural capital, and after school she was going to become an actress. But, frightened by the theater competition, she submitted documents to the pedagogical institute. IN free time the girl played in the local KVN team "NeParni", which was supervised by Sergei Ershov - one of the participants of the "Ural Dumplings" and one of the "Real Boys" (about off-screen life Ershov, by the way, very little is known: he is married to his second marriage, has three children - an adult daughter from his first, two sons from his current one).
When the “dumplings” needed a lady for a role, they most often called the lively and pretty Yulechka, and she soon became a permanent member of the team.
Fans of “Ural Dumplings” have been tormented by an important question for years: why is it still available? After all, Yulia has already turned 30.

At one time, Mikhalkova was credited with an affair with Sergei Netievsky, a member and producer of the team. Everyone noticed how tenderly at every performance Yulia touched Sergei’s hand during the performance of the final song. However, it turned out that Netievsky has been hopelessly married for a long time (he and his wife Natalya have been together for almost 17 years) and is raising three children, while Mikhalkova’s heart is occupied by something else.
In 2010, Yulka fell in love with a 39-year-old deputy of the regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly Sverdlovsk region Igor Danilov. Now he heads the Housing and Communal Services Committee of the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region. They say that he is one of the few deputies who is considered honest in the Urals. His strong point is the fight against fraudulent utility companies.

For a long time, the couple lived in apartments at the five-star Ramada hotel in Yekaterinburg, shelling out 300 thousand rubles for rent. per month. And last summer, Yulia and Igor moved into their own apartment. Shortly before this, Danilov proposed to Mikhalkova: at a party in honor of her birthday, he presented her with a diamond ring. True, the lovers still have not decided on the wedding date.

Myasnikov tamed the fashion model

In the family of 34-year-old Vyacheslav Myasnikov, the most vociferous “Ural dumpling”, peace and order reign. Every time after performances, he rushes home to his wife Nadezhda and twins Kostya and Max.
Myasnikov's wife - former model and also comes from Yekaterinburg. A bright, stately blonde, before her marriage, participated in business clothing shows. But she captivated Vyacheslav not so much with her beauty as with her surprisingly meek disposition.
“Nadya is three years younger than Slava and seems ready to fulfill his every whim,” the couple’s friends smile. - The star in the family is definitely Slava. He declares: “I will be alone on TV and in newspapers. I don't need competition! Nadyukha doesn’t argue with him - she has enough to do with the children.

Bricklayer Brekotkin is raising an Olympic champion

Funny Dmitry Brekotkin got into the “dumplings” thanks to Dmitry Sokolov and Sergei Ershov - they met in a construction team while studying at the university. True, get higher education Brekotkin did not succeed - he was expelled for poor academic performance and absenteeism. But the guy mastered a lot of construction professions - plasterer, mason, finisher - and met his fate, the charming Katerina. The courtship was short-lived - the guys got married in 1995. Two years later, a daughter, Nastya, appeared in the family, and six years later, Lisa.
While Dima is on tour, his wife runs the household and raises the children: the eldest daughter is on the Yekaterinburg synchronized swimming team and will graduate from school this year, and the youngest daughter sings in the children's choir.

Isaev found love in the homeland of watermelons

42-year-old Sergei Isaev - not only talented artist, but also a businessman, biker, and even tried himself as a candidate for deputy. But the man’s personal life did not go well for a long time.
His first wife was the Astrakhan Kaveen woman Evgenia. They met during a tour of the Ural team in the homeland of watermelons. Zhenya immediately drew attention to the handsome and lively guy and after the game she took the first step. We had dinner and... separated for five months. As soon as Sergei managed to escape to Astrakhan once again, he immediately dialed Zhenya’s number and... proposed. She agreed without hesitation. The wedding took place, of course, in Eburg. But family life turned out to be not as fabulous as they dreamed. We broke up a year later.
After bad marriage Isaev told everyone that he would definitely not go to the registry office a second time. He had a lot of girls, but Serious relationships it didn’t work out for a long time. Until I met the dark-eyed fashion model Irina. The girl came to terms with the lifestyle of the famous “dumpling” and agreed to cohabit with him without a stamp in her passport. On October 12, 2013, Ira gave her lover a son, Elisha.

The humorous show “Ural Dumplings” has become very popular thanks to the talent of its participants, who, although they have become celebrities, are in no hurry to advertise their personal lives. Agree, we know much less about them than about other stars. Interesting Facts about the personal life of the participants in the show “Ural Dumplings” are waiting for you further.

Sergey Ershov

Sergei Ershov also does not advertise his wife and children. Doesn't go out with them. Most often she appears in public with her television “family” - Yulia Grishina and Zoya Berber

Dmitry Sokolov and Ksenia Li

Ksenia Li is the wife of Dmitry Sokolov, like her husband, also a comedian. A member of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings” Sokolov, after divorcing his first wife, became one of the jury members in KVN and watched everything that happened on stage. Once, during one of the games, Dmitry Sokolov noticed a charming girl from Kazakhstan, whose name was Ksenia, in one of the teams. She not only joked wittily, but also sang beautifully.

Sergey Netievsky and Natalya Netievskaya

In the photo Sergei is with his fans. He does not advertise his personal life. Sergei Netievsky's wife, Natalya, has been living with him for sixteen years. In his interviews, he always tries to avoid topics about his personal life, and although he tries not to even mention her name, it is known that her name is Natalya. The Netievsky family has three children.

Dmitry Brekotkin and Ekaterina Brekotkina

Dmitry Brekotkin's wife Ekaterina met her future husband at a student construction camp. Dmitry and Ekaterina have been married since 1995. The couple have two daughters.

Sergey Isaev and Irina

Irina is Sergei’s second wife (civil marriage). The feelings arose at first sight. Sergei jokes that while working nearby, they could see each other through the window, but they met... in a club. It is also curious that Irina was once in love with him in absentia. Now Sergey values ​​stress resistance and positivity most of all. While the lovers simply rejoice in every day they spend together. And they advise everyone: look around more carefully. Maybe your happiness is nearby? And on October 12, 2013, this couple had a son, Elisha.

Andrey Rozhkov and Elvira Rozhkova

It’s hard to believe that the merry fellow and joker, the soul of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings”, TV presenter and actor Andrei Rozhkov was never able to find a suitable bride for himself. Moscow friends helped me get rid of bachelor life. He was already torn between Yekaterinburg and Moscow, lived in the Urals, and worked in the capital. On one of his visits, friends introduced him to their friend Elvira. This was the future wife of Andrei Rozhkov. But then they were separated from the wedding by six whole years: they were getting to know each other, they wanted to understand whether they could spend their whole lives hand in hand. And now the Rozhkovs have two lovely sons.

Vyacheslav Myasnikov and Nadezhda Myasnikova

Vyacheslav is married and has two children. The Myasnikov family, like the families of all “Ural dumplings”, lives in Yekaterinburg, from where he constantly leaves for Moscow to work. Vyacheslav has to literally be torn between Yekaterinburg and Moscow, where he mainly has to work. The more time he tries to devote to his wife and children, returning to hometown. Vyacheslav Myasnikov’s wife Nadezhda is raising twins – Konstantin and Maxim.

Yulia Mikhalkova-Matyukhina and Igor Danilov

In 2010, Yulia had a boyfriend - 39-year-old deputy of the regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region, Igor Danilov. Now he heads the Housing and Communal Services Committee of the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region. For her thirtieth birthday, Igor gave his friend a ring. However, the wedding date is not yet known.

Ilana Yuryeva (Isakzhanova) and Dmitry Dyldin

Dmitry is Ilana's second husband. The girl divorced her first husband Anton Yuryev. The couple met by chance in one of the Moscow restaurants. According to Ilana, it was love at first sight. Within five minutes of meeting, they began jokingly planning their wedding. And exactly a year later, Ilana and Dmitry got married, and recently their daughter Diana was born.

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SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub.

Punch the number 300r.


Real proof!

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SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub.

Punch the number 300r.


Real proof!

Payment upon delivery.

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub.

Punch the number 300r.


Real proof!

Payment upon delivery.

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub.

Punch the number 300r.


Real proof!

Payment upon delivery.

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub.

Punch the number 300r.


Real proof!

Payment upon delivery.

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub.

Punch the number 300r.


Real proof!

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SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub.

Punch the number 300r.


Real proof!

Payment upon delivery.

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub.

Punch the number 300r.


Real proof!

Payment upon delivery.

Call details and SMS printing to order.

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

SMS printout (WhatsApp, Viber) from 500 rub.
Call details 400 rub. Punch the number 300r. Guarantee! Real proof! Payment upon delivery. [email protected] WWW.SMS-YA.RU

Call details and SMS printing to order.

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