How “The Voice” is created: intrigue and behind-the-scenes life of the project. “Raffle” program and other projects

Tatiana Arno – Russian TV presenter, journalist and fashion model, best known for her participation in the “Raffle” program on Channel One. She also collaborated with the TV channels Dozhd and STS.

early years

Tatyana Viktorovna Sheshukova, known to millions of TV viewers under maiden name maternal grandmother - Arno, born on November 7, 1981 in Moscow, in the family of Viktor Stepanovich and Olga Nikolaevna Sheshukov. 10-year-old Yulia was already growing up in the family.

According to Tatyana, the development of her personality was largely influenced by her father, who helped her become responsible, inquisitive and purposeful. The future presenter adored since childhood foreign languages. She went to school No. 1123 from in-depth study German The most the best gift She still considers her parents a summer at a language camp in Germany.

After graduation, the girl applied to the Faculty of German at the Moscow State University of Linguistics, which she successfully graduated in 2001 (specialty: linguistics intercultural communications"). The presenter also speaks fluent English.

Carier start

In her third year, Tatyana learned about the casting in television project popular publication "Afisha" and decided to test my strength. According to the girl herself, she was very worried - hundreds of people gathered for the audition at Ostankino - graduates of the journalism department, theater schools and girls from modeling agencies. She, who showed up for the selection with a modest ponytail and no makeup, did not expect to get a job, especially since she had neither specialized education nor any experience.

Despite all the concerns, as a result of the casting, Sheshukova was among the main contenders for the role of presenter, after which she was approved for the position and began appearing in morning show on the NTV channel.

“Raffle” program and other projects

The next step in television career Tatiana became entertainment Channel One “Raffle. She successfully passed the casting, during which the applicants were required to tell a joke and dance.

It was then, in the summer of 2003, that the producing staff of the program suggested that Tatyana change her surname to a more sonorous one, since the abundance of the letters “Ш” in the title and surnames of the presenters - “Raffle”, “Pelsh”, “Sheshukova” - was annoying to the ears. Officially, Tatyana remained Sheshukova. According to her in my own words, she likes this surname better. In memory of her grandfather, a literature professor, who was very afraid that the Sheshukov family would be interrupted, she did not change it even after marriage.

“The Prank” stayed on the air for 9 years. Tatyana Arno and her co-host Valdis Pelsh played substitutes. The heroes of the first issue were actress Nina Ruslanova, whose car was crushed by a tank, and Viktor Shenderovich, who was invited to perform in front of a half-empty hall.

“Raffle”: Nina Ruslanova, insured event

The program had high ratings, but often faced criticism. Some viewers believed that the creators of “The Prank” were overstepping their boundaries. For example, Chulpan Khamatova spent about a year recovering from filming an episode that never aired - she was sitting in a cafe with a friend when people in FSB uniforms with machine guns burst in and forced everyone against the wall. Some celebrities were so unhappy that they filed for transfer to court, such as Sergei Zverev, Irina Saltykova and Maria Arbatova.

"Raffle." Best moments

In parallel with the “Raffle”, Arno, together with Leonid Parfenov, hosted the program “What are our years” on Channel One (from November 2010 to August 2011), as well as the project “ Big city"on the STS channel (from November to December 2009).

Tatyana Arno’s next place of work was the evening news show “Here and Now” on the Dozhd TV channel.

Subsequently, she, together with Alexey Venediktov and Vitaly Dymarsky, began hosting the “Amateurs” program, dedicated to stories about the past, which can be interpreted in connection with the present.

Moscow through the eyes of Tatyana Arno (“Rain”)

And together with Pavel Lobkov and Sasha Filipenko, Tatyana traveled around Russia as part of the “Ride at Home” show and reviewed interesting places homeland. In March 2016, the presenter took part in the program “ New life" In the company of a plastic surgeon, stylist and architect, she transformed the appearance and housing of ordinary Russian women.

Personal life of Tatyana Arno

The attractive TV presenter has always enjoyed success with the opposite sex, so rumors about her new chosen ones often appeared in the media. It is known that until 2005 she dated her colleague, translator Vyacheslav Chichvarin. He proposed to her, which she refused, and the couple broke up soon after. Later, Tatiana was credited with having relationships with businessmen Amiran Lagvilava and

For several months now, the popular Channel One show “The Voice” has been delighting viewers every Friday. Professional vocalists, persistent competition, “tasty” music – all this literally makes you “stick” to the TV screens. But television is a well-prepared picture that skillfully hides the most interesting things from viewers - behind-the-scenes twists and turns, scandals and intrigues. Let's figure it out.

Alexander Gradsky, Pelageya, Leonid Agutin and Dima Bilan are undoubtedly key figures in the First Channel project “The Voice”. They skillfully manage their teams of performers and stage wonderful performances.

It is no secret that the masters are actively assisted by their personal advisers. So, behind the scenes, Dima Bilan works together with Ekaterina Arno, who is his backing vocalist, Alexander Gradsky listens to the opinion of his daughter Maria in everything, Pelageya asks Svetlana’s mother for advice, and Leonid Agutin is helped by his father Nikolai Petrovich.

We invite you to get to know the people hiding in the shadows of the mentors and find out what contribution they make to the show “The Voice”. Representatives of “7 Days” visited behind the scenes and saw how preparations for the show were going.

One of the first to film set arrived, and this time the singer was without her mother. Many thought that the girls had quarreled, but soon Svetlana appeared in the studio and immediately began distributing advice to the competition participants.

The editor of the TV show said that her mother’s words mean a lot to Pelageya, and she can change her opinion about the participant and his vocal abilities after talking with Svetlana. That is why the singer’s mother was jokingly nicknamed the “gray eminence” of the project.

Works at rehearsals with backing vocalist Ekaterina Arno. Let us note that the girl devotes no less effort to the project than her mentors.

Ekaterina comes to rehearsals, even despite a broken leg. Participants from Bilan’s team said that Katya is very strict, and in order to earn praise from her, you need to give 100%. During all the runs, it is Katya who, in a commanding voice and in an orderly tone, “notes” some inaccuracies during the performance.

Dima Bilan himself, on the contrary, is more loyal; he tries to make friends with everyone, but does not approve when he is treated like a “star” and openly fawned over. During his rest, Dima is not averse to having a “smoke break” with the contestants and chatting.

But Alexander Gradsky behind the scenes prefers to bypass Bilan, since the master, to put it mildly, does not really honor his work, constantly hinting at it. Of course, there are no quarrels between mentors, and everyone treats this situation with humor.

And Gradsky treats his team very kindly and always tries to support and encourage those who doubt their abilities or are afraid of going on stage. Recently, the mentor celebrated his birthday by performing the song “When I’m Sixty-Four.” Gradsky was very surprised, as he had no idea about the impending congratulations.

By the way, on the project for a long time One participant from Gradsky’s team was discussed - Angelina Sergeeva. Angelina, shortly before “The Voice,” was a backing vocalist for Leonid Agutin, which caused a lot of rumors about their possible romance and Sergeeva’s involvement in the project “through connections.”

Another mentor is , assisted by his father. Nikolai Petrovich said that his son often gets into conflict situations with Gradsky, but after filming the men make up. This is not surprising, because each participant is a talent, so due to the mandatory choice between two, mentors are forced to worry and be terribly worried.

Agutin’s father admitted that Leonid is rooting for all the participants, and during the “battles” the singer even takes sedatives, having a hard time experiencing the departure of each ward.

The "Voice" project is almost halfway there. The stages of “blind auditions” and “duels” have already passed. Every week there are fewer and fewer participants in the teams. All the contestants are very worthy, but only one will win.




It seems that for the participants of the “Voice” project there are no people more important than their mentors - Pelageya, Leonid Agutin, Alexander Gradsky and Dima Bilan. However behind the scenes life the show is somewhat reminiscent of a chess game, where sometimes more important figures are hidden behind the kings. The real eminence grises of the show can be called assistant mentors. Pelageya’s mother is Svetlana, Leonid Agutin’s father is Nikolai Petrovich, Dima Bilan consults with his backing vocalist Ekaterina Arno, and Alexander Gradsky trusts the opinion of his daughter Maria. However, if two mentors - Gradsky and Agutin - are used to controlling everything themselves and stage the performance of their contestants from beginning to end, then the other two - Pelageya and Bilan - actively involve their assistants.

Ekaterina Arno follows Dima Bilan like a shadow. Even a broken leg didn’t stop her from coming to filming. By the way, when recently one of the participants also fell and sprained a ligament, people started talking behind the scenes of the show that this was not without reason. “The Voice has been jinxed!” - one of the editors of the show told “7D”. However, Catherine cares little about gossip. Taking a place next to Bilan, Arno began giving commands to the competitors in an orderly tone, as if she were actually the mentor. “Be afraid of Katya, otherwise she might hit you with a crutch!” - Bilan warned with a smile. “Dima wants to make friends with everyone,” contestant Jacqueline Migal told 7D, “so we often go out to smoke together. I like that he hates it when people fawn on him. One of ours asked him for a cigarette, and then blurted out: “I’d better keep it as a souvenir, because it’s from my mentor!” Dima immediately became stern and coldly remarked: “But that was unnecessary.” Katya Arno is more strict and rarely praises. Her lifted up thumb- they say, everything is okay - it’s worth a lot.”

The next to start rehearsal were the guys from Pelageya's team. The singer herself appeared first, confidently parking a brand new red jeep at the studio. Upon entering the room, she immediately brought noticeable revitalization to the ranks of tired artists. “Well, that’s it, the girlish trills have begun,” Bilan muttered displeasedly, but immediately kissed the cheek offered by Pelageya. Meanwhile, the subject of gossip at the rehearsal was not the singer’s brand new car, but the fact that she arrived alone - without Svetlana’s mother. “Pelageya first appeared before her mother,” the show’s editor shared with 7D. “Is there really some kind of discord between them?” Svetlana arrived a little later and immediately got down to business. While Pelageya was busy with mentoring matters - hugging Bilan, praising Andrei Davidyan - her mother gave practical advice contestant Lilit Harutyunyan. “Here’s another eminence grise for you,” whispered the editor. “One word from her is enough for Pelageya to change her opinion about the vocal abilities of the project participant.”

Meanwhile, Alexander Gradsky, having finished the rehearsal with his charges, hurried to the studio. But having learned that Dima Bilan was now rehearsing there, he abruptly changed the route. “I don’t need to go there!” - the master stated categorically and retired to his dressing room. This behavior did not come as a surprise to the editors of the show: “Alexander Borisovich treats Dima’s work with coolness and does not miss the chance to show it. But these quarrels, of course, are not serious - we here are already accustomed to his unusual sense of humor.”

Svetlana Feodulova, who is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the highest female voice in the world, hastened to stand up for her beloved mentor. “Alexander Borisovich supports us very much. He calls me all the time before the day of the competition and, knowing that I am terribly cowardly, instead of greeting he sings: ““ Cowardly little gray bunny...” I get angry at first, of course, and then I laugh, and all my fears go away.” By the way, on November 3, the participants, together with other mentors, organized a surprise for the master’s birthday: they performed a cover of the famous song The Beatles When I’m Sixty-Four (“When I’m 64”).

But Alexander Borisovich did not yet know about the musical gift, so only the dark-skinned ward Carmen Moxie, who appeared before the mentor in a dress made of silver sequins, was able to bring him out of his gloomy mood before the start of the rehearsal. Since the girl does not speak Russian, Alexander Borisovich showered him with compliments in the language of Shakespeare. Before the singer had time to catch his breath, a new “blow” overtook him: another member of his team, Ekaterina Biserova, appeared on stage in a stunning red dress. “What is this! - Gradsky was playfully indignant. - I’m leaving the project for such and such a grandmother! Girls, what are you doing to me?!”

In the studio, Angelina Sergeeva, a former backing vocalist of Leonid Agutina, was one of the first to show Gradsky her number. By the way, many are still sure that the girl got on “The Voice” solely under the patronage of the ex-chef. “At first they constantly asked me: “What was your deal with Agutin?” - says Sergeeva. - Now I already treat this with humor, I answer that he said that I was not his type, and in revenge I snuck into his house at night and cut off his luxurious hair. There are those who believe this. But seriously, Leonid didn’t know that I was on “The Voice”, since I went solo from his group in February.” Having learned that Angelina was on Gradsky’s team, Agutin promised her all possible protection from the expressive master. “After the broadcast, Leonid came up to me, congratulated me on my participation in the project and jokingly made a promise: if Alexander Borisovich offends me, I’ll immediately contact him,” Sergeeva smiles. “And he, they say, will talk to Gradsky in his own way.”

Leonid Agutin’s chief assistant, his father Nikolai Petrovich, who once organized Gradsky’s tour of Soviet Union. “Sasha has always been rough-and-tumble,” admits Agutin Sr. “He and Lenya had clashes on the project, but after recording they always made up. Sasha always admitted that he got carried away. The mentors are getting on their nerves, because the guys here are super talented, and it’s very difficult to choose between them. My son is still on sedatives, especially before battles, when the participants compete with each other. His wife Anzhelika (Anzhelika Varum. - Ed.) does not touch him these days, but if Lenya asks her for help, she will always express her point of view. She herself watches the project very carefully and, if she doesn’t have time for the live broadcast, she looks for the recording on the Internet. Then they take it apart at home together.”

Muscovite Ekaterina Arno said that her husband was denied a job at a bank because he had previously been on maternity leave. Company employees allegedly ridiculed his action and said that they did not need such employees. “360” contacted Catherine’s husband and found out the details of what happened.

Next news

Photo: Catherine Arno-Nasonova’s VKontakte page

Arno told on her Facebook page that her husband tried to get a job after several years on maternity leave, but was refused. At the second stage of the interview at RosEvroBank, the man was ridiculed, saying that the company did not need such workers.

“Is Europe coming? Why didn’t the wife look after the child? Oh, is she one of those creative ones?” - the respectable guys from RosEvroBank were indignant in a not very civilized way at the second round of the interview. “Are you going to take sick leave because of the child? - they laughed. “We don’t need such an employee.”

— Ekaterina Arno.

According to the girl, bank representatives said that he spent more of their time in monetary terms than he earned in his entire life. “I didn’t know that men also face aggressive chauvinism and open discrimination. To insult a person (and plenty of obscene phrases were said) is the norm today, but to be good father- does it mean to be a laughing stock? - Arno added.

“360” contacted Ekaterina’s husband Vyacheslav Nasonov. He emphasized that at the first stage of the interview he spoke about his experience and maternity leave. “That is, initially they were notified of all the ups and downs in my relationship with both the child and work,” he said.

During the second interview, a bank employee, having learned about maternity leave, treated Nasonov as “a schoolboy who had done some mischief,” the man said. When the head of the department appeared at the interview, he and a colleague began to obscenely discuss the company's events, Arno's husband claims. Then they switched to Nasonov and asked him why he took maternity leave, and stated that they did not need such an employee. “Having all the notes of an HR employee, why did they need to pull me out for an interview and conduct the conversation in such a tone?” - the man asks.

Nasonov notes that what surprised him most was not the refusal, but the attitude of RosEvroBank employees.

I understand that this or that person may not be suitable for the leaders of the organization. I have a normal attitude towards this, this is normal practice. But getting personal and expressing it like that in an interview is, I think, unacceptable. This affects me more than the rejection itself.

— Vyacheslav Nasonov.

Representatives of the bank also appeared in the comments to Arnault’s post. They stated that what happened was not compatible with their rules and asked Arnaud to leave a telephone number to contact the HR director. According to them, the bank has started internal audit.

It is obvious that the behavior described in the post is unacceptable and causes quite justified indignation. An internal audit has been launched at the bank; the issue is under the control of the management of RosEvroBank. If the information contained on the social network is confirmed, disciplinary measures will be applied to the relevant bank employees, and measures will be taken to prevent a similar situation in the future.

- RosEvroBank.

RosEvroBank confirmed to a 360 correspondent that an internal investigation is underway at the bank, and the company’s management is aware of what happened.

It seems that for the participants of the “Voice” project there are no people more important than their mentors - Pelageya, Leonid Agutin, Alexander Gradsky and Dima Bilan. However, the behind-the-scenes life of the show is somewhat reminiscent of a chess game, where sometimes more important figures are hidden behind the kings.

The real eminence grises of the show can be called assistant mentors. Pelageya’s mother is Svetlana, Leonid Agutin’s father is Nikolai Petrovich, Dima Bilan consults with his backing vocalist Ekaterina Arno, and Alexander Gradsky trusts the opinion of his daughter Maria.

Ekaterina Arno follows Dima Bilan like a shadow.

Even a broken leg didn’t stop her from coming to filming. By the way, when recently one of the participants also fell and sprained a ligament, people started talking behind the scenes of the show that this was not without reason. “The Voice has been jinxed!” - said one of the show's editors. However, Catherine cares little about gossip. Taking a place next to Bilan, Arno began giving commands to the competitors in an orderly tone, as if she were actually the mentor. “Be afraid of Katya, otherwise she might hit you with a crutch!” - Bilan warned with a smile.

I like that he hates it when people fawn on him. One of ours asked him for a cigarette, and then blurted out: “I’d better keep it as a souvenir, because it’s from my mentor!” Dima immediately became stern and coldly remarked: “But that was unnecessary.” Katya Arno is more strict and rarely praises. Her thumbs up saying everything is okay is worth a lot.”

The next to start rehearsal were the guys from Pelageya's team.

The singer herself appeared first, confidently parking a brand new red jeep at the studio.

Upon entering the room, she immediately brought noticeable revitalization to the ranks of tired artists. “Well, that’s it, the girlish trills have begun,” Bilan muttered displeasedly, but immediately kissed the cheek offered by Pelageya. Meanwhile, the subject of gossip at the rehearsal was not the singer’s brand new car, but the fact that she arrived alone - without Svetlana’s mother. “Pelageya first appeared before her mother,” the show’s editor shared. “Is there really some kind of discord between them?”

Svetlana arrived a little later and immediately got down to business. While Pelageya was busy with mentoring matters - hugging Bilan, praising Andrei Davidyan - her mother gave practical advice to contestant Lilit Harutyunyan. “Here’s another eminence grise for you,” whispered the editor. -

One word from her is enough for Pelageya to change her opinion about the vocal abilities of the project participant.”

Meanwhile, Alexander Gradsky, having finished the rehearsal with his charges, hurried to the studio. But having learned that Dima Bilan was now rehearsing there, he abruptly changed the route. “I don’t need to go there!” - the master stated categorically and retired to his dressing room. This behavior did not come as a surprise to the show's editors:

“Alexander Borisovich treats Dima’s work with coolness and does not miss the chance to show it.

Svetlana Feodulova, who is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the highest female voice in the world, hastened to stand up for her beloved mentor. “Alexander Borisovich supports us very much. He calls me all the time before the day of the competition and, knowing that I am terribly cowardly, instead of greeting he sings: ““Cowardly little gray bunny...” I get angry at first, of course, and then I laugh, and all my fears go away.” By the way, on November 3, the participants, together with other mentors, organized a surprise for the master’s birthday: they performed a cover of famous song The Beatles When I’m Sixty-Four (“When I’m 64”).

But Alexander Borisovich did not yet know about the musical gift, so only the dark-skinned ward Carmen Moxie, who appeared before the mentor in a dress made of silver sequins, was able to bring him out of his gloomy mood before the start of the rehearsal. Since the girl does not speak Russian, Alexander Borisovich showered him with compliments in the language of Shakespeare. Before the singer had time to catch his breath, a new “blow” overtook him: another member of his team, Ekaterina Biserova, appeared on stage in a stunning red dress. “What is this! - Gradsky was playfully indignant. - I’m leaving the project for such and such a grandmother! Girls, what are you doing to me?!”

In the studio, Angelina Sergeeva, a former backing vocalist of Leonid Agutina, was one of the first to show Gradsky her number. By the way, many are still sure that the girl got on “The Voice” solely under the patronage of the ex-chef.

“At first they constantly asked me: “What was your deal with Agutin?”

Sergeeva says. - Now I already treat this with humor, I answer that he said that I was not his type, and in revenge I snuck into his house at night and cut off his luxurious hair. There are those who believe this. But seriously, Leonid didn’t know that I was on “The Voice”, since I went solo from his group in February.” Having learned that Angelina was on Gradsky’s team, Agutin promised her all possible protection from the expressive master.

“After the broadcast, Leonid came up to me, congratulated me on my participation in the project and jokingly made a promise: if Alexander Borisovich offends me, I’ll immediately contact him,” Sergeeva smiles. “And he, they say, will talk to Gradsky in his own way.”

Leonid Agutin’s chief assistant, his father Nikolai Petrovich, who once organized Gradsky’s tour of the Soviet Union, knows firsthand about the character of Alexander Borisovich.

“Sasha has always been rough-and-tumble,” admits Agutin Sr. “He and Lenya had clashes on the project, but after recording they always made up.

Sasha always admitted that he got carried away. The mentors are getting on their nerves, because the guys here are super talented, and it’s very difficult to choose between them. My son is still on sedatives, especially before battles, when the participants compete with each other. His wife Anzhelika (Anzhelika Varum. - Ed.) does not touch him these days, but if Lenya asks her for help, she will always express her point of view. She herself watches the project very carefully and, if she doesn’t have time for the live broadcast, she looks for the recording on the Internet. Then they take it apart at home together.”