Dictionary of musical foreign terms online. Dictionary of musical foreign terms

Routing Russian language lesson in 4th grade, 2nd half of the year, educational complex “Planet of Knowledge”

Lesson objectives:

v improve the ability to write words with the studied spelling;

v consolidate the ability to act according to the established rule.

v to develop spelling vigilance, attention, the ability to argue one’s conclusions, logical thinking and student speech;

v foster a sense of camaraderie and the ability to work in a team.

Lesson type: lesson on practicing methods of action.

Planned results:

cognitive UUD: independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal, conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral form, choice of the most effective ways problem solving, knowledge structuring;

personal UUD: promote self-esteem based on success criteria educational activities, cultivate faith in one’s own strength.

regulatory UUD: goal setting, planning, evaluation of work results, making necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in case of divergence from the standard, real action and its result;

communicative UUD: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, observing the rules of speech behavior, the ability to express and justify one’s point of view.


basic - T. M. Andrianova, V. A. Ilyukhina Russian language 4th grade

additional tables: " Case endings nouns”, “Unstressed endings of adjectives”, “Unstressed personal endings of verbs”; task cards, reference diagrams, algorithms, checking unstressed endings of nouns, adjectives, unstressed personal endings of verbs.



Technological map of the Russian language lesson in 4th grade, 2nd half of the year

MBOU secondary school No. 42 teacher primary classes Memetova Olga Alexandrovna

Educational complex "Planet of Knowledge"

Topic: “Spelling endings different parts speech"

Lesson objectives:

  • improve the ability to write words with a learned spelling;
  • consolidate the ability to act according to established rules.
  • to develop students’ spelling vigilance, attention, ability to argue their conclusions, logical thinking and speech;
  • develop a sense of camaraderie and the ability to work in a team.

Lesson type: lesson on practicing methods of action.

Planned results:

cognitive UUD: independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal, conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral form, selection of the most effective ways to solve problems, structuring knowledge;

personal UUD : promote self-esteem based on the criterion of success in educational activities, cultivate faith in one’s abilities.

regulatory UUD:goal setting, planning, evaluation of work results, making necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its result;

communicative UUD:planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, observing the rules of speech behavior, the ability to express and justify one’s point of view.


basic - T. M. Andrianova, V. A. Ilyukhina Russian language 4th grade

additional tables: “Case endings of nouns”,

"Unstressed endings of adjectives"

“Unstressed personal endings of verbs”;

Task cards, reference diagrams, algorithms

Checking unstressed endings of nouns

And adjectives, unstressed personal endings


During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

Greeting, checking readiness, recording the date.

II.Vocabulary work.(Work on cards - task 1. Appendix 1) Mutual check.

Exchange cards and test each other.

III.Updating students' knowledge. Working with dictionary words.

What spelling unites the words in task 1? (Unchecked unstressed vowel in the root)

In what part of the word is this spelling located? (Fundamentally)

What do we do if a word with an unstressed vowel is not a dictionary word? (If a word with an unstressed vowel does not belong to the dictionary words, then it can be checked)

How to check an unstressed vowel in a word? (emphasis)

In what parts of a word can an unstressed vowel be found? (In prefix, root, suffix and ending.)

How should you act to avoid making mistakes in writing an unstressed vowel? (Repetition of the learned rules: you need to choose a test word in which the unstressed vowel will be stressed)

What parts of speech and in what part of the word did we talk about checking unstressed vowels in previous lessons? (At the endings of nouns, adjectives, verbs)

IV. Formulation by students of the topic and goals of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we must repeat what actions we need to perform to solve spelling problems in the unstressed endings of nouns, adjectives and verbs.

What do you think the topic of our lesson should be?

Repetition of spelling rules for unstressed endings of nouns, adjectives and verbs")

What goals would you set for today's lesson? Justify your answer. (Students' answers)

V. Repetition of the algorithm for checking unstressed endings of nouns. (Appendix 2)

And we will begin our work by repeating the algorithm for checking unstressed endings of nouns.

Name the actions that should be performed in order to correctly solve spelling problems in unstressed endings of nouns.

  1. determine the declination.
  2. Determine case
  3. Remember the ending
  4. For check : choose a word of the same declension, but with a stressed ending.

- What clue words can you name?

For the 1st declension? (Earth, hand.)

For the 2nd? (Horse, yard)

For the 3rd? (Steppe)

VI. Exercises in spelling the endings of nouns.

1 . Commented letter (Card - task 2).

Execute necessary actions and fill out the table, highlight the ending in the initial form. Having chosen a letter, enter it in the “window”.

(While filling out the table, a separate student is called to comment at the board for each word)

Noun name

Beginning form




Prov. word


at the edge...

to the bed...

on the crib...

to the area...

above the clouds...m

Are there words that are in the same case? (Yes. These are the words at the edge and in the area , standing in the prepositional case, and words to the bed and around the crib , standing in the dative case.)

Compare their endings: are they always the same? (No)

How can this be explained? (Words have different inflections)

2. Work according to the table “Case endings of nouns”.

Which case endings should be remembered for nouns of the 1st declension? 2nd declension? 3rd?

3. Repetition of the spelling rules o and e in the endings of nouns in instrumental case after hissing and c. (Appendix 3)

What case is it in? last name noun? (In the instrumental)

What feature of the spelling of the endings of nouns in the instrumental case after sibilants and c should we remember? Give examples.

In nouns of the instrumental case after sibilants and Ts is written under stress Oh, and without the accent E

For example: ball o "m, shower e m.


4. “Find mistakes” (Work using cards – task 3).

Now check yourself. Find the mistakes that 4th grade students made in writing the endings of nouns.

VII. Repetition of the algorithm for checking unstressed endings of adjectives. (Appendix 4)

How to determine gender, number and case of an adjective?

  1. Determine the number, gender and case of the noun.
  2. Determine the number, gender and case of the adjective by gender, number and case of the noun.

Name the actions that should be performed in order to correctly solve spelling problems in unstressed endings of adjectives.

  1. Find a noun, to which the adjective refers.
  2. Ask a questionfrom a noun to an adjective and by the stressed ending of the question, find out the ending of the adjective.

2. Selective dictation. Game "Order".

(Working with cards - task 4).

Now let's play. The game is called "Order". I order you an adjective in a certain gender and case. Your task is to find such an adjective, name it and explain the spelling of the ending.

In the blue sea, at the neighboring edge, along good roads, in early winter, near a fallen oak tree, on a desk, early in the morning,


Neuter adjective in the instrumental case (early morning);

Adjective female V genitive case(near the neighboring edge);

Feminine adjective in the dative case (on a good road);

Adjective male in the genitive case (near the fallen oak tree);

Neuter adjective in the prepositional case (in the blue sea);

Feminine adjective in the instrumental case (in early winter);

Masculine adjective in the prepositional case (on the desk);

VIII. Repetition of the algorithm for checking unstressed endings of verbs. (Appendix 5)

Name the actions that should be performed in order to correctly solve spelling problems in unstressed personal endings of verbs.

1. Determine the tense of the verb.

Complete task No. 5 in the “Get to know me” card

1.Write the verbs in singular. Specify conjugation.

IX. Independent work on cards (task 6).

Complete task 6 yourself. Insert the missing endings. Indicate the declension and case above nouns and adjectives, and the conjugation above verbs.

(After completing the work, the card is handed over for verification)

X. Lesson summary.

What spellings did we repeat today?

How to check for unstressed endings in nouns? (Repetition of actions according to the algorithm)

What clue words did you remember?

How to check for unstressed endings in adjectives?

How to check the unstressed ending of verbs?

What goals did we set? Did you manage to achieve them?

Annex 1

Card for the lesson on the topic

“Reinforcing the spelling rules for unstressed endings

nouns, adjectives and verbs."

Last name, first name ______________________

  1. Vocabulary work.

Student...nik, teacher...tel, m...rkovny, b...speech, g...r...dskoy, s...tank, p...congratulate, k...empty, yag...yes, d...zhurny, r...sti

Number of mistakes ____

Mark _____

Checked by _____________________

  1. Fill the table:

Noun name

Beginning form




Prov. word


at the edge...

to the bed...

on the crib...

to the garden...

Above the clouds...m

  1. Find errors:

Key, pencil, rook, lily of the valley, ray, finger, prince.

  1. Game "Order".

In the blue sea, at the neighboring edge, along good roads, early winter, near a fallen oak tree, on a desk, early in the morning.

  1. Get to know me.

Carrying...t, bre...t, laying...sh, hear...sh, sleep...sh, sit...sh, endure...sh, squish...t, light...t, bath...s.

  1. Independent work.

Insert the missing endings, indicate the declension and case above the nouns, and the conjugation above the verbs.

In the deep... ditch..., in the dense... forest, in the army... you serve, solving... problems, in the old... gazebo..., on the wet... sand..., from the spring... rain, doing... homework , before the winter cold..., from sweet... cranberries, for the best..... friend, on a winter evening, across a green... field, warming the earth.

Appendix 2

Algorithm for checking unstressed endings of nouns.

  1. Put a word with an unstressed ending in the initial form in order todetermine the declination.
  2. Determine casewords with unstressed endings.
  3. Remember the endingnoun of this declension in the required case.
  4. For check : choose a word the same slope neniya, but with a stressed ending.
  5. Put in the form of the same case as the word being tested, a word with a stressed ending.
  6. Write the same ending in an unstressed position.
  1. Beginning f. → genus → → cl.
  2. Case.
  3. Test word.
  4. Prov. word → case

Appendix 3


In instrumental case nounsafter hissing and Cwritten under stress Oh, and without the accent E

For example: ball, shower, garage, bird, grove.

Appendix 4

Algorithm for checking unstressed endings of adjectives.

  1. Find the noun that the adjective refers to.
  2. Put a question from a noun to an adjective and find out the ending of the adjective by the stressed ending of the question.

Appendix 5

Algorithm for checking unstressed endings of verbs.

1. Determine the tense of the verb.

If the verb is in the present or future tense:

1.Put the verb into the indefinite form.

2. See if this verb is an exception verb.

3.Remembering the rule, determine the conjugation.

a) if the verb refers to the I sp., write E at the end.

b) if the verb refers to II, write I at the end.

Musical terms

1.Virtuoso - a musician-performer who has excellent command of any musical instrument or singing technique.

2.Prodigy - a naturally talented and gifted child whose musical abilities clearly manifest themselves at an early age.

3.Improvisation - composing music while performing it.

4.Staff – five horizontally arranged musical lines.

5. Play – small musical composition.

6.Repertoire – selection of musical works for performance.

7. Solfeggio – special music lessons aimed at developing hearing.

8 . Premiere - the first public performance of a new music. works or performance.

9. Intermission - a break between acts of a theatrical performance.

10.Orchestra – a group of musicians performing a piece of music together on various instruments.

11.Vocalise - special exercise for voice, performed without words.

12.Debut - first public speaking artist on stage.

13. Choir - collective singing.

14.Opera musical performance, in which everything characters sing accompanied by an orchestra. 15.Aria - solo number in the opera.

16.Dance – a choreographic genre used in a musical performance.

17.Overture - orchestral introduction to the performance.

18.Libretto literary text, which is the basis of the opera.

19.Ballet – musical and choreographic performance.

20.Symphony - a work for symphony orchestra.

21. Conservatory – higher musical educational institution.

22. Choirmaster - conductor of the choir.

23.Soprano – the highest female voice.

24.Tenor – the highest male voice.

25. Contralto - the lowest female voice in the choir.

26.Requiem choral work mourning character.

27.Treble - high childish voice.

28.Baritone – male middle voice between bass and tenor.

29.Capella – professional choir group.

30.Bass – low male voice.

31.Cantata - vocally - symphonic work of a solemn nature.

32. Oratorio – vocal-symphonic work for soloists.

33.Anthem - a song of a solemn nature.

34.Classic - exemplary works of art.

35.Serenade musical piece, performed in the evening hours in front of the beloved's house in Spain or Italy.

(with illustrations). 2nd edition. Polyglot Dictionary of Musical Terms Terminorum Musicae Index Septem Linguis Redactus: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Russian. Bärenreiter, 1980. - 815 pp. Quality: good, 500 dpi, recognized, subtracted or no information. und Russian-
zusammen.A seven-language dictionary offered to the reader musical terms(Terminorum
Musicae Index Septem Linguis Redactus) is a very important undertaking. The appearance of the dictionary was preceded by an extremely long - for various reasons - period preparatory work. Already at the VII musicological congress of the International Musicological Society (Cologne, June 1958), i.e. almost two decades ago, the idea was expressed about publishing a multilingual dictionary of musical terms (if possible a glossary without detailed definitions) in five languages: German, English, French , Italian and Spanish. Such a dictionary would be a step on the way to creating large dictionary, which absorbed material from 18-20 languages. Seven-language dictionary musical terminology was compiled on the basis of one language,
taken as a basis (German). However, in order to prevent this main language from becoming the main one, an attempt was made to create a so-called international dictionary of headwords. What is meant here is that special terms German language, originating from the words of other languages ​​​​presented here, seem to be restored to their original source. As an example, let us use terms such as
“paradiddle”, “chord”, “arpeggio”, “guitar”, “dulcimer” and “balalaika”, which, together with related complex terms and phrases, are given under the word
source language: paradiddle as an English term, accord as a French term, arpeggio
- Italian, guitarra - Spanish, cimbalom - Hungarian and balalaika - Russian.
All terms that originate from languages ​​not included in the dictionary or terms of unclear origin are included, along with native German terms, in the main language. With a more rigorous check of the proposed terms, in all likelihood, some things would have to be changed and some things would have to be disagreed with. However, for the reader it does not seem significant which language is considered the main one, since the main attention was paid to presenting the special terminology of each language as widely as possible. HORST LEUCHTMANN
(trans. Gita Balter)Vorwort
Anlage des Wörterbuches und Hinweise fur die Benutzung
Arrangement of the Dictionary and Guide for the User
Presentation du dictionnaire et utilisation
Istruzioni per uso del dizionario
Plan y utilización del diccionario
A szotar rendszere es haszndlata
Construction of a dictionary and rules of use
Abkürzungen/ Abbreviations/ Abreviations / Abbreviazioni / Abreviaturas / Rdviditdsek /
Russian part / Russischer Teil / Russian Part / Part russe / Parte russa / Parte rusa /
Diagramme / Diagrams/ Diagrammes/ Diagrammi / Dibujos/ Abrak / Illustrations.
Liste der Diagramme
List of Diagrams
List of diagrams
Lista dei diagrammi
Lista de los dibujos
List of illustrations

(with illustrations). 2nd edition. Polyglot Dictionary of Musical Terms Terminorum Musicae Index Septem Linguis Redactus: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Russia. Barenreiter. 1980. - 815 p.

Quality: good, 500 dpi, recognized, proofread or not, no information.
Das Lexikon stellt auf der Basis einer Grundsprache

(Deutsch) musikalische Fachtermini in sieben

Sprachen - Deutsch, Englisch, Franz?sisch,

Italienisch, Spanisch, Ungarisch und Russisch -

Offered to the reader is a dictionary of musical terms (Terminorum
Musicae Index Septem Linguis Redactus) is a very important undertaking. The appearance of the dictionary was preceded by an extremely long period of time - due to various
reasons - the period of preparatory work. Already at the VI I. Musicological Congress of the International Musicological Society (Cologne, June 1958), i.e. almost two decades ago, the idea was expressed about publishing a multilingual dictionary of musical terms (possibly a glossary without detailed definitions) in five languages: German, English ,
French, Italian and Spanish. Such a dictionary would be a step on the way to creating
a large dictionary that would include material from 18-20 languages.

The seven-language dictionary of musical terminology was compiled on the basis of one language,
taken as a basis (German). However, in order to prevent this main language from becoming
Mainly, an attempt was made to create a so-called international dictionary
capital words. What is meant here is that the special terms of the German language,
originating from the words of other languages ​​represented here, as if again
are led back to their original source. As an example, let us use terms such as
"paradiddle", "chord", "arpeggio", "guitar", "dulcimer" and "balalaika", which together with
related complex terms and phrases are given under the word
source language: paradiddle as an English term, accord as a French term, arpeggio
- Italian, guitarra - Spanish, cimbalom - Hungarian and balalaika - Russian.
All terms that come from languages ​​not included in the dictionary or terms
of unclear origin are classified, along with native German terms, as
main language. With a more rigorous check of the proposed terms, it is likely that
However, I would have to change some things and disagree with some things. However, for the reader
it seems significant which language is considered the main one, since the main attention
was aimed at presenting the special terminology as widely as possible
each language.

Horst Leuchtmann
(trans. Gita Balter)

Anlage des WQrterbuches und Hinweise fur die Benutzung
Arrangement of the Dictionary and Guide for the User
Presentation du dictionnaire et utilisation
Istruzioni per Puso del dizionario
Plan y utilizacitin del diccionario
A szotar rendszere es haszndlata
Construction of a dictionary and rules of use
Abklirzungen/ Abbreviations/ Abreviations / Abbreviazioni / Abreviaturas / Rdviditdsek /
Russian part / Russischer Teil / Russian Part / Part russe / Parte russa / Parte rusa /
Diagramme / Diagrams/ Diagrammes/ Diagrammi / Dibujos/ Abrak / Illustrations.
Liste der Diagramme
List of Diagrams
List of diagrams
Lista dei diagrammi
Lista de los dibujos
List of illustrations