Mexican cuisine chef. Mexican cuisine.

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Mexican cuisine, which unites the culinary traditions of several nations, will appeal to everyone who loves juicy and bright tastes. Knowing certain tricks, anyone can cook its most popular dishes. All you need is a small list of familiar ingredients and, of course, your desire to experiment.

This dish is an institution of Mexican cuisine with a unique flavor profile, both acidic and salty. Pork strings are marinated with orange and achiote seasoning and accompanied by chibilas habanero - very spicy and purple onions. There is also a chicken version prepared in the same way.

Quality fresh shrimp, lots of lemon and lots of spice. These traditional desserts from the Mexican border state of Nuevo Leon combine milk with nuts, other fruits, sugar and honey. When they are produced commercially, they are identified by their red cellophane wrappings.

website I have selected 6 excellent Mexican dishes that will delight guests and are easy to prepare at home.


This is perhaps the most popular dish in Mexican cuisine. It is customary to serve the filling hot, right in the frying pan, and always along with traditional tortillas. This way, each guest can choose what to wrap in the flatbread and what sauces to eat it with.

A lemon and chili marinade is used to cook shrimp and other seafood or fish, according to a popular recipe from the north and coast. Cucumbers and onions are also almost mandatory ingredients. The results can be very spicy, but it's worth it. The taste is strong and has become industrialized in cans, which are even sold in supermarkets. This dessert, made from curdled milk with sugar and cinnamon, dates back to the colonial period. It's good to remember that you can also find good desserts in Mexican cuisine.

Easily found as desserts from tourist areas and roads, they have a sweet and soft taste and a texture that reminds you of pancakes. Unlike the gravy variety, this consists of a soup with beef, bone marrow and vegetables. Restores more than any energy drink.


  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 yellow bell pepper
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 1 can canned red beans
  • 300 g beef
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 lime
  • 4 wheat or corn tortillas


  1. Cut beef tenderloin, bell pepper and chili pepper into thin strips.
  2. Marinate the meat in lime juice for 1 hour.
  3. Place vegetables on a hot frying pan and fry for 10 minutes.
  4. Add the beef to the vegetables and fry for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Add tomato paste and beans to the contents of the frying pan, stir and keep on fire for a couple of minutes.
  6. The filling for fajitas is ready! Serve it with flatbread, spicy tomato sauce and sour cream.


Adored by gourmets all over the world, avocado paste can be used as a side dish, for example, with meat or fish. But traditionally it is consumed as a snack and eaten with corn chips.

In the marinated version, it is coated with a seasoning of chilies and spices. Corn tortillas filled thin sheet a couple beef tongue deserve special mention on such a list. With a few extra ingredients like lemon and spicy sauce, they are some of the best tacos out there.

The rounded dough, thicker than usual, is fried and opened to be filled with cheese, chichar, or other ingredients. To cover or light them: nopals, beans, tomatoes or some creative invention. It is not only consumed as a stew, but also has a place as a taco filling. The most common cut of pork leg has a place in Mexican gastronomy. If you're lucky, you'll end up in good places tani in carnitas, but there is nothing quite like a good Chamorro plate, filled, rich and well cooked, the ones that leave the impression of having enough food for two full days.


  • 2 tomatoes
  • 3 ripe avocados
  • 1 onion
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 1 lime
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • bunch of cilantro


  1. Finely chop the onion, garlic and cilantro. Grate the lime zest.
  2. Remove the seeds from the chili peppers, remove the skins from the tomatoes and also chop them.
  3. Mash all ingredients with a fork. Salt and mix again.
  4. Add a couple of tablespoons of water and lime juice.
  5. Peel the avocado, remove the pit and cut into several pieces.
  6. Add the avocado to the tomato and chili paste and mash thoroughly with a fork.
  7. Serve with corn chips. Bon appetit!

    Oh, hearty and good Mexican food. Once again the cuisine of the Yucatan Peninsula with specialties worthy of the best restaurant. This soup merges the file with chicken broth, which also contains vegetables, herbs and spices. A special aroma, but at the same time light.

    Far from anyone traditional style these scrambled eggs are cooked in a tomato and chili stew. Another breakfast from the usual. Another dish called Mayan consists of fish marinated in orange juice and achiote seasoning and cooked in a banana leaf.

    Impassable especially in winter, cold or, conversely, during heat, accompanied by ice cream. Small, partially flattened tacos that are usually cooked inside plastic bags. Typically, your salespeople carry them on a bicycle. Another gastronomic gem of the Yucatan Peninsula, made from a fried corn tortilla, stuffed with a mixture of beans and topped with a cochinita pibli with vegetables, including purple onions and habanero chiles, one of the hottest in Mexico. Luckily, adding chili is a task at the diner's expense, so there's no risk for those who don't like it spicy.

Fresh Mexican salsa

Spicy Mexican sauce goes well with potatoes and meat and adds piquancy and richness to dishes.


  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 2 chili peppers
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • cumin, salt, pepper to taste


To close the list, a large Mexican breakfast dish with beans, ham, peas, fried plantains, chili and cheese. Another one of my favorite Mexican dishes. At this point, after reading all the text, it is quite likely that you feel like you are going to a restaurant, fully confident that you are hungry and will probably feel like cooking. Recipes for Mexican dishes will be available on the site soon.

If we think for a second about Mexican cuisine and imagine some of its dishes or flavors, we will probably think of nacho, taco or spicy. Indeed, these are very popular products in the gastronomy of this Latin American country. But Mexican cuisine goes much further. It is a culinary trend characterized by strong flavors, often spicy, due to the high presence of chili in their cuisine. Vegetables are also very present and are a type of gastronomy influenced by others, among them, of course, Spanish.

  1. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut into cubes.
  2. Chop the onion and garlic in the same way.
  3. Remove seeds from chili peppers and cut into strips.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper, add cumin and tomato paste.
  5. Season with lime juice and olive oil.

Bean soup with chili

Mexicans love beans and add them to almost everything. Dishes with it, like this spicy and aromatic soup, turn out to be very nutritious and tasty.

Homemade wheat tortilla recipe for burritos, fajitas and wraps. They are made in a moment, they are very tasty and very cheap. Mexican cuisine has some typical and staple foods. Corn, beans and chili are the most traditional ingredients of Mexican cuisine, and we can add some others such as tomato, cocoa, avocado or squash.

Most Commonly Used Products in Mexican Cuisine

We will review not only the most typical ingredients and products, but also the most common dishes of Mexican cuisine. Let's begin! Corn is one of the most popular foods in Mexican cuisine. It serves as the basis for many dishes typical of this gastronomy, and we can usually find them in corn tortillas.


  • 300 g red beans
  • 2 liters vegetable broth
  • 1 bunch of cilantro
  • 8 cloves garlic
  • 2 red chili peppers
  • 1 tbsp. l. cumin seeds
  • 1 tbsp. l. coriander seeds
  • 1 tsp. allspice
  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • salt to taste


  1. Soak the beans in cold water and leave for 8–10 hours.
  2. Drain the water from the beans, fill them with vegetable broth and set to cook for 1 hour.
  3. Pour 2 cups of broth into a separate pan and set aside for a while.
  4. Remove a small amount of beans from a saucepan. It will be useful for decoration.
  5. Grind the remaining broth along with the beans in a blender.
  6. Chop the garlic and seeded chili pepper.
  7. In a dry frying pan, fry the cumin, coriander and allspice for 2 minutes.
  8. Place garlic and chili in a frying pan and add vegetable oil. Fry for 1.5 minutes.
  9. Place the reserved broth on the fire, transfer the contents from the frying pan and puree from the blender into it, add salt and pepper. The soup only needs to be heated, not boiled.
  10. 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  11. bunch of parsley
  12. Preparation:

    We bring you 19 delicious recipes to make with avocados that aren't the typical guacamoles we all know how to make at home. Another of the most important vegetables in Mexican cuisine is avocado, the main ingredient in guacamole. The creamy texture of this product and its delicious taste make it an ideal dish and is very popular in Mexican cuisine. It's very common to have it on nachos or in tacos and pancakes.

    Chile is a very simple product in Mexican gastronomy. This is a vegetable that we can find in different colors, such as green, red or yellow, and it contributes greatly to the strong flavor, spicy in many cases, of a wide variety of recipes and Mexican dishes. But not all peppers are spicy, there are very different types, and they can also be cute and eat natural.

    1. Finely chop the onion and garlic. Fry in vegetable oil.
    2. Finely chop the tomatoes, peppers and parsley. Add to the frying pan along with tomato paste, simmer for a few minutes and place on a plate.
    3. In the same frying pan, fry the coriander seeds and then the sausage pieces.
    4. Place the prepared vegetable mixture on top. Pour eggs over all ingredients. Cook for 7–10 minutes.
    5. Serve with greens.

      Very common in Mexican cuisine, the sweet potato, a type of sweet potato known locally as sweet potato or sweet potato, boiled or cooked, serves as a side dish for many dishes and recipes. Other vegetables such as pumpkins, tomatoes, chaotes or chilacayotes are widely used in Mexican cuisine.

      Mexican gastronomy seasonings

      Talking about Mexican food is also about making sure its strong flavors and delicious dishes. And to obtain the resulting recipes with these characteristics, the food is prepared with many seasonings and herbs. Among them is the achiote, one of the most important and characteristic. It is removed from the plant plant in the Caribbean, making it very typical in this area. Eposote or holy leaf is also common in many dishes. And then there are others that may sound more like parsley, cloves, pepper, cilantro, peppermint, oregano or cardamom.


    Housewives all over the world love this simple and incredibly tasty Mexican fast food for its versatility: you can wrap any filling in a tortilla, experiment with ingredients and add various sauces.

    Ingredients (for 6 servings):

  • 6 tortillas
  • 600 g chicken fillet
  • 200 g rice
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 3 sweet peppers
  • 150 g hard cheese
  • bunch of cilantro, parsley
  • 100 g tomato paste


Other foods very typical of Mexican cuisine

In addition to the vegetables and vegetables that we have already talked about are very important in Mexican cuisine, we cannot forget other products that are present in most dishes that are more common in this gastronomy. One of the most important of this culinary trend are beans. We can find them in many typical Mexican dishes, such as burritos, totopos or accompanied by other recipes.

Also meat, usually pork, which is usually the most commonly used meat, is present in many dishes. Although chicken and cow meat are also common as filling tacos, fajitas or enchiladas. In addition, rice is the basis of many recipes or, as is the case with beans, served as an accompaniment in typical Mexican food plates.

  1. Finely chop the chicken, tomatoes, onions and bell peppers.
  2. Fry the chicken in a pan for 10 minutes.
  3. Add vegetables, tomato paste, salt and pepper to the pan. Simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
  4. Boil the rice and mix it with the already prepared mixture.
  5. Grate the cheese, finely chop the herbs and send to the chicken and vegetables.
  6. Place the filling on the edge of the flatbread and carefully wrap it.
  7. Lightly fry the flatbread on both sides over low heat. Tortillas can be replaced with tacos.
  8. Serve with sauces and sour cream.

Mexican cuisine. TOP 10!

1. Pico de Gayo dish

Dishes typical of Mexican cuisine: Mexican antojitas

Many typical Mexican dishes are commonly known as "Mexican antojitas." There are tacos, fajitas, burritos, pozoli or tamales, among many others. As you can see, most Mexican dishes have a corn base, usually in the form of corn tortillas. And many of them eat with their own hands. Let's look at the most famous and traditional ones.

We can say that tacos are a dish primarily of Mexican cuisine. These are corn tortillas stuffed with meat, chili, tomatoes and onions. The act of rolling a corn tortilla is itself a taco, and while the ingredients we mentioned are the most basic, the truth is that almost any food can be included.

Ingredients needed to prepare this characteristic Mexican cuisine sauce (more like a salad), a few, but they are all important. Spiced tomatoes and onions form the base of a popular Mexican sauce that can be served with wheat or corn tortillas with a variety of fillings. Fresh tomatoes, aromatic garlic and cilantro make the seasoning healthy and surprisingly tasty. In its own way it is a variety Mexican salsa sauce.

Nowadays, the truth is that they can also prepare for lunch, lunch or dinner. This is a simple and delicious dish made with scrambled eggs and corn tortillas. You can also include other foods such as rice, avocado or beans. They are usually coated with seasonings such as cilantro or chili.

Tamales are made with a corn base that may also contain meat, vegetables and fruit fillings, and it is usually wrapped in plant leaves such as corn, banana or avocado. Enchiladas are very similar to tacos, but they have some obvious differences. For example, they usually have a lot more spice, a lot more cheese, and no grains inside. Many people poison them with cheese on top. We can find Various types enchiladas according to the area of ​​Mexico where we are located.

Pico de Gayo can be served with different dishes, but it goes especially harmoniously with grilled meat, which includes kebabs and steaks. The seasoning is also suitable as a light snack on its own.

This one is being prepared sauce So:
Tomatoes and onions need to be cut into small cubes of about 0.5 cm, add finely chopped garlic and hot peppers without seeds, chop the cilantro and combine with the rest of the ingredients, squeeze the juice of one lemon, pepper and salt the dish, and then mix everything thoroughly. Pico de Gayo ready to eat. Bon appetit!

A quick recipe to turn leftover grilled meat into easy meat enchiladas using just the microwave. The appearance of fajitas also refers to the rolled corn tortilla, but inner part is different. It features fried strips of meat mixed with vegetables.

Easy recipe with detailed explanation and photos of all the steps you need to take to prepare a very rich Tex-Mexica facita. We're back to the corn tortilla, much like the fajita or taco variety. But what is the main difference here? For one, these burritos include beans. Burtites, on the other hand, are closed at one end. Meat and vegetables are usually included in the burrito, although they are optional, what is important is that there are beans accompanied by some other food.

Lovers healthy eating will be able to evaluate beneficial features salad sauce, since it is prepared without heat treatment with complete preservation of all vitamins in the products.

2. Guacamole recipe

Guacamole sauce in Mexico it is used as often as mayonnaise in European countries, being the main component for many dishes. IN classic guacamole includes avocado, lime or lemon, which explains its rare use in Russia, since avocados are quite expensive here. Mexican guacamole has a calorie content significantly lower than our respected mayonnaise, which affects its unconditional health benefits. Guacamole ingredients plant origin allows it to be consumed by people observing fasting.

Making guacamole consists of the following steps:
Cut the avocado and separate the seeds from the pulp, and use a spoon to release the pulp from the skin. To prevent the pulp from becoming dark, you should immediately sprinkle it with lime juice and then grind it in a blender to a puree consistency. Squeeze lemon or lime juice into the resulting mass, add ground black pepper, salt, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream and three tablespoons of olive oil to taste and mix again in a blender until smooth. Your guacamole ready!
It harmonizes perfectly with tomatoes, all types of meat, toppings for shawarma, lavash and many other dishes.

3. Burrito recipe with beef and cheese sauce

Burrito. Mexican cuisine

Burrito- This is a meat dish, very tasty and nutritious. Can cook chicken burrito, and we will tell you how it is made with beef meat. To prepare the dish you will need the following products:

200 g beef, 100 g each rice and beans, mexican tortilla, two tomatoes and chili peppers, a head of red onion, 100 g of cheddar cheese, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, ground black pepper, parsley, 100 ml of cream and white wine and onions.
You need to boil the rice until tender and drain in a colander. For cooking sauce You should randomly chop the cheese and beat it in a blender with the addition of cream, white wine and a small amount of starch. The meat, previously cleaned, is cut into strips. Tomatoes with the stems cut out are first immersed in boiling water and then in low temperature water so that the peel can be removed. Tomatoes are cut into four slices, seeds and pulp are removed, after which they need to be cut into cubes, which are laid out in a deep plate. Chopped tomatoes are added chilli, onion and parsley, the resulting mass is salted, seasoned with olive oil, lemon juice and mixed.

A frying pan with vegetable oil is heated, into which beef, pepper and garlic are laid out. Don't forget to add salt, pepper and mix the ingredients. When the meat is almost ready, you need to add boiled rice, pre-mashed canned beans, cheese sauce and mix the resulting mass. The burrito filling is ready. Place it in the center tortillas and wrap it in a flatbread. Above Burrito greased with vegetable oil and fried on all sides. The dish is served on a warm plate, topped with cheese sauce and concasse tomatoes. Garnished with jalapeno pepper, onion and parsley. Eat for your health!

4. Fajitas

Mexican fajitas were considered food for cowboys, who had the right to take the leftover meat for their work after slaughtering cattle. The name of this meat dish, which is very popular with all fans, comes from the word “faja”, which means “strip” in translation. Mexican cuisine For cooking fajitas also needed tortillas. In establishments Mexican cuisine in St. Petersburg or Moscow You can also try fajitas with chicken or beef. It turns out no less tasty pork fajitas.

To prepare the dish you will need:
half a kilo of meat, eight tortillas, three tomatoes, a large onion, 50 g cheese durum, avocado - 1 piece, lettuce and seasonings in the form of salt, ground pepper, cumin and paprika.

Cut the onion into small pieces and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil until transparent. Then add the meat, cut into small strips, to the onion and fry over high heat. Tomatoes, peeled and cut into small cubes, are added to the meat and onions. Salt and pepper the dish and add the planned seasonings. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, then continue to simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes.

In parallel with cooking the meat, heat the tortillas in the oven at 180 degrees (about 10 minutes). Grate the cheese and chop the avocado with a knife. Alternatively, you can cook Avocado guacamole.
Fajitas are served as follows:
tortillas, meat filling with sauce, guacamole, grated cheese, lettuce leaves - all separately. At the table, everyone wraps their own ingredients in tortillas.

5. Quesadia recipe

Word " quesadia" or " quesadilla" literally means " cheese tortilla" The dish consists of two Mexican tortillas with different fillings, an essential ingredient of which is cheese. Tortillas are fried in boiling oil, due to which the cheese located inside melts and securely connects the two tortillas to each other. Alternatively, fold one corn tortilla in half. Most popular among tourists and lovers of Mexican dishes chicken quesadilla, mushroom quesadilla, minced meat quesadilla. Instead of classic tortillas, lavash or pita bread is often used in Russia.

For the filling you can use any type of meat, vegetables, mushrooms and cheese. To the table quesadia served cut into four pieces with spicy sauces such as salsa or sour cream. A light vegetable salad goes well with this dish.

Classic quesadia recipe as follows:
The tortilla is fried in a hot frying pan for half a minute, then it is filled with grated cheese mixed with finely chopped onions, pre-fried meat of any kind, sour cream and chili pepper, and covered with a second tortilla. The tortilla is fried on both sides for two minutes (one minute on each side). During this time, the cheese inside should melt; the more cheese, the stronger the tortillas will be connected. The dish can be cut into pieces of any size. Bon appetit!

6. Ceviche recipe

There are many options for preparing this wonderful Mexican dish, the obligatory ingredients of which are seafood. The main feature of ceviche is raw fish and shrimp marinated in lemon juice. Can cook salmon ceviche and shrimp ceviche. Many varieties of red and white fish mixed with other seafood are suitable for this dish. We'll tell you how cook ceviche from white fish and shrimp.

We will need the following components:
approximately 800 g fillet of any white fish without bones;
300-350 g shrimp;
half each green and red sweet pepper, as well as half a hot pepper;
a large onion, preferably red;
salt, coriander, a little sugar, ground pepper.

We thoroughly wash the fish and cut it into small pieces. We defrost frozen fish in the refrigerator; it is not recommended to do this using a microwave. To the fish add shrimp, boiled until half cooked, and onion, cut into half rings and soaked a little in salted water. Finely chop the pepper and coriander, removing all the grains, and add to the dish. Season the resulting mass with salt, ground pepper, lemon juice and sugar, which will help make the taste of the dish less sour and spicy. Leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour, then seafood ceviche Can be served with white wine. Bon appetit!

7. Zopa Azteca

Mexican cuisine widely uses all kinds of peppers, known to the local population since ancient times. Sopa Azteca fully meets the ideas of foreigners about spicy, juicy and unusual dishes from distant exotic countries. But you can cook it in our usual conditions in order to feel the tart national flavor of the new food in your kitchen. Recipe for this healthy Mexican vegetarian soup uncomplicated. To prepare it you need to take a quarter of an avocado, two onions, three tomatoes in fresh, one sweet bell pepper, three canned tomatoes, two pickled jalapeno peppers, vegetable oil, salt and ground pepper.

Coarsely chop the onion and bell pepper, divide the tomatoes into four parts. Mash the canned tomatoes, finely chop the jalapeno peppers, removing the seeds. Simmer all the resulting ingredients for 20 minutes in vegetable oil, adding salt and ground pepper at the end. Grind the resulting mass in a blender to a puree.
Place avocado pieces into each serving and pour the finished dish into plates. The soup is good served with fried tortillas. Eat for your health!

8. Sopa de Lima

All types of legumes are widely used in Mexican cuisine, allowing you to diversify the menu with products high in plant proteins. This is what a tasty and healthy recipe looks like vegetable soup with beans, which can be cooked not only with meat, but also in a vegetarian version.

In order to get a real one Sopa de Lima in Mexican style you need to take 400 g of pumpkin, 1 cup of fresh frozen peas, 1 cup of white beans, two onions, 1 cup of red lentils, several garlic cloves, salt, curry seasoning, vegetable oil (preferably olive), ground black pepper and any herbs .

Boil the beans soaked in water until half cooked, cut the pumpkin into cubes, and finely chop the onion and garlic. Fry the onion in oil, then add pumpkin, garlic and curry to it and continue to fry over high heat until yellow color. Place the washed lentils in the bowl where the beans are cooked, boil for five minutes, then add the pumpkin with onions and garlic and green pea. We continue to cook over medium heat until all components of the soup are completely soft for 5 to 10 minutes, and then leave the dish covered. Sopa de Lima is ready!

Those who love a hearty and tasty meal should like the recipe for traditional Mexican soup with pork; restaurants and cafes of Mexican cuisine often offer it to their visitors. The soup recipe combines meat and vegetables in a balanced manner, so its health benefits are undeniable.

To cook, you need to prepare a can of canned corn, two kilograms of pork meat, chopped into cubes, an onion, several garlic cloves, salt and 150 g of dried pepper.

The soup is prepared like this:
Chop the pepper, removing the seeds and stems, and cook until soft. In a thick-walled pan, fry the meat in oil for several minutes, then add the onion and garlic to the pork, water to cover the food, and cook over low heat.
Pour the pepper decoction into the soup, and grind the pepper itself to a puree in a blender. Add corn and pepper to the soup. If the consistency of the dish is too thick, add more water. Cook until all ingredients are ready.
Serve Sopa de Pozole with lime, chopped cabbage and tortilla chips. Eat for your health!

10. Fried nopal

- This is the symbolic plant of Mexico, depicted on its coat of arms, the most common type of cactus in this country. Fried nopal– exotic food that all fans of Mexican cuisine will be interested in trying. The cactus is useful because it helps get rid of excess fat. Preparing this dish is not too difficult.

To enjoy fried nopal you need to take a glass of water, a few garlic cloves, a teaspoon of cumin, a bouillon cube, an onion, three nopal leaves, a glass of flour, four tomatoes, a glass of vegetable oil, a little salt to taste, half a kilo of hard cheese, one piece jalapeno pepper, ground pepper and four chicken eggs.

You need to remove the hard peel from the nopal leaves with a knife, simmer the vegetables with the addition of seasonings for about 20 minutes and mix in a blender until pureed. Boil the cactus in salted water until tender (about 40 minutes), and then dip it in batter - beaten eggs with flour. Fry the nopal leaves in oil on both sides (8 minutes each). Serve this exotic dish with vegetable gravy and grated cheese. Bon appetit!

11. Chili con carne

A thick soup with meat and chili peppers, con carne, is loved by residents on the borders of Mexico. To taste it, you need to prepare the following products:

800 g beef fillet;
vegetable oil;
two heads of red onion;
allspice and black peppercorns;
two chili peppers;
several garlic cloves;
four fresh tomatoes (they can be replaced with tomato paste or canned tomatoes);
400 g red or green green beans;
spices: cumin, cloves, oregano;
lemon or lime;
bitter chocolate;
two spoons of cocoa;
sour cream for dressing.

Cut the meat into small cubes (optionally using a food processor). Grind the spices thoroughly in a mortar. We cut the sweet pepper into small strips, and remove the seeds from the chili pepper and chop it with a knife. Pour the vegetable oil into a frying pan and put it on the fire. Fry the meat in oil until a crust appears and the water evaporates. Then put it in a deep pan with thick walls or a cauldron and simmer over low heat until soft (it’s good to add a little red wine). Fry the onion thoroughly in oil, then add vegetables and simmer everything together with seasonings.

Place stewed vegetables, beans, tomatoes or their paste into the pan with the meat. At the end, add lemon juice, heated chocolate and cocoa to the dish, carefully combining all the components into a homogeneous mass. When serving, season the soup with sour cream, crushed garlic and herbs. Chili con carne soup eaten with tortillas, Mexican nacho chips, boiled rice and, of course, tequila.

12. Tortillas with filling

Tortiyas - Mexican tortillas

Mexican tortillas can be prepared with any meat, vegetable and cheese fillings; there are a great many recipes for this traditional dish. We invite housewives to get acquainted with one of the options for delicious tortillas stuffed with chicken and vegetables. This wonderful snack can be made for a picnic or travel. Because it is delicious both cold and warmed up.

Let's prepare 200 g of chicken or turkey fillet, 150 g of sweets each bell pepper and tomatoes, 100 g each of cucumbers and lettuce, leeks and five Mexican tortillas.
For the sauce you will need 300 g of tomatoes, 150 g of onion, a little garlic, vegetable oil, salt, ground pepper and herbs to taste.

Let's start preparing the dish with the sauce. Finely chop the onion and garlic, tomatoes release remove the skin and cut into small pieces, finely chop the greens. Fry in vegetable oil, onion and garlic, add tomatoes to them and continue frying for about 3 minutes. Add greens to the resulting sauce and remove fire.

Finely we cut chicken fillet And fry in oil for a quarter of an hour, season with salt and pepper.
Tomatoes and cucumbers cut small pieces, leeks in rings and mix vegetables with meat, adding tomato sauce, salt to taste.
We spread the resulting filling onto the tortilla and wrap it on both sides. Fry the tortillas with filling on both sides in a frying dish or on the grill. Your dish is ready!

You don't have to travel far to experience the distinct Mexican culture and taste Mexican cuisine. Food is an integral part national color, after drinking strong tequila and tasting a well-prepared dish according to a Mexican recipe, you can immerse yourself in the exotic world of this amazing and mysterious European consciousness countries.
Recipes for Mexican cuisine, despite their unique taste, are not difficult for hardworking and skillful housewives from Russia. In Mexican restaurants, dishes are prepared by highly qualified, experienced chefs who create real miracles from ordinary products. All traditional dishes They offer many options, so don’t despair if one or another ingredient is not at hand. It can easily be replaced with another product. All Mexican recipes are designed for the inexhaustible imagination of housewives who, having fallen in love national traditions from a distant country, they will do everything possible to please their guests and relatives with wonderful, healthy and tasty dishes.

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