Stuffed peppers with minced meat and rice recipe with photo. Stuffed peppers - recipes with meat and rice, in the oven and in the slow cooker

Stuffed Vegetable Recipes

What to cook for dinner? Stuffed peppers with minced meat and rice - a recipe for all occasions! Prepare them with our step-by-step tips with photos and videos.

1 hour

95.2 kcal

5/5 (2)

To prepare delicious peppers stuffed with meat and rice, use my recipe. It uses only simple products that can be easily purchased at any store. This pepper is prepared quite quickly, and the result exceeds all expectations. And most importantly, the smell is so delicious that even the neighbors can smell it.

Ingredients and preparation

We will need pot, frying pan, knife, grater, bowls and cutting board.


How to choose ingredients

  • First, let's choose pork. When choosing meat, pay attention to its freshness. If you buy frozen pork, it will be difficult to know the exact date it was frozen. Often the expiration date on products is changed to a new one, and meat retains its appearance for a long time when frozen. Therefore, it is advisable to buy meat at the market.
  • Choosing peppers is quite easy. There should be no stains of rot on it. If the whole pepper is covered with wrinkles, it means it has been stored for a long time and has withered. Fresh vegetables have a smooth and elastic surface.
  • Carrots are selected according to the same principle as peppers. Good appearance, no rot and elastic structure. If the carrot bends like rubber, it means it is limp.
  • Take small celery root. When peeled, it should be the size of a chicken egg. Also choose a small parsley root.

Stuffed bell pepper recipe

  1. The recipe for the most delicious stuffed peppers is very simple. First, rinse the rice several times. Then you need to pour boiling water over it. This is necessary so that the rice does not turn out raw, because it takes a long time to cook. Now set it aside and start preparing other products.

  2. Rinse the meat, cut it into pieces so that it is convenient to grind it in a meat grinder. Also peel and chop the onion. Remove seeds and stems from the pepper. Pass all ingredients through a meat grinder.

  3. Remove seeds and membranes from bell peppers. To do this, first cut off the top and then cut out the inside.

  4. Peel the onions, carrots, parsley root and celery root. Cut the onion into cubes and grate the remaining vegetables. Also grate the tomatoes or mince them. There is no need to clean them. Then pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and heat it. First add the onion, fry it for a few minutes, then add all the other vegetables (except tomatoes). Fry for a few more minutes. At the very end, add tomatoes and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

  5. Drain the rice. Then mix it with minced meat, chopped herbs and stewed vegetables. Add salt, then stir well. If desired, you can add ground black pepper.

  6. You can place the remaining parsley stalks, pieces of carrots and some stewed vegetables on the bottom of the pan. This will give the dish an additional rich flavor and prevent the pepper from burning.

  7. We stuff the peppers, that is, we put the filling in each pepper.

  8. Now install them with the filling facing up. It is advisable to take a pan of such a size that the peppers fit snugly against each other and do not fall off.

  9. On top you can put a “lid” on each pepper from a slice of tomato or the top of the pepper itself. Or you don’t have to cover it with anything, it’s unprincipled.

  10. Now fill the peppers with water, but so that it does not cover the top of the peppers.

  11. And simmer it for 40 minutes after boiling over medium heat. You can also put this pan in the oven on low heat for the same time.

Important! Don't forget that pans with plastic or wooden inserts should not be placed in the oven. Choose safe containers for this purpose.

What to serve with

Stuffed peppers are an independent and self-sufficient dish. It combines vegetables, rice and meat. Therefore, it can be served without a side dish.

But if you want a variety of dishes on your table, serve mashed potatoes and salads. You can also serve hard cheese or feta cheese. Canned peas or corn also work great as a side dish.

You can prepare bean dishes such as lobio or beans in tomato sauce. Don't forget to complement your table with drinks.

Video recipe for stuffed peppers with minced meat and rice

I suggest looking at the recipe for peppers stuffed with meat and rice.

Nuances of preparation

  • This stuffed pepper recipe uses steamed vegetables as a sauce. They are also added to the filling. But you can do it differently. Make tomato sauce from fried onions and tomato paste (or fresh tomatoes). And don’t put it in the filling, but pour it over the pepper, adding the required amount of water.
  • The classic stuffed pepper recipe uses only meat and rice for the filling.. Onions and carrots are not always added, if desired. Additional ingredients mean that the recipe can be very tasty, but not classic.
  • You can use a variety of meats in this recipe. For example, chicken, beef or turkey.
  • It’s very convenient to cook stuffed peppers in a slow cooker.
  • If you like to make preparations for the winter, take a look.
  • Bell pepper has a specific taste. If you don't really like it, cook it.
  • I also want to recommend the original one.

Leave your comments and reviews. Tell us how you prefer to cook stuffed peppers. Bon appetit!

In contact with

Stuffed peppers with minced meat and rice are reminiscent of popular ones in the range of ingredients and method of preparation, but they are prepared much easier and faster. In this case, preparing the main ingredient - sweet bell pepper - takes just a few minutes, because you just need to remove the seeds and lightly fry it.

These peppers can be stuffed with different fillings. Our recipe will have a classic version - standard minced meat, vegetables and rice cereal. Let's add all this with sour cream sauce and get a great aromatic dish!


  • sweet peppers - 5-7 pcs.;
  • minced meat (pork + beef) - 400 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 large;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • rice - 30 g;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • parsley or dill - a small bunch;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil (for frying) - 50-80 ml.

For the sauce:

  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - about 500 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

Stuffed peppers with minced meat and rice recipe with photo

How to cook stuffed peppers with meat

  1. Having removed the stalk with seeds, thoroughly wash the peppers and wipe them dry with napkins. Lightly fry the prepared fruits on each side in hot oil. As soon as the peppers are covered with a golden crust, transfer them to another bowl and empty the pan.
  2. Finely chop the onion. Fry half the portion, stirring, until soft.
  3. Grate the carrots coarsely. Add half of the carrot chips to the fried onions. While stirring, sauté the vegetable mixture for 3-4 minutes.
  4. We combine the minced meat with fried carrots and onions, squeezed garlic cloves through a press and boiled rice until half cooked.
  5. Chop the greens with a knife and add to the meat mixture. Peel the tomatoes (pour boiling water over them, leave for a couple of minutes, then rinse with ice water and remove the softened skin). Chop the tomato pulp very finely or grind it into a homogeneous “gruel” using a blender and add it to the minced meat. To enhance the taste, add a spoonful of canned pasta.
  6. Salt, pepper and mix the meat filling for the peppers very thoroughly.

    How to make sauce for stuffed peppers

  7. Mix the second part of the onion with the remainder of the carrot shavings and place it in a saucepan or pan where the peppers will be stewed.
  8. Stuff the peppers with meat mixture and place them on a carrot-onion layer.
  9. Mix sour cream with canned pasta, dilute with water, and add salt to taste. Pour the liquid sauce over the peppers. Cover with a lid. Simmer for about 40-50 minutes over low heat (the sauce should simmer gently).
  10. Serve the dish accompanied by greens. Stuffed peppers with minced meat and rice in tomato-sour cream sauce are ready!

Bon appetit!

In summer, sweet peppers form the basis of most nutritious and vitamin-rich dishes - fresh salads, omelettes, borscht, etc. The described recipes for bell peppers stuffed with meat and rice are bright representatives of the hot season menu.

A bright vegetable - a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients

Do you want to strengthen your immune system in summer? Include bell peppers in your diet, eat them fresh, stewed and baked. Stuffed peppers in a saucepan are no exception. They contain high amounts of vitamin P, C and carotene. The list of “benefits” includes vitamins B1, B2, B9, P, PP, trace elements potassium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine.

This list doesn’t mean anything to anyone; perhaps you will be impressed by the fact that pepper is responsible for cleansing the blood and normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. Most diseases associated with potassium deficiency will bypass you if you consume enough vegetables. This can also include colds, insomnia, memory impairment and bowel dysfunction. Antioxidants in the composition will prolong the youth of the skin.

The recipe for peppers stuffed with rice and minced meat belongs equally to Bulgarian, Romanian, Moldavian and Azerbaijani cuisines. Original recipes and variations on the theme are presented below.

Classic recipe

Main ingredients:

  1. Bell pepper - 8-9 pieces.
  2. Minced meat (pork/beef - 50:50) - 450 grams.
  3. Rice - ¾ cup.
  4. Onion - 1 head.
  5. Carrots - 1 piece.
  6. Tomatoes - 2 pieces.
  7. Tomato paste - 50 grams.
  8. Garlic - 3 cloves.
  9. Parsley, dill - 4-5 sprigs.
  10. Sugar - a pinch.

Tomato sauce:

  • Tomato paste - 80 grams.
  • Purified raw water - 500 milliliters.

First you need to select the sweet peppers - the fruits must be large to accommodate several tablespoons of filling. Wash the vegetables thoroughly, remove the core and remove the seeds. In a frying pan with minimal addition of sunflower oil, fry the base of the dish for half a minute on each side. Transfer to a plate.

Pepper filling

The taste of stuffed peppers in tomato sauce largely depends on the correctly prepared filling. Rice must be washed in several waters and boiled in salted water until half cooked. Drain the water and leave the cereal to cool.

Remove the skin from the onion and cut into smaller cubes. Peel the quantity of carrots specified in the recipe and cut into small cubes. Pour half a glass of vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the onion. As soon as it starts to brown, add the carrots. Cover with a lid and simmer for 5 minutes.

In a large bowl, combine the minced meat, rice and onion-carrot mixture.

Wash the tomatoes, make a cross-shaped cut on the bottom, lower them into boiling water for a minute, then quickly into cold water. A simple manipulation will allow you to easily remove the skin of the red vegetable. Grate the pulp. Peel the garlic and pass the cloves through a press. Finely chop the greens. Add tomato puree, pasta, garlic, herbs, and spices to the minced meat.

Fill the peppers, which have already cooled down by this time, tightly with the resulting mass. Place the compactly stuffed vegetables in a saucepan with thick walls.

Tomato sauce

Dilute tomato paste with hot water, add basic spices to taste. Stir until smooth, pour the resulting sauce over the peppers.

Cover the container with a lid, bring to a boil over medium heat, then reduce it to low. Stuffed ones are cooked for 40-50 minutes (depending on size). When finished, let sit for another 10-15 minutes. Serve with rich sour cream and finely chopped green onions.

Stuffed peppers in sour cream sauce

An appropriate alternative to stewing is to cook vegetables in the oven. Here the rich tomato taste of the sauce will be replaced by a delicate sour cream one.

Basic ingredients:

  1. Sweet pepper - 8-10 pieces.
  2. Pulp of pork, beef - 450 grams.
  3. Short grain rice - 200 grams.
  4. Brine (a tablespoon of sugar, salt, vinegar, the rest water) - 2.5 liters.
  5. Medium fat sour cream - 500 grams.
  6. Premium flour - 2 tablespoons.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Step 1. To create minced meat, pork and beef, selected in equal proportions, are washed, cut into small cubes and minced through a meat grinder. To complete the taste, add an onion, a raw chicken egg and spices.

Step 2. The washed rice is placed in salted water, boils and simmers over low heat for 5 minutes. Excess liquid is drained and the cereal cools.

Step 3. The two filling components are combined and mixed. They can be put in the refrigerator or left on the table.

Step 4. The stalk and core of the peppers are removed. The workpieces are washed under cold water.

Step 5. Prepare the brine, put on fire, bring to a boil. Drop the peppers and cook until half cooked. Place one at a time on a large platter and allow excess water to drain.

Step 6. The recipe for stuffed peppers with rice and meat involves filling bright vegetables with the contents of a teaspoon by 80-85%. During heat treatment, the rice will increase in size and the minced meat will simply fall out.

Step 7. To prepare sour cream sauce, two glasses of brine at room temperature must be mixed with two tablespoons of wheat flour. Add the specified amount of sour cream, mix, and adjust to taste with spices.

Step 8. Place the stuffed peppers in a thick-walled dish (frying pan, cauldron, etc.) and pour in sour cream sauce. The latter should completely cover the vegetables (if it is not enough, you can add the remaining brine).

Step 9. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Cook for 40 minutes until golden brown. Place on plates, pour over sauce, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Pepper stuffed with rice and minced meat in sour cream sauce turns out juicy, tender, with a moderate amount of piquancy due to the sweet and sour taste of the brine in which it was simmered.

Stuffed peppers in a slow cooker

A multicooker is a compact multifunctional appliance that has become an integral part of our lives and has significantly reduced the time housewives spend in the kitchen. To confirm this, here is a simple recipe for peppers stuffed with minced meat and rice. The dish turns out surprisingly tender and soft, and does not turn into a shapeless dough, as, for example, if it was left in a saucepan. You don’t have to worry about the peppers burning or the sauce boiling over - the smart machine will do everything for you!

Main ingredients:

  1. Large peppers - 7-8 pieces.
  2. Minced meat - 700 grams.
  3. Rice - 70-80 grams.
  4. Onions - 3 medium-sized pieces.
  5. Carrots - 2 larger pieces.
  6. Tomatoes (juicy variety) - 400 grams.
  7. Vegetable oil, bay leaf, herbs, salt, pepper.

Description of the culinary process

To prepare minced meat, you can use any meat - with chicken the dish will be ready faster, lamb will add fat, beef can be consumed even by those who are watching their figure.

The described recipe for peppers stuffed with rice and minced meat uses pork, the most common meat product for residents of the post-Soviet space.

Cut the sirloin into pieces and, together with the chopped onion, pass through a meat grinder, add a little salt and pepper. Rinse the rice in several waters and add to the minced meat. Stir, add chopped herbs.

Wash the carrots and onions, remove the peel, and chop in a convenient way.

In the multicooker, set the “Baking” mode, pour in a little sunflower oil, fry the vegetables for 20 minutes with the lid open.

Remove the tail and seeds from the peppers and rinse thoroughly. Fill with minced meat.

Grate the tomatoes, remove the skin first.

When the onions and carrots are sufficiently browned, you can transfer the stuffed peppers to the pan. Pour freshly prepared tomato puree, salt and pepper, add bay leaf.

The sauce should completely cover the stuffed vegetables, so you will have to add hot water. Please note: the volume of liquid should not exceed the max mark on the bowl.

Close the multicooker lid tightly and set the “Cooking” mode. How long to simmer peppers stuffed with rice and minced meat? Optimally - 1.5 hours, check the degree of readiness of the filling during the last 10-20 minutes.

Stuffed peppers for the freezer

For the preparations you will need 2 kilograms of bell pepper, thoroughly washed, stripped of stalks, seeds and internal veins.

The recipe for peppers stuffed with minced meat and rice involves steaming the latter. This will soften the elastic peel of the vegetable, making it much easier to fill it with minced meat. To do this, just immerse the pods in water for 25-30 seconds.

Rinse half a glass of rice in water and boil until moderately soft. Drain the colander and let it cool.

Prepare beef or lean pork (a kilogram is enough), chop the onion coarsely, and grind through a meat grinder. Add raw egg, spices and rice. To stir thoroughly.

How to freeze stuffed peppers? Stuff the pods more tightly with minced meat and place them on a flat surface for the first stage of freezing.

A cutting board works well. The blanks are placed in the freezer for a day. When the minced meat “sets”, the peppers are transferred to bags for further compact storage. Semi-finished products must be used for food within 6 months.

Further preparation is as simple as possible. Frozen peppers are placed in a frying pan, where chopped onions and carrots have been previously fried, poured with tomato or sour cream sauce and simmered for an hour. To complete the taste, the finished dish can be sprinkled with fresh frozen or dried herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro, basil).

Summer is probably the best time to prepare delicious dishes from fresh vegetables. If you are an amateur gardener, or even a professional, then vegetables ripen in greenhouses and beds, and if you are a city dweller, then vegetables in stores become cheaper and delight you with a huge variety. When your soul asks for more vegetables, you want to make hot dishes from them. At such a moment, peppers stuffed with meat and vegetables according to the classic recipe will become a real culinary holiday for the whole family.

Go to the garden or to the market, come back with colorful ripe peppers and let's prepare our delicious lunch together. In my family, almost everyone loves peppers stuffed with meat and prefers the stewed version, when the stuffed vegetables are cooked for a long time in a fragrant tomato-sour cream broth.

But I decided to introduce you to several ways to prepare this dish. After all, everyone will eventually have their own favorite recipe.

How to cook peppers stuffed with meat and rice

This is a very simple recipe and you don’t need to free up several hours of your time. Spend very little time preparing the vegetables and minced meat, and then watch them simmer until done.

To prepare the peppers you will need:

  • mixed minced meat (pork and beef) - 500-600 grams,
  • sweet bell peppers - 6-8 pieces (depending on size, small ones may need more),
  • rice - 0.5 cups,
  • white onions - 2 pieces,
  • carrots - 2 pieces,
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons (or fresh tomatoes - 3-4 pieces),
  • salt and pepper to taste.


1. Start by preparing the ground meat to stuff the peppers. The best choice for this dish is the so-called homemade minced meat, which consists of half or half pork and beef. You can take store-bought ready-made minced meat or grind it yourself.

The minced meat that you prepare with your own hands will definitely be tastier, because you will know for sure that only meat was put there.

2. Wash the bell pepper and remove the seeds from the middle. This is very convenient to do by cutting off the top and removing the core with a spoon. Rinse the inside with water so that no seeds remain.

3. Rinse the rice thoroughly and boil it until half cooked. The rice will cook together with the minced meat inside the pepper until it is completely soft. Rice can be boiled even in cold water, and removed when an individual grain is only slightly hard in the middle.

Rice will help the minced meat to hold together well and not fall out of the pepper.

4. Finely chop the onion. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Then lightly fry them in a frying pan in vegetable oil until they become soft and just a little golden.

5. Mix together the minced meat, rice and half the fried onions and carrots. To do this, take a separate bowl. As you stir, add salt and pepper to taste. Leave the other half of the onions and carrots in the pan.

6. If you are not using tomato paste, but fresh tomatoes, then they must also be prepared. Remove the skin from them. This will be very easy to do if you scald them with boiling water. Then grate the pulp or grind it in a blender. Make your own tomato puree.

7. Stew the second half of the onions and carrots that we have left along with tomato puree or tomato paste. If you have tomato paste, mix it with vegetables and literally after a minute of frying, add a little water to create a kind of sauce. When stewing, add a little salt, as the tomatoes will give a sweet taste.

8. Take the prepared peppers and stuff them. The minced meat can be applied with a spoon and then compacted firmly so that it completely fills each pepper.

If there is minced meat left, it’s not a big deal. This happens to me sometimes and I make several small meatballs, which I then simmer together with peppers. It turns out very tasty.

9. Place the peppers stuffed with meat and rice in a large saucepan. Ideally, if you can fit everything into one bowl and so that the open part of the pepper is directed upward. But it’s not scary if you can cook them only on their side. In my experience, the minced meat has never fallen out of the peppers.

When you have placed the peppers, cover it on top with onions and carrots stewed in tomatoes, which were waiting in the wings in the frying pan. Pour water on top and simmer covered for about 40 minutes until the pepper is ready.

If the pepper is very large, then you can cook for up to 60 minutes, but no more.

Ready peppers are served hot and with sour cream. Bon appetit!

Stuffed peppers with meat and rice in sour cream sauce

I will share with you a recipe for stuffed peppers in sour cream sauce, which has won the greatest love in my family. Perhaps the whole point is how sour cream and tomato, mixed in the sauce, incredibly deliciously sets off and complements the sweet bell pepper, and the result is simply an amazing dish. Be sure to try cooking both options and decide which tastes better to you.

The whole secret of this recipe is that you need to simmer the stuffed peppers in the sauce, not in plain water. To do this, mix sour cream and tomato paste in a ratio of approximately 3 to 1, and then dilute with water to the required amount. Let me remind you that there should be just enough of this sauce to cover the peppers in the pan by at least two-thirds. In this case, the peppers will be stewed perfectly.

Instead of tomato paste, you can use fresh tomatoes chopped in a blender or even classic ketchup without additives. I made it with Heintz ketchup and it turned out delicious.

Now let’s watch a video recipe for preparing stuffed peppers in sour cream sauce.

Peppers stuffed with meat and rice in the oven

There is another option for preparing stuffed peppers, which is also quite wonderful and differs slightly in taste in that the peppers are not boiled and stewed, but baked. At the same time, they are quite dry and without excess liquid in the form of gravy. They can even be baked under a cheese crust, which will only make the dish tastier.

To prepare you will need:

  • minced meat (can be mixed) - 500-600 grams,
  • sweet pepper - 6-8 pieces,
  • rice - 100 grams,
  • onion - 1 piece,
  • cheese - 150 grams,
  • salt and pepper to taste.


1. First of all, prepare the minced meat. Rinse thoroughly and cook the rice until half cooked.

2. Cut the onion into small cubes. Then mix together the minced meat, rice and onion. Season the filling mixture with salt and pepper.

3. Wash and remove the seeds from the inside of the pepper. Cut it lengthwise into two halves to make some kind of boats. This will make them convenient to bake, because you can put them in a wide baking dish or on a baking sheet. The stuffed peppers will not collapse.

4. Fill each pepper half with minced meat. Press it down well and smooth it out. The minced meat will not be too crumbly; with this method of cooking, it will be perfectly held together by rice.

5. Place the peppers in the oven and bake them for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. At this time, grate the cheese. To sprinkle peppers stuffed with meat and rice, any hard cheese of your choice is suitable, the main thing is that it melts well and forms an appetizing golden brown crust.

6. After twenty minutes, remove the pepper from the oven and sprinkle it with grated cheese. Let the cheese bake and the dish is ready.

If you are not sure about readiness, check the minced meat first, which should be completely baked inside and turn gray. If the minced meat is pink inside, it means it’s not ready yet.

When baked in the oven, the pepper will soften, but not become soggy; it may brown a little around the edges.

Serve the dish hot with fresh herbs. If desired, you can top it with sour cream.

Main courses - recipes for every day

stuffed peppers with minced meat and rice recipe


1 hour 15 minutes

100 kcal

3 /5 (2 )

Stuffed peppers are very similar to the original Russian dish - cabbage rolls. Cooking stuffed peppers is not that difficult, the only trouble is that you will have to spend more than an hour of your time on it. But I assure you, your time and effort will pay off in full!

Classic recipe for the most delicious stuffed peppers with meat and rice

Kitchen appliances and utensils used:

  • cutting board;
  • pan;
  • meat grinder;
  • wooden spatula for mixing;
  • pot;
  • garlic press.

List of ingredients used

For peppers

For the sauce

Let's start cooking stuffed peppers

First stage

Second phase

  1. Pour refined vegetable oil into a hot frying pan, which should cover the bottom of the frying pan by about 5 mm. We wait for the oil to warm up well and pour our chopped onion into the frying pan. There is no need to reduce the heat; we leave it at the maximum level so that the onions do not cook in boiling oil, but are thoroughly fried until golden brown.

  2. While the onions are frying, you can start peeling the garlic. It is very easy to clean if you press it firmly with the side surface of a knife, after which the peel is easily separated from the garlic. Chop the garlic as finely as possible on a cutting board, or you can put it through a garlic press. Don’t forget to keep an eye on the onion; stir it periodically with a wooden spatula.

  3. As soon as you notice that the onions in the pan are gradually acquiring a golden color, it’s time to add chopped garlic! Mix the onion and garlic thoroughly with a wooden spatula so that they are evenly distributed among themselves in the pan. Fry for about another minute, during which time the garlic will give off its aroma and fry a little, but we don’t need more for now.

  4. Now it’s time to add tomato dressing to the frying pan.

    I would like to note that not everyone has a roll at home, and even with tomato dressing. This is not a problem at all, since it can be replaced with one bell pepper and four tomatoes. They just need to be twisted in a meat grinder, after which this tomato dressing can be immediately added to the frying pan with onions.

  5. Mix the dressing thoroughly with the onions, and don’t forget to reduce the heat a little to medium so that all the ingredients in the pan are cooked in it.

  6. While the entire contents of the pan are simmering, you can add a little ground black pepper and salt. Focus solely on your taste. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly in the pan again and taste. If necessary, add a little more salt and pepper.

    Also feel free to add any other spices you really like. It is possible that they will reveal the taste of this dish much wider, and also give it some peculiarity.

  7. Fry the onions with tomato dressing until thick, until most of the liquid has evaporated from the pan. Remove the pan from the heat and begin preparing the minced meat.

Second phase

Third stage

  1. Wash the bell peppers, cut off the cap and remove the seeds from the core.

  2. We put a kettle of water to boil and start stuffing the sweet peppers. There is nothing complicated about this, we just put our minced meat in each pepper, but not too tightly, since in the minced meat we have almost raw rice, which will swell during the cooking process and completely fill the cavity of the pepper. As always, it is most convenient to do this with your hands, but you can also use a teaspoon. We do this manipulation with all the peppers.

  3. We place our stuffed peppers in an upright position in a regular saucepan, after which we put all the remaining dressing with onions on top of them.

  4. Now we need to pour boiled water from the kettle between the peppers installed in the pan. Pour in a thin stream almost to the edges of the pepper, no higher.

  5. Place the pan with stuffed peppers on maximum heat and cover the pan with a lid. We wait for the liquid to boil, then reduce the heat so that the liquid does not boil too much, but only gurgles slightly, and leave to cook for about half an hour.

  6. After half an hour, remove the lid and try our stuffed peppers. Particular attention should be paid to the readiness of the rice. If the rice does not seem ready enough, then cover the pan again with a lid and cook for another 10 minutes.

  7. After the time is up, put our stuffed peppers on a large dish and take a sample!

By the way, this dish can be made much tastier if you add a little sour cream, or better yet, sour cream sauce!

Recipe for sour cream sauce for stuffed bell peppers

This sauce is prepared in a matter of minutes, so you can prepare it while preparing the main dish, whenever you have a free minute. The main thing is that the sour cream and mayonnaise are fresh from the refrigerator, since this sauce is added cold.

Video of a step-by-step recipe for peppers stuffed with meat and rice

This video describes in detail all the stages of preparing this dish; you can use it as a cheat sheet right during cooking.

Stuffed peppers. Stuffed peppers recipe is very. TASTY AND SIMPLE..#AprilInKitchen#

Stuffed peppers. Stuffed peppers recipe is very TASTY AND SIMPLE. Recipe from April in the kitchen #AprilInKitchen#
Ingredients Stuffed Pepper Recipe:

Bell pepper 15-17 pcs. medium size
Minced pork 500 gr. (meat to fat ratio 3:2)
Rice 300 gr.
Onion 2 pcs medium size
Garlic 3-4 cloves
Tomato dressing 400 ml (or 4 tomatoes and 1 bell pepper)
Sunflower oil
Salt, pepper and other spices to your taste.
Stuffed peppers are very tasty.

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