Ethnocultural expedition Volga river of the world Mordovia. The opening of the expedition “Volga - River of the World” took place in Samara

From June 30 to July 4, the fifteenth International Ethno-Cultural Expedition took place - the festival “Volga - the River of the World. Dialogue of cultures of the Volga peoples". About a hundred people from sixteen regions of Russia gathered on the ship “Valery Chkalov”. The expedition route included visiting the cities of Samara, Kazan, and Elabuga. Among the expedition participants was our fellow countrywoman - local historian, teacher of the Cheremishevsk school A.P. Abrosimova,

shared her impressions of the trip.

The trip left a lot of vivid memories and impressions. The very first day in Samara turned out to be very eventful with events and, no less important, with communication.
On the ship there were interesting exhibitions of works by the Honored Artist of Mordovia A.N. Bargov and wood carving master V.G. Shirmankina.
An interesting, rich conversation took place during the round table on the topic “Patriotism is the basis of stability Russian state" The expedition members “plunged” into the whirlpool interesting events saturated with the peculiar flavor of Finno-Ugric, Turkic peoples.
On July 1, we were greeted by Kazan, where a press conference was held, then there were sightseeing tour around the city with a visit to the Kremlin, the Kul-Sharif Mosque, the Millennium Bridge, a walk along Bauman Street, laying flowers on the grave of the legendary pilot, hero Soviet Union M.P. Devyataeva.
I remember the bus tour “Prikamsk Pearl in Harmony with Nature”, visit natural monument"The Holy Key of Panteleimon the Healer", which is located in national park"Lower Kama" of the city of Elabuga. The concert programs of creative groups, for example, the folk ensemble “Digshalya”, the folk ensemble “Parynza”, the actress of the Mordovian State National drama theater O.A. Gruznovoy.
And the nights on deck, when songs performed by People's Artist Russia and Mordovia A.N. Kulikova! What is noteworthy is that all participants in the expedition were provided with a microphone, and everyone could show off their stage or musical skills. (The author of these lines performed a medley to the melody of Erzya, Moksha, Tatar, Russian folk songs).

And it was also very interesting for me to meet with Anna Petrovna Yakunina, head of the national local history literature sector of the central regional library of the Zubovo-Polyansky district. She told about our fellow countryman, a native of the village of Atemar first national teacher RM, local historian, writer, artist Adolf Afanasyevich Prokhorov. He is the author of the books “Sinichkin’s Sundress”, “Viryava’s Towel”, “Visiting Vedyava’s Grandmother”. Material about A.A. Prokhorov will be published in the upcoming issues of our newspaper.

XVI International Ethnocultural Expedition – Festival brought together representatives from 12 regions of the country. More than 70 expedition members on the beautiful motor ship "Alexei Tolstoy" made

6-day trip to the Volga cities: Samara, Kazan, Cheboksary, Nizhny Novgorod.

It was an amazingly bright, unforgettable journey along the great Russian river for a lifetime. Especially for those who participated in an ethnocultural expedition for the first time - the festival “Volga - River of the World. Dialogue of cultures of the Volga peoples". This time, for the first time, three editors-in-chief were awarded such an honor. regional newspapers from Mordovia and ours folk ensemble"Lada" of the Staroshaigovsky District House of Culture. More on this a little later, but for now let’s talk about the main organizers of the expedition. They were the Federal Agency for National Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and national policy Mordovia, Interregional Public Organization of the Mordovian (Moksha and Erzya) Peoples and the Volga Center of Finno-Ugric Peoples.

The grand opening of the festival took place in Samara. At the pier, the expedition members were greeted with bread and salt by representatives of the authorities of the Samara region, the Mordovian diaspora living in this beautiful Volga city, and amateur artists. They warmly welcomed the expedition members and presented our delegation with memorable souvenirs. In his response, First Deputy Minister of Culture and National Policy of Mordovia Alexander Kargin warmly thanked the people of Samara for the warm welcome and noted how important it is now to show the whole world the rich multinational culture peoples of Russia, continue close cooperation between the Volga regions. As a token of gratitude and appreciation, Mordovian artist Anatoly Bagrov presented the Samara residents with his painting “Sunday Day,” which depicts village women in Mordovian national costumes. In a sense, the gift became symbolic - it was given on Sunday, on a warm August day, August 13th. It is no coincidence that Deputy Minister of Culture of the Samara Region Irina Kalyagina, accepting the painting, said that this painting would find a worthy place in the Mordovian estate of the Peoples' Friendship Park, which will soon open in Samara.

Well, what would a meeting be without songs? Samara residents greeted with delight the performance of People's Artist of Russia and Mordovia Alexandra Kulikova, her song, a kind of anthem of the expedition, “We are with you, Russia!”

...A warm farewell at the pier, and the motor ship "Alexei Tolstoy" heads for Kazan. On the way to the capital of Tatarstan on the ship, work began on discussion platforms. The issues of the unity of the peoples of Russia, the preservation national culture and native language, patriotism and civic responsibility. The round tables were led by scientists, representatives of public organizations, and journalists.

The training seminar “Current issues of modern interethnic journalism” was very interesting and informative, which was conducted by Margarita Lyange, Chairman of the Guild of Interethnic Journalism, Advisor to the Director of the State Radio Company of Russia (Moscow).

...Kazan today is one of the most ancient and comfortable cities on the Volga. Immediately after arrival, the expedition members laid flowers on the grave of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Honorary Citizen of Mordovia and Kazan, native of the Torbeevsky district, legendary pilot Mikhail Devyatayev. In the capital of Tatarstan, the participants of the “Volga-River of the World” expedition were met by Mikhail Petrovich’s son Alexander. He said that his father, when he was going to visit his native Mordovia, was always happy about the upcoming trip. Then, on the ship, it was shown to the expedition members documentary“Escape from Usedom”, telling about the life and feat of our fellow countryman. By the way, Mikhail Devyataev came to Staroye Shaigovo in the 2000s with his friend, national poet Mordovia by Ilya Devin. He then visited the poet’s homeland in Old Terizmorga, where our Old Terizmorga fellow countryman introduced him to national traditions and customs of the Mordovians.

...In the capital of Tatarstan, the expedition participants could not help but visit the ancient Kazan Kremlin, which is a world value and is under the protection of UNESCO.

In Cheboksary, at the river port, we were met by a folk folklore ensemble“Uyav” and the folk ensemble “Erzyanka”. In the Chuvash Republic there is a large Mordovian diaspora, Mordovian works Cultural Center. A sightseeing tour “Cheboksary – the land of folk craftsmen” was held for the expedition participants.

Chuvashia - homeland legendary hero civil war Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev. A majestic monument was erected in Cheboksary back in Soviet times to the legendary division commander, a museum was opened, their small house where the future hero was born and raised was restored.

There are many in the city historical monuments outstanding scientists, poets, as well as the fourth Soviet cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, native of the Chuvash Republic Andrian Nikolaev.

...And the ship follows its course further - to Nizhny Novgorod. You tirelessly look at the quiet water surface of the great Russian river. How majestic she is! And here is Nizhny... Dozens of gilded domes of churches, temples... It’s also pleasant to the soul because Nizhny Novgorod land borders with our Staroshaigovsky district: Novoaleksandrovsky, Starofedorovsky rural settlements...And somehow completely native a very warm welcome from neighbors at the river port is perceived. Center Director folk art Nizhny Novgorod region Natalya Stolyarova noted that expeditions such as “Volga – River of the World” contribute to the conservation national languages, costumes, cuisine, unite peoples. She invited residents of Mordovia to the traditional All-Russian Festival of National Cultures, which will be held in the Nizhny Novgorod region on September 15.

On our way we met a lot interesting people, proactive, energetic, who devote time, soul, knowledge to the preservation and development of national culture. For example, in Nizhny the organizer All-Russian festival became Moksha resident, head of the Mordovian cultural center “Yalgat” Mikhail Bezaev. It was at his instigation that the regional festival acquired All-Russian status.

The composition of the ethnocultural expedition - the festival "Volga - River of the World" was formed in Mordovia. But here, besides us, there were representatives from Orenburg, Ulyanovsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod and other regions of Russia. These are people who head community clubs, centers of Mordovian culture in their regions. They really do a great job and keep in close contact with small homeland, promote the values ​​of unity, cohesion, strengthening friendship between the peoples of Russia.

On the last day of the expedition, the results of the festival were summed up by the Minister of Culture and National Policy of Mordovia, Anatoly Chushkin.

It is gratifying that for the first time in 16 years a large delegation from our region took part in the expedition. Along with the author of these lines, the delegation included: the poetess, our Sargin countrywoman Raisa Orlova, almost the entire Lada folk ensemble. These are the director of the ensemble Vasily Kaprov, Tatyana Gorshkova, Yulia Atenyaeva, Ivan Ananyev, Natalya Domnina. Ensemble from the first to last day travel along Mother Volga was always in the spotlight. He greeted the local diaspora at river ports in Samara, Kazan, Cheboksary, and Nizhny Novgorod with Mordovian and Russian songs. He was the most active participant in all large and small events on the ship "Alexei Tolstoy".

And the leader of the ensemble, Vasily Kaprov, perhaps became one of the main heroes of this expedition. I dare say that every participant took a photo with him.

At the final meeting, the Lada ensemble was awarded the Gratitude of the Volga Center for the Cultures of Finno-Ugric Peoples.

Our expedition was greeted in all four Volga cities as the closest relatives. Everyone knows Mordovia and Saransk very well, and together with us they are proud of the successes that we have achieved. last years achieved in our republic, in their regions. And this is very valuable for all of us, united by a common goal - to strengthen the unity of the multinational people of Russia.

08/24/2017 at 16:28, views: 1473

For the sixteenth year now, the ethnocultural expedition-festival “Volga – the River of the World” has been setting off on a journey along probably the most famous river in Russia. Dialogue of cultures of the Volga peoples". It is dedicated to the issues of preserving the cultures and traditions of the peoples of the Volga region, primarily the Mordovians (namely, the Republic of Mordovia is the main organizer of the expedition). Ethnographers, artists, teachers, folk craftsmen and representatives of the press spend several days on board the ship, discussing problems of everyday life traditional culture in modern conditions. This summer, a journalist from Voronezh was among them. Together with other trip participants, she found out why the Mordovians need shtatol, why representatives of this people are amused by the word “symposium” and where the Amazons come from in Chuvashia.

Vaidu-vaidai, or “oh-lyuli-lyuli”, also known as “ai-nane-nane”

Our delegation of 70 people cannot be called anything other than noisy and vibrant. Not only artists, but also officials of Mordovia and even the youngest member of the expedition, Olya Soldatova, wore national costumes for such an occasion. And they are beautiful here, white and scarlet, with unusual headdresses and a lot of decorations. Each “landing” (there were a couple of times a day) began and ended with national songs and dances from the arriving and welcoming parties.

So on the third day, even we, who didn’t understand a word, started singing along with the headliner of the expedition – the folk ensemble “Lada” from Saransk. Then we asked our Mordovian colleagues how the sonorous “waidu-waiday” in the chorus is translated main song ensemble.

“No way,” answered Moksha girl Lena from Saransk. – It’s like the Russian “oh-lyuli-lyuli.”

Well, or, probably, like “ay-nane-nane,” guessed the Armenian Irene from St. Petersburg.

We, Voronezh residents, know little about Mordovians. In our region, according to the 2010 census, there are only 785 representatives of this people. However, even in Mordovia itself, even before the 2000s, not many residents of the republic considered themselves to be subethnic groups of the Mordovians - Moksha and Erzya. And suddenly, in a short time, this number increased significantly. As experts say, not due to the high birth rate, but because people began to be proud of their people. The number of those who speak the language has also increased native language. Although still in Soviet time in Erzyan and Moksha families, they might deliberately not teach it to their children, so that there would be no accent in Russian. Now a lot has to be restored. Mordovia, by the way, is doing this very successfully. Young people speak Moksha and Erzya almost more often and better than their fathers and mothers.

To ears accustomed to Slavic and English languages, this Finno-Ugric speech sounds completely incomprehensible. However, a few words to us, who came from different regions country journalists managed to learn. For example, “shumbrat” - “hello”, or, if translated literally, “are you healthy?” We also found out why expedition members begin to giggle when they are invited to the next symposium. It turns out that this Latin word very similar to the Erzya “simons pozana” - “to drink pose”, a national drink like kvass. If you add hops to a pose, it becomes low-alcohol. Such linguistic and gastronomic quirks!

Lamentation and cleansing fire

You could get acquainted with the culture of the Mordovian people right on the ship during the trip. On one of the decks, folk woodcarving masters set up their exhibitions. There were whistles, boards, panels, and beautiful candlesticks with national ornaments. However, it turned out that some of these items have more than just souvenir value.

This is called shtatola: from the Erzya “shta” - “wax” and “tol” - fire,” craftsman from Penza Vladimir Surkin picks up a large candlestick in the shape of a boat with a huge candle. - This candle is intended for prayers of the Erzya people. When something happened at home, the Erzya lit it: fire cleanses the home of evil spirits. Prayers could be at home, joint, or tribal. Large ancestral prayers took place every three years. Now I'm very fond of traditions big interest. People buy such candles and ask for exhibitions to be brought to them.

The fact that studying traditions helps in Everyday life, the expedition members said more than once.

When I was in fourth grade, our teacher, a Tatar by nationality, told us: “You, Mordovians, will soon sink into oblivion,” says Elena Zakharova, director of the Erzya folklore ensemble (Samara). “I felt offended, I burst into tears and stood up: “It’s not true, I’m Erzyan.” And she answered me: “Do you know your language? Your traditions? No? Well, who are you then? And I fell silent. I had nothing to say. And I began to watch my grandmother. Just as she began every morning with prayer in the Mordovian language, before lunch she prayed near the table. I asked her about our traditions. She took our beautiful Erzya suit out of the chest, which she embroidered herself, and told us what was what, at what time she put it on. When I was five years old, my grandmother taught me to mourn the dead. She said: “Learn, this is how you will bury me.” I didn’t understand what I was doing, but I was singing next to my mother’s deceased friend. Until I was 21, I almost didn’t speak Erzya, although I understood it. I never thought that I would become a leader folklore group and that this knowledge can be useful in life. At one of the provincial festivals, the director said that it was urgent to prepare a farewell stage for the war. And we prepared the meeting in advance! “Five minutes before the shoot – if not, you’re out.” In five minutes we prepared the scene with Erzya crying. The director allowed us to attend the festival. So we just need to turn to our loved ones: “Mommy, how was it? Grandma, how was it?” Believe me, it's worth a lot. This way you can pass on this knowledge to others.

Amazons on the Volga

In full accordance with the title of the conference, its participants communicated with representatives of other peoples inhabiting the Volga region. In Kazan we were greeted with chak-chak instead of a loaf and with songs - Tatar, Russian, Chuvash. In Nizhny Novgorod - Russian and Erzya songs. In Cheboksary they also sang – both in Chuvash and Russian.

In Chuvash, Cheboksary is called Shupashkar (“shupash” - Chuvash, “kar” - mountain, fortification), or “city of the Chuvash”. Indeed, half of all Russian representatives of this people live in the Chuvash Republic. True, they, unlike the Mordovians, are not Finno-Ugric, but Turkic. This means that their language and customs are different.

To get acquainted with Chuvash history guests were invited to the Cheboksary National Museum. Here, the main star of the photo sessions was a bronze lady in a chain mail loincloth, bare-chested, armed with a bow and arrows. Near this exhibit, installed on the staircase of the museum, probably all the participants in the expedition took photographs.

It turns out that in the old days the Chuvash fought a lot. For example, archaeologists find burials with remains without heads. It is explained this way: when many soldiers died far from home, so as not to transport all the bodies there, their heads were cut off and taken home to be buried in their native land.

Moreover, women did not lag behind men. It is believed that the ancestors of the Chuvash were Amazons like the one now installed in the museum. What serious scientists think about this is unknown, but supporters of this theory point to the national costume of the Chuvash people.

Over the dress they wear tengas - jewelry made of silver that looks just like protective chain mail. On her head, a young Chuvash woman must wear a helmet-like headdress made of silver coins.

The weight of such an outfit can be from 16 to 25 kg - how can you do without the strength and endurance of an Amazon? For the first time after the wedding, the wife had to wear such clothes all the time.

Well, to attract good husband Chuvash people have their own rituals. Having reached marriageable age, the girl made a special doll from fabric. Dressed her in national clothes, and wrapped her body itself in pieces of fabric, pronouncing the desired qualities of her husband. A new piece is another quality. The seller Tatyana, who sells such dolls in the river port of Cheboksary, assures: this simple ritual still helps to get married successfully today. The main thing is to do everything right, like in the old days.

Call sign - "Mordvin"

The main event of our visit to Kazan was the laying of flowers at the grave of Mikhail Devyatayev, the legendary pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, who hijacked German captivity on the secret island of Usedom, a plane with equipment for correcting V-2 missiles. And although Devyatayev himself was not a specialist in this field, he is called a person who made an invaluable contribution to the development of Soviet rocketry. It was he who told Sergei Korolev about the most technologically advanced weapons of the Third Reich. Then this information helped our scientists build rockets.

Mikhail Devyatayev was a Mordvin by nationality and had the same call sign in the division of the great Pokryshkin. After the war, he lived in Kazan and received the title of honorary citizen of Mordovia and the capital of Tatarstan. 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Devyatayev, and banners are hanging throughout Kazan reminiscent of this date. About yours honorary citizen they remember him here and honor him. Every year, members of the Mordovian expedition come to the hero’s grave and meet with his son Alexander Mikhailovich.

The Devyatayev family itself is an indicative picture of our multinational country and the many-sided Volga region. Mikhail Petrovich is a Mordvin, his wife Fauzia Khairulovna is a Tatar. They registered one of their sons as Russian, the second as a Tatar.

Such a fine line

This is exactly what it’s about – how to live in a big multinational state and remain a representative of one’s nationality – this was what was most often said during the expedition. The theme of this year’s trip is “Civil unity and patriotism – the choice of the peoples of Russia.” It sounds, of course, official, but in essence it poses the right questions: how not to get lost among the 193 peoples of our vast Russia and at the same time feel that you are not just on your own, but part of something big, often completely different from you? “The line between national and nationalistic is so thin that we may not notice how we crossed it,” said Anatoly Chushkin, Minister of Culture and National Policy of Mordovia. And there, beyond this border, there are many dangers. That is why today they so often talk not about national, but about all-Russian identity. Realized myself as Russian-Chuvash- Tatar - Erzya - and so on - understand that you are also a Russian, respect those who are next to you. But in this case, probably not. better means, than getting to know the culture: for some - neighbors, and for others - for now - their own.

However, this search for a civil all-Russian identity is far from new. One way or another, a similar question arose from the very birth of Rus' - Russia, which was formed as a multinational one. In Nizhny Novgorod we were told about the French traveler Marquis Ostalf de Custine, who visited Russia in 1839. His dialogue with Emperor Nicholas I is widely known:

Who do you think, Marquis, are all these people?


This Pole, this German, this Bashkir.

Who are the Russians then, Your Majesty?

But all together they are Russian.

On August 15, 2017, participants of the ethnocultural expedition “Volga – the river of the world” arrived in Chuvashia. Dialogue of cultures of the Volga peoples" from Mordovia. The delegation was met at the river port with bread and salt by representatives of the Ministry of Culture, Nationalities and Archives Chuvash Republic and chairman of the public organization "Mordovian Cultural Center" of the Chuvash Republic.

Let us remind you that on August 13, the grand opening of the 16th international ethnocultural expedition-festival “Volga - the river of the world” took place in Samara. Dialogue of the culture of the Volga peoples". The motor ship "Alexei Tolstoy" with the festival participants set off along the Volga from Samara. The ship will also visit the cities. Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod. The expedition will end on August 18. Let us note that the event is aimed at promoting the strengthening of the unity of the Russian nation and the ethnocultural diversity of the peoples of Russia, increasing civic consciousness and friendship of peoples, developing dialogue between bodies state power And public organizations in the field of preservation and development of culture, language and traditions, strengthening the spiritual unity of the peoples of Russia. The organizers of the expedition are the Ministry of Culture and National Policy of the Republic of Mordovia, the Volga Region Center for Cultures of Finno-Ugric Peoples and the Interregional Public Organization of the Mordovian (Moksha and Erzya) People. The expedition is under the patronage of Federal agency for National Affairs (FADN of Russia). Representatives of the ministries and departments of the constituent entities traditionally take part in it Russian Federation, national and cultural associations, scientists, educators and cultural workers from different regions of the Volga region, journalists, etc.

At the river port, the guests were greeted by the Uyav folk ensemble. Next, the delegation visited the Chuvash National Museum, where they were greeted by the Deputy Minister of Culture, National Affairs and Archival Affairs of the Chuvash Republic Ivan Arkhipov, the First Deputy Minister of Culture and National Policy of the Republic of Mordovia Alexander Kargin, Chairman of the interregional public organization "Guild of Interethnic Journalism", Advisor to the Director of the GRK “Radio of Russia” Margarita Lyange, director of the Volga region center of cultures of Finno-Ugric peoples Raisa Akashkina, chairman of the public organization “Mordovian Cultural Center” of the Chuvash Republic Vladimir Sedoykin. The speakers noted the beauty of the capital of Chuvashia and the hospitality of the Chuvash people.

– The city is beautiful, neat, well-groomed, clean. There are a lot of monuments in the city. It’s clear that the city was made with love,” Margarita Arvitovna said, in particular.

The plans of the participants of the ethnocultural expedition “Volga – the river of the world. Dialogue of cultures of the Volga peoples" excursion around the city of Cheboksary and holding a conference on the ship "Alexei Tolstoy".

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Yesterday the XVI International Ethnocultural Expedition-Festival “Volga - the River of the World. Dialogue of cultures of the Volga peoples".

IN grand opening The expedition was attended by representatives of the Administration of the Governor of the Samara Region, the House of Friendship of Peoples of the Samara Region and creative teams national public associations.

First Deputy Minister of Culture and National Policy of the Republic of Mordovia, head of the XVI International Ethnocultural Expedition-Festival “Volga – River of the World” Alexander Ivanovich Kargin said a welcoming speech on behalf of the Acting Head of the Republic of Mordovia Vladimir Dmitrievich Volkov, the Ministry of Culture and National Policy of the Republic of Mordovia and the entire delegations. Alexander Ivanovich emphasized that the expedition-festival “Volga is the river of the world. Dialogue of Cultures of the Volga Peoples" demonstrates all the richness of our multinational people, promotes the development of dialogue, finding common ground in the field of preserving and developing culture, language and traditions, strengthening the spiritual unity of the peoples of Russia.

At the end of the greeting, Alexander Ivanovich presented the chairman of the Samara regional public organization “Mordovian National Cultural Center “Mastorava”” Lyubov Aleksandrovna Kolesnikova with a painting of Anatoly Nikolaevich Bargova “Sunday Day”, depicting women in Mordovian national costumes, which, as Lyubov Alexandrovna assured, will be exhibited in the Mordovian estate in the People’s Friendship Park.

Then with words of greeting and good wishes Deputy Minister of Culture of the Samara Region - head of the department of resource support for interterritorial interaction, Irina Evgenievna Kalyagina, spoke.

The expedition participants are representatives of national public associations, scientists, educational and cultural workers, representatives of government bodies, funds mass media from different regions of the Volga region, including the Samara region. Among them is the chairman of the interregional public organization “Guild of Interethnic Journalism” Margarita Arvitovna Lyange. Speaking about the benefits of the expedition, she noted: “It is interesting that in a short period journalists can get acquainted with a number of republics and different approaches to national politics. Samara Region- this is one approach, very large region, one of the most powerful. Next will be Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Mari El - everywhere there is something common and different. This is very interesting for journalists: literally within 24 hours the picture changes, so this is very good for broadening their horizons.”

After the official part for the participants of the XVI International Ethnocultural Expedition-Festival “Volga - River of the World. Dialogue of cultures of the Volga peoples" and all the spectators, Mordovian creative groups performed, solo performers, seeing off the expedition members on a good journey.

Let us remind you that the expedition will visit Kazan, Cheboksary, Kozmodemyansk and return to Samara. Issues related to the role of patriotism as the basis of Russia’s stability and the activities of socially oriented organizations will be discussed. non-profit organizations as a factor in preserving the national security of the state, seminars will be held on topical issues in the sphere of implementation of state national policy.

The organizers of the expedition are the Ministry of Culture and National Policy of the Republic of Mordovia, the Volga Region Center for Cultures of Finno-Ugric Peoples and the Interregional Public Organization of the Mordovian (Moksha and Erzya) People with the support of the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs (FADN of Russia). The event is aimed at promoting the strengthening of the unity of the Russian nation and the ethnocultural diversity of the peoples of Russia, increasing civic consciousness and friendship of peoples, developing dialogue between government authorities and public organizations in the field of preserving and developing culture, language and traditions, strengthening the spiritual unity of the peoples of Russia.