School quiz on geography "by cities and countries."

Quiz game “Journey through the Land of Fairy Tales”

Target :

Creating an atmosphere of creativity and emotional comfort.

Generalizing children's knowledge about fairy tales;

Stimulate speech and thinking activity;

Arouse in children an interest in books, fairy tales, and reading;

Expand your literary horizons;

Develop attention, thinking, speech, memory, tactile perception of children.

To educate cultural listeners and spectators.


  1. Nurturing the communicative qualities of the individual;
  2. Development of cognitive interests;
  3. Development of intellectual creativity;
  4. Fostering friendship and collectivism.


A tape recorder, cut-out pictures depicting fairy-tale characters, a “book of fairy tales” with a lock, tablets with proverbs, picture cards, a wonderful bag(apple, egg, soap, flour, wooden spoon, alphabet, walnut shell, pea), telegrams.

This game can be played with different numbers of children. If the group is large (30 people), I divide it into 4 teams; if there are 15 - 20 people, two teams play. The number of people in the team can be adjusted by the number of parts into which I cut the pictures. The jury is selected. The team that completes the task first receives a chip with a number.

In summer the game is played on fresh air on the summer veranda.

The song “Visiting a Fairy Tale” is playing


Fairy tales, fairy tales - a fair of miracles.
The world is magical, colorful forest.
The wings of fairy tales rustle quietly,
This means they are flying to visit us.

Leading: Guys, today I wanted to read this book to you, but I couldn’t do it without your help. To open it, you need to get the key to the lock with which it is closed. You will help me, are you ready?

Warm up. The name needs to be completed literary hero. I say the word, and you finish.

Koschei the Deathless

Vasilisa - Beautiful

Baba Yaga


Sister - Alyonushka

Thumb Boy

Ivan Tsarevich

Brother Ivanushka

Tiny - Khavroshechka

Chicken -Ryaba

The Little Humpbacked Horse

Princess Frog


Carpet plane

Swan geese

Ivan the Fool

Divide the group into 2 teams.

Those who wish to participate in the game approach the table, on which there are five drawings depicting fairy-tale characters (Cipollino, Buratino,Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots, Emelya...), cut into pieces according to the number of children in the teams. By making pictures, children determine which team they play on and whose name the team bears.

1. Make up a proverb.

To get the first chip, you need to correctly and quickly put together proverbs about books and reading. Teams are given cut signs with proverbs:

  1. Eat the porridge, and listen to the fairy tale: use your mind and mind, and use your mind.
  1. Not every water is suitable for drinking, not every fairy tale is a guide for people.

2. Fairy-tale heroes we have composed fairy tales for you. Guess who wrote which fairy tale.

(Who gets the next card is decided by the jury)


"She good girl. Kind, caring. But you need to know YOURSELF. What is possible and what is not. I’m hot by nature: I warm, melt, burn... Why did you have to jump over me?..”


“It’s nice for me to be on this Girl’s head. She's looking after me. I'm always clean. I like traveling through the forest with her, visiting my grandmother. But here’s the problem: my mistress is very, very trusting. Because of this, all sorts of troubles happen to her...”


“We certainly wouldn’t want to let her down. We could have fallen behind, and the whole story would have ended there, at the ball. But we have no right to rush or keep up...”


“It is very harmful for me to be in the water so much... Thanks to this curious and naughty boy. If it weren’t for him and the turtle, how long would I have lain at the bottom?..”

3. “Guess the fairy tale.”- What fairy tale are these words from?

1. Pumpkin, prison, keys, tears, taxes, spiders, lords, generals.(D. Rodari "Cipollino".)

2. Castle, boots, field, donkey, hat, lion, marquis, river.(C. Perrault "Puss in Boots".)

3. Hollow, wind, princess, umbrella, pipe, dog, chest.(H.-H. Andersen "Flint".)

4. Woman flower pot, swallow, mole, swamp(H.-H. Andersen "Thumbelina")

5. Wizard, straw, gymnast, girl, dog, heart(A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”)

6. Cherry Lane, house, family, children, nanny, umbrella(P. Travers “Mary Poppins”)

Each team is given cards; it is necessary to emphasize the name of the author of each literary work.

1. "Cinderella"

a) C. Perrault
b) V. Gauf
c) br. Grimm


a) A. Barto
b) C. Marshak
V) K. Chukovsky


a)B. Bianchi
b) G.-H. Andersen
c)A. Volkov

2. "Golden Key"

a) P. Bazhov
b) A. Tolstoy
c)N. Nosov


a) R. Kipling
b) D. Rodari
c)A. Milne

"The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

a) A. Pushkin
b)B. Zhukovsky
in and. Krylov

3. "The Little Humpbacked Horse"

a) P. Ershov
b)A. Pushkin
c)A. Chekhov

"Ugly duck"

a) Sh. Perrault
b) D. Rodari
V) G.-H. Andersen

"Pot of Porridge"

a)N. Nosov
b) br. Grimm
c)B. Kataev

5. Questions for fans.The most active and knowledgeable of fairy tales the fan receives another chip with a number.

What bird did Thumbelina fly on?

What tool did the soldier use to make soup in the Russian fairy tale?

What woke up Sleeping Beauty?

What did Buratino discover behind the treasured door in Papa Carlo’s closet?

What did Eeyore lose in the fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh"?

Meeting with which fish came turning point in the life of the fabulous Emelya?

What egg did the hen Ryaba lay?

Who traded leeches in the fairy tale "The Golden Key"?

Who made a decisive contribution to the process of pulling out the turnips?

Which fairy-tale character claimed that he was a handsome, moderately well-fed man?

What bakery product passed down from both your grandmother and grandfather?

Who played decisive role in the process of turning a log into Pinocchio?

By what special sign can you recognize Baba Yaga?

What is the name of the Italian Pinocchio?

What was the name of the boy who let old man Hottabych out of the bottle?

After what words did Ali Baba open the magic gates?

Who was the first person the grandfather and grandmother turned to for help when they couldn’t cope with the turnip?

What title did Puss in Boots give to its owner?

6. “Whose subject?”

The presenter calls and shows fairy tale items. Must be named fairy tale character who owns these items.

  1. Boot ( Ch. Perrault "Puss in Boots".)
  2. Umbrella ( G.-H. Andersen "Ole-Lukoje".)
  3. Cap ( K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit".)
  4. Sled ( G.-H. Andersen "The Snow Queen".)
  5. Hat ( N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno".)

7. Game “Cats and dogs”

Depending on what animal is among the characters in the work I named, you will need to bark or meow, and then name this animal. Please note that in some of the books you will meet two of these animals at the same time. You are ready? Then let's begin!

  1. "The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof." (Bimbo the dog).
  2. "Crocodile Gena and his friends." (Dog Tobik).
  3. "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio." (Cat Basilio and poodle Artemon).
  4. Russian folk tale"Turnip". (The dog Zhuchka and the cat Murka).
  5. "Doctor Aibolit" (Ava the Dog)
  6. Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden". (Bug Dog).
  7. "Puss in Boots" (cat)

8. Telegrams

- Guys, this morning I found an envelope addressed to children who know fairy tales well.
- Do you know fairy tales well?
- Well, let's see what's inside.(I get telegrams.)
– It turns out that these telegrams came from fairy tale characters. Let's guess who they are from.

  1. Grandparents, save us! I ran away from the wolf, but the fox is chasing me!(Kolobok)
  2. A wolf came and ate six kids. Save my brothers!(Kid)
  3. Uncle Fedor! Come urgently! Matroskin the cat and Sharik had a fight!(Postman Pechkin)
  4. Come urgently! It's time to pull me.(Turnip)
  5. Save! My grandfather caught me in the Blue Sea!(Gold fish)
  6. Help! My oil can is out of oil and it's about to rain!(Tin Woodman)

9. Troubles from a bag

I have a bag, and a note is attached to it: “Guys, help me return these things to fairy tales. We really need them!” Heroes of fairy tales.

One child from the team is called up one at a time. They take out objects and guess which fairy tale they are from.

In the bag: soap (“Moidodyr”), flour (“Kolobok”), egg (“Ryaba Chicken”), apple ("The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes"), pea ("Princess on the Pea"),walnut shell("Thumbelina"), wooden spoon("Three Bears"), ball (Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf"), vitamins ("Aibolit").

10. Cheerful typesetter– Rearrange the letters to form the title of the fairy tale.

1. N S R K A Y A A P K S H O C H A

(Little Red Riding Hood.)

2. M O V O C H K A D Y Y


3. I T R D E D M I V E

(Three Bears.)

4. G Ts SH R E V A K A N A Y L U

(Princess Frog)

And of course, speaking about fairy tales, one cannot help but remember the great Russian poet, whose birthday we celebrate this month and who gave the world such magnificent fairy tales - A.S. PUSHKIN

Development of a geography teacher at MBOU "Novovyaznikovskaya oosh"

Kuklevoy Olga Alexandrovna

Geographic quiz “By countries and continents” for 7th grade.

Objectives: to develop cognitive interest, the ability to implement acquired knowledge when solving specific problems, a sense of camaraderie and responsibility of each player to the team, develop the ability to express one’s thoughts, communicate, broaden one’s horizons, and develop a comprehensively developed personality.

Progress of the game.

  1. "Acquaintance".
Exchange of greetings and souvenirs. Team draw.

A. Questions for 1 team. (1 point for correct answer)

  • Who was the first to travel around the world?

  • What are dry river beds called in Australia?

  • What region of Earth is called Antarctica?

  • What is the strong wind in the Sahara Desert called?

  • The saltiest sea?

  • Name the deserts of Africa (3).
B. Questions for team 2.

  1. "Who is faster?"
The teams are asked questions one at a time, which they answer immediately. If there is no answer, then opponents have the right to answer it and earn a point.

  • One God of Muslims

  • The longest river in the world

  • The smallest state in the world (state within a state)

  • The art of arranging bouquets in Japan.

  • The highest mountains.

  • National holiday of Japan.

  • Drink - business card India.

  • Most big lake world by area.

  • Native people of the USA.

  • Indigenous people of Australia.

  • Strait between Russia and the USA.

  • The largest island in the world.

  • Currency unit of India.

  • Currency unit of Japan.

  • Strait between Antarctica and South America.

  • Island off the coast of Africa.

  • The island where Ceylon tea is grown.

  • The extreme northern point of Eurasia and Russia.

  • The most deep lake peace.

  • The largest peninsula.
Let's summarize the results of the 2 competitions.

  1. "Troubles from a barrel." There are “troubles” in the capsules. Teams pull them out and answer. (3 points for the correct answer)
No. 1. Add a consonant sound to the solemn cry, so that the mountains stretch from north to south.

No. 2. I am a Siberian river, wide and deep. Change the letter “e” to “y” - I will become a satellite of the Earth.

(Lena - Moon)

No. 3. My first syllable is a note, the letter is the second syllable, the whole is spread wide like a river (Do - n).

№4. Lucky case(the team is awarded 3 points without a riddle).

No. 5. From rains and flowing waters, it grows from year to year. He is an enemy of the plain fields, and his name is..?

No. 6. A fountain gushes from the source, flowing up to the skies, and in its neighbors lives a volcano. You know that fountain.

  1. "Translation competition". 1 point for correct translation.
Teams receive a package with in foreign words. Determine the meaning of these words, and from what language did they come to us?

1 team

Visit (French – “visit”)

Diagnosis (Greek - “determination of the nature of the disease”)

Basta (Italian - “enough, enough”)

2 teams

Version (French - “one or more different statements of facts, events”)

Guarantee (French - “guarantee”)

Service (English - “maintenance”)

5. Flags of states.

Teams are given the task to draw flags of states. (2 points)

  1. team: Japanese and US flags

  2. team: flags of Canada and Russia.
6. Captains competition. Using fragments of the map, identify geographical objects and name their features. (3 fragments each 3 points)

7. "Black box".

Teams receive 1st bag with coffee beans, 2nd bag with cocoa powder. Name the plant, its homeland, and areas of cultivation. (3 points each).


Three teams of arbitrary size take part in the game. The audience may include the players' classmates, their parents, friends and acquaintances. A week before it is held, the teacher introduces the players to the quiz grid and the topics of reserve questions, provides the necessary explanations and a list of recommended literature. Before the start of the game, the teams play out the right to choose the starting line, performing the same task for a while, which will be further called preliminary. The team that correctly completes this task before others starts the game first. The teacher reads the question out loud to the audience and gives the team a card with it written down. The “starting” question consists of two parts: the main one and an additional one, which is asked in case of an incorrect answer to the main one (after the opponents’ move). Having answered this question correctly, the team, after the opponents’ move, chooses the topic of the next one, using the arrows. If the answer is incorrect, the team returns to the starting position and, after the opponents move, tries to answer another question. The team that incorrectly answers all the questions that it has the right to choose from the index is eliminated from the game. In the event that one of the teams chooses the path to a question that their opponents answered correctly, they should use one of the reserve questions below, or one of the questions that cannot be returned to. The first team to answer one of the three “finish line” questions wins.

During the game, teams are allowed to use geographical maps.

For convenience and clarity, you can use chips different color, using the quiz layout as a playing field.

The main grid of the quiz (see diagram).


The outstanding traveler of the 19th century Alexander Humboldt considered the most beautiful cities the lands of Naples, Istanbul and this Austrian, the name of which can be translated into Russian as “Salt Castle”. (Salzburg).


"MUSICAL" continent.

1) On this continent there are the Beethoven Peninsula, the bays of Verdi, Brahms, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Haydn, Cape Berlioz, Rossini, the mountains and peaks of Liszt, Grieg, Gluck, and the Glinka group of islands. (Antarctica).

2) On this continent there is only one river - Onyx and only one lake - Vanda. And in 1966, 4 disappeared from his card geographical object: Cape Amery, Torshavn, Evans and Engham bays - they were located on a part of the mainland that broke off and floated into the ocean. (Antarctica).


1) In Italy they say: “Milan works, Rome eats, Naples sings.” Which one then famous city according to this proverb sleeps? (Venice).

2) In the Middle Ages, the most terrible crime in this city after treason was considered to be causing damage in any way state waters, i.e. the sea, and a small garden at the palace was perceived as the extreme limit of luxury. (Venice).


1) This island has one unique distinctive feature- absence of indigenous mammals: those habitat areas that were occupied by animals on other continents were given to birds on this continent. (New Zealand).

2) The Valley of Geysers can only be seen in Kamchatka, Iceland, Yellowstone national park USA and in this country. It is not for nothing that in the language of the aborigines this island is called Aotearoa - “The Land of the Great White Cloud”, and their favorite national dish is meat or vegetables cooked in the boiling water of geysers. (New Zealand).



At the beginning of the 12th century, the first Danish historian, Saxo Grammaticus, gave this country the following geographical description: “Barren, strewn everywhere with rocks, dotted with cracks, it seems a sad country of ruins. In its northernmost part, the daylight lurks for more than one night, and then shines for a long time, neglecting the daily cycle of day and night.” Currently, the northernmost city in the world is located on the territory of this state, and the extreme southern point This country, located at approximately 58 degrees north latitude, roughly coincides with the location of the Russian cities of Pskov and Rybinsk. About which state we're talking about? (Norway).


It is this circumstance that unites the names of such dissimilar countries as Tanzania and Pakistan. The names of these countries are abbreviations. Tanzania: the name appeared after the unification of the Republic of Tanganyika and People's Republic Zanzibar and the Pumice Stones.

Pakistan: P - Punjab, A - Afghanistan, K - Kashmir, S - Sindh, Stan - from Balochistan.

At the same time - “pak” - clean, unsullied, “stan” - country.


This is exactly how many years A.S. Pushkin sets aside in the novel “Eugene Onegin” for good roads to appear in Russia. (500 years).


The fact that the princesses of this country were traditionally married to the monarchs of many European states gave Bismarck reason to sarcastically call it “the breeding farm of Europe.” (Germany).


In Italian, the name of this German city sounds like Monaco, and in Germany it is also called the “sausage capital” and the “beer capital” of the country. (Munich).


Like Peter I, the first president of this Islamic country banned national men's suit. This happened at the beginning of the 20th century. Which state are we talking about in the question? (Türkiye, Kemal Ataturk).


The image of this particular plant adorns the coats of arms of such dissimilar states as Uzbekistan and Angola. (Cotton).


Translated into Russian, the name of this state means “ Eastern country" This small European country is famous for producing the most laureates Nobel Prize per million inhabitants, and Pope Paul VI called it “the island of the happy.” (Austria).


At the entrance to every American city there is a pillar with a sign. There is a name on it settlement and tiny numbers. In the Western United States, these numbers indicate the number of inhabitants. What do they mean in the East of the country? (Year of foundation).


In this US state, the compass needle points not to the north, but to the east (Alaska, since the north magnetic pole is located in Canada).


This “Lion City” (Sanskrit) has recently been called either the “dragon” or the “young tiger”. Another figurative name for this city-state is “The Western Gate of the East and the Eastern Gate of the West.” Its port recently became the largest in the world, pushing the port of Rotterdam into second place. (Singapore).



Which country did American President George W. Bush call “the main prize of the USSR in the Second World War”? (East Germany - GDR).


Foreigners call all Americans by this nickname, American southerners call northerners, and northerners call residents of New England. (Yankees - “hucksters”, “hustlers”).


The common name of these two rivers is also called in Shatt al-Arab - “River of the Arabs”. (Tigris and Euphrates).


The shortest border in the world runs between these states. (The shortest possible border is a mathematical point, such a border is located at the North Pole between Russia and Canada).

2) Country of 1000 islands.

The country in question is the largest island nation in the world and is often referred to as the “Land of 1000 Islands.” Rabindranath Tagore said about this state: “I see India everywhere, but I do not recognize it.” (Indonesia).

3) “Signor Miglione.”

For his penchant for exaggeration (real and imaginary), the Venetians nicknamed this famous compatriot Miglione - “Million”. (Marco Polo).

Svetlana and Valery Ryzhov, Ferzikovo village, Kaluga region

Objectives: to test children’s knowledge on the topic “Traveling through European countries”, the ability to work with a map, to develop oral speech students, to instill interest in studying this subject.

Equipment: political map world, cards with flags.

Progress of the quiz lesson in 4th grade.

1. Report the topic of the lesson.

The topic of our lesson is “Across European countries.” And it will be held in the form of a quiz game, in which two teams will take part: “Knowledgeables”, “Umniki”. The game consists of 5 competitions. For each competition, a team can earn several points to their account, and this depends on the correctness of the answers. I wish each team good luck. And our quiz begins with a warm-up.

2. Warm up.

1). They are also called "Big Ben". What is it about? (About the clock on the tower near Parliament).

2). In Paris, a bridge was built across the Seine River in honor of the Russian Tsar. Say his name. (Alexander III).

3). Name the famous Danish storyteller. (G, H. Andersen).

4). It is one of the smallest countries in the world to have steel factories. (Luxembourg).

3. Main part.

Contest " Homework».

One participant from each team represents a country in Europe that he would like to visit and explain why he chose this particular country.

The competition is worth 2 points.

Competition "Guess the Flag".

Each team member needs to guess the proposed flag.

Competition “Show on the map”.

Each team member must show the proposed European country on the map.

Competition "You give me - I give you."

Students from each team ask each other questions about the topic.

Competition "Catch-up".

The losing team may receive an extra point for answering the question.

1). In the capital of Greece, Athens, a temple was built on a high hill in honor of the goddess Athena. Name it. (Parphedon).

2). Which country owns the islands of Sicily and Sardinia? (Italy).

3). What country did you live in? great storyteller Charles Perrault? (In France).

4). Name the smallest state in the world. It is also called the city state, which is located in Rome. (Vatican).

5). Name an outstanding traveler, Ocean explorer, environmentalist, originally from France. (Jacques-Yves Cousteau).

6). This country owns the world's largest island, Greenland, although the country itself is small. (Denmark).

4. Summing up the quiz.

5. Homework: make a crossword puzzle on this topic.