The decision is that the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe. “And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe”: the meaning of phraseology

Rapid growth The demand for meat in the world is increasingly affecting the planet's environment. But not even discussions about ecology, but the “moral” side of the issue makes scientists think: is it possible to do without inhuman methods of breeding and brutal murder animals? The answer has been found: we need to establish the production of artificial meat. All the technologies for this already exist, the only thing holding them back is their cost.

Test tube hamburger: stem cells from animal muscle tissue are placed in a special nutrient medium, where they rapidly multiply. A kind of minced meat is formed.

Using stem cells, scientists have already learned to grow living human organs, and soon they plan to make them suitable for transplantation. However, technologies using stem cells can be useful not only in medicine. Scientists hope that with their help they will also be able to produce “ethical” and ecological animal meat. This eliminates the need to contain (often improperly and inhumanely) and then kill millions of innocent beings.

In the journal Trends in Biotechnology, Dutch scientists express confidence that every town or village could have its own small artificial meat plant one day. Each such enterprise will produce unique varieties of beef, pork or chicken. This would be in line with the current European trend of consuming locally produced farm products produced in a “food-friendly” manner. environment technologies.

“We are convinced that artificial meat is part of our future,” says Cor van der Weele from Wageningen University in the Netherlands, “as well as partial replacement of meat with vegetarian products and probably relishing with insects.” Van der Weele, as well as another co-author of the study, Johannes Trumper, note that the growing demand for meat in the world cannot be met constantly, taking into account environmental pollution and energy consumption. There is nothing to say about the suffering of animals in the conditions of their industrial breeding.

According to van der Weele, she first learned about artificial meat in 2004 in France, when frog steaks were served to the table, and a stem cell donor frog watched the meal. Trumper has been researching the cultivation of animal cells in the laboratory for 30 years. In 2007, he published a paper proposing the use of insect cells as a food source.

In the latest exploration, van der Weele and Trumper depicted what the artificial meat production process might look like, from a test tube with stem cells to the finished product. The capacity of the simulated mini-factory is enough to feed artificial veal for a month locality with 2,650 inhabitants.

The first step in the production process is to obtain stem cells from the muscle tissue of cows, pigs or chickens. Afterwards, these cells need to be placed in a bioreactor with an area of ​​20 square meters. m., where they actively reproduce. Provided the liquid is sterile nutrient medium reactor, the number of cells will grow exponentially.

Scientists from Wageningen University are not the only green technology enthusiasts. To prove the feasibility of producing meat from stem cells, Mark Post, a tissue engineering researcher at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, demonstrated the first hamburger made in a laboratory at a tasting in London in 2013.

Dutch researchers admit that the biggest obstacle to the spread of “ethical” meat is its high price. So, last year's laboratory hamburger cost 325 thousand dollars. The price of meat from a small bioreactor (designed for several thousand people) due to the high cost of the nutrient medium will be $240 per pound (450 g). Warren Ruder from the University of Virginia (USA) confirms that necessary technologies They are already ready for the production of biomass, the only problem is their price.

However, perhaps not only there. Some critics doubt that such artificial meat will be suitable for humans. Chase Adams, a spokesman for the Beef Producers Council of the National Cattlemen's Association of the United States, admits: "My first reaction was probably the same as many others: this meat is probably not going to be particularly appetizing."

But van der Weele and Trumper are convinced: artificial meat has no alternative from a moral point of view. “Small-scale production will help overcome concerns that it is unnatural: people will see animal donors of stem cells, and this will overcome the feeling of alienation.”

Reviewed by Oleg Kachan;

And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe

People's Convenient, beneficial for both parties (about the position that is created as a result of the desire to please people with different views, interests, etc.). Bug. 1991, 129; DP, 665.

Big dictionary Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .


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Foreign vegetables are imported into Russia in huge quantities, namely from the European Union. It's no secret that Europeans use genetically modified organisms, and most of their vegetables are genetically modified. All sorts of beautiful, inexpensive, and most importantly, life-threatening vegetables are so readily bought Russian citizens from supermarkets. And all because Russia cannot grow its own vegetables in sufficient quantities. Or rather, maybe, but the price will be completely different. The question immediately arises: how can this not happen? After all, we have so many territories, it is we who must supply agricultural products to all countries, and not them to us. The beaten one brings the unbeaten one, it turns out. Such a huge country is supplied with food by such a small Europe.

Well, isn't it a shame?

Europeans simply need to use GMOs to grow vegetables, otherwise there will be no such harvests. In the USA, for example, 75% of all vegetables contain GMOs, because everything is given to the private hands of huge corporations. When you use GMOs, vegetables become more resistant to pests, in other words, the latter simply do not sit on them, well, they are not fools, poisoning themselves on purpose. And so farmers reap large harvests. It doesn’t matter to them whether it is useful or harmful, it is more important for them to get as much profit as possible, i.e. sell as much product as possible. After all, the main goal of capitalism is making profit. Also widely used are well-known ones, which, in turn, are carcinogens.

It is beneficial for European suppliers that agriculture is broken up in Russia, since Russia is their bread. But not in the literal sense, but just in the figurative sense, although they could have done it literally!

The main thing that Mother Rus' trades in our time is oil! That's it, the list ends here. The ruble exchange rate directly depends on oil prices. She (mother) is not capable of anything else! At least that's what the modern government thinks, or wants to think so. Russia is the largest oil producer, Saudi Arabia is second, and the United States is third. According to some reports, reserves may only last for 21 years with such success. Everything is pumped and pumped, for themselves and for others. People buy cars, those who don’t need them still buy them, since this is an indicator of wealth, you have to show yourself that you are rich. They are increasing their needs for hydrocarbons. And this is certainly beneficial for oil companies.

The option of autonomous settlements will significantly improve this problem. The settlers will engage in peasant farming. Grow your own food and sell the surplus. And considering that sometimes you don’t need so much for yourself, you can end up with a lot of surplus. After all, they can be sold overseas. Just imagine that agriculture will begin to develop in Russia again and it will again begin to receive healthy food from its land. And given the scale of possible development, it can be assumed that Russia can take first place in the supply of products in the world. Well, what country is not interested in healthy food now? Take Europe, where residents are already tired of this food, where more and more biosupermarkets are opening at almost every step, which sell only healthy food and sell at exorbitant prices. This means that Europeans are interested in such food, it is in demand, which means they will take it.

Development Agriculture catastrophically important for the country's economy. It is a real alternative to oil. You need to sell vegetables, grains, meat and dairy products, thereby bringing yourself and others healthy food.

Autonomous settlements will bring precisely the revival of Russia and rid it of this economic dependence. In such constructions, both the left and the right can find their interests in their own way. political beliefs People. Conservatives and imperialists need a strong state, and anarchists need freedom from this state, from power, the ability to act independently on their own land. The minds of anarchists are busy with ways to create global anarchy, when here it lies next to them, take it - I don’t want it! Whoever wants anarchy can get it through autonomous settlements, create anarchy in his commune, in his settlement.

Those who want are looking for opportunities, those who don’t want are looking for reasons!

The role of wolves is played by the most picky guests who consider the word “diet” to be a dirty word, and sheep- our slender waists. We will talk about a couple of favorite recipes, deservedly popular throughout the culinary RuNet, which with a flick of the wrist become dietary in my understanding of the word, although I don’t like it as a word either, but I can’t find another one.

Like the one I serve without butter, only with onions, these recipes are a constant success with my friends. Therefore, I confidently advise, although I do not insist at all, to cook, and generally not be afraid to offer healthier dishes instead of traditional ones.


I don’t really like the true taste of turkey fillet, or rather, I don’t even really feel it. But in in this case spices and cooking method work real miracles.

For a miracle you only need:

  • 1 kg turkey fillet;

  • 6-7 cloves of garlic;


  • 700 ml water;

  • 1.5 tbsp. sea ​​salt;

spices 1 tbsp. with a big slide:

  • ground coriander;

  • dried dill;

  • mustard seeds;

  • paprika, preferably smoked (click the link).

1. You need to start by soaking the fillet in brine. In this way, the substances that make the meat tough are destroyed and some harmful ones are removed. Before doing this, of course, I cut off all visible fat, which, by the way, also accumulates toxins, in addition to the saturated fats themselves.

It is best to leave the meat overnight, in any case for at least 3 hours. You should use enamel cookware, not aluminum.

2. When the meat reaches the desired condition, turn on the oven at 220 degrees to warm up and prepare the spices: mix and add 3-4 tbsp. water to make a paste. Oil is usually used, at first I also didn’t dare without it, but as a result, no one felt the difference, I specifically interviewed uninterested people.

3. Peel the garlic; large cloves can be cut into several pieces. I love it when there is a lot of it, I often push it from all sides. In principle, you can simply add dried garlic to the spices and do without this step, but baked garlic in meat itself is very tasty.

Then coat the meat on all sides with spice paste.

4. Wrap the meat in foil. Sometimes they don’t recommend doing this, but after spending an hour scrubbing the oven from splattered grease, I don’t have the slightest desire to bake without it anymore. In addition, I assume that without oil and foil, the meat may dry out.

We tie it tightly with twine or thread; by the way, you can also tie it in front of the foil - right over the meat. This is especially true if the fillet is not such an even piece, but more spread out.

Place in a preheated oven for 30 minutes. Again, you can find 15, but this is without foil and at 230-250 degrees. I don’t have that temperature, and besides, it heats up less in foil. In my opinion, this is only for the better.

After half an hour, turn off the oven, do not open it under any circumstances, so as not to lower the temperature in advance, leave the meat inside for at least 2 hours. After cooling completely, place it in the refrigerator for at least a few hours. In general, all you need is at least 12 hours, or better yet a day and a half, sometimes it’s even more convenient.

I have seen more than once that they are also prepared from chicken fillet, of course, then the time can be reduced to 10-15 minutes. But I love it in many other recipes, but turkey is ideal for me in this particular way. The meat turns out very tender, but dense thanks to brine and short baking, and aromatic due to spices. It’s especially tasty if you cut it as thin as possible.


I once thought that everyone baked peppers, because it was incredibly tasty and completely elementary. But, judging by the questions that arose, I was mistaken. Therefore, just in case, I will write the “technology” that I use.

  1. Preheat the oven.

  2. Wash the peppers, red ones are usually the sweetest, and place them on parchment or foil if you, like me, are too lazy to wash the grill afterwards.

  3. Bake until the skin turns black. If you set it at 200 degrees, then 20 minutes may be enough. Since I am not a fan of high temperatures unless absolutely necessary, I prefer 170 and can bake in my gas oven for longer than an hour.

  4. In order for the skin to be easily removed, the finished pepper must be placed in a closed space: a bag of cling film or a saucepan with a tight-fitting lid for 15-20 minutes.

  5. Next, remove the skin, carefully cut over a bowl so that the juice does not spill (very good in salad dressing), remove the seeds and cut into strips.

To be honest, I just eat half of it hot. But it’s definitely worth going ahead and marinating. For the marinade, you can take juice from peppers and/or olive oil (I don’t use it), balsamic vinegar (probably the most delicious), wine or apple vinegar (diluted half with water), various herbs and spices (I prefer basil and garlic). In general, there are many options and each one is worth trying. For example,with

The house in which there is no soup is unhappy. Don't stand by that family where everyone lives on sandwiches. In our age, the age of existential loneliness, there is no foundation stronger than a pan of thick, hot soup. Both old and young gather around her to slurp up the rich liquid, eating generous slices of bread.

Real classic soup common only among those peoples where poverty prompted ingenuity. (IN Western Hemisphere we discovered a passion for soups only on Caribbean Islands, where this custom has been preserved since the days of slavery).

Russian soup is a lunch in itself. After properly cooked cabbage soup, hodgepodge or pickle soup, it’s difficult to get up, let alone move on to the second one. And this is correct, especially in winter.

But is it worth confining ourselves to national narcissism? Shouldn't we, while peering closely into other people's lives, also look into other people's plates? Let us ask ourselves: what is floating in the uninhibited democratic soup cooked west of Tissa?

This is the fundamental difference between the West and the East. Our vegetables are placed on a thick meat broth, while theirs splash freely in liquid water. And you shouldn’t reject other people’s experience out of hand. The idea of ​​vegetable soup is not so much about satiation as it is about enjoyment. If you can bring the subtle substance of a vegetable to the table, then the reward will be aroma, delicate taste, elegant lightness, and even, they say, vitamins. In addition, cabbage soup, for example, is good to cook in the morning, as soon as the wives leave for work. And the vegetable soup is cooked in half an hour, in between (if you have one).

Moreover, vegetable soup does not require strict adherence to the recipe. It is free, like free verse, but demands, like free verse, good taste and a sense of proportion.

Let's take, say, a head of cauliflower. Let's take it apart and put it in boiling salted water. As soon as the water boils again, pour two tablespoons of semolina into the pan. In about fifteen minutes the cabbage will become soft. Add two glasses of milk and butter, no matter how much it’s a pity. That's all. Already in the plates, sprinkle with parsley and grated cheese. The result, of course, will not be Ukrainian borscht, but not bad. And most importantly, wives and daughters who are crazy about diet will like it.

Or here's spinach soup. Don't think that only cows eat this grass. It’s better to chop it finely and throw it into a pan with melted butter, add chopped green onions, add salt and simmer until the green mountain turns into brown mush. Then pour a liter of boiling water and add a handful of pasta. As soon as the pasta is cooked, add a glass of milk to the soup. You need to crumble a hard-boiled egg into a plate, pour in the soup, and then cover it with grated cheese (two tablespoons per serving). You have a classic Bulgarian dish, and the Bulgarians are known not only for their commitment to socialism, but also for their longevity.

Here is a recipe for a compromise soup. To cook it, first of all, you need imagination, since any vegetables go here. Let's take red cabbage as a base - it gives a spicy taste and a poisonous color. Let's cut a small head of cabbage with a saber (not a saber, but small squares). Let's throw it into boiling water, and then start making things up. Well, let's add onions or green onions, turnips or carrots, potatoes or celery, parsley root or tomatoes. We can do it all together. as long as it's not too thick. When the soup has simmered for about ten minutes, add coarsely or finely chopped smoked sausage or hunting sausages. After another ten minutes, season the soup with bay leaf, black pepper, garlic and any herbs - parsley, dill, celery. That's all. This soup is not meat or vegetable, but tasty. In addition, you have unloaded the refrigerator from leftovers.

One should not think that vegetable soups are cooked out of poverty or stinginess. They are prepared out of curiosity.