What are the benefits of coconut? Video about beneficial properties

Coconut is a universal product containing many beneficial substances. His milk All about the benefits and harms of coconut milk for our body. In the article you will find six health benefits of this delicious drink, and for which diseases it is most useful., water, oil, shavings are used in many areas, including cooking, cosmetology, and medicine. Even the shell of the fruit is used as a natural material for making decorative items. Coconut is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins necessary for optimal functioning of the body. These substances are not synthesized; they can only be obtained from the outside.

Coconut - composition

Coconut has many vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as other beneficial substances. On average, 100 g of coconut product is 364 kcal.

This table describes all the beneficial substances found in 100 g of coconut pulp.

17 reasons in favor of coconut

  1. Content of fatty acids with healing properties

  2. Accelerating the fat burning process

    Excess body fat is one of the health problems in the world. There is an opinion that obesity is the result of consuming large amounts of calories, but some people also attach importance to the sources of these energy units. Different foods affect the body and hormonal levels differently. Medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil can increase your calorie intake compared to longer chain fats (). One study found acceleration of energy expenditure by 5% per day with daily intake of 15-30 g of MCT ().

  3. Fight against harmful microorganisms

  4. Reduced hunger

    A special feature of coconut oil fatty acids is their ability to reduce appetite. This effect may be explained by the specifics of their metabolism, since ketones can reduce the feeling of hunger ().

    One study involved 6 healthy men who were asked to consume varying amounts of medium- and long-chain triglycerides. Subjects who consumed more MCTs gained, on average, 256 calories less per day(). Another study involving 14 men without health problems showed that they consumed fewer energy units at lunch if they consumed MTS earlier in the day (). These works were carried out with the participation of a small number of people and were of a short-term nature. If the effect was maintained over a long period of time, it could lead to weight loss over several years.

  5. Useful for children's illnesses and epilepsy

    The ketogenic diet (based on a low-carbohydrate, high-fat, moderate-protein diet) is being studied for the treatment of various disorders. This type of diet is popular in the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy in children (). This regimen involves consuming a small amount of carbohydrates and a large amount of fat, which provokes an increase in the concentration of ketones in the blood.

    The diet can dramatically reduce the frequency of seizures, even in children who have not responded to certain medications.

    Since the fatty acids contained in coconut oil go directly to the liver and are converted into ketone bodies, they are often used to treat patients suffering from epilepsy. As a result, ketosis is induced - a metabolic process in which the body, in the absence of nutrients, begins to burn fat to release the energy it needs. At the same time, the amount of carbohydrates in the diet increases (,).

  6. Increased levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL)

    Coconut oil is characterized by its natural saturated fat content, which increases the level of “good” cholesterol in the body. They can convert LDL into a less harmful form. There is an assumption that the product, thanks to such abilities, can have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.

    In a study of 40 women, there was a decrease in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, as well as an increase in HDL cholesterol, when consuming coconut oil (). A similar effect was recorded as a result of monitoring 116 patients who were offered a dietary program that included this product ().

  7. Beneficial effects on skin, hair and dental health

    The product in question, made from coconut pulp, is characterized by many uses that are not related to cooking. It is used for cosmetic purposes to improve the condition and appearance of skin and hair. A study of people with dry skin found an increase in skin moisture levels when using coconut oil. This result does not exclude the possibility of using the product to relieve symptoms of eczema (,).

    Coconut oil can improve complexion, get rid of acne, age spots and other external blemishes.

    The beneficial substances in coconut can protect your hair from damage. One study confirmed the effectiveness of the oil of this fruit, used as a sunscreen, which blocked about 20% ultraviolet rays (,).

    It is possible that the product in question can be used as a mouth rinse. A process called oil extraction kills some harmful bacteria, reduces odor, and promotes dental health.

  8. Improved brain activity in people with Alzheimer's disease

    Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia (decreased cognitive activity) in the world, occurring in most cases in older people. Patients with this disease have a reduced ability to use stored glucose to convert it into energy needed for optimal brain function.

    There is an assumption that ketones can serve as an alternative source of energy for dysfunctional brain cells, which will lead to a weakening of the symptoms of neurological disease ().

    A 2006 study found improved brain activity in patients with mild forms of Alzheimer's disease as a result of consuming medium-chain triglycerides ().

    It is worth considering that the evidence obtained is not enough to specifically confirm the medicinal properties of coconut for Alzheimer's disease.

  9. Help in getting rid of excess fat deposits

    Since palm seed oil can reduce appetite and speed up fat burning, there is speculation that coconut can help you lose weight. It is believed that the product effectively reduces belly fat, which accumulates in the abdominal cavity around the internal organs (). These dangerous deposits can lead to chronic diseases. You can determine the amount of fat in this area by measuring your waist circumference.

    A study of 40 women with abdominal obesity (excessive accumulation of fatty tissue in the upper torso and abdominal area) found that taking 2 tbsp. spoons (30 ml) of coconut oil over 12 weeks resulted in significant reduction in waist circumference ().

    During an observational study of 20 overweight men, a decrease in waist circumference was found by 2.86 cm. as a result of consumption of 2 tbsp. spoons of product per day for 4 weeks ().

  10. Possesses antioxidant properties

    Free radicals are active molecules produced in cells during metabolism. Their production increases during stressful situations or injury. If their optimal amount is exceeded, the body switches to a state of oxidative stress, which threatens cell damage and an increased likelihood of developing diseases ().

    Work carried out with the participation of animals exposed to toxic substances has shown that coconut juice contains antioxidants that can modify free radicals, depriving them of their ability to harm health (, ,

    Scientific research has found that coconut water (the liquid inside the palm seed) can lower blood glucose levels in animals with diabetes (, ,). One of these studies found lower levels of hemoglobin A1 in rats given the liquid in question, which ensures long-term optimal blood sugar levels (). Along with a decrease in glucose levels, a decrease in indicators of oxidative stress was noticed ().

    Human studies are needed to confirm these results. Despite this, coconut water can fit into a meal plan for people with diabetes by providing 3 grams of fiber and 6 grams of carbohydrates per cup (240 ml). Coconut is a source of magnesium, which can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes (an intermediate condition where glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed).

  11. Ability to prevent the formation of kidney stones

    Getting enough fluids is important to prevent the formation of kidney stones. There is a theory that coconut juice may be healthier for the body than plain water.

Coconuts are not so often available due to their not being as widely available in stores as citrus fruits or bananas. And although it is much easier to transport coconuts, and it is also much more convenient to ensure their safety, people who are not accustomed to such exotic things are in no hurry to sweep these fuzzy nuts off the shelves. That is why not every resident of our country will be able to answer what coconut tastes like and how it is good for the body? And if, after all, coconut was purchased, then should it be consumed with caution to avoid causing harm to the body?

So that buying and eating coconut does not cause you any doubts, we suggest talking about the benefits and harms of snow-white coconut pulp and products made from it.

Interesting “coconut” facts

The original places where coconut palms grow are the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, and Brazil, but the name “coconut” has Portuguese roots. Translated from this language, the word “coco” means “monkey”. And for good reason - if you look closely at the three dark dots on the surface of the furry nut, you can see a monkey’s face.

During intertribal wars on the Polynesian islands, coconut palms often saved fugitives from enemies, because the wide spreading foliage (up to four meters long) and the enormous height (about twenty-five meters) provided excellent protection from arrows, and the harvested coconuts served both as food and drink. By the way, coconuts themselves were often used as a weapon of defense - heavy coconuts with a thick, dense shell, when hit accurately, immobilized the enemy for a long time.

According to scientists, coconut trees, belonging to the palm family, are included in the list of the oldest vegetation that still exists on the planet.

By the way, coconut is not a nut, as we used to call it. If you look at it in detail, it is a drupe (the dry bone of coconut palms), and quite weighty and large - on average, a coconut weighs about 2.5 kg and can reach a diameter of 30 cm. Inside the fruit there is pulp and juice (or coconut water). As it ripens, the juice thickens, turning into snow-white, elastic pulp. The ripening process of coconuts is extended - the fruits do not ripen all at the same time, but gradually throughout the year.

Cultivated coconut palms are now quite common in the Caribbean islands, Hawaii, southern California and Florida, India and Polynesia.

Unlike other palm trees, coconut is not harmed by sea water, near which it grows well. The roots of coconut palms do not go very deep underground and easily absorb moisture present in the soil. Salt water does not harm not only the palm tree, but also its fruits - a coconut can “travel” across the sea for a long time, and when it gets to the shore, a new palm tree will almost certainly grow from it.

Composition of coconut and its calorie content

It’s not without reason that coconuts are so popular abroad – their beneficial composition is extensive and varied.

Although for those on a low-calorie diet, this product is recommended in small quantities due to its high calorie content - 100 g of freshly extracted coconut pulp contains 350 kcal. If you come across products with the addition of dried coconuts (muesli, flakes), then keep in mind that its calorie content is even higher - 100 g of dried coconut pulp is equal to 590 kcal.

Although coconut juice is quite acceptable for consumption during a diet - 100 ml of coconut water will add only 17 kcal.

In general, coconuts are unlikely to become food for dieters. However, in reasonable quantities, coconut pulp is a powerful source of energy, which is so necessary for our body. Moreover, coconut does not contain so much fat (up to 30%), when compared with the same walnuts or hazelnuts, which have a percentage of oils in the composition of 70 and 80%, respectively.

The benefits of coconut pulp stem from its constituent components, including:

  • antioxidant substances
  • unsaturated fats
  • quickly digestible sugars with a predominance of fructose, due to which the glycemic index of coconut pulp is not so high (45 units)
  • amino acids
  • cellulose
  • natural oils
  • vitamins C, E, A, group B (B1, B2, B5, B6)
  • manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, calcium, zinc, potassium
  • saturated fatty acids, especially important among which is lauric acid, which has the ability to lower cholesterol

We are discovering coconut from a new side - what are its benefits for the human body?

It’s not for nothing that the coconut palm has been dubbed “the tree that has a thousand uses” - the benefits of coconut and products derived from it are extremely important for the body.

Coconuts, which have a lot of juice inside (not to be confused with coconut milk, which is the result of mixing coconut meat and water), are not sold very often. Low-calorie coconut water tastes sweet, but still slightly sour. The main beneficial properties of coconut juice are:

  • quenching thirst, preventing dehydration;
  • decrease in fever;
  • elimination of infections in the bladder.

By the way, pasteurized coconut juice, provided it is free of impurities and preservatives, retains all its beneficial properties!

Having the properties of a saline solution, coconut water is recommended for urolithiasis and diabetes.

When should you eat coconuts?

  • joint diseases
  • low immunity
  • diseases of the nervous system
  • vegetarian food
  • hormone imbalance
  • diabetes mellitus type II
  • urological diseases
  • metabolic disorders
  • vascular diseases
  • eye diseases, decreased vision
  • heart problems
  • gastrointestinal disorders
  • dermatological diseases

Where can you use coconuts?

Coconuts are truly amazing and can be used to produce a very diverse range of secondary coconut products:

  • shavings
  • oil
  • milk
  • syrups and liqueurs (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)
  • mashed potatoes and cream

Of course, coconut rarely reaches us fresh. Most often, we purchase dried and ground coconut meat in the form of coconut flakes. Its main purpose is usually to decorate baked goods. Desserts, porridges, puddings, and snacks are prepared using coconut flakes.

Coconut milk also has a place in cooking - sweet dishes and desserts, drinks, soups, and sauces are prepared on its basis.

Coconut shells serve as raw materials for the production of activated carbon. They also manage to create toys, souvenirs, musical instruments, and dishes from it.

Coconut fibers are used in the production of mattresses, ropes, ropes, building materials, brushes, fishing nets and furniture.

The harm that coconut poses

The good news is that this product has virtually no contraindications and can only cause harm in cases of individual intolerance and a tendency to gain weight. If you have chronic diarrhea, you should also not get carried away with coconuts.

That's all - in other cases you can safely enjoy coconuts. The main thing is to purchase a high-quality nut - without external signs of damage and violations of its integrity (pins, cracks). Another buying tip is that if you shake a coconut, you should hear the juice sloshing around faintly.

A little video about the benefits of coconut milk

For some citizens in our country, this fruit still retains its mystery. What is the benefit of the snow-white pulp and delicate transparent milk of coconut? And should you be careful when consuming this overseas delicacy?

It is believed that knowledge about coconuts came to us from Indonesia, Brazil, Thailand and the Philippines. In addition, the name of the palm tree has Portuguese roots. The word "coco" means "monkey" in Portuguese. The fact is that three spots on the surface of the fruit are very similar to the face of a monkey.

What does it consist of?

It belongs to the Palm family and the genus Cocos (being its only representative). The coconut nut is mistakenly called. From the biological side, this fruit is a drupe by type, weighing up to 2.5 kg.

It contains an outer shell (exocarp) and an inner shell (endocarp - three spots or pores “flaunt” on it).

Under the shell there is endosperm and white pulp with a unique valuable composition. At first, the endosperm is a clear liquid with drops of oil - coconut water. During the ripening process, the water becomes coconut milk - a milky emulsion. In a finally ripened coconut, the milk thickens and becomes hard.

Calories and nutritional value

Fruit pulp in 100 gr. contains approximately 360 kcal. The calorie content of coconut water is almost zero (per 100 g - 16.7 kcal). Nutrient content per 100 grams:

Properties of the fruit

The unusualness of this tree is manifested in its comfortable existence near sea water. However, he doesn’t need it. With its shallow roots, the palm tree easily absorbs moisture from the richly irrigated soil on the seashore.

Interestingly, salt water does not harm coconut husks. A nut that has fallen into the sea and washed ashore after a long journey gives life to a new palm tree.

Healing ingredients

Thanks to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, this fruit is an ideal way to saturate and replenish energy:

Content mg/100 g % of daily value
vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0,066 5,12
vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0,02 1,26
vitamin B3 or PP (niacin) 0,54 2,8
vitamin B4 (choline) 12,1 1720
vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0,3 3,7
vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0,054 2,7
vitamin B9 (folic acid) 0,026 0,01
vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 3,3 4,7
vitamin E (tocopherol) 0,24 0,78
vitamin K (phylloquinone) 0,0002 0,00016
potassium 356 7,32
calcium 14 1,19
magnesium 32 9,6
sodium 20 2
phosphorus 113 15,55
iron 2,43 23,09
manganese 1,5 90
copper 0,435 44,37
selenium 0,01 33
zinc 1,1 12,9

These substances are contained to a greater or lesser extent in the pulp itself, intrafruit fluid, and oil.

Why is it useful?

Coconut is useful in the following cases:

  • urological and nervous diseases;
  • following a vegetarian diet;
  • hormonal imbalance (thyroid pathology);
  • metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • weakened immunity;
  • visual impairment and eye diseases;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • joint diseases.

The benefits of coconut for the heart are due to the presence of saturated (but healthy) fats, which normalize cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis. Coconut inhibits the growth of tumors. Its milk and pulp are an excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. These properties allow the product to be used to combat allergic skin manifestations and acne.

Thanks to fiber, coconut stimulates intestinal activity. Coconut pulp and oil reduce the body's tolerance to antibiotics. You can also make ear drops from coconut pulp to help with pain.

Coconut water

It is not common to find fruits with coconut water. It is found in unripe fruits. This does not mean coconut milk (obtained by mixing the pulp with water). They taste different. Coconut water is low in calories, free of unhealthy fats, and tastes cool and sweet-sour.

The benefits of coconut water include:

  • quenching thirst;
  • restoration of water balance in the body;
  • ridding the bladder of infections.

The saturation of useful substances gives coconut water the properties of an almost saline solution.

Pasteurized coconut water, without preservatives and dangerous impurities, represents this wonderful liquid with full preservation of the beneficial properties of coconut, delivered directly to the human body. Of course, fresh fruit is healthier. But it is not always possible to use it constantly.

It is not in vain that this wonderful fruit is so widely used in various areas of human activity. We almost never eat it fresh. But if such an opportunity arises, you cannot shy away from it. After all, the unique properties of this unusual product bring obvious benefits to human health and appearance.

Contraindications and harm

Coconuts have virtually no contraindications, except for individual immunity. Sensitive people should take this into account.

Also, they should not be used by people prone to diarrhea and weight gain.

Areas of use

Fresh or dried fruit pulp, as well as flakes, are used for food. Regular consumption of products with coconut pulp normalizes metabolism. Coconut gives you a boost of energy without excess fat. Coconut flakes and dishes with them strengthen the immune system and provide good protection against viral and fungal infections. Coconut flakes cleanse the intestines of toxins.

It is added to:

  • salads;
  • baking;
  • porridge;
  • snacks;
  • puddings.

Prepared from coconut milk:

  • soups;
  • sauces;
  • beverages;
  • sweet dishes;
  • Dessert.

But the benefits of coconut are not limited to the fields of cooking, medicine and cosmetics. The fibers found on the hard shell (coir) are used to make strong ropes, ropes, carpets, brushes and other household items and building materials. Various souvenirs, toys, dishes and even musical instruments are made from the shell itself.

For cosmetic purposes

Coconut milk is useful for internal and external use (masks and lotions). Together with glucose, coconut milk is used in medicine for intravenous injections. This solution has an effect on dehydration by maintaining the desired fluid level.

Its exceptional benefits for the skin are manifested in the fact that it tones and refreshes it. Makes dull and aging skin elastic. Treating acne and allergic rashes with coconut milk gives excellent results. It dries and soothes inflamed skin.

Coconut oil

It is actively used in cosmetic procedures. After its external use, the appearance becomes more attractive.

Coconut oil is simply irreplaceable if the skin is dry, cracked and red. Due to the presence of saturated fatty acids in it, it is quickly absorbed, moisturizes the skin and makes it velvety.

Coconut oil is effective for all types of burns (including sunburn). Dull, split ends from the effects of this product become healthy and shiny.

In addition, coconut oil is a valuable dietary product. The presence of lauric acid in it means protection against pathogenic microorganisms, yeast, bacteria, viruses, fungi. Capric acid stimulates antimicrobial activity. Coconut oil is easy on the liver because it is easy to digest and promotes healthy intestinal flora.

Delicious recipes

First of all, the coconut must be opened. To do this you will have to arm yourself with a knife and a hammer:

  1. Using the tip of a knife, make a hole in one of the three eyes, which will be softer than the others.
  2. Drain the liquid and drink immediately; it does not keep for long.
  3. Using a hammer, start tapping the perimeter, turning the fruit.
  4. After a couple of laps, the shell will crack.
  5. Now it can be easily removed by simply pulling it to the sides. If you're lucky, the pulp will remain intact.

Now you can start cooking.

Recipe No. 1 “Three in one”

From one coconut you can get three useful products at once:

  1. Grind the pulp using a blender or grater.
  2. Fill the resulting shavings with warm water.
  3. Leave for a while until completely cooled.
  4. Remember to masher the pulp. Don't beat it!
  5. After three to four hours, strain the mixture. The shavings can be dried.
  6. Place the liquid in the refrigerator for several hours.
  7. Make a hole in the solidified oil and carefully drain the bottom layer of liquid.
  8. Collect the oil in a separate container.

Thus, from one fruit you can get about 50 g of butter, a glass of whey (low-concentrated milk) and a whole “mountain” of fresh aromatic shavings.

Recipe No. 2 “Vitamin Raffaello”

The remaining shavings are perfect for this dessert.


  • a mixture of any nuts and coconut flakes (in any proportion) – 250 grams;
  • medium-sized bananas - 1.5 pieces;
  • dates – 20 pieces;
  • coconut shavings for the top layer - 1 cup.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the coconut-nut mixture into flour or very fine crumbs using a blender or meat grinder (croll several times).
  2. Grind the dates (removing the pits) and bananas to a paste. Half a banana can be replaced with some other soft fruits (apricots, peaches, mangoes, etc.).
  3. If the mass is too thick, add a little water or juice.
  4. Mix it with nut flour.
  5. Roll the resulting dough into balls (to reduce stickiness, grease your hands with coconut oil).
  6. Sprinkle shavings on top.
  7. Place the finished sweets in the refrigerator for three to four hours.

This dessert turns out to be very satisfying and no less healthy. For greater originality, you can place a small whole nut or berry in the center of each ball.

Recipe No. 3 “Lazy coconut oatmeal” without cooking

This recipe will help diversify your usual breakfast.


  • oatmeal (which takes 20 minutes to cook) – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • coconut milk – 1 glass;
  • honey (maple syrup) – 2 teaspoons;
  • berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, etc.) – 2 handfuls;
  • coconut shavings - for decoration.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour milk over the cereal and mix well. You can use ready-made coconut milk, or you can make your own. To do this, beat the pulp of one coconut with a blender with 300 - 400 ml of warm water and strain.
  2. Add berries and sweetener to taste.
  3. Transfer the thoroughly mixed mass into a sealed container and leave in the refrigerator for several hours, or better yet, overnight.
  4. In the morning (or after the required time has passed), take out the prepared breakfast, decorate it with coconut flakes and enjoy the surprisingly delicate taste of the exotic delicacy.

This recipe can be varied by adding poppy seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, nuts, or dried fruits. It is not recommended to use sugar, condensed milk and other similar products as a sweetener, because... this will make the porridge much less healthy.


Are you ready to take the coconut knowledge test?

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Coconuts are called nuts, but they are actually the drupes of coconut palms. For residents of tropical regions, coconut palms are very important, since all parts of the palm tree and its fruit are used by humans for different purposes.


Palm trees, the fruits of which we call coconuts, belong to the Palm family, genus Coconut.

Palm trees grow up to 20 meters in height and begin to bear fruit from the age of three.

The coconut palm is the only palm species that feeds on seawater.

The diameter of its trunk is up to 45 centimeters. The trunk of the tree is smooth, and at the base it is widened and slightly inclined, often with supporting roots. The leaves of the plant are dense and long (up to six meters), pinnately dissected. The palm tree blooms with yellowish small flowers collected in panicles.

Palm fruits are represented by drupes weighing up to 3 kg, which often have a round shape and a hard surface, and inside there is fleshy white pulp (copra) and coconut juice.

In young coconuts there are:

  • outer shell,
  • fibrous part (it is called coir),
  • internal protective hard shell,
  • pulp (copra),
  • coconut water.

The size of a nut cannot tell you about its internal structure, since just as there are huge coconuts with a lot of coir, there are also small fruits with a lot of coconut water.

The fruits on the palm grow in groups (on average 15-20 coconuts in one group) and fully ripen in 8-10 months. Every year 60-200 fruits are obtained from one fruiting tree.


Many people mistakenly believe that brown and green coconuts are different types of nuts, but in reality they are just fruits at different stages of maturity. Young fruits have a green or yellow peel, and the nuts become brown after full ripening and appropriate processing (the outer shell is removed and the coconuts are dried in the sun).

Where does it grow

Coconut palms are native to the Malaysian archipelago. Now the trees are common in tropical regions of both hemispheres - in India, the Philippine Islands, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Mexico, Thailand and other places.

They are found both wild and cultivated.

Palm trees grow well on the sandy soils of the sea coast.

The leaders among coconut fruit production are:

  • Indonesia,
  • Philippines,
  • India.

Collection method

Palm fruits are harvested either unripe or fully ripe.

The picked fruits, which ripen in the 6-7th month, are young coconuts. They have a green shell and a lot of liquid inside.

From these coconuts, coir is extracted - a fibrous shell used in furniture production.

To harvest mature coconuts, the fruits are picked 10-11 months after flowering.

After peeling off the outer layer and drying, we get the familiar brown coconuts.

Copra, juice, and other products are obtained from such coconuts.

Read about how to open a coconut correctly in our other article.


What can you do with it?

How to choose and where to buy

You can now buy coconuts in supermarkets, grocery stores, and markets.

When traveling to exotic countries, tourists often do not miss the opportunity to try young coconuts. In this case, it is better to choose round fruits, since they have more juice than oblong ones.

When choosing a ripe fruit, shake it a little - the presence of a gurgling sound will indicate that the coconut was not damaged during transportation. In a ripe fruit, the pulp separates well and is soft (you can easily grate it). If you have difficulty removing the flesh from the shell, then you bought an unripe coconut.

Do not buy fruit if it:

  • with cracks;
  • does not gurgle;
  • covered with spots;
  • has an unpleasant odor.

To learn how to choose a coconut, watch the following video.


  • Closed coconuts have no smell; open coconuts have a smell, but not a strong one.
  • A large number of useful products are obtained from the fruits of coconut palms, ranging from the fibrous shell used for furniture production to oil used in cosmetology.
  • The culinary properties of coconuts are especially in demand. Juice and pulp are added to soups, baked goods, desserts, salads, meat dishes, sauces, etc.
  • Coconuts are also used in medicine.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 gr. coconut pulp contains:

  • 364 kcal;
  • 3.9 g protein;
  • 4.8 g carbohydrates;
  • 36.5 g fat;
  • 9 g fiber.

Coconut water (juice) from young fruits is a low-calorie product.

100 g of such liquid contains:

  • only 14-19 kcal.
  • less than 1 g protein,
  • about 3 g carbohydrates,
  • 0.2 g fat.

Chemical composition

Coconut fruits are rich in:

  • vitamins (C, E, B-group, H);
  • minerals (all elements important for humans);
  • vegetable fats;
  • fiber;
  • carbohydrates.

Beneficial features

  • Coconut contains a high content of organic iodine, which is easily absorbed. Nuts are recommended to be included in the diet of people who have iodine deficiency.
  • The fruits also contain a lot of selenium, a strong antioxidant with anti-cancer effects, which also strengthens the immune system and improves the condition of the cardiovascular system. That is why coconut and pistachios are recommended for elderly people. In addition, selenium is important for sexual performance.
  • Coconuts are rich in lauric acid (it is especially abundant in coconut water and oil obtained from the fruit), which has an effect against viruses and microbes.
  • The coconut fruit is a source of cytokines known for their anti-carcinogenic activity and preventing the formation of blood clots.
  • The balanced ratio of sodium and potassium in coconut milk makes this drink a good remedy against hypertension and heart disease.
  • Coconuts contain a unique hyaluronic acid of animal origin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  • Coconut juice has an antipyretic effect.
  • Products obtained from coconuts have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair.
  • Eating fruit pulp improves digestion.
  • Due to the effect of coconut on the reproductive system, the fruit is considered an aphrodisiac.
  • Applying coconut pulp to the wound stimulates their healing.

You can learn even more about the beneficial and medicinal properties of coconut from the following video of the program “Live Healthy!”

Harm and contraindications

  • diarrhea;
  • individual intolerance;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

Juice (water)

The juice (water) extracted from coconut should be drunk immediately as soon as it is received, since its healing properties and valuable substances will be lost in the air.

This is a refreshing, satisfying and tasty liquid with many useful characteristics:

The taste of coconut juice varies; this characteristic is influenced by both the variety of the fruit and the country where it grows. The juice can be, for example, sickly sweet, sour, sweet and sour.


In cooking

Recipes involving coconut itself are not popular.

Coconut fruits are especially often used in Thai cuisine. In Thailand, coconut is a common ingredient in soups, porridges, and desserts. Nowadays, coconuts are in demand as an ingredient in various dishes all over the globe.

Coconuts and products made from them are added to:

  • soups;
  • salads;
  • Dessert;
  • creams;
  • cocktails;
  • fish and meat dishes;
  • pies.

Sugar is also obtained from the fruit.

The most commonly used coconut products in cooking are:

  • milk,
  • shavings,
  • oil,
  • flour.

As an example, here is one very tasty and popular recipe for candies with coconut flakes, which can be easily prepared at home.

Candies "Raffaello" at home

50 gr. Melt butter and add 400 gr. condensed milk. Add 200 gr. coconut flakes and mix everything. Place in the refrigerator for an hour.

50 gr. Place almonds in boiling water, remove the shell and fry in a preheated oven to 160º for about 15 minutes.

Take the mixture from the refrigerator and form it into balls, placing an almond in the middle. Roll each candy in coconut flakes (all candies need about 50 grams).

In medicine

Due to its medicinal properties, coconuts help:

In countries where coconut palms grow, their fruits are used for diarrhea, ear pain (drops are made from the pulp), ulcers and wounds on the skin (the shell is burned and the ashes are applied). The roots of coconut palms are used to prepare a decoction with diuretic properties and an anti-scurvy remedy.


Only fully mature nuts germinate, so a store-bought nut that may have been picked while still unripe may not be suitable for growing.

To germinate a coconut at home, place it in a pot filled with soil - the fruit should not be positioned vertically, but sideways (“eyes” up, since it is from them that the sprout will emerge).

Coconut sprouts quite slowly - up to five months. To grow palm trees, you need a warm tropical climate.

  • In sea water, coconut shells are not damaged - if the nuts fall into the water, they can float for a long time, and after being thrown ashore in suitable climatic conditions, they will germinate and give life to new palm trees.
  • Stains that appear on clothes from the fibers of young coconuts cannot be washed off.
  • The juice of overripe fruits has the ability to cleanse the intestines well. Its taste is reminiscent of cow's milk.
  • Once upon a time in India, during the launching of a ship, a coconut was broken on the side - if the fruit did not break, it was a bad sign.
  • Palm trees grow in the Seychelles, the fruits of which look like 2 fused coconuts. Their weight can exceed 20 kg.
  • In southern Thailand, trained macaques help collect coconuts.

Coconut is indigenous to Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Brazil. The name of the representative of the Palm family has Portuguese roots. The whole secret is in the similarity of the fruit to the face of a monkey, which three spots give it; "coco" is translated from Portuguese as "monkey".

Composition of coconut

The chemical composition explains the beneficial properties of coconut. It has a high content of , E, H and micro- and macroelements - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese and iodine. Lauric acid – which is the main fatty acid in breast milk, found in coconut, stabilizes cholesterol in the blood. This reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

It is not without reason that the beneficial properties of coconut have been noted in the cosmetics industry. Its oil nourishes and strengthens the hair structure, making it elastic, smooth and silky. It softens and heals the skin, smoothes it and reduces wrinkles. The components of the pulp have an antibacterial, wound-healing effect, have a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, help the digestive system, joints, increase immunity and reduce the body’s addiction to antibiotics.

The coconut is mistakenly called a nut, since the type of fruit from a biological point of view is a drupe. It consists of an outer shell or exocarp and an inner shell - endocarp, on which there are 3 pores - those same spots. Under the shell there is white pulp, which contains minerals and vitamins. When fresh, it is used in cooking. And from the dried copra pulp, coconut oil is obtained, which has value not only in the confectionery industry, but also in the cosmetic, perfume and pharmaceutical industries - medicinal and cosmetic oils, creams, balms, shampoos, face and hair masks and tonics. The benefits of coconut don't stop there.

The fibers that are found on the hard shell are called coir. They are used to make strong ropes, ropes, carpets, brushes and other household supplies and building materials. The shell is used to make souvenirs, dishes, toys and even musical instruments.