Sample story “terrible beast. Saturn devouring his son

1. Teach children to write a story with visual support for the series story pictures, displaying the sequence of events and being a visual outline of the presentation.
2.Continue to teach children to compose complex sentences by answering questions.
3.Develop visual attention and perception.
4. Develop the ability to listen to the answers of your comrades.
Preliminary work: acquaintance with the works of writers: L.N. Tolstoy, E. Shim, N.N. Nosov, K. Chukovsky; “Cat” exercise, development of general speech skills; examination of a series of paintings “The Hare and the Snowman”, “How a Hedgehog Picked Apples”, “The Starlings Arrived”, compiling stories based on a series of pictures.
Demonstration material: a series of subject pictures " Terrible beast».
Handouts: pictures with superimposed images of animals (according to the number of children), stands with pencils.
Activating the dictionary:
nouns: oak, beast, gun, hollow;
adjectives: old, scary, funny, burning, hunting, formidable;
verbs: set off, got scared, laughed, decided, put out, got caught,
Individual work: Zhenya A. – control of the correct agreement of words into phrases.
Ksenia K. - assistance in composing complex sentences.
Progress of the lesson
The children stand in a semicircle.
- Guys, please tell me who this writer is? (A writer is a person who writes stories.)
-What writers do you know? (L.N. Tolstoy, N. Nosov, K. Chukovsky, etc.).
-Guys, do you want to be writers? (Yes).
1. Examination of a series of plot pictures, arranging them in the required sequence.
(The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs standing in a semicircle in front of the easel). Today we, as writers, will compose a story using pictures.
(The teacher places pictures on the easel in random order.)
-Look at the pictures and try to put them in order.
(The children are given time to look at the pictures, after which the child called to the easel puts them in order).
2. Examination of each picture separately, conversation based on content. Work on clarifying, activating and expanding the vocabulary.
1 picture
-What time of year is shown in the pictures? (Summer has come).
-How did you guess about this? (The sun is shining brightly. Everything is green around. The children are dressed lightly).
-Tell me, who do you see in the first picture? (In the picture we see a boy and a girl).
-Let's come up with names for them. (The boy’s name is Vanya, and the girl’s name is Katya).
-Where do you think Katya and Vanya went? (Katya and Vanya went to the forest).
-What other words can you say that they went into the forest? (Let's go, run, head, hurry).
-Why did they go into the forest? (They went to the forest for mushrooms, for berries, for flowers, for pine cones).
-How did you guess that the children went to pick mushrooms? (They have baskets in their hands.)
-What can you say about their mood? (They are cheerful, satisfied, joyful).
-Let's look at the second picture.
-Why do children look scared? (Because in the hollow they saw someone’s burning eyes).
-Where was the hollow? (The hollow was under the old oak tree).
-Why did they become scared? (Because they decided that a terrible beast was hiding there).
3 picture
-What did the children do next? (They threw the baskets and ran home).
-Tell me who they met? (They met grandfather.)
-What did he look like? (He's old. He has long beard. Dressed in a raincoat, red boots on his feet, and a blue cap on his head. He carries a gun on his shoulder.)
- Think about what your grandfather was named? (Grandfather's names were Egor, Sasha, Matvey...).
-What is happening in this picture? (The children tell their grandfather about the terrible beast under the tree.)
-What is grandfather doing? (He thinks what to do).
-What happened when they approached the tree? (Grandfather Yegor prepared a gun for the terrible beast, and the children hid behind a tree out of fear).
-What do you think he says? (Hey, who come out there? Who is hiding here? Come on, come out, you scary beast!). 6 picture
-Why was Grandfather Yegor so surprised? (He saw not a terrible beast, but a cat).
-How did you guess that you were very surprised? (He lifted his cap and scratched his forehead with his hand.)
-Why are Katya and Vanya smiling? (Katya and Vanya smile because the cat turned out to be a terrible beast).
3. Physical education minute. Exercise "Cat"
The teacher invites the children to go to the carpet, stand in a circle and show what kind of cats there are.
This is what a cat is like, sneaking around in a circle, one after another on tiptoes. Round face, Stop, depict with both hands
face, shake their head. And on each paw, they rhythmically stretch forward, then the left, then right hand. Scratching claws. They jump on their toes, keeping their hands on their belts. All his toys - Performing jumps, they move in a circle one after another. Cube and reels. The cat is like a ball, jumping around the apartment.
4. Compiling a story in a chain.
- Guys, now I’ll turn on the recorder, and you tell this story from beginning to end. Someone will start, and someone will continue, be careful. (Tells 3 people).
-What can you call the story? (“Terrible Beast”, “An Incident in the Forest”, “ Interesting story" etc.).
-What words can you use to start a story? (One day, one day, it was in the summer, one fine summer day...).
-How can you finish the story? (Grandfather recognized his cat and they went home). (The children took the cat home, and then went into the forest to pick mushrooms.)
-Who can come up with their own story? Your title for the story, other names of the children, grandfathers, and the end of the story). -We will print your stories and place them in the corner for parents.
One day, Katya and Vanya went into the forest to pick mushrooms. Suddenly, under an old oak tree, in a hollow, they saw someone’s burning eyes. The children decided that a terrible beast was hiding there. They were very scared and ran away from the old oak tree. Grandfather Yegor came across them. My grandfather had a hunting rifle. Grandfather Yegor was not afraid of anyone. Together they approached the hollow. Grandfather Yegor put his gun forward and shouted in a menacing voice: “Come on, terrible beast, come out!” And then a funny little... kitten came out of the hollow. Katya and Vanya laughed, and grandfather Yegor said: “What a terrible beast!”
5. Exercise “What animals are hidden in the picture?”
The teacher invites the children to go to the tables, on which there are already pictures and stands with pencils.
-What animals are hidden in the picture? List? (Hare, wolf, bear, fox, moose, squirrel, hedgehog, cat).
-Which animal is the odd one out here and why? (The odd one out here is the cat because she is a pet).
-Color the cat and the smallest animal. (Children color).
-Who did you color? (Cat and hedgehog).
-365760313690-Why? (A cat is a pet, and a hedgehog is the smallest animal).

6. Lesson reflection
Children are invited to a table on which there is a basket and mushrooms.
-Put the mushroom in the basket and tell me what we did today? (We looked at the pictures, made up a story based on the pictures, played the game “Cat”, looked at the animals).

Municipal budgetary children's educational institution
child development center – kindergarten No. 47 "Hello"

Summary of educational activities for speech development for the senior group
1024890106934027393901069340 Topic: “Compiling a story based on a series of pictures”

Compiled by the teacher
N.I.KashurkinaSarov 2016

When it comes to painting, the imagination tends to draw pastoral scenes and majestic portraits. But actually art multifaceted. It happened that the brushes of great artists produced very controversial paintings that hardly anyone would want to hang in their home. In our review, the 10 most scary pictures famous artists.

1. The Great Red Dragon and the Beast from the Sea. William Blake

William Blake Today he is known for his prints and romantic poetry, but during his lifetime he was virtually unappreciated. Blake's engravings and illustrations are classics of the romantic style, but today we will look at the series watercolor paintings Blake, who depict the great red dragon from the Book of Revelation. This painting depicts a large red dragon, the embodiment of the devil, standing on a seven-headed beast in the sea.

2. Study of the portrait of Innocent X by Velazquez. Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon was one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. His paintings, striking in their boldness and darkness, sell for millions of dollars. During his lifetime, Bacon often painted his own interpretations of the portrait of Pope Innocent X. In the original work by Velazquez, Pope Innocent X looks thoughtfully from the canvas, and Bacon depicted him screaming.

3. Dante and Virgil in Hell. Adolphe William Bouguereau

Dante's Inferno, with his image terrible torture, has inspired artists since the publication of this work. Bouguereau is best known for his realistic depictions of classical scenes, but in this painting he depicted the circle of hell where imposters continually fight to steal each other's identities through biting.

4. Death of Marat. Edvard Munch

Edvard Munch is the most famous artist Norway. His famous painting“The Scream,” which personifies melancholy, is firmly ingrained in the consciousness of any person who cares about art. Marat was one of the leading political leaders French Revolution. Since Marat suffered from a skin disease, he spent most days in the bathroom, where he worked on his works. It was there that Marat was killed by Charlotte Corday. More than one artist has depicted the death of Marat, but Munch’s painting is especially realistic and cruel.

5. Severed heads. Theodore Gericault

Géricault's most famous work is "The Raft of the Medusa" - a huge painting in romantic style. Before creating major works, Géricault painted “warm-up” paintings like “Severed Heads,” for which he used real limbs and severed heads. The artist took similar material from morgues.

6. Temptation of Saint Anthony. Matthias Grunewald

Grunewald often painted religious images in the style of the Middle Ages, although he lived during the Renaissance. Saint Anthony went through several tests of his faith while living in the desert. According to one legend, Saint Anthony was killed by demons living in a cave, but was later reborn and destroyed them. This picture depicts Saint Anthony, who was attacked by demons.

7. Still life of masks. Emil Nolde

Emil Nolde was one of the first Expressionist artists, although his fame was soon eclipsed by a number of other Expressionists such as Munch. The essence of this current is a distortion of reality to show a subjective point of view. This painting was made by the artist after researching masks in Berlin Museum.

8. Saturn devouring his son. Francisco Goya

In Roman myths, which are largely based on Greek mythology, the father of the gods devoured his own children so that they would never overthrow him from the throne. It was this act of killing children that Goya depicted. The painting was not intended for the public, but was painted on the wall of the artist's house along with several others gloomy pictures, known as common name"Black painting".

9. Judith and Holofernes. Caravaggio

In the Old Testament there is a story about the brave widow Judith. Judea was attacked by an army led by the general Holofernes. Judith left the city walls and headed to the camp of the army besieging the city. There she seduced Holofernes with the help of her beauty. When the commander slept drunk at night, Judith cut off his head. This scene is quite popular among artists, but Caravaggio's version is especially creepy.

10. Garden of earthly delights. Hieronymus Bosch

Usually Hieronymus Bosch associated with fantastic and religious paintings. "The Garden of Earthly Delights" is a triptych. The three panels of the painting respectively depict the Garden of Eden and the creation of humanity, the Garden of earthly delights and the Punishment for sins that occur in earthly garden. Bosch's works are among the most terrible, but the most beautiful works in the history of Western art.

The cat is so cute: his chest is white, his legs are gray, smooth, he lies in the sun, warms himself - his soul rejoices. But it depends on who. Everyone knows that for a mouse there is no beast worse than a cat. But the stupid mouse from the fable “The Terrible Beast” saw a beast with a handsome appearance and said: “Kind, kind...”. And she was not afraid of him. But she was afraid of the loud rooster. And only the mother told the stupid mouse who really should be feared. Appearances are sometimes deceiving...

"Terrible Beast"

The mouse went out for a walk. She walked around the yard and came back to her mother.

- Well, mother, I saw two animals. One is scary, and the other is kind.

Mother said:

- Tell me, what kind of animals are these?

The mouse said:

- One, scary one, walks around the yard like this: his legs are black, his crest is red, his eyes are bulging, his nose is hooked. When I walked past, he opened his mouth, raised his leg and began screaming so loudly that I didn’t know where to go from fear.

“It’s a rooster,” said the old mouse. “He doesn’t harm anyone, don’t be afraid of him.” Well, what about the other animal?

— The other was lying in the sun and warming himself. His neck is white, his legs are gray, smooth, he licks his white chest and moves his tail slightly, looking at me.

The old mouse said:

- Stupid! After all, it's the cat itself.

Story based on plot pictures Recommendations for teachers Dear colleagues! We present to your attention 5 series of plot pictures “Funny Stories” by the author-artist V. Suteev (See V. Suteev. Funny Stories. Malysh Publishing House, 1983). They can be used in lessons on the development of coherent oral and written speech in 5 class, when the teacher introduces students to the composition of a story as a type of speech - narration, writing lessons humorous story in 6th grade on plot drawings, lessons on repeating types of speech (description, reasoning, narration), lessons on studying styles of speech (artistic and colloquial). Each series of plot pictures can be shown all at once, so that students see the whole story, or each part in turn, or, conversely, first the teacher shows each picture separately, and then one of the students tells the story, seeing all the pictures in front of them at once. While working on a story, it is important to repeat the composition of the story (composition, climax, denouement), invite students to come up with the names of the characters, animal nicknames, include dialogue between the characters, and their own title for each story.

To what part of the story's composition can this drawing be attributed? Do you agree that this is a denouement? Why? How can you end the story “In Spring”? What is the name of this funny story did you guys come up with this? Write down your story, following paragraphs and sequence of presentation.

What a beast!!! How did this story end? Who were the children so scared of? What proverb can you use to end the story? Or maybe this could be the title of the story? Write down the story or convey its content orally in a way that makes listening interesting.


"Nightmare" - a series of four paintings by the Swiss and English artist Henry Fuseli, which illustrate the Gothic movement in modern art.

The figure of the sleeping or unconscious woman depicted in the painting is elongated and curved. Fuseli deliberately wrote it this way to show the full weight of the incubus sitting on her chest - the embodiment of nightmares and unconscious fears. In the opening between the curtains is visible the head of a blind horse, whose image in this painting anticipates the demonic aspect attached to this animal in late French romanticism.

Often when we think of paintings in museums, we imagine lovely landscapes and majestic portraits. However, art can have another side to the coin. Sometimes an artist creates work so disturbing that it borders on scary. You might not want to hang these in your bedroom, but they are definitely worth a look. Here are 10 of the scariest paintings painted by great artists.

The Great Red Dragon and the Sea Monster, William Blake.

Today William Blake is well known for his prints and romantic poetry, but during his lifetime he was anything but famous. His engravings and illustrations are made in classic style. In his work, he started from imagination, and not from real studies of nature. Blake painted a series of watercolor paintings of the great red dragon from the Book of Revelation. The painting depicts a red dragon, the embodiment of the devil, standing over a seven-headed sea monster.

Study of the Portrait of Innocent X Velazquez, Francis Bacon.

F. Bacon was one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. His paintings are bold and cold in figuratively. They sell for millions of pounds, and even pieces of canvas (Bacon destroyed works he didn't like) are worth a lot. Throughout his life he returned to the portrait of Innocent X, making his own interpretations of this painting. Velazquez's work depicts the Pope in a pensive state, while Bacon's depicts him shouting.

Dante and Virgil in Hell, Adolphe William Bouguereau

Dante's Inferno, with its depictions of torture, has inspired many artists since its publication. Bouguereau is the most famous of all. However, it moves from classical calm to the circles of hell, where the characters constantly fight, stealing each other's identities through the bite. As the demon triumphs, Dante and Virgil watch those condemned to eternal torment.

The Death of Marat, Edvard Munch

Edvard Munch is the most famous Norwegian artist. His famous painting “The Scream” is firmly ingrained in people’s consciousness. Jean-Paul Marat was one of the leaders of the French Revolution. Suffering from a skin disease, he spent most of his time in the bathroom, where he worked on his notes. There he was killed by Charlotte Corday. Marat's death was depicted several times, but Munch's work is notable for its brutality.

Severed Heads, Theodore Gericault

His most famous work- This is “The Raft of Medusa”, a huge painting painted in a romantic style. Géricault tried to break the boundaries of classicism by moving to romanticism. These pictures were initial stage his creativity. For his works, he used real limbs and heads, which he found in morgues and laboratories.

The Temptation of Saint Anthony, Matthias Grunewald

This artist depicted religious subjects The Middle Ages, although he himself lived during the Renaissance. St. Anthony was said to have faced tests of his faith while praying in the desert. According to legend, he was killed by demons in a cave, then he resurrected and destroyed them. This painting depicts Saint Anthony being attacked by demons.

Still life of masks, Emil Nolde

Emil Nolde was one of the early Expressionist artists, although his fame was eclipsed by others such as Munch. The essence of expressionism is the depiction of reality from a subjective point of view. Nolde painted this painting after studying masks in the Berlin Museum. Throughout his life he has been fascinated by other cultures, and this work is no exception.

Saturn Devouring His Son, Francisco Goya

According to Roman mythology, based on Greek, the father of all gods devoured his own children so that none of them could take his place. Goya depicted the murder of a child on canvas. This painting was never intended for the general public; it was painted on the wall of his house along with the equally gloomy “Black Paintings.”

Judith and Holofernes, Caravaggio

This painting is based on the Old Testament "Book of Judith", which tells the story of a young widow, Judith. According to legend, Holofernes was the commander of Nebuchadnezzar's army that invaded Judea. The Babylonians besieged the city of Bethulia, in which lived the chaste and God-fearing young widow Judith. There was no hope for the townspeople. Having put on beautiful clothes and taking a maid with her, she went to the enemy’s camp and made Holofernes trust her. When one evening he fell asleep drunk, she cut off his head and returned to hometown. The expression of grim determination on the maid's face is sharply balanced by the unreadable gaze of Judith and the cry of horror of Holofernes himself.

The Garden of Earthly Delights, Hieronymus Bosch

Hieronymus Bosch, famous for his disturbing and fantastic paintings religious themes. The Garden of Earthly Delights is a triptych depicting the Garden of Eden, the Garden of Earthly Delights and the Punishments for mortal sins that occur in this earthly garden. A careful study of the painting reveals Bosch's true talent for witty detail. In general, Bosch's works are among the most terrible.