Chopper from the anime one piece. Well, and in particular about the Masterpiece called One Piece

Learning to drive a car from scratch is not an easy task. For example, many people fail in the exercise of driving or driving into a garage in reverse. You have to retake it and pay extra money.

Many cadets of automobile schools, after studying, do not pass exams without performing the required maneuvers on a car. Today, the article describes in detail how to properly prepare for driving a vehicle independently.

Graduates of automotive training schools spend many hours in a special area intended for training. They are called autodromes. Future drivers train on them how to enter a garage and perform other complex maneuvers. In general, at the site, future drivers learn the skill of driving a car.

While studying at a driving school, students receive theoretical knowledge. Practice subsequently driving on roads without accidents, taught with the help of a driving instructor. Day after day, over the course of long training, course participants acquire skills that allow them to successfully pass exams for traffic police officers and obtain the coveted rights.

One of the difficult exercises

Driving a car into a personal garage and driving out of the garage correctly is a difficult task for some experienced car enthusiasts, not to mention beginners. The fact that this is true is evidenced by chips and scratches on the external fragments of car bodies. It happens when a car is parked incorrectly. Correcting minor external paint damage to the body costs money if the work is entrusted to specialists in car workshops.

Particularly difficult for young drivers is driving into a garage in reverse. An experienced driver or a young driver who has learned the art of driving on a race track will be able to correctly carry out the maneuver. Special exercise drive into the garage at the race track, develops practical skills among the school cadets. A special area has been allocated at the circuit, furnished with special signs imitating gates and garage walls along the perimeter. If a course participant knocks down at least one sign, he starts all over again. The training ends after you can complete the exercise flawlessly.

If the competitor can still drive into a simulated garage in front of the car, with grief in half, then learning how to drive in reverse is problematic. What is needed here is quick reaction, excellent vision and a personal intuitive assessment of the spatial dimension. That is, feel in your gut what distance separates the rear bumper of the car from the wall of the garage. It takes a lot of time to train to get the hang of it.

Garage rules

The size of the race track is similar to that of a garage and has standard metric parameters. The length of the imitation garage is 1 meter longer than the car. There is little room for rash maneuver. It’s easy to accidentally crash into the wall opposite the entrance.

To avoid a funny incident, you need to study the rules for entering and leaving the garage:

  • It is recommended to enter at first speed, low gas;
  • visually determine the distance from the car bumper to the wall;
  • with peripheral vision, monitor the direction of movement of the car so that its doors do not touch workbenches or other foreign objects located in the garage.

Having learned all this, you can safely drive out of the garage in reverse. To flawlessly carry out such a maneuver, you need to move in reverse and at the same time look at the space behind the car in the rearview mirror.

The step-by-step instructions used at the race track, from exercise to exercise, teach the future driver how to drive out of the middle of two cars without catching one or the other. Numerous videos on the Internet will provide methodological assistance in skillfully getting out of a difficult parking situation.

Methodically polished exercises will help in carefully placing the car in temporary parking in major cities. In megacities, parking in narrow places where cars are back-to-back is difficult even for a professional.

A trained driver will be able to squeeze between cars without any accidents. Participants in driving courses are required to gradually study and practically master the art of parking. Not only how to drive into the garage, but also how to leave it without damaging the car by hitting the wall or entrance gate jambs.

Step-by-step instruction

For successful training of future drivers, a step-by-step Garage Autodrome exercise has been developed. A convenient training scheme is offered that leads to good absorption theoretical material and assimilation practices. The exercises must be performed in a complex sequence. The training is divided into several main stages in 2019; in fact, the garage circuit exercise is step-by-step in a rational sequence.

It is necessary to dwell in detail on the main stages:

  • A simple exercise of driving a car into a garage begins at the starting line. In front of her, the cadet smoothly stops the car so that the front bumper does not cross the starting line. When the car is stopped, the gear shift lever is set to the neutral position. Make sure that the car does not roll backwards, since the entrance to the garage is raised above the horizontal line of the access road to the garage building.
  • Then you should move off smoothly and drive the car towards the gate of the garage building. You should press the right side of the car against a pole that imitates a wall. If you ignore the recommendation, then in the future there will be no space left for the driver to complete the maneuver and park successfully.
  • A car that finds itself next to the right imitation sign should be directed by turning the steering wheel in the opposite direction until the next imitation sign appears, but on the left side. The driver must see in the right mirror. The car must be stopped at a distance of 15 centimeters from the obstacle. After completing the task, turn the front wheels out and put them in their normal position.

The normal entry of a car into the garage in reverse is completed when the front of the body crosses the boundary line. Having driven into a conventional garage parking lot, set the gearshift lever to the neutral position and tighten the handbrake all the way.

Garage in practice

Having learned the rules for entering a garage facility, you need to apply the acquired skills in city temporary parking lots located on the streets near large shopping centers, museums, government agencies, office buildings.

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Video instructions for completing a garage

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Reversing into a garage is one of the most beautiful maneuvers. At the same time this is
one of the most . By mastering it, novice drivers find answers to difficult questions. For example, what distance to the edge of the garage must be maintained in order to be guaranteed to enter it? Or: how to determine the moment when you can already turn the steering wheel? And every beginner is interested in what the sequence of actions should be that will ensure success when performing this maneuver.

The most advantageous position for a person driving into a garage in reverse - when his car is located parallel to the front wall of the garage or along a row of parking spaces. The distance from the line of the rear wheels to the corner of the garage is at least two meters, and the interval between the car and the garage is the same. You can mentally draw a square on the asphalt between the corner of the parking space and the nearest car wheel. The car wheel will be in one corner of the imaginary square, the corner of the garage will be in the opposite.

You need to find the main landmark - the nearest corner of the garage or parking space. What is it for? It is this landmark that indicates that the car has taken desired position, and the driver sees the corner that he is about to go around. The dimensions of a garage or parking space are in most cases the same, so the driver needs to “understand” their closest corner. If a landmark is found, you can turn the steering wheel and engage reverse gear.

In cars different models The location of the landmark behind the glass can vary: move further away from the stand or be exactly near it. All you have to do is remind yourself that the distance to the garage should be about two meters, the distance from the rear wheel to the corner of the garage should also be two meters. And the car should be parallel to the front wall of the garage. Wherever the corner of the garage is found on the rear right window, it is a must see. Only after this can the maneuver be performed. This guarantees safety.

So, the driver found a landmark. By turning the steering wheel towards the garage, you can move backwards. The car describes an arc, the corner of the garage gradually disappears behind the counter. But this does not mean losing control over it. He is already visible in the right mirror. A little later, another angle will appear in the left mirror. Continuing to slowly move backwards, the driver begins to control the distance from the car body to the right and left borders in order to place the car exactly in the middle of the place.

When the distance to the boundaries of the garage becomes the same, the car is stopped and the wheels are aligned. At the same time, they monitor the area in front of the garage or parking space to understand how smoothly the car is moving. If the car is standing at a certain angle to the central axis of the garage, you need to stop, turn the steering wheel in the right direction and calmly straighten the trajectory of movement. You can then continue driving, keeping your distance to the rear wall of the garage or to the car behind you.

During the “reversing into the garage” maneuver, you can stop as many times as necessary. Of course, a beginner doesn’t want to stop again. He wants to turn the steering wheel while driving, like experienced drivers do. But the car manages to travel some distance before it starts to turn. The trajectory may not be exactly what he expects. It’s better not to rush, but to do everything calmly and measuredly, so that you don’t have to redo it later.

What should a novice driver train?

If this complex maneuver is broken down into its components, its execution turns out to be quite simple. You need to work out all the details:

  1. Spacing to the front wall of the garage or parking line. Here, as everywhere else, you need an eye and practice.
  2. Detection of garage corner in rear side window. It is difficult for a beginner to immediately stop the car so that the landmark is immediately in in the right place. He constantly tries to escape. To put it “in place”, you should move a little forward or backward.
  3. Turning the steering wheel towards the garage. It is better to do this before engaging reverse gear and starting to move backwards, so that the car immediately begins to move along the trajectory of the race.
  4. Engaging reverse gear and moving backwards. At this stage, you need to act calmly and with restraint so as not to miss the appearance of the right and left corners in the mirrors, otherwise the car will move uncontrollably.
  5. Detect garage corners in rearview mirrors and control the gaps between the garage walls and the car. Here the driver needs attention and eye.
  6. Aligning the wheels and moving the car inside the garage. The final stage entering a garage in reverse does not mean that it can be done in a hurry. It is important to show calm and restraint in order to successfully complete the maneuver. Rushing may result in your car hitting a wall or a neighboring car in a confined space in a garage or parking space.
  7. Turn off the engine and apply the parking brake. These actions need to be practiced until they become automatic, so that later there is no doubt that they were performed correctly.

In a real situation, the lateral spacing may be less or more than two meters. If this happens, the learned movements will not give desired result, and the car will begin to approach the left or right corner of the garage. There will never be an ideal position from which to eyes closed You can move into your place. You always need to look, calculate and measure. You will have to drive vigorously, turn your head in all directions to correctly assess the situation.

When entering a garage or parking space, the car should be directed closer to the corner, which is the first landmark. The driver may feel that this is dangerous and it is better to keep a greater distance. But in practice, the car, moving inside the garage, will not be next to the nearest wall or border, but a little further to the center of the site, where it is already possible to correct the trajectory using the steering wheel. If the driver thinks that long distance to the corner is comfortable enough to drive into the place, then the car may end up much further from the near wall. Seeing the nearest corner and controlling the trajectory along it, the driver plots the desired trajectory, and the car ends up in the right place. This is a guarantee that the maneuver will be completed.

The best way to learn to park in reverse is not to look for the ideal position, but to learn to control the movement of the car relative to landmarks. If the initial position, the distance to the landmark, the interval to the garage changes, then the minimum interval and the minimum distance that will prevent the car from hitting the right or left corner of the garage must remain unchanged.

Carrying out practical exercises on a racing track is not an easy task. A similar phrase can often be heard from drivers who have honestly studied at a driving school. Not everyone can quickly master the skills of competent and safe driving. Let's consider the algorithm of actions when performing one of the most difficult exercises or how to enter the garage at the race track.

The essence of the exercise

Only certain citizens who clearly have some driving experience can immediately act correctly on the command “Enter the box”. It is especially difficult for representatives of the fair sex to perform such an exercise.

The essence of this practical exercise It’s simple – you need to reverse into an imaginary garage (box). “Imaginary” because in reality you will have to drive onto an absolutely flat area, the size of which is limited by special flagpoles.

The imaginary garage is located at right angles to the direction of movement, and the dimensions in length and width are only about a meter greater than the length and width of the car. In general, the conditions of the task are as close as possible to the real conditions of a driver’s life, when parking is necessary in very cramped conditions. In addition, the maneuvering area in front of the imaginary “gate” is only two lengths of the training vehicle. So, you most likely won’t be able to enter the garage at the race track correctly on the first try.

How to enter the garage correctly

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate chaotic and ill-considered actions in driving. To perform it correctly, you need to clearly understand the sequence of maneuvers. It's even better to sketch out the movement pattern on paper and keep it in your head. Instructors in driving schools clearly define the stages of the exercise:

  • Slowly drive up to the “start” border.
  • Stay.
  • Stop by the box.
  • Stay.

Of course, you need to reverse into the box without touching any of its three “walls.”

Step-by-step instructions for entering the box

  • Having approached the starting line, stop and wait for further command from the instructor.
  • Continue moving, bringing the right mirror as close as possible to the near edge of the box.
  • Stop, turn the steering wheel all the way to the left and continue driving.
  • Drive until the near edge of the box appears in the rearview mirror. Stay.
  • Align the steering wheel, engage reverse gear and start driving the car backwards.
  • When you reach the rear right door with the “gate” of the box, stop.
  • Continue driving, controlling the distance from the walls to the car.
  • Turn the steering wheel all the way to the right and try to level the car.
  • Once the machine is parallel to the walls, you can stop.
  • Continue moving backwards to the back wall until you have completely entered the box.

Video: How to enter a garage at a race track

Other points

You need to understand that you will have to perform this exercise during the exam in the presence of a traffic police inspector and take the training seriously, carefully listening to the instructor’s advice. The point is that even with correct execution exercises in general, for individual shortcomings the novice driver may be awarded penalty points.

Thus, for example, crossing any horizontal line or touching a flagpole will award five points to the examinee. Failed to engage reverse gear, forgot to engage neutral after stopping with the engine running, or did not put the car in handbrake after the final stop - three points. The most offensive is the punishment for a stalled engine in the amount of one penalty point.

You need to understand that during practical driving tests there are no trifles, and any negligence in entering the garage at the race track can lead to a subsequent re-examination.

Quite often you can see scratches and other damage to the body on the car of a friend, acquaintance, or relative. To the question “What happened?” you get the answer “I went to the garage.”

To avoid such unpleasant situations and pass the exercise on the site at the traffic police the first time, we will look at how to correctly enter a garage in reverse, and also get acquainted with the most common mistakes and the table of penalty points. This will allow you to come to the exam prepared and confident. own strength and knowledge - although this is not enough, the technique must still be developed.


The location of the exercise is a specially equipped area that simulates a garage, into which you need to drive in reverse. The driver’s task is to enter the “garage” (box, parking space - depending on what you imagine) without hitting its side walls and without hitting the rear of the car against the wall behind.

Area size: car width +1 m, car length +1 m, the lane for performing the exercise is two car lengths.

With such dimensions and dimensions of the training machine, it will not be possible to drive into the “garage” in front. That is why the exercise is performed exclusively in reverse.


The main objective of the exercise is to teach future drivers how to reverse into a garage and into a parking space between two cars. Today it is difficult to find a parking lot where you can park in front, as there is not enough free space for this.

By driving in reverse during the exam, a driving school cadet shows the traffic police inspector his skills and ability to drive into the garage independently, without damaging his own car.


Entering a garage in reverse consists of three main stages:
  • Drive up and stop at the “Start” line.
  • Drive into a pocket simulating a garage.
  • Stay

Technical side of the exercise

Now we will look at each stage in more detail so that you know what to expect in the exam and how to pass it successfully.

The first step is to drive up to the starting line and stop without crossing the line with your bumper. After stopping, neutral gear is engaged. You should immediately pay attention to the “neutral”: if you do not switch the car to it, you can get a penalty point.

Next, we move off and begin to slowly move forward. When approaching the “garage” you need to press the right side of the car closer to the first chip - the beginning of the right wall of the garage. If this is not done, there may not be enough space to continue the exercise and you will not be able to complete the race.

Thus, we reach the indicated chip with the right mirror and turn the steering wheel to the left all the way. The car is now moving to the left. When driving, hold the steering wheel securely in the left position, preventing it from turning to the left. reverse side. We also look carefully in the mirror on the right - in it you need to catch a chip, which is the beginning of the wall on the right relative to the car. This chip should be located at a certain distance from the side of the car - 10-15 centimeters. This is exactly how everything should be reflected in the mirror.

As soon as all the above conditions are met, stop the car and put the wheels in a level position. After that, we turn on the reverse gear and start moving back in a straight line.

Now we turn around and look out the rear window. To make it comfortable, you can hug right hand front passenger seat. We watch how the car gradually drives into the designated place, but up to a certain point. When a marker appears near the right rear door - the beginning of the garage wall - we stop again.

The next step is to turn the steering wheel to the right all the way and resume moving backwards. We carefully monitor what is happening in the mirrors. When the distances between the side features and the sides of the car are the same, quickly level the steering wheel and put the wheels in a level position, without stopping or slowing down.

We drive deep into the “garage”, and when the front of the car crosses the line of chips - the beginning of the walls - we stop, turn on the neutral gear and put the car on the handbrake.

End. The exercise of driving into the garage in reverse is completed, the car is in the right place and you can already relax.

If you do everything as described above, this will guarantee you a 99% success rate in passing the exam.

Possible mistakes

TO typical mistakes relate:
  • Knocked down chips, which are the beginning of the right and left walls of the “garage”.
  • A knocked down chip behind the car when entering the garage.
  • The car did not fully enter the “garage”.
In the first case, an error can occur for two reasons:
  • The car came too close with its right side to the chip.
  • They started to level the steering wheel too early upon arrival.
In the second case, the fault will be over-entry.

And the last case is extremely rare, but it does happen. Here the reason lies in the fear of hitting a chip behind the car.

Penalty points

  1. A chip has been knocked down or crossed horizontal line- 5 points
  2. “Stop line” crossed – 5 points
  3. Engine stalled – 3 points
  4. Neutral gear was not engaged when the engine was running – 3 points
  5. When driving, reverse gear was engaged several times - 3 points
  6. At the end of the exercise, the car was not put on the handbrake - 3 points

Entering a garage in reverse in real conditions

Now let’s imagine that the exams have been passed, the license has been obtained, and it’s time to try out the acquired skills in practice. Let's consider a situation where we need to go into a garage with minimal space.

Moving forward, we drive the right mirror as close as possible to the beginning of the garage wall, turn the steering wheel to the left and look in the right mirror. As in the case of the platform, the wall should appear in the mirror at a distance of 10-15 cm from the right side of the car.

We put the car in reverse and start driving into the garage. As soon as the beginning of the wall is level with the right rear door, turn the steering wheel to the right and continue driving.

When the car takes an even position in relation to both walls, the wheels are aligned, and all that remains is to drive all the way into the garage.

Finally, turn on neutral and put the car in handbrake.

It is worth noting that near the walls of the garage, on the floor, there may be various items– parts, tires, tool boxes, etc. Therefore, in this situation, you need to be careful not to run over them. Otherwise, you can puncture the tire or damage the paintwork of the body.

Parking using the exercise “Reversing into a garage”

Everything here is identical to the site and the real garage. But instead of chips and walls, you need to navigate by the headlights of the cars between which you need to park. True, if the roadway is narrow, then all stages need to be completed quickly so as not to create a traffic jam from cars coming behind.

A good example

In order to see a live example of the exercise, we recommend watching a short video that clearly shows how the entire process of driving in reverse into a garage takes place.

Easy, simple, fast

In order to successfully pass a reverse garage entry, more practice is needed. Therefore, if something does not work out, then take extra hours or find a private instructor who will help solve your problem. Only persistent practice of the test technique will allow you to pass the exam easily, simply and quickly.

After carefully reading all the articles in the series, you will have the opportunity to pass the exam with flying colors!