Andrey Malakhov had an accident. Malakhov crashed in an accident: False information infuriated the presenter

19.01.2018 By

The Internet reported an accident involving TV presenter Andrei Malakhov

What really happened became known


Recently, news spread on social networks about terrible accident. Allegedly, one of the drivers involved in a major accident was Andrei Malakhov. It was reported that doctors assess the TV presenter’s condition as “extremely serious.”

Netizens were shocked by the message about what happened to Malakhov. A couple of days later, this news “reached” the main character of the publication. Fortunately, he denied the rumors that had spread across social networks. He was as surprised by this news as the others.

“What kind of nonsense is this?” - Andrei was indignant. Fans recommended that he identify the original source and stop the spread of false information.

Let us remember that the second half of last year was marked by drastic changes for Malakhov and the audience. Andrey left his “native” First Channel, where he worked most his television career. And besides this, his long-awaited son, Alexander, was born.

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On October 13, the news feeds were full of terrible news: “Andrei Malakhov crashed.” Fans famous TV presenter experienced a state of shock, believing that the accident on the road ended in death for the showman.

But later the situation became more detailed and became even more interesting to everyone who wants to know as much as possible about the life of stars. It turned out that the accident could lead to Malakhov’s divorce from Natalya Shkuleva, despite the fact that their marriage outwardly looks ideal.

Circumstances of the incident

After some time, the presenter’s friends reported that Andrei Malakhov had been in an accident on October 13, but was not seriously injured, escaping with minor injuries and mild fear. When the accident happened, the TV presenter was on his way to filming the program “Five Evenings” and tried to overtake the Mazda driver at high speed so as not to be late for work.

Due to the fact that another motorist’s car did not stop at a red traffic light, Andrei Malakhov’s Mercedes got into an accident, colliding at full speed with a car in front.

As a result of the impact, the Mazda was thrown into the oncoming lane, and it was very deformed. And Andrei Malakhov, who was late for work, who provoked the accident with his haste, turned out to be the accidental culprit of the fact that the second participant in the incident was trapped: his head was pinched between the windshield and the crumpled metal. Having survived a severe shock and received only a concussion, the driver suffered much less damage than his car.

Andrei Malakhov, who was involved in an accident, did not wait for the ambulance to arrive. He was saved from the serious consequences of the accident by the instantly deployed airbags. Therefore, getting out of the car, he stopped a passing car and went to work. On film set the TV presenter was practically not late and successfully released the TV show.

Being in a state of shock, obsessed with only one thought: not to be late for filming, Andrei Malakhov, who had an accident, did not even inquire about the well-being of the passengers in the mangled Mazda.

The driver who collided with the driver's car was bleeding due to the fact that he had severely broken his head. And the passenger, a young girl riding with him in the front seat, was unconscious. Malakhov did not try to provide assistance to those injured as a result of his actions or find out about their condition.

The press also learned that Andrey Malakhov was involved in an accident on October 13, 2017, not in his own car. Presumably, the TV presenter borrowed the Mercedes from his girlfriend. But he does not intend to expand on this topic, since he does not want to provoke unnecessary and unpleasant rumors.

I was driving a Mercedes personal driver Malakhov's unknown fair-haired friend. One of the assumptions is that the car belongs to the TV presenter’s wife, Natalya Shkuleva. But there are other opinions. One of the most popular opinions is that the car belongs to the TV presenter’s new mistress. Against the backdrop of these rumors, discussions began again love stories associated with Malakhov.

About the personal life of the TV presenter

Famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov regularly appears in public, attracting the attention of his fans with new interesting facts from my personal life. They watch him not only on Channel One programs, but also closely follow new blog entries. His TV show “Five Stars” is not inferior in popularity to such high-profile projects How " Big Wash" and "Let them talk."

A charming, intelligent man is gaining huge ratings in terms of program views every day, and all the news about him does not go unnoticed by his fans. The man is not shy about posing for popular magazines in extravagant, revealing images. After all, an athletic physique and beautiful shape bodies are something he can show off in public. Therefore, he has quite a lot of loyal fans who cannot help but admire his inner and outer beauty.

But like everyone else interesting men, Andrey Malakhov has been married for a long time. His beautiful wife is the publisher of such popular magazines as Home, Interiors Plus Ideas and Marie Claire, as well as periodicals of the ELLE group. The married couple lives in an exciting creative tandem, supporting each other's new ideas and ambitions.

Natalya and Andrey started dating quite a long time ago and a year later romantic relationships in a civil marriage they got engaged, because even everyday life could not erase their feelings for each other. The wedding of two beautiful young people caused a wave of heated discussions. Natalya looked like a majestic queen in her chic snow-white dress, emphasizing her incredibly attractive magical beauty. Andrei, dressed in a classic black suit, resembled a fairy-tale prince who had won the favor of his beautiful lady.

After the wedding, the couple settled in one of the most famous and romantic places in Moscow - in a luxurious apartment on Arbat. Not wanting to follow in the footsteps of many famous personalities whose relationship was ruined by a stormy Savor and “gray life”, Natalya and Andrey allow themselves to spend long time apart. And after a while, they meet again in their apartment or arrange romantic surprise dates for each other to remind them of the romance that connected them for the rest of their lives.

Rumors regularly appear in the media that a happy married couple is expecting the birth of a child. But, despite the desire of journalists to wishful thinking, Andrei and Natalya are not yet in a hurry to have children. They do not want to dwell on this topic, leaving for themselves an island of personal space that is not accessible to the general public.

It cannot be said that Malakhov does not like children. After all, he is already the godfather of five children, one of whom was the son of Nikolai Baskov. And Natalya Shkuleva also shows great love to children, without hesitation to play and have fun with the kids who are often in their environment.

Mysterious stranger

In connection with the accident, not only the sad incident is hotly discussed in the media, but also the mysterious stranger whose car was damaged in the accident more than himself. Although the driver who was left to deal with all the consequences of the accident turned out to be an unknown man, there are rumors that the real owner of the Mercedes is a woman.

According to one of the assumptions, the blonde, whose name the TV presenter is keeping silent, was his wife Natalya Shkuleva. And the husband is simply trying to protect his beloved from excessive press attention. After all, this is not the first time Malakhov and his wife have refrained from commenting on their inner family peace where harmony and mutual understanding live.

In their opinion, excessive dedication of journalists to their personal lives can ruin relationships, introducing seeds of discord into the family.

The second, very cautiously made assumption is that Andrei Malakhov, who can afford to live outside the home for a long time by agreement with his wife, has a new passion. It is believed that a mysterious stranger could become the woman who will destroy a perfectly built family.

Andrey Malakhov host of the show “Live” on the channel “Russia-1”

In his statement, the TV presenter said that under no circumstances would he announce the name of the mysterious stranger, so that the story with Tina Kandelaki would not repeat itself. Then the photoshop created after an interview with the TV presenter regarding rumors about his dismissal from Channel One gave rise to many indignant comments. Match TV fans were afraid of Andrei’s possible appointment and expressed their indignation in every possible way. Malakhov even played along with Kandelaki so that interested commentators would pay even more attention to the news.

On the set of the show “The Wall”

But in this situation, every piece of information can give rise to completely fantastic versions. Having extensive experience in hosting television programs where such incidents are discussed, Andrey knows perfectly well how public opinion may deprive him of sleep and rest due to constantly annoying reporters and other interested parties. It is no wonder that Malakhov does not want to again act as a defender, who needs to defend his innocence and give a refutation to the arguments that have arisen. empty space rumors

Recently rumors appeared on the Internet that famous TV presenter Andrey Malakhov got into an accident. Information about the incident appeared in social network Instagram.

If you believe the rumors, then on January 16, Andrei and his companion collided with another car. The accident occurred in the evening near Ustinskaya embankment. The car was driven by a woman, and after rushing through a red traffic light, they met another car. At the same time, Andrei suffered a wound to his hand, but since he was in a hurry to filming, he did not call an ambulance or the police, but fled the scene of the crime. Already on the set he received first aid.

Malakhov got into an accident, only rumors, but the fact that the showman left Channel One is true

The TV presenter refutes these rumors and says that everything is completely fine with him and this is nothing more than an invention of journalists. In his Instagram account the TV presenter published a photo with the caption “What kind of nonsense?”, after which the news that he had crashed in an accident disappeared.

Andrei Malakhov is no longer the TV presenter of the popular program “Let Them Talk.” The new presenter was 31-year-old Dmitry Borisov. Many associate Andrei Malakhov’s departure from Channel One with the showman’s future fatherhood. Many people loved the show with his participation, so one of the episodes was dedicated to him.

Studio guests and Andrey’s friends shared memories of the time when he was the host of the TV show “Let Them Talk.” So, you can now see Malakhov on “Russia 1” - he replaced Boris Korchevnikov as the host of the “Live Broadcast” show. With the arrival of the showman, the program will receive a new name - “Andrey Malakhov. Live".

Malakhov got into an accident, the latest news about the TV presenter

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov and his wife, publisher Natalya Shkuleva, became parents for the first time. Their son was born, whom Malakhov spoke about in an interview with the Rossiya-1 TV channel. In honor of this event, the TV presenter devoted the entire episode of the Live Broadcast program to discussing the name for the first-born.

The TV presenter also took part in the opening of a fashion boutique. A flagship Zilli boutique has opened in the center of Moscow. Among the guests was French actor Gerard Depardieu, who has been a Russian citizen for several years. The evening dedicated to the opening of the store in Tretyakovsky Proezd ended with dinner for the guests.

Name: Andrei Malakhov
Date of Birth: 11.01.1972
Age: 45 years
Place of Birth: Apatity, Murmansk region, Russia
Weight: 80 kg
Height: 1.83 kg
Activity: TV presenter, journalist, showman, actor, writer
Family status: married

On October 13, the news feeds were full of terrible news: “Andrei Malakhov crashed.” Fans of the famous TV presenter were in a state of shock, believing that the road accident ended in death for the showman.

But later the situation became more detailed and became even more interesting to everyone who wants to know as much as possible about the life of stars. It turned out that the accident could lead to Malakhov’s divorce from Natalya Shkuleva, despite the fact that their marriage outwardly looks ideal.

Natalya Shkuleva is the publisher of such popular magazines as Home, Interiors Plus Ideas and Marie Claire, as well as periodicals of the ELLE group. The married couple lives in an exciting creative tandem, supporting each other's new ideas and ambitions.

Natalya and Andrey started dating quite a long time ago and after a year of romantic relationships in a civil marriage, they got engaged, because even everyday life could not erase their feelings for each other. The wedding of two beautiful young people caused a wave of heated discussions. Natalya looked like a majestic queen in her chic snow-white dress, emphasizing her incredibly attractive magical beauty. Andrei, dressed in a classic black suit, resembled a fairy-tale prince who had won the favor of his beautiful lady.

On the set of the program with Boris Korchevnikov

After the wedding, the couple settled in one of the most famous and romantic places in Moscow - in a luxurious apartment on Arbat. Not wanting to follow in the footsteps of many famous personalities, whose relationships were spoiled by a stormy social life and “gray life,” Natalya and Andrey allow themselves to spend a long time apart. And after a while, they meet again in their apartment or arrange romantic surprise dates for each other to remind them of the romance that connected them for the rest of their lives.

Rumors regularly appear in the media that a happy married couple is expecting the birth of a child. But, despite the desire of journalists to wishful thinking, Andrei and Natalya are not yet in a hurry to have children. They do not want to dwell on this topic, leaving for themselves an island of personal space that is not accessible to the general public.

It cannot be said that Malakhov does not like children. After all, he is already the godfather of five children, one of whom was the son of Nikolai Baskov. And Natalya Shkuleva also shows great love for children, not hesitating to play and have fun with the kids who are often in their environment.

Mysterious stranger

In connection with the accident, not only the sad incident is being hotly discussed in the media, but also the mysterious stranger, whose car was damaged in the accident more than Andrei Malakhov himself. Although the driver who was left to deal with all the consequences of the accident turned out to be an unknown man, there are rumors that the real owner of the Mercedes is a woman.

Andrey Malakhov left Channel One

According to one of the assumptions, the blonde, whose name the TV presenter is keeping silent, was his wife Natalya Shkuleva. And the husband is simply trying to protect his beloved from excessive press attention. After all, this is not the first time that Malakhov and his wife have refrained from commenting on their inner family world, where harmony and mutual understanding live.

In their opinion, excessive dedication of journalists to their personal lives can ruin relationships, introducing seeds of discord into the family.

The second, very cautiously made assumption is that Andrei Malakhov, who can afford to live outside the home for a long time by agreement with his wife, has a new passion. It is believed that a mysterious stranger could become the woman who will destroy a perfectly built family.

Andrey Malakhov host of the show “Live” on the channel “Russia-1”

In his statement, the TV presenter said that under no circumstances would he announce the name of the mysterious stranger, so that the story with Tina Kandelaki would not repeat itself. Then the photoshop created after an interview with the TV presenter regarding rumors about his dismissal from Channel One gave rise to many indignant comments. Match TV fans were afraid of Andrei’s possible appointment and expressed their indignation in every possible way. Malakhov even played along with Kandelaki so that interested commentators would pay even more attention to the news.

On the set of the show “The Wall”

But in this situation, every piece of information can give rise to completely fantastic versions. Having extensive experience in hosting television programs where such incidents are discussed, Andrei knows very well how public opinion can deprive him of sleep and rest due to constantly annoying reporters and other interested parties. It is no wonder that Malakhov does not want to again act as a defender, who needs to defend his innocence and refute the rumors that have arisen out of nowhere.

Do you like TV presenter and showman Andrei Malakhov?


What happened to Andrei Malakhov? Why did he first end up in the hospital (intensive care unit) and then leave Channel 1? Why does a TV presenter need maternity leave if there are rumors that he is of a non-traditional sexual orientation? The figure of Andrei Malakhov in Russia is perceived with almost the same love as the president, because people from all over Russia come to him with their troubles for the “Let Them Talk” program. And Andrei helps them not with poultices or urine therapy, but with a kind word and fair parting words.

It is no wonder that Russians perceive everything that happens to Andrei Malakhov with great concern. The fate of their favorite TV presenter worries many, but only a few actually manage to find out about what is happening.

Therefore, in one place, using true information and popular rumors, a complete FAQ on Malakhov’s personal life and career was collected.

Is it true that Andrei Malakhov is dying and seriously ill?

There is information on the Internet about two cases when Andrei Malakhov sought medical help. The first was in 2006, when the TV presenter was admitted to intensive care due to an overdose of sports nutrition.

The second was a year later, when Malakhov caught a viral disease and was hospitalized in Botkin. Of course, there was no question of him having cancer or some fatal disease.

Why did he leave Channel One?

The real reasons are still unknown. Perhaps there was a conflict with Ernst, who did not allow Malakhov to independently develop the “Let Them Talk” scripts. Andrei himself states that he needs to devote more time to his family. However, the fact that other TV presenters also left Channel One makes us think.

Is Malakhov a jock?

A photo of Andrei Malakhov’s torso has been floating around the Internet for several years now, some claim that it is photoshopped, others claim that the presenter is on sports nutrition. According to the contract, television workers must be in good physical shape.

Malakhov spends many years every day in the gym, but after the incident with intensive care, he stopped using steroids.

What is the character of Andrei Malakhov?

By temperament type, Andrei Malakhov is a typical sanguine person. However, the TV presenter’s character is quite complex; he is characterized by reactivity and intense emotionality. At the same time, Malakhov’s character’s demeanor is very worthy - he is always a supporter common sense, albeit from a series of truisms of “Captain Obviousness”. For talk show behavior

Andrey Malakhov and his communication skills are a real find. And, by the way, the presenter, despite the fact that he got on TV as a student, did not have large quantities time for self-education, quite intelligent.

Is it true that Andrei Malakhov loves gay men?

Such rumors have been circulating for a very long time.

Andryusha was repeatedly classified as a gay. He was allegedly seen at the “Three Monkeys” club, where representatives of gay people in Moscow gather. Some media outlets even named Andrei Malakhov's lover, whose description is very reminiscent of Fyodor Bondarchuk.

However, whether Malakhov loves men, despite some signs, is not known for sure. In any case, he is married, and if this is just a cover, then if exposed, the TV presenter can say goodbye to his career. After all, they don’t like gays in Russia, and even more so, if it were revealed that a program where they teach lumpen goodness was hosted by a homosexual for many years, there would be a big scandal.

Where is Andrei Malakhov now?

After leaving Channel One, Andrei Malakhov works at VGTRK, on ​​the Rossiya-1 TV channel. He hosts the Live Broadcast program and is working on a number of television projects.

Now Andrey Malakhov still lives in Moscow, at the address st. Ostozhenka, house 1/9. He has three apartments there. According to unverified information from social networks, the TV presenter’s phone number is +79253595322, but he is almost always busy.

What fees does he receive?

Andrei Malakhov’s salary and earnings at “Let Them Talk” were approximately 15 thousand euros per month, plus the TV presenter received fees from corporate events. Their amount reached 30 thousand euros for several hours of work.

There are other sources of income for Malakhov. For example, StarHit magazine, of which he is the owner and editor-in-chief.

Is it true that Andrei Malakhov does not like animals?

Andrei Malakhov does not have a dog or cat, but most likely due to complex schedule. There are many photographs of the TV presenter with animals on the Internet, but it is likely that he does not like them. With his income, he probably has a housekeeper, so he could have a cat who would meet him after television broadcasts. But it never started. That means he doesn't love me. Or he is allergic to wool.

Why doesn't he live with his wife?

Andrei Malakhov really did not live with his wife Natalya Shkuleva. They both have an apartment in Moscow, and in one of his interviews, Andryusha mentioned that he spends the night either at his place or at his wife’s.

This is not surprising; many celebrities do not live with their wives after marriage. Although this again suggests Malakhov’s unconventional orientation.

Malakhov cannot have children?

Rumors that Andrei Malakhov cannot have children and is a convinced childfree are not confirmed by anything. Furthermore, the presenter’s wife has already announced her pregnancy.

But, given that among celebrities there are quite a lot of cases of surrogacy, artificial insemination and infidelity, anything can happen. However, whether Andrei Malakhov will decide to do a DNA paternity test for his first-born and broadcast it all live so that no one doubts is a very controversial issue.

Does Andrei Malakhov wear a wig?

On some back-to-back talk shows, you can see that the TV presenter has different hairstyles. Moreover, it seems that the length of the hair is different. Indeed, today there are wigs that are almost indistinguishable from natural hair, and you can even swim in them.

But whether Andrei Malakhov wears a wig is unknown. Most likely no. Changing hairstyles is achieved by the skill of stylists behind the scenes of the studio. Although if the TV presenter is bald, then it would be very funny.

Did he lose the child?

Andrei Malakhov lost a child or forced his beloved to have an abortion - another stuff on the Internet. In fact, the only tragedy in Malakhov’s life happened in his youth, when Andrei’s beloved committed suicide.

So far, it is not known for certain that the celebrity is responsible for abortions, miscarriages or lost children. And it is unlikely that some kind of random connection would serve as a reason for such horrors. Illegitimate children of Andrei Malakhov, if conceived, would certainly have been born, because almost all women dream of having offspring from such a star.

Andrey Malakhov returns to First?

This scenario is quite possible in the future. For example, when the leadership of Channel One changes. But now, of course, this is out of the question. Andrei Malakhov signed a new contract and will definitely not return to the First before its expiration.

Whose godfather is he?

Malakhov baptized Alla Victoria and Martin, the children of Philip Kirkorov.

What is the nationality of Andrey Malakhov?

The surname Malakhov has Jewish origin, from the name Elemelech. The maiden name of Andrei Malakhov’s mother is carefully hidden, which gives rise to speculation.

In fact, even if Andryusha is a Jew, this is absolutely no reason to change your attitude towards him. In addition, the mother's last name may simply be funny or dissonant. So my paternal nationality is Russian.

It is not difficult to predict what will happen to Andrei Malakhov in the near future - he will certainly achieve more success than on Channel One, where he was forced to engage in outright dirt and vulgarity. However, a TV presenter’s career can slide downwards, especially if he suddenly gets involved in politics.