Drawing a donut in Photoshop. How to draw a delicious donut in Adobe Photoshop

Donuts are a delicacy that everyone knows and loves, from kids to American police officers. This dessert is very easy to prepare and even easier to draw.

Initially, donuts looked like balls filled with jam and fried in boiling oil. Currently, there are many varieties of this pastry. They differ in size, shape, filling, powder, and degree of fat content.

But we will draw a classic round donut with a hole in the middle.

Knowing how to draw donuts will help you in extreme situations- for example, when you need to distract a child from eating them.

The easiest way to draw a donut

So you will need Blank sheet paper, pencil, eraser.

To understand how to draw donuts, you need to perform a number of simple manipulations.

Here's how to draw a donut with a pencil step by step, quickly and easily. This is the simplest and most win-win option. But you can add volume and depth to this baked product.

How to make a donut look realistic

This was another way to draw donuts. There is nothing particularly complicated.

Drawing donuts by cells

If you need to create more schematic drawing, use a regular checkered leaf. How to draw a donut by cells? Very simple. Draw a circle by shading the cells. The main thing is not to get confused so that the donut doesn’t turn out too deformed.

Make the outer edge black, make the next circles dark brown or orange, and give the middle more light shade. Then you can color the donut bright and rich, using pencils or felt-tip pens.

This pattern is well suited for embroidery.

Even children can easily understand how to draw donuts using the methods described above. They won't need any special artistic skills. But since they exist different types donuts, the space for drawing is also large.

Experiment and use your imagination.

Colored pencils can help transform a simple pencil sketch of any object into a real masterpiece. But if you add imagination, then an ordinary donut will have facial features.

Necessary materials:

Drawing steps:

  1. Any donut has an oval shape. Therefore, at the first stage, we will draw a medium-sized oval with a simple pencil.

  2. We'll make a notch in the middle. After all, a donut has a hole in the middle. To do this, draw two arcuate lines.

  3. The general shape of the donut is ready. This means it’s time to cover it with sweet colored glaze. Draw an arcuate line that will pass through the entire surface of the dish.

  4. Cover the glaze with sesame seeds. It has the shape of a drop. For a natural look, you should draw a lot of these seeds.

  5. For a cute design, the donut doesn’t have enough beautiful eyes and a nose. If these elements are not drawn, then we will end up with a simple and ordinary donut with glaze.

  6. We start coloring the donut drawing with yellow pencil sandy shade. Use it to carefully work through the lower part of the dish. Leave the glaze and elements of the face intact.

  7. For volume we use an orange pencil rich color. Create strokes on the yellow surface of the donut and an outline of the glaze.

  8. Use a burgundy pencil to trace the outline of the donut.

  9. Color the icing with a soft pink pencil. In some places we increase the pressure to get a more saturated tone.

  10. Use a brown and burgundy pencil to color the eyes, nose and cheeks of the donut, as well as the sprinkles on the glaze in the form of sesame seeds.

An appetizing donut with a cute face is ready in the form of a drawing using colored pencils.

A favorite delicacy of policemen and detectives, and in fact not only them. In this article you will learn how to draw a donut. We will look at regular, cute and with a cat. Let's get started!

Draw with a pencil

Our first example will be in black and white, since we will learn how to draw a donut with a pencil. Don't forget the first rule of artists, don't draw food on an empty stomach! Be sure to eat something and get back to drawing donuts!

So, first of all we need to draw a slightly elongated oval like in the picture below.

Each donut has a hole in the middle. Therefore, you must draw a very narrow and sharp oval.

Water the drawing with glaze.

Now you can add a little light and shade and our delicious picture is ready.

With pink glaze

Unlike the previous paragraph, in this example you will learn how to draw a donut step by step in color. Therefore, be sure to prepare colored pencils or markers.

The first step is to draw an oval.

Draw a hole.

Drizzle with glaze. The lines must not be straight. They must come in waves.

Sprinkle with small rectangles. Confectioners call them confectionery powder.

Let's color it. For the glaze we chose pink color, you can choose absolutely any other color for yourself.

We hope these two examples will help you in drawing regular donuts. Well, now we move on to not very common examples.


Let's spice up our baked goods a little. This time you will learn how to draw cute donut with eyes and mouth.

It is very similar to the previous example and is depicted in the same way until the third stage, so we draw an oval with a hole.

Drizzle over the wavy icing, which we will color pink in the last step.

We draw circles, they will act as confectionery powder. In the previous example, small rectangles played its role.

At this step we draw the same hallmark which makes of regular pattern cute. Add very large and beautiful eyes. They need to be painted completely black and only two white highlights left. Also, don’t forget to draw a smiling mouth.

The final stage will be coloring our cute creature.

By cells

This style is radically different from previous drawings. This time you will learn how to draw a donut using the cells in your notebook. Also, this style is often called pixel art. He conquered great amount fans all over the world due to its simplicity and beauty in scale.

First of all we need to make an outline. To do this, mark with a small cross the cell that needs to be circled. After you have selected all the necessary cells, you need to circle them.

If you want to see the drawing process in real time, and not in a photo, you can scroll down the page a little lower, where you will see a video tutorial.

To achieve a 3D effect, we need to draw another line of crossed out cells as in the photo below. And in the middle we need to make a hole, this is quite simple to do, we only need to cross out 14 cells.

Now take colored markers and color. The upper part will remain unpainted, as it was poured with white glaze. Of course, you can choose a color and paint it.

Cat in the hole

This drawing also belongs to the category of very cute. Now we will analyze how to draw a cat in a donut; he fell into a hole and cannot get out of there.

First, let's draw the upper part of the cat and its two protruding legs.

We add the donut itself to the cat; you probably already learned how to draw it.

We draw on the lower part of our cat, namely the small paws and tail. You can add a heart on top.

We color and our cat stuck in the hole is ready!

Children love sweets very much. You can introduce your baby to the donut by preparing it first so that your baby understands what it's all about. we're talking about. Or, while drawing, tell what this dish is.

You will need: a sheet of paper; pencil; eraser.
Step 1

The basis

We start drawing the donut with a large oval. You can draw it across the entire width of the sheet.


Draw in the center of the oval small hole. All donuts are baked this way. To correctly calculate the center of the oval, use a ruler. Measure the width of the oval and place a dot approximately in the center. Take height measurements in the same way. At the intersection of the points there will be a hole.


The hole in the donut is not perfectly round. We'll change it a little. Separate the lower and upper parts of the small oval. From the bottom left and right, draw two lines up.
Upper part connect to the bottom one so that it is below the lines.


In America, there is no donut without glaze, which gives it one or another taste. Start drawing icing under the hole in wavy lines.
The icing starts from the left edge and ends on the right. The line may be slightly lower from its origin.


The donut itself is also not perfectly smooth. Raise its upper part slightly, depicting curved line.
Carefully erase the bottom line. If you look closely, it seems that the donut is voluminous.


Decorate the part of the donut that is under the glaze with a pattern - two parallel lines.

It's sad, but not all people know how to draw. But sometimes you just want to take it with your own hands, using only a pencil and an eraser, to depict at least some simple object. However, without knowing many rules, even a cobblestone will not come out beautifully. It’s another matter if you try to draw an object according to step-by-step instructions. This article was created for those who want to learn how to draw a donut with a pencil. All that is required of you is to put a sheet of paper in front of you, pick up a pencil and an eraser and follow the simple instructions.

Step by step instructions

  • Step 1

To learn how to draw a donut step by step, first you need to draw a rounded oval of any size on a sheet of paper. There is no need to try to make it perfect; small irregularities will only make the donut drawing more realistic. The oval we drew - general outline baking.

  • Step 2

Mark a central point inside the oval, draw another oval just above it, but smaller and narrower than the previous one. It should be 1/3 of the first oval in width. After this, erase the top half of the small oval. This is the front of the hole.

  • Step 3

Now you need to draw another oval, which will be smaller and rounder than the other two. It should be drawn in such a way that one part of it is lower than the second oval, and the other is higher. As a result, it should seem to cross the second oval. Everything below the lines of the second oval needs to be erased. This will be the back of the hole.

  • Step 4

No donut is complete without glaze. The same applies to our drawn one. Imagine that the large oval is the entire donut, and the intersection of the second and third ovals is its hole. Now along the front of the donut, outline a wide and uneven wavy line. This will be the icing.

  • Step 5

Find the edges of the icing line. Now draw a line from the left edge to the right edge. This line should run a couple of millimeters above the line of the top of the donut, as if going around it. You can make this line a little wavy. This will give the glaze additional volume and the design will look more realistic.

  • Step 6

Erase the extra line inside the icing.

  • Step 7

Find the area that goes above the smallest oval and is inside the middle oval. This area is the inside of the donut. To make the design more lively, you can also draw an uneven wavy line inside this part, simulating the way the icing flows out inner part donut Draw this line along an arcuate line. This will make the drawing a little unusual.

  • Step 8

On the left side of the already clearly visible donut you need to draw the contours of the shadow. To do this, simply draw a half oval that starts at the bottom center of the donut and ends in the middle of the donut's side, about just above the bottom icing line. Half of the oval should come out twice as narrow and lower than the donut. To check, you need to move the drawing a little and look at it as a whole. If the last oval really reminds you of a shadow, then everything is done correctly.

  • Step 9

Find the part in the picture that represents the icing. Cover this entire part with small circles and oblong grains, shaped like rice. You can choose the size and frequency of circles and grains yourself. You should draw them carefully, otherwise the picture will look sloppy. Our baked goods now have sprinkles on them. (If desired, you can draw the sprinkles in the shape of stars or hearts).

  • Step 10

Next, you need to color the part of the donut that is not covered with glaze. To do this, hold it almost parallel to the sheet of paper. You should draw with the edge of graphite. Try not to press too hard on the pencil so that the color of the donut comes out light. Cover all open part baked goods with a uniform grayish color. The area under the glaze should be made slightly darker than the overall tone of the baked goods. The same applies to the inside of the donut: the unglazed part should be painted there too. After this, carefully outline the entire drawing in order to make the lines darker and clearer and prevent them from merging with the painted part.

  • Step 11

Now it’s time to color the donut’s shadow. You need to cover this part with a dark gray, almost black color. Don't forget that the shadow under the object itself will be the darkest area. The farther from this place, the lighter the shadow. But try to make even the lightest part several tones darker than the donut tone. The softer the transition from tone to tone you can make, the neater the drawing will look.

  • Step 12

Inspect the drawing as a whole, if there are minor blots and errors, correct them. All dirt from the drawing must be carefully removed with an eraser. Now the picture is completely ready.

Bottom line

Now you know how to draw a donut. It turns out that it's not all that difficult, right? It is enough to be able to draw simple geometric shapes, what were you taught back in primary school schools. Knowing the algorithm, you can draw anything you want. You were convinced of this by learning how to draw a donut step by step.


1. draw a few more times, to consolidate the skill. If you do this enough times, the algorithm will no longer be needed in the future;

2. if you want to receive bright drawing, instead of a simple pencil At the coloring stage, you can use colored pencils or felt-tip pens. This will not change the algorithm.