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Food poisoning - quite common occurrence, which, as a rule, occurs not only in children, but also in adults. But if an adult body can easily tolerate this illness, then it will be much more difficult for a child.

Contents of the article:

Symptoms of food poisoning

The main symptoms that are typical for food poisoning are: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. These are the 4 main symptoms that almost always appear in a person if he has eaten something wrong. In addition, it is necessary to remember that important nuance that symptoms appear only 48 hours after the child has consumed the poisoned product. In this regard, a completely logical question arises: when in such a situation should you seek help from a doctor?
And if one of these symptoms is an increase in temperature, you can lower it using known means:

Food poisoning and the doctor

Actually, in any case, it is better to contact a doctor, and even more so, if the child has a fever as a result of poisoning, then it is better to do this as quickly as possible. This is especially important when the child is under 3 years old, because the consequences can be very severe. In addition, if your baby gets food poisoning and his health does not improve within two days, you will also have to urgently consult a doctor.

Mushroom poisoning

Another important nuance is food poisoning from mushrooms. Even if you are clearly sure that your child was poisoned not by mushrooms, but by some other product, but at the same time he recently ate mushrooms, you need to contact your pediatrician and get advice on what to do next, since mushrooms are a rather specific product, and if food poisoning occurred precisely because of them, there is a high probability of death. No less alarming reasons for which you need to urgently call a doctor are double vision, speech impediment and difficulty swallowing. All these are symptoms of botulism - dangerous disease which causes food poisoning. Botulism is typically a bacteria found in canned foods that is particularly potent.
Finally, you should immediately consult a doctor if your child develops a rash or starts vomiting blood.

Help with poisoning

If a child has eaten a spoiled product, and no more than 30 minutes have passed after that, you should try to induce vomiting until the microbe contained in the food begins to be absorbed by the body and intoxication occurs. Of course, before inducing vomiting, you should drink a couple of glasses of water. In order to induce vomiting in a child, you need to sit him down, carefully insert two fingers into his mouth and move them. Vomiting can also be induced using a spoon, placing it on the root of the tongue. If the child still cannot vomit, you need to give him activated charcoal. The calculation of activated carbon is 1g/1 kg of weight. Don't be afraid to give more, because it is not possible to overdose on activated carbon; it has no side effects.
After the charcoal removes toxins from the child’s body, it will be necessary to saturate the little body with the necessary vitamins. Oral rehydration products are great for this. It is important to remember that the temperature of the solution should be similar to the child’s body temperature so that the medications are absorbed into the blood as quickly as possible. To avoid causing vomiting while taking the medicine, give it in small portions, literally 2-3 sips per minute, so as not to stretch the stomach.
If the baby refuses to drink the solution, then give him liquid to drink under any pretext. Dehydration, as well as the presence of toxins from poisoning, can cause serious problems in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. The body must not be dehydrated, otherwise the fluid deficiency will be eliminated with IVs.

Causes of food poisoning

You need to know that every product contains bacteria, but in small quantities. At temperatures from +5 to +60 degrees, bacteria are able to multiply and, thus, be a threat to the body. That's why store food in a cool place to prevent bacteria from growing. In addition, bacteria actively multiply in humid conditions, so some products are specially dried for long-term preservation.

Prevention of poisoning

Each of us has an instinct and therefore, if some product or dish causes you doubts, it is better to refuse it. Besides, important rule is cleanliness, so keep the dishes clean, wash your hands before eating and teach your child to do this. Remember also about the rules for preserving food, about the temperature regime of the refrigerator.


Now you know what the symptoms of food poisoning are. The most common ones that cannot be confused with anything are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain. IN in rare cases Rash, fever, and botulism may occur. In case of serious poisoning, seek medical attention immediately.

If food poisoning occurs in mild form, you can get by with home treatment. To do this, to remove toxins from the body, you should give the child activated charcoal. In addition, the baby’s body must be saturated with water to avoid dehydration and prevent the occurrence of liver and kidney disease.

Finally, to avoid poisoning, be careful with your food and hygiene. Make sure that your child washes his hands thoroughly before eating, uses clean cutlery, and that food is always fresh and stored under optimal conditions. The refrigerator freezer should operate at a temperature of about -15 degrees, and the refrigerator itself should not exceed a temperature of +5 degrees.

In this article, experts in the field of nutrition and fitness will share their recommendations on what to do if you overeat. A specific algorithm of actions and nutritional features are given.

Balanced diet nutrition and weekly workouts - all this can burst in one moment as if " soap bubble"and the culprit of these consequences may be banal overeating. Of course, it was quite possible to restrain yourself from this by consuming in the form of teas and infusions that help get rid of acute feeling hunger.

Have you already given up and think that everything is lost? Don't rush to bury the dreams of creation perfect body. Below we will look at 11 effective steps to level out all Negative consequences luxurious feast.

Overeating: weakness or momentary insanity

According to statistics, about 70% of diet failures are observed in noisy companies, during holidays and buffets. Regardless of whether you are on a diet or not, the temptation to try any dish will not leave you until the end of the event. However, you should not reproach yourself if you showed such an oversight.

Overeating is a fait accompli

So, let's figure out what to do when overeating.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. psychological adaptation;
  2. correction of metabolic processes;
  3. continuation of the diet.

1. Psychological adaptation

Of course, if you are looking for an answer to the question of what to do if you overate too much, then you have experienced serious stress.

First of all, all our actions will be directed against this condition, since they are not so critical overweight, how many stressful situations.

First, accept the fact that you overate. This cannot be changed, but you can draw conclusions for yourself and not make such mistakes again.

Secondly, the fact that you consumed prohibited foods once will not affect the further process of losing weight.

There is nothing catastrophic about you losing your temper, this happens to everyone. The main thing is that you can now develop enough willpower to resist overeating.

You should not do intense physical activity for the next 5 hours.

2. Correction of metabolic processes

So, we have come to the sacramental part of solving the question of what to do if you have overate too much.

Let's look at what happens to our body when we overeat during a diet.

Basic postulates:

1. If you notice an increase in weight or individual parts body, apparently, this is excess water, which will be removed within a few days.

2. Overeating interferes with the normal process of losing weight, as the body begins to adapt to anabolic activity.

From all this it follows that you need to restore the correct rhythm of metabolic processes and continue the diet.

  1. on the same day, walking (about 3-5 km) at an average pace is recommended;
  2. Moderate activity in the gym is allowed (without additional load): running on the track, squats, lunges, hyperextension and twisting (abs);
  3. You should drink hot tea without sugar for the rest of the day (read);
  4. for dinner (18:00-19:00) eat about 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and a glass of milk;
  5. take a contrast shower in the evening;
  6. the morning begins with a glass of water (200 ml);
  7. for breakfast oatmeal(150-170 grams) with fruit (apples, raisins or dried apricots);
  8. During the day, foods containing fiber are recommended (salads with cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, etc.);
  9. drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
  10. for lunch fish, veal or chicken (50 grams), salad with vegetables (70-80 grams), buckwheat, rice or pearl barley (100 grams);
  11. Between meals, drink a glass of kefir (low percentage of fat).

In this case, we act on three targets:
  • normalization of gastrointestinal tract function;
  • removal of metabolic products from the blood;
  • burning extra calories.
In addition, we recommend that you learn about the properties; perhaps this exotic berry can help you maintain your figure.

If you notice other consequences of overeating: abdominal pain, belching, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, then you may need medication correction. We are talking about detoxification drugs (NaCl infusion, drinking plenty of fluids), the introduction of sorbents (activated carbon), enzyme agents (panzinorm, festal, etc.), vitamins C and B. These issues are resolved with the attending physician.

Typical mistakes after overeating

Unfortunately, many women resort to their own methods of eliminating the consequences. So, what is absolutely not allowed if you have overeaten:

1. Inducing vomiting. This leads to disruption of vegetative functions and digestion. This is a sure way to anorexia and wheelchair.

2. Ultra-intensive training. You can’t work hard in the gym, as you drive the body into a state of catabolism. Understand that the nutrients are still in the digestive canal and will not be burned.

3. Hunger strike. You cannot limit yourself in food, as this will lead to even more excess weight gain.

Prevention of overeating

Best Practices fight overeating:

1) if you notice such weakness in yourself, then it is better not to attend events at all where there are a lot of dishes that are not included in the diet;

2) if you really want to eat, you can drink a glass of water with 1-2 teaspoons of sugar, eat candy;

3) if there is an unjustified temptation to eat too much, then go for a walk or jog;

4) during the diet, give up prohibited foods;

5) let your loved ones help you during the diet and join you healthy eating;

6) try not to adhere to strict dietary restrictions, even for a short time, because... severe eating disorders occur most often after trendy diets. But, if you prefer this method of losing weight, then read the article

Molds are pathogenic microscopic organisms that appear almost out of nowhere. But for the fungus to appear on bread, appropriate conditions are necessary - high humidity in a room with poor ventilation. This is enough for spores to appear from the air and penetrate improperly stored products. But what happens if you eat moldy bread?

If mold enters the human body with bread, that's not fatal . What happens if you eat mold and don't notice it? In small quantities, the fungus may not be felt. There may be an unpleasant taste in the mouth. The stomach practically does not react to a large number of black mold.

This will play a bigger role psychological moment, if a person realizes that he has eaten a piece of bread with a moldy “additive” of white, black or another color. In suspicious people, this can cause nausea and even vomiting.

If you eat a lot of mold: consequences

Having seen mold stains on food, a person is unlikely to eat it. But when the fungus develops inside the loaf, microscopic spores may not always be visible when you cut into the bread. Therefore, a reasonable question arises: what will happen if you eat moldy bread in large quantities, will there be any harm to the body?

Once inside the body, pathogenic organisms lose the ability to reproduce due to lack of oxygen, but actively release the products of their vital activity - mycotoxins. They can be seen in the photograph from under electron microscope below.

Here they can harm humans in large quantities, causing negative consequences.

  • The liver is responsible for removing toxins from the body. If a person regularly eats moldy bread, this important organ will no longer cope with its function, and cirrhosis of the liver may develop.
  • One of the types of life activity of fungal spores is aflatoxins, which are more dangerous than mycotoxins. Their large accumulation in the body leads to severe poisoning with dehydration. An adult body is able to resist this disease, but aflotoxicosis can be fatal for children. And here only the doctor should decide what to do.
  • Accumulated in the body toxins released by mold can cause cell mutation over time, i.e. to the development of oncology.
  • In people prone to allergies, large amounts of mold eaten can trigger anaphylactic shock.
Particles of spores from bread during eating can enter the respiratory tract, and from there into the lungs, where there is a sufficiently favorable environment for reproduction (in other words, oxygen). This introduction will end with the development of bronchial asthma.

What to do if you do eat it

Realizing that moldy bread has entered the body, some begin to panic, fearing serious consequences. And sometimes they don’t even know what to do if they eat moldy bread. Although in case of such an oversight, a person can provide first aid to himself.

  • Enough drink an absorbent agent - activated carbon, which is taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.
  • Establish intestinal microflora the drug will help Enterosgel» . The attached instructions will tell you how to use it.
  • You can rinse the stomach with a weak solution of manganese, but you will have to drink at least 1 liter of liquid to provoke vomiting.
  • For those who can tolerate soda, you can try taking a solution (1-2 tsp per glass of water).
  • People with allergic reactions are recommended to take an antihistamine (Suprastin, Tavegil, etc.).
You should refuse to eat for several hours, while drinking a large amount of water acidified with lemon juice.

If a child eats moldy bread

A child's body is more sensitive to pathogens, and if a child has eaten moldy bread in considerable quantities, this can manifest itself as vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, and sometimes choking. Sometimes it is difficult to understand how much contaminated bread a child has eaten to determine the extent of the problem.

Overeating is a problem that every person probably faces: everyone loves to go to events where there is a lot of tasty food, which is not always healthy.

There are several ways to help ease bad feeling due to heavy food intake.

How to understand that you have eaten too much: signs of overeating ^

Many people cannot control their appetite for a number of reasons: these can be either psychological factors or one of the manifestations of gastrointestinal diseases. In the first case, you can fight the problem of overeating on your own, but in the second, you need to see a doctor.

The human stomach is capable of stretching under the influence of food entering it, 6 times more than its size at normal condition. Eating more food is dangerous for your health and overall well-being. Ideally, a person should eat only when hungry and consume small portions. But often we eat when we are bored, stressed, for company. Many people don't even realize that they overeat regularly.

You should always control yourself at the dinner table. The brain needs 15 minutes to understand that it is full, after which you will stop feeling hungry. Even if it seems to you that you are not full, wait a little, perhaps you have not realized this yet.

How to tell if you've eaten too much: symptoms

  • Heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, pain appears;
  • After dinner I suffer from insomnia;
  • If eating food took much less time than other family members;
  • None positive emotions, depression and shortness of breath appear;
  • It becomes difficult to move.

How to help your child

If a child has overeaten, lethargy, apathy and nausea additionally appear, and it is necessary to teach him to eat in moderation, otherwise he will continue to transmit it. This can lead to obesity and other complex diseases.

To alleviate the baby’s condition, you can give him a chamomile infusion, put him on the bed and help digestion mechanically:

  • You need to clench your palm into a fist and stroke your stomach clockwise around your navel.
  • Describe sufficient big circle, including the lower abdomen and the space 7-8 centimeters above the navel.
  • Under no circumstances should you press too hard.
  • Stroking will improve digestion, stimulate peristalsis, actually helping the bolus of food move through the intestines.

You can reduce the volume of your stomach using exercises borrowed from yoga. They are not complicated, so anyone can perform them, even without any physical training:

Diaphragmatic breathing

  • You need to lie down on a flat surface so that your back and buttocks are pressed tightly to the floor, and your arms are located along your body.
  • In this position, you need to take 10 slow deep breaths and the same number of exhalations.
  • It is important that with each breath you feel as if your chest is completely filled with oxygen.

"Dog's Breath"

  • Sit on a chair, straighten your back and relax your legs.
  • Pull your stomach in and take three short, quick breaths, hold your breath, and then exhale in the same way.


  • It is performed in the usual way - you need to stand on your elbows, pull in your buttocks and stomach.
  • Stay in this position for a minute.

What do food whims mean: what does the body lack?

How to cope with the symptoms of overeating at home: useful tips ^

In addition to spicy and fatty foods, there are two more foods that are most dangerous for humans:

  • Overeating garlic can lead to poor concentration and headaches, because... it contains toxic substances;
  • Overeating chocolate most often provokes obesity, increased blood glucose levels and insomnia.

If a person has overeaten and feels sick, you need to drink a few tablets of activated charcoal to cleanse your body.

  • Under no circumstances should you induce vomiting on your own, because... this may cause irritation of the mucous membranes.
  • When you have eaten too much and have already vomited, it is recommended to rest in bed for several hours, as well as drink weak, unsweetened tea and water, because. When vomiting, the body becomes dehydrated.

What to drink if you've eaten too much: how to quickly help yourself

If you feel like you've eaten too much, stop eating and cook for yourself:

  • A cup of tea with ginger;
  • A glass of water with lemon juice;
  • Take Mezim, Festal or Activated Charcoal.

  • Control your diet: it should contain a lot of vegetables, fruits and herbs;
  • Do not use spices and smoked meats - they increase appetite;
  • Eat meals often and in small portions;
  • visit more often fresh air and play sports;
  • Eat from smaller dishes.

Experience of our readers

We are publishing some responses sent to the editor about how they managed to get rid of frequent overeating:

Natalya, 28 years old:

“I used to have a habit of helping myself to a whole mountain of food and sitting down to eat in front of the TV, but the feeling of fullness did not come even when everything was eaten, and I went for new portions. As it turned out later, the lack of food control was to blame, because... At this time, my attention was riveted to the screen, and I ate not for satiety, but for pleasure. All you had to do was wean yourself off such dinners, and the problem was immediately solved.”

Lyudmila, 33 years old:

“The well-known and proven method worked for me: I drink 2 glasses of water 20 minutes before each meal. As a result, you end up eating much less than before, and this method also helps you lose weight.”

Olesya, 43 years old:

“I overcame my overeating this way: I made a nutrition plan, included a list of allowed foods in it and set myself the task of not deviating from it. Additionally, I chose a small plate for myself, from which I now eat all the time and don’t feel the heaviness that I had before.”