All paintings of the Orsay Museum. Museum d'Orsay

Winter is the time to gain strength, improve your health and treat your ailments. All year round Hundreds of resorts around the world welcome their sick and tired tourists, giving them vigor and health in return. Some offer thermal waters as a means of healing, others offer salt grottoes and healing mud. On some, treatment procedures can be combined with skiing, on others - with sunbathing and swimming in the ocean. And everyone, without exception, will give you an acquaintance with a new country, its culture, and traditions.

Of course, the most popular and familiar to us are the health resorts of the Czech Republic and Hungary. For more serious treatment, tourists go to Germany, Israel and Austria. But there are many places in Asia that make you feel young and healthy - India, Japan, South Korea. Let's get to know the most popular health resorts in the world.

Did you know that on the site of present-day Slovenia there used to be the Pannonian Sea, which, after drying up, left behind several beautiful healing places? So the most famous is the black water resort Moravian Toplice. Somehow half a century ago, they were looking for oil in these places. There was no oil, but at the drilling sites hot springs with black water began to bubble up, oily to the touch and with an oily smell. So they decided to open a health center in these places. Water from these sources perfectly helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory tract and skin. Today at the resort water treatments combined with acupuncture. This is environmentally friendly clean place built a water entertainment center (water park). Therefore, families with children often come here.

Although it’s a bit far for us to go to South Korea, the information will nevertheless be useful. There are a great number of hot springs in this country, and local residents have been using them for a long time. The most popular place in South Korea is Choksan (Gangwon Province). In the hot springs of this region, the water temperature does not drop below +60°C. And the composition of microelements in water allows you to treat literally all diseases. Another famous resort with thermal springs is Suanbo (Chungcheongbuk-do province). According to scientists, the springs of this region are more than 30 thousand years old, and they are located on the slopes of Mount Voraksan, at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level. In South Korea there is thermal resort Deoksan, where hotels have special Korean baths. They not only steam there, but also traditionally play chess, drink special herbal infusions, and even sleep. In general, a whole range of procedures.

If you ask where politicians, celebrities and the French aristocracy improve their health, we answer: they all relax on the island of Belle-Ile-en-Mer. Here are the best thalassotherapy centers in the country, where they perform wrapping procedures with seaweed, sand, water procedures with sea water rich in minerals, a complex of massages, relaxation that relieves stress, cosmetic procedures that work wonders on a person’s face and body. The most famous is the Castel Clara Thalasso & Spa resort. In addition to traditional wraps, clay procedures are carried out here, which not only provide a rejuvenating effect, but also remove toxins from the body.

A visit to the most healing lake in the world - the Dead Sea - gives a magnificent effect. If you want, you can go to the lively and noisy resorts of Israel. If you don't want to see crowds of vacationers, welcome to Jordan. Both there and there the result will be excellent. The healing properties of the Dead Sea - its salt and mud - were chosen by people several thousand years ago. After a set of procedures, you will be guaranteed not only rejuvenation and recovery, but for some, a cure for many diseases. Most spas in Israel are recognized as the best in the world. Moreover, you yourself can choose spa water in the pools, depending on the effect you expect - hotter or saltier. The same applies to sea mud.

The island of Ischia in the Gulf of Naples is famous for its thermal springs. They appeared as a result of volcanic eruptions. As for thermal water, scientists believe that it is the best in Europe. But not only water is used for treatment on the island. All “gifts” from the depths are used: volcanic ash, lava, mineral salts. The most popular place in the resort is the Giardini Termali Poseidon thermal park. Here you will find many hot tubs with hydromassages, swimming pools, and waterfalls. But the oldest, but nevertheless the most exclusive thermal resort is Cavascura, in the town of San Angelo. All procedures are carried out in caves and grottoes. This resort is well suited for people with respiratory problems. There are also spa centers on the island where you can go and relax for just one day. For example, the charming Negombo Giardini Termali thermal spa, which is located on a cliff in tropical bushes, with several pools and thermal baths.

Arriving in Austria, breathing in the mountain alpine air, you will already be halfway through treatment. Well, if you end up, for example, in Lens, you will take a course in early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of chronic diseases caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Qualified specialists will tell you about proper nutrition, they will prescribe a complex of cleansing procedures using alpine herbs, plant extracts and minerals that grow only in these places, courses of special gymnastics, and breathing procedures. All of them are aimed at cleansing the body and restoring it after a stressful life in a big city.

Sparkling springs of Spain

The Spanish town of Mondaris Balneario is the oldest spa center in Europe. They say that the ancient Romans came to these places, to the hot springs, to improve their health, and then they were popular with the Spanish royal nobility. The resort was officially opened only 140 years ago. That's when he really became famous favorite place persons of blue blood, Spanish bohemia and intelligentsia. Later, “tourists” from all over Europe began to come here for treatment. Many believe that the water in these places acquired miraculous properties thanks to filtration in the depths of Galicia. The springs here are carbonated and are used for both drinking and bathing.

Undoubtedly, the main attraction of Turkey is the legendary travertines. They are not only healing, but also very beautiful. These snow-white baths are located in Pamukkale, and are better known to tourists as “Cleopatra’s baths.” They contain a lot of calcium oxide, so these sources can treat many diseases. The water temperature in geothermal springs ranges from +35°C to +100°C. And they themselves are cascading terraces. IN last years You can see a large number of tourists here. For this reason, many travertines began to deteriorate and are therefore closed to access. But in some you are still allowed to swim.

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Many people are looking forward to the summer in order to spend a useful vacation, have a great rest and restore their health, but how can this be combined into one thing? It's simple, you need to go on vacation to health resorts. There are a huge number of them and they are all really very useful and effective. They are divided into different categories. There are mineral, thermal, balneological resorts, climatic resorts, natural inhalers and many others. Each category helps restore certain health deficiencies. Now let's move directly to the list.

Mineral resorts

They are great for helping people who are overweight, have digestive problems, have kidney and liver diseases, etc. By visiting healing resorts with mineral springs, you will significantly improve your health, and this will be noticeable, and after your vacation you will feel like you have been reborn. There are mineral resorts in the following countries:

  • Italy (Fiuggi);
  • Italy (Montecatini Terme);
  • France (Vichy);
  • Germany (Bad Homburg);
  • Germany (Bad Kissingen);
  • Czech Republic (Karlovy Vary);
  • Czech Republic (Marianske Lazne);
  • Slovenia (Rogaska Slatina).

It is best to go to the above-mentioned health resorts in the fall or spring, because... It is at these times of the year that diseases worsen. IN European countries and in autumn and spring it is quite warm and dry, so the weather will not be a hindrance to you, and you will have a wonderful rest.


This new technique treatment of chronic diseases is quite popular and effective. The meaning of balneotherapy is to use tap water with medications, salts, essential oils, etc. The methodology also includes yoga, massage, gymnastics and cosmetic procedures.

  • (Lausanne Palace, Mirador SPA);
  • France (Vichy, Evian, Kodaly);
  • Slovenia (Lake Bled).

Thermal spas

One of the most widespread medical resorts. They are useful for chronic diseases, bronchitis, and problems of the musculoskeletal system.

Treatment includes various beneficial saunas and steam baths, underwater gymnastics, and swimming. By the way, thermal spas significantly help to get rid of insomnia and chronic fatigue, which is not uncommon these days.

There are similar resorts in the following European countries:

  • Italy;
  • Slovenia;
  • Switzerland;
  • Austria;
  • Germany.

Natural inhaler

There is one similar place in Europe. It is located, and the place is called “Bad Kreuznach. Here the perimeter is surrounded by the so-called “blackthorn”. It is sprayed with special mineral waters, after which all the beneficial properties evaporate. Here, the air everywhere is saturated with ethereal vapors, which means that this place will perfectly help people suffering from asthma, asthma, bronchitis and other diseases associated with the bronchi and lungs.

There is no need to put off useful trips for later. It’s better to go to one of the above-mentioned resorts and it’s great than to constantly sit in smoky “ concrete jungle" In addition, these medical resorts are distinguished by their low cost compared to ordinary tourist countries and cities.

It's finally time for vacation. The time when you want to forget about the gray workdays and relax your soul and body. It can be difficult to fully relax, turning off your head, within your own city. Therefore, many people prefer to travel during the beach season. The choice of tourists now more often falls on foreign resorts. But in Russia there is a worthy alternative at an affordable price. Today we will look at the rating the best resorts in the world, restoring beauty and health, we will also talk about the medicinal properties and price of tours.

5 best resorts for wellness abroad

When choosing a place to relax, each person takes into account individual criteria. Some people just want to lie on the beach, while others plan to broaden their horizons and go on excursions. Tourists agree on one thing: vacation should be not only pleasant, but also useful. And first of all for health. After all, constant lack of sleep, overwork, and stress negatively affect both the appearance and the functioning of internal organs.

Here is a special selection of the most useful exotic resorts in the World.

Blue Lagoon in Iceland

Natural geothermal pools and a modern spa complex are among the best resorts and popular attractions in Europe. The Blue Lagoon is located on the Reykjanes Peninsula, which was formed from porous, hardened lava.

Uniqueness: Warm waters from milky to bright azure shades are rich in mineral salts, quartz and silicon. Blue-green algae and healing mud also have beneficial properties.

Treatment: The spa complex includes special procedures for cleansing and removing toxins using miraculous mud, as well as moisturizing and rejuvenating with azure algae. Swimming in natural pools has a beneficial effect on the skin and the functioning of the protective system.

Who is it useful for: people with dermatological diseases, especially recommended for psoriasis. Geothermal water fights cellulite, improves overall tone and has a relaxing effect.

Tour cost: from 40,000 rub. per person for 10 days of stay.

Dead Sea in Israel

It is considered the largest mineral lake and one of the wonders of the world created by nature. The reservoir is located in a hot desert, its level is 400 m below the world ocean. Due to high atmospheric pressure and climate, the water in the sea evaporates and salt is formed.

Uniqueness: this is the only place globe, which contains such an amount of oxygen: 10% higher than the usual norm. In addition, the ozone layer is thickest here. The air is saturated with minerals, and beneficial salt treatments help achieve a therapeutic effect. The lake contains half of the elements from the periodic table: sodium, magnesium, sulfur, iodine, iron, copper, etc.

Treatment: To improve your health, tourists swim in sea mineral waters or go down to special salt caves to take healthy baths. The resort's famous spa treatments are also popular, based on healing properties Dead Sea mud.

Who is it useful for: people with completely different diseases. Elements found in the air and waters help in the treatment of gynecological, neuralgic, skin, therapeutic diseases, as well as disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Tour cost: from 50,000 rub. for a trip for 10 days.

Salt lake Torrevieja in Spain

According to WHO, the climate in this area is one of the healthiest on the planet. The pink lake is extremely beautiful. The place attracts majestic flamingo birds and tourists who want to see it all. Many music videos have been filmed against the backdrop of Torrevieja.

5 Best Resorts Abroad: Torrevieja, Spain

Uniqueness: interesting jelly color, in which the pond is colored by algae. The lake is shallow, its healing properties lie in the content of pure salt and healing mud. In terms of therapeutic qualities, it is not inferior to the Dead Sea in Israel. The air is filled with iodine, salt and beneficial minerals.

Treatment: The entire body is rubbed with black mud, and a white mixture is applied to the face. After the layer dries, they go swimming in the salt lake. Finish the procedure by rinsing in fresh water.

Who is it useful for: people with problems with the skin, spine, joints, asthma attacks and other respiratory diseases.

Tour cost: from 30,000 rub. per person for 10 days.

Ibusuki in Japan

The place is called Japanese Hawaii, as well as “a city on warm earth» because of its oceanfront beaches, sand baths and unusual subtropical flora. The resort is fragrant with flowers and greenery. Ibusuki is famous for its mystical lakes and the majestic emerald Mount Cayman. Its height is 924 m.

Uniqueness: hot springs and sand baths, which in Japanese are called “sanamushi onsen”. They treat with underground, thermal energy. The tradition of burying yourself in hot sand originated here. After this procedure, a person feels as if he has been reborn.

Treatment: Specially trained staff gradually covers the visitor's body with sand, leaving only the head outside. The first sensations are not very pleasant: a slight burning sensation appears. But then you seem to begin to feel that the blood is new strength flowed through my veins. There is a feeling of complete renewal of the body from head to toes. You can wash off the sand by taking a dip in the sea or finish the procedure by taking a bath in thermal springs.

Who is it useful for: people with poor circulation, neuralgia, rheumatism, back problems. We also recommend the resort for general strengthening of the body and increasing body tone.

Tour cost: from 80,000 rub. for 10 days of stay.

Agus Quentes in Brazil

The natural resort is on the list of the most mysterious places South America. The valley with waterfalls and extraordinary landscapes is surrounded by jungle territory. Not far from the attraction there are hotels of different categories.

5 Best Resorts Abroad: Agus Quentes, Brazil

Uniqueness: warm thermal springs, rich in rubidium and other minerals. U local residents There is a legend that somewhere in the jungle there is an active volcano, which helps maintain a constant water temperature in the springs of +37° C.

Treatment: environmentally friendly air, health bath courses in thermal pools, spa treatments with healing mud, massage using exotic fruits. All this will help restore physical and mental health.

Who is it useful for: medicinal waters improve metabolic processes and are recommended for people with musculoskeletal disorders.

Tour cost: from 70,000 rub. for a ten-day trip.

At exotic resorts you can have a good time and improve your health. I wonder if there are places in Russia where relaxation is not only healthy, but also fashionable? Let's try to organize a vacation without a passport.

5 best resorts in Russia for health improvement

You can gain strength, strengthen your immune system and relax comfortably without leaving the country. Therapy with therapeutic mud, mineral waters and relaxing spa treatments are offered by resorts and sanatoriums in Russia.

Here is a selection of the most popular health-improving corners of the country.

Krasnodar region

A suitable route for people with digestive problems. Perfect for restoring physical and moral strength, as well as for those with nerves. The healing climate quickly puts your body and thoughts in order.

Healing properties: The sodium chloride waters of the Krasnodar Territory also contain iodine and bromine in small concentrations. This provides a gentle effect on the body and prevents the development of side effects from excess minerals.

Therapy: Mineral waters are used for food, for showering and bathing, and also for irrigating problem areas. Mountain air helps in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and improves.

Profile: Resorts in the Krasnodar Territory are indicated for disorders of the musculoskeletal system, nervous, digestive and genitourinary systems, as well as the respiratory system. The most popular cities are: Gelendzhik, Anapa, Sochi.

Price: from 17,000 rub. for 10 days of stay.

Coast of the Baltic Sea

A resort with a mild climate and a unique spa program. Known only here unique technique amber treatment.

Amber treatment on the Baltic coast

Healing properties: in the content of succinic acid. This substance is necessary for cellular respiration. It promotes rejuvenation and improvement of the body's condition. The mineral prevents the destruction of red blood cells and blood clotting.

Therapy: spa program, which includes a massage with amber crumbs. His useful material penetrate the body through pores. In addition, inhalations are carried out in amber rooms and a relaxing massage with the participation of the mineral is given.

Resort profile: disorders of the heart, blood vessels, joints and gynecological problems. Coniferous trees grow on the Baltic coast, so a holiday at this resort is also good for the lungs. Iodized sea air in combination with pine resins has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. This climate is shown.

Price: from 30,000 for a trip for 10 days.

Crimean peninsula

Here you can not only swim in the sea, but also roll around in the mud to your heart's content. The activity is fun and useful.

Mud treatment on the Crimean Peninsula

Healing properties: mud is a real cocktail of minerals. They contain: fluorine, lithium, enzymes, enzymes, and natural compounds that work like hormones and vitamins. This is what guarantees a healing effect on the body.

Therapy: For treatment, you can bathe in natural mud springs: Saki, Chokrak lakes, and also do appliqué and wraps.

Resorts profile: circulatory, metabolic, and musculoskeletal disorders. Mud treats skin problems, urological and gynecological diseases.

Price: from 20,000 rub. for a trip for 10 days.

Altai region

The largest resort is the city of Belokurikha. On the territory there are sanatoriums of different levels and specializations, as well as a ski resort. The area is famous for its deposits of thermal waters. In terms of weather and climatic conditions, it is comparable to the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Top best resorts in Russia: Altai region, Belokurikha

Healing properties: lie in radon sources with a unique composition. There are silicon and low-mineralized waters.

Therapy: mountain air, healing mud, thermal springs have a beneficial effect on the body. Sanatoriums offer a wide range of treatments using beneficial elements.

Resorts profile: mineral waters are used in the treatment of the endocrine, nervous, circulatory, vascular, and genitourinary systems. Rest is indicated for gynecological and urological problems.

Price: from 30,000 rub. per person for a 10-day ticket.


Kamchatka is practically the end of the world, but for the sake of thermal springs it is worth going on a long journey.

Top best resorts in Russia: Kamchatka

Healing properties: The main medicinal components of the springs are silicic acid, molecular nitrogen and thermal algae. The substances remove toxins, moisturize the skin and have a rejuvenating effect.

Therapy: For treatment you need to relax and take thermal baths.

Resort profile: circulatory diseases, nervous system, stomach, liver, metabolic disorders, as well as the consequences of thrombophlebitis.

Price: from 10,000 rub. for a trip for 10 days. It is worth considering that the road to Kamchatka can be much more expensive.

Do you know that water that smells of hydrogen sulfide is very healthy. This substance works as an antioxidant. Reduces the destructive effects of oxygen on tissues and rejuvenates the body.

Plan your vacation for health benefits. Mineral waters, salt and sand baths, amber spa, therapeutic mud, thermal springs will not only help strengthen your immune system, but will also allow you to take great selfies. It’s up to you to decide where it’s better to spend your vacation in Russia or abroad.

Medical and health tourism, in terms of importance, can be called the main type of tourism, since it is based on concern for human health as the main value of life. Medical tourism has rich history. In the 20th century, a whole resort industry emerged in the world, covering almost all countries and continents. On the basis of traditional climatic, balneological, and mud resorts, new forms of healing have appeared - SPA, wellness, fitness. The list of services provided by modern resort and sanatorium establishments often includes check-up programs.

European centers of medical and health tourism are widely known throughout the world.

The Czech Republic tops the list of European countries leading in the number of tourist arrivals for resort and sanatorium treatment. Every year it is visited by 50,000 people from more than 70 countries. The largest and most famous Czech health resort is. It is located in the west of the country. There are 12 springs in Karlovy Vary. The most powerful is Vrzhidlo. Diseases of the digestive tract and metabolism are mainly treated in Karlovy Vary. The resort of Frantiskovy Lazne is located in the western part of the Czech Republic. It is one of the oldest and largest resorts in the country and has global significance. Diseases of the circulatory system, heart defects and diseases of the musculoskeletal system are treated at this resort. 20 km north of Karlovy Vary at an altitude of 650 m above sea level is the resort of Jáchymov. It can be considered one of the largest resorts of world importance. Thermal radioactive springs, whose water temperature reaches 28°C, have healing properties. Such sources are very rare in the world. Jáchymov is the world's first radon spa resort. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and some diseases of the nervous system are treated here.

There are more than 300 resorts in Germany, which welcome over 1 million people from Europe, the USA and Canada. The most famous resort is Baden Baden, located in the Black Forest. In Baden-Baden, they focus on restorative procedures for rehabilitation, cleansing the body, and treating diseases of the blood, respiratory tract and nervous system.

The mountain and balneological resorts of Austria and Switzerland are also the main European destinations for health tourism. Located near Vienna, the resort of Baden is famous for its sulfurous water springs, and is also considered a favorite holiday destination for the world's creative intelligentsia. Natural sulfur springs of Baden are a panacea for many diseases. There are city baths located on them, which have recently turned into a huge health complex. During long baths, sulfur penetrates the body and has a healing and healing effect, improving metabolism.

Many world famous resorts and centers are located in France.

Italy has a number of excellent balneological resorts.

Medical and health tourism is developing rapidly in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and Bulgaria. Romania and Croatia also offer health programs at seaside and balneological resorts. Balneotherapeutic resort Naftalan, located 30 km south of Zagreb, in the small town of Ivanic Grad. It gained worldwide fame at the end of the 20th century, when rare sources of naphthalan were discovered while drilling an oil well. The healing properties of naphthalan have been known for more than 600 years. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. ointment made from naphthalan oil by the German engineer E.I. Eger and named “Naftalan” has found wide use in Western European countries, America, Japan and partly in Russia. It was used primarily to treat skin diseases.

Slovakia is rich in resort areas that are world famous. Such resorts include Piestany, a balneological resort in Southwestern Slovakia. It has healing thermal springs that help cure rheumatic and nervous diseases, and it is also a balneotherapy center for children over three years of age.

Spain, Portugal and Greece attract tourists as seaside resorts.

Traditional places of health tourism for residents of the CIS countries remain Israel (Dead Sea resorts), Egypt and Turkey with their sea climatic resorts.

In the last 10 years at a fast pace, taking into account the growing needs of vacationers and the latest trends in the development of global health tourism, this direction is developing in India and countries South-East Asia(Singapore, Thailand, China, Malaysia). As a rule, healing in newly built luxury SPA hotels and wellness centers also includes methods of oriental medicine, which are increasingly in demand among supporters healthy image life.

China is famous for its health and healing capabilities. Thanks to sea water, mild climate, gentle sun, traditional Chinese medicine and mineral springs (there are about 2 thousand springs in total). Acupuncture, aromatherapy, mud therapy, inhalations, therapeutic baths and wraps, balneotherapy, etc. are widely used in Chinese sanatoriums. Thanks to radon springs, sciatica and rheumatism are cured, and potassium-sodium sources are used to prevent and treat diseases of the nervous system, skin and respiratory organs. Hot springs attract thousands of people seeking to improve their health and recharge with positive energy.

On the American continent, the leader in health tourism is the United States. Most North American resorts are balneological, but they are visited mainly by Americans themselves. There are also climatic resorts, but US residents prefer to receive treatment and relax in the resorts of Cuba, the Bahamas and Central America.

Cuban climate therapy has a healing effect on the body through the central nervous system, skin and respiratory tract. The country's maritime climate helps increase metabolism and treats respiratory diseases. The high mountain climate will cure tuberculosis, respiratory diseases, nervous disorders and heart diseases. vascular system. You can also undergo a course of treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, digestive tract and orthopedic diseases. Thalassotherapy and SPA treatments can be offered at the Thalassotherapy Center in the province of Cayo Coco. Thalassotherapy has a beneficial effect on rheumatism, hypertension, arthrosis, and effectively combats stress and fatigue. Cuba's mineral and thermal springs are excellent for treating skin diseases and arthritis.

Australia has all the natural resources for health tourism, but due to the remoteness of the Green Continent, its resort hotels, like in the USA, are focused on receiving “domestic” tourists.

In Africa, health tourism began to actively develop not only due to an increase in the number of tourists in already known recreation and health areas (for example, in Egypt) but also in Tunisia, Morocco, Kenya and South Africa.

A fairly developed resort infrastructure is also available in the CIS countries. The resorts of Crimea and Truskavets (Ukraine), Jurmala (Latvia) are also widely known in neighboring countries. However, due to the discrepancy between the level of service and high international standards, most of these resorts attract only residents of these countries.

Currently, there are about 5.5 thousand health resorts in Russia, capable of simultaneously receiving 810 thousand vacationers. No other country in the world has a resort system of this scale. Russian resorts have almost all types of medicinal mineral waters, medicinal mud and other natural medicinal factors known in the world, including those that have no analogues in the world. The sanatorium-resort network covers almost the entire country, with the exception of certain sparsely populated regions of the North and Siberia.

Russian resorts have a real opportunity to compete not only in the domestic but also in the international tourism market. There are the following prerequisites for this:

The price of services is much lower than in Western resorts;
- the Russian school of balneology is more advanced than the Western one;
- the level of service is gradually approaching Western standards;
- excursion programs offered by our resorts are of higher standards.

Table 1

The most popular health resorts in the world

A country Resort Specialization
Czech Diseases of the digestive system, type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders, obesity; diseases of the musculoskeletal system; stress and disease of the nervous system, arthrosis, rehabilitation treatment, gynecological, skin diseases, hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system
Frantiskovy Lazne Diseases of the cardiovascular system, gynecological diseases, hypertension, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, metabolic disorders and endocrine glands
Austria Baden Rheumatic diseases, degenerative diseases of the spine and joints, arthrosis, rehabilitation treatment, general recovery, health training
Bad Ischl Diseases of the respiratory tract, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, urinary tract and digestive diseases
Germany Baden Baden Restorative procedures for rehabilitation, cleansing the body, treatment of diseases of the blood, respiratory tract and nervous system
Slovakia Piestany Arthritis, rheumatism, Bechterov's disease, arthrosis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, restorative procedures for the rehabilitation of the body, obesity
Hungary Szechenyi Baths Rheumatic, gynecological, skin diseases, as well as problems of the musculoskeletal system
Italy Montecatini Terme Dysfunction of the stomach, liver, kidneys and intestines, metabolic diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the upper respiratory tract
China Weihai Osteochondrosis and joint diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, diabetes mellitus, skin and gynecological diseases
Cuba Santiago de Cuba Rheumatism, allergies, skin diseases, respiratory tract treatment
Tunisia Tabarka Lung diseases, respiratory diseases, skin diseases, diseases of the oral mucosa and tongue, rheumatological diseases, stress
Monastir Cardiovascular diseases, treatment of rheumatism, treatment of arthrosis, pain (back, neck, joints, etc.), overweight, treatment of stress and depression
Greece Loutraki Liver diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, skin diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, paralysis, recovery from injuries, chronic pyelonephritis and cystitis
Thessaloniki Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the respiratory tract, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the joints and bones, rheumatism, sciatica, sciatica, gynecological diseases, hepatitis and cholecystitis, excess weight and cellulite
India Kerala Ridding the body of toxins, detoxification, strengthening the immune system, preventing various types of diseases

The resorts reviewed cover a wide range of diseases. The specialization of resorts depends on their location. For example, many resorts are located near mineral springs, which help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Some resorts specialize in the use of therapeutic mud, which helps to cope with many skin diseases.

In each country, medical and health tourism developed taking into account the availability natural resources, socio-economic conditions. At the same time, there is a trend in the world towards realizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle. An integral part modern system values ​​became concern for health and increased vitality. There is a growing number of people seeking to maintain good physical fitness along with spiritual enrichment.

CZECH Karlovy Vary

The healing traditions of the Karlovy Vary spring - geyser - go back 600 years. Its hyperthermal water is highly effective in treating:
- Digestive organs: chronic gastric dispersion, gastric and duodenal ulcers, postoperative conditions, chronic gastric catarrh, chronic and acute gastritis, functional bowel diseases, chronic constipation, irritations of the lining of the stomach and intestines, inflammatory bowel diseases, diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts with cholelithiasis disease or without it, postoperative conditions, conditions after acute inflammation of the liver, chronic hepatitis, steatosis, liver cirrhosis without complications, pancreatic diseases (pancreatitis), diabetes mellitus 1 or 2 degrees, cholecystitis;
- Metabolic disorders: disorder of fat (lipid) metabolism, disorder of uric acid metabolism (gout), obesity, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol
- Musculoskeletal system: dysfunction of the spine and degenerative-dystrophic changes in large joints, pain syndromes of the spine and joints, osteoarthrosis and arthrosis of large joints, osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar spinal column
- Stress, states of mental emptiness;
- Periodontal disease;
- General strengthening, preventive and health-improving treatment courses.

Various stenoses, obstruction or infection of the biliary tract, liver failure and exacerbations of chronic diseases, clinical signs of circulatory disorders, frequently recurring bleeding, malignant tumors, epilepsy, hypertension over 110 mm Hg, tuberculosis, psychiatric diseases, alcoholism, substance abuse, pregnancy.


The balneological resort is located within the Polabskaya lowland at an altitude of about 190 m, on the right bank of the Labe River. Known since the 17th century. The main natural healing factor is carbon dioxide hydrocarbonate sodium chloride calcium waters, containing large amounts of carbon dioxide, magnesium, lithium, bromine. iodine, sulfur compounds, etc. Used for baths and drinking. Mud therapy is used. The resort treats:
- All heart diseases: angina pectoris, condition after a heart attack, coronary artery disease, heart valve pathologies, congenital and acquired heart defects, heart defects of rheumatic origin, all conditions after heart surgery, treatment in preparation for heart surgery, heart rhythm disturbances;
- Vascular diseases: circulatory disorders, cerebral vascular spasms, high blood pressure, diseases of the arterial and venous systems (including arterial diseases), limbs of sclerotic, inflammatory or other origin, inflammation of the veins, diseases of the lymph nodes, conditions after vascular operations;
- Metabolic disorders: diabetes mellitus, obesity, high level cholesterol in the blood, lipid metabolism disorders;
- : pain syndromes of the spine and large joints;
- Some skin diseases: scaly lichen

Pregnancy, acute and infectious diseases, malignant tumors during treatment, as well as those progressing despite treatment; frequently recurring severe bleeding of all types, inability to take care of daily needs without assistance, as well as inability to move independently, alcohol addiction, use of other substances that are addictive and dependent.

Marianske Lazne

Since 1528, 40 mineral springs have been referred to as “restoring health” waters.
The resort treats:
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: metabolic diseases with joint damage, vertebral algic syndrome, painful functional disorders of the spine, post-traumatic conditions of the musculoskeletal system and conditions after orthopedic operations (using a joint prosthesis), deforming arthrosis, arthritis without inflammation, problems from wear and tear of the spine and joints, juvenile scoliosis ;
- Kidney and urinary tract diseases: non-tuberculous chronic inflammation of the urinary tract, chronic pyelonephritis, postoperative conditions of the kidneys and urinary tract, conditions after kidney transplantation, prostatitis;
- Non-tuberculous diseases of the respiratory system: chronic bronchitis, chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, allergic tract diseases, postoperative conditions of the lower respiratory tract, allergic rhinitis;
- Women's diseases>: inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs, disorders of ovarian function and development of the uterus, postoperative conditions of gynecological interventions and operations in the pelvic area, primary and secondary sterility, infertility, menopausal syndrome;
-Oncological diseases: rehabilitation after a course of oncological treatment;
-Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract in children aged 5 to 15 years: chronic inflammation of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, urinary stones, urolithiasis, postoperative conditions of the kidneys and urinary tract;
-Gynecological diseases in girls aged 5 to 18 years: inflammatory conditions in the pelvic area, prevention of sterility and disorders due to abdominal surgery.

Pregnancy, acute and infectious diseases, malignant tumors during treatment, as well as those progressing despite treatment, frequently recurring severe bleeding of all types, inability to independently meet daily needs without assistance, as well as inability to move independently, alcohol addiction, use of other substances that cause addiction and dependence.


Since 1910, braxiradium therapy has been carried out only in Jáchymov. This method of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system is based on the use of microdoses of gamma radiation. The unique properties of Jáchymov radon water are most effective in treating:
-Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: inflammatory: rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthropathy, Reiter's syndrome, spondylosis, ankylosing spondylosis, progressive polyarthritis; degenerative conditions after inflammatory processes in the joints, arthrosis, post-traumatic conditions, diseases of the back and vertebral joints, vertebrogenic pain syndrome, diseases of muscles, tendons, extra-articular rheumatism, Dupuytren's contracture; osteoporosis, complications after injuries and orthopedic surgeries;
-Diseases of the peripheral nervous system: neuralgia, including inflammatory and post-traumatic origin, neuritis of rheumatic origin, complications after operations, radiculitis of inflammatory and traumatic nature;
-Peripheral arterial diseases: arteriosclerosis of peripheral vessels, vasoneurosis, Raynaud's disease;
-Metabolic disorders: neuritis in diabetes mellitus, gout, acute forms of uratic arthritis;
-Geriatric diseases: restorative and restorative treatment for the elderly (according to the method of Professor Aslan).

Contraindications Tumors, acute infectious diseases, active form of tuberculosis, acute heart failure, acute psychogenic diseases

Frantiskovy Lazne

The history of the resort dates back to the 16th century, when mineral springs and carbon dioxide coming to the surface. began to be used to treat:
-Diseases of the cardiovascular system: coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, post-infarction condition, heart failure;
-Treatment of gynecological diseases: adnexids, metritis, inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia, conditions after gynecological operations, infertility, childhood gynecological diseases;
-Hypertonic disease;
-Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: metabolic diseases with joint damage, vertebral algic syndrome (back pain), painful functional disorders of the spine, post-traumatic conditions of the musculoskeletal system and conditions after orthopedic operations (using a joint prosthesis), deforming arthrosis, arthritis without inflammation, problems from wear and tear of the spine and joints, juvenile scoliosis;
-Diseases from metabolic disorders and endocrine glands: obesity, gout, constipation, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipoproteinemia;
-Rheumatism and its consequences: rheumatic cardiosclerosis, treatment of children with rheumatism.

Cardiovascular diseases in a state of decompensation, benign and malignant tumors, active tuberculosis, infectious diseases in the acute period.


Hajduszoboszlo, Gyula, Sarvar

The spas of Hungary are known throughout the world as “a Mecca for rheumatism sufferers and a paradise for bathers.”

Thermal infusions at 75 C, mud, mechanotherapy, physiotherapy are beneficial for those suffering from the following diseases: polyarthritis, chronic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, chronic neurological and gynecological diseases.



The resort is located 40 km north of the city of Plovdiv. The warm springs of Hissar with a total flow rate of over 4500 l/min were used by the Romans in the 3rd-4th centuries. AD. According to the chemical composition and physical properties of the water, they are characterized as alkaline, slightly mineralized, and highly thermal. sodium bicarbonate containing fluorine and radon and treats:
- Kidney diseases, chronic pyelitis and pyelonephritis; liver and gallbladder diseases, hepatitis, etc.
- Diseases of the digestive tract: chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic colitis, treatment of postoperative conditions; diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatism, lumbago, growths on the spine;
- Diseases of the nervous system: sciatica, neuralgia;
- Diseases associated with metabolic disorders.


Climatic and balneological resort at the foot of the Pirin mountain range at an altitude of 224 m above sea level on the banks of the river. Bistrita.

The climate is mild. close to Mediterranean. Winter is mild (January 2.4), summer is hot (July 24.6). Low-mineralized waters (49 - 83 C) are colorless, odorless with a pleasant taste, enriched with silicon and fluorine, and also contain trace elements of lithium, strontium, germanium, boron, etc. The main indications for treatment at the resort are nonspecific respiratory diseases (asthmatic bronchitis, chronic rhinitis, diseases of the organs of movement and support, metabolic disorders, diseases of the nervous system.



Treatment with sea mud and mineral water, and the use of physiotherapy are uniquely combined with swimming in the Adriatic Sea. The Igalo Institute has modern methods of clinical and functional diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system; skin; gynecological diseases; respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma. The resort is a great place for the rehabilitation of athletes. It has cardiology center


Dead Sea

A place with a colossal vector of cosmic energy and unique natural factors. There is 10% more oxygen in the atmosphere above the Dead Sea. than over other seas. This is the saltiest sea in the world. the waters of which have a pronounced anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect. trigger a number of biochemical processes in the skin, leading to a rejuvenating effect throughout the body.

Dead Sea water and mud are incredibly effective in treating psoriasis. vitiligo and various skin diseases.

Thermal waterfalls

Temperature over 40C, therapeutic mud. strong cosmic energy. ecologically clean nutrition, a complex of therapeutic and preventive procedures quickly restores a person’s strength after stress. severe fatigue and are very effective for treatment of joint diseases and rheumatism.



The balneological mud resort is located in the valley of the river. Vag at an altitude of 162 m, known since the 12th century. The climate is temperate, mild, dry. The average temperature in January is 1.4 C, in July 19.4 C. The main natural healing factors are springs with thermal water (up to 69 C) and healing mud. The resort is specialized for the treatment of diseases of the organs of movement and support, as well as the peripheral nervous system. Has the Institute of Rheumatic Diseases.

Trencianske - Teplice

Mud spa resort near Trencin, northeast of Bratislava. Located on the slopes of the Strazhovske - Vrhi mountains (in the Carpathian system), at an altitude of about 270 m, in the valley of the river. Teplichke (Danube basin). The climate is mild. The basis of the resort resources are sulfide thermal waters (37-40.2 C), with a high content of hydrogen sulfide, used for swimming and bathing, as well as sulfide-silt mud for mud therapy.

The resort is specialized for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the musculoskeletal system and the peripheral nervous system.

The healing properties of the resort's springs were known to the Romans. Mention of the waters from the 13th-14th centuries.



Balneological resort, located in the picturesque foothills of the Carpathians at an altitude of 400 m, in the valley of the river. Vorotische (Dniester basin). On the slopes of the mountains - mixed forests(oak, beech, fir..) 120 km from Lviv. The climate is temperate continental. Winter is moderately mild (January -6 C), summer is warm (July 20 C). The history of the resort begins in 1827. The main natural healing factor is mineral waters of different chemical composition and mineralization (“Naftusya” - hydrocarbonate - sulfate calcium - magnesium). The water is used for drinking, bathing, irrigation, inhalation and other procedures. The resort uses peat treatment, ozokerite, and artificial carbon dioxide baths.

The resort treats patients with diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, stomach, liver and biliary tract, metabolic disorders, prostate adenoma, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Balneotherapeutic and climatic resort of Crimea, located on the shore of the drainless salt lake Saki. Climate with mild winters (February -1C), very warm summer(July 23C). The main natural healing factors are silt mud and brine of Lake Saki and mineral waters (sodium bicarbonate-chloride, which is used for baths and drinking treatment, and is also bottled (“Crimean”). Mud therapy and balneotherapy are used for diseases and consequences of injuries to the musculoskeletal system and support, central and peripheral nervous system, for gynecological diseases and concomitant diseases of the digestive organs.

They use climatic and thalassotherapy, physiotherapy, physical therapy, massage, etc.

The oldest mud resort, which was written about by the Roman writer and scientist Pliny the Elder back in the 1st century. AD



Balneological resort in the Altai Territory, 250 km from Barnaul and 75 km from Biysk. Located in Altai, in the spurs of the Cherginsky ridge, protected from the winds by the ridges of the Tserkovka, Kruglaya, and Shishi mountains. The climate is continental. Winter is moderately cold (January -17 C), summer is warm (July 20 C). The main natural healing factor is low-mineralized radon thermal (27.6-42 C) nitrogen-siliceous sulfate-bicarbonate sodium waters, containing calcium, magnesium, chlorine, small amounts of manganese, lead and other elements, as well as dissolved and free gases - nitrogen, radon, argon, xenon, helium, etc. Water is used for baths, drinking, inhalation, radon applications, irrigation. They use aeroheliotherapy, physical therapy, and physiotherapeutic procedures.. The resort provides treatment patients with diseases of the circulatory system, movement and support, nervous system, gynecological diseases. as well as metabolic disorders. She receives children with rheumatism.