I don't need Boba Fett dead. Weapons and devices

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Boba Fett ( Boba Fett) is a ruthless bounty hunter clone Mandalore from the Star Wars universe. First famous hero appeared in the movie "Attack of the Clones" as a little clone boy. His history is filled with Legends and only a small part of the Canon (original history).

Boba was created on the planet Kamino around 32 BBY, at the request of Jango Fett ten years before the Clone Wars. Django wanted an heir, which he received in the form of little boy clone, unlike other clones, which were made exclusively as adults.

The boy grew up under the supervision of Fett, who took care of him as if he were his own son. In addition to Django, Boba was looked after by the hunter Zam Wesell and the Kaminoan Ton Vi, who was considered the boy's adoptive mother.

Boba did not go to school and received most of his knowledge from travel and books. He acquired his fighting skills by training with adult clones.

Little Fett followed his father almost everywhere, who carried out dangerous missions, hired by Darth Tyranus known as.

Attack of the Clones (Canon)

In Attack of the Clones, we first see Boba, played by Daniel Logan.

Boba was about 10 years old when a Jedi arrived on Kamino to investigate the assassination attempt on the Naboo senator (which was committed by Django). Then Kenobi and the Jedi Council learned of the creation of a clone army for the Republic.

Django and Boba quickly left the planet on the ship Slave 1. There was also a small battle with the Jedi, which ended in a draw.

Boba and his father went to Geonosis, to their employer Dooku, trying to shake the persistent Kenobi off his tail. On the planet, the mercenary and son witnessed the beginning of the Clone Wars. When Separatists opposing the Republic tried to execute the captured Jedi: Kenobi, as well as Senator Amidala, clone troops invaded Geonosis.

Boba watched his father from afar and saw how the bounty hunter, having fought with the master, was defeated and lost his head. After the battle between the Separatists and the Republic clones left the Arena, Boba was finally able to emerge from hiding and retrieve his father's helmet. He swore revenge on Windu.

“Maybe I would have grown up to be a nice guy if the Jedi hadn’t cut off my father’s head right in front of me!”

Becoming a Bounty Hunter (Legends)

The death of his father came as a shock to young Fett. The boy blamed the Jedi Order, especially Master Windu, for the fact that he was left alone. The desire to get even with the Jedi forced Boba to team up with the bounty hunters Bossk, Aurra Sing and Castas.

To begin with, Boba was introduced into a brigade of young clones who worked together with Anakin Skywalker and Windu, but nothing came of it. All attempts to kill the master ended in failure.

Along with Aurra, Bob was shot down by the Star Destroyer Steadfast., taking hostages and demanding Windu's appearance. When Sing killed Castas's companion, Boba finally saw how cruel she was and repented of what he had done, however, it was already too late, as the Jedi Plo Koon and the Padawan were on Fett's trail.

After Fett's arrest, Kun found out from him the location of the hostages who had been freed by Tano. Along with Bossk, Boba was sent to prison on Coruscant. There, the boy personally met with Windu, to whom he told about his hatred of the master and regret for what he had done.

In 21 BBY, Boba managed to escape from prison. He traveled to Tatooine, where he was recruited by Jabba the Hutt in return for a debt to his father.

In 19 BBY, the hero learned that Windu had died. At the same time, the Republic was reorganized into the Galactic Empire.

In 15 BBY, Fett decided to begin normal life", after which he married the bounty hunter Sintas Vel. The girl gave birth to a daughter from Boba, whom she named Eileen. Unfortunately, Fett had to leave his family.

In 5 BBY, Boba received an order for Han Solo., but he managed to escape.

At this time, the mercenary also carried out some tasks from. Among the orders from the Sith Lord was an investigation into the death of Padmé Amidala.

The Empire Strikes Back (Canon)

The subsequent hunt of the matured Boba was to capture the elusive Han Solo. Fett followed him everywhere until Darth Vader gathered mercenaries who could track the movement of his ship. Boba was the only one who succeeded and Together with Vader, he set a trap for the Falcon on Bespin.

Solo was frozen in carbonite and given to a mercenary by agreement. Finally, the smuggler was caught and Boba went to Tatooine to join Jabba.

For Solo, Fett received 250,000 credits, instead of 100,000.

“Is this little sculpture Han Solo? No. What I brought was art, art created by the Dark Lord who used Solo as material."

The Hutt asked Fett to stay in the palace in case the captain's friends came for him.

Return of the Jedi (Canon)

Boba appeared in the 6th film, where his role was quite small.

As Jabba expected, his friends came to save Khan, and, who were also captured. Princess Leia was given to Boba as a concubine, but Fett refused her due to moral concerns.

Boba stayed behind to execute his friends at the Carkoon Sinkhole, trying to convince Jabba to give Skywalker to him. After the Hutt refused, the mercenary decided to save Luke and then deliver him to Vader.

During the execution, the prisoners managed to free themselves and practically destroy all of Jabba's apprentices, including himself. Boba himself fell into a Sarlacc pit in a fight with Solo and was considered dead.

Afterlife (Legends)

After killing the Sarlacc with a rocket, Boba was saved.

He for a long time was in the shadows, since everyone believed him to be dead, but when the impostor appeared, Boba was forced to appear in order to deal with the scoundrel who had appropriated his name and achievements.

Soon, Fett replaced as head of the Mandalore— Fenna Shisu, on the planet Mandalore.

24 ABY, Boba made a deal with Nom Anor (Yuzhan Vong), not realizing who he really was.

When, in 25 ABY, a bloody war broke out with the Yuuzhan Vong, a previously unknown race, Boba decided not to terminate the treaty and ingratiate himself with the invaders in order to recognize them weak sides. Fett secretly passed information to the New Republic, however, his efforts were not appreciated.

The Mandalorians managed to work for the enemy for a long time, sending information to the Republic, until they were figured out in 29 ABY. Boba, together with his people, managed to conquer such planets as Ord Mantell, Tolatin and Gindin. As a result, the war was ended in victory through joint efforts.

In 40 ABY, when Boba turned 73 years old, he learned that he was seriously ill and had only two years to live. Before Fett died, he decided to find his daughter Eileen and choose a new leader to take his place.

Looking for my daughter Boba was saddened to learn that she had been killed by Han Solo's son -. Now this Jedi has become the number one target for the mercenary. Despite the sad news, Boba found out that he has a granddaughter Mitra Gev, who found him herself and tried to kill him because he abandoned her grandmother and mother. The grandfather and granddaughter, who became a bounty hunter, reconciled, after which they reburied the body of Jango Fett and Eileen on Mandalore.

Soon, Fett was cured with the help of a bone marrow transplant. After learning what was happening to Jacen Solo, who had become a Sith Lord, Fett sent Han a sympathetic gift, hinting at his son.

Together with his granddaughter, Boba found out that his wife Sintas was still alive and returned her to Mandalore. In return for the lost years, Fett gave his wife a pendant that contained all the codes for the hunter's huge property.

After a while, Han's daughter flew to the planet, who wanted to learn from Fett the techniques of killing Jedi, because she wanted to kill her brother Sith.

“Fett, you can teach me how to destroy the Jedi. You did this quite often."

Solo became very friendly with Mythra and helped Fett's Mandalorians in several military operations, becoming their friend in arms. Although Jayna made friends with Boba's people, he treated her strictly and rudely, since he did not see the difference between the Jedi and the Sith.

After Solo's victory over her brother, Fett witnessed the wedding of Mythra, who married the Mandalorian Ges Orade.

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Boba Fett's Checkered Past - illustrative example of how confusing the sequence of events in the Star Wars Expanded Universe can be. early years his life was shrouded in mystery until the mid-90s of the last century.

For a time, his official biography included references to his work as a professional body cutter with Concord Down. Then Episode II came out, from which everyone learned that Boba Fett is an unmutated clone of a mercenary named Jango Fett. His past has been completely rewritten. In honor of the anniversary of Boba Fett's appearance in the animated series The Clone Wars, Star Wars Insider magazine published a retrospective of Boba Fett's more than thirty years of history.

I present this selection here virtually unchanged, with only a few notes in italics. The footnotes given in the text are taken from the Boba Fett article on Wikipedia.

In November 1978, during the TV show " The Star Wars Holiday Special" featured an 11-minute animated video produced by Nelvana Studios that introduced Boba Fett to a wider audience for the first time. This happened a year and a half before the release of The Empire Strikes Back. In this story he turns on friendly relations with Luke Skywalker, only to later confess to him that he is an agent of Darth Vader. However, Boba Fett's very first appearance in public took place on September 20, 1978 in San Anselmo, during the traditional fair parade .

In 1979, Kenner Products announced that exclusive Boba Fett collectible figures would be sent free with the purchase of four other Star Wars figures. The box with the description was covered with a sticker, from which one could guess Fett's role in the sequel star saga. By the way, the toy's original ability to fire a rocket from Fett's backpack was later removed for safety reasons.

Boba Fett debuts on big screen Occurred in the movie The Empire Strikes Back. Although he only speaks four lines throughout the film, this did not stop Fett from immediately entering the pantheon of beloved Star Wars characters. Fett clearly proved that he was not to be trifled with when he loaded Han Solo's carbonite-frozen body into the Slave I's cargo bay.

Lucas once had the idea of ​​showing Vader and Fett as brothers in a Star Wars prequel, but decided against it because he thought it would be too "melodramatic."

In June 1980, Boba Fett made his first appearance in Star Wars fiction: in the daily newspaper L. A. Times Syndicate published a black-and-white comic arc titled "The Frozen World of Ota" by Russ Manning and Don Christensen. In this comic, contrary to the Holiday Special cartoon, Luke meets Fett again for the first time.

In February 1983 A flashback from Marvel's Star Wars #68 places Boba Fett among the Mandalorian supercommandos who fought in the Clone Wars.

In September 1985, Fett appeared on television for the first time - in the animated series "Droids" produced by the same studio Nelvana, in the episode entitled "Race to the Finish". In this episode, crime boss Sise Fromm hires Fett to kill a speeder racer named Thall Joben. According to the official Star Wars timeline, Droids takes place before Fett's first appearance in the Holiday Special; also in both of these series, R2-D2 and C-3PO supposedly meet Fett for the first time.

In the Dark Empire comic series, published in 1991–1992, it was said that Fett was able to escape from the belly of the Sarlacc and survived . George Lucas discussed including a scene where Fett was released in Return of the Jedi, but later abandoned the idea because it would have distracted audiences. He chose to leave the issue of Fett's "rebirth" to the discretion of the Expanded Universe .

In November 1994, The Star Wars Galaxy, series two trading card set was released, which featured a card featuring Fett by artist Dan Brereton. In Brereton's interpretation, Fett was a man with white hair, pierced ears and a goatee. Whether this image was the then-official canon image of Fett without his helmet has remained a matter of debate.

The article on Boba Fett in the Essential Guide to Characters, published in November 1995, was the first attempt to connect all the previously published facts into a coherent whole - despite numerous contradictions. The article was the first to reveal that Boba Fett was a professional bodyguard from Concord Down. This piece of Fett's biography was a kind of teaser from the upcoming Star Wars Tales anthology in 1996.

December 1996. "The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett" by Daniel Moran from Tales of the Bounty Hunters reveals a small piece of past life Boba Fett when he was Jaster Meryl - a man convicted of murder. Meryl had to hide her real name and become Boba Fett; The Mandalorian armor became simply part of the mystery image - without any connection to the Clone Wars mentioned in early Marvel comics. One interesting scene from this story allows us to expand our understanding of Fett's character a little: when he is left alone with Princess Leia, given to him by Jabba the Hutt as a slave, it is discovered that he considers premarital relations immoral.

January-February 1997 New Hope and Return of the Jedi Special Editions include re-shot scenes with Boba Fett. In A New Hope, Boba is part of Jabba's entourage in docking bay 94, looking at Han Solo. In Return of the Jedi, Boba Fett flirts with one of Jabba's dancers, giving fans reason to rethink his previous statements regarding premarital affairs.

April 1997. Boba Fett plays a very significant role in the storyline of the multimedia project Shadows of the Empire, mainly in the six-issue comic series authored by John Wagner. The comic chronicles the rivalry between Fett and his bounty hunter "buddies" in their desire to receive a reward for the capture of Han Solo.

March 1998. Ann Crispin's Rebel Dawn, the third installment in the Han Solo trilogy, explores Fett's long-standing relationship with Solo and Lando Calrissian. Having followed the intricately intertwined destinies of Fett and Solo, we learn that Fett once had to act as a sad messenger and tell Solo about the death of his former girlfriend, Shira Brie.

In July 1998, the first novel in the Bounty Hunter Wars series, The Mandalorian Armor by C. W. Jetter, was published. It shows Fett's role in the demise of the Bounty Hunters' Guild. From the book we also learn about Boba Fett's most exotic partner during his early career - D'harkhan, a mercenary with a blaster for a head.

April 1999. In the fourth issue of Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire by the same John Wagner, the bounty hunter almost lost his life during a skirmish with Darth Vader on the planet Little Marix.

1999–2002. When George Lucas wrote the script for Attack of the Clones, it became clear that the previous Boba Fett stories in the Expanded Universe would have to be rewritten - or even abandoned entirely. In creating Star Wars Bounty Hunter and its tie-in comic, Jango Fett: Open Seasons, the Lucas Arts writers tried to honor Boba Fett's legacy while still staying true to Lucas' direction. From now on, Django was born on Concord Down, not Boba, and Jaster Meryl became an independent character - a Mandalorian who adopted Django.

IN literary sources Expanded Universe stories published prior to the release of Attack of the Clones offered many versions of what Fett's past was like. He was presented either as a stormtrooper who killed his commander, or as the leader of the legendary Mandalorian warriors, or as a professional bodyguard, Jaster Meryl. Karen Traviss' novel Bloodlines (2006) states that most Boba himself spread these legends .

December 2000. Issues #1–5 of Star Wars Underworld by Mike Kennedy and Carlo Meglia show Boba working for Jabba along with some smugglers and bounty hunters: including Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Greedo, Bossk, and Dengar. They are looking for the Yavin basilica.

March 2001. The seventh issue of Star Wars Tales, "Outbid but Never Outgunned", featured Boba Fett's relationship with a bounty hunter named Sintas and stated that they had an affair. common child. Although Star Wars Tales issues 1 through 20 were later classified as "non-canonical" Infinities, an article in Star Wars Insider magazine announced that Fett's daughter, named Aileen Vel, is part of the official canon. Eileen later appeared in the novel Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines, which takes place 40 years after A New Hope.

April 2002. Scholastic's six-volume Boba Fett series for young readers began with Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive by Terry Bisson. The story takes place shortly before and during Episode II. Books 3 to 6 were written by Elizabeth Hand. The series follows Boba's loss of his father and his struggle to survive in a galaxy engulfed by the Clone Wars. Storylines include Boba Fett piloting the Slave I under the guidance of Aurra Sing, and how Kon plots revenge against Mace Windu. Subsequently, Boba learns the greatest secret of the galaxy: Count Dooku, the leader of the Confederacy, also known as Darth Tyranus, is the same man who persuaded Jango to become a DNA donor for the production of an army of clones.

May 2002: with the release of Attack of the Clones, we finally learned how George Lucas himself imagines Boba Fett's past. A clone of Jango Fett, the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy, the original template for the creation of the mysterious Republic clone army.

August 2002. Despite the fact that Infinities: The Empire Strikes Back #2 is not canon and has a Star Wars "What If..?" attitude, this issue featured Boba Fett as an adult for the first time since Episode II without a helmet.

January 2003. In Star Wars Empire #4: Betrayal, Boba Fett is seen seeking the help of Darth Vader. Events take place shortly before A New Hope.

April-May 2003 In the books “Episode II Adventures #4: Jango Fett vs. the Razor Eaters" and "Episode II Adventures #5: The Shape-Shifter Strikes" by Ryder Wyndham show Django and Boba shortly before the events of Attack of the Clones. The plot centers on the rivalry between the Trandoshan father-son duo of Kradossk and Bossk and the duo of Jango and Boba Fett.

April-July 2005 Jude Watson's books "Last of the Jedi #1" The Desperate Mission" and "Last of the Jedi #2: Dark Warning" show Boba Fett and the blaster-headed D'harkhan hunting the Jedi.

July 2009: At Comic-Con International in San Diego, several pages from the book “The Art of Star Wars: The Clone Wars” are shown, where concept art of Boba Fett from the second season of the television series “The Clone Wars” is presented for the first time.

By the way, the appearance of Fett himself was borrowed from early concept art of Darth Vader, who was originally supposed to be a stern bounty hunter. As the scripts made Vader more and more like dark knight, than a mercenary, the concept of a bounty hunter was rejected. As a result, Fett came up with her as a character “no less villainous, but not so mystical” .

Trank, director of Chronicle and Fantastic Four, was set to direct the second spin-off in the so-called Star Wars anthology. First similar project headed by Gareth Edwards. His tape is called Rogue One, main role will be played by Felicity Jones, and he will talk about the events surrounding the theft of the drawings "Death Stars".

Rumors about the plot of the second spin-off were quite different. However, The Wrap website claims that the film will tell about the development of one of the most mysterious and fan-favorite characters of the original trilogy - the Mandalorian mercenary Boba Fett.

Boba's father, Jango Fett, was also a famous bounty hunter. According to the events of the new trilogy, Boba is a clone of Django. Boba worked for the Empire, collaborated with Darth Vader and carried out tasks of such space bandits as Jabba the Hutt. For the last Bob Fett caught Han Solo.

Joshua Trank's exit from the project, according to insiders, is due to his behavior on the set of "Four", whose producer Simon Kinberg is working on the second Star Wars spin-off. Lucasfilm considered the participation of the unreliable director impossible and said goodbye to him. Then there were rumors that even “Chronicle” was not Trank’s brainchild. They say that the final version was trimmed by the producers. If Fantastic Four performs poorly at the box office, the director's future career will be in big doubt.

Meanwhile, it became known that filming of the eighth episode of the franchise will take place in London, at the studio Pinewood. For the UK, this will be a very profitable union: the studio will attract capital to the country in the amount of $152 million and create 3,000 jobs.

Episode 8 will be directed by Rian Johnson. Filming is scheduled for 2016 with a release in May 2017.

In honor of May 4th, when International Star Wars Day is celebrated (the phrases “May the Force be with you” and “May The 4th be with you” are similar in English, but in Russian “May the Force be with you” and “May the Force be with you” May 4th with you” are incomparable), Vanity Fair magazine published photographs by photographer Annie Leibovitz taken on the set of the film “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”. Some facts have become known.

Adam Driver really plays the villain. His name is Kylo Ren, and the cross-shaped lightsaber from the first teaser belongs to him. Of course, fans have long identified the actor, but official confirmation just appeared yesterday.

Lupita Nyong'o will not be seen in the film: the actress plays a computer-generated character, a pirate named Maz Kanata. Which side of the Resistance Maz is on has not yet been revealed, but note that the Rebel Alliance is now called the Resistance.

Boba Fett: character history

A minor character in the Star Wars universe, a bounty hunter from the planet Kamino, a human, a clone. Boba Fett stands on the side of the Galactic Empire, collaborates with. He captured a smuggler and froze him in carbonite.

History of creation

The concept of Boba Fett was born from early designs on Darth Vader. The creators of the Star Wars film saga initially conceived Darth Vader as a space mercenary and bounty hunter. However, this image transformed along the way and took the form of a certain galactic fallen knight. The "criminal element" did not come out of Vader, but the ideas and sketches of that time, created by artist Ralph McQuarrie, formed the basis for the image of Boba Fett.

The character first appears on television in the film "The Star Wars Holiday Special", in an animated sequence that lasts only 11 minutes. This insert tells how Luke Skywalker went in search of Han Solo. Luke's fighter crashes into heavenly body, and Boba Fett comes to the hero's aid. The two characters search for Han Solo's ship, but then it turns out that Boba Fett is a supporter of Darth Vader. A skirmish occurs between the heroes, after which Boba disappears.

After appearing in "The Star Wars Holiday Special" minor character Boba Fett, unexpectedly for his creators, turned into a favorite of the public, who began to look forward to Boba's appearance in the film The Empire Strikes Back. The role of Boba was played by British actor Jeremy Bullock, who was replaced by John Morton in one of the scenes. The same Jeremy Bullock plays the role of Boba in the film Return of the Jedi.

When developing the image, Boba paid special attention to the armor, which continued to be perfected during filming. Many fans attribute the popularity of Boba to its bright and memorable appearance. At the same time, the hero has no more than four phrases for the entire original Star Wars trilogy.

Still from the movie "Star Wars"

In the 2002 film Attack of the Clones, Boba's role expands. Viewers see the hero as a child, performed by a young actor from New Zealand, Daniel Logan. Boba's past comes to light. Mandalorian mercenary Jango Fett raises his own clone as the son, giving him the name "Boba". Later, Boba's father is killed by a Jedi, and the hero vows to avenge the death. Boba's father was also played by a New Zealand actor, and the filmmakers gave the Mandalorians features of the Maori - the indigenous people of New Zealand.

Boba appears again in the special episode " New Hope", which was released in 2004. There, the character appears on the landing pad, where Han Solo talks with. IN original version film, released in 1997, this scene was cut, Boba Fett was completely absent from it, and Jabba the Hutt looked completely different.

Boba Fett also appears in the Star Wars books. There are even novels where Boba became the main character - Boba Fett: Fight to Survive and Crossfire by Terry Bisson. Here the hero's past, childhood and Boba's life after the murder of his father are revealed. Bob's boy is lonely, friendless and driven by a thirst for revenge and the desire to become a bounty hunter. On the planet Raxus Prime, the orphaned hero meets the Count, the leader of the Separatists. Boba becomes embroiled in the Clone Wars.

There is also a comic book series called Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire. And in the Star Wars comic book series, there is the arc "Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead", where a group of mercenaries deals with Boba, but a certain a mysterious stranger immediately begins to take revenge.

"Star Wars"

Boba Fett is a clone of bounty hunter Jango Fett from the planet Kamino, whom he raised and trained as his son and heir. As a child, Boba did not attend school because he traveled with his father. Young Boba met Count Dooku, the Sith Lord, thanks to the fact that Jango Fett carried out some missions on behalf of Dooku.

During another trip, Jango Fett used his own son as bait, wanting to lure out into the open the man he was going to kill. Boba was not at all offended by his father’s “trick” and continued to remain loyal to Fett Sr.

When Boba was ten years old, he and his father had to flee the planet Kamino because of a Jedi who arrived to investigate an assassination attempt on a senator and discovered a huge army of clones created for the Republic. It was safer for the Fetts to disappear from the planet until the investigation was officially completed.

Boba and his father fly to the planet Geonosis, but Obi-Wan tracks down the heroes. The Fetts tried to throw Obi-Wan off his tail in the asteroid belt, but the maneuver failed, and the Jedi quietly followed them. On Geonosis, a skirmish occurs between the Jedi, who arrived to save “their own,” and the soldiers of the Republic. Jedi Mace Windu blew off Boba's father's head right in front of the hiding boy. After the battle ended, the hero came out of hiding to pick up his father's helmet and swore revenge on the Jedi.

Later, young Boba Fett becomes disillusioned with Count Dooku and flies to Tatooine, where he offers his own services as a bounty hunter to Jabba the Hutt. The hero does not forget about his intention to take revenge on his father’s killer and for this purpose he arranges the crash of an entire space cruiser. Ultimately, the hero goes to prison for assassination attempt, but never kills the Jedi who killed his father.

One of Boba's big "achievements" was capturing Han Solo. Darth Vader promised a huge reward to anyone who could capture Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon. Boba tracked down Solo and informed Vader where he was. Vader and a squad of stormtroopers arrived on the planet where Han Solo was hiding and demanded the hero's extradition.

Having obtained Solo, Vader freezes him in carbonite. Vader then gives the frozen Solo to Boba, who intends to take Solo to Tatooine and give it to Jabba the Hutt, to whom Solo owes a debt.

On Tatooine, Boba received the desired reward from the Hutt, and friends tried to save Solo - and Chewbacca. The Rescuers, however, are themselves captured, and Jabba the Hutt sends Leia as Fett's slave and concubine. Here the villain Boba shows high moral stability and refuses to use the princess as a concubine, but keeps her with him so as not to offend Jabba the Hutt.

Later, an angry Hutt takes Solo and his failed saviors away to feed them to the sarlacc monster. Fett rides with them and engages Luke in a fight. During the battle, Boba's jetpack is damaged and the hero ends up inside the Sarlacc. However, Boba remains alive, kills the Sarlacc with a rocket and gets out.

Boba Fett doesn't get much attention in the Star Wars films, but detailed biography The hero can be recognized from books on the Star Wars universe. The character of the hero is also revealed more fully in the books, while in the movies Bob appears secondary evil character. In the movies, a hero can only be seen by a child without a helmet or mask.


“Maybe I would have grown up to be a nice guy if the Jedi hadn’t cut off my father’s head right in front of me!”
“I am not a slave or a servant! I will work for you for money - but I will name the price myself!”
“Is this little sculpture Han Solo? No. What I brought was art, art created by the Dark Lord who used Solo as material."
“Fools! You will never understand the weapons I use!”