The Kiss of Judas is the author of the painting. “The Kiss of Judas” by Caravaggio

Have you noticed in your life how random things are not random? Sometimes it happens that even if you try very hard to define an accident as a simple coincidence, nothing comes of it. And the coincidence doesn't match...

Troubles happen to everyone, but the question is why do they happen? There are reasons for this, and by eliminating them, we get rid of unnecessary problems.

Let's start with the fact that nothing is by chance

This world is arranged in a certain way, and there are Higher Laws to which everything that happens is subject. Ignorance, misunderstanding or rejection of these laws does not invalidate them.

We can say that Life is built on the principle of a school where we must learn wisdom: learn the laws of life and live in accordance with them in order to enjoy every moment of life.

We live in a closed system in which all its parts are closely interconnected and have mutual influence, therefore, nothing is accidental, and nothing passes without a trace.

What you put out is what you receive. What goes around comes around. Only what you do towards others comes back to you. Folk wisdom.

The golden rule from Buddhism - “Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself” - is built on the understanding of this. Other religions say essentially the same thing.

Why is this difficult to understand?

Because life here has a duration (time, inertia) and the “return” does not come immediately. When you launch a boomerang, it takes time to fly away to reach end point and come back; and while it flies, other boomerangs launched before it return to you.

Since the mind (in most cases) cannot track this cause-and-effect relationship, there is no understanding that nothing happens by chance. Everything is interconnected and natural.

We need to understand that the troubles that happen to us are not a punishment from God, ( Higher Powers etc.), but the result of our violation of these very Divine laws.

In other words, I myself was the cause of this trouble. By accepting this as a fact (I am responsible for what happens to me), you create the opportunity for spiritual growth: learning, correcting your mistakes and achieving highest goal- happiness.

The Higher Laws are absolutely fair and harmonious (selfishness sometimes does not allow us to see this). You are the reason for what is happening to you. You must understand what it feels like to do/have done to others.

This is the only way you can learn wisdom and receive a certificate - happiness. That's why this world works this way.

Being offended or angry at a person who creates trouble for you is a mistake that leads to a strengthening of your own ego, which feeds on negativity. In this case spiritual growth impossible or delayed.

The other person through whom the trouble came is not the source of this trouble, but only its conductor. Through it, Life points out your own mistakes, asks you to think, realize and draw the right conclusions.

If this person had not existed, there would have been another, but the situation would have turned out the same.

You need to learn from troubles

Unless, of course, we want to step on the same rake again and again. If the same trouble comes into your life again and again, this indicates that you are stepping on the same rake again.

Life is trying to teach us something, but we still don’t learn and don’t learn. We don’t think twice (preferring to blame others), we don’t draw the right conclusions, and we continue to do stupid things.

Therefore, Life is forced to teach us through increasingly tough situations. This can go far and be increasingly painful.

It is no coincidence that you are reading this article. And it is no coincidence that you are now thinking, rethinking your life.

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It is not by chance that we gathered here by chance,
As we know, there are no coincidences.
We're in the right place finest hour yours were born,
Not everyone understands this right away.

We will look into the past only slightly,
Leaving your soul wide open.
Our memories are clouds.
We are together, I will not disturb the space.

And outside the window spring is singing again
And the birds fly again from the south.
It seems to us that the Planet...

There are no coincidences in life,
Accident is a thoughtlessness of the mind,
She melts like ice in the soul in the spring
When the ignorance of winter goes away.
Consequences of the sown cause
Sprouts will sprout in the spring,
They are a causal face
The paths will be lulled in ours weekday.
A tourniquet of nettles, scaring away the feet,
And they will sprinkle you with pleasant dew,
And our paths will be covered with signs
Recognize those signs! The choice is yours!
So that your new cause-grains
The paths were covered with a fairy carpet,
Clearing them from the chaff, choosing
Gift yourself...

There are no coincidences in the world,
Like the snow that falls in spring
Like cranes that fly like a wedge
And they beckon our souls with them.

And the sun's light, filled with coolness,
And drops of dew on the petals,
And the rainbow, as if, is our reward,
Fires of love lit in hearts.

Everything will be as it should be! And period!
And, even if he wrote fate.
For everyone there is a line in the book of destinies:
“Born, so live!” And I live!

Random thoughts
Random encounters,
Random love
Random children
Random old age
Accidental death...

Random sun
Random land
Random everything
Random universe...

P.S. Accident is unlikely to explain
The whole thread of life, like logical chain.
I'll accidentally drop these lines,
By chance someone will confirm...

Random meetings, seemingly ordinary ones,
They come again and again
But this is the line between them:
She brought me love.

There were a lot of meetings, everyone was different,
But I didn’t hear any warm words,
I loved myself, but they didn’t love me.
What kind of love is this?

A chance meeting, but what happiness!
The pulse is pounding, the blood is racing,
After all, the golden time has come for me:
Lifts love on wings.

I dreamed passionately about random encounters,
I don’t want dreams like this,
Now we are mutually and tenderly in love,

I saw you quite by accident,
You rushed in a whirlwind of a round dance,
I watched you dance secretly,
He didn’t take his loving eyes off you.
You were like everyone else, almost naked,
Or rather, completely naked.
The belt of flowers was just worn
And the hair went down to the chest.
But that's not what fascinated me,
And your green eyes.
Your beauty sparkled in them,
Blinded the earth, the heavens.
I saw you quite by accident
And quite by accident I lost it,
And now I sigh in despair,
That I didn’t invite you with me.

The story was told by an adult man, an acquaintance of my father. Further from the first person.
In my youth, I was a gouge in the style of Lieutenant Rzhevsky. Already graduating from university, I met my current wife, Katerina. However, I didn’t plan anything particularly serious with her either - so we hung out for a couple of months. And when she started making all sorts of hints, dragging me around romantic films and talk about it for half an hour wedding dresses, I decided that it was time and honor to know - I stopped calling her, and if we met somewhere at the university (I was two years older than her) I treated her as politely and distantly as possible.
And then one day, when we almost stopped communicating, she suddenly invited me to the dacha for venison. Her father was a hunter, and sometimes spent a couple of months somewhere in the taiga. Their whole house was hung with all sorts of horns, bear heads and covered with skins. I tried to somehow talk myself out of it, but she still persuaded me.
And so on the weekend I went to this dacha of theirs. It was located near Zagorsk (now Sergiev Posad), and through the spring mud it took almost half an hour to get there from the station, avoiding puddles, kneading mud on a muddy forest road, and even pushing through a windfall here and there. I showed up at the dacha all sweaty and dirty. The only consolation was Katya’s promise that after the weekend her father would give me a ride in his UAZ. When Katya saw me, she fussed over me, forced me to undress, threw my trousers in the wash, and in return gave me some of my father’s trousers.

An hour later we sat down at the table, around which the whole family had gathered. The promised venison, cooked with some taiga herbs, was served, and then a steamy bottle of vodka appeared on the table. Katka's father tells jokes, recalls incidents from his hunting life - he knew how to tell them, I must say, may he rest in heaven. Katerina looks at me especially tenderly, and I have a presentiment that in the evening I will most likely be lucky somewhere in her room. In general, grace.
And suddenly Uncle Kolya (father) turns to me, looks at me with a stern look and asks:
- Ivan, what’s going on with you and Katerina? When will the wedding be?
I wanted to start rambling about how it’s not time yet, I need to think, and in general, there’s no money yet, when suddenly I felt a strange tension in the groin area. I leaned back a little and carefully looked under the table. I looked - and there Perseus, Uncle Kolya’s hunting dog, such a huge husky, grabbed me where it hurt. And as soon as I move, he growls.

And at the same time, Uncle Kolya looks at me sternly, waiting for an answer. Well, I think I'm screwed. Now I refuse to get married, maybe there will be an uproar, and who knows how the dog will interpret the noise and strict intonations in the owner’s voice? He'll tear my entire household to hell. Saying this story out loud is also somehow awkward. And now I’m sitting, thinking about what to do next, and at the same time I feel that the dog’s teeth are getting denser in the causal place...
I pressed my head into my shoulders and blurted out:
- Yes, Uncle Kolya, I would be happy to get married. When Katya decides, then there will be a wedding.
The future father-in-law shook my hand, a large tear rolled down from the mother-in-law, Katya sobbed with pleasure. And at the same time I feel that Perseus has loosened his grip. Well, they served mushrooms and another bottle to celebrate, so to speak, our engagement.
Three months later he actually got married, and my wife and I are still together in perfect harmony, for thirty-five years now. They gave birth to three children, grandchildren have already left...
Once, a couple of years after the wedding, I, embarrassed and blushing, told Katya about this incident with Perseus. Here, I say, what an accident helped us. And she smiled slyly and said.

Have you noticed in your life how random things are not random? Sometimes it happens that even if you try very hard to define an accident as a simple coincidence, nothing comes of it. And the coincidence doesn't match...

Troubles happen to everyone, but the question is why do they happen? There are reasons for this, and by eliminating them, we get rid of unnecessary problems.

Let's start with the fact that nothing is by chance

This world is structured in a certain way, and there are Higher Laws to which everything that happens is subject. Ignorance, misunderstanding or rejection of these laws does not invalidate them. We can say that Life is built on the principle of a school where we must learn wisdom: learn the laws of life and live in accordance with them in order to enjoy every moment of life.

We live in a closed system in which all its parts are closely interconnected with each other and have mutual influence, so nothing is accidental and nothing passes without a trace.

What you put out is what you receive. What goes around comes around. Only what you do towards others comes back to you.
Folk wisdom.

The golden rule from Buddhism - “Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself” - is built on the understanding of this. Other religions say essentially the same thing.

Why is this difficult to understand?

Because life here has a duration (time, inertia) and the “return” does not come immediately. When you launch a boomerang, it takes time to fly away to reach the end point and return; and while it flies, other boomerangs launched before it return to you. Since the mind (in most cases) cannot track this cause-and-effect relationship, there is no understanding that nothing happens by chance. Everything is interconnected and natural.

We need to understand that the troubles that happen to us are not a punishment from God (Higher Powers, etc.), but the result of our violation of these very Divine laws. In other words, I myself was the cause of this trouble. By accepting this as a fact (I am responsible for what happens to me), you create the opportunity for spiritual growth: learning, correcting your mistakes and achieving the highest goal - happiness.

The Higher Laws are absolutely fair and harmonious (selfishness sometimes does not allow us to see this). You are the reason for what is happening to you. You must understand what it feels like to do/have done to others. This is the only way you can learn wisdom and receive a certificate - happiness. That's why this world works this way.

Being offended or angry at a person who creates trouble for you is a mistake that leads to a strengthening of your own ego, which feeds on negativity. In this case, spiritual growth is impossible or inhibited. The other person through whom the trouble came is not the source of this trouble, but only its conductor. Through it, Life points out your own mistakes, asks you to think, realize and draw the right conclusions. If this person had not existed, there would have been another, but the situation would have turned out the same.

You need to learn from troubles

Unless, of course, we want to step on the same rake again and again. If the same trouble comes into your life again and again, this indicates that you are stepping on the same rake again. Life is trying to teach us something, but we still don’t learn and don’t learn. We don’t think twice (preferring to blame others), we don’t draw the right conclusions, and we continue to do stupid things. Therefore, Life is forced to teach us through increasingly tough situations. This can go far and be increasingly painful.

...A train station is a place where the soul is always restless. People scurry back and forth, each preoccupied with something different: waiting for the train, buying a ticket or finding a place to sit.

Trains came and went. The station emptied and filled again. And only in one place there was no movement.

At the end of the waiting room I warmed up. All in black. Dry. Hunched over. There is a bundle nearby. There was no food in it - otherwise the old woman would have touched it at least once within 24 hours.

Judging by the protruding corners of the bundle, one could assume that an icon lay there, and the tip of a spare scarf was visible, apparently “for death.” She had nothing else.

It was getting dark. People settled down for the night, bustled about, arranging their suitcases in such a way as to protect themselves from unkind passers-by.

But the old woman still did not move. No, she wasn't sleeping. Her eyes were open, but indifferent to everything that was happening around. Her small shoulders shook unevenly, as if she were suppressing some kind of internal cry. She barely moved her fingers and lips, as if she was baptizing someone in her secret prayer.

In her helplessness, she did not seek participation and attention, did not turn to anyone and did not move from her place. Sometimes the old lady turned her head to the side front door, with some kind of heavy humility, lowered it down, hopelessly swaying to the right and left, as if preparing herself for some kind of final answer.

The boring station night has passed. In the morning she sat in the same position, still silent and exhausted. Patient in her suffering, she did not even lie down on the back of the sofa.

By noon, a young mother with two children, two and three years old, was located not far from her. The children fussed, played, ate and looked at the old woman, trying to involve her in their game.

One of the kids came up to her and touched the hem of her black coat with his finger. Granny turned her head and looked as surprised as if she saw this world for the first time. This touch brought her back to life, her eyes warmed and smiled, and her hand gently touched the flaxen hairs.

The woman reached out to the child to wipe her nose and, noticing the old woman’s expectant gaze towards the door, asked her: “Mom, who are you waiting for? What time is your train?”

The old lady was taken by surprise by the question. She hesitated, fidgeted, not knowing where to go, took a deep breath and seemed to whisper the terrible answer out of herself: “Daughter, I don’t have a train!” And she bent even lower.

A neighbor with children realized that something was wrong here. She moved, sympathetically leaned towards her grandmother, hugged her, and asked pleadingly: “Mom, tell me, what’s wrong with you?!” Well, tell me! Tell me, mom,” she turned to the old woman again and again. - Mommy, do you want to eat? Take it!”

And she handed her a boiled potato. And then, without asking her consent, she wrapped her in her fluffy shawl. The baby also handed her his sodden piece and stammered: “Eat, woman.”

She hugged the child and pressed a piece of it to her lips. “Thank you, baby,” she moaned.

A pre-tear lump stood in her throat... And suddenly something matured in her and burst forth so powerful and strong that it splashed out her bitter misfortune into this huge station space: “Lord! Forgive him!" – she moaned and curled up into a small ball, covering her face with her hands.

She wailed and wailed, swaying: “Son, son... Dear... The only... Beloved... My summer sun... My restless little sparrow.... Brought.... Left.”

She paused and, crossing herself, said: “Lord! Have mercy on him, a sinner.”

And she didn't have more strength neither speak nor cry from the hopelessness that befell her.

“Kids, hold on to grandma,” the woman shouted and rushed to the cash register.

"Kind people! Help! I need a ticket! Take that old lady over there,” she pointed to the end of the hall, “She will be my mother!” I have the train now!”

They boarded, and the entire station watched them with wet glances.

“Well, children, I found my mother, and you, my grandmother,” she explained to the children, beaming with joy.

With one hand she held the old woman, and with the other she held both the bag and the children.

Looking at them, I quietly prayed and thanked God for this meeting. It’s strange, but most of those to whom I tell about this incident, which I witnessed several years ago at the train station in the city of Kurgan, do not believe that just like that, in a few minutes, a person could make such an important decision for himself.

I’m not trying to convince anyone, I’m not trying to explain anything. Everyone should feel this themselves. And how can you explain that sometimes one moment is enough for our heart to make a decision, if, of course, it is alive and loving God and neighbors.

For me, this incident became another confirmation of the wise truth of the words: “Forget this word “accident,” there are no accidents.”

December 2007