The most common name in Spain. Spanish names for women

Today many of our compatriots can easily name Spanish names (male and female). We owe this primarily to the spread of television and soap operas. Names popular in Spanish-speaking countries flooded into our lives with the advent of Mexican TV series. It is not clear what motivated people then - a passion for soap operas, or perhaps they were simply attracted by the sound of the name (beautiful Spanish names, male and female, are very popular), or our compatriots sought to claim originality...

This resulted in cases where girls began to be registered under names like Marisabel, and boys under names like Luis Alberto. Now this trend is already on the decline, as is the popularity of Mexican TV series. Nevertheless, Spanish names continue to attract increased interest today.

After reading this article, you will learn that traditions in Spanish-speaking countries in this area are somewhat different from Russian ones. Therefore they are quite interesting. We will present you the most popular Spanish names (male and female) and tell you about their features.

How many names are allowed to give to one child, according to Spanish law?

According to Spanish law, a person can have two names and two surnames recorded in his documents. At baptism, in fact, you can give as many names as you like. It depends on the wishes of the parents. The eldest son is usually given his first name after his father and his second name after his paternal grandfather. Eldest daughter, respectively, the names of the mother and maternal grandmother.

Main source of names

In Spain, the main source of names is the Catholic calendar. There are few unusual options for nicknames in this country, since registration legislation in Spain is quite strict. For example, the authorities recently refused to grant citizenship to a Colombian woman on the grounds that her name (Darling Velez) was too unusual and it was impossible to determine the gender of the bearer from it.

Unusual cases

There are no such restrictions in Latin America, where parents’ imagination can work unhindered. Sometimes it produces marvelous combinations, for example, Hitler Eufemio Mayor and Taj Mahal Sanchez. And the terrorist from Venezuela, Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez, also known by his nickname Carlos the Jackal, had two brothers. Their names were Lenin and Vladimir Ramirez Sanchez. This is not surprising - their father was a convinced communist. He decided to perpetuate the name of the idol in this way. Another Venezuelan was nicknamed Mao Brezner Pino Delgado. The word "Brezner" is an attempt to reproduce the name of another famous person, Brezhnev.

However similar names- still there are rare exceptions. The “Hit Parade” in the Spanish-speaking world has been headed by classic familiar nicknames for many years in a row: Diego, Juan, Daniel, Alejandro (Spanish male names), Carmen, Camila and Maria (female).

Name Maria

This name, for obvious reasons, is one of the most common in Spain. Moreover, it is given not only to girls, but also to boys as a makeweight. Fernando Maria, Jose Maria, etc. are quite popular Spanish male names. However, many Latin American and Spanish Marys are not just Marys. They may have the following in their documents: Maria de los Angeles, Maria de los Mercedes, Maria de los Dolores. Usually in everyday life their names are Dolores, Mercedes, Angeles, which sounds quite strange in the literal translation to our ears: “sorrow” (precisely in plural), "mercies", "angels". These names actually come from the Catholic titles for Our Lady. The three options we have indicated are far from full list. This also includes Marys, who in everyday life are simply called Ananciación, Amparo, Piedad, Milagros, Luz, Cruz, Socorro, Salud, Consuelo, Pilar.

In addition, children are often given names in honor of statues of the Mother of God or revered icons. For example, Montserrat Caballe, the famous opera singer(who is actually Catalan and not Spanish) is called Maria de Montserrat ( full name even longer) in honor of Mary of Montserrat - a miraculous statue revered in Catalonia, located on Mount Montserrat in one of the monasteries. A photo of this Spanish celebrity is presented below.

Chucho, Pancho and Conchita

The Spaniards are great masters of forming diminutive analogues from names. The easiest way is to add diminutive suffixes to the name: Juana - Juanita, Fidel - Fidelito. If it is too long, the main part is “torn off”, after which the same suffix is ​​used: Concepcion - Conchita, or, for example, Guadalupe - Lupilla or Lupita. Sometimes truncated forms of names are used: Teresa - Tere, Gabriel - Gabri or Gabi.

Data from the Institute for National Statistics

The Institute for National Statistics has created a special section that lists the 100 most common baby names in Spain by year, starting in 2002. The list includes both popular male and female names. In 2010, for example, Daniel was the leader of the male name, and the female name was Lucia.

If we take strictly passport records into account, then in Spain as of 01/01/2010 the most popular male name was Antonio. Then there are such Spanish male names as Jose, Manuel, Francisco, Juan, David, Jose Antonio, Jose Luis. For women, the most common is Maria Carmen. Then - Maria, Carmen, Anna Maria, Maria Dolores, Maria Pilar and others.

Misleading names

Many Spanish male first and last names are misleading. So, for example, the name Chucho, which is not entirely euphonious for us, has full form Jesus (or otherwise Jesus). Pancho is a diminutive of Francisco. Lalo - from Eduardo. You say it doesn't look like it? But even a Spaniard would never guess that Alexander, Shura and Sasha are the same name. Sometimes it is completely impossible to recognize by ear the connection between complete and diminutive name. For example, Francisco may be called Pancho, Curro or Paco at home.

Different countries have different characteristics.

Names that can be either feminine or masculine

There are names that can be both feminine and masculine. But not like our Sasha, Vali, Zhenya and even Olga and Oleg, who stand apart. If they name a girl Chelo, she could be either Angeles or Consuelo. But if you call a boy that, there will be the following two options: Celio and Marcelo.


There is a very funny situation with the name Rosario. It is a word male from the perspective of the Spanish language. However, representatives of both sexes are called by this name. It denotes a rosary for praying to the Queen of the Rosary, that is, the Virgin Mary. It turns out that in this case the boy is simply called Rosary, and the girl is called Maria del Rosario.

Spanish surnames

Let's talk a little about Spanish surnames. Residents of Spain have two of them: maternal and paternal. Last name in this case it is placed in front. Only she, without the maternal one, is used in official address. For example, Federico Garcia Lorca, a famous Spanish poet, was called Señor Garcia by his contemporaries. His photo is presented below.

Usually only the father's main surname is inherited. However, in some cases (mainly in noble families and among the Basques) maternal surnames of parents can also be transmitted. There is a tradition in some regions of the country to add the name of the locality in which the bearer of a particular surname or his ancestors was born. However, it exists only as a local feature.

Spanish women do not change their last name when they get married. They just add the husband's last name.

Is originality encouraged?

So, we looked at what names the Spaniards give their children. At the same time, they very rarely deviate from the calendar, which contains Spanish male names. The list also includes female names that can be used to name a child. Only a small number of names are present in the Catholic calendar that could be considered unusual. The Spanish authorities are very disapproving of efforts towards originality. Until quite recently, the law prohibited the inclusion of diminutive forms of names in official documents. However, there is no such restriction now. The main thing is that the name clearly indicates the gender of the person to whom it refers, and at the same time sounds decent. This practice, however, has not yet become widespread.

Spanish male names sound slightly different in English or Russian. The same applies to female names. For example, Rosario sounds unusual to us as a female name. I would like to say Rosaria. Now that you know about some of the peculiarities of Spanish names, you can avoid such mistakes.

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Spanish surnames

Spanish surnames

Most Spaniards have two surnames(father and mother), but it is not uncommon for one person to have more than two surnames; this is especially popular among the aristocracy.

Between surnames there may be a particle “de”, “y”, and an article (“la”, “las”, “los”).

The prefix "de" is used to indicate aristocratic origin.

Console " y"(and) appeared in the 16th century to divide double surname person. For example: Lopez y Garcia (Lopez-y-Garcia).

The second surname can be formed from the name of the place of residence or place of birth, for example, Nunez de Balboa.

Many Spanish surnames came from personal names - Fernandez, Rodriguez, Gonzalez, Sanchez, Martinez, Perez, Gomez.

The most common Spanish surnames


Fernandez (Fernandez)

Gonzalez (Gonzalez)

Rodriguez (Rodriguez)

Lopez (Lopez)

Martinez (Martinez)

Sanchez (Sanchez)



Gomez (Gomez).

Spanish surnames (list)





























Gallego - Gallego


































Rey - Rey




















Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Our book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our email address: [email protected]

Spanish surnames


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Spain, 2014

SELECT YEAR 2014 2013 2008–2010

State in southwestern Europe. Located on the Iberian Peninsula. It borders Portugal, the British possession of Gibraltar, Morocco in northern Africa, France and Andorra. The capital is Madrid. Population – 47,370,542 (2013). Indigenous people– Spaniards (Castilians), Catalans, Basques, Galicians. official languages– Castilian (Spanish); in the autonomous regions, along with it, there are other languages ​​(Catalan-Valencian-Balearic, Basque, Galician, Aranese). 95% of believers are Catholics.

The website of the Institute of National Statistics (El Instituto Nacional de Estadística) has a section with data on the 100 most common first names of newborns in Spain (based on birth records) for each year since 2002. The most recent data is for 2014. Leader the male name was a name Daniel. For girls, the most common was Lucia. The statistics on the Institute’s website are presented in such a way that you can find out popular names both nationwide and for each administrative community of the country plus two autonomous cities. Also of interest are data on the top 10 names of people from different countries Europe, Asia, Africa, America.

There is a lot of other things on the Institute’s website interesting material on the history of choosing names in Spain and on modern system names So, there is a list of names that appear at least 20 times. As of January 1, 2014, there were 24,853 men and 24,781 women. One can imagine the amount of work facing Spanish linguists if they set themselves the task of compiling etymological dictionary, which includes all these names. I'm not even talking about the task of covering names with lower frequency (less than 20) with such a dictionary. However, the number of different, unique names is somewhat smaller, since Spanish statistics consider not only single names, but also combinations of names like Maria Carmen as independent names.

As of January 1, 2014 in Spain, the most common male name was Antonio(727,164 people). Next in descending frequency are the names Jose, Manuel, Francisco, Juan, David, Jose Antonio, Jose Luis, Javier, Francisco Javier. The most common name for women is Maria Carmen(672,523 speakers). Further - Maria, Carmen, Josefa, Isabel, Ana Maria, Maria Pilar, Maria Dolores, Maria Teresa, Ana.

The Institute’s materials also show how anthroponymic preferences changed over the decades (lists of the 50 most common names, distributed by date of birth).

Those men born before 1930, in the 30s and 40s, most often have a masculine name Jose. Those born in the 50s and 60s most often have the name Antonio. The most common among those born in the 70s and 80s is David. In the 90s and after 2000, the name was most often given Alejandro. As you can see, the name usually stays among the leaders for two decades.

As for female names, the number of leading names here is poorer than among male ones. Until the 30s, in the 30s the name was in the lead Maria. In the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s they most often gave double name Maria Carmen. In the 80s the leader was the name Laura. In the 90s and after 2000 - again Maria.

I will give you the 25 most common male and female names born in 2014. Links to pages with data for some more early years are in the drop-down list to the right of the title before the text (see Select year). More full picture every visitor to this page can find it on the website of El Instituto Nacional de Estadística (link at the end of the page).

Boys names

In brackets - Russian spelling

PlaceNameNumber of adverbs
1 Hugo5 121
2 Daniel (Daniel)4 859
3 Pablo (Pablo)4 494
4 Alejandro (Alejandro)4 116
5 Alvaro (Alvaro)3 670
6 Adrian (Adrian)3 463
7 David3 376
8 Martin3 181
9 Mario3 067
10 Diego3 000
11 Javier2 531
12 Manuel2 475
13 Lucas2 446
14 Nicolas (Nicholas)2 319
15 Marcos (Marcos)2 244
16 Leo (Leo)2 162
17 Sergio (Sergio)2 138
18 Mateo (Mateo)2 107
19 Izan (Isan)1 947
20 Alex (Alex)1 935
21 Iker (Iker)1 917
22 Marc (Mark)1 902
23 Jorge1 873
24 Carlos (Carlos)1 772
25 Miguel (Miguel)1 713

Girls names

In brackets - Russian spelling

PlaceNameNumber of adverbs
1 Lucia (Lucia)5 161
2 Maria (Maria)4 951
3 Martina (Martina)4 380
4 Paula (Paula)4 210
5 Daniela (Daniela)3 792
6 Sofia (Sofia)3 568
7 Valeria (Valeria)3 246
8 Carla (Carla)3 138
9 Sara (Sarah)3 116
10 Alba3 111
11 Julia (Hulia)3 107
12 Noa2 744
13 Emma (Emma)2 479
14 Claudia (Claudia)2 456
15 Carmen2 147
16 Marta (Martha)1 998
17 Valentina (Valentina)1 936
18 Irene1 902
19 Adriana (Adriana)1 881
20 Ana1 797
21 Laura (Laura)1 794
22 Elena (Elena)1 781
23 Alejandra (Alejandra)1 552
24 Ainhoa1 485
25 Ines1 410

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Spanish names

Spanish male names and their meanings

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Spanish names. Spanish male names and their meanings

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The Greek, Roman, partly Arab and German reign on the territory of Spain in various eras influenced not only the formation of the Spanish language, which has many foreign words, but also for traditional Spanish names. Male names, which were just being formed in Spain at that time, began to spread in the colonies of this country - South and Central America in the 15th-16th centuries. Moreover, the vocabulary of the aborigines gradually assimilated with Spanish, and many names received a new meaning.

The most typical cases in Spain are the use of a main and additional name for a child. For many centuries, there was a tradition when the first-born in a family was named after the father, and the second son was named after the paternal grandfather. Over time, double Spanish names for boys, or even triple ones, came into fashion, with one of the names most often being religious.

The choice of name in the country is determined religious traditions. The Spaniards adhere to the Catholic faith, and therefore, depending on which Catholic calendar the child was born on, they will give him that name. Many believe that a name can protect a person throughout his life, and his guardian angel will be the saint in whose honor the boy is named. Interestingly, Spanish law allows the use of no more than two names, for example, Juan Carlos, although unofficially many even have three or four personal names. For example, the king has Juan Carlos Alfonso Victor Maria.

Today, the Spanish name book mostly consists of names from Greek, Roman, Germanic and biblical origin. Moreover, over time, new and unusual names, which are especially popular along with the traditional ones.

Religious Spanish names

Spanish names for men are often chosen according to the Catholic calendar. The most popular ones of biblical origin: Miguel, Juan, Tomas, Jose, David, Adan, Elias and Daniel. The name Miguel is traditionally used in Spain and Portugal, as well as South America, comes from the name of Archangel Michael, who is most revered in Christianity and Islam. It is also interesting that today he is considered the official guardian of the Catholic Church, and therefore the name is so in demand in Spain.

The religious name Juan also tops Spanish male names. The list of their names is extensive, but according to statistics, this is the name most often assigned to boys, both in Spain and Portugal. Its analogue is the name Jan and Johann. But the Spanish name Adan is an analogue of the Hebrew Adam, which was borne by the first person on earth. The name Thomas also has Jewish roots, in Spain and other Catholic countries it is an analogue of the name Thomas. This apostle is considered one of the most revered here.

Greek and Roman names for boys

The most beautiful Spanish names, especially for men, are of Greek and Roman origin. In most cases, they are used in a modified version, which is adapted to the Spanish language.

The most popular names among Spaniards are:

  • Nicholas, Nicholas. Traditionally a Greek name, in the original version it sounded like Nikolai. It began to spread here starting from the 17th century;
  • Andres, Andres. Ancient Greek name, in Orthodox countries known as Andrew, dedicated to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, the first of Christ's disciples;
  • Sergio, Sergio. Spanish variant of the Greek name Sergei, which means "servant of the Lord." According to other sources, the name Sergei has early Christian origins and is dedicated to one of the Roman soldiers who supported Christianity during the reign of Maximilian in the Roman Empire;
  • Hector, Hector, less often - Hector. Roman and Greek name, first found in ancient greek mythology. According to one version, Hector is the son of Apollo;
  • Pedro, Pedro. Analogous to the Greek name Peter. The variant of the name Pedro is most often used in Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Argentina. Originally derived from the Aramaic name Cephas;
  • Alejandro, Alejandro. Spanish form of the name Alexander;
  • Pablo, Pablo. Similar to the Greek name Paul.

Almost all Greek and Roman names are used in Spain in a modified version, many of them even have different meanings and interpretations.

Traditional and modern Spanish names

But the list of native Spanish names, which over time also spread to Portugal, America, and partly Italy, is supplemented by the following: Alfonso, Carlos, Raul, Fernando, Enrique, Ernesto, Rodrigo. One of the most recognizable continues to be the name Basilio, which was once borne by the Spanish king. The name Maria is considered traditional in Spain. According to research, it has been used even among men since the 14th century. As a rule, Maria is the middle name of a man, for example, Karl Maria, Erich Maria. Has Hebrew roots.

Starting from the 30s of the twentieth century, diminutive names began to come into fashion: Juan - Juanito, Carlos - Carlitos. Also here symbolic names have spread that denote freedom, life, love, even the names are often used literary heroes. Among the modern ones are such names as: Jaimes, Hugo, Adriano and Doroteo.

The Spaniards approach the choice of names responsibly: in some cases they give preference to religious ones, in others they adhere to family traditions and they name the child after their ancestor. In most cases, boys here have one or two personal names, but often at baptism they are given triple or even quadruple names. Some of the Spanish names began to be used even in Russia.