Spanish female names starting with a. Spanish names

Spanish names consist of three main elements: a personal name (Spanish. nombre ) and two surnames (Spanish. apellido ). A feature of the structure of a Spanish name is the presence of two surnames at once: father (Spanish. apellido paterno or primer apellido ) and mother (Spanish) apellido materno or segundo apellido ). The choice of personal names in Spanish-speaking countries is usually determined by church and family traditions.

From Wikipedia:

In addition to the name received from their parents, Spaniards have names received at baptism from the baptizing priest and godparents. Most of the names received by the Spaniard are not used, but only one or two names are used, e.g. the current king of Spain five personal names- Juan Carlos Alfonso Maria Victor (Spanish) Juan Carlos Alfonso Ví ctor Marí a ), but all his life he uses only two of them - Juan Carlos.

According to Spanish law, a person can have no more than two names and two surnames recorded in his documents. In fact, at baptism you can give as many names as you like, depending on the wishes of the parents. Usually the eldest son is given the first name in honor of his father and the second in honor of his paternal grandfather, and the eldest daughter is given the name of her mother and the name of her maternal grandmother.

The main source of names in Spain is the Catholic calendar. There are few unusual names, because Spanish registration legislation is quite harsh: not so long ago, the Spanish authorities refused to obtain citizenship to a certain Colombian woman named Darling Velez on the grounds that her name is too unusual and it is impossible to determine the gender of its bearer from it.

In Latin America there are no such restrictions, and parents' imagination can work unhindered. Sometimes this fantasy gives rise to absolutely marvelous combinations, like Taj Mahal Sanchez, Elvis Presley Gomez Morillo and even Hitler Eufemio Mayora. And the famous Venezuelan terrorist Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez nicknamed Carlos the Jackal there were two brothers whose names were... Vladimir and Lenin Ramirez Sanchez.

However, these are all rare exceptions. In the Spanish-speaking world, the hit parade of names has been headed by the familiar classic names: Juan, Diego, Carmen, Daniel, Camila, Alejandro and, of course, Maria.

Simply Maria.

For obvious reasons, this name is one of the most common in Spain. It is given to both girls and boys (the latter as an appendage to a man’s name: Jose Maria, Fernando Maria). However, many Spanish and Latin American Marys are not just Marys: their documents may include Maria de los Mercedes, Maria de los Angeles, Maria de los Dolores. In everyday life they are usually called Mercedes, Dolores, Angeles, which in literal translation sounds quite strange to our ears: “mercies” (that’s right, in the plural), “angels”, “sorrows”. In fact, these names come from various Catholic titles for Our Lady: Marí a de las Mercedes(Mary the Merciful, lit. “Mary of Mercies”), Marí a de los Dolores(Mary of Sorrows, lit. “Mary of Sorrows”), Marí a la Reina de los Á ngeles(Mary is the queen of angels).

In addition, children are often given names in honor of revered icons or statues of the Mother of God. For example, the famous opera singer Montserrat Caballe(who turns out to be Catalan, upon closer inspection of the name) is actually called Maria de Montserrat Viviana Concepción Caballe y Folk, and named it in honor of Mary of Montserrat, revered in Catalonia - the miraculous statue of the Virgin Mary from the monastery on Mount Montserrat.

Pancho, Honcho and Lupita.

The Spaniards are great masters at forming diminutive names. The easiest way is to add to the name diminutive suffixes: Gabriel - Gabrier lito, Fidel - Fide lito, Juana - Juan ita. If the name is too long, then the main part is “torn off” from it, and then the same suffix is ​​used: Concepcion - Conchita, Guadalupe - Lupita and Lupilla. Sometimes truncated forms of names are used: Gabriel - Gabi or Gabri, Teresa - Tere. My beloved Penelope Cruz is simply called by my loved ones "Pe."

However, not everything is so simple. Sometimes it is generally impossible to recognize the connection between a diminutive and a full name by ear: for example, little Francisco may be called at home Pancho, Paco or Curro, Eduardo - Lalo, Alfonso - Honcho, Anunciación - Chon or Chonita, Jesus - Chucho, Chuy or Chus. The situation is complicated by the fact that different names may have the same diminutives: Lencho - Florencio and Lorenzo, Chicho - Salvador and Narciso, Chelo - Angeles and Consuelo ( female names), as well as Celio and Marcelo (male).

Diminutive forms are formed not only from individual names, but also from double ones:

Jose Maria - Chema
Jose Angel - Chanhel
Juan Carlos - Juanca, Juancar, Juanqui
Maria Luisa - Marisa
Jesus Ramon - Jesusra, Hera, Herra, Chuymoncho, Chuymonchi

Man or woman?

Once upon a time, at the dawn of the popularity of soap operas, the Venezuelan series “Cruel World” was broadcast on our television, the name of the main character of which our viewers initially heard as Rosaria. A little later it turned out that her name is Rosari O , and the diminutive is Charita. Then again it turned out that it was not Charita, but Charit O, but our viewers, who had already become accustomed to Conchitas and Esthersites, continued to call her “in the feminine gender” - Charita. That’s what they said, retelling the next episode to each other: “And Jose Manuel kissed Charita yesterday...”.

In fact, the soap character's real name was Rosario, not Rosaria. Word rosario in spanish language masculine and means rosary, according to which a special prayer is read to the Virgin Mary, which is also called Rosario(in Russian - Rosary). Catholics even have a separate holiday of the Virgin Mary, Queen of the Rosary (Spanish. Maria del Rosario).

In Spanish-speaking countries, the name Rosario is very popular, given to both girls and boys, but traditionally it is considered feminine. And that's not the only thing female name - "hermaphrodite": names Amparo, Socorro, Pilar, Sol, Consuelo derived from Spanish words amparo, socorro, pilar, sol, consuelo grammatically related to masculine. And, accordingly, the diminutive forms of these names are also formed in a “masculine” way: Charito, Charo, Coyo, Consuelito, Chelo (although there are also “feminine” forms: Consuelita, Pilarita).

The most common Spanish names.

10 most common names in Spain (whole population, 2008)

Features of the Spanish Surname.

And finally, let's talk a little about Spanish surnames. Spaniards have two surnames: paternal and maternal. Moreover, as already mentioned, the father's surname ( apellido paterno ) is placed before the mother ( apellido materno ): Federico Garcia Lorca (father - Federico Garcia Rodriguez, mother - Vicenta Lorca Romero). At In official address only the father's surname is used: Accordingly, contemporaries called the Spanish poet Señor Garcia, not Señor Lorca.

True, there are exceptions to this rule: Pablo Picasso (full name- Pablo Ruiz Picasso) became known not under his father's surname Ruiz, but under his mother's surname - Picasso. The fact is that there are no fewer Ruizs in Spain than there are Ivanovs in Russia, but the surname Picasso is much less common and sounds much more “individual.”

By inheritance, only the father's main surname is usually passed on, but in some cases (usually in noble families, as well as among the Basques), the mother's surnames of the parents are also passed on to the children (in fact, the surnames of grandmothers on both sides).

In some localities, there is a tradition of adding to the surname the name of the locality where the bearer of this surname or his ancestors were born. For example, if a person's name is Juan Antonio Gomez Gonzalez de San Jose, then in in this case Gomez is the first, paternal surname, and Gonzalez de San Jose is the second, maternal surname. In this case, the particle "de" is not an indicator of noble origin, as in France, but simply means that ancestors mother of our Juan Antonio were from a town or village called San Jose.

Sometimes the paternal and maternal surnames are separated by the particle “and”: Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, Jose Ortega y Gasset. In Russian transcription, such surnames are usually written with a hyphen, although in the original they are usually written without separating marks: Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, José Ortega y Gasset.

When married, Spanish women do not change their surname, but simply add the surname of their husband to the apellido paterno: for example, Laura Riario Martinez, having married a man with the surname Marquez, can sign Laura Riario de Marquez or Laura Riario, Señora Marquez.

The most common Spanish surnames.

10 most common surnames in Spain

Origin of the surname
1 Garcia(Garcia) From Spanish name

Every name, male or female, has its own story. It is almost impossible to determine exactly where and under what circumstances children first began to be called by one name or another. Each has a history, dating back to ancient myths and legends. Most likely, most names simply indicate a character trait that they want to instill in a child.

But why do new names appear? There are different reasons: wars, geographical or scientific discoveries, emigration and immigration of the population.

If you look at the document of a Spanish citizen, you can see no more than 2 names and 2 surnames, despite the fact that in most European countries their number is unlimited. This is due to the fact that the state takes quite seriously this issue to avoid a lot of confusion. When baptizing babies, you can assign any names allowed (approved) by the church in unlimited quantities. Typically this is done like this:

  • The eldest son receives the first name of his father, the second - his grandfather on the male line;
  • The eldest daughter first takes the name of her mother, and then the name of her maternal grandmother.

In general, a Spanish name consists of three main elements: a personal name ( nombre) and two surnames ( apellido): father ( apellido paterno or primer apellido) and mother ( apellido maternoorsegundo apellido).

The Spaniards are Catholic believers, great importance They devote their lives to the church, and therefore most of the names have their roots in Catholic saints. Spaniards do not like unusual and extravagant names and do not accept them in their lives. There are cases when the state refused to receive foreigners due to the fact that their names were quite unusual (for example, it is impossible to determine the gender of the bearer).

Many associate with Spain and the country Latin America, since in these territories Spanish is the official language, and when studying Spanish the teacher can emphasize the differences between cultures and pronunciations. When it comes to names, there are also very big differences, despite the fact that Latinos use Spanish names. The only difference is that they can name the child whatever they want. Children are called English, American or even Russian names if the parents like it, and this will not be punishable by the state.

We can take the terrorist from Venezuela as an example. His name was Ilyich, and his brothers were Lenin and Vladimir Ramirez Sanchez. The staunch communist father reflected his views on life through the names of his children.

But such exceptions are extremely rare, although modernity has no boundaries or stereotypes. In Spain, simple and classic names with complex meanings remain at the peak of popularity, for example, Juan, Juanita, Julio, Julia, Maria, Diego, etc.

Separately, I would like to highlight the names and their origin (female):

  • Biblical names: Anna, Mary, Martha, Magdalena, Isabel;
  • Latin and greek names: Barbora, Veronica, Elena, Paola;
  • Germanic: Erica, Motilda, Caroline, Louise, Frida.
  • Biblical names: Miguel, Jose, Thomas, David, Daniel, Adan, Juan;
  • Greek and latin names: Sergio, Andres, Alejandro, Hector, Pablo, Nicholas;
  • German: Alonso, Alfonso, Luis, Carlos, Raymond, Fernando, Enrique, Ernesto, Raul, Rodrigue, Roberto.

Spanish female names and their meanings

  • Agata – good
  • Adelita (Adelita), Alicia (Alicia) Adela, Adelia (Adela) – noble
  • Adora - adored
  • Alondra – protector of humanity
  • Alba – dawn, dawn
  • Alta - high
  • Angelina, Angel, Angelica - angel, angelic, messenger
  • Anita – diminutive of Ana – benefit
  • Ariadna – perfect, pure, immaculate
  • Arcelia (Arcelia) Araceli, Aracelis (Aracelis) – wanderer, traveler
  • Benita – blessed
  • Bernardita – bear
  • Blanca – clean, white
  • Benita – blessed
  • Valencia – domineering
  • Veronica – victorious
  • Gertrudis, Gertrudis – spear strength
  • Gracia – graceful, graceful
  • Jesusa - saved
  • Juana, Juanita – merciful
  • Dorotea – God's gift
  • Elena – moon, torch
  • Josefina - rewarder
  • Ibby, Isabel (Isabel) – oath to God
  • Inés – innocent, chaste
  • Candelaria – candle
  • Carla, Carolina – human
  • Carmela and Carmelita - name in honor of Our Lady of Carmel
  • Constancia – constant
  • Consuela – consoler, the name is given in honor of Our Lady of Consolation (Nuestra Señora del Consuelo)
  • Conchita - diminutive of Concepción - derived from the Latin concepto - “to become pregnant, to conceive.” The name is given in honor Immaculate Conception Virgin Mary (Inmaculada Concepción)
  • Cristina – Christian
  • Cruz - cross, pectoral cross
  • Camila - servant of the gods, priestess
  • Catalina – pure soul
  • Leticia – joyful, happy
  • Laura – laurel, (“crowned with laurel”)
  • Luisa, Luisita – warrior
  • Marita – diminutive of Maria – desired, beloved
  • Marta – mistress of the house
  • Mercedes - merciful, all-merciful (in honor of the Virgin Mary - María de las Mercedes)
  • Maribel – fierce
  • Nina – baby
  • Ophelia - assistant
  • Pepita – God will give another son
  • Perla, Perlita – pearl
  • Pilar, Pili – pillar, column
  • Paloma - dove
  • Ramona – wise protector
  • Rebeca – alluring on the net
  • Reina – queen, queen
  • Renata – reborn
  • Sarita (diminutive of Sara) - noble woman, mistress
  • Sofia - wise
  • Susana – water lily
  • Trinidad – Trinity
  • Francisca - free
  • Chiquita is a diminutive name meaning little girl.
  • Abigaíl – joy for father
  • Evita – diminutive of Eva – lively, lively
  • Elvira – friendly
  • Esmeralda - emerald
  • Estela, derived from Estrella - star

Spanish male names and their meanings

  • Agustin - great
  • Alberto, Alonso, Alfonso - noble
  • Alfredo – elf
  • Amado – favorite
  • Andrés – warrior
  • Antonio (Antonio) – flower
  • Armando – strong, brave
  • Aurelio – golden
  • Basilio – regal
  • Benito - blessed
  • Berenguer, Bernardino, Bernardo – the strength and courage of a bear
  • Valentin – healthy, strong
  • Victor, Victorino, Vincente – winner and conqueror,
  • Gaspar – teacher, master
  • Gustavo - staff, support
  • Horatio – excellent eyesight
  • Damian - to tame, to subdue
  • Desi - desired
  • Herman (German) – brother
  • Gilberto – light
  • Diego – doctrine, teaching
  • Jesus (Jesús) - named after Jesus, diminutives: Chucho, Chuy, Chuza, Chuchi, Chus, Chuso and others.
  • Ignacio – fire
  • Yousef - God will give another son
  • Carlos – man, husband
  • Christian (Cristian) – Christian
  • Leandro – lion man
  • Lucio - light
  • Mario (Mario) – man
  • Marcos, Marcelino, Marcelo, Marcial, Martin - names derived from the name of the Roman God of War - Mars, warlike
  • Mateo – gift from Yahweh
  • Mauricio – dark-skinned, Moor
  • Modesto - modest, moderate, sober
  • Maximino (Maximino), Maximo (Máximo) – great
  • Nicholas (Nicolás) – victory of the people
  • Osvaldo (Osvaldo) – owning, having power
  • Pablo – baby
  • Paco – free
  • Pasqual – child of Easter
  • Pastor – shepherd
  • Patricio – noble, of noble origin
  • Pio (Pío) – pious, virtuous
  • Rafael – divine healing
  • Ricardo, Rico – strong, persistent
  • Rodolfo, Raul – wolf
  • Rodrigo – ruler, leader
  • Rolando - famous land
  • Raynaldo - sage - ruler
  • Sal, diminutive of Salvador - savior
  • Sancho, Santos – saint
  • Severino, Severo – strict, stern
  • Sergio – servant
  • Silvestre, Silvio – forest
  • Salomón – peaceful
  • Tadeo – grateful
  • Teobaldo - a brave man
  • Thomas (Tomás) – twin
  • Tristan – rebel, rebel
  • Fabricio – artisan
  • Fausto – lucky guy
  • Felipe – horse lover
  • Fernando – brave, courageous
  • Fidel - the most devoted, faithful
  • Flavio – golden-haired
  • Francisco (Francisco) - free
  • Juan, Juanito – good God
  • Julian, Julio - curly
  • Edmundo – prosperous, protector
  • Emilio – rival
  • Enrique – powerful ruler
  • Ernesto – diligent, diligent
  • Esteban - name means crown
  • Yusbayo, Yusebio - devout

The most popular names among the adult population:

  • Jose (José)
  • Antonio
  • Juan
  • Manuel
  • Francisco

Among newborn babies:

  • Daniel
  • Alejandro
  • Pablo
  • David
  • Adrian

If we return to female names, the following names are now popular among women:

  • Maria
  • Carmen
  • Ana
  • Isabel (Isabel)
  • Dolores

And among girls, that is, recently born children:

  • Lucia
  • Maria
  • Paula
  • Sarah (Zara)
  • Carla

As you noticed, it is very important for Spaniards that their names are easily understood, abandoning rare and unusual options, which significantly affects the reduction of the language barrier with foreign citizens.

Sometimes the connection between a full and a diminutive name is almost impossible to determine by ear: for example, at home little Francisco can be called Paco, Pancho and even Curro, Alfonso - Honcho, Eduardo - Lalo, Jesus - Chucho, Chuy or Chus, Anunciación - Chon or Chonita. In the same way, it is difficult for foreigners to understand why we call Alexander Shurik :)

Almost all Spanish names are simple but beautiful. We hope that getting to know them will make it easier for you to communicate with native Spanish speakers, because now you know a little more about the Spaniards!

Spanish law states that every citizen has the right to officially own no more than two given names and surnames. At baptism, they can give the child several names, it all depends on the wishes of the parents. Usually, eldest daughter is named after the mother, and the second daughter is given the name of her maternal grandmother. The main and main source of names in Spain are the Catholic Saints. There are very few unusual names among these people, since Spanish registration legislation very strictly controls this process. Those with unusual names have zero chance of obtaining citizenship in Spain. In the hit parade of names, the first places are almost annually headed by such classic Spanish girl names as Carmen, Camila, Maria...

Simple name Maria

The name Maria is considered a fairly common name in Spain. It is given not only to girls, but also to boys, as a makeweight: Jose Maria, for example. At the same time, most Spanish and Latin American Marias are listed in documents in a completely different way, for example, as Maria de los Mercedes, Maria de los Dolores, but in everyday life girls are called Dolores, Mercedes. These Spanish baby girl names are derived from various titles of Our Lady, such as Maria de los Mercedes meaning "Mary of Mercies" and Maria de los Dolores "Mary of Sorrows".

A short list of names derived from the titles of the Mother of God:

Maria del Amparo - Mary the Patroness, Mary the Protector

Maria de la Anunciación - Mary of the Blessed

Maria de la Luz - Bright Maria

Maria de los Milagros - Mary the Miraculous

Maria de la Piedad - Mary the Honored

Maria del Socorro - Mary the Helper

Maria de la Cruz - Mary of the Cross

Maria del Consuelo - Mary the Comforter

Maria de la Salud - Maria of Health

Maria del Pilar - Pillar Maria

IN real life girls with such pious names are called Amparo, Luz, Anunciación, Milagros, Socorro, Piedad, Consuelo, Cruz, Salud and Pilar.

A short list of Spanish girl names:

Angela - angelic

Lucia - easy

Alondra - protector

Letitia - joy, happiness

Azucena - chaste

Leticia - joy, happiness

Angelica - angelic

Mercedes is merciful

Alba - dawn

Marita - beloved

Alva is a beauty

Manuela - God is with us

Almira - princess

Marceline - militant

Blanca - blonde

Milagros is a miracle

Benita - blessed one

Marcela - militant

Veronica - bringing victory

Nubia - golden

Valencia - power

Perlite - pearls

Guadeloupe is a saint

Petrona - stone

Gabriela - strong by God

Ramira - wise and famous

Jesus - saved by God

Rosita - rose

Dominga - belongs to the lord

Rosita - rose flower

Dolores - mourning, sad

Teresa the reaper

Dorothea - a gift from God

Theophila - friend of God

Yesenia - God sees

Fortunata - lucky

Isabella is a beauty

Philomena - strong with love

Inessa - sheep

Francisca is free

Consuelo - consolation

Jesuina - God is the savior

Carmelita - vineyard

Julia - sheaf, curly

Carmen - vineyard

Juanita - believer in God

Carmencita - vineyard

Eloisa - very healthy

Leonor - foreign, different

Esmeralda - emerald

Perhaps most of us immediately remember these Spanish names. They probably came out more from Soviet textbooks and old films. In life, especially in modern life, these names can be found, in fact, less often than more often. And when coming to Spain, or meeting people on the Internet, many are surprised to hear the name of the interlocutor:

“Hmm, not an easy name, this is the first time I’ve heard such a name, probably a rare name!”

What names are popular now? What names are there anyway? Are there any shortened names? And if so, which ones?

So, let's sort it out in order!

To some extent we can classify Spanish names. There are simple ones that have their origins in Latin or Greek, and they also have analogues in Russian.

For example, Alejandro - AlexanderPedro - Peter, Tatiana - Tatiana, Maria - MariaJuan - Ivan, Sergio - Sergey, Angelina - AngelinaFelipe - Philip, Paula - Pauline, Julia - Julia, Claudia - Claudia.

I’ll immediately make a very important reservation regarding of this type names Previously, about 8 years ago, or maybe more, it was customary to translate names (more precisely, to select Russian equivalents for them), if it was Pablo, then they made him Pavel, if it was Juan, then they turned him into Ivan. In fact, this is wrong, and incorrect, I would even say. It’s good if the textbook contains Spanish names that are easy to find an analogue in Russian. And if we take, for example, a Spanish name like Soledad, we will not call the woman Loneliness, and then, the name is given alone, and this does not mean that when you meet a person from another country again, you are obliged to change your native name.

What is important to keep in mind when using these names?

Be careful, this will show your literacy and respect. If a person's name is Alejandro, then he is Alejandro. There are also such completely different Spanish names as Alexander and Alexandro.

In principle, everything is clear with these names.

Next type Let's take exactly those Spanish names that have no analogues in Russian, for example the above-mentioned name Soledad, Carmen, Javier, Álvaro, José, Carlos, Adrián, etc.
And now the question: Have you ever come across double names? Previously, double names were given everywhere to Spanish children. Nowadays this fact is not necessary, and people meet both double name, and with one.

Examples of double names: María Carmen, José Luís, María Dolores, Ana María, Francisco Javier, José Manuel, María Luisa, Juan Carlos, María Jesús, María del Mar(I especially like this name) etc.

I will give an example of names that are unusual in our understanding. Why unusual? Look in the dictionary for their translation and you will understand why.
Soledad, Dolores, Concepción, Pilar, Mercedes, Rosario, Encarnación, Piedad, Dulce, Estrella, Celeste, Gloria, Perla, Alegría, América, Israel, África, Alma, Amada, Consuelo.

Naturally, as you have already correctly understood, these names should not be translated; I give them as an example, just so that you can feel the peculiarity of using Spanish names.

I identified the next group of Spanish names based on their relationship to Russian names. Our name always has a full sound and a short one. For example, my name is Tatyana, but my short name is Tanya. In Spanish, if a girl is named Tania, then she is Tania, and not Tatiana. These are two completely different Spanish names. Below are examples of Spanish names analogous to our Russian names.
Iván, Tania, Tatiana, Victoria, Katia, Katherina, Valentina, Cristina, Maya, Alexandra, Natalia, Valeria, Elena, Diana, Ana, Alina, Verónica, Román, Margarita, Rita, Anastasia.

Another classification was formed based on territorial location. Different regions of Spain have their own names.

This topic is particularly interesting.


I’ll start right away with examples of the place that is closest to me - from the Canary Islands. The descendants of the inhabitants of the Canary Islands are the Guanche tribe. And the Spanish names used today come from the Guanche tribe.

Naira— Warrior of the Guanche tribe, name translates as Wonderful.

Airam- Means Freedom.

Yurena. Gazmira. Iraya. Cathaysa(also a very common name in the Canary Islands). Moneyba(Queen among women - a girl I know about 14 years old is called that).

Yeray. Ubay. Acoran.

Chaxiraxi- this Spanish name really surprised me when I first heard it. I thought that it was more like a nickname, but when I met it again and again, I realized that it is quite common and popular, since the bearers of this Spanish name are not only women and girls, but also little girls, which confirms that that the name is not ancient, but on the contrary, very modern. This is the name of the patroness of the Canary Islands only in the Guanche language.


Reference. In the Spanish anthroponymic model, we can conditionally distinguish: a simple two-nomial model (personal and family names), a three-nomial model (2 personal and 1 family name) and a polynomial model (several personal names and 2 family names).

Spanish female personal names in origin go back to Arabic, Germanic, Greek, Roman and Hebrew sources. The Spaniards profess Catholicism, and according to the canons of the Roman catholic church the choice of naming at baptism is limited to the names of saints from church calendar. Some historical, biblical, mythological variants have disappeared from circulation, while others are still used today. Girls are often named after revered icons or statues of Our Lady.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, names have become widespread in Spain: abstract (symbolic), after the name of flowers, after the name precious stones, as well as options in honor of famous literary heroes. The Spanish name book includes foreign names that entered the Spanish language as a result of connections with speakers of other languages ​​(mainly Italian, French, English).

What is it common to call girls in Spain?

The Spaniards do not like unusual and extravagant options. In Spain, preference is given to the classics (the most common option for children of both sexes is Maria). There are cases in history when the state refused foreigners to obtain Spanish citizenship because of the unusualness of their names (or the inability to determine the gender of the bearer).

The child is given 1, 2 or several personal names. For quite a long time there was a tradition of naming the first-born in honor of the paternal grandmother, and the second in honor of the maternal grandmother or in honor of some outstanding ancestor. According to the law, Officially, a girl can be given no more than 2 names, additional prepositions are allowed.

Form formation is based on derivation and suppletivism. Proper names have diminutive variants (Dolores - Laura), from which surnames can later be formed. Diminutive variants are created by adding suffixes. Sometimes it is impossible to recognize the connection between the diminutive and the full version by ear. Diminutive forms are formed not only from individual names, but also from double ones. The only restrictions on education diminutive form is the “decency” of the sound and the ability to determine the gender of its bearer by name.

List with translation into Russian

The people of Spain, like other nations, have their own classic name. Find your way around the many beautiful and original options, our list of names with their meanings will help.

Rare beautiful