Game traffic jams on cars and roads. Favorite childhood game - "traffic jams" (1970s)

Drinks and snacks are not something that seduces a gambling gambler, but in this game there is such goodness in abundance. Just right in front of you is a real opportunity to play online the famous domestic spaces Cover slot. His unusual additional round became the subject of discussions and dreams of various participants in interactive gambling battles. What is the secret of the game, originally called Lucky Haunter? Probably, in addition to the bonus task with a choice of items, this five-reel slot machine also attracts with the unusual atmosphere of a cafe-bar and really cool game to double with cans of beer of different strengths. Just for her sake, you can play the traffic jam slot machine for free for fun.

Gambling slot machine Lucky Haunter without registration

The range of bets in this slot ranges from 1 to 225 coins in just one spin of the reels. It’s easy to control your impulses only until the first wins, but then it’s more difficult to control the “degree”. Gamers accustomed to playing are rarely immediately ready for the mind-blowing bonus game triggered by three Blue Beer Cap symbols. If there are prizes under all the beer caps available for selection, the waiter will bring the drinker two dishes. Determine which one has the juicy chicken hidden in it. Thanks to the right choice when playing, you can get a huge prize bonus. Do you want to play the Lucky Haunter slot machine interactively without registration and test your acumen?

May 20, 17:09

The other day at home I came across a cork from a Soviet cologne. A simple stopper made of smooth white “like plastic” with a jagged top around the perimeter. “It’s like plastic” - because it’s not plastic; I don’t know what this material is called - under the influence of fire it did not melt, but charred; It was also used to make platbands for electrical outlets. A year ago I found this cork on the street and put it in my pocket. And then he threw it into his closet-dustbin, with all sorts of small things. And now I found it. I took it because people like this don’t exist anymore. And once among children of the mid-80s. this cork bore the proud name "Damka", and was used for very gambling"In traffic jams."

In general, Soviet children of the mid-70s-80s, in the game code Russian civilization occupy, in my opinion, a special place. On the one hand, this time was not poor, and quite reliable. This is not the post-war childhood of my mother or father, when the kids were clearly not spoiled by beautiful clothes or food and literally had - " wooden Toys"I remember my mother telling me that for her an indescribable delicacy was simple bread sprinkled with sugar. The memory of how she ate this bread, and there was a lot of it, was one of the first memories from her childhood. I remember the story father about how the favorite winter pastime of the boys of his childhood were homemade sleds bent from wire. They called them after various ships and constantly knocked them over. And in the summer they rolled the rims with sticks. But that’s a completely different story.

Another thing is the children from my childhood. They ate and dressed quite well. In general, there were also plenty of store-bought toys. Everyone had toy soldiers, cars, machine guns, “sticks” and other devices. Children's leisure during this era also provided different activities- from the old-fashioned game of war on the street (or football, or Cossack robbers, or hopscotch, or knives, or riding scooters, and later bicycles, etc.), to home intellectual pursuits: drawing beautykami, pencils (later “flomics”), modeling from plasticine, playing records, viewing filmstrips on filmoscopes, Board games finally, just - cartoons on TV. All this happened.

We lived in the quiet, measured times of late Brezhnev, there was peace in the streets and in our heads. There were simply no forbidden fruits in this world that one would want to reach for. Really - smoking? So neither I nor the other boys of my circle were eager to smoke. Indeed, we were brought up to think that this activity was bad. Yes, occasionally we came across, of course, some ragged individuals with dirty matted hair and the same jackets, who were quietly smoking plane trees, coughing a terrible cough. But there were very few of them in my world, and the attitude towards them was fearful and disgusting. They were from some parallel world.

Or, for example, beer?! (Or stronger alcoholic drinks?) God forbid! In my mind, beer looked like a painfully long, unbearably dusty line of gloomy men in the summer heat for some kind of yellow water, “which is not for children.” In short, this activity was not at all intriguing. The strong drinks didn't look interesting either. Adults, when they were drunk, became strange, and this strangeness was seriously annoying. What else? Interest in taboo issues of sexual relations? I don’t know, it seems to me that at that time children remained children longer, blissfully unaware of these passions. There was, of course, talk about pussies, but somehow they did not interfere with the main children's games, and did not crowd them out.

Of course, like heaven and earth, we were not like modern children, which are literally strewn with all sorts of bright, expressive toys, educational games, computer and console shooters, video cartoons and other benefits of the modern children's gaming industry. If I got into a modern Child's world- I would go crazy because of the abundance of gaming luxury! But for modern children, alas, the value of toys has been greatly devalued. They treat them with some strange, short-lived interest, followed by indifference.

However, I have gone far from my original plans on this topic. I wanted to write about something else.

In general, being moderately rich in the works of the humane Soviet gaming industry, we clearly lacked some kind of struggle, “action,” victories and trophies that could be captured from each other. We knew each other’s existing toys off and on, they were the same. In addition, they were taken care of, because new set They won't be giving soldiers anytime soon. The maximum that could be done was to exchange some toys or take them out to play for a while. But the soul was yearning for something else - for excitement and excitement. And that is why, in my opinion, the traffic jam game appeared and spread in the mid-80s.

As I understand it, this game existed throughout the USSR, but the rules of the game and the names of traffic jams in different cities were seriously different from each other. Now I’ll try to remember what this game looked like in Sverdlovsk in 83-87. XX century. Of course, the game needed traffic jams. Implied plastic stoppers from perfumes, colognes and medical bottles. The only game plugs were those whose height was greater than their width.

Where did they get them from? The main sources of traffic jams were garbage dumps and lawns under multi-storey buildings(after all, as now, then Sverdlovsk residents were not very environmentally conscious and often threw small garbage out the window). Usually after school, the boys, in groups of two or three, returned home and scanned the roadside lawns in search of bottles with screwed caps. The first person to notice the trophy loudly reported: “Bottle with a queen!” My!". It was a sacramental cry with which private property relations began. Afterwards, he leisurely approached the find and took it away. Sometimes this slowness was ostentatious and unnecessarily leisurely. The pleasure from the thought that you had found “something”, but others could no longer take this “something”, stretched so long. Because he has staked his claim.

Some fearless heads did not disdain to dive into garbage containers in search of traffic jams. Now that there are a lot of homeless people, this shouldn’t surprise anyone. But - I promise - in the 80s only very prosperous children rummaged through garbage dumps. Not in search of a livelihood - no! In search of an encounter with beauty. With something that no one else has. And the trash trophies were sometimes impressive - for example, one of my friends found a pack of antiques in a container paper money the time of Nicholas 2nd. However, I admit that the author of these lines was not involved in the search for garbage. Somehow I was still disdainful.

Another source of corks was my mother’s perfume and other bottles. But here it was difficult to beg for the product - removing the cork was allowed only in the case of an almost empty bottle of some “Red Moscow”. And finally, the cork could be won in a fair competition. There were craftsmen who could boast of huge bags with a wide variety of stoppers.

The game went as follows. Usually there were two players. Everyone chose a cork from their stock. Then, bending down towards the floor (it was possible to play only on a hard surface), he pressed the walls of the cork between index finger left and thumb right hand. So the fingers seemed to cover the perimeter of the cork. Then, bringing the bottom of the cork close to the ground, the player sharply moved his arms to the sides and twisted the cork like a top. While it was spinning, I had to quickly straighten up and place the sole of my shoe on the rotating plug. The main condition was that the stopped plug should be standing - either with the bottom up or the bottom down. It is much worse if the cork turns out to be lying down. After this, the player who placed the cork vertically had the right to knock down the opponent’s cork with several blows. The blows were delivered with their own plug; To do this, the player again put his foot on his cork and sharply rolled it towards someone else's. The number of blows depended on the rarity of the cork. The rarer the cork was in nature, the higher the number of its impacts. If a player knocked down the opponent's cork, he won it and took it for himself. Of course, if both players made corks, they struck at recess. Who will hit whom? If no one was able to knock anyone down, then the game ended in a draw, and the players took their jams back. It must be said that this fun was not common in all schools in the city; my contemporaries from other schools sometimes just shrug their shoulders when I ask them about it. But where she was, there was everything - excitement, luck, disputes and fights, and, of course, huge fortunes made by professional players,

The most amazing thing in this story is the special hierarchy of traffic jams and their names. The Soviet perfume and medical industry was, as we know, planned. Therefore, the list of medical and perfumery products, as well as the containers for them, were limited. Of course, the traffic jams were no different either. In total, therefore, there were a little more than a dozen game jams. The cost of the cork was noticeably increased by its color. Corks of rare colors were more expensive than similar but common colors. The most expensive were gold-plated or silver-plated stoppers. Yes, I emphasize that the cost of traffic jams was not measured in money, but only in the number of “shots” or “blows”! We had money - some little thing, but we did not sell or buy anything to each other. Maximum - they exchanged toys or the same traffic jams. As an equivalent, money existed in the parallel world of adults; usually with these pennies we bought juices in grocery stores, buns in bread shops, stamps in Soyuzpechat kiosks.

So, the cheapest and least valuable were “Rat” and “Officer”. These are stoppers from tubes of toothpaste or cream. Usually they were made of transparent polyethylene, were soft, light and did not fit well on the butt. But they were the most common. The difference between the rat and the officer was the absence of a “pike” - a pin inside the stopper for piercing a sealed tube. The officer had a pike. In the photo - "Officer" on the left, "Rat" on the right. Now they have practically not changed, only the notch has become rougher.

Close to “Rat” and “Officer” in cost was “Elephant”, a stopper with an elongated bottom for eye and nasal ointments. Because of this trunk, it was very difficult to play “Elephant”. By the way, this elephant in the photo is modern. The Soviet ones were narrower and had a rounded nose.

The favorite main “combat” plugs were:

1. "General." A stopper from ordinary colognes, slightly tapering towards the top, with a smooth belt at the bottom and a notch along the main part of the body. It was also made from polyethylene, and was widely used different colors. The most common are red and blue. The bottom of the cork was smooth, but sometimes it could have concentric circles - this “General” was called royal and was more expensive. The diameter of the plug was approximately 15 mm. However, there were also little generals - from bottles of perfume. They were usually colorless. The generals stood up very well after the spin.

2. "King." The one who inspired this story for me. Cylindrical smooth with a fine notch along the upper edge. Made from white hard plastic. I don’t remember any other colors of “Damka”. Available in two sizes.

3. "Festival" In my opinion, the most amazing name. Where did it come from?! We can only guess. A stopper more commonly found on medical vials. It was also made, like the dam, from hard plastic; it tapered slightly at the top, had a slightly convex bottom and a smooth belt at the neck. The most noticeable element of the "Festival" were the ribs on the sides of the cork, grouped in groups of three. Festivals could be of two sizes - large (from colognes) and small (for example, from iodine). The colors of the festivals were very diverse - white, blue, red, black, yellow.

4. "Tractor." A rough, large, strictly cylindrical plug with fine notches along the walls. Most often it was made of black polyethylene, but there were also colorless ones. Found on colognes and cosmetic compositions.

U mohis friend even has this version of the tractor preserved - gold plated. Probably the prices are not low.

5. “Vanka-Vstanka.” The traffic jam was not recognized by everyone as a game. Found in pharmaceutical bottles of all kinds of tinctures. Made from colorless polyethylene. The shape looked like a truncated cone, consisting of two diameters - a narrower upper one, and a significantly wider lower one. Therefore it was easy to install. Which was not always welcome.

6. "Robot". This button plug was taken from aerosols; it was on it that you had to press in order to get an aerosol stream. Usually small, cylindrical, made of colorless polyethylene with a round window with a jet hole on the side. In order for her to play, she had to cut off the proboscis with a razor, which was used to insert the cork into the aerosol can.

7. A couple more traffic jams, the names of which I can’t remember. Faceted and smooth, with semicircular ribs at the bottom.

The most expensive traffic jams were no longer on colognes, but on perfumes. Gilded ones of different sizes were often found.

1. "Kolobok." A spherical plug with a toothed belt “along the equator”. The bun, as a rule, stood up perfectly “on its butt” and rolled beautifully. The koloboks were small and large.

2. "King." The small plug, made of hard plastic, had a flared top that vaguely resembled a crown. It was found in a variety of colors, but much less frequently than the second group of corks. It perfectly assumed a vertical position due to its conical shape and the center of gravity shifted to one of the ends.

4. "Padishah." The most expensive plug of all gaming. From some exorbitant price eau de toilette. It cost a fortune. It resembled a king in shape - its bottom on a graceful stem also expanded in the form of a funnel with a convex hemisphere inside, but the cork itself was much larger and significantly higher than the king. Not only was the cork very infrequent, but it also stood up perfectly when playing and had the maximum number of hits. I don’t remember how many. In my life I saw her only three or four times. And now I can’t even find a photo on the Internet.

Among the names I can also remember the “frog” stopper - it was a non-game wide stopper from bottles with liquid balms and creams. Usually found frequently, in a variety of colors. It had a smooth bottom and walls with convex ribs.

It is curious that the school apocrypha mentioned an even rarer plug - “God”. In legends, she always got up from any position. But, it seems, no one could accurately give either its appearance or description, although the author was personally interested in this question. Isn't it quite symbolic?)))

The free Lucky Haunter slot machine was created by Igrosoft. The emulator attracts with its unusual theme, simple interface, beautiful graphics, profitable prize options (bonus and risk rounds) and the ability to bet with virtual credits for free. You can play the slot online through any browser on your favorite device. You can download the version for offline gaming on the official website of the online casino after registration.

Theme, graphics and sound

The Cork slot realistically reveals the bar theme. Well-chosen symbols and main character help create a carefree atmosphere. On the main screen - a lucky regular at a beer bar with a glass of cold, intoxicating drink, an active fan and a wonderful conversationalist. You can hear his voice in the risk game. The graphics of the Lucky Haunter slot machine are ordinary. The characters are drawn clearly, but there is no animation or 3D. Game process accompanied by cheerful music, sounds of a gramophone and comments from the main character.

Technical characteristics of Lucky Haunter

The machine was developed according to a standard scheme: 5 reels and 9 lines. The user chooses an odd number of active bands at his own discretion. You can bet up to 25 credits on each. For happy drawings You should remember the capabilities of the gaminator.

  1. Growing jackpot - no.
  2. Maximum win - 5 000.
  3. The maximum bet is 225.
  4. Scatter - yes.
  5. Wild - yes.
  6. Free spins - no.
  7. There is a bonus round.
  8. There is a risk game.
  9. There is a demo.

Winning combinations (3 or more identical symbols) are built in two directions from left to right and right to left. This means they fall out twice as often.

Slot symbols

There are nine symbols in the game: a bottle with a glass, cans of beer, a glass of beer, shrimp with sauce, a decanter of wine, boiled crayfish, a horseshoe, a lid and the Lucky Haunter logo. Payouts for each sign are described in the Pay Table section. The maximum winnings of the slot - 5000 bets - will be awarded to the player who is lucky enough to add five symbols with the image on the screen corporate logo. The Horseshoe has the power of the Wild and can replace all symbols except the bonus and logo. Cork is a special icon. Its appearance on the reels in triplicate activates the bonus game of the Lucky Haunter slot machine.

Bonus game in Lucky Hunter

The themed bonus game of the Traffic Jam slot opens on a separate screen and consists of two stages.

  1. You have to choose the plugs under which the prize is hidden. A successful find will take the player to a new level - a super bonus. Failure will force you to interrupt the additional entertainment of the traffic jam machine.
  2. You must choose one of two closed treats. When choosing a dish with fried chicken, the user will win.

Risk game

After getting a successful combination in Lucky Haunter, playing becomes even more interesting and profitable. For example, you can try to double your winnings. To do this, you need to click on the Bet button and play with the dealer. The task is to open beer cans one by one and compare their numbers. The croupier opens the jar first. If the player's beer turns out to be stronger than the dealer's drink, the winnings will be doubled.

Conclusions about the Lucky Haunter slot machine

Lucky Hunter slot machine - a slot with an unusual plot, generous bonus game and a risky round. Visitors will enjoy the dynamic bonus and risk rounds, payout ratios for each slot and the power of special symbols. Both beginners and experienced players prefer to play Lucky Haunter for free.

Each of us loved to play tag as a child. This is a box inside which you need to move the boards in the correct sequence. With development computer technology Such applications have also appeared in virtual form. Today, the popular flash game “Traffic” (and not only with numbers) was invented.

In some ways, this game can also remind you of situations on the roads when traffic stops. However, there are many people who get adrenaline when freeing themselves from traffic jams. And now they won’t have to deliberately create such situations. You can download and save the ones you need for free, without registration, in your browser, or play online on your gadgets at any convenient time.

Benefit and interest

This kind of entertainment will be very useful for children because it:

It is worth noting that the flash game “Traffic” is free. The child will no longer ask to buy him CDs with similar entertainment.

Nothing extra

People really like to play Traffic Jams. The reason is not only that it is free and available at any time. Points are awarded for each situation, after which the player moves to the next level. Moreover, both the flash game “Traffic” itself and all the available information are provided in Russian. It is very comfortable.

Our site offers the best browser-based flash logic games, which you can download for free and without registration. For exotic lovers you can. The entire collection offered is absolutely safe. We don't have viruses.

Not only children, but also adults will be able to play “Traffic” for free, without registration, to relax after a hard day at work.

We would like to present to you a wonderful free slot from Igrosoft on the theme of a beer bar - slot machine Traffic jams, aka Lucky slot Haunter. This slot was used great success during the heyday of slot machine halls and does not lose popularity after casinos moved online. Possible reasons for this: a successful theme that is close to every resident of the CIS, many symbols, bonus and risk games, and a high payout percentage. Now, every player has the opportunity to play the traffic jam slot machine for free and without registration.

How to play the slot machine Traffic Jams for free?

Before you start, you need to get to know them appearance and structure. The Lucky Haunter slot machine has a device that is standard for Igrosoft products: 5 reels and 9 game lines. The bet size varies from 1 credit to as much as 810. But this game has several more additions that will be pleasant for every player. First: all winnings are paid according to the standard – from left to right, and from right to left. Second: availability wild symbol, the role of which went to the horseshoe, symbolizing good luck. The horseshoe plays the role of a joker in the game; accordingly, it can play the role of other symbols.

Slot symbols

The main game takes place in a pub, so almost all the symbols involved in the game are themed: a barrel cap with the name of the slot, a horseshoe, a crayfish, a decanter of wine, shrimp, a mug of foam, a can of beer, a bottle, a cork. It is thanks to the blue cork that the Lucky Haunter slot owes its second, popular name - the traffic jam slot machine. Although this symbol does not have linear combinations, you can get a win for it, and even the largest one in the entire game. It seems that all players, without exception, are waiting for three or more plugs to appear on the reels, because this includes a two-level bonus game.

In the first prize round you will see a set of five plugs, each of which contains a prize, namely the bet multiplier. If the player is lucky when playing this game and does not come across a traffic jam with the word Exit, then the second level begins bonus game, where a super prize is already at stake - 187,500 credits.

At this stage, the task is much simpler in terms of probability of chance, since only two dishes will appear before the player. One hides a chicken, the other is empty - if you guess the cup with chicken, the player will be awarded a super bonus.

Risk game

When playing the slot machine Traffic Jams you collect winning combination, The risk game becomes available to you. This game takes place on a different screen, but it is stylized as general style: The backs of the cards from the deck are designed to look like beer cans. Choose the jar you like and look:

  • the number on the dealer's bank is higher - loss (automatic exit from the game);
  • the number on the dealer's bank turned out to be equal to yours - a draw (repeat of the draw);
  • number on the dealer's bank of a lower value - doubling the bet (the player has two options, continue to double the winnings or enter the main game).

Summary about the Traffic Jam slot

So, we can say that this slot machine, like all Igrosoft slot machines, has not lost popularity to this day, and the ability to play the Probki slot machine for free and without registration has only strengthened the position of this slot on Olympus of the most popular online slots.