Matching numbers 6 out of 45. Gosloto: how to play and win? Rules and tips

We will tell you about the rules for participating in lotteries on the Stoloto website. Read about what you can play and how to act to win. Find out how to check whether a ticket has won or not, as well as how to get your winnings if you played over the Internet.

08.05.2018 Alexander Fattakhov

Lotteries are national games of chance. Each of us at least once in our lives bought the coveted ticket in the hope of hitting a big jackpot.

All Russian state lotteries are concentrated in one place - in the Stoloto company. In this article we will analyze in detail what it is, how to play Stoloto online correctly, and what the chance of winning depends on.

What is Stoloto

Stoloto positions itself as a lottery trading house, where anyone can come and try their luck. The company sells one and a half dozen different state lotteries, including such well-known ones as “Russian Lotto” and “Gosloto 5 out of 36”.

Stoloto is not just a distributor, but an entire system that services state gambling.

Services include:

  • retail ticket sales;
  • online sales;
  • conducting drawings;
  • payments to winners;
  • Information Support.

Possible risks

Let's immediately add a fly in the ointment by talking about risks. The organizer always wins - this is the golden rule of any gambling. Moreover, of all fair gambling games, the lottery is the most profitable for the company.

Let's compare it to a casino. The average player who comes to a gambling establishment with 1000 rubles in his pocket will leave with 950-990 rubles. In the lottery this figure is around 50%! Enormous income for organizers.

Another risk factor is the high probability of deception. This fact has not been documented anywhere, but there are a large number of skeptics who do not believe in the fairness of the sweepstakes.

The main argument of all skeptics is that the pranks are broadcast in recordings, and the necessary results are adjusted without showing it to the public. It sounds like a conspiracy theory, but the records of the 2259 and 2260 draws have exactly the same position of the balls at different time marks, which is unlikely from any point of view.

We don’t undertake to judge what it is, but before playing you must soberly weigh all the risks.

What can you play in a lottery supermarket?

So, you decided to try your luck and buy the coveted ticket. Let's look at what to play and how much you can win.

As mentioned above, the site offers 15 different lotteries. Conventionally, they are divided into 3 categories.

Fast lotteries

Draws are held every 15 minutes, with large sums up to 15,000,000 rubles being drawn. But do not think that such amounts are distributed left and right every circulation. Usually the maximum winning amount does not exceed 5,000 rubles.

These include:

  • KENO-Sportloto;
  • Purchase;
  • Rapido;
  • Top 3;
  • Duel;
  • 12/24.

Multi-million dollar lotteries

These are the most money lotteries. If we take the largest cash prizes, most of them came in the famous “Gosloto 6 out of 45”.

The record winnings on one ticket are more than 358 million rubles.

From one to six draws are held daily for each of them. The rules are extremely simple - you need to select a certain number of numbers and wait for the result. The name speaks for itself. For example, in “Gosloto 4 out of 20” 20 balls are loaded into the lottery drum, and the player only needs to select 4.

Gosloto has 5 varieties:

  • 4 out of 20;
  • 5 out of 36;
  • 6 out of 45;
  • 7 out of 49;
  • Sportsloto Matchball.

TV lotteries

The third type is a real show with invited guests and spectators in the hall. Draws take place once a week and are broadcast live on TV. Huge cash prizes, apartments, cars, vacation packages and much more are up for grabs.

These include:

  • Russian Lotto;
  • Housing Lottery;
  • 6 out of 36 (not to be confused with Gosloto);
  • Golden horseshoe.

How to play on the Stoloto website - basic rules

It was mentioned above that the Stoloto company is responsible for selling online tickets for its lotteries. But we did not consider this issue in detail.

We have compiled instructions for use for everyone who wants to try their luck without leaving their computer.

Stage 1. Registration on the site

The first thing you need to do is register on the site. There is nothing complicated about it - just fill out the form.

The following information must be provided:

  • email;
  • password;
  • phone number.

You will also be asked to confirm that you are over 18 years of age.

Don't try to cheat the system. For transactions with large amounts, identity verification will be required.

Phone and email must be valid. They will ask for confirmation.

Stage 2. Buying a ticket

First of all, you need to top up your wallet. This can be done from your personal account or after selecting a lottery ticket.

The wallet is replenished in the following ways:

  1. A plastic card.
  2. Online banking.
  3. From a mobile phone number.
  4. Yandex money.
  5. Qiwi.
  6. Single wallet.
  7. Bank transfer.
  8. Replenishment through terminals.

The maximum amount of one transaction is 300,000 rubles. There cannot be more than 600,000 rubles in your wallet at a time.

Select the lottery you are interested in from your personal account or simply on the website. After filling out the numeric field, all that remains is to purchase a ticket.

Stage 3. Ticket verification

Electronic tickets are checked automatically. You can also see the results in your personal account.

If you don’t trust the system, watch video broadcasts in the “Circle Archive” tab. If any controversial situations arise, for example, your ticket won, but the system does not consider it as such, contact technical support.

The application also works for a smartphone, in which all player options are available.

Stage 4. Receiving winnings

You were lucky and became the owner of a lucky ticket that brought you money. Where can I get my prize?

The information on the website tells us the following:

  1. Up to 100,000 rubles. Such amounts are automatically transferred to your personal account. Withdraw money in a way convenient for you. To receive amounts over 40,000 rubles, go through full personal identification.
  2. From 100,000 to 300,000 rubles. Big wins are awarded at big prize centers. They are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.
  3. From 300,000. Such huge winnings are processed only at the Stoloto lottery center in Moscow.

To receive a prize of more than 1,000,000 rubles, additional examination of the ticket will be required.

Note! You have the right to withdraw only the money you have won from your personal account. If you deposited 10,000 rubles and then decided to withdraw them, nothing will work.

Why am I not winning - 3 possible reasons

Looking at the winners of multi-million dollar prizes, you inevitably think: “Why don’t I win?” It is impossible to answer this question with certainty. The science responsible for the lottery - the theory of probability - only calculates the odds, but does not choose the winner.

There are a huge number of versions and reasons. Someone believes in the conspiracy theory of the organizers and is trying to deceive them. Others go to fortune tellers and psychics to increase their chances of winning.

Let's consider the lottery as an honest game of chance, built on dry mathematics.

In this case, the reasons for failure will be as follows:

  1. Reason 1 - you don't play much. The chances of winning are in millionths of a percent. Here it is worth considering a simple example. There are 100 numbered balls in the bag. You need to pull out the ball with number 17. If you have one attempt, then the chance of success is 1%. Two attempts - 2%. Fifty attempts - 50%. This also works with tickets.
  2. Reason 2 - you stopped playing. History knows many people who hit the jackpot after ten or even twenty years of participation. Don’t think that by playing once you will hit a multi-million dollar jackpot. There are cases where people have won by buying one ticket, but this is the exception that proves the rule. There are 1 in a billion such people. The winner of the largest prize in Russia claims that she has been playing Russian Lotto since the foundation of the lottery.
  3. Reason 3 - you are an unlucky person. Luck cannot be measured mathematically. But there is such a thing as a “light hand”. Someone is luckier and wins prize tickets. And one of the 100 will pull out the only one that will bring nothing.

Should you rely on intuition - what the winners say

Intuition for many is the determining factor when buying a ticket. But what do the winners say about this? If you look at the biggest winnings in Russian history, you get a rather interesting picture.

There is no doubt that at least once in life everyone has asked themselves the question: how to win the 6 out of 45 lottery? Indeed, a winning ticket is a real chance to improve your financial situation and fulfill your cherished desires, and at the same time invest as little as possible in it. But practice shows: there are very few lucky ones who win large sums of money. I wonder what it depends on? Is there some kind of pattern or is this a matter of luck?

What are the chances of winning?

Surely each of us, when buying another lottery ticket, hopes that it will certainly be a winner. One only has to think about the fact that there are a huge number of combinations in the 6 out of 45 lottery and only one of them can turn an ordinary person into a multimillionaire overnight.

So, using a mathematical formula, it was established that the number of possible combinations in the 6 out of 45 lottery is 8,145,060. Just think about it: the chance of winning is negligible. But despite this, in history there are many cases of winning large cash prizes. Based on them, we can come to the conclusion, 6 out of 45.

How to guess the numbers?

The principle of the lottery is that the player must choose 6 numbers out of 45 on the playing field. The one who correctly guesses the combination completely will receive a super prize. As a rule, it amounts to more than one million rubles in Russia. Some people bet numbers “at random”, others use some strategy, others use the same combination over and over again, in the hope that sooner or later it will turn out to be winning. In general, everyone has their own way to win the 6 out of 45 lottery.

There are also methods for determining winning numbers using magical attributes. One of these methods is called dowsing. So, how to win the 6 out of 45 lottery using a pendulum? In fact, the method is quite simple and accessible, not requiring special knowledge and skills. For the ritual you will need a sheet of paper on which you need to write all 45 numbers. Next, you need to take some kind of pendant and hold it over each number in turn; if it starts to swing over one or several of them, then perhaps it’s worth noting this particular number. The method, of course, at first glance does not inspire confidence, but clairvoyants often use pendulums, which means it can also be considered for this purpose.


In each game, the organizers keep statistics, in this case we are talking about the frequency of certain numbers appearing. This information is widely available to players, and you can view it on the official lottery website, if there is one, of course. Regular buyers of lottery tickets use this method to play, while others, by the way, on the contrary, bet on numbers that appear less frequently according to statistics.

Also, many players believe that lottery organizers calculate combinations in advance so that there are as few winning tickets as possible. In fact, this is extremely difficult to do, unless, of course, we are talking about playing online, and the winning numbers are automatically selected by a computer program.

So, one of the methods for determining a “lucky” combination is to determine the system for the occurrence of certain numbers, that is, to keep statistics. But this, of course, does not provide any guarantees, as do other methods. And it is also not possible to definitively answer how to win the 6 out of 45 lottery using statistics.

What do players who managed to get cash prizes in the 6 out of 45 lottery say:

  1. There is no need to bet on numbers that are associated with any events; it is better to bet at random.
  2. In one game, either even numbers do not appear, or therefore it is worth combining the choice of both in one ticket.
  3. The numbers need to be distributed evenly across the entire playing field, because rarely all the zithers are located in one part.
  4. You need to calculate the total sum of the selected numbers; it should not be less than 106 and more than 179.
  5. Experienced players testify that you should not play on one bet, it is better to spend money and buy several tickets and increase your chance of winning.

These are some simple tips on how to win the 6 out of 45 lottery. Reviews from experienced players indicate that in order to win, you first need to play. Because many of those who received good cash prizes said that they played for years and regularly, and in the end luck smiled on them.

How to win the lottery?

Apparently, there are quite a lot of gamblers in our country. And even though there are many tips, recommendations, and secrets on how to win the 6 out of 45 super prize in the lottery, not everyone is lucky. From this we can conclude that you shouldn’t rely too much on them; most likely, victory really depends largely on luck.

Some people participate in the drawing only because they enjoy the process itself. Others constantly entertain the hope of winning big money. And someone completely unexpectedly becomes a millionaire. In general, the conclusion is clear - you need to listen to your intuition and believe in luck.

Is it possible to win the lottery? What are the chances of matching the required number of numbers and winning the jackpot or junior category prize? The probability of winning is easy to calculate; anyone can do it themselves.

How is the probability of winning the lottery generally calculated?

Numerical lotteries are conducted according to certain formulas and the chances of each event (winning a particular category) are calculated mathematically. Moreover, this probability is calculated for any desired value, be it “5 out of 36”, “6 out of 45”, or “7 out of 49” and it does not change, since it depends only on the total number of numbers (balls, numbers) and the fact how many of them need to be guessed.

For example, for the “5 out of 36” lottery the probabilities are always as follows

  • guess two numbers - 1:8
  • guess three numbers - 1:81
  • guess four numbers - 1: 2,432
  • guess five numbers - 1: 376,992

In other words, if you mark one combination (5 numbers) on a ticket, then the chance of guessing “two” is only 1 in 8. But catching “five” numbers is much more difficult, this is already 1 chance in 376,992. This is exactly the number (376 thousand) There are all kinds of combinations in the “5 out of 36” lottery and you are guaranteed to win it if you only fill them all. True, the amount of winnings in this case will not justify the investment: if a ticket costs 80 rubles, then marking all the combinations will cost 30,159,360 rubles. The jackpot is usually much smaller.

In general, all probabilities have long been known, all that remains is to find them or calculate them yourself, using the appropriate formulas.

For those who are too lazy to look, we present the winning probabilities for the main Stoloto numerical lotteries - they are presented in this table

How many numbers do you need to guess? chances are 5 out of 36 6 in 45 odds chances are 7 out of 49
2 1:8 1:7
3 1:81 1:45 1:22
4 1:2432 1:733 1:214
5 1:376 992 1:34 808 1:4751
6 1:8 145 060 1:292 179
7 1:85 900 584

Necessary clarifications

The lotto widget allows you to calculate the probabilities of winning for lotteries with one lottery machine (without bonus balls) or with two lottery machines. You can also calculate the probabilities of deployed bets

Probability calculation for lotteries with one lottery machine (without bonus balls)

Only the first two fields are used, in which the numerical formula of the lottery is used, for example: - “5 out of 36”, “6 out of 45”, “7 out of 49”. In principle, you can calculate almost any world lottery. There are only two restrictions: the first value should not exceed 30, and the second - 99.

If the lottery does not use additional numbers*, then after selecting a numerical formula, all you have to do is click the calculate button and the result is ready. It doesn’t matter what probability of an event you want to know - winning a jackpot, a second/third category prize, or just finding out whether it’s difficult to guess 2-3 numbers out of the required number - the result is calculated almost instantly!

Calculation example. The chance of guessing 5 out of 36 is 1 in 376,992

Examples. Probabilities of winning the main prize for lotteries:
“5 out of 36” (Gosloto, Russia) – 1:376 922
“6 out of 45” (Gosloto, Russia; Saturday Lotto, Australia; Lotto, Austria) - 1:8 145 060
“6 out of 49” (Sportloto, Russia; La Primitiva, Spain; Lotto 6/49, Canada) - 1:13 983 816
“6 out of 52” (Super Loto, Ukraine; Illinois Lotto, USA; Mega TOTO, Malaysia) - 1:20 358 520
“7 out of 49” (Gosloto, Russia; Lotto Max, Canada) - 1:85 900 584

Lotteries with two lottery machines (+ bonus ball)

If the lottery uses two lottery machines, then all 4 fields must be filled in for calculation. In the first two - the numerical formula of the lottery (5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, etc.), in the third and fourth fields the number of bonus balls is indicated (x out of n). Important: this calculation can only be used for lotteries with two lottery machines. If the bonus ball is taken from the main lottery machine, then the probability of winning in this particular category is calculated differently.

* Since when using two lottery machines, the chance of winning is calculated by multiplying the probabilities by each other, then for the correct calculation of lotteries with one lottery machine, the choice of an additional number by default is 1 out of 1, that is, it is not taken into account.

Examples. Probabilities of winning the main prize for lotteries:
“5 out of 36 + 1 out of 4” (Gosloto, Russia) – 1:1 507 978
“4 out of 20 + 4 out of 20” (Gosloto, Russia) – 1:23 474 025
“6 out of 42 + 1 out of 10” (Megalot, Ukraine) – 1:52 457 860
“5 out of 50 + 2 out of 10” (EuroJackpot) – 1:95 344 200
“5 out of 69 + 1 out of 26” (Powerball, USA) - 1: 292,201,338

Example calculation. The chance of guessing 4 out of 20 twice (in two fields) is 1 in 23,474,025

A good illustration of the complexity of playing with two lottery machines is the Gosloto 4 out of 20 lottery. The probability of guessing 4 numbers out of 20 in one field is quite fair, the chance of this is 1 in 4,845. But when you need to guess correctly and win both fields... then the probability is calculated by multiplying them. That is, in this case, we multiply 4,845 by 4,845, which gives 23,474,025. So, the simplicity of this lottery is deceptive; winning the main prize in it is more difficult than in “6 out of 45” or “6 out of 49”

Probability calculation (expanded bets)

In this case, the probability of winning when using expanded bets is calculated. For example, if there are 6 out of 45 in the lottery, mark 8 numbers, then the probability of winning the main prize (6 out of 45) will be 1 chance in 290,895. Whether to use expanded bets is up to you. Taking into account the fact that their cost is very high (in this case, 8 marked numbers are 28 options), it is worth knowing how this increases the chances of winning. Moreover, it is now very easy to do this!

Calculation of the probability of winning (6 out of 45) using the example of an expanded bet (8 numbers are marked)

And other possibilities

Using our widget, you can calculate the probability of winning in bingo lotteries, for example, Russian Lotto. The main thing that needs to be taken into account is the number of moves allocated for the onset of winning. To make it clearer: for a long time in the Russian Lotto lottery, the jackpot could be won if 15 numbers ( in one field) closed in 15 moves. The probability of such an event is absolutely fantastic, 1 chance in 45,795,673,964,460,800 (you can check and get this value yourself). This is why, by the way, for many years in the Russian Lotto lottery no one could hit the jackpot, and it was distributed forcibly.

On March 20, 2016, the rules of the Russian Lotto lottery were changed. The jackpot can now be won if 15 numbers (out of 30) were closed in 15 moves. It turns out to be an analogue of an expanded bet - after all, 15 numbers are guessed out of 30 available! And this is a completely different possibility:

Chance to win the jackpot (according to new rules) in the Russian Lotto lottery

And in conclusion, we present the probability of winning in lotteries using a bonus ball from the main lottery drum (our widget does not count such values). Of the most famous

Sportsloto “6 out of 49”(Gosloto, Russia), La Primitiva “6 out of 49” (Spain)
Category "5 + bonus ball": probability 1:2 330 636

SuperEnalotto "6 out of 90"(Italy)
Category "5 + bonus ball": probability 1:103,769,105

Oz Lotto "7 out of 45"(Australia)
Category "6 + bonus ball": probability 1:3 241 401
“5 + 1” – probability 1:29,602
“3 +1” – probability 1:87

Lotto "6 out of 59"(Great Britain)
Category "5 + 1 bonus ball": probability 1:7 509 579

Many gambling fans often wonder how to win the lottery. Here are some tricks for the 6 out of 45 lottery. How to win it by matching the maximum number of numbers? The probability of simply guessing all 6 numbers is 1 in 8145060. As you can see, this is almost impossible. But there are several simple ways to choose the necessary numbers and get, although not the maximum, a win.

Tricks of playing the lottery 6 of 45

  • Write down all the drawn numbers from the last 8 - 10 draws and find those that come up the maximum number of times. By choosing the same numbers, you will increase the probability of your winnings.
  • Write down in advance on a blank sheet of paper the numbers that you want to cross out and only after that pick up the ticket to fill out. By choosing combinations right on the ticket itself, you will be guided by a visual picture, and not by your sixth sense and intuition.
  • As statistics show, you can win both using your personal “system” and “at random”. But in any case, it is worth considering this feature that combinations of numbers, as a rule, are not repeated, especially for the last 2 - 3 games. Also, you almost never get 2 or 3 numbers in a row; more often you end up with a discrepancy.
  • All 45 numbers can be divided into 3 groups: from 1 to 15, from 15 to 30 and from 30 to 45. And select the maximum number or most of the numbers from one group. Some circulations fit exactly this way. Alternatively, you can select most of the numbers in one of these groups, and scatter the rest among the remaining numbers.

It is important before starting the game to decide on the amount that you are willing to spend without compromising the family budget. You need to be prepared to lose it, so as not to worry in the future if you fail. Only in this case will you be able to relax and enjoy the game.

"Gosloto 6 out of 45" is a popular and favorite lottery of millions. It enjoys a good reputation among lottery fans. The Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery is distinguished primarily by its large jackpot, which attracts many players. How to play to get closer to victory? Are there any proven methods or secrets to increase your chances of winning big money in Gosloto 6 out of 45? There are some rules and secrets that may be useful to you.

As we have already said, Gosloto 6 out of 45 is famous for its incredibly large jackpot, the amount of which is more than 100,000,000 rubles. Therefore, it is worth finding out today what you need to do to increase your chances of winning.

The Internet portal “site” offers you 3 tips that can lead to you becoming a millionaire in the next draw:

Take part in every draw

The stories of lotto players show that systematic play is the basis. Therefore, you should not miss your chance to win and try to bet on the numbers systematically, because the more often you take part in the draws, the higher the chances of winning.

Choose numbers spontaneously

Players very often have their favorite numbers, which they do not intend to give up and use them at any cost in every draw. Mostly these are lucky numbers for them, for example, dates of birth of children, wedding anniversaries, often guided by numerology. However, as history shows, winners, as a rule, are led to a great victory by their random numbers. So sometimes, for a change, it’s worth choosing random numbers at random and waiting to see what fate brings.

Change your habits and play randomly

A wide range of players make this mistake very often. Striving for originality, users often encounter different strategies and look for unusual combinations of numbers. It often happens that players analyze all the statistics of the last months or even years to form a list of the most frequently drawn numbers. Others choose different mathematical combinations, form number lines, or play numbers with only pairs or odd numbers.

According to the laws of probability, the chances of hitting each number are the same. However, it is worth remembering that the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery has many fans, most of whom are players who have their own strategies and have been faithful to them for many years. So if we play, for example, a sequence of even numbers in ascending order, for example: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10... it should be taken into account that in case of winning, this amount will need to be divided among other players who have the same strategy as you. Therefore, by choosing from random numbers, the risk of splitting the main prize is much lower.

Why is it worth playing Gosloto 6 out of 45?

The Russian lottery “Gosloto 6 out of 45” is one of the most popular lotteries in Russia. From the very first draw, the game has enjoyed continued popularity. It is a game of unlimited accumulation, so even celebrities and millionaires play it to increase their wealth. With a high probability of winning, as well as a low cost - 100 rubles per bet. “Gosloto 6 out of 45” is one of our users’ favorite games. Players who correctly guess at least 2 numbers out of 45 will receive a cash prize.

So, let's play online and make your dreams come true, especially when you can win more than 100 million rubles! Good luck!