Rylov Arkady Aleksandrovich field rowan. Essay based on the painting “Field Rowan” by Rylov

Description of Rylov’s painting “Field ash”

In this painting, the artist gives us a tour of ideal world wildlife.
Showing us only the most beautiful and the kindest.

On the canvas we see a river depicted.
She hides from our view in the thickets of grass.
The artist depicted grass growing in a meadow in different colors.
You might think that the artist invented his landscape, because we cannot believe that nature itself could create such beauty.
The rowan tree is in the center of our attention; it very modestly bowed its branches over the river.
It is difficult for her to hold on to her bunches, and one gets the impression that the rowan treats the nature around it with its ripe fruits.

According to historians, by depicting a rowan tree, the artist wanted to tell us something.
After all, earlier one of beautiful trees Birch and rowan were considered.
I like that the picture is painted with bright colors, it is not striking, on the contrary, it gives depth to the entire landscape.
Like many other artists, Rylov strives to Once again show us the full scope of the breadth of the Russian soul.
All the artists were imbued with love for the beauty of their homeland.
This is probably where patriotism should lie, it is not necessary to flee Russia from difficulties to other cities, it will not be better there, but only there we can realize what we did not value.

Russian nature has more than once become a source best feelings and impressions. So in the painting of the famous landscape artist Arkady Rylov we see the summer season, the slopes going down to the river. Hot afternoon. In the clearing there are dense thickets of white yarrow heads and yellow tansy inflorescences. This is what people call the field, wild mountain ash. It is very reminiscent of this with its inflorescences and carved leaves beautiful plant. Tansy stands out brightly on the canvas and is the center of the work. She concentrates the entire color impression on herself.

The composition is built very compactly, gathering on a “small heel” a huge variety of plants and the light and color collected on them. To the left and right, along the edges of the picture, as if being their frame, there are young, thin birch trees. From the light breeze they slightly sway the leaves, greeting the “icons” on the other side. The steep banks of the river are covered with lush vegetation. Flowers, herbs and bushes are drawn carefully and thoughtfully. After all, every object is tied to specific place and illuminated so that all its advantages and disadvantages are visible: broken branches and leaves, grass. The trees and bushes are tired from the heat.

The far bank of the river is flat and immediately from the coastal bushes the flooded lands begin, since a lot of moisture gets to them; they are green from spring to late autumn. A river with blue-green water flows slowly, leisurely below. It flows along the plateau, passing islands and cliffs. It carries its waters far beyond the forests and mountains. Blue sky with lush, airy clouds racing against each other.

The clouds, dispersed by the wind, will gather their forces for a long time - rain. He will not go soon, but dusty various herbs and flowers are already looking forward to him. When it rains, it will give everyone a drink and everything will come to life and give a living aroma. Willow bushes with whitish elongated leaves are visible on the other side of the river; they lowered their branches into the cool water. They drink and cannot get drunk. Their roots “live” in water.

In the distance, on the other side, large trees stand out clearly in the background. There is a house under them, apparently someone lives there and admires these endless expanses every day. A narrow line goes beyond the horizon dark colors strip of forest. I think it’s free and easy to breathe here. The range of the palette changes from green to yellow-red, smoothly moving to rich, brown, and dark orange. Nature pleases the eye with its simplicity and unpretentiousness, and this makes it even more dear to the Russian heart.

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An outstanding artist of the early 20th century, Arkady Aleksandrovich Rylov was born on January 17 (29) in the village of Istobenskoye, Vyatka province. Rylov’s father was seriously ill, so the boy was raised in his stepfather’s family. Rylov spent his childhood and youth in Vyatka. Since childhood, Rylov was very fond of nature and admired its beauty.

Arkady Aleksandrovich Rylov is widely known for his wonderful landscapes: “In the Blue Expanse”, “Green Noise”. His landscape, painted in 1922, is pleasing to the eye and uplifting - “ field ash" This painting by A. A. Rylov seemed to combine all the symbols of truly Russian nature: birches, willows, rowan trees, wildflowers, a blue river and a clear sky, endless meadows and fields that different times admired and inspired the creativity of great Russian poets, writers and artists: S. Yesenin, I. A. Bunin, I. I. Levitan, A. I. Kuindzhi and many others.

In A. A. Rylov’s painting “Field Rowan” we see another corner dear to the heart of the Russian person native nature, so familiar and dear, illuminated by the rays of the bright summer sun. On foreground there are modest, but bright and pleasing wildflowers: tansy, which is popularly called field ash, and chamomile. Yellow-orange tansy baskets scattered throughout the clearing stand out brightly among the general landscape. Its dark green emerald carved leaves contrast with the light green of the meadow grass. White wildflowers add tenderness to the floral carpet, add light and enliven it.

On the left in the picture there are thickets of rowan trees. Its heavy branches bent in red clusters over the water surface of the river. On the right you can see a white-trunked Russian beauty - a birch tree. A light summer breeze gently sways its bright green leaves. In addition to the birch tree, the artist depicted weeping willow, bending over the river, which is located along the entire picture like a wide light blue ribbon. There are no waves on the river. The river surface, like a mirror, reflects the white Cumulus clouds and heavenly azure. The opposite bank is decorated with numerous thickets of bushes with foliage in shades from dark to light green. Next, the artist depicted endless meadows bright green color. In the background you can see emerald green trees and expanses of fields, on one of which there is a haystack. The picture is filled with air, you can feel the summer heat and extraordinary space.

Looking at this simple, modest and, at the same time, wonderful landscape, you involuntarily admire the beauty of your native nature, feel its charm and uniqueness at any time of the year, and the sunny bright colors summers lift your spirits and make you smile, forgetting about all the troubles. With his wonderful landscape “Field Rowan” A. A. Rylov encourages all people to pay attention to the beauty and uniqueness of their native nature, encourages them to appreciate and protect it.

Arkady Rylov famous painter. In his works he glorified the beauty of his native lands. The hymn to summer can be seen in his painting “Field Rowan”.

The artist's life path

Arkady Rylov's family was far from creativity. The future artist's stepfather was a notary. But Rylov was drawn to nature and drawing. He often sketched landscapes native land. Already as a child, Arkady learned to select colors and mix the palette.

When Rylov turned 24 years old, he entered the Academy of Arts. His mentor was famous painter A. I. Kuindzhi. This artist understood light and shadow better than anyone else. He taught young Arkady to spend more time in unity with nature. Kuindzhi also insisted on the perception of a holistic composition, and not individual parts. He taught Rylov to always draw from life.

The painting “Field Rowan” saw the world when the author was in sufficient mature age. Rylov was 52. At this time he was an accomplished artist and managed to conquer the world. And so the author put all his experience into the image of lovely summer flowers.

Features of the picture

In the picture you can see summer at the height of the season. The center of the canvas are tansy flowers. People call it field rowan, since the shape of the leaves resembles a rowan tree. She is often extolled in many folklore works.

A little further you can see the river. She has a rich blue. This is due to the fact that the sky is reflected in it. Snow-white clouds softly walk along it. Several birch trees can be seen above the river bank. They humbly bowed over the surface of the water. Due to the wind that rages near the river, the shape of the branches was slightly distorted. The leaves of the birch trees rustle quietly. If you listen closely, you can hear this noise. I want to quickly take off my shoes and run along the shore. On the other bank there is a small bush above the water. Surely there are fish and grasshoppers hiding there.

To convey the atmosphere of a summer day, the artist used different colors. He tried to make the picture contrast and highlight the accent. The author made yellow the main color. Soft transitions of shades were created around it. Thanks to this, the canvas looks interesting and alive.

The artist Arkady Aleksandrovich Rylov painted beautiful landscape paintings. Admiring them, you once again confirm your opinion about how much he loved the nature of his native land. Rylov’s painting “Field Rowan” also proves this. Like many canvases created by the artist, it depicts a warm summer day.

Biography of the creator

In the foreground on the right there is a group of trees. Unlike mountain ash, they are located close to each other. But they also have enough space, and they are satisfied with the growing conditions. Otherwise, these trees would not delight the eye with such lush greenery. Rylov’s painting “Field Rowan” helps to understand this (the photo clearly illustrates this idea).

The white trees of the birch trees look touching. These trees, like mountain ash, are directed towards the sun, which warms them and creates the necessary conditions for photosynthesis.

Let us also raise our eyes upward to see the sky.


Unfortunately, we will not see the daylight in this picture. After all, at noon the sun is high, and this part of the sky is not reflected on the canvas. But what we see here is quite enough.

White, fluffy clouds, as if made of light fluff, float along blue sky. They cover trees and plants from scorching rays.

Looking at this picture, you feel how your soul is filled with joy because nature is so good and the world is beautiful. You can look at the peaceful landscape depicted by Arkady Aleksandrovich Rylov and mentally give thanks to the artist, who teaches more and more generations to love their picturesque land and homeland even more.