Drawing with a mouse on a computer. Drawing a computer mouse in Photoshop

In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a realistic computer mouse in Photoshop. The use of layer styles is key in this tutorial, in particular it concerns gradients, shadows and glows. For execution this lesson it will take a little longer than I expected.

Final result

Step 1

We will start by creating a new document 800 x 900 px, resolution approximately 200 dpi. You can choose a tool Feather(Pen Tool (P), but for myself, I chose the tool Free pen(Freeform Pen Tool), although you will be better off choosing a tool Feather(Pen Tool) for more precise selection. In this tutorial, I just wanted to demonstrate that no matter what kind of shape you're drawing with a jagged or undefined shape, you can use any tool option Feather(Pen Tool) to easily draw any desired shape with straight and smooth lines.

Selecting a tool Feather(Pen Tool) or Free pen(Freeform Pen Tool), in the tool settings, select the option Outlines(Paths). Now we will draw the upper part of the mouse (as I said earlier, the tool Feather(Pen Tool) will be easier to use for those who do not have a steady hand).

Step 2

In the tool submenu Feather Add an anchor point(Add Anchor Point Tool) to add reference points in the right places. You can use your mouse or arrow keys to continuously move these points.

Step 3

To create curves, anchor points have additional guide points. These guide points can be pulled inward or outward to create curved lines.

Step 4

The mouse begins to take shape. Zoom in (Ctrl+/-) to see how smooth and round the corners of the mouse have become, and also to correct the anchor points by moving the points up or down where necessary.

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Select a tool Fill(Paint Bucket Tool (G), fill the shape with any color shade, since the color is in this moment doesn't matter. You can name this layer “mouse top”.

Step 8

Double-click on the “top of the mouse” layer to open a window Layer Styles(Layer style). Select an option Gradient overlay(Gradient Overlay). Set the Gradient colors as shown in the screenshot below:


Step 9

While on the same layer, select the following layer style option Embossing(Bevel and Emboss).

The result is more accentuated shading across the entire mouse outline.

Step 10

The mouse looks too smooth, so we'll add a little grain to its surface. Let's go Filter - Noise - Add Noise(Filter>Noise>Add Noise), set Quantity(Amount) 6.5%. Once you have applied the filter Noise(Noise), duplicate the “top of the mouse” layer.

We got the following result:

Step 11

While on the “top of the mouse” layer, add the following layer style option Shadow(Drop Shadow). Install Bias(Distance) 8px, Size(Size) 5px, Corner(Angle) 100 degrees.

Step 12

Next, go to the duplicate layer with top part mice, add Inner Glow(Inner Glow), and then reduce the layer opacity to 85% (reduce opacity(opacity) layer in the layers palette).


Step 13

Step 14

Select a tool Feather(Pen Tool), draw the bottom half of the mouse.

Step 15

Right-click on the created outline and in the window that appears, select the option Fill the outline(Fill Path), choose black color: #0d0e10.

Step 16

Create a new layer, name this layer “Chamfer for wheel”. Select a tool Ellipse(Ellipse Tool (U). Draw an oblong shape. Next, using the tool Free Transformation(Free transform Tool (Ctrl+T) rotate the drawn shape.

To the “Chamfer for wheel” layer, apply layer styles Embossing

Step 17

Next, we'll give the embossing a little more depth by editing Contour(Contour). Select the Cone outline type, click on it to display a window Path editor(Contour Editor), add points to the Contour Graph as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 18

Step 19


Step 20

Reduce the opacity of the “Wheel Bevel” layer to 85%.

Step 21

Using a tool Ellipse(Ellipse Tool), draw a smaller ellipse inside the already created chamfer. Fill this ellipse with black and name this layer “Recess”.

Step 22

Create a new layer, name this layer “Line”. Select a tool Line(Line Tool (U), set Line thickness(Weight) 4 px. Draw a diagonal line across almost most half of the mouse body.

Step 23

In the tool submenu Feather(Pen Tool), select a tool Add anchor points(Add Anchor Points Tool). Adjust the bend of the line at certain points, as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 24

Fill the line with black by right-clicking on the line and in the window that appears, select the option Fill the outline(Fill Path).

Step 25

To the “Line” layer, add layer styles Embossing(Bevel and Emboss). Apply the settings shown in the screenshot below:

Step 26

Step 27

Place the “Line” layer below the “Indentation” layer.

Step 28

Create a new layer, name this layer “Line 2”. Draw a horizontal line across the body of the mouse.

Step 29

Select a tool Add anchor points(Add Anchor Points Tool). Adjust additional points to create a slight bend. The line at the ends should taper slightly.

Step 30

At the top of the line, drag the two guide anchor points up to create an arc. Do the same with the bottom of the line ( Translator's note: also pull the bottom line up).

Step 31

Fill the line and then apply layer styles. First apply Embossing(Bevel and Emboss).

Translator's note: Fill the line with black.

Step 32

Step 33

For the lighter part of the line, the left side should be sharper, apply the following layer style Gradient overlay(Gradient Overlay).

You can see the result of applying layer styles in the screenshot below. Layer Style Gradient overlays(Gradient Overlay) specifically adds highlights to the line according to the direction of the light.

Step 34

Next, we will draw a wheel for the mouse. Create a new layer, name this layer ‘Wheel’. Draw another ellipse using the tool Ellipse(Ellipse Tool) within the ‘Recess’ shape. Press the keys (Ctrl+T) to activate the tool Free Transformation(Free Transform), and then right-click on the document and in the window that appears, select the option Distortion(Distort Tool). Apply a distortion to the ellipse so that our ellipse fits the right edge of the “indentation”, as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 35

To the wheel layer, apply layer styles Gradient overlay(Gradient Overlay). Set the gradient colors as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 36

Also increase the opacity value Gradient(Gradients) to 100%, and also set Corner(Angle) 148 degrees. The result is in the screenshot below:

Step 37

Next, we will create the ‘grooves’ for the wheel. You can use the Delimiter Grid in this step by pressing the keys (Ctrl + ’). Press the (D) key to set the default colors. Select a tool Line(Line Tool), in the settings of this tool, select the mode Fill pixels(Fill Pixels). Now, draw several horizontal lines, all the lines in one row.

Translator's note: 1. mode Fill pixels(FillPixels) is located next to the mode Outlines(Paths) 2. once you draw horizontal lines, press the keys (Ctrl + ') to exit mesh mode 3. Don't forget to create a new layer for the grooves.

Step 38

Next, let's go Edit - Transform - Rotate(Edit>Transform>Rotate) or just press the keys (Ctrl+T). Rotate a series of lines; and then right-click on the document and in the window that appears, select the option Scaling(Scale) to reduce the line width.

Step 39

To select a tool Deformation(Warp Tool), let's go Editing - Transformation - Warp(Edit>Transform>Warp). In the settings of this tool, in the drop-down menu, select the option Convex(Bulge), and also set the value Bending(Bend) 10%. The same thing, of course, you could do with the mouse in the mode Deformation(Warp) tool Transformation(Transform).

Step 40

Still in mode Freetransformation(Free Transform), click on the box in the farthest corner of the tool settings panel SwitchingbetweenfreetransformationAndmodesdeformation(switch in between other transform or warp transform modes). We'll switch to instrument Distortion(Distort Tool) so that the horizontal lines or grooves follow the bend of the wheel itself, and then switch to the tool Deformation(Warp Tool) (here you need to work with the mouse when creating a deformation) so that the grooves follow the bends of the wheel.

Translator's note: the author narrows the grooves at the ends of the wheel, then additionally makes individual horizontal lines or grooves more convex.

Step 41

To the groove layer, add a layer style Embossing(Bevel and Emboss). Apply the settings shown in the screenshot below:


Step 42

Double-click on the “mouse base” layer and in the window that appears, select the option Gradient overlay(Gradient Overlay). Edit the gradient colors as shown in the screenshot below:

Translator's note: ‘ Mouse Base' is the bottom part of the mouse that we created in Step 14-15.

Step 43

Once you have applied Gradient overlay(Gradient Overlay), go to the ‘grooves’ layer and reduce the opacity of this layer to 85%.

Step 44

Return to the “mouse base” layer to apply a layer style Shadow(Drop Shadow). We will create a shadow from the incident light.


Step 45

Create a new layer, name this layer “Background”. Fill this layer with the tool Fill(Paint Bucket Tool). Next, apply a layer style Gradient overlay(Gradient Overlay).

Translator's note: Place 1 layer with the background below all created layers 2. Fill it with any color of your choice.

We gave the entire image a beautiful background, thus bringing it closer to realism.

Step 46

Below the “mouse base” layer, create a new layer, name this layer “Shadow”. Select a tool Rectangle with rounded corners(Rounded Rectangle Tool), in the settings select the mode Fill pixels(Fill Pixels) and also set Radius(Radius) by 35 px. Draw a relatively large rectangle.

Step 47

Press the keys (Ctrl+T) to activate the tool Free Transformation(Free Transform); rotate the rectangle and also apply distortion to the rectangle. Place the rectangle below the mouse. Press (Enter) when you are satisfied with the result.

Step 48

As a result of blurring, the shadow spreads out and gradually dissolves.

Step 49

While on the “mouse base” layer, right-click on the layer and in the window that appears, select the option Duplicate Layer(duplicate layer). While on the duplicate “mouse base” layer, click on the “F” icon with a small triangle ( Translator's note: icon shows layer effects or layer styles) to show the effects for a given layer. Click on the eye next to the text Effects(Effects) to turn off layer styles. Next, let's go Filter - Noise - Add Noise(Filter>Noise>Add Noise), set Quantity(Amount) 1.55%. Turning off layer styles will make the filter effects visible when they are applied

And we completed the lesson! Our mouse turned out beautiful, everything is simple and realistic! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

Final result

Translator: Sadygaliev Marat

Photoshop Lessons » Category: Design/Drawing

In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a realistic computer mouse in Photoshop. The use of layer styles is key in this tutorial, in particular it concerns gradients, shadows and glows. This tutorial will take a little longer than I expected.

Final result

Step 1

We will start by creating a new document 800 x 900 px, resolution approximately 200 dpi. You can choose a tool Feather(Pen Tool (P), but for myself, I chose the tool Free pen(Freeform Pen Tool), although you will be better off choosing a tool Feather(Pen Tool) for more precise selection. In this tutorial, I just wanted to demonstrate that no matter what kind of shape you're drawing with a jagged or undefined shape, you can use any tool option Feather(Pen Tool) to easily draw any desired shape with straight and smooth lines.

Selecting a tool Feather(Pen Tool) or Free pen(Freeform Pen Tool), in the tool settings, select the option Outlines(Paths). Now we will draw the upper part of the mouse (as I said earlier, the tool Feather(Pen Tool) will be easier to use for those who do not have a steady hand).

Step 2

In the tool submenu Feather Add an anchor point(Add Anchor Point Tool) to add anchor points in the desired places. You can use your mouse or arrow keys to continuously move these points.

Step 3

To create curves, anchor points have additional guide points. These guide points can be pulled inward or outward to create curved lines.

Step 4

The mouse begins to take shape. Zoom in (Ctrl+/-) to see how smooth and round the corners of the mouse have become, and also to correct the anchor points by moving the points up or down where necessary.

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Select a tool Fill(Paint Bucket Tool (G), fill the shape with any color shade, since color does not matter at the moment. You can call this layer “top of the mouse.”

Step 8

Double-click on the “top of the mouse” layer to open a window Layer Styles(Layer style). Select an option Gradient overlay(Gradient Overlay). Set the Gradient colors as shown in the screenshot below:


Step 9

While on the same layer, select the following layer style option Embossing(Bevel and Emboss).

The result is more accentuated shading across the entire mouse outline.

Step 10

The mouse looks too smooth, so we'll add a little grain to its surface. Let's go Filter – Noise – Add Noise(Filter>Noise>Add Noise), set Quantity(Amount) 6.5%. Once you have applied the filter Noise(Noise), duplicate the “top of the mouse” layer.

We got the following result:

Step 11

While on the “top of the mouse” layer, add the following layer style option Shadow(Drop Shadow). Install Bias(Distance) 8px, Size(Size) 5px, Corner(Angle) 100 degrees.

Step 12

Next, to the duplicate layer with the upper part of the mouse, add Inner Glow(Inner Glow), and then reduce the layer opacity to 85% (reduce opacity(opacity) layer in the layers palette).


Step 13

Step 14

Select a tool Feather(Pen Tool), draw the bottom half of the mouse.

Step 15

Right-click on the created outline and in the window that appears, select the option Fill the outline(Fill Path), choose black color: #0d0e10.

Step 16

Create a new layer, name this layer “Chamfer for wheel”. Select a tool Ellipse(Ellipse Tool (U). Draw an oblong shape. Next, using the tool Free Transformation(Free transform Tool (Ctrl+T) rotate the drawn shape.

To the “Chamfer for wheel” layer, apply layer styles Embossing

Step 17

Next, we'll give the embossing a little more depth by editing Contour(Contour). Select the Cone outline type, click on it to display a window Path editor(Contour Editor), add points to the Contour Graph as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 18

Step 19


Step 20

Reduce the opacity of the “Wheel Bevel” layer to 85%.

Step 21

Using a tool Ellipse(Ellipse Tool), draw a smaller ellipse inside the already created chamfer. Fill this ellipse with black and name this layer “Recess”.

Step 22

Create a new layer, name this layer “Line”. Select a tool Line(Line Tool (U), set Line thickness(Weight) 4 px. Draw a diagonal line across most of the half of the mouse body.

Step 23

In the tool submenu Feather(Pen Tool), select a tool Add anchor points(Add Anchor Points Tool). Adjust the bend of the line at certain points, as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 24

Fill the line with black by right-clicking on the line and in the window that appears, select the option Fill the outline(Fill Path).

Step 25

To the “Line” layer, add layer styles Embossing(Bevel and Emboss). Apply the settings shown in the screenshot below:

Step 26

Step 27

Place the “Line” layer below the “Indentation” layer.

Step 28

Create a new layer, name this layer “Line 2”. Draw a horizontal line across the body of the mouse.

Step 29

Select a tool Add anchor points(Add Anchor Points Tool). Adjust additional points to create a slight bend. The line at the ends should taper slightly.

Step 30

At the top of the line, drag the two guide anchor points up to create an arc. Do the same with the bottom of the line ( Translator's note: also pull the bottom line up).

Step 31

Fill the line and then apply layer styles. First apply Embossing(Bevel and Emboss).

Translator's note: Fill the line with black.

Step 32

Step 33

For the lighter part of the line, the left side should be sharper, apply the following layer style Gradient overlay(Gradient Overlay).

You can see the result of applying layer styles in the screenshot below. Layer Style Gradient overlays(Gradient Overlay) specifically adds highlights to the line according to the direction of the light.

Step 34

Next, we will draw a wheel for the mouse. Create a new layer, name this layer ‘Wheel’. Draw another ellipse using the tool Ellipse(Ellipse Tool) within the ‘Recess’ shape. Press the keys (Ctrl+T) to activate the tool Free Transformation(Free Transform), and then right-click on the document and in the window that appears, select the option Distortion(Distort Tool). Apply a distortion to the ellipse so that our ellipse fits the right edge of the “indentation”, as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 35

To the wheel layer, apply layer styles Gradient overlay(Gradient Overlay). Set the gradient colors as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 36

Also increase the opacity value Gradient(Gradients) to 100%, and also set Corner(Angle) 148 degrees. The result is in the screenshot below:

Step 37

Next, we will create the ‘grooves’ for the wheel. You can use the Delimiter Grid in this step by pressing the keys (Ctrl + ’). Press the (D) key to set the default colors. Select a tool Line(Line Tool), in the settings of this tool, select the mode Fill pixels(Fill Pixels). Now, draw several horizontal lines, all the lines in one row.

Translator's note: 1. mode Fill pixels (Fill Pixels) is located next to the mode Outlines (Paths) 2. Once you have drawn the horizontal lines, press the keys (Ctrl + ') to exit mesh mode 3. Don't forget to create a new layer for the grooves.

Step 38

Next, let's go Edit – Transform – Rotate(Edit>Transform>Rotate) or just press the keys (Ctrl+T). Rotate a series of lines; and then right-click on the document and in the window that appears, select the option Scaling(Scale) to reduce the line width.

Step 39

To select a tool Deformation(Warp Tool), let's go Edit – Transform – Warp(Edit>Transform>Warp). In the settings of this tool, in the drop-down menu, select the option Convex(Bulge), and also set the value Bending(Bend) 10%. The same thing, of course, you could do with the mouse in the mode Deformation(Warp) tool Transformation(Transform).

Step 40

Still in mode Free transformation(Free Transform), click on the box in the farthest corner of the tool settings panel Switching between free transformation And modes deformation(switch in between other transform or warp transform modes). We'll switch to instrument Distortion(Distort Tool) so that the horizontal lines or grooves follow the bend of the wheel itself, and then switch to the tool Deformation(Warp Tool) (here you need to work with the mouse when creating a deformation) so that the grooves follow the bends of the wheel.

Translator's note: the author narrows the grooves at the ends of the wheel, then additionally makes individual horizontal lines or grooves more convex.

Step 41

To the groove layer, add a layer style Embossing(Bevel and Emboss). Apply the settings shown in the screenshot below:


Step 42

Double-click on the “mouse base” layer and in the window that appears, select the option Gradient overlay(Gradient Overlay). Edit the gradient colors as shown in the screenshot below:

Translator's note: ‘ Mouse Base' is the bottom part of the mouse that we created in Step 14-15.

Step 43

Once you have applied Gradient overlay(Gradient Overlay), go to the ‘grooves’ layer and reduce the opacity of this layer to 85%.

Step 44

Return to the “mouse base” layer to apply a layer style Shadow(Drop Shadow). We will create a shadow from the incident light.


Step 45

Create a new layer, name this layer “Background”. Fill this layer with the tool Fill(Paint Bucket Tool). Next, apply a layer style Gradient overlay(Gradient Overlay).

Translator's note: Place 1 layer with the background below all created layers 2. Fill it with any color of your choice.

We gave the entire image a beautiful background, thus bringing it closer to realism.

Step 46

Below the “mouse base” layer, create a new layer, name this layer “Shadow”. Select a tool Rectangle with rounded corners(Rounded Rectangle Tool), in the settings select the mode Fill pixels(Fill Pixels) and also set Radius(Radius) by 35 px. Draw a relatively large rectangle.

Step 47

Press the keys (Ctrl+T) to activate the tool Free Transformation(Free Transform); rotate the rectangle and also apply distortion to the rectangle. Place the rectangle below the mouse. Press (Enter) when you are satisfied with the result.

Step 48

As a result of blurring, the shadow spreads out and gradually dissolves.

Step 49

While on the “mouse base” layer, right-click on the layer and in the window that appears, select the option Duplicate Layer(duplicate layer). While on the duplicate “mouse base” layer, click on the “F” icon with a small triangle ( Translator's note: icon shows layer effects or layer styles) to show the effects for a given layer. Click on the eye next to the text Effects(Effects) to turn off layer styles. Next, let's go Filter – Noise – Add Noise(Filter>Noise>Add Noise), set Quantity(Amount) 1.55%. Turning off layer styles will make the filter effects visible when they are applied

And we completed the lesson! Our mouse turned out beautiful, everything is simple and realistic! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

Final result

Translator: Sadygaliev Marat

This lesson was prepared for you by the site team http://www.photoshop-master.ru

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In this tutorial we will create a realistic computer mouse.

I must say the final result is very good and you will not find any difference from a real Microsoft mouse. It should also be noted that in this tutorial we will mainly be using a tool called the pen ( pen tool), darkener (burn tool) and brightener (dodge tool). So let's get started.

First step. Create a new document with a size of 420 by 300 px, 72 dpi, background - white.

Second step. Let's make a new layer (ctrl+shift+n). In general, you can make a new layer different ways, at the bottom of the layers palette there is a special button, use the one you like best. Let's name our new layer "base". In order to rename it, you will need to right-click on it and then go to layer parameters. Then take the above-mentioned pen tool and create the same outline as in the picture.

So you have a finished outline. Fill it with dark gray color. In my case, the color #010101 was used. To quickly fill the outline, you can use the ctrl+enter key combination.

Second step. Here we need a new layer (press ctrl+shift+n again), let's call it “top part”. Pick up the pen tool and draw the outline again.

Third step. Here we will need any selection tool. You can use lasso tool or polygonal lasso tool. After that, take the clarifier tool (aka dodge tool), set these settings: range - highlights, brush size 145 px, exposure 100%. Next we add the main blocks. Then we follow the path filter - noise - add noise (filter>noise>add noise). Set the settings as in the picture.

Computer graphics in Lately is gaining very wide popularity. Even if you are not going to make money from it, many people just want to learn how to draw on a computer. It's one thing to draw on paper, and quite another to draw on a computer. This process has a number of undeniable advantages, but we should not forget about the difficulties.

Most artists use special graphics tablets connected to a computer for this purpose. Drawing on such a device is very simple, almost the same as on a sheet of paper. Many beginners and amateurs are put off by the high cost, so they want to learn how to draw with a mouse.

How to do this correctly? What is needed for this? What features might you encounter? You will get answers to these questions by reading the prepared material.

Why, in general, draw on a computer? You can easily get by with a piece of paper and then scan the drawing. But computer graphics has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Availability of working tools. All you need is a computer and special program- graphics editor. Here you don’t need to take into account the features of paints or pencils, buy them, or make sure that they don’t run out on time.
  • The ability to quickly correct any shortcomings. If you notice some kind of defect in a paper drawing, it is often almost impossible to correct it, so you have to draw everything from the very beginning. In digital drawing, everything can be corrected with just a few clicks of the mouse.
  • Immune to external factors. The digital drawing will not fade in the sun, nor will it be damaged by a child or pet.

How to prepare to draw with a mouse

Before you start drawing with a mouse on a computer, you should do a little preparation. To do this, you will need to purchase a reliable mouse, a high-quality mouse pad and install a graphics editor. Let's look at each of the points in more detail.

  • Mouse. It should ideally be large and massive, with very precise cursor positioning. She should respond to your every move instantly. Since drawing is a long process, the mouse should fit comfortably in your hand and not create inconvenience. Naturally, you shouldn’t expect that a high-quality accessory will be cheap. If you want to achieve high results, be prepared to spend more.
  • Rug. Many manufacturers have a series of professional mats for graphic designers. The slip coefficient is carefully calculated in them, and the material used is such that it does not rub over time and for a long time looks like new.
  • Graphics editor. There are professional and entry-level graphic editors. In addition, there are programs for vector and raster graphics. Some are completely free, while others cost a significant amount. Some are pre-installed in operating system, while most need to be downloaded and installed. The most famous editors are Microsoft Paint, Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, Paint Tool SAI.


As already mentioned, drawing with a mouse has a number of features. Let's highlight some of them.

  • It is best to select the Brush tool to create a drawing. Perhaps someone will say that this is not the best choice, but it is with its help that it is easiest to achieve the desired results. By the way, most editors have the option to adjust the hardness and degree of pressure, as well as transparency. For example, this function can be used without problems in Photoshop and Paint Tool SAI. Thanks to this, it is much more convenient to draw with a mouse than with a pencil, which produces much harsher lines.
  • Since, unlike a tablet, there is no way to adjust the pressure of the drawing tool, to soften the edges and contours of the drawing, it is better to use an eraser with the opacity set to a low level. This will reduce the sharpness of the lines. Majority graphics tablets Both Photoshop and SAI are supported.
  • Don't try to draw the contours in one long line. Use lots of small clicks to create short strokes. Also, keep in mind that you will often have to switch between tools and their settings, as well as menu items. In order not to waste time, try to bring this skill to automaticity. And if you really need to draw a long straight line, use a special tool, it will make your life much easier.
  • If you have already tried to create drawings on a computer in SAI or another editor, you probably noticed that drawing lines is very difficult. They are constantly bent, become uneven, and if you need to paint on something, you get hit to the right place not at all easy. In this case, feel free to use the zoom tool. The larger you zoom in, the more accurately you can adjust the edges of the design. Switch between normal view and zoom to perfect your image.
  • Where to start learning? It’s clear that you won’t be able to create complex paintings in SAI the first time, you’ll need to get better at it. First of all, try to depict simple drawings, for which it will be sufficient to use conventional geometric shapes. For example, draw a Christmas tree or a snowman. Having coped with symmetrical arrangement elements and contours, start filling with color. It is better not to use the fill tool for this, but to paint over it manually with a brush. Then you can enter finishing touches, also add shadows and all sorts of little things. There are many tutorials on YouTube for beginners.
  • You will experience much less difficulty if you at least roughly sketch out your drawing on a regular sheet of paper in advance. In addition, experience regular drawing will also be useful to you.
    To stay within the boundaries of the drawing when painting, select the area in which you want to change the color, and then start painting.
  • If nothing works at all manually, there is an alternative, and a rather convenient one. Draw the outlines on paper, then scan the picture or take a high-quality photo and open the finished file in the SAI graphic editor or Photoshop. Then draw the lines, change their thickness and add colors. By the way, in many editors, for example in Photoshop or Paint Tool SAI, you can make good drawings in this way, since all changes are applied in the form of layers, which can then be easily removed.

How to draw in different graphic editors


  1. To create a drawing in Photoshop, download and install the program if it is not already on your computer. We encourage you to purchase a licensed copy, but if the high cost puts you off, search the Internet for cracked versions. Just keep in mind that if the repack is of poor quality, the program will not work properly, and some functions may be missing.
  2. After launching the program, create a new file. This can be done either through the File - New menu, or by pressing the key combination Ctrl + N. In a pop-up window, you will be asked to select the size and resolution of the image. The higher it is, the longer and more difficult it will be to create a drawing in Photoshop.
  3. Look at the work area: on the right side you will see several toolbars, where you can select a color, background, and also work with layers. On the left side you will see a menu for selecting working tools. In the upper part, under the program menu, you can use some options of the selected tool.
  4. On the right side of the screen, click the “Create Layer” button, on the left side, select the brush or pencil tool, and at the top, select the line type and thickness.
  5. Create a drawing in Photoshop, then save it in a folder on your computer’s hard drive.

Paint Tool SAI

  1. Download and install the Paint Tool SAI program. The program is paid, so either buy it or download the hacked version if you can’t pay.
  2. Launch Paint Tool SAI and create new drawing. This function is no different from others graphic editors, so you can either click File - New, or by pressing Ctrl + N on your keyboard.
  3. Paint Tool SAI will ask you for the desired image size and file format. Depending on your desires and needs, select the necessary options.
  4. Create a new layer in the panel Paint tools Tool SAI on the left side of the screen, then select necessary tool for drawing and start the process.
  5. Save the image to a directory on your hard drive.


This editor is the easiest to work with, although it has a minimal set of functions. The program has undeniable advantage- you don’t have to worry about searching and installing working version, since the editor is standard and is built into the system by default. How to draw in Paint?

  1. Find the program in the Start menu on your Windows computer.
  2. When the working window opens, you will see a small white rectangle, and special markers on the side edge and in the corner.
  3. Drag these handles to resize the image. The current size will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Select the right tool for drawing, for example, a brush or pencil, in the top menu bar in the “Home” tab.
  5. After completing the changes, save the file.


Drawing with a mouse on a computer can be quite difficult at first, but with practice, you will become captivated by this process and will be able to create real masterpieces in Photoshop or SAI. In the comments, tell us what program you use.