Look at the portrait of your daughter painted by the artist. Lesson on literary reading Picture gallery B

At the turn of the old and new years, miracles constantly happen, which is where the wonderful tradition of making a wish on New Year’s Eve originates.

You can’t measure happiness with money and luck, but let’s not lie: living with them becomes much easier. And on New Year's Eve, as the chimes strike, anything can happen. This is a time of real miracles, when even the most inveterate skeptic believes in the power of the New Year. Your dreams will come true on New Year's Eve if you know how to make a wish correctly. But you don’t need to waste your wishes by wishing for a good year or a lot of money. There is a way to get both at the same time - this is effective conspiracies, which we advise you to take into service. With their help, in the New Year, luck and money will fall into your hands, and you will be able to wish for something else.

The Power of the New Year

Conspiracies themselves are effective and powerful, so they do not need advertising. Now multiply the power of any ritual five times, and you will get a New Year's spell. And this is not an exaggeration, but a statement of facts, because in New Year surprises and gifts await us at almost every step. There is only one explanation for this - this is a real fabulous holiday of change and new beginnings.

This is a must use. If you dream of something, then in the New Year it will certainly find its way into your life, the main thing is to attract it correctly. On January 1st everyone starts new life, and she is new, because all the past remains behind her. But to enter the New Year completely renewed, with new hopes and dreams, it is not enough to just sit down festive table. To do this, you need to know how to improve your life, or at least try to get rid of problems with luck and money.

Conquering failures on New Year's Eve

Arm yourself with a piece of paper and a pen and rewrite the text of the conspiracy:

“At the junction of two years - old and newmy failure is rushing about. The old one will leave and take everything bad with him. All my troubles, illnesses, ruins, difficulties and troubles will be carried far away and burned. Everything that was bad with me will burn in a blue flame. The new one will come and bring me only happiness, joy, luck and success in everything and always. As said, so done.”

On New Year's Eve, take out a piece of paper, place a chair in the middle of the room, light a candle and read the plot exactly 7 times. After this, burn the piece of paper with the text of the conspiracy, and with it your troubles. You will be protected from failures for the entire next year.

New Year's money plot

On the night when the new year replaces the old one, the easiest way is to increase your financial flow. To avoid any difficulties, prepare for the ritual in advance. To do this, take a coin of any denomination and wash it thoroughly, because then it will shine at the bottom of your champagne glass. Don't forget to look for red velvet fabric - it is a symbol of abundance. You will wrap a coin in it, turning it into a money talisman.

As we already said, on New Year's Eve, throw a coin into the bottom of your glass, clearly indicating the desired level of your income in the new year. Then mentally read the spell (it is advisable to memorize it, otherwise one missing word will ruin the whole ritual):

“The glass with money is filled to the brim, so let wealth find its way to me in the new year. Let the money sparkle and flow like a river. I call upon myself an endless financial surf. Just as a coin sparkles in a glass, let money constantly flash before my eyes, let it fill my wallet, just as this champagne filled my glass. Everything that is said will come true.”

Drain the glass, take out the coin and wrap it in cloth. After this, your money talisman should be placed in a separate place in your wallet. For 12 months, do not part with him, then financial success will not take long to arrive.

New Year's Eve spell for good luck

Fortune is a capricious lady, and she does not smile at everyone, but there is a sure way to attract good luck and not be separated from it even for a minute. To do this, we will turn to magical power New Year. On the night when the chimes die down, you will have a few minutes to call the lost luck into your life. Stand on the threshold of the house or look out the window and whisper:

« Old year leaves, but leaves good luck with me. He will give it to the New Year so that he will pass it on to me. It will be as I want.”

May the New Year bring you only new opportunities, victories and happiness. Of course, many problems cannot be avoided, but you should not take this as a defeat. Difficulties are also necessary, they help us become stronger, better and wiser. Wean yourself from the habit of making plans for the future every new day, because the future has its own plans for you. Enjoy the present without looking back to the past. We wish you a great mood, be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and


Fragment of the painting by K. Makovsky Yuletide fortune-telling, 1890s.

The fortune teller said that my future is unclear, so I hope to move to London soon.

Conspiracies for the New Year have special depth and great power. Whatever such a conspiracy is aimed at, it will be stronger than at any other time of the year.

When New Year's Eve is called magical or witchcraft, they usually mean its romantic festive atmosphere, but in fact this night and the entire New Year's period can be called magical.

This is a period of change in the annual cycle, when not only the numbers of the calendar change, but also the renewal and rebirth of all things occurs. The magic of New Year's Eve is strong and effective. Don't miss magical days!

New Year will come very soon, followed by Christmas. These are dates so saturated with energy and mysterious power that it is on these days that the strongest New Year’s conspiracies are carried out.

New Year's spell for love

A conspiracy not only for the love of a man, it helps to gain the love of others, their kind attitude, help and support.

Take a colored scarf, the main thing is that you can wrap your shoulders in it. Throw it on yourself. Then light 7 candles - place one in the center, it will symbolize you, and place the rest of the candles around. And designate: the first candle is the love of a man, the second is the love of relatives, the third is the love of friends, the fourth is the love of colleagues, the fifth is the kind attitude of other people around you, and the sixth is love as a sense of self.

After this, read the plot:

“Love will envelop me in a bright blanket, whoever looks at me will love me, will love me, whoever hears me will not forget me, whoever takes me by the hand will follow me. I will be the sun for everyone, I will be ringing gold, I will be clear water, a radiant smile. A new year begins, it is filled with light, light emanates from me and descends on others. And I will become a joy, a beloved and a reward to everyone who appreciates me, who will not abandon me, who will not change me. Love will envelop me, entangle me in its networks and never let me go! No loneliness and sadness! My word is strong!”

After the spell, do not remove the scarf for another 10-15 minutes. Then, throughout the year, throw it over your shoulders whenever you need to charm someone. You don’t need to carry it with you, just walk around in it at home for five minutes when getting ready for an important meeting.

New Year's spell for mutual love

If you are celebrating the New Year with your loved one, ask him to give you New Year's table apple. Hide it discreetly under the tree, and in the morning take it out and remove the core from it. Write your loved one's name on a piece of paper and insert it instead of the core. Tie the apple with red thread and hide it in a warm place. While this enchanted apple dries, your loved one will fall in love with you more and more. Everything needs to be done in complete secret. Keep the apple and don’t show it to anyone.

New Year's spell for health

This ancient conspiracy is very effective, but you just need to read it with a sober head. However, you can create it not on New Year’s Eve, but on January 1, when you wake up. So. Light a church candle, pour holy water into a clay bowl (necessarily into a clay bowl, plastic and other materials are not suitable), dip the fingers of both hands into the water (hands, of course, must be clean) and read:

“Lord, God! Bless! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen!

Just as the Lord God strengthened the sky and the earth, and the water, and the stars, and just as on that raw mother earth there is no disease, no blood wound, no pinch, no tumor, so the Lord created me, God’s servant (name), as The Lord created, firmly established and strengthened my sinews, and my bones, and white body mine, and so do I, the servant of God (name), all year long there would be no illness, no blood, no wounds, no pinching, no aches, no swelling on my white body, on my zealous heart, or on my bones. . One Archangel key: forever and ever, Amen!»

After you have read the spell, take three sips from the bowl, and wash your face with the rest of the water three times. Pour the remaining water into a small bottle and take three sips if you feel unwell.

New Year's spell for health and youth

To be even healthier in the new year, be sure to perform this short ritual. It is held in the last hour of the outgoing year. Stand in front of a mirror, light three red candles, take a spoonful of honey in your hand. Tell:

“On three sides there is a day, on the fourth night. Water flows out of the ground. Flow away, disease, flow away the illness. Heal yourself with Mother Earth, water. I will pour a sweet drop into my mouth and walk along the ground like a swan. I will become young forever, I will seal you with sweet honey. Amen".

Eat honey and drink it with warm water. The ritual has been completed and awaits you in the new year excellent health!

New Year's spell for good luck

Make a talisman for the corresponding year for good luck. Take a small figurine of the patron of the year, the main thing is that you can carry this little thing with you everywhere without drawing attention to it. After New Year's midnight, light a golden candle, and cover your talisman with two palms, like a house, feel the warmth emanating from it, imagine that the warmth turns into bright light, which makes its way through your fingers. Now read the plot in a whisper:

“Luck accompanies me in everything, I know no misfortune in anything, I see how I only cry with happiness, how Fortune is my second mother. The palms are filled with light, the light of Luck enters the talisman, the coming year drives away problems, lies, resentments, tears and deception. Luck will be my companion, every turn - Lucky case, everything around is beautiful - the world and the people, that’s the only way it will be, that’s the way it will be. My word is strong!”

After the spell has been read, leave the candle lit for another 7 minutes, and then hide it and take it out when you need additional magical support. In this case, light the candle again, say your request to it, that is, just say out loud why you need Luck at this particular moment.

Another effective conspiracy on New Year's Eve to attract good luck in the coming year, it is pronounced in the last seconds of the outgoing year. It goes well with our tradition of celebrating the New Year with a glass of champagne in hand. At the same time, the Chimes themselves do not play any magical role, but they help to keep track of time. So, in last minute year, holding a glass of champagne in your hands, say to yourself:

“A glorious New Year is coming, promising me great luck. I will succeed in everything, I will not know misfortunes and sorrows. Good sweet wine will be given back for that year.”

Having finished these words, in the first moment of the New Year, spill a little champagne from your glass on the table and quickly drink the rest. Spilled champagne is your sacrifice for the coming year. If the New Year’s plot has achieved its goal and the year will really be successful for you, do not forget your promise and sometimes (no matter what days) “feed” the year by pouring again from your glass, while saying to yourself: “I don’t forget good things.” , I present thanksgiving.”

In order for good luck to accompany you in the coming year, you need to New Year's Eve burn seven candles one by one. The candle can be placed on the festive table and replaced as the next one burns out. This will not only bring good luck, but will also add a solemn flavor to your holiday.

New Year's spell for wealth

Option 1

For this plot you will need: 7 coins, if you have gold collectible coins - even better; a piece natural fabric 25 by 25 centimeters; a piece of honey, preferably in a honeycomb, or three tablespoons of regular honey; and seven green candles. Place the coins on the cloth, place a saucer of honey there, surround it with candles, light them and read the plot:

“I’ll collect the coins, tie them in a knot, lie there, magical ones, you’ll have time, each small coin will attract a hundred, and these hundred will gradually attract another five hundred. Lure your brothers, coins, so that my everyday life will be marked with wealth. So that the holidays are generous and rich, so that everything I do finds payment. So that things turn out like coin, I, coins, took you into a magic knot. I will hide the bundle, and the time will come when every coin will attract a hundred. To these hundred, gradually add five hundred more, and there will be as many of them as in a hive of honeycombs.”

After reading the plot, eat honey, and remove the bundle and candles from prying eyes so that no one finds these attributes of the plot within a year.

Option 2

To do this, go shopping early in the morning on January 1st; you can buy anything. Throw the first change you receive in the new year as change as high into the sky as possible, saying before that:

“Happy coins, fly to freedom, and return them to me a hundredfold. So that luck does not pass me by and my wealth grows day by day.”

After tossing coins, do not wait until they fall to the ground, but leave without turning around.

New Year's ritual to increase prosperity

On New Year's Day, carp is cooked and eaten by the whole family. What's the secret? When cleaning carp, the scales are collected and placed to dry on the windowsill.

Glue together small symbolic wallets from paper and put scales in there, a pinch at a time (as much as you grab).

Each family member should put such wallets in a wallet, 1 wallet is hidden in an apartment in discreet place, and give the rest to friends, acquaintances and colleagues.

And then all year long there will be no need not only for you, but also for your friends.

In order to avoid financial problems, before the New Year and in new year holidays you need to try to count the money as often as possible, calling it quietly and in a whisper large sums money (even if in reality they are quite insignificant).

New Year's spell to make wishes come true

If you want all your passionate desires to come true, then after the onset of the new year - any time from midnight to dawn - light 12 blue candles according to the number of months in the year. Wait until the flame is even and read the plot:

“In January, whatever I want will come true. In February, all wishes will come true. In March, I will wish for a lot, and I will not be denied anything. And in April, whatever I want, I will certainly get it. In May, all I have to do is make a wish, and the wish will come true again. And in June the desired thing will be, I just need to drink water. And in July I won’t know any worries - all my desires will come to my doorstep. August, strew my path with stars, so that my wishes come true. In September, as if by a secret from the outside, all my desires will return to me. And October will not let you down - it will find fulfillment for your desires. In November, I will get what I want from other people. And December, as a result, is the deadline for your innermost desires. My word is strong!”

Just remember that this plot is not for trivial desires. And you don’t need to use New Year’s magic on little things.

Another simple ritual for the New Year, to fulfill wishes. When making a wish during the chiming clock, do not forget to touch the gold ring to your left earlobe - then your wish will surely come true. And don’t forget that it is more effective to formulate a desire in the present tense, as if it has already come true.

New Year's enchanted bath for beauty

To amaze everyone with your beauty in the coming year, prepare a magical bath. On Friday - this day of the week is dedicated to Venus, collect a magical bag of herbs - you will need mint, chamomile and orris root. It’s good if you collected all this and dried it in the summer. If not, buy it at the pharmacy.

The proportions are as follows: one orris root, if it is in powder, then take 3 pinches, 1 pinch of chamomile and 2 mint. Put it in a bag and ask for free form These herbs are beautiful. Choose words that come from the heart, call the herbs by name.

Sleep on a bag of herbs overnight. And on December 31, before you dress up in your New Year's dress, put a bag of herbs in the bath, fill the bath with very hot water so that the herbs open and brew.

But don’t go straight into the bath, wait 15 minutes. During this time, light candles in the bathroom, prepare the most beautiful robe and your favorite body lotion. After you fall into the water, close your eyes and say: “I am the goddess of beauty and love, my skin glows from the inside, it is young and fresh, smooth and silky. Everyone is amazed at my beauty! Let it be so!"

Lie in the water for 15-20 minutes, feel how your body is filled with vigor and strength, how every part is smoothed out. Then pat your body a little with a towel, wait until the skin dries itself, apply lotion and continue preparing for the New Year.

New Year's Day conspiracy for complete well-being

This plot is read on the morning of January 14 (New Year according to the old style). Get up before everyone else in the house, take water from the well (or pour it from the tap, but don’t drain the water first, take the very first one). Water should be poured into unpainted metal containers. Fold your fingers on your right hand as if for the sign of the cross, lower this hand into the water and begin to draw a cross inside the water - up and down, left and right.

Cross the water like this and read the plot:

“I will get up early in the morning and bless all of God’s creation, the earth, sky, air, water, sun, month and frequent stars. I will bless the New Year of the Lord and all the days to come. I will pray to the Lord God, I will ask the Lord God. Lord God, Creator and Creator of all visible and invisible creatures, Who created times and years, Himself bless the New Year that begins today, which we count from Your incarnation for our salvation. Let us spend this year and many years after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; Strengthen and spread the Holy Universal Church, which You Yourself founded in Jerusalem, and sanctified with the saving sacrifice of the broken Body and the Most Pure Blood. Raise, preserve and glorify our Fatherland; give us long life, health, abundance of earthly fruits and good air; save me, Your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true Supreme Shepherd, protect me, protect me, and establish me on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Heavenly Kingdom and were worthy of eternal bliss with Thy saints. Grant, O Lord, to this house Your prosperity and favor, our daily bread, silver and gold, and above all Your peace. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This plot must be read twelve times, according to the number of months in the year. Then take your hand out of the water, cross yourself, and spray all the corners in the house with this water in a cross pattern. Pour the rest of the water under the threshold of the house in which you live. This is a conspiracy for the whole year. It affects not only monetary well-being. Whoever does this will have everything go well both in the family and at work.

Amulet against failure in the new year

Make it, and it will faithfully and truly help your Guardian Angel, protect you from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes.

For this purpose, before the New Year, sew a round piece of red fabric with white thread (along the perimeter).

Then gather to form a small bag.

Place a few pine needles (small pine cone) inside, wool thread(13 cm long), a copper object (you can use wire).

Add a few sprigs of silver wormwood, a pinch of dried lilac flowers, red rose petals, a sea (river) shell, seven grains of wheat (oats), three dried yellowed oak leaves, a white metal coin, a piece of silk and a little wax (shaved from a candle).

In total, if you noticed, there are twelve objects symbolizing the number of months in the year.

Finally, put three of your hairs into the assortment, and before tightening the thread, blow into the bag three times, saying after each time:

“Winter, spring, autumn, summer, don’t leave me without an answer.

Keep God's servant (your name) from evil words,

from the slander of witchcraft, from painful illness, from loose damage,

from a thief, from the evil eye - twelve times at a time. Let it be so!"

At the moment when the clock begins to strike twelve, holding the bag by the thread in your left hand, swing it so that, like a pendulum, it makes twelve movements in time with the chimes.

Always carry this miracle amulet with you and you will see that failures will turn away from you.

A conspiracy is not entertainment, so don’t get carried away with magic unless absolutely necessary.

For your New Year's conspiracies to be truly effective and useful, you must sincerely believe in what you are doing, but at the same time, do not “lie on the stove” all year. Remember, any conspiracy, any magic gives a chance, an opportunity, help, but it never does anything for you from beginning to end. So, hope for conspiracies, but do the deed. Happy New Year!

Conspiracies for the New Year are extremely diverse. The most popular rituals are those aimed at attracting prosperity and good luck in own life, improving health and attracting love. In order for the rituals to be more effective, it is recommended to get rid of the negativity in the soul and tune in to the positive. A very powerful ritual is performed on the night of December 31st. In order for the ritual to be successful, you need to try to forgive all your enemies, that is, you need to try to leave all your grievances in the outgoing year. In any form, you need to turn to God with a prayer in which you express gratitude for the past year and ask for support in all future endeavors. Only if you feel that you have succeeded, you can start reading the plot. Magic words should be said with a lit candle in your hand and at the same time you need to look at the flame.

The plot goes like this:

“My merciful God, I ask and pray you, be with me the Servant of God in the coming year. Send prosperity and health to me and all my loved ones. May peace and harmony reign in my family. Send me a lot of gold and silver, and more of all the necessary goods. And I will pray and bless you. I appeal to you, Heavenly Powers, good Angels and Archangels, protect me from the evil of others and protect me from wrong deeds, do not let me suffer in the coming year. Save me and my loved ones from trouble, from illness, from water, from fire. I don’t wish harm on anyone, so let it be so. Amen".

We charm coins into wealth New Year conspiracies may involve the use of special attributes. So, the ritual in which coins are charmed is very effective.
    For the ritual you will need to first prepare:
Seven coins of different denominations; A small piece of new natural woolen fabric; A church candle.

It is necessary to retire to a separate room, in complete silence and tranquility. Next, you need to light a candle and place coins on a piece of fabric in front of it. For some time you need to sit calmly and relaxed, looking at the flame of a burning candle and dream about where you will spend the money. It goes without saying that these must be good goals.

After this, you need to tie the coins in a knot and in the process say the following words:

Then the candle should be extinguished with your fingers and the cinder should be put away in a secluded place along with the charmed bundle of coins. It is very important that magical attributes do not fall into the hands of a stranger.

Conspiracy to surrender in the new year

To attract wealth in the coming year, you need to save the first change when purchasing any goods and perform a special ritual during the waxing moon. On the first day of the new moon, you need to put money in a ceramic pot and put it in a secluded place. Every evening during the waxing moon, you need to take out a pot of money and pronounce the following words over it. They sound like this:

“The moon is growing in the night sky, and my money will grow with it. Every night the month arrives, so the money in my wallet will constantly arrive. Amen".

To increase the effectiveness of the ritual, you need to add one coin to the pot every night before reading the plot. At the moment when the full moon comes, you need to hide the pot of money in such a way that no one will ever find it. It would be optimal to bury such a magical attribute next to your own home.

Spells to attract love

New Year's conspiracies to attract love have enormous power. With their help you can get rid of loneliness and build happy family. Also, it is with the help of magic that you can improve relationships with your lover or spouse if a black cat runs between you.

To fulfill any desire

On New Year's Day, you can use a universal ritual that is aimed at fulfilling a wish. It can be anything, but it must be specific. But remember that vagueness when formulating a desire can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the ritual. On one of the days after the New Year, at any time, but always at night, you need to retire to a separate room and light 12 candles blue color. You should wait until the flames of all the candles are even and say the following words:

“It’s a magical New Year’s time, a magical time, everything you wish will come true. In January the wish will begin to come true, and in February it will continue. It will take hold in March and become a reality in April. Everything desired in the following months of the year will finally come true. My word is strong, and it will be as I wish.”

Attracting love and respect

There is very strong conspiracy for love. With its help, you can not only attract love into your life, but also gain the respect of the people around you and their kind attitude, which will allow you to always count on their help and support. To do this, you need to prepare a large colored scarf that is as bright as possible. Its size should be such that it can easily wrap around your shoulders. Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you need to throw the scarf over your shoulders and light seven candles. In this case, one that will symbolize you must be installed in the center, and all the others should be placed in a circle.

When lighting candles, you need to designate them for yourself as follows:
    The first candle, like the love of your chosen one; The second candle is like the love of close relatives; The third candle is like the love of friends; The fourth candle is like respect for employees; The fifth candle, like the kind attitude of strangers around you; The sixth candle, as a sense of self; The seventh candle, as yourself.
After this you need to read the following plot:

“Great love will envelop me with a bright, large blanket; whoever looked at me fell in love and loved me. Whoever heard me remembered me. The one who took me by the hand followed me. So, in the coming year I will become a clear sun for everyone, I will be a ringing golden stream, I will be transparent water, a sparkling smile. The new year is filled with light for me, it emanates from me, and descends on everyone around me. I will be a joy and reward to everyone, they will appreciate and love me, and my dear one will not leave me and will not cheat on me. Love will envelop and protect me with a blanket, it will confuse my beloved in its nets and will not let go. There will never be loneliness and sadness again. My word is strong and strong!”

After reading this plot, you need to sit, wrapped in a scarf, for at least a quarter of an hour. After this, the magical thing should be hidden and worn only in cases where you are planning a romantic or business meeting. It should be remembered that all rituals performed on the New Year should, first of all, be designed for your personal interests. Only along the way can you, in connection with own interests ask for the well-being of your loved ones. If you want to perform a magical ritual aimed solely at the interests of others, it will not be effective. Any New Year's magic ritual gives the person real chance improve your own life and change your destiny towards prosperity. The main thing is to sincerely believe in magic and in your own strength.

Just don’t be scared when you hear the word conspiracy. Conspiracies for the New Year 2019 do not carry anything negative; on the contrary, they are aimed at ensuring that everything bad remains in the outgoing year, and you enter the new year 2019 only with positive baggage.

We will definitely take with us luck and love, prosperity and health. And you will learn how to do all this by reading this material.

Of course, there is simply no better time to make your wishes come true than the New Year. Let's tune in to the festive wave and prepare the most cherished desires. They will definitely come true.

How does New Year's time differ from all others and why conspiracies bring results at this time of year. It's all about the accumulation of powerful, bright energy, thanks to a single spirit and people's faith in magic.

A series of a wide variety of holidays takes place during this period and covers all countries and continents, all religions and denominations. On New Year's Eve, all humanity demonstrates amazing unanimity. Naturally, people’s main hopes are connected with the future, this includes their own health and that of loved ones, and financial well-being, and, of course, love. Don't miss the chance to seize the moment, this happens only once a year, use New Year's conspiracies!

New Year's spell for health and youth

Everyone dreams of eternal youth and health. Perform all actions strictly as described in the instructions for this health plot.

December 31, after the clock hands start counting last hour year, go to the mirror with three lit candles. It is better if they are consecrated, right in the church. Take in right hand spoon of honey and repeat the magic spell for health and youth:

Day comes from three sides, and only night from the fourth, the water runs away and slips away. Let illness and illness also begin and flow away, like water, from my body and soul. Mother earth helps me, and the water is raw. I'll quench my thirst fresh water and I’ll float like a swan above the earth. I will be young for a century."

After finishing the spell, you need to immediately eat honey and drink it with water. Try it, perhaps this ritual will help you maintain health and youth.

Good luck spell for the New Year

This plot also needs to be done on New Year's Eve. Try to properly collect your thoughts, remember all those who were not so kind to you in the past year, maybe you even have enemies or enemies. Forgive them all, leave all grievances in the past, thank God for a great year and ask for his support in the coming year. And most importantly, ask him to support all the people who need it.

Take a lit candle in your hands and read the spell for good luck:

Dear God, do not leave me in the New Year, I ask for well-being to all my relatives, those in need, and a little to me. Gold, silver, various goods, I ask for God’s blessing and your patience. Heavenly angels, please give to the servant of God (here you need to indicate given name) strengths in the coming year. To my relatives, to everyone in need, and a little to me. Lord Almighty, I ask for your protection from illness, illness, cold water and burning fire. God be with me throughout the New Year, and with all people too. Protect from misfortunes and disasters, from evil and dashing eye. Let it be so, everything is your will.

Conspiracy to make wishes come true

As everyone who has undergone this ritual says, it works flawlessly! To do this you need to do the simplest manipulations. Take a gold or silver ring in one hand. On the New Year itself, cast a spell to make your wishes come true, when the chimes begin to count down the new year 2019, touch the ring to the edge of your left ear and try to imagine what you would like to receive in the future. For the best effect, imagine that you already have it, believe in it as a fact that has happened. Have no doubt, when the New Year comes, it will be so.

Conspiracy for mutual love for the New Year

It often happens that we celebrate the New Year in the company of a person for whom we have feelings. But, as required dramatic plot, he doesn't pay any attention to you. Sitting at the table, as if by chance, ask this very person to simply pass you an apple. Just take your time, don’t bite him right away. Hide it somewhere, just do it discreetly, and then put it right under the Christmas tree. When you wake up in the morning, take this apple, cut out the core from it and put a note in the resulting wasteland with the name of your loved one written on it.

And then tie the fruit with a thick red thread and hide it in a secluded place. And then watch carefully. The magic will begin to work, and that same person will definitely pay attention to you, or, most definitely, call you. Just don’t talk about what you are going to do, otherwise the magic will lose its power.

New Year's spell for wealth

The Russian people, for the most part, are all, like Emelya, lying on the stove and waiting for wealth to come into their hands. Let's also turn into New Year's Emelya for a second and try to earn money without leaving the stove. Moreover, on New Year’s Day the power of magic doubles. The second most popular New Year's conspiracy after love is money. Many people think it is very unfair that yachts, mansions and cars belong to some other people, so on New Year’s Eve they urgently ask, and some even demand higher powers apply for life.

So, let's say on January 1st you went to the store to replenish your groceries. Although there are probably still plenty of salads on the table and in the refrigerator. Basically, you went into the store, bought what you wanted, and they gave you change. These smallest amounts of money will be useful to us for our financial ritual. Throw pennies into a clay pot, hide it in a secluded place and cast magic spells over it every night:

The moon has grown in the night sky, which means my money will grow too. The moon is calling in the night sky, filling my pocket with money. This method works especially effectively when the future oligarch stomps right foot on the word “month” and at the same time pours a little more change into the pot. After the ceremony, bury the money where no one will definitely find it. And wait, soon the money will flow like a river.