How to make someone fall in love with you: advice from Marilyn Kerro. The simplest and most effective spell for water

On the website, Marilyn Kerro often gives advice to those who want to attract money into their lives. According to her, there are several tricks that allow you to get rid of financial bad luck and quickly improve your financial situation.

The first thing you need to do is start attracting money with the power of meaning. To do this, you don’t have to constantly think about wealth, this will only push away money energy. Marilyn Kerro recommends simply eliminating phrases and words from your vocabulary that prevent cash flow from bursting into life. For example, statements and phrases like “money is dirt” or “I have no money” will not lead to wealth, but, on the contrary, will drive you even deeper into crisis. Money needs to be loved and respected. You also need to think and talk about them with respect and love.

The second thing that attracts money is money talismans of luck stolen from a successful person. According to Marilyn Kerro, stolen luck will not bring any harm to the one from whom it was stolen, so you can safely proceed to the “robbery.” How can you take something that is not tangible? To do this, you just need to meet a successful person. Frequent meetings with more or less wealthy people will have a strong impact on the energy of someone who wants to attract money. And if you are lucky enough to visit a successful person, then you should definitely ask the owner of the house for a sprout of a houseplant. You need to plant it at home and carefully care for it. The sooner the sprout takes root, the faster the money will come.

The third thing that can help in attracting wealth is little tricks for handling money. Psychic Marilyn Kerro claims that if you follow a few rules, you can get good results in a couple of days. Money should always be kept in the same place. Your wallet should always be in order. You should not store torn banknotes along with everyone else, they only scare away cash flows. And, lastly, you should never transfer money from person to person, otherwise you can give your luck to someone else.

There are many other ways to attract money, but it is simply unrealistic to use them all. The best option is to follow the basic recommendations of the magic of attracting money, otherwise delving into all the details, you can lose touch with reality. These tips from Marilyn Kerro are based on the main principles of money magic: the power of thought, Feng Shui rituals and folk beliefs. All this together can give an excellent result. And to make you more lucky with your money, don’t forget to click on and

26.12.2013 13:08

If money is not coming to you and you don’t know how to get rid of financial failures,...

One of the most famous participants in the television show “Battle of Psychics” is Marilyn Kerro. The spectacular witch took part in seasons 15, 16 and 17 and always came in second place. Having successfully passed all the tests, the Estonian was a few percent short of the coveted prize.

How did Marilyn Kerro become a psychic?

The future participant in the famous show learned what magic was in early childhood thanks to her aunt, who earned her living. When Marilyn was six years old, she was struck by lightning, and after that her gift was fully revealed. She began to predict the future, see the dead, and so on. The well-known psychic Marilyn Kerro found her great-grandmother’s magic book, and her spirit appeared to her, telling her that she should accept the power of her family and become a witch.

How to get to Marilyn Kerro?

Watching the “Battle of Psychics” program, a huge number of people became eager to personally communicate with the witch in order to get advice from her in solving problems. Marilyn takes this into account and conducts personal sessions from time to time. Information on how to contact Marilyn Kerro can be found on her website and social media pages. In addition, she periodically conducts public seminars that are devoted to important topics, such as love, money, and so on. The appointment with Marilyn Kerro is conducted by her manager. Recently, the witch announced the opening of the store itself.

A huge number of people are trying to find answers to their questions thanks to the help of magicians and witches. After the “Battle of Psychics,” Marilyn Kerro became popular, and she was invited to various interviews, where she was asked the most common questions. More often, Estonian women are asked about how to find love, how to improve their personal life, etc. Witch Marilyn Kerro does not keep secrets and easily shares her knowledge to help others.

If a person wants to win over fortune, then you can perform a ritual with buttons, which have been considered talismans and amulets since ancient times. Estonian Marilyn Kerro recommends that everyone use them in order to attract what they want.

  1. The ritual is very simple; early in the morning you need to sew a small red button on the inside of clothes that are often worn. The witch recommends using outerwear.
  2. While sewing, you should read the plot. The finished talisman will not only attract good luck, but will also be good and other negative things.
  3. If a button comes off, then you need to change it.

“I sew good luck to myself, tightly. As long as this button is with me, I am not afraid of any troubles.”

The famous Estonian witch revealed to her fans several magical secrets on how to attract sincere love into your life. Marilyn Kerro's advice on how to find love is based on opening your heart to real feelings. For this purpose, you can perform a simple ritual.

  1. It is recommended to start the action after sunset and best on Friday.
  2. It is necessary to remove everything from the room that could distract and interfere with the ceremony.
  3. Prepare a pink candle, which represents love and heart. Light it and place it in front of you.
  4. While looking at the flame, visualize your happy life filled with love.
  5. For some time, concentrate as much as possible on your desires and the very next morning the world can change dramatically.
  6. If nothing happens, then the ritual can be performed daily until there is a result.

Many girls have feelings for a specific person, but they are afraid to take a responsible step and confess. Clairvoyant Marilyn Kerro gives some tips on how to simply correct the situation.

If there has been a separation, but feelings have not cooled down, and you want to return your lover, then you can perform a simple ritual using a semi- or precious stone. When the “Battle of Psychics” took place, Marilyn Kerro received many questions about how to choose the right talisman, so she was advised to focus on her zodiac sign or her own feelings upon contact.

  1. Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro advises reading a spell on a stone on a full moon or new moon, when the energy of the Moon is enhanced.
  2. The decoration must be placed in a bowl of water, standing in a circle of seven red candles.
  3. Dip your left hand into the water and whisper the spell.
  4. The decoration should remain in the water all night, and in the morning cover it with a red cloth.
  5. Also, do not remove extinguished candles until the morning.
  6. It is recommended to always carry with you jewelry with a stone that will attract your loved one.

“The stone contains my strength and beauty, my love and luck. May the servant of God (name of the person) appear to me and give me happiness. Everything that is planned and said will come true. Amen"

Marilyn Kerro - how to attract money?

Another popular topic with which people turn to the witch is finance. Anyone can get help from Marilyn Kerro by learning simple tricks.

  1. An Estonian woman says that it is necessary to eliminate words from your vocabulary that repel money energy, for example, “I don’t have money.” To become a rich person, it is important to love and respect money.
  2. In the “Battle of Psychics,” Marilyn Kerro often spoke about the power of talismans, so you can use special amulets to attract financial flow. It is recommended to saturate the selected item with luck, which can be stolen from a successful person. To do this, you need to make an appropriate acquaintance and rub the amulet in your hands during communication.
  3. Speaking about Marilyn Kerro, it is worth mentioning a few more tricks for increasing material wealth: keep your money in one place, keep your wallet in order and do not give money from hand to hand so as not to lose luck.

Predictions of Marilyn Kerro

Many people often ask the Estonian to talk about the future, so she makes a forecast every year. The presented version applies to 2017.

  1. January – the month will be calm in all aspects.
  2. February – matters related to your personal life will be successful.
  3. March - Marilyn Kerro predicted that this month is ideal for starting active actions; it’s time to turn your plans into reality.
  4. April - growth in business is observed, but problems are possible in the family.
  5. May is the ideal time to travel and work with the earth.
  6. June is an ideal month for long trips.
  7. July is the time to receive fruits for the work done.
  8. August is a quiet month, suitable for learning and creativity.
  9. September is the month of health and beauty.
  10. October - devote time to visiting relatives and...
  11. November is a good time for self-discovery and relaxation.
  12. December - it's time to spend money, make repairs and communicate with distant relatives.

Marilyn Kerro - unusual facts

There is information that is not common, so some facts may surprise you. Few people know that the Estonian woman has been a vegetarian for more than 10 years, because she believes that animal food pollutes her energy. For those who are interested in the whole truth about Marilyn Kerro, it is worth offering one interesting fact - the witch knows her own date of death and it will happen in April 2071. Interesting facts related to Marilyn Kerro also concern her tattoos. It is not known exactly how many drawings were applied to her body, but many managed to see some of the tattoos.

  1. The word "Michael" is written on her wrist. Rumor has it that this is the name of her close friend who passed away.
  2. On the back of the neck, under the hair, is a word written, which translated means “to believe.” Traditionally, amulets are placed in such places.
  3. The Witch has a Phoenix on her hand, a mystical bird that is reborn from the ashes.
  4. On the Estonian's stomach there is a protective pattern that includes runes.
  5. Kerro has an inscription under his chest, which translated means “true love.”

Exposing Marilyn Kerro

As soon as the spectacular witch appeared on television screens, reports began to surface that Marilyn was a liar. You can find various negative reviews from people who supposedly attended her appointment and were convinced that she had no gift. Believing that Marilyn Kerro is a charlatan is everyone’s business, since you can only be convinced of this by actually meeting a psychic, and not by believing in various rumors.

Psychic Marilyn Kerro, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics” of season 14, spoke about three ways to fulfill desires using magical rituals. To do this, you only need a great desire to fulfill your plans and a few simple attributes that can be found in every home.

The powerful magic of mirrors has been known for a long time. Marilyn Kerro claims that with the help of a mirror you can make your cherished dream come true. You need to take a mirror that has been in the house for a long time and write your desire on its reflective surface. It’s better to do this with something that washes well. After this, you need to take a glass or plate with clean water and wash off the inscription. Do not pour out the remaining water; it should be sprinkled in the place with which the desire is associated. If what is planned directly concerns a person, then this water should be given to him to drink. This method can fulfill your wish in a short time.

To fulfill a wish that is related to the outcome of any matter, you can use a ritual with a bottle. To do this, you need to take an empty glass bottle, preferably an opaque one. A green bottle is perfect for this ceremony. You need to put the neck of the bottle against your lips and quietly say what you need into it. After this, the glass vessel must be tightly sealed and taken with you to where the dream can come true. At that very place the bottle must be opened. In this case, the wish can either come true, or simply this ritual will attract good luck and luck.

With the help of candles you can also make any wish come true. Marilyn Kerro claims that candle magic has incredible power. Candles can give information about the future, heal and, of course, make dreams come true. The next ritual must be performed strictly on the waxing Moon. You need to take a candle and scratch your wish on it with a needle. After this, light a candle and place it on the windowsill. It should burn down to a small cinder and go out on its own. The remaining piece of the candle must be carried with you until your wish comes true. When everything that was dreamed has been accomplished, it must be thrown into the fire.

These three rituals are performed with certain rules that must be followed for the success of the ritual. Desires that are written or pronounced during the ritual must be formulated briefly and clearly. During the ceremony, a person must be alone in the room. All doors and windows should be closed, and no extraneous sounds should disturb thoughts.

But the main key to success, according to Marilyn Kerro, is a strong belief that the desire will definitely come true.

You can build happiness on your misfortune - either by trial and error, overcoming great difficulties, or easily. Marilyn Kerro knows a shortcut that will lead you to well-being.

A harmonious existence with oneself acts as the basis on which the personal happiness of each person is built. In any situation, remember that you are at the helm of your life. Advice from Marilyn Kerro, who knows the path to happiness, will guide you in the right direction. You will find a guideline that will help you overcome all obstacles, overcome difficulties and finally call yourself a happy person.

The path to happiness

Naturally, everyone has their own path to happiness, as does the concept of happiness itself. For every person, happiness is something personal, intimate, unique and inimitable. You can’t follow someone else’s success, just as you can’t turn away from your own path of destiny. The path to your well-being begins within you. Therefore, it is so important to hear your inner voice and follow the call of your heart, noticing all the little things and clues from the Universe.

When we talk about happiness, we imagine that we already have everything: all our dreams have come true at once. Yes, personal well-being is unique, but every person wants to have everything they need to live. It’s enough to even remember what we wish each other every year on holidays: good luck, health, love, joy. Happiness is the general name for all the blessings that one can imagine. And the moment we gain everything, we become happy.

You need to listen to yourself. After all, if you remember yourself at ten years old, you can understand: what made us happy then will no longer make us happy now. And this is normal: happiness grows with us, as do our needs, views and desires. You need to do what you love, greet every morning with a smile, feel the support of loved ones and be yourself. Do not chase after other people's happiness - the Higher powers have prepared their own path for each person.

Try to compare happiness to a mosaic that is assembled from different parts and becomes a complete and beautiful picture. This is exactly how the laws of the Universe work. In order to find the details that will line up into the picture of our happy life, our long-awaited happiness, it is important to accept changes, grow, and develop. Remember that the most important victory on the path to happiness is victory over yourself.

Getting rid of problems in life

To follow our North Star, we need to understand where our problems come from. Usually it is difficulties and difficulties that tell us that we have gone astray from the right path. It is important to learn to understand, accept and get rid of them correctly. Apart from you, no one else can put a spoke in your wheels: even ill-wishers and envious people are powerless if you follow your destiny from Above.

1. Keep it simple. Take everything with ease. Happiness is inextricably linked to our worldview. If in every situation you see only failure and defeat, you need to repress all negative emotions. Fear and uncertainty stop your endeavors. Learn to relax and enjoy the little things. As you meet the world, that is how it will reveal itself to you.

2. More joy. Enjoying the little things is an important step towards happiness. It is enough to appreciate the current moment, be content with little and dream of more. Don't burden yourself with thoughts of past defeats and worries about the future. Problems should be solved as they arise, and not created from scratch.

3. Doubts away. There is nothing worse than doubting yourself. Be brave, determined and determined to win. Every new day brings new opportunities that you can use in unlimited quantities. Believe in yourself: Until you believe in your success, no one will believe in it. Affirmations will help you become more confident and cast aside all doubts.

4. Kindness. What we give to the world and people is what we get back. The law of reciprocity is the key to happiness. Create a good atmosphere around you - this will attract to you a feeling of harmony and unity with the Higher powers. Be polite, open and cheerful. Cheer up the people who interact with you.

5. Avoid conflicts. Learn to maneuver in a dispute, achieving victory through diplomacy. Do not impose your opinion on another person, there is no point. Accept and respect the views of other people - this will help you strengthen your position in society and gain capricious fortune to help you.

6. Learn from your mistakes. Oddly enough, but learning from other people's mistakes is a completely empty exercise. Each person has his own path to the Olympus of happiness, and workarounds will not work here. You need to draw experience from the past, reevaluate the path traveled, understand where is important and where is secondary. Error is your valuable teacher, assigned to you by the Universe itself. In moments of defeat, be strong in spirit.

7. Criticize only yourself. Self-criticism is useful, especially if you are in a bind. Don't try to blame it on other people, an accident or bad luck. If you are stuck, the answer is hidden within you. Take other people's constructive criticism calmly - it corrects deviations in you, directing you in the right direction.

8. Humor. Any situation that we perceive with humor becomes less painful. Humor helps us find positivity where there may not be any. Give yourself the right to laugh, make fun of your failures and don't think about what others will think.

9. Informed decisions. Awkward situations, damaged relationships, lies and slander - all these are the consequences of rash decisions. Don't jump to conclusions based on rumors, gossip, or personal guesses. Try to be objective and rely only on reliable information.

10. The right to make mistakes. Remember one important thing: no one is perfect. Don't demand too much from yourself, don't try to jump above your head and don't reproach yourself for mistakes. This will only give you a feeling of guilt and inferiority. You have the right to make mistakes, it is embedded in our genetic code. Correct the mistake or draw conclusions, try to understand what this situation wanted to teach you, and move on. Do not accumulate negative memories in yourself - they should be replaced by new, pure and positive ones.

11. Learn to forgive. To be happy, it is important to learn to forgive. But in order to be able to forgive others, you first need to forgive yourself. Let yourself go, free yourself from the past. Everything in our life consists of trial and error, so get rid of fears and doubts, from everything that prevents you from moving on. You are unable to control the Higher powers and bear responsibility for all your mistakes. In this world, we are only guests who should gain valuable experience - the experience of living a happy life.

Happiness cannot be bought with money and cannot be found in someone else's misfortune. Happiness is, first of all, working on yourself. And there is nothing more difficult than changing yourself. This is why many people leave this path, looking for affordable and imaginary happiness. Marilyn Kerro is confident that personal well-being can only be found through changes that begin within.

The star of “Battle of Psychics” spoke on a social network about how she managed to get rid of unnecessary weight. Some time ago, Mary on the page talked about how she managed to lose excess weight. The girl decided to give her fans a cherished rule. Mary stated that she is a former model who became clairvoyant, but this did not stop her from watching her figure.

Rules from Marilyn Kerro

The clairvoyant herself believes that if you adhere to this rule, there will be no problems with excess kilograms.

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you

In order to lose weight, you need to spend more than you consume. There are 2 ways to do this. Increase your energy expenditure. About fasting. When you fast, your body breaks down muscle rather than fat, this is called catabolism. On the scale you lose weight, but your body becomes flabby. And the beauty of any body is a harmonious ratio of muscle and fat, where fat should be 15-25%. Conclusion, fasting does not help build a beautiful body.

Healthy eating rules from Marilyn Kerro

Diet. During the day you need to eat at least three times, but four, five or even six are better.

  • Caloric content of the diet. The total caloric content of the diet must be taken into account, even if you are not trying to lose weight. Its daily norm for women is on average 1600-2000 kcal.
  • Distribution of daily ration. It is recommended to organize meals in such a way that breakfast and lunch are the most nutritious, and snacks and dinner consist of the lightest, most easily digestible foods.

  • A varied diet. The menu should include a variety of products. The more there are, the more nutrients your body will receive. The optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1:1:4.
  • Moderation in food. Overeating is one of the most common causes of excess weight and digestive problems.
  • Eat slowly. Give yourself enough time to eat.
  • Drink more water. It is recommended to consume about two liters of water per day.
  • The right combination of products. Follow the right combination of foods, this will help avoid problems with food absorption.
  • Simple and fresh food. Try to eat only freshly prepared food, while preparing the most simple dishes, consisting of a maximum of 4 ingredients.
  • Avoid fried foods. In addition to fried foods, salty, fatty and spicy foods should also be excluded from the diet.