Mike Wazowski with two eyes. Old Photo is a fanfic for Monsters, Inc. (Monsters University) fandom

I skillfully slipped into Randall’s entrance after some man, who didn’t even notice me, covering his acid-colored hair with a hood. It was also not difficult for the thin engineer, former coach and leader of the so-called university team, to climb the stairs to the ninth floor. And pressing my finger on the doorbell of apartment thirty-six, I squinted my blue eye in anticipation: the fact that Boggs agreed to the visit, I perceived as my personal victory. The package of coffee lay in a bag, casually hanging from a belt slung over his shoulder. Inhaling the seductive aroma of baked goods wafting along the landing, tickling my nostrils, I smiled with light sadness and pressed the bell harder.

Randall hissed a curse at the visitor with displeasure. Boggs did not believe that the correspondence on the social network would turn out to be not just chatter, but a real meeting. Yes, at some corner of my mind I hoped that Mike would come and it would be possible to talk to him one-on-one. This was confirmed by the fact of freshly baked pastries. Of course, cupcakes. A persistent call and a loud “I’m coming!” Randall's doubts were dispelled - the stubborn green-haired boy smiled good-naturedly on the threshold. Boggs gave his old friend an appraising look.

Did you bring coffee? - Randall immediately, without greetings, got down to business, gesturing to invite the guest inside the apartment.

I stepped through the threshold, threw off my hood, freeing a cap of juicy green hair, and slyly looked at Randall, who had closed the door behind me, with an eye with a sky-blue iris. Fashionable in the modern human world long bangs up to my chin it covered a cross-shaped scar in place of the missing second eye and made me look like an unremarkable guy, still quite green; The last remark was doubly applicable.

He brought it, of course,” I unzipped the bag and, taking out the coffee, handed the package to Boggs.

Only there was no red label, sorry, I had to settle for President Expresso, but it’s more expensive, and, according to those in the know, better,” I looked at Boggs with a smile.

The color of the coffee packaging was green.

Randall just looked at Mike skeptically. This pun of colors and allusions was familiar to him. True, in ancient times it was cute, but now it’s infuriating.

It would be better not to pose... go to the kitchen.

And without waiting for an answer again, Boggs walked through first, still taking the gift - coffee.

I wouldn’t ask, but... - Randall took out two mugs, - still, why didn’t you forget my address. And don't tell me you read my file.

I glanced at the bag left on the corner chair, but decided that the time had not yet come, I narrowed my eyes mysteriously and began the confession that had been on my heart for so long:

I haven't forgotten anything. Not how we spent our days together, how I crammed notes, wanting to outpace the then clueless Sally in school, how you baked your cupcakes, went to parties, wanting to meet girls, and in the end... - Randall narrowed his eyes, but his gaze didn't take me away. - And in the end, he began to date me.

Moving on to the main part, I didn’t let Randall get a word in, took a deep breath and burst into another tirade:

I remember how you closed your eyes before a kiss, I remember your childhood scar under your shoulder blade, I remember how you saw me off when I was kicked out. Came with Johnny, as if in mockery. It was as if he was just passing by and accidentally ended up near the bus. But he looked at me with pain and anxiety. I remember this look very well.

I waited for Randall to answer that everything was in the past, but he just shoved a cup of coffee into my hands. I took it from Randall's hands, touched his purple-manicured fingers for a moment, set it down on the table, looked into Boggs's eyes and made up my mind.

Randall, holding a mug of coffee and barely restraining his trembling from the avalanche of memories that had hit him, watched as Mike took a package out of his bag.

This is for you. I kept it all this time. You loved taking photographs and I think you still do. “Take pictures,” I specified, handing the package to Randall.

Boggs unsteadily turned it around and froze, wide with open eyes looking at the photo in the frame. It depicted him and me. Young, happy and in love. We were sitting under a tree, with a stack of university textbooks lying next to us.

This is a timer, I then put the camera down, and... - I muttered, trying to hush up the pause that had come.

Finally, Randall came to his senses. I left a photo frame. And he stunned me with an unexpected statement:

I broke up with Johnny. It's been two years already.

At first I didn't believe my ears. And then he stared at Randall, his blue eye widening:

But you...why didn’t you tell me? Why have you been ignoring me all this time?

Why were you silent? - Boggs hissed in a strangled voice. - Loved me all this time and was silent? Your messages on the Internet are jokes or ridicule. How to unravel feelings here?

I grabbed my head with my hands, clutching my hair. Fool. I'm a real fool. I lost two years because I chose to suffer in silence. Idiot.

Does this count as intimate conversation? - Boggs’ quiet voice brought me out of my stupor. - And how do we end intimate conversations, remember?..

I pressed my lips to his. Finally, after so much time, giving vent to the feelings squeezing my heart in a vice. I loved him so much. Then. After. Now. Always. Boggs kissed back, and all the genstalts were shattered. University fuss, Johnny, goodbye, years apart - everything disappeared. All that was left was Randall and I, the smell of coffee and pastries and an old photograph, which became the decisive argument for the solemn reunion of two loving hearts.

I pulled Randall by the hand into the bedroom, dying of desire to caress my beloved body, kiss Boggs on the scar under his shoulder blade, burst my tongue into his mouth and carefully, without causing pain, spread his flesh, filling him with myself. IN last time Having whispered on the threshold of the kitchen: “What an idiot you are, Mike,” Randall disappeared with me into the bedroom.

Drawing Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc. is very easy! Even you can cope with our lesson Small child. So, let's draw Mike Wazowski in 6 steps.

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About Mike Wazowski, drawing and coloring

Mike Wazowski (or Michael Wazowski) - funny good monster. Distinctive features T-shirt: the head makes up the entire body, and it is decorated with small cute horns.

The cartoon Monsters, Inc. and the subsequent Monsters University tell about a special dimension of monsters, big and small, living with one purpose: to scare kids at night. Mike Wazowski with his best friend Sally does a great job.

Even small children who cannot draw at all can draw Mike Wazowski, one of the main characters of the popular cartoon. At every step of our instructions pink The lines that need to be completed are highlighted.

Mike's drawing won't look complete unless he colors it. Tip: best suited watercolor paints. Young children can use finger paints to color the Mike they just drew. This way you can practice fine motor skills hands, and the picture will turn out very colorful.

In this article you will learn:

Michael "Mike" Wazowski- character from the cartoons “Monsters University”, “Monsters Inc.”

Mike is a one-eyed monster with short horns from the city of Monstropolis.

Little Wazowski



He was an outcast at school because he was not afraid. One day, on an excursion to Monsters Inc., little Mike saw an experienced scarecrow scare a child from the human world. The old man praised Mike for sneaking into the room without making any noise. Vazovsky, inspired by the praise, became eager to become a scarer and, after graduating from school, entered the University.

Mike was a nerd who got bullied tough guys, in particular . During the exam, it was with him that Wazowski quarreled, which is why he was expelled from the faculty. However, smart Mike decided to take part in the Scary Games and gave the dean an ultimatum - if his team wins, he will be accepted back into the faculty. This was the only chance to achieve his dream - to become a scarecrow.

Mike had to take Sullivan on the team as well, since there weren't enough monsters.

“Community Nightmare” was the name of Vazovsky’s team, which eventually won the games. But Sullivan cheated at the last competition, reducing the difficulty when it was Mike's turn to scare the child. Vazovsky was offended by the fact that he was not scary at all. His team was expelled from the faculty. Mike lost hope of becoming a scarer, but found real friends, including Sally, his best friend.

Together, they got jobs as mail sorters for Monsters Inc.

After going a long way and thorny path By career ladder, Sally became the best scarer, and Mike was his faithful partner.

Mike and Sally


Mike has a lover - Celia May - a purple monster with snake hair.

The day Mike took Celia to a restaurant, on her birthday, he brought human child, which put the entire city of Monstropolis on edge.

Wazowski, like everyone else, believed that human children were toxic and poisonous “killing machines,” but after dragging the girl home, he and Sally found out that children were not dangerous at all. Friends decided to return the girl, who was named Boo, to the human world.

Mike at work

However, everything turned out to be not so simple, the boss of the Corporation, Mr. Henry James Waternoose 3rd, tried to make an evolution in the intimidation industry, trying to stop his friends.

In a series of events, Mike and Sally managed to stop the plot of Waternoose and his henchman Randall, and also return the girl home.

After Waternog's arrest, Sully became the new director of the Corporation. The power changed, as did the methods of obtaining energy from children's cries; now energy was obtained from children's laughter.

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Name: Mike Wazowski

A country: USA


Activity: cartoon character

Family status: not married

Mike Wazowski: character history

The animators' imagination gives children unusual characters cartoons. Disney and Pixar specialists are always beyond competition in this matter. Mike and Sally from the animated project “Monsters, Inc.” are a bright and memorable duo whose adventures are fun to watch.

History of character creation

The idea of ​​a cartoon, the main actors which will become the monsters of children's imaginations, was hatched at Pixar before the premiere of Toy Story. In 1994, the Disney studio, which sponsored Pixar, clarified which projects were planned for release in the near future.

The author of the idea for a cartoon about night monsters was Pete Docter. He decided to tell the world about what happens in the nursery after the parents turn off the lights and wish the baby Good night. Work on the cartoon began in 1996.

The main goal was to make the monsters unusual. Scarecrows with a specific appearance had to become unique. Docter pondered the idea that characters could represent childhood fears. In 1997, he presented the idea for the project to the producers.

At this moment, the name “Monsters, Inc.” was born. Loud and expressive, it conveyed the mood and was reminiscent of the title of the film about gangsters “Murder, Inc.” starring.

The authors of the cartoon wanted to make the images unpredictable. Ideas were drawn from the children's fantasies of the creators of the film and their own nightmares. The humanization that the animators resorted to was emphasized familiar names characters. When creating a drawing for the basis of the image of the main character, the animators thought through the image of James Sullivan.

The hero became the namesake of an American politician from the 19th century who introduced Prohibition in the States. It was obvious that the hero would need a sidekick. In 1998, he got a partner, Mike Wazovsky, a sort of bun with two legs, whose face was adorned with one big blue eye.

The small green round was named in honor of the puppeteer and director, Docter's friend. A Polish surname chosen to contrast with Irish name Sally. At first, the character was deprived of arms and was controlled by his legs to hold objects, but later the arms were added.

This is how the story appeared about two friends who took care of little Mary, the girl who scared the monsters. For her sake, the heroes took risks, because communicating with people is prohibited. The cartoon premiered in 2001. Mike was voiced by Billy Crystal, and in the Russian adaptation his voice was given to him.

Appearance and character

Mike is short. Bright color his skin makes him eye-catching, but compared to Sally's friend he is less noticeable. Unlike his friend, a monster with two eyes, Vazovsky is the owner of one eye and small horns. His arms and legs grow directly from his body. His image combines attractiveness and originality; he looks positive and does not provoke fear.

At first, Mike is strongly opposed to helping Mary, who suddenly finds herself behind the door leading to monsters. He only cares own safety and the absence of complaints from management against Sally. The hero's kindness is revealed later.

Outwardly indifferent to what is happening, Vazovsky experiences everything inside. The talkative and cheerful monster puts on the mask of a touch-me-not to appear more respectable and “play by the rules.”

Mike Wazowski with two eyes

The character's biography is interesting. From his youth, he dreamed of becoming a professional scarecrow who would only say: “Boo!” - and everyone runs away. Mike entered Monsters University specifically for this purpose. After receiving his diploma, he got a job in the post office. There he fills out papers and does routine work, occasionally remembering his childhood dream.

One day Vazovsky was lucky: he became an assistant best monster, and after a while - and his friend. After a change in the strategy of Monsters Inc., Mike turned out to be an important employee, because now the description of his appearance and true character best suited to the goals of the organization.

Mike's story proves: The best decision- is to be yourself. On personal example it shows what friendship should be, why kindness is important, why you need to learn and strive to achieve your dreams.

"Monsters corporation"

Mike was born and lived in Monstropolis. His appearance was not scary, so the boy became an outcast among his peers. Once on an excursion to Monsters, Inc., Vazovsky decided that he wanted to become a scarecrow. He managed to impress the guide, and this motivated Mike to enter the University.

There, the guy was assigned the role of a nerd and a victim of tough guys. Among those who bullied him was James Sullivan. During the exam, the guys argued, and it ended with Mike being expelled, although he managed to get out of it, pass an additional test and avoid expulsion.

Having become mail sorters for Monsters, Inc., both heroes went through a difficult path that led one to the status of the best scare-maker, and the other to the role of the former’s faithful partner.

After a while, Mike had a lover. His girlfriend, Celia May, has snake-shaped hair and purple skin. For her birthday, Mike arranged a date at a restaurant where Sally brought the child. The event caused a stir as the children were considered poisonous killers. They named the child Boo and tried to bring her back home.

The adventures of the heroes served as the impetus for a number of changes in the Corporation. As a result, the previous director was arrested, and Sally took over his post. Now, instead of heartbreaking children's screams, energy began to be obtained from the laughter of children.

  • After the premiere of the film in 2001, the world was swept by a wave of popularity of monsters. The Internet was filled with art fanfiction, photos and videos, and anime featuring characters. Stores began to sell themed branded products. Toys created in Mike's likeness are sold in children's stores.
  • The way of life of monsters is incomprehensible to people, but some things and details coincide with the habits and objects of human life. So, for example, Mike drives a car. His car has a lot of features and turns out to be a monster itself.

  • Vazovsky wears braces and wears glasses, like many people.
  • The characters from Monsters, Inc. are often included in coloring books along with the characters from Finding Nemo.


“I won't go to the lecture. I’m completely naked.”
“Today is the day of a distant relative.”
“Sally, you don’t have to give a name: as soon as you give it a name, you’ll immediately begin to get attached!”