Children's fairy tales online. A man and a bear, or how to avoid a quarrel with the owner of the taiga

Dear friend, we want to believe that reading the fairy tale “The Bear Man (Danish Fairytale)” will be interesting and exciting for you. The entire surrounding space, depicted with vivid visual images, is permeated with kindness, friendship, loyalty and indescribable delight. The works often use diminutive descriptions of nature, thereby making the picture presented even more intense. The story takes place in distant times or “A long time ago” as people say, but those difficulties, those obstacles and difficulties are close to our contemporaries. The dialogues of the characters are often touching; they are full of kindness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. Devotion, friendship and self-sacrifice and other positive feelings overcome all that oppose them: anger, deceit, lies and hypocrisy. When faced with such strong, strong-willed and kind qualities of a hero, you involuntarily feel the desire to transform yourself into better side. The fairy tale “The Bear Man (Danish Fairytale)” can be read for free online countless times without losing your love and desire for this creation.

Once upon a time there was a soldier. He served the king faithfully for many years, and when his term expired, he was released on all four sides. A soldier stands at a crossroads and does not know where to go. He had no one left in his native village. The king's service is long, and during this time all the soldier's relatives died. And he had long been unaccustomed to peasant work. “Eh, it wasn’t,” the soldier decided, “I’ll go wherever my eyes look, and then we’ll see.” He wandered into a dense forest, walks along a path, looks at the trees and thinks: “Shouldn’t I hang myself on the first branch?”
Suddenly a person comes across to him.
- What are you thinking about, servant? - he asks the soldier.
“Yes, I’m looking for a branch that’s easier to hang myself on.” I was left alone in the world, I had nowhere to go and nothing to feed on.
“Hanging yourself is a simple matter,” says the man. - You better come to my service.
-Who are you? - the soldier asks him.
“I’m the devil,” he answers. “Have you heard about me?”
“I heard it, but I have no desire to get involved with the devil.” I will not go to your service.
“Nothing like that will be required of you,” says the devil. - You will serve me for only seven years, and you will receive money without counting. Come on, turn around!
The soldier looked around and saw: standing behind him was a huge bear standing hind legs. He opened his mouth, bared his teeth, and was about to rush! The soldier put his gun to his shoulder - bang-bang! - and killed the bear on the spot.
“Hey, I see you’re not timid,” says the devil. - These are the ones I need.
He rushed to the dead bear, tore off its skin, tanned it, and again asked the soldier:
- Well, then, will you come to my service?
The soldier thought about it and decided: “I still have nowhere to go - either way, I’ll disappear. So be it, I’ll go serve the devil. And then, you see, maybe I’ll get the better of him.”
- Okay, damn, what's your deal?
“And this is my agreement,” the devil answers. “I will sew you up now in a bearskin, and you will not take it off day or night for seven whole years.” And all this time you will not be allowed to wash or cut your beard. For this you will receive a bottomless wallet from me. If you need money, put your hand into it and scoop up a handful of gold, as much as your heart desires. And spend the money where you want - drink, eat, drink, play dice. If you fulfill the agreement - your happiness, go on all four sides in seven years. If you don’t do it, then you won’t be punished. I will take your soul forever.
- Deal! - says the soldier.
- Then get into the bearskin!
The devil sewed him up in a bearskin, and he became such a soldier that you couldn’t imagine anything more terrible.
“Well, goodbye, soldier, we’ll see you in seven years,” said the devil and disappeared to God knows where.
And the soldier went to wander through the villages. It wasn’t easy for him at first, because he was so scary that everyone avoided him. In rich estates they drove him away from the yard, didn’t let him spend the night, and didn’t want to give him crumbs of bread. And only the poor felt sorry for him. And they themselves have nothing to eat, but they will warm the soldier, greet him, and share the last piece. And for this the soldier generously paid them from his inexhaustible wallet. And a rumor spread through the villages that a bear man had appeared in the area. He is too scary in appearance - unkempt, unwashed - but he apparently has a kind heart. He repays shelter and affection a hundredfold, pays for every loaf of bread in gold and does not refuse help to anyone. And the people flocked to him. He rescued many poor people from poverty and saved them from debt. And he generously gave money to everyone. He himself needed a little. I drank, ate, spent the night on straw - and okay.
So four years have passed. One day a bear man came to the inn and asked to spend the night.
“I won’t let you into the room,” the owner tells him, “you’re too scary.” And if you want, you can spend the night in the hayloft.
“I agree,” says the soldier.
He went to the hayloft and lay down on the hay. And there was a stable nearby.
Here the soldier lies and hears someone talking to the groom. The partition is made of planks, and every word can be heard. An old man says to the groom:
- We are completely impoverished, even if you go around the world. And here I still owe the landowner seven hundred dalers. I have no idea where to get them. If I don’t pay it back on time, the landowner will kick us out of the house, and we’ll have nowhere to lay our heads.
“Can’t the landowner wait at least a little while?” - asks the groom. - He has money - a dime a dozen.
“I asked him,” the old man answers, “and he doesn’t want to listen.” “Pay,” says - duty, or else get out of the house.”
The bear man stood up, came to the stable and said:
- Don't be afraid of me, good people. I heard, old man, about your misfortune and I want to help you out of your need.
The old peasant looked at the soldier and saw: the man was ugly, worse than the devil, and his eyes are kind.
- Where do you live? - asks the soldier. The peasant told where his little house was.
- Tomorrow I will come to you and bring you money.
The old man didn’t even have time to come to his senses, and the soldier went back to the hayloft and fell into bed.
The next morning he woke up, had breakfast, paid the owner for the night and went to the old man. And the old man is chopping wood in the yard:
- Hello, a kind person“So I showed up as promised,” says the soldier.
“You’re welcome to the house,” the old man answers.
A soldier entered the room and saw three girls sitting at work. The two older ones spin, and the younger one winds the yarn.
“Get a guest to treat us to the table,” the old man says to the girls, “he brought us money, he wants to help us out of trouble.”
- No no! - the soldier answers. “I won’t eat with you; I ate and drank at the inn. And the money is here. Take them and repay the debt to the landowner.
- Do you need a receipt? - asks the peasant.
- Why do I need a receipt? - says the soldier. “I’m giving you this money without giving back.”
Here the old man became not himself with joy. He doesn’t know how to thank a guest. And the soldier asks:
- Are these girls your daughters?
“You guessed right, daughters,” the peasant answers.
- Look how nice they are; one is more beautiful than the other. Would you like to woo someone for me? I’m a single person, maybe I’ll think about getting married soon.
- Yes, I would be happy to. But how are they? I will not force them.
- Why bondage? - says the soldier. - Just ask them.
Then the two eldest daughters shouted at once:
- And there’s nothing to ask! Let's not marry such a fearful person! Yes, and he’s dirty, I can’t save him! No, let him look for another one.
And the youngest, Ingrid, blushed and said to her father.
“Even though he didn’t show his face, it’s clear that he’s a kind man.” Since he, father, helped us out of trouble, then I agree to marry him; go.
Here the soldier answers her:
“No, my beauty, now I won’t take you as my wife, but I will return here in exactly three years.” Only a lot of water will flow away during this period, and it may turn out that we do not recognize each other. I have a gold ring. I'll break it in half; I’ll take one half for myself and give the other half to you. And when we see each other in three years, we will adjust the two halves - and in this way we will recognize each other.
The soldier said goodbye to everyone and went on to wander.
And the older sisters should make fun of Ingrid. This, they say, is something the bridegroom grabbed for herself, something she can neither show to people nor see for herself! Ingrid answers them:
“I wouldn’t trade him for a handsome guy.” Don't drink water from your face, if only you had a good heart.
The time passed, and the bear-man came to the very place where he met the devil seven years ago. And the devil is right here.
- Well, unclean one, didn’t I break the agreement? - the soldier asks him.
“I didn’t violate anything, but you, soldier, only served me poorly.” You spent all my money on good deeds, you saved poor people from need, and the devil can’t afford it. Did I ask you about this?
“I didn’t ask, and there didn’t seem to be a ban either.”
“Your truth,” says the devil. “I didn’t even have this in my thoughts.”
- Well, then take off the bear skin from me. Now we are even, and I am no longer your servant.
The devil gnashed his teeth, howled with anger, spun around like a top, but there was nothing to do. You won't go against the agreement. He took the bearskin off the soldier and released him on all four sides.
Then the soldier went to the village and took his money, which he had hidden earlier for a rainy day. I got myself some new clothes, washed himself and became such a fine fellow that he could go anywhere. And then he bought a cart and a couple good horses and went to his bride. He drives up to the house, and Ingrid’s father comes out to meet him. Only now the soldier had become completely different, the old man did not recognize him.
He bowed to the guest and asked:
-What would your lordship want?
“Couldn’t you, master, have a rest and water your horses?” - asks the soldier.
“Yes, there’s an inn not far from here,” the old man answers. “But if you don’t disdain my house, then you’re welcome.”
A soldier entered the house and saw two sisters sitting at spinning wheels, and the youngest, Ingrid, was winding yarn.
“Get the guest a snack,” the old man tells his daughters.
Here the two eldest daughters whispered to each other:
- What a handsome fellow! And he is distinguished, and his clothes are rich!
They ran in, got busy, and put all sorts of food on the table.
And the youngest, Ingrid, sat at work and did not move.
- Are these girls your daughters? - the guest asks the old man.
“I guessed right, sir, daughters,” the old man answers.
“Won’t you give me this one as a wife?” - says the guest and points to Ingrid.
“No, sir, I’m already betrothed,” Ingrid answers him.
- Where is your fiance?
- Yes, now three years have passed since he left, and since then he has not given any news about himself.
“So he probably forgot you a long time ago.” There’s no need for you to wait for him, marry me,” the guest persuades her.
And Ingrid insists:
- No, he will definitely return, I know!
Here the two older sisters started making noise with each other:
- And why did she surrender to you? Let him sit and wait for his fearful man. Take us as your wife, choose any one, why are we worse than her?
Only the guest doesn’t want to look at them and again asks Ingrid:
- How do you recognize your fiance? Maybe he has become completely different now?
“He left me half of the ring,” Ingrid answers. - Whoever has the other half turns up, he, therefore, is my betrothed.
“Then it turns out that it’s me and no one else,” says the guest, “here it is, my half!”
Ingrid was delighted and threw herself on the groom’s neck. They called guests and had a merry wedding.
He bought himself a soldier's land and began to live happily with his young wife and her old father.

A man went into the forest to sow turnips. He plows and works there. A bear came to him:

Man, I'll break you.
- Don’t break me, little bear, better let’s sow turnips together. I’ll take at least the roots for myself, and I’ll give you the tops.
“Be so,” said the bear.
- And if you deceive me, then at least don’t go to the forest with me.

He said and went into the oak grove.

The turnip has grown large. A man came in the fall to dig turnips. And the bear crawls out of the oak tree:

Man, let's divide the turnips, give me my share.
- Okay, little bear, let's divide: the tops for you, the roots for me. The man gave all the tops to the bear. And he put the turnips on a cart and took them to the city to sell.

A bear meets him:

Man, where are you going?
- I’m going, little bear, to the city to sell some roots.
- Let me try - what is the spine like? The man gave him a turnip. How the bear ate it:
- A-ah! - roared.
- Man, you deceived me! Your roots are sweet. Now don’t go to my forest to buy firewood, otherwise I’ll break it.

The next year the man sowed rye in that place. He came to reap, and the bear was waiting for him:

Now, man, you can’t fool me, give me my share. The man says:
- Be so. Take the roots, little bear, and I’ll take at least the tops for myself.

They collected rye. The man gave the roots to the bear, put the rye on a cart and took it home.
The bear fought and fought, but could not do anything with the roots.

A joke in one act

(Dedicated to N. N. Solovtsov)

Elena Ivanovna Popova, widow with dimples, landowner. Grigory Stepanovich Smirnov, not an old landowner. Luka, Popova's lackey, old man.

Living room in Popova's estate.


Popova (in deep mourning, does not take his eyes off the photographic card) and Luke.

Luke. It’s not good, lady... You’re only ruining yourself... The maid and the cook went picking berries, every breath is happy, even the cat, and she understands her pleasure and walks around the yard, catching birds, and you sit in the room all day long, as if in monastery, and no pleasure. Yeah right! Almost a year has passed since you left the house!.. Popova. And I will never go out... Why? My life is already over. He lies in the grave, I buried myself within four walls... We both died. Luke. Here you go! And I wouldn’t listen, really. Nikolai Mikhailovich died, so be it, God's will, the kingdom of heaven to them... They grieved - and it will be, it is necessary to know the honor. You can’t cry and mourn all your life. My old woman also died at one time... Well? She grieved and cried for a month, and that’s it, but if she sings Lazarus for an entire century, then the old woman is not worth it. (Sighs.) They forgot all the neighbors... And don’t go yourself, and don’t order them to receive you. We live, excuse me, like spiders - we don’t see white light. The mice ate the livery... It would be nice good people there wasn’t, otherwise the district is full of gentlemen... The regiment is stationed in Ryblov, so the officers are pure sweets, you can’t see enough! And in the camps, every Friday there’s a ball, and almost every day military band music is playing... Eh, lady mother! Young, beautiful, blood and milk - just to live for your own pleasure... Beauty is not given forever! Years will pass ten, you yourself want to walk around and throw dust in the eyes of the gentlemen officers, but it will be too late. Popova (decisively). I ask you to never tell me about this! You know, since Nikolai Mikhailovich died, life has lost all value for me. It seems to you that I am alive, but it only seems! I vowed to myself until my grave not to lift this mourning and not to see the light... Do you hear? Let his shadow see how much I love him... Yes, I know, it’s no secret to you, he was often unfair to me, cruel and... and even unfaithful, but I will be faithful to the grave and prove to him how I I know how to love. There, on the other side of the coffin, he will see me the same as I was before his death... Luke. Instead of these very words, it would be better to go for a walk in the garden, otherwise they would order Toby or the Giant to be harnessed and visit the neighbors... Popova. Ah!.. (Crying.) Luke. Lady!.. Mother!.. What are you saying? Christ is with you! Popova. He loved Toby so much! He always rode it to the Korchagins and Vlasovs. How wonderfully he ruled! There was so much grace in his figure as he pulled on the reins with all his might! Do you remember? Toby, Toby! Order him to give him an extra eight ounces of oats today. Luke. I'm listening!

A sharp call.

Popova (shudders). Who is this? Tell me I don't accept anyone! Luke. I'm listening! (Leaves.)


Popova (alone).

Popova (looking at the photo). You will see, Nicolas, how I know how to love and forgive... My love will fade away with me when my poor heart stops beating. (Laughs through tears.) And aren't you ashamed? I’m a good girl, a faithful wife, I’ve locked myself up and I’ll be faithful to you until the grave, and you... aren’t you ashamed, too, you bastard? He cheated on me, made scenes, left me alone for weeks at a time...


Popova and Luka.

Luke (enters, alarmed). Madam, there is someone asking for you. Wants to see... Popova. But you said that I haven’t accepted anyone since the day of my husband’s death? Luke. He said it, but he doesn’t want to listen, he says it’s a very necessary matter. Popova. I do not accept! Luke. I told him, but... some kind of devil... swears and rushes straight into the rooms... he’s standing in the dining room... Popova (irritated). Okay, ask... What ignoramuses!

Luka leaves.

How hard these people are! What do they need from me? Why should they disturb my peace? (Sighs.) No, apparently I really will have to go to a monastery... (Thinks.) Yes, to a monastery...


Popova, Luka and Smirnov.

Smirnov (entering Luke). You idiot, you like to talk a lot... Donkey! (Seeing Popova, with dignity.) Madam, I have the honor to introduce myself: retired artillery lieutenant, landowner Grigory Stepanovich Smirnov! I have to disturb you on a very important matter... Popova (without shaking hands). What do you want? Smirnov. Your late husband, whom I had the honor of knowing, still owes me one thousand two hundred rubles on two bills of exchange. Since tomorrow I have to pay interest to the land bank, I would ask you, madam, to pay me the money today. Popova. One thousand two hundred... Why does my husband still owe you money? Smirnov. He bought oats from me. Popova (sighing, Luke). So, Luka, don’t forget to order that Toby be given an extra eight ounces of oats.

Luka leaves.

(To Smirnov.) If Nikolai Mikhailovich owes you, then, of course, I will pay; but, please excuse me, I don’t have any free money today. The day after tomorrow my steward will return from the city, and I will order him to pay you what is due, but for now I cannot fulfill your desire... Moreover, today marks exactly seven months since my husband died, and I am now in such a mood that I am absolutely not inclined to deal with money matters.
Smirnov. And now I’m in such a mood that if I don’t pay the interest tomorrow, I’ll have to fly upside down into the chimney. They will describe my estate! Popova. The day after tomorrow you will receive your money. Smirnov. I need money not the day after tomorrow, but today. Popova. Sorry, I can't pay you today. Smirnov. And I can't wait until the day after tomorrow. Popova. What should I do if I don’t have it now! Smirnov. So you can't pay? Popova. I can not... Smirnov. Hm!.. Is this your last word? Popova. Yes, the last one. Smirnov. Last thing? Positively? Popova. Positively. Smirnov. Thank you most humbly. Let's write it down like that. (Shrugs shoulders.) And they also want me to be cold-blooded! Now I meet an excise officer on the road and asks: “Why are you all angry, Grigory Stepanovich?” For goodness sake, how can I not be angry? I desperately need money... Yesterday morning I left at first light, visited all my debtors, and at least one of them paid his debt! I was exhausted like a dog, I spent the night God knows where - in a Jewish tavern near a vodka keg... Finally I come here, 70 miles from home, I hope to get some, but they treat me to “mood”! How can I not be angry? Popova. I think I said clearly: the clerk will return from the city, then you will receive it. Smirnov. I came not to the clerk, but to you! Why the hell, excuse the expression, did your clerk surrender to me! Popova. Forgive me, dear sir, I’m not used to these strange expressions, to such a tone. I'm not listening to you anymore. (Quickly leaves.)


Smirnov (one).

Smirnov. Tell me please! Mood... My husband died seven months ago! Do I need to pay interest or not? I ask you: should you pay interest or not? Well, your husband has died, there is a mood and all sorts of tricks... the clerk has left somewhere, damn him, but what do you tell me to do? Fly away from your creditors hot-air balloon, whether? Or run away and bang your head against the wall? I come to Gruzdev - there is no home, Yaroshevich hid, had a fight with Kuritsyn to death and almost threw him out the window, Mazutov has cholera, this one is in a mood. Not a single rascal pays! And all because I spoiled them too much, that I am a nurse, a wimp, a woman! I'm too delicate with them! Well, wait a minute! You recognize me! I won't let you joke with me, damn it! I'll stay and hang around here until she pays! Brr!.. How angry I am today, how angry I am! With anger, all the veins are shaking and the breath has been taken away... Ugh, my God, it’s even bad! (Screams.) Man!


Smirnov and Luka.

Luke (enters). What do you want? Smirnov. Give me kvass or water!

Luka leaves.

No, what is the logic! A person desperately needs money to hang himself, but she doesn’t pay because, you see, she’s not in the mood to deal with money matters!.. Real feminine, bustle logic! That’s why I never liked and don’t like talking to women. It's easier for me to sit on a keg of gunpowder than to talk to a woman. Brr!.. It even gives me the chills - this trail has made me so angry! As soon as I even see a poetic creature from afar, my calves begin to cramp from anger. Just at least shout guard.


Smirnov and Luka.

Luke (enters and gives water). The lady is sick and does not accept. Smirnov. Let's go!

Luka leaves.

Sick and not accepted! No need, don’t accept it... I’ll stay and sit here until you give me the money. You'll be sick for a week, and I'll sit here for a week... You'll be sick for a year, and I'll be sick for a year... I'll take what's mine, mother! You can’t touch me with mourning and dimples on my cheeks... We know these dimples! (Shouts out the window.) Semyon, unharness! We won't be leaving soon! I'm staying here! Tell them at the stables to give the horses some oats! Again, you brute, your left harness is tangled in the reins! (Teases.) Nothing... I'll ask you - it's nothing! (Moves away from the window.) It’s bad... the heat is unbearable, no one pays money, I didn’t sleep well last night, and then there’s this mournful trail of mood... My head hurts... Should I drink vodka, or what? Perhaps I'll have a drink. (Screams.) Man!

Luke (enters). What do you want? Smirnov. Give me a glass of vodka!

Luka leaves.

Ugh! (Sits down and looks around himself.) Nothing to say, good figure! All covered in dust, dirty boots, not washed, not combed, straw on my vest... The lady, what the hell, she mistook me for a robber. (Yawns.) It’s a little impolite to appear in the living room in this form, but that’s okay... I’m not a guest here, but a creditor, and a suit is not written for creditors...

Luke (enters and serves vodka). You allow yourself a lot, sir... Smirnov (angrily). What? Luke. I... I'm okay... I actually... Smirnov. Who are you talking to?! Be silent! Luke (to the side). The goblin has imposed itself on our heads... It’s not easy to bring...

Luka leaves.

Smirnov. Oh, how angry I am! So angry that, it seems, the whole world would be crushed into powder... He even acts badly... (Screams.) Man!


Popova and Smirnov.

Popova (enters, lowering his eyes). Dear Sir, in my solitude I have long lost the habit of human voice and I can't stand the screaming. I ask you earnestly, do not disturb my peace! Popova. I told you in Russian: I don’t have any free money now, wait until the day after tomorrow. Smirnov. I also had the honor to tell you in Russian: I need money not the day after tomorrow, but today. If you don’t pay me today, then tomorrow I will have to hang myself. Popova. But what should I do if I don't have money? How strange! Smirnov. So you won't pay now? No? Popova. I can not... Smirnov. In that case, I’ll stay here and sit until I get... (Sits down.) Will you pay the day after tomorrow? Great! I will sit like this until the day after tomorrow. This is how I’ll sit... (Jumps up.) I’m asking you: do I need to pay interest tomorrow or not?.. Or do you think I’m joking? Popova. Dear Sir, I ask you not to shout! This is not a stable! Smirnov. I’m not asking you about the stables, but about whether I need to pay interest tomorrow or not? Popova. You don't know how to control yourself sorority! Smirnov. No, sir, I know how to behave in female company! Popova. No, you can't! You are an ill-mannered, rude person! Decent people Don't talk to women like that! Smirnov. Ah, amazing thing! How do you order me to talk to you? In French, or what? (Gets angry and lisps.) Madam, wow... how happy I am that you don’t pay me money... Oh, sorry for bothering you! Such lovely weather today! And this mourning suits you so well! (Shuffles around.) Popova. Not smart and rude. Smirnov (teasingly) Not smart and rude! I don't know how to behave in women's company! Madam, in my time I have seen many more women than you sparrows! Three times I fought in a duel over women, I abandoned twelve women, nine abandoned me! Yes, sir! There was a time when I was a fool, was almond-y, honey-sharp, scattered like beads, shuffled my feet... I loved, suffered, sighed at the moon, became limp, melted, grew cold... I loved passionately, madly, in all sorts of manners, damn me, cracked , like a magpie, about emancipation, he lived half his fortune on tender feelings, but now he is a humble servant! Now you can't fool me! Enough! Black eyes, passionate eyes, scarlet lips, dimples on the cheeks, the moon, whispers, timid breathing - for all this, madam, now I won’t give a copper penny! I'm not talking about those present, but all women, from young to old, are scrappers, crooks, gossips, haters, liars to the core, vain, petty, ruthless, the logic is outrageous, and as for this thing (slaps himself on the forehead) then, excuse my frankness, a sparrow can give ten points ahead to any philosopher in a skirt! You look at another poetic creature: muslin, ether, a demigoddess, a million delights, but look into the soul - an ordinary crocodile! But the most outrageous thing is that for some reason this crocodile imagines that his masterpiece, his privilege and monopoly - tender feeling! Damn it, hang me upside down on this nail - does a woman know how to love anyone other than lap dogs?.. In love, she only knows how to whine and whine! Where a man suffers and sacrifices, all her love is expressed only in the fact that she twirls her train and tries to grab her nose tighter. You have the misfortune of being a woman, so you know from yourself feminine nature. Tell me honestly: have you ever seen a woman in your lifetime who was sincere, faithful and constant? Did not see! Only old women and freaks are faithful and constant! You are more likely to meet a horned cat or a white woodcock than a resident woman! Popova. Excuse me, so who do you think is faithful and constant in love? Isn't it a man? Smirnov. Yes, man! Popova. Man! (Evil laugh.) A man is faithful and constant in love! Tell me what news! (Hotly.) What right do you have to say this? Men are faithful and constant! For that matter, I will tell you that of all the men I have ever known and know, my late husband was the best... I loved him passionately, with all my being, as only a young woman can love, thinking woman; I gave him my youth, happiness, life, my fortune, breathed it, prayed for him like a pagan, and... and - what? This best of men deceived me in the most shameless manner at every step! After his death, I found a full box in his desk. love letters, and in life it’s terrible to remember! - he left me alone for whole weeks, before my eyes he courted other women and cheated on me, wasted my money, joked about my feelings... And, despite all this, I loved him and was faithful to him... Moreover , he died, and I am still faithful and constant to him. I buried myself forever within four walls and will not remove this mourning until the very grave... Smirnov (disdainful laughter). Mourning!.. I don’t understand who you take me for? I don’t know exactly why you wear this black domino and bury yourself within four walls! Still would! This is so mysterious, poetic! Some cadet or short poet will drive past the estate, look at the windows and think: “Here lives the mysterious Tamara, who, out of love for her husband, buried herself within four walls.” We know these tricks! Popova (flushing). What? How dare you tell me all this? Smirnov. You buried yourself alive, but you didn’t forget to powder yourself! Popova. How dare you talk to me like that? Smirnov. Don't shout, please, I'm not your clerk! Let me call things by their real names. I'm not a woman and I'm used to expressing my opinion directly! Please don't shout! Popova. It’s not I who scream, but you who shout! Please leave me alone! Smirnov. Pay me the money and I'll leave. Popova. I won't give you money! Smirnov. No, sir, give it to me! Popova. To spite you, you won’t get a penny! You can leave me alone! Smirnov. I have no pleasure in being your husband or fiancé, so please don’t make a scene for me. (Sits down.) I don’t like this. Popova (choking with anger). Have you sat down? Smirnov. Sat down. Popova. Please leave! Smirnov. Give me the money... (Aside.) Oh, how angry I am! How angry I am! Popova. I don't want to talk to impudent people! Please get out!


Won't you leave? No?

Smirnov. No. Popova. No? Smirnov. No! Popova. Good! (Rings.)


The same Luke.

Popova. Luka, get this gentleman out! Luke (approaches Smirnov). Sir, please leave when told! Nothing here... Smirnov (jumping up). Be silent! Who are you talking to? I'll make a salad out of you! Luke (grabs his heart). Fathers!.. Pleasers!.. (Falls into a chair.) Oh, bad, bad! It took my breath away! Popova. Where is Dasha? Dasha! (Screams.) Dasha! Pelageya! Dasha! (Rings.) Luke. Oh! Everyone is gone... No one is home... It's bad! Water! Popova. Please get out! Smirnov. Would you like to be more polite? Popova (clenching his fists and stomping his feet). You are a man! Rude bear! Bourbon! Monster! Smirnov. How? What did you say? Popova. I said you are a bear, a monster! Smirnov (advancing). Excuse me, what right do you have to insult me? Popova. Yes, I’m insulting... well, so what? Do you think I'm afraid of you? Smirnov. Do you think that if you are a poetic creature, you have the right to insult with impunity? Yes? To the barrier! Luke. Fathers!.. Pleasers!.. Water! Smirnov. Shoot! Popova. If you have healthy fists and a bull's throat, then do you think I'm afraid of you? A? You're such a bourbon! Smirnov. To the barrier! I will not allow anyone to insult me ​​and will not look at the fact that you are a woman, a weak creature! Popova (trying to shout out). Bear! Bear! Bear! Smirnov. It's time to finally abandon the prejudice that only men are obliged to pay for insults! Equality is so equal, damn it! To the barrier! Popova. Do you want to shoot? Please! Smirnov. This minute! Popova. This minute! My husband left behind pistols... I'll bring them here now... (He walks hastily and returns.) With what pleasure I will put a bullet in your copper forehead! Damn you! (Leaves.) Smirnov. I'll shoot her like a chicken! I am not a boy, not a sentimental puppy, for me there are no weak creatures! Luke. Dear Father!.. (Kneels down.) Do me such a favor, have pity on me, an old man, get out of here! You've scared me to death, and you're about to shoot yourself! Smirnov (without listening to him). Shooting, this is equality, emancipation! Both genders are equal here! I'll shoot her on principle! But what is a woman like? (Teases.) “Damn you... I’ll put a bullet in the copper forehead...” What? She was flushed, her eyes were shining... She accepted the challenge! Honestly, for the first time in my life I see this... Luke. Father, go away! Make me pray to God forever! Smirnov. This is a woman! This is what I understand! Real woman! Not sourness, not a slob, but fire, gunpowder, a rocket! It's a pity to even kill! Luka (crying). Father... darling, go away! Smirnov. I positively like her! Positively! Even though there are dimples on the cheeks, I like them! I’m even ready to forgive her debt... and the anger has passed... Amazing woman!


The same with Popova.

Popova (enters with pistols). Here they are, pistols... But before we fight, would you please show me how to shoot... I have never held a pistol in my hands. Luke. Save, Lord, and have mercy... I’ll go look for the gardener and the coachman... Where did this misfortune come from on our heads... (Leaves.) Smirnov (examining the pistols). You see, there are several types of pistols... There are special Mortimer dueling pistols, and capsule pistols. And these are Smith and Wesson system revolvers, triple action with extractor, center fire... Excellent pistols!.. The price for these is at least 90 rubles per pair... You need to hold the revolver like this... (To the side.) Eyes, eyes ! Fiery woman! Popova. So? Smirnov. Yes, that's it... Then you pull the trigger... take aim like this... Head back a little! Stretch your hand as it should... Like this... Then with this finger you press this little thing - and nothing else... Just the main rule: don’t get excited and aim slowly... Try not to let your hand tremble. Popova. Okay... It’s inconvenient to shoot in rooms, let’s go to the garden. Smirnov. Let's go. I'm just warning you that I'll shoot in the air. Popova. This was still missing! Why? Smirnov. Because... because... It's my business why! Popova. Are you chickening out? Yes? Ah-ah-ah! No, sir, don't wiggle! Please follow me! I will not rest until I have pierced your forehead... this forehead that I hate so much! Got cold feet? Smirnov. Yes, I chickened out. Popova. You're lying! Why don't you want to fight? Smirnov. Because... because... I like you. Popova (evil laugh). He likes me! He dares to say that he likes me! (Points to the door.) You can! Smirnov (silently puts down the revolver, takes his cap and walks; he stops near the door, both silently look at each other for half a minute; then he speaks, hesitantly approaching Popova). Listen... Are you still angry?.. I'm damn furious too, but, you know... how can I put it this way... The thing is, you see, this kind of story, strictly speaking... (Shouts .) Well, is it really my fault that I like you? (He grabs the back of the chair, the chair cracks and breaks.) God knows how brittle your furniture is! I like you! Do you understand? I... I'm almost in love! Popova. Get away from me - I hate you! Smirnov. God, what a woman! I've never seen anything like it in my life! Gone! Dead! Caught in a mousetrap like a mouse! Popova. Move away, otherwise I will shoot! Smirnov. Shoot! You cannot understand what a blessing it is to die under the gaze of these wonderful eyes, to die from a revolver held by this little velvet hand... I'm crazy! Think and decide now, because if I leave here, we will never see each other again! Decide... I am a nobleman, a decent person, I have ten thousand annual income... I hit a tossed penny with a bullet... I have excellent horses... Do you want to be my wife? Popova (indignant, shakes a revolver). Shoot! To the barrier! Smirnov. I'm crazy... I don't understand anything... (Screams.) Man, water! Popova (shouting). To the barrier! Smirnov. Lost my mind, fell in love like a boy, like a fool! (He grabs her hand, she screams in pain.) I love you! (Kneels down.) I love you like I've never loved before! I left twelve women, nine left me, but I didn’t love any of them as much as you... I’m sore, I’m soggy, I’m limp... I’m on my knees like a fool and I offer my hand... Shame, shame! I haven’t fallen in love for five years, I made a vow to myself, and suddenly I fell in love like a shaft with someone else’s body! I offer my hand. Yes or no? You do not want? No need! (Gets up and quickly goes to the door.) Popova. Wait... Smirnov (stops). Well? Popova. Nothing, go away... However, wait... No, go away, go away! I hate you! Or not... Don't leave! Oh, if you only knew how angry I am, how evil I am! (Throws a revolver on the table.) My fingers are swollen from THIS abomination... (Tears the handkerchief out of anger.) Why are you standing? Get out! Smirnov. Farewell. Popova. Yes, yes, go away!... (Screams.) Where are you going? Wait... Go ahead, though. Oh, how angry I am! Don't come, don't come! Smirnov (approaching her). How angry I am with myself! I fell in love like a high school student, I was on my knees... It even gives me a chill... (Roughly.) I love you! I really needed to fall in love with you! Interest must be paid tomorrow, haymaking has begun, and here you are... (Takes her by the waist.) I will never forgive myself for this... Popova. Move away! Hands off! I hate you! To the ba-barrier!

Long kiss.


The same, Luke with an axe, a gardener with a rake, a coachman with a pitchfork and workers with a woodcutter.

Luke (seeing a couple kissing). Fathers!


Popova (lowering her eyes). Luka, you can tell them in the stables that they don’t give Toby any oats today.

A curtain

The Evrinians met with newcomers for business - exchange, purchase and sale, but they did not let them into their lives. However, when a bee takes a bribe, flying from flower to flower, does it not leave golden pollen on the red flower from the blue or yellow one? And the newcomers left something behind, although it was not yet obvious, not always perceptible - the breath of the Great Human River, and every child knows that a quiet wind fans the ember and carries a forest fire.

But then how to live? - Maxim Kargin thought. - An island? No one will come to the rescue when the island is attacked by a black pestilence, famine and death. And in the Big River - death to the clan... But is it only possible to preserve ancient laws so that the law preserves the clan? Big River will destroy and carry away the dams of laws, wash away customs. And who will we become then? And can you stop the waves of that River?..

So his son, Miron, was called by the Great Human River, he wants to understand it, and first to understand the neighboring island, which is called the land of the people of Takha - the Sosva Mansi.

Maxim did not dissuade his son, he only said:

It is not the path that leads a person - he himself makes the path. There is no man without his own path. Cowards and weak, women and children walk along strange, easy paths. I know: distant, unknown places add intelligence and life to a hunter. Go! Stretch your trail after you!

And Miron Kartin, concealing within himself the joy and pride of recognition, went with the dogs to forest in the distant lands of the Sosva Mansi. It wasn’t because the Kondinsky Urmans were impoverished, but Mirona was drawn into the distance. From the threshold of the yurt, the distance always seems incomprehensibly distant. But this is only up to the first, heaviest, most overwhelming step. The first step was taken, the second... and the fifth... and the hundredth step - and the path stretched out, like a weak thread behind a piercingly daring needle.

The Eureans did not see Myron for a long time.

He returned at the end of winter, during the last wolf blizzard. And not alone. A woman in a sakhi and a squirrel fur coat, “lyenyakh,” easily jumped off the heavily loaded sled and followed Miron into the hut. That woman was large, broad-shouldered, as tall as Miron. A bright silk scarf with long tassels is thrown at one end behind the back, and the other falls freely onto the chest, covering the face.

Hello, live long, Father Maxim! - Miron greeted.

Pase olyn sim com! Live well, dear man! Who? Where did you get it from? - nodded towards the woman old painting. - What land, what kind of woman is this woman?

That's my wife, Tetyum! Her name is Aprasinha. She is from the people of the Chaika family. Crane Creek is her name.

Ap-ra-sinya,” said Kartin. - From the people of the Chaika family... You have long ripened, filled with strength, to sow the seed and grow the fruit. In front of God, this woman must bring sons to our family. Pase olyn sim ne! - the old man turned to Aprasinya. - Live well, dear woman!

Show yourself! - the old man ordered.

“He’s probably torturing,” Myron thought. My chest felt tight: now Aprasinya’s face will open, and anger will seize my father. If he beats you up, okay, you can be patient for a little while, but what if he curses you and drives you out of the house like a stupid dog?

And the old man was waiting. He wanted to know what laws were in the lands of Takhyt-Makhum, what laws the men there imposed on a woman, on such a restless, anxious and unsteady creature? Maxim Kartin sacredly respected the laws, although he could not explain to himself strange custom"avoidance". A woman opens her face to her relatives, to her husband, to his younger brothers, even though they are married. But in front of her older brothers, in front of her father-in-law, the daughter-in-law could not open her face...

Show yourself! - the old man repeated more quietly.

Aye, Sairyn Kotalum - White Bright Day! - Oh, Pupius Samt - in front of Shaitan! The gods do not allow me to reveal my face, father!

Maybe my son brought a forest snag into the house? Or Vor-Lulne - Leshachikha? - old Kartin grinned. “Such a lucky hunter must have a beautiful wife, like an important woman.” Don't be afraid! I let you, Crane Creek!

Aprasinya’s light, shimmering, like a starry sky, slightly high-cheeked face with slanted eyes raised to the temples attracted not so much beauty and health, but restrained authority. Bottomless whirlpool eyes pulled me into themselves, cast invisible fetters, and there was no strength to tear myself away from them, like from the sky, I was enchanted by the elastic, formidable will and pagan power that lurked in the depths of those eyes.

Ap-ra-sinya! - the old man whispered. - Cover your face... It glows. It threatens like the face of Surnenne - the Golden Woman! What kind of bride price did you pay, Miron?

The son remained silent, Aprasinya managed to throw off her squirrel fur coat. Seven younger brothers and sisters, relatives who arrived in time and neighbors, burning with curiosity, saw a strong, broad-shouldered girl in a light Mansi parka made of golden spit. The hem of the parka is decorated with a wide strip of white deer fur, and thin, clear patterns run intricately across the white field. The pattern includes hare ears and a sable head, a duck wing, an oar and a flexible birch branch...

Aye, beautiful girl! - a whisper slipped through like an ermine.

Covering her face with a handkerchief, Aprasinya opened the door and slipped out frosty night. The snow squealed subtly under her light pussycats. She deftly untied the belt knots, unloaded the sledges and took the reindeer under the shed to the wall of the hut. Without haste, she carefully removed the icicles from the leader’s wide nostrils and wiped the sunken sides of the important women with a piece of skin. Silently, carefully opening the door, she carried the load into the hut. She collected birch logs from the woodpile, chopped a splinter with a knife and lit a fire in the fire pit. Sisters and younger brothers Mirona surrounded her, rattled their cauldrons, ran around, circled around her like lop-eared puppies, squealing with delight because Aprasinya was so beautiful, strong, so calm and self-confident.

Myron untied the bags and threw at his father’s feet flowing furs of sables, martens, black foxes streaked with gray hair, kolinas, bundles of bluish-smoky skins of squirrels and ermines.

Rich, lucky booty! - old Kartin smiled contentedly. - You are an excellent hunter, Myron! My children, your brothers and sisters, will be fed and warm.

Myron tried to tell his father about his long journey, but he interrupted him:

You, son, tell me what kind of bride price you paid for Aprasinya? - The father looked sideways at the girl who was loading the koltashikha with elk meat and throwing dry roots and herbs into the boiling broth, taking them out of an embroidered suede bag. The yurt was filled with the smells of the borabelomnik, waking up in the dawn dew.

I didn’t give kalym, tetyum... - the son answered unexpectedly for Maxim.

Stole?! - the old man stood up. - Stole? - his voice breathed through the drifting snow.

Don't give a damn?! Oops! May it burn me! Didn’t you give the bride price?! - there was a draft of whispers.

No, Tetyum! Didn't steal it! - Myron smiled. - Aprasinya cannot be stolen. She is the wind, she is not given into your hands. “Just as a ray from the sun cannot be stolen, like a star from the bottom of a stream,” the son answered with quiet, hidden joy.

How? How without a bride price? Without ransom - how?! Corrupted?! Or is she wild? Who did you bring to my house, Myron?! - Kartin does not understand how his son could break the ancient law. - You will cause the revenge of her family! There are very few of us Kartins left to protect our family from dishonor!

I must have gone to the Underworld. “I’ve probably already approached my ancestors,” Myron said quietly. - I’ve already seen your father, Tetyum! Aprasinya brought me back to the sun...

Then you owe her doubly! - the old man snapped. - She returned you to the earth, and you stole her?! Her family will not forgive our family. Young blood rushed into your head. You are causing a quarrel with Taha's people.

When Maxim's grandfather was still young, the age-old enmity between the people of Takha, Konda and As - the Great Ob was smoldering and flaring up. The people of the Sosva lands attacked the camps of the Kondin people, took away the women, stole them, abducted them without ransom, and even killed them. On the Cowberry River, Takha’s people stole Maxim’s grandfather Painting and exchanged it with the Nenets for a reindeer team. Only in the third year did the young hunter find his way home... On the secret paths the Kondinians lay in wait for the people of Sosva, who were returning with rich booty, beat them, took away their prey and furs. And this went on for a long time, and for a long time the elders of the Konda and Takha clans extinguished the enmity - it carried away young men, mature hunters, and produced orphans and widows.

When going on a trip, or just relaxing in nature, it is wrong to assume that somewhere out there, in the taiga, there is an angry, hungry bear lurking and dreaming of tearing you into small pieces. In fact, meeting a person is just as stressful for a bear as meeting him is for a person. Practice shows that this animal always prefers to hide. You can walk all day long in its tracks, its hiding places, its habitats, but you will never meet it anywhere, and even if the meeting did occur, then most of these predators tend to want to escape. However, it should be noted that this only happens in cases where a person respects this animal, knows its habits and, based on this, follows a few simple rules, which we will try to formulate here.


While working in the village of Vzmorye, I had to give a ride to a fellow traveler with two buckets of champignons. On the way we started talking. It turned out that this woman collects wild plants every year throughout the summer.

“But there are a lot of bears in your area,” I was surprised, “and as far as I can see, you don’t have any means of protection with you.”

“The remedy is very simple,” she smiled, “before going out into nature, I take some rag, soak it in a strong bleach solution and put it in a plastic bag. When I arrive in the forest, I take it out and wrap a rag around the bottom of my boot.

- And what? Are the bears running away?

“Yes, I’ve been following in their footsteps for twenty years now, but I’ve never met them before, I saw them from afar.”


The bear's sense of smell and hearing are as underdeveloped. As for vision, it is very weak. An animal sees through its eyes in much the same way as a person looking through cloudy glass. Sometimes, when meeting bears at short distances, I watched them turn their heads, move their ears and sniff the air, trying to figure out who and what was in front of them. This predator's sense of smell is perfect. For example, have you ever tried to move in absolute darkness, through a forest, without lighting? Let me tell you that even with a good flashlight it is not so easy. The bear calmly walks through the thickets all night. With his magnificent radars - smell and hearing, he literally scans every twig. We can say that his sense of smell is his main vision. You will still be a kilometer away from the predator, and he will already know where you are and in which direction you are moving. In principle, the entire concept of human security is built on these two features of the beast. Imagine that you decided to attack someone, and suddenly they suddenly blindfolded you - you will definitely have to refuse the attack. The same is true for a bear; from a strong foreign smell it literally “goes blind” and tries to avoid this smell a mile away. In general, many experts agree that the best remedy against an aggressive predator, this is a special gas canister. Biologists from the state of Alaska, where today there are approximately 150 thousand bears, interviewed about one hundred and seventy people who had ever used special gas against the beast. For the most part, these were cases when bears came out to housing or campsites due to the smell of food, but there were also several attacks on tourists who, as it turned out, did not comply with elementary rules and were saved only thanks to a spray can. Based on the above, we can already determine for ourselves several simple rules of behavior in the wild.


In the forest, under no circumstances should you, figuratively speaking, “smell like sausage.” Actively use mosquito and tick repellents. Pack food carefully in plastic. In parking lots, before eating, light a fire. Don't throw away scraps and burn all trash, including empty ones. cans. When preparing for the night, tidy up and wash the dishes. If the pot is left with food, cover it with grass or burdocks. In this case, it is advisable to place empty cups and mugs on top. If a furry guest arrives at night, the noise of the dishes will notify you of his arrival. Place your clothes and backpacks in liners (plastic bags) overnight. Light a fire before spending the night. The best option“Nodya” is made of three short logs, such a fire burns for a long time, and by morning there are still coals left. It is very undesirable to go to remote corners of nature for beer and barbecue, and if at the same time your children are running uncontrollably through the bushes, then this is generally unforgivable stupidity. Once in the forest, at one of the quarries of our enterprise, security guards stopped at a post and decided to celebrate their arrival with barbecue. Less than an hour had passed when a bear came out into the clearing and “swept up” all their treats. The guys barely managed to hide in the trailer, and sat for a whole week without water, and the animal, hoping for a continuation of the banquet, guarded them until it was scared away by foresters who accidentally drove there.


Of course, it also happens that the bear cannot always smell us. This happens in cases where we move towards it against the wind, or during the flowering of strong-smelling herbs, as well as in places large cluster rotten fish. In these situations, we use such a property of the beast as its perfect hearing. When moving along streams, thickets, paths, it is advisable to shout or make any other noise, especially in places with limited visibility of the space, for example, at closed bends in the river, elevation changes, etc. During long solo trips, when my throat starts to hurt from screaming, for example, I take out a cup or mug, tie them together and hang them on my belt, near my leg - the rattle turns out just right! Every time you go down to the river, be careful, a bear disturbed during prey is very nervous, and God forbid you meet him unexpectedly, but if he hears you in advance, he still won’t risk it and will hurry to hide.


One of the characteristics of a predator is that when it meets a person at close range, it begins to perceive it as a threatening enemy. This, of course, does not mean that the animal will definitely attack you. WITH psychological point There are three types of bears different types: cowards, Olympians and fighters. We will not consider a coward; if he ran away from you, then thank God. The Olympian will calmly stand and watch, turn his head, sniff the air, trying to determine who is in front of him, and perhaps even what the animal is feeling at this time, scanning your internal state and if you were psychologically prepared for this meeting, do not panic and remain calm, then this bear will also leave. (I described one of these meetings) Well, the third, rarest type is a fighter. At a critical distance (and in my opinion it is less than ten meters), he attacks immediately and is a very dangerous type, based on which we have the next two topics, namely means of defense and psychological preparedness.

Let's look at them in order.

We will not discuss in this article firearms, since it is separate, large and complex topic. Let's turn to simple and accessible means to everyone.


As mentioned above, the protection is very good. A strong jet of a special caustic composition, hitting seven meters, is guaranteed to stop a predator’s attack, but only if you are psychologically prepared for this attack. When an angry predator rushes towards a person, roaring and grinning mouth, not everyone has the nerves to stand calmly and direct a stream of gas into his face. The big disadvantage of this product is that in the event of a strong headwind or side wind, its effectiveness is reduced to zero. In risky places, take this factor into account in advance. When purchasing a canister, ask for a certificate of conformity; the gas must be specifically designed to protect against bears. Unfortunately, on currently in our retail outlets there is nothing like that.

Last year I went to the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk “Medved” store. I see there is something similar, with “owner of the taiga” painted and the inscription “From aggressive animals.” I bought it and paid 800 rubles. A week later I took it with me on a hike. By the evening of the first day of the trip, when I arrive at the parking lot, I take the spray can out of my pocket and don’t understand anything, in large letters It says NIGHT VIOLET HAIRSPray. Strange, I think, where did I get this from? And where is the anti-bear remedy? It turned out to be a bug. In a damp pocket, the paper sticker peeled off to reveal the real inscription. Now my friends are teasing me and asking: “Did you want to do the bear’s hair?”


I have been using this remedy for many years. A noisy, bright, strong fire that burns for a minute is also capable of stopping an attacking predator. I'll be honest, despite great amount travels and encounters with a bear, I have never had to light a flare for self-defense since the predator kept leaving. And yet there were cases when it was the flare that saved me. I'll try to decipher it. It’s one thing when you stand in front of a bear empty-handed, and quite another when you have a weapon that you trust. In the spring of 2008, two of my comrades asked me to teach them how to navigate in hiking conditions using a compass and map. Having chosen an unfamiliar route, we went hiking during the May holidays. On the second day of the journey, descending from the slope, on one of the tributaries of the Shebuninka River, on long distance we saw a bear in the distance. Deciding to show off in front of the experienced traveler, despite the warning, my companions boldly rushed forward. Crossing the stormy river, I was careful not to get water into the swamps and for some time lost sight of my comrades. Having finished the crossing and raising my head, I see two daredevils flying towards me and shouting: “HE’S RUNNING,” rushing past. Instantly taking out a flare, I prepared for the attack. The bear was rapidly approaching and about five meters away, when the hand was ready to pull the cord, the animal suddenly turned sharply to the left and jumped into the forest. Subsequently, analyzing this incident, I came to the conclusion that it was my calmness and restraint that forced the beast to stop the attack, and most importantly, I owed this calmness precisely to the presence of a flare in my hands.


As practice has shown, the best ship's flare, our Russian production. It is launched from the cord, and instantly, unlike Western models that have a three-second delay, which is extreme situation unacceptable. The disadvantages include the conical handle, narrowed towards the bottom. As a rule, when hiking, your hands are wet, slippery, and sometimes dirty with earth and clay, and it is very difficult to hold the fire when starting. Therefore, we need to come up with something, for example, wrap a collar around the handle with electrical tape.


During travel, all protective equipment should be in pockets specially equipped for them, that is, zippers, rivets, fixing elastic bands, etc. The design of the pocket for the flare should allow it to be pulled out instantly and at the same time it should not fall out spontaneously. If you put the fire in a simple pocket, then after a couple of hours of travel you will notice that you no longer have it, this has been tested in practice many times. It is just as stupid to put a fire in a backpack, as some of my friends do, in this case the whole meaning of its presence is completely lost. This is the same as hunting with a gun disassembled and put in a case.


One famous traveler, who devoted a lot of time to studying the lifestyle of bears, claims that out of every two hundred meetings between a person and a predator, only one is dangerous. I hope that following the above rules will help you safely survive this two-hundredth meeting.