Patterns on butterfly wings. III

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Lesson objectives:

  • introduce various types patterns on butterfly wings;
  • expand children's knowledge of how a butterfly appears;
  • teach to see beauty in nature;
  • develop creative imagination, aesthetic taste.

Equipment: gouache, brushes, projector, collection of butterflies.

Methodological support: reproductions of paintings by artists depicting butterflies, presentation.


I. Organizational moment

II. Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson

– Guess the riddle and you will immediately guess what we will talk about today and who we will portray:

The flower was sleeping
And suddenly I woke up
I didn't want to sleep anymore
He moved, he started,
He soared up and flew away.

– Who is the riddle talking about?
- That's right, it's a butterfly.
– Today we will talk about how many different butterflies exist in our nature, we will see how different and beautiful wings they all have, and we ourselves will try to draw a butterfly with beautiful patterns on the wings.

III. Introduction to the topic of the lesson

Slides 3, 4

exists in nature great amount butterflies. But they are not all alike. This beautiful butterfly- Peacock eye. Most often it can be found in Japan, as well as in European countries. There are very few of these beauties left, they are even listed in the Red Book.
– Pay attention to the shape of the wings and the pattern on them. What can you call it?
- That's right, a pattern. What is the pattern on the wings made of?
– Absolutely right, from circles that look like an eye.
- Let's look at the patterns on the wings of other butterflies. Describe them.
- This is a butterfly - Swallowtail. With graceful wing shape. How many colors are present in its coloring! Let's do the math. What is the pattern of her wings made of?
- Absolutely right, except all around we see and wavy lines, and spots.
Slide 5
- In front of you is the largest butterfly. Its wingspan is 30 centimeters.
Slide 6
– Butterflies are diurnal.
Slide 7
- Night.
Slide 8
– Butterfly wings consist of hundreds of small scales. Scales reflect sunlight, so the wings shimmer differently bright colors.
Slide 9
– The life of butterflies is very short. They must do everything in time. Many butterflies live only one summer, and some live for several days.
Slide 10
– A butterfly sits on a flower, lowers its long proboscis into the middle of the plant and drinks the sweet juice of the flowers.
Slide 11
– We all have names. Butterflies are such beautiful creatures, they are given unusual and very beautiful names. Let's get a look.
Slides 12-27
- Guys, do you know how butterflies are born? Let's get a look.
Slides 28-32
- Let's take a closer look at how a butterfly works.
Slide 33
– Artists often depicted butterflies in their works; they also admired the beauty of their wings.
– Have you looked carefully at the butterflies? What patterns can be on her wings7
– What is the pattern on the wings made of? (Specks, dots, wavy lines)
- How many wings does a butterfly have? (Four, two large wings in front and two smaller ones in back)


Exercise “Butterflies”:

  1. Lower your head down, arms straight, back straight,
  2. Hands through the sides up and down.
  3. Smoothly move your hands up, look at your fingers, lower your hands down.
  4. Swinging movements with arms, circling.

Butterfly image sequence:

Slides 35-38 (1 way)

Please note that the butterfly is symmetrical. First, we mark the length and height of the butterfly, draw the upper and lower wings, decorate the wings and start working with paints.
There is another way:
You can bend a sheet of album in half, on one half, immediately draw the upper and lower wings in watercolor, and decorate them. Then bend the sheet, rub it well with your fist, unfold it, and on the resulting prints add an abdomen, antennae, and everything else. This method of depiction is called monotype.

IV. Practical work

Choose any method and try to draw a beautiful, elegant butterfly. Decorate your butterflies with intricate designs. (Individual assistance if necessary)

At the end of the work, show slide 16.

– What does Govil compare the butterfly to? (With flower)

V. Lesson summary

Express exhibition, discussion of works. (Children cut out their butterflies and glue them to the flower meadow)

Summary: What new did you learn in the lesson? What new things have you learned?

Fine arts lesson in 1st grade.

Topic: Drawing and decorating a butterfly. "Patterns on the wings."

Didactic task of the lesson : formation of UUD in the context of solving practical problems;

Forms and methods of teaching explanatory and illustrative; frontal and individual, steam room.

Lesson type : combined.


Educational :

introduce the line of symmetry, the patterns on the wings of butterflies, teach them to see beauty in nature;

Educational: develop creative imagination, aesthetic taste;Educational :bring up careful attitude to nature, animals.

Tasks artistic development student:

    Educational : formation of an aesthetic attitude towards nature, phenomena of the flora and fauna;

    Educational: development of skills in working with paints or colored pencils, independence; development of the ability for creative self-expression;

    Educational: cultivate a love for nature and animals.

LUD (ability to learn):


    Regulatory: independently think through the idea and create a drawing using a line of symmetry, pattern and expressive properties art material(colored pencils or paints); evaluate the results of their work;

    Cognitive: understanding the purpose of the line of symmetry, in fine arts and nature; acquaintance with patterns that are found in nature;

    Communicative: know how to exchange opinions, listen to classmates and teachers; discuss individual results of artistic and creative activity;

    Personal: developing skills in working with paints or colored pencils, the ability to use a line of symmetry to achieve your plan; improving the culture of verbal communication, developing abilities for creative self-expression;

During the classes:

    Organizational moment (Personal UUD).

"The bell rang

The lesson has begun"

    State the topic and purpose of the lesson. Statement and formation of educational tasks.

    Guess the riddle and you will find out the topic of our lesson:
    "The flower slept
    And suddenly I woke up
    I didn't want to sleep anymore
    moved, perked up,
    Soared up and flew away"

    About whom we're talking about in a riddle? (About the Butterfly)

    That's right, it's a butterfly.

    Formulate the topic of the lesson.

    What will we learn in class?

    Today in the lesson you will learn about the diversity of butterflies, look at the patterns on their wings and draw a pattern on the wings of your own butterfly.
    Topic (on the board).

    Decorations on the wings. Symmetry. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Cognitive UUD

    Heuristic conversation.
    Looking at butterflies in pictures famous artists and nature. (Multimedia presentation)

    There are a huge number of butterflies in nature. They are all different and not alike. Look:

    This is a butterfly -peacock eye. Found in Europe and Japan. These

There are very few butterflies left, they need protection. How are they

 Pay attention to the shape of the wings and the pattern on them. Is it possible

call it a pattern? What did you notice?(Circles like eyes)

    And this is a butterfly -Zorka. It is found in the territory from Western

Europe to China. The butterfly lives on the edges and forest clearings.
- Why do you think it was called that? (On her front wings

bright red circle , but frames ityellow , as if

the sun sets or rises, which resembles the dawn)

    This butterfly is calledSwallowtail. Lives in many places in Eurasia,

Africa, Japan. A very beautiful butterfly with graceful wings.

What is the pattern on the wings made of?(Made of circles, wavy lines, spots)

Let's remember the environmental signs of nature? Is it possible to catch butterflies?

IV .Physical minute :

"I walked, walked, walked

I found a berry...”

    Work according to the textbook.
    Cognitive and communicative UUD

    Open the textbookpage 50 . Consider the butterflies. What can you say about butterfly clothes?(Elegant, beautiful) .

    What are the patterns on the wings made of?(Spots, wavy edges, small dots, like splashes)

    How many wings does each butterfly have?? (page 51) (Four, two wings in front and two smaller ones in back)

    Which butterfly pattern did you like the most?

    Fizminutka .

Exercise "Butterfly"

Regulatory UUD: carries out step-by-step control of his actions, focusing on the teacher’s demonstration of movements, and then independently evaluates the correctness of the actions at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment.

In the morning the butterfly woke up

Stretched and smiled

Once - she washed herself with dew

Two - gracefully twirled

Three - bent down and sat down,

Flew off at four.

Teacher: Try to depict a butterfly with movements. Show how light and airy it is, how it flutters.

    Pedagogical drawing.

Cognitive UUD

    We draw: head, torso, abdomen.

Work in pairs.

Come up with a pattern for your butterfly.

Discuss with your desk neighbor what kind of pattern you can create on the wings of a butterfly?

    Showing a pedagogical drawing and explaining the algorithm for performing the drawing.

I came up with this one. I drew various ovals and circles irregular shape, spots. Then we take paints and paint the wings, body, and abdomen with bright colors.

When the paint dries, we decorate the wings and our drawing, adding details - dots, streaks.

    Creative Practical activities student.

Regulatory and personal UUD

    Look at the patterns on the wings of butterflies drawn by children in the textbook onpages 52 – 53.

    Now you will also decorate the butterfly with patterns.

    Get creative and dress up the butterfly in a beautiful, bright, patterned “dress”, just the way you want.

    Listen to the poem :
    Sat down on a flower in the garden
    Where did you come from?
    How beautiful are you?
    She looks like a flower

    What does the poet compare the butterfly to? (With flower)

Completion of work by students.

    Lesson summary. Reflection.

Communicative and personal UUD

    Exhibition of student work and discussion.

    Did you enjoy admiring the beautiful patterns of butterflies?

    Which butterfly did you like best? Why?

    Generalization. Reflection.

    What new did you learn in the lesson? (Learned about various beautiful butterflies)

    What we learned in the lesson (Draw a pattern on the wings of butterflies)

Cleaning the workplace (Personal UUD).

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Slide captions:

Fine arts 1st grade Topic: Patterns on the wings Fedotova Tatyana Aleksandrovna

Guess the riddle All four petals of the flower were moving. I wanted to pick it - He took off and flew away.

There are more than 156,000 species

Peacock eye

Zorka Why was she called that?

Swallowtail How many different colors are there in the color? What is the pattern on the wings made of?

Tizania agrippina is the largest butterfly in the world. It is found in the tropics of Central and South America. A butterfly with a wingspan of 30.8 cm was caught in Brazil.

Acetosea is the smallest butterfly in the world. It lives in Great Britain. Its wingspan, like the total body length, is only 2 mm.

Urania is the most beautiful butterfly in the world. It lives in Madagascar. She was recognized as the most beautiful by the international scientific congress.

Decorate your butterfly with a beautiful pattern.

What new did you learn in the lesson? What have you learned?

Homework: Draw a butterfly that lives in our area.

List of resources used: http:// http:// i002.radikal .ru/0809/ed/d283fabc5f37.jpg http:// http:// -Babochka-pavlinij-glaz.jpg http:// http:// /wall1/lepid_pap2.jpg http:// http:// files/image002.jpg

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Mathematics lesson "Comparison of problems on finding the remainder for difference comparison" 1st grade

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Fine Arts (combined lesson)

Topic: Beauty must be noticed. Patterns on the wings.

1 lesson 45 minutes

1 class

ICT presentation was used in the lesson.

Lesson objectives:

  1. introduce the law of symmetry;
  2. improve the ability to depict using monotype;
  3. expand knowledge about butterflies;
  4. introduce different types of patterns on butterfly wings;
  5. expand children's knowledge of how a butterfly appears;
  6. teach to see beauty in nature;
  7. develop creative imagination and aesthetic taste.

Formation of UUD

Cognitive UUD:

1) we develop the ability to extract information from text and illustrations;

2) we develop the ability to identify the essence of a statement by ear;

3) we develop the ability to draw conclusions based on text analysis;

4) we develop the ability to find answers to questions in illustrations.

Communication UUD:

1) we develop the ability to listen and understand others;

2) we develop the ability to construct a speech statement in accordance with the assigned tasks.

Regulatory UUD:

1) we develop the ability to express our assumptions based on work in the lesson;

2) we develop the ability to evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task;

3) we develop the ability to work according to plan.

Personal UUD:

1) formation imaginative thinking;

2) development of fantasy;

3) formation of motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.


Software – Power Point.

Media projector.gouache,

Brushes, collection of butterflies.

Methodological support:reproductions of paintings by artists depicting butterflies, presentation.


1.Organizational moment

Greeting, checking the class's readiness for the lesson

2. Communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson

Slide 2

Guess the riddle. And you will immediately guess what we will talk about today and who we will portray:

The flower was sleeping...
And suddenly I woke up
I didn't want to sleep anymore
He moved, he started,
He soared up and flew away.

Who is the riddle talking about?
- That's right, it's a butterfly.
– Today we will talk about how many different butterflies exist in our nature, we will see how different and beautiful wings they all have, and we ourselves will try to draw a butterfly with beautiful patterns on the wings. At the end of the lesson we will be able to beautiful panels, which will need to come up with a name.

3. Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

Slide 3

You, of course, have more than once observed how they flutter over the lawn on a warm summer day. colorful butterflies. People have come up with many fairy tales and legends about these beauties. One of the fairy tales says that butterflies are animated flowers that have fallen from their stems. Because of their beauty, people gave these insects beautiful names.

There are a huge number of butterflies in nature. But they are not all alike.

Slide 4

This beautiful butterfly is the Peacock's eye. Most often it can be found in Japan, as well as in European countries. There are very few of these beauties left, they are even listed in the Red Book.
- Pay attention to the shape of the wings and the pattern on them. What can you call it?
- That's right, a pattern. What is the pattern on the wings made of?
– Absolutely right, from circles that look like an eye.
- Let's look at the patterns on the wings of other butterflies. Describe them.

Slide 5
- This is a butterfly - Swallowtail. With graceful wing shape. How many colors are present in its coloring! Let's do the math. What is the pattern of her wings made of?
– Absolutely right, in addition to all around we see wavy lines and spots.
Slide 6
- The brightest butterfly, the lemongrass, flies out first. She lives the longest - 10 months: she is born in the summer, overwinters, lays eggs in the spring and dies. Who knows what will happen next? (Caterpillars will appear from the testicles, which will then turn into pupae, and a beautiful butterfly will fly out of the pupae again)
- Guys, do you know how butterflies are born? Let's get a look.
Slides 7-9
- Let's take a closer look at how a butterfly works.
Slide 10
– Artists often depicted butterflies in their works; they also admired the beauty of their wings.

Which elegant dresses butterflies have patterns of multi-colored spots, wavy edges, cheerful splashes of veins. Butterflies are always beautiful, as if they were going to a ball. Which butterfly pattern did you like best? Why? Who draws these patterns? (Nature)
- How many wings does a butterfly have? (Four)

Please note: two identical large wings in front and two identical smaller ones in the back. If you draw a border along the body of the butterfly, the butterfly will be divided into two identical parts. (The teacher shows a butterfly cut out of paper and draws a border along the body.)

Now, if you put one half on top of the other, the wings of one will exactly match the wings of the other half. This is how the law of symmetry works. The line that divides objects in half is called the axis of symmetry. The object itself will be called symmetrical. Choose symmetrical items from the suggested items.

Slide 11

Remember what image method we used to depict trees with reflection? (Monotype)

How to use this technique for the image of butterflies? (Draw half of a butterfly and print the second). Look how I do it. (Teacher shows the stages of drawing a butterfly)

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up:

I didn't want to sleep anymore

He moved, he started,

He soared up and flew away.

(The teacher shows how his drawn butterfly takes off and spins in a dance, invites students to dance with the butterfly)

4. Physical education minute

Music is playing.

Exercise “Butterflies”:

Lower your head down, arms straight, back straight,

Hands through the sides up and down.

Smoothly move your hands up, look at your fingers, lower your hands down.

Swinging movements with arms, circling.

5. Creative activity students

Fine Arts (combined lesson)

Topic: Patterns on butterfly wings. 1 class

Teacher: Isaova H.A.

MBOU Secondary School No. 2, Kizlyar village, Mozdok district, North Ossetia-Alania

ICT presentation was used in the lesson.

Lesson objectives:

    introduce the line of symmetry;

    improve the ability to depict using monotype;

    expand knowledge about butterflies;

    introduce the beautiful patterns on the wings of butterflies;

    expand children's knowledge of how a butterfly appears;

    teach to see beauty in nature;

    develop creative imagination and aesthetic taste.

Formation of UUD

Cognitive UUD:

1) we develop the ability to extract information from text and illustrations;

2) we develop the ability to identify the essence of a statement by ear;

3) we develop the ability to draw conclusions based on text analysis;

4) we develop the ability to find answers to questions in illustrations.

Communication UUD:

1) we develop the ability to listen and understand others;

2) we develop the ability to construct a speech statement in accordance with the assigned tasks.

Regulatory UUD:

1) we develop the ability to express our assumptions based on work in the lesson;

2) we develop the ability to evaluate educational actions in accordance with the task;

3) we develop the ability to work according to plan.

Personal UUD:

1) formation of imaginative thinking;

2) development of fantasy;

3) formation of motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.


Multimedia projector, screen.

Brushes, collection of butterflies, gouache.

Methodological support: reproductions of paintings by artists depicting butterflies, presentation “Butterflies in art and in nature”


1.Organizational moment

Greeting, checking the class's readiness for the lesson.

2. Communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson

Guess the riddle. And you will immediately guess what we will talk about today and who we will portray:

The flower was sleeping...
And suddenly I woke up
I didn't want to sleep anymore
He moved, he started,
He soared up and flew away.

Who is the riddle talking about?
- That's right, it's a butterfly.
– Today we will talk about how many different butterflies exist in our nature, we will see how different and beautiful wings they all have, and we ourselves will try to draw a butterfly with beautiful patterns on the wings. At the end of the lesson we will have beautiful panels for which we will need to come up with a name.

3. Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

You, of course, have often watched colorful butterflies fluttering over the lawn on a warm summer day. People have come up with many fairy tales and legends about these beauties. One of the fairy tales says that butterflies are animated flowers that have fallen from their stems. Because of their beauty, people gave these insects beautiful names.

There are a huge number of butterflies in nature. But they are not all alike.

This beautiful butterfly is the Peacock's eye. Most often it can be found in Japan, as well as in European countries. There are very few of these beauties left, they are even listed in the Red Book.
- Pay attention to the shape of the wings and the pattern on them. What can you call it?
- That's right, a pattern. What is the pattern on the wings made of?
– Absolutely right, from circles that look like an eye.
- Let's look at the patterns on the wings of other butterflies. Describe them.

- This is a butterfly - Swallowtail. With graceful wing shape. How many colors are present in its coloring! Let's do the math. What is the pattern of her wings made of?
– Absolutely right, in addition to all around we see wavy lines and spots.

The brightest butterfly, the lemongrass, flies out first. She lives the longest - 10 months: she is born in the summer, overwinters, lays eggs in the spring and dies. Who knows what will happen next? (Caterpillars will appear from the testicles, which will then turn into pupae, and a beautiful butterfly will fly out of the pupae again)
- Guys, do you know how butterflies are born? Let's get a look.

- Let's take a closer look at how a butterfly works.

– Artists often depicted butterflies in their works; they also admired the beauty of their wings.

What elegant dresses the butterflies wear - patterns of multi-colored spots, wavy edges, cheerful splashes of veins. Butterflies are always beautiful, as if they were going to a ball. Which butterfly pattern did you like best? Why? Who draws these patterns? (Nature)
- How many wings does a butterfly have? (Four)

Please note: two identical large wings in front and two identical smaller ones in the back. If you draw a border along the body of the butterfly, the butterfly will be divided into two identical parts. (The teacher shows a butterfly cut out of paper and draws a border along the body.)

Now, if you put one half on top of the other, the wings of one will exactly match the wings of the other half. This is how the law of symmetry works. The line that divides objects in half is called the axis of symmetry. The object itself will be called symmetrical. Choose symmetrical items from the suggested items.

Remember what image method we used to depict trees with reflection? (Monotype)

How can you use this technique to depict butterflies? (Draw half of a butterfly and print the second). Look how I do it. (Teacher shows the stages of drawing a butterfly)

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up:

I didn't want to sleep anymore

He moved, he started,

He soared up and flew away.

(The teacher shows how his drawn butterfly takes off and spins in a dance, invites students to dance with the butterfly)

4. Physical education minute

Music is playing.

Exercise “Butterflies”:

Lower your head down, arms straight, back straight,

Hands through the sides up and down.

Smoothly move your hands up, look at your fingers, lower your hands down.

Swinging movements with arms, circling.

5. Creative activity of students

Stages of work:

    Moisten the sheet, bend it in half (determine the axis of symmetry).

    Draw half of the butterfly, fold the sheet, print the other half, and open it.

    Add patterns, can be used cotton buds to depict beautiful dots.

    Cut out. Glue it to the general background.

6. Lesson summary

Exhibition and analysis of works

Our received works are well suited to M. Korobova’s poems “Butterfly Dances”

Choose titles for our works.

Which butterfly turned out to be the most elegant, interesting, unusual, neat? Why?

7. Summary:

- What new did you learn in the lesson? What new things have you learned?

What objects are considered symmetrical?

What is an axis of symmetry?

What image method did you use?

What new have you learned about butterflies?

Who draws patterns for butterflies?

Nature gives us many beautiful things. We need to be able to see and protect this beauty!

8. Cleaning the workplace.