Puzzles for adults for the New Year. Funny New Year's riddles for adults

Greetings Dear friends and guests of the blog “With a gift!”

Ingredients for a gift

  1. Small jar, container.
  2. Sticker. Draw and print here according to your capabilities and desires! I love printing stickers: I type the text in Microsoft Word, put self-adhesive paper in the printer tray and take it out, cut it out and glue it to the place I need!

Advice! Choose an unusual name for the “pill”, it will be more interesting, here are a few examples: “Ulybazol”, “Smekhopyavlin”, “Antiustalin”, “Superinspiration”!!!

  1. Filling, that is, what we will fill our jar with! I like to fill Revit or Ascorbic Acid vitamins in dragees or in a candy wrapper wrapped in candy! To fill a 0.5 liter container it took: 2 cans of vitamin Revit, 5 cans of Ascorbic acid in dragees and 2 Ascorbic acid candy. (Revit costs about 50 rubles per jar, ascorbic acid tablets are 2 times cheaper, I advise you to take Ascorbic acid candy without fillers, the price will be from 7 to 14 rubles for 1 package) You can also fill with marmalade, chocolate figures, dried fruits, nuts or other edibles, all depends on the preferences in sweets of the hero of the occasion!
  2. Instructions! In fact, this is the most important thing about this gift! Ready download

Vitamins of Happiness®

Super new unique remedy, to create a mood, designed with the best and most positive emotions experienced craftsmen in the field of amazing gifts and super-positive mood!

Active substance

Endorphins (“pleasure hormones”)


A glass of jokes, 30 g of indifference, 50 g of smiles from ear to ear, 1 kg of happiness, several hundred rays of sunshine and a drop of the sea.

Instructions for use and dosage

As a preventive measure and to maintain an excellent mood according to the 1 to 1 scheme, i.e. in the morning in the amount of 1 tablet orally, carefully dissolving for a more obvious effect, in the blues and bad weather, and also when it seems that the whole world has turned its back, take 2 tablets and for good measure get a good feel for the effect. After finishing the vitamins in the jar, repeat the course of treatment if necessary.

Side effect

Unreasonable smiles, possible infectious laughter, manifestation of compliance and excessive kindness.

Be healthy!

Just recently I started learning a new Japanese technology for gift wrapping - “furoshiki”, the essence of which is to use a cut to wrap a gift, details about this technique are in the article, there is also a link under the video to a website with a detailed explanation and all sorts of options for using this idea.

I decided not to buy a piece of fabric and act more practically (since vitamin of happiness is only an addition to the main gift), buying a beautiful square scarf, according to the instructions given above I made a bag, so I got 3 gifts that can exist on their own for yourself: a jar of vitamins, a beautiful scarf and an elegant bag, see below!

(The vitamins come out holding hands, like in the “Orchard” advertisement)

"A"- I’m always happy to congratulate you,

"IN"- Our vitamin squad!

"WITH"- We walk very together

"D"- We should congratulate

"E"- (name of the hero of the day) need to!

"A"- If your vision fails,

Yes, the immune system is playing tricks,
Hair started to fall out
And the desire to disappear -
I will always come to you
Hello! Vitamin I - "A"!

"IN"- Of course, I'm not a hero,
But I am behind you with a wall!
Suddenly depression sets in
Eat me and it will become easier!
Well, what if you have diarrhea?
Eat me even faster!
I've known you since childhood -
Hello! Vitamin I - "B" (bae)

"WITH"- I am the “iron” vitamin,
And believe me, there is only one!
I will overcome scurvy
I can cope with the flu!
I'll raise hemoglobin,
You will be as playful as a dolphin!
And I'll tell you at the end -
Hello! Vitamin I - "C"! (tse)

"D"- They call me “sunny”,
And I send you fireworks!
The kidneys will begin to act up,
You'll have to drink me!
I'm famously friends with calcium,
I benefit the bones!
Be in the sun everywhere you go
Hello! Vitamin I - "D"! (de)

"E"- I’ll disperse the blood throughout the body
And I’ll remove all the pimples,
I will overcome vitaminosis
And lupus is not a question!
I will turn back old age,
So that I don’t dare disturb you!
I will help in any trouble -
Hello! Vitamin I - "E"!

"A"- We are good friends!

"IN"- And all together - we are family!

"WITH"- And we wish you always

"D"- We are healthy for years!

"E"- We are giving away a magical home!

"A"- Look - we're all there in it!

"IN"- Take 3 times a day!

"WITH"- And make sure you don’t get sick!(We give a complex of vitamins.)


Option 2. Congratulations "Vitamins for name day"

Presenter. We would like to congratulate Galechka
And amuse me with a performance,
After all, “thirty” is cool!
To always be so beautiful,
So that there are years without a care,
We give you this advice:
Accept on name day
These are the vitamins!

(Seven congratulatory people come out with balloons, on the balloons are the inscriptions A, B, C, D, you can also make emblems, medals or crowns with the same inscriptions)

Leading . To make your eyes sparkle

And to attract men -
Vitamin “A”, Galunya, eat
And listen to our advice!
You were a success in beauty
Filled with carotene!

"A" So that the body does not get fat -
Feel free to eat me further! (Hands over to the pouty balloon with the letter "A")

Leading . So as not to be nervous, not to quarrel
And so that the character does not deteriorate,
Forget about fatigue -
This needs to be consumed!
For further breakthrough
Can I have a little beer!

"IN" Wonderful vitamin "B"
Helps everyone in their destiny (Gives away the ball with the letter “B”)

Leading . Happy are those with whom he is next -
Wonderful, useful and necessary “B6”!

"AT 6" If you include it in your diet -

You'll look like a million! (Hands over a ball with the inscription “B6”)

Leading . So as not to deal with diseases,
“B12” will come to the rescue.
So that your voice sounds like a stream
And optimism did not dry up...

"AT 12" You, Galya, consume it
And surprise everyone as before!(Gives a ball with the inscription “B12”)

Leading . So as not to have to deal with a cold
Don't lie around with a fever,
Galya is friends with the garden
And it doesn’t bother me one bit.

"WITH" You with a smile on your face
Eat vitamin C!(hands over a ball with the letter “C”)

Leading . Our Galya is so fresh,

So slim and pretty!
Our joy is friends with the sun,
Fatigue is unknown to her
Calcium, phosphorus stores
And he doesn’t suffer from rickets!

"D" If you will be friends with “D”,
You'll screw anyone! ( Hands over a ball with the letter “D”)

Leading . If you want to be tender, loved -
It is necessary to consume it!
"E" vitamin - it is for juiciness, deliciousness,
So that various abominations do not cling...

"E" So that the money will continue to flow,
So that health and sweetness accumulate!(hands over a ball with the letter “E”)

All: (sing to the tune of the song "Loaf")
How on Galin's name day
All vitamins collected:
A and B and C and D!

And of course E came!
Don't be sick, Galyunya, hello
And rule in your family,
Be successful, be gentle!

Forget about illnesses!

Early in the morning, getting up from the couch,
Take your vitamins!
And now in honor of the anniversary
Pour some into our glasses!

Almost every person has moments when his mood, frankly speaking, leaves much to be desired. This could be the result of troubles at work or at home, bad weather, or even simply the fact that we got off on the wrong foot. At such moments, we often lack a universal pill that would be able to immediately correct the situation. Oh, if only we had happiness pills! I would swallow one, wash it down with water and “Oops!” - look at the world with different eyes! Admit it, you probably wouldn’t refuse to have such a magical remedy at hand, would you?

Imagine, you come to a pharmacy, and there are such “medicines” on the display window.

It's funny, isn't it? And, by the way, they are indeed already sold in some online stores. And what? A cool gift, as support you can, for example, give it to a friend or anyone else to a loved one, whose mood is, as they say, “in the red.”

Surely everyone has heard this phrase: “ A person is what he believes in". And if we can believe in existence magic pills ourselves, that they “act”, we will be able to convince our friends and relatives of this by giving them such a cool gift. Well, or, at least, cheer them up with such a gift. Let positive emotions the people around us will have more!

For example, on the Internet I found this version of “magic pills” made with my own hands. Quite a creative gift.

But such tablets in “cheerful” colors are sold in foreign online stores.

So, if you want to give a cool gift to one of your friends or relatives, you can give them happiness pills.

Preparing a jar of “happy medicine”.

Here are a few cases when and to whom you can present such a surprise:

Friends and family to cheer them up;

For a birthday, as an addition to the main, practical gift;

Creative DIY Gift: Lucky Medicine

What do we need to prepare a gift?

Just nothing: an empty jar, a specially prepared label and, in fact, the “pills” themselves: vitamins, sweets, lollipops - everything that can “sweeten” our life. The main thing, in my opinion, is that the “pills” themselves are bright color. After all, happiness cannot be pale! Therefore, the brighter our medicine is, the better!

We pre-print the label on a color printer and design it. I simply cut it out with curved scissors.

Oh yes! Since we are preparing a “medicine”, we definitely need to attach instructions for use to it.

It is better to make it individually for the person for whom the gift is intended. You need to write down details that only he knows about, then the gift will not only be creative, it will be special! Each patient gets an individual medicine!

I propose to take this instruction as a basis; I’m citing it specifically so that you can simply copy and edit it:

Instructions for use

Description of the drug
“Happiness Pills” - A new generation antidepressant! Produced based on the developments of the world's leading positive and cheerful pharmacologists, it has a soft and gentle effect on the human psyche. Increases the body's resistance to sadness, anxiety, and depression.

Each capsule contains the required amount of active substances responsible for positive emotional condition person. The “merrymakers” and “laughers” contained in the tablets help maintain the level of joy within the upper limit of the happiness scale.

Each tablet of happiness contains: 10% of the root of “Nikhukhra-Mukhra”, 30% of a squeeze from the leaves of the “common merry fellow”, 20% of a concentrate of indifference, 15% of an extract of unreasonable smiling and 25% of a mood improver obtained from the leaves of the medicinal plant “Khokhotun”.

Directions for use and doses

1 tablet of happiness during the period of exacerbation of the happiness-deficit state. Put the pill in your mouth and remember a funny incident from your life.

Side effect

Absent. An overdose is expressed in continuous laughter for 10 minutes and does not require medical intervention.

Indications for use

Release form
In a glass container, complete with instructions for use.

Storage conditions
Anywhere, within easy reach.

Best before date
Is not limited.

Leave procedure

Available without a prescription

This is what happened to me. You can prepare your own version.

We attach the instructions to the jar with a cute ribbon. That's it - the surprise is ready.

In my opinion, we have prepared a quite unusual and creative gift with our own hands. Such a gift is quite capable of cheering up any of our friends and relatives. How do you think?