The story is also Platonov's mother. Andrey Platonov - still a mother

Platonov Andrey

Andrey Platonov

And when I grow up, I won’t go to school! - Artem said to his mother, Evdokia Alekseevna. - Really, mom?

True, true,” answered the mother. - Why do you need to go!

Why should I go? Nothing! Otherwise I’ll go and you’ll miss me. No better!

“No,” said the mother, “no!”

And when the summer passed and Artem was seven years old, Evdokia Alekseevna took her son by the hand and led him to school. Artyom wanted to leave his mother, but he could not take his hand out of hers; The mother’s hand was now hard, but before it was soft.

Well! - said Artem. - But I’ll come home soon! Really, soon?

“Soon, soon,” answered the mother. - You’ll study a little and go home.

“I’m a little bit,” Artem agreed. - Don’t miss me at home!

I won’t, son, I won’t miss you.

No, you’re a little bored,” Artem said. - It will be better for you, otherwise what! And there’s no need to remove the toys from the corner: I’ll come and play right away, I’ll run home.

“And I’ll wait for you,” said the mother, “I’ll bake you some pancakes today.”

Will you wait for me? - Artem was delighted. - You can’t wait! Oh, woe to you! Don’t cry for me, don’t be afraid and don’t die, just wait for me!

Okay! - Artyom’s mother laughed. - I’ll wait for you, my dear, maybe I won’t die!

“You breathe and be patient, then you won’t die,” said Artem. - Look, as I breathe, so do you.

The mother sighed, stopped and showed her son into the distance. There, at the end of the street, stood a new large log school - they spent the whole summer building it - and behind the school began a dark deciduous forest. The school was still a long way from here; there was a long line of houses stretching up to it - ten or eleven courtyards.

“Now go alone,” said the mother. - Get used to walking alone. Do you see the school?

It’s as if! There she is!

Well, go, go, Artemushka, go alone. Listen to the teacher there, she will be yours instead of me.

Artyom thought about it.

No, she won’t marry you,” Artyom said quietly, “she’s a stranger.”

You’ll get used to it, Apollinaria Nikolaevna will be like your own. So go!

The mother kissed Artyom on the forehead, and he walked on alone.

Having walked far away, he looked back at his mother. His mother stood still and looked at him. Artyom wanted to cry for his mother and return to her, but he went forward again so that his mother would not be offended by him. And the mother also wanted to catch up with Artyom, take his hand and return home with him, but she just sighed and went home alone.

Soon Artyom turned around again to look at his mother, but she was no longer visible.

And he went alone again and cried. Then the gander stretched its neck out from behind the fence, grunted and pinched Artyom’s trouser leg with its beak, and at the same time grabbed the living skin on his leg. Artyom rushed away and escaped from the gander. “These are scary wild birds,” Artyom decided, “they live together with eagles.”

In another yard the gate was open. Artyom saw a shaggy animal with burrs stuck to it, the animal stood with its tail towards Artyom, but it was still angry and saw him.

“Who is this?” thought Artyom. “A wolf, or what?” Artyom looked back in the direction where his mother had gone, to see if she could be seen there, otherwise this wolf would run there. The mother was not visible, she was already at home, this must be good, the wolf will not eat her. Suddenly the shaggy animal turned its head and silently bared its mouth full of teeth at Artyom.

Artem recognized the dog Zhuchka.

Bug, is that you?

Rrrr! - answered the wolf dog.

Just touch! - said Artem. - Just touch it! Do you know what will happen to you then? I'm going to school. There she is in sight!

Mmm,” Bug said meekly and

moved her tail.

Eh, it’s still a long way from school! - Artem sighed and moved on.

Someone suddenly and painfully hit Artyom on the cheek, as if he had stabbed into it, and immediately came back out.

Is it someone else? - Artem was scared. - Why are you fighting, otherwise you need me too... I need to go to school. I am a student - you see!

He looked around, but there was no one, only the wind rustled the fallen leaves.

Hidden? - said Artem. - Just show yourself!

There was a fat beetle lying on the ground. Artyom picked it up and then put it on the burdock tree.

It was you who fell on me from the wind. Live now, live quickly, otherwise winter will come.

Having said this, Artem ran to school so as not to be late. At first he ran along the path near the fence, and from there some animal breathed a hot spirit on him and said: “Ffurfurchi!”

Don't touch me: I have no time! - Artyom answered and ran out into the middle of the street.

The boys were sitting in the school yard. Artyom didn’t know them, they came from another village, they must have studied for a long time and were all smart, because Artyom didn’t understand what they were saying.

Do you know bold font? Wow! - said a boy from another village.

And two more said:

Afanasy Petrovich showed us proboscis insects!

And we have already passed them. We taught the birds to their guts!

You only go to the guts, but we passed all the birds before they migrated.

“But I don’t know anything,” thought Artyom, “I only love my mother! I’ll run home!”

The bell rang. Teacher Apollinaria Nikolaevna came out onto the porch of the school and said when the bell rang:

Hello children! Come here, come to me. All the kids went to school, only Artem remained in the yard.

Apollinaria Nikolaevna approached him:

What are you doing? Is it timid, or what?

“I want to see my mother,” Artyom said and covered his face with his sleeve. - Take me to the courtyard quickly.

No, no! - the teacher answered. - At school I am your mother.

She took Artyom under the arms, lifted him into her arms and carried him.

Artyom gradually looked at the teacher: look, what she was like - she had a white face, kind, her eyes looked at him cheerfully, as if she wanted to play a game with him, like a little girl. And she smelled the same as her mother , warm bread and dry grass.

In class, Apollinaria Nikolaevna wanted to put Artyom at his desk, but he pressed himself against her in fear and didn’t get away with it. Apollinaria Nikolaevna sat down at the table and began to teach the children, and left Artyom on her lap.

What a fat drake you are, sitting on your knees! - said one boy.

I'm not fat! - Artem answered. - It was the eagle that bit me, I was wounded.

He got off the teacher's lap and sat down at the desk.

Where? - asked the teacher. -Where is your wound? Show her, show her!

And here it is! - Artem showed his leg where the gander pinched him.

The teacher examined the leg.

Will you make it to the end of the lesson?

“I’ll live,” Artyom promised.

Artem did not listen to what the teacher said during the lesson. He looked out the window at a distant white cloud; it floated across the sky to where his mother lived in their native hut. Is she alive? Didn’t she die from something? Grandma Daria died all at once in the spring, they didn’t wait, they didn’t guess. Or maybe their hut caught fire without him, because Artyom left home a long time ago, you never know what happens.

The teacher saw the boy’s anxiety and asked him:

And what are you, Artem Fedotov, what are you thinking now? Why are not you listening to me?

I'm afraid of a fire, our house will burn down.

It won't burn. On the collective farm, people are watching, he will put out the fire.

Will they put it out without me? - Artem asked.

They'll manage without you.

After classes, Artyom was the first to run home.

Wait, wait,” said Apollinaria Nikolaevna. - Go back, you're wounded.

And the guys said:

Eh, what a disabled person, but he’s running!

Artyom stopped at the door, the teacher came up to him, took his hand and led him with her. She lived in rooms at the school, only on a different porch. Apollinaria Nikolaevna’s rooms smelled of flowers, the dishes in the closet clinked quietly, and everywhere was clean and well arranged.

Apollinaria Nikolaevna sat Artem on a chair and washed his leg warm water from the pelvis and bandaged the red spot - a gander pinch - with white gauze.

And your mother will grieve! - said Apollinaria Nikolaevna. - He's going to grieve!

Will not be! - Artem answered. - She bakes pancakes!

No, it will. Eh, will he tell me why Artyom went to school today? He didn’t learn anything there, but he went to study - that means he deceived his mother, that means he doesn’t love me, she will say and cry herself.

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Andrey Platonovich Platonov
Still a mother

- And when I grow up, I won’t go to school! - Artem said to his mother, Evdokia Alekseevna. - Really, mom?

“True, true,” answered the mother. - Why do you need to go!

- Why should I go? Nothing! Otherwise I’ll go and you’ll miss me. No better!

“Don’t,” said the mother, “don’t!”

And when the summer passed and Artem was seven years old, Evdokia Alekseevna took her son by the hand and led him to school. Artyom wanted to leave his mother, but he could not take his hand out of hers; The mother’s hand was now hard, but before it was soft.

- Well! - said Artem. - But I’ll come home soon! Really, soon?

“Soon, soon,” answered the mother. – You’ll study a little and go home.

“I’m a little bit,” Artyom agreed. - Don’t miss me at home!

- I won’t, son, I won’t miss you.

“No, you’re a little bored,” Artem said. - It will be better for you, but what! And there’s no need to remove the toys from the corner: I’ll come and play right away, I’ll run home.

“And I’ll be waiting for you,” said the mother, “I’ll bake you some pancakes today.”

- Will you wait for me? – Artem was delighted. – You can’t wait! Oh, woe to you! Don’t cry for me, don’t be afraid and don’t die, just wait for me!

- Okay! – Artyom’s mother laughed. “I’ll wait for you, my dear, maybe I won’t die!”

“You breathe and be patient, then you won’t die,” said Artyom. “Look, as I breathe, so do you.”

The mother sighed, stopped and showed her son into the distance. There, at the end of the street, stood a new large log school - they spent the whole summer building it - and behind the school began a dark deciduous forest. It was still a long way from here to the school; there was a long line of houses stretching up to it - ten or eleven courtyards.

“Now go alone,” said the mother. – Get used to walking alone. Do you see the school?

- It’s as if! There she is!

- Well, go, go, Artemushka, go alone. Listen to the teacher there, she will be yours instead of me.

Artyom thought about it.

“No, she won’t marry you,” Artyom said quietly, “she’s a stranger.”

“You’ll get used to it, Apollinaria Nikolaevna will be like your own.” So go!

The mother kissed Artyom on the forehead, and he walked on alone.

Having walked far away, he looked back at his mother. His mother stood still and looked at him. Artyom wanted to cry for his mother and return to her, but he went forward again so that his mother would not be offended by him. And the mother also wanted to catch up with Artyom, take his hand and return home with him, but she just sighed and went home alone.

Soon Artyom turned around again to look at his mother, but she was no longer visible.

And he went alone again and cried. Then the gander stretched its neck out from behind the fence, grunted and pinched Artyom’s trouser leg with its beak, and at the same time grabbed the living skin on his leg.

Artyom rushed away and escaped from the gander. “These are scary wild birds,” Artyom decided, “they live together with eagles.”

In another yard the gate was open. Artyom saw a shaggy animal with burrs stuck to it, the animal stood with its tail towards Artyom, but it was still angry and saw him.

“Who is this? – thought Artyom. “A wolf, or what?” Artyom looked back in the direction where his mother had gone, to see if she could be seen there, otherwise this wolf would run there. The mother was not visible, she was already at home, this must be good, the wolf will not eat her. Suddenly the shaggy animal turned its head and silently bared its mouth full of teeth at Artyom. Artem recognized the dog Zhuchka.

- Bug, is that you?

- Rrrr! - answered the wolf dog.

- Just touch it! - said Artem. - Just touch it! Do you know what will happen to you then? I'm going to school. There she is in sight!

“Mmm,” said the Bug meekly and moved her tail.

- Eh, it’s still a long way from school! – Artem sighed and moved on.

Someone suddenly and painfully hit Artyom on the cheek, as if he had stabbed into it, and immediately came back out.

– Is it someone else? – Artem was scared. “Why are you fighting, otherwise you need me too... I need to go to school.” I am a student - you see!

He looked around, but there was no one, only the wind rustled the fallen leaves.

- Hid? - said Artem. - Just show yourself! – There was a fat beetle lying on the ground. Artyom picked it up and then put it on the burdock tree.

“It was you who fell on me from the wind.” Live now, live quickly, otherwise winter will come.

Having said this, Artem ran to school so as not to be late. At first he ran along the path near the fence, and from there some animal breathed a hot spirit on him and said: “Ffurfurchi!”

– Don’t touch me: I have no time! – Artyom answered and ran out into the middle of the street.

The boys were sitting in the school yard. Artyom didn’t know them, they came from another village, they must have studied for a long time and were all smart, because Artyom didn’t understand what they were saying.

– Do you know bold font? Wow! - said a boy from another village.

end of introductory fragment

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Liliya Alexandrovna Fomina,

teacher primary classes,

"Honorary worker of the general

Education of the Russian Federation",

Kurchatov, Kursk region,

MBOU "Secondary School No. 4".

Lesson literary reading

Subject:A. Platonov “Still Mom” (lesson 2, lesson summary)

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Target: continue work on the work of A.P. Platonov “Still Mom”; children’s awareness of the meaning of the title of the story “Still Mom.” What does "still" mean?


1. Educational– the ability to analyze a text, determine the genre of a text, control the level of comprehension, depth of knowledge, expand associative spaces, namely, comparison with another work, sensory associations.

2. Educational: ability to compare, systematize, draw conclusions, develop critical thinking, communication skills; develop own opinion based on comprehension of the text

3.Educational- development of attentive, careful attitude towards parents, respectful attitude towards teachers

Lesson type: combined lesson using ICT

Lesson type: a lesson in open mindedness, a lesson in exploration.

Methods and techniques used:

1. Verbal methods: story, explanation, conversation, work with a textbook.

2. Visual methods: observation, demonstration of illustrations.

3. Practical methods: oral exercises.


1. Audio recording.

2. Computer, multimedia projector, screen, presentation, slide film by A. Platonov “Still Mom”

3.Native speech. Textbook for 3rd grade primary school

1. Organizing time

(slide No. 1 music) Sit comfortably, relax, imagine that a ray of sunshine has touched your head. Can you feel it

warmth, like a warm mother’s palm stroking your hair.

Tell yourself: I feel warm and calm

2. Articulation warm-up.

On the street wonderful time year - spring. Breathe in the smell of spring freshness. Imagine that the first drop of rain has fallen on your palm, blow it away.

On the screen : ...Nature with a clear smile (slide No. 2)

Through a dream he greets the morning of the year...

Read expressively

How amazing good life! Like a mosaic, it consists of different pieces of impressions. Today in class we will continue to work on the work of Andrei Platonovich Platonov “Still Mom,” which he dedicated to his first teacher.

Our task is to understand what a mother means to each of us and what the role of a teacher is in the life of each of you.

3. Checking the data

At home you were artists and drew an illustration for the work “Still Mom.” I decided to name your drawings

“Stop, just a moment...”

What or who did you depict in your drawings?

Yes, you are good observers. I really liked your drawings, I hope you will give them to me.

Look what interesting name at the work “Still Mom”

What else can you call your mother? Let's try to find words with the same root for the word mom.






– What genre does the work you read belong to? ( story)

Why did you decide so? Prove it. (all events follow one after another, there is a plot)

Let's turn To explanatory dictionary Russian language

S.I. Ozhegov said the story is... (child reads)

Do you agree with the statement that school is a second home? Why?

- I propose again you to return to the world in which the heroes of this live interesting story

What was the name of the main character in this story?

What kind of family did Artyom have?

Did the boy want to go to school? P why? (The boy loved his mother very much and did not want to go to school only because he was afraid to leave his mother alone, he was afraid that “she wouldn’t wait for him and would die of boredom.”)

What happened when Artem turned seven years old?

(p. 13 7-1 3 8) role-playing. With what intonation will we read? Try to convey in your voice internal state heroes, remember yourself.

What did he ask his mother before leaving?

(So ​​that she will definitely wait for him)

(slide No. 3)

“... the child’s plaintive and attentive gaze meant his constant fear;

it was as if he was saying: Mom, always live with me, never die.”

What order did your mother give? (Listen to the teacher, she will be your mother at school)

Why didn’t Artyom want to agree with his mother’s words?

(He couldn’t imagine someone else’s woman as a mother)

What desire did Artyom and his mother have when he went further alone? (They both wanted to go home)

Why didn't they come back? (They both understood that they had to go study)

(Show to What trials did Artyom face? )

Do you think he's never walked down this street? Then why does everything seem alien and hostile to him? (He went many times, but not alone, but with his mother, and now he goes alone, and everything seems alien, dangerous and scary to him)

Let's remember the work of L. Tolstoy, where the author

tells us about little boy who ran away to school. -What is the name of the work? (Philippok )

What was the name of the main character? (Philippok )

Compare two heroes ours will help me researchers and at the end of the lesson they will tell us, you can start. And we continue.

Imagine that you are directors and making a film, what qualities should the main character have?

– Choose adjectives to describe Artyom’s character?

You have dictionaries of feelings on your tables, you can use them.






5. PHYSICAL MINUTE (slide number 4 music)

I suggest you rest a little. Lie on your hand and listen to who can sing this song to whom? (Anna German “Lullaby”.)

6. Work on content

How did the teacher meet Artem at school?

- Which artistic technique does the author use?

(comparison “like small”)

Why did Artyom feel in her loved one? (She smelled of warm bread and dry grass, like her mother)

Why didn’t Artyom listen to the teacher? (He thought about his mother)

How did Apollinaria Nikolaevna react to his inattention? (I didn’t scold, I understood that it was his first time at school. I felt his anxiety.)

With what words did the teacher begin to teach Artem to read and write? (Mom, Motherland)

Why? What proverbs do you know? ?(Bread, land, Motherland, mother - this is what a person cannot live without.) (A person has one mother, one homeland)

Find and read a passage that describes how the boy began to diligently learn to read and write. (p. 142)

(slide No. 5)

- What qualities should a teacher have to be considered a mother? Let's give a description of the teacher, what was she like?









(Artem liked the teacher. He found support in her. The boy realized that he now has two mothers: one at home and the other at school.)

8. “Association” strategy.

What word does a person say during the most difficult times for him? minutes? (MOTHER)

What associations do you have when you hear the word mom? I suggest you write these words in the empty cells

“Cluster” strategy.(slide No. 6)

Making a cluster for the word mom.

Warmth, comfort, care, cloud, home, family hearth, love,

tenderness, road, flower, rainbow, sun, pie, book, kindness, song, cradle...

You and I think alike, and I associate my mother with the same words.

This type of work is called a cluster in the literature.

Imagine that you are artists, so would you draw the word mom? Let's get creative. I would draw flower

9. Building a storyline. Pair work.

Plot triangle

You have envelopes with illustrations for the work on your desks. You need to line them up based on the pictures. storyline.

Examination (slide No. 7)

Which drawing was the odd one out? The story in the textbook is printed in abbreviation.

Listen to part of the story not included in the textbook.

(slide No. 8)

And Artyom saw in the window black head bull The bull glanced at Artyom with one bloody eye and went to school.

- Mother! – Artyom shouted.

The teacher grabbed the boy and pressed him to her chest.

- Don't be afraid! - she said. - Don't be afraid, my little one. I won't give you to him, he won't touch you.

- U-u-u! - the bull boomed.

Artyom wrapped his arms around Apollinaria Nikolaevna’s neck, and she put her hand on his head.

- I'll drive the bull away.

Artyom didn’t believe it.

- Yes. And you are not a mother!

- Mom!...Now I’m your mother!

-Are you still a mother? Mom is there, and you are also here.

- I still. I'm still your mother!...

Why didn’t Artyom believe that the teacher could drive away the bull? (I thought that only mom could do this)

Let's give the floor to our researchers

10. D/Z I suggest come up with a continuation of the story at home.

9. Summing up

At different periods of life, a person feels love for his mother and the need to be close to her in different ways.

Why do you need your mother's closeness?

Guys, I evaluated you during the lesson, and now I want you to evaluate me.

I suggest answering questions about how attentive you were as readers, which will be a signal to me. Everyone has questions on the table)

1. How old is Artem?

2. Where did Artem sit during the lesson?

3. What were the first words the boy wrote?

4. What word did the teacher use to praise Artyom for his efforts and beautiful writing?

5 . Why did Artyom start getting ready for school early?

Examination (slide No. 9)

Check your answers . Who made the mistakes?

Thank you guys for the lesson, put your earned grades in your diaries. I really enjoyed working with you. You are smart, reasonable, attentive.

And if you think that we had a successful dialogue today, if I was able to win you over, you felt that I was for you still a mother– show me with a signal as shown on the screen. (slide No. 10)

Research and compare heroes different works(similarities and differences)

    Main character boy

    Lived in a village. In a peasant family.

    Lived with my mother.

    Lived with mom, dad, grandmother, older brother

    Attitude to school goes to school for the first time

(----desire to learn, ran away when my parents left.

I didn't want to, but it's time to go to school)

    Knew the letters, didn't know

    Path to school (dangerous, there is a dog on the way)

    Boys' character: ---decisive, courageous, inquisitive, but not obedient

Brave, kind, caring, well-mannered)

    Meeting with the teacher felt friendly attitude, mutual understanding, warm atmosphere,

    Became I am happy to go to school because I found the support of the teacher and felt maternal care

Artemka from the story “Still Mom”

Philip from the story "Philippok"

Various writers, different heroes and their characters. But the main thing in both stories is the attitudeteachers to the hero, her mother's love, care, attention, kindness.

- And when I grow up, I won’t go to school! - Artem said to his mother, Evdokia Alekseevna. - Really, mom?

“True, true,” answered the mother. - Why do you need to go!

- Why should I go? Nothing! Otherwise I’ll go and you’ll miss me. No better!

“Don’t,” said the mother, “don’t!”

And when the summer passed and Artem was seven years old, Evdokia Alekseevna took her son by the hand and led him to school. Artyom wanted to leave his mother, but he could not take his hand out of hers; The mother’s hand was now hard, but before it was soft.

- Well! - said Artem. - But I’ll come home soon! Really, soon?

“Soon, soon,” answered the mother. – You’ll study a little and go home.

“I’m a little bit,” Artyom agreed. - Don’t miss me at home!

- I won’t, son, I won’t miss you.

“No, you’re a little bored,” Artem said. - It will be better for you - otherwise what! And there’s no need to remove the toys from the corner: I’ll come and play right away, I’ll run home.

“And I’ll be waiting for you,” said the mother, “I’ll bake you some pancakes today.”

- Will you wait for me? – Artem was delighted. – You can’t wait! Oh, woe to you! Don’t cry for me, don’t be afraid, and don’t die, just wait for me!

- Okay! – Artyom’s mother laughed. “I’ll wait for you, my dear, maybe I won’t die!”

“You breathe and be patient, then you won’t die,” said Artyom. “Look, as I breathe, so do you.”

The mother sighed, stopped and showed her son into the distance. There, at the end of the street, stood a new, large log school, it took the whole summer to build, and behind the school began a dark deciduous forest. It was still a long way from here to the school; there was a long row of houses and ten or eleven yards stretching up to it.

“Now go alone,” said the mother. – Get used to walking alone. Do you see the school?

- It’s as if! There she is!

- Well, go, go, Artemushko, go alone. Listen to the teacher there, she will be yours instead of me.

Artyom thought about it.

“No, she won’t marry you,” Artyom said quietly, “she’s a stranger.”

“You’ll get used to it, Apollinaria Nikolaevna will be like your own.” So go!

The mother kissed Artyom on the forehead, and he walked on alone.

Having walked far away, he looked back at his mother. His mother stood still and looked at him. Artyom wanted to cry for his mother and return to her, but he went forward again so that his mother would not be offended by him. And the mother also wanted to catch up with Artyom, take his hand and return home with him, but she just sighed and went home alone.

Soon Artyom turned around again to look at his mother, but she was no longer visible.

And he went alone again and cried. Then the gander stretched its neck out from behind the fence, grunted and pinched Artyom’s trouser leg with its beak, and at the same time grabbed the living skin on his leg. Artyom rushed away and escaped from the gander. “These are scary wild birds,” Artyom decided, “they live together with eagles!”

End of introductory fragment.

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- And when I grow up, I won’t go to school! - Artem said to his mother, Evdokia Alekseevna. - Really, mom?
“True, true,” answered the mother. - Why do you need to go!
- Why should I go? Nothing! Otherwise I’ll go and you’ll miss me. No better!
“Don’t,” said the mother, “don’t!”
And when the summer passed and Artem was seven years old, Evdokia Alekseevna took her son by the hand and led him to school. Artyom wanted to leave his mother, but he could not take his hand out of hers; The mother’s hand was now hard, but before it was soft.
- Well! - said Artem. - But I’ll come home soon! Really, soon?
“Soon, soon,” answered the mother. – You’ll study a little and go home.
“I’m a little bit,” Artyom agreed. - Don’t miss me at home!
- I won’t, son, I won’t miss you.
“No, you’re a little bored,” Artem said. - It will be better for you - otherwise what! And there’s no need to remove the toys from the corner: I’ll come and play right away, I’ll run home.
“And I’ll be waiting for you,” said the mother, “I’ll bake you some pancakes today.”
- Will you wait for me? – Artem was delighted. – You can’t wait! Oh, woe to you! Don’t cry for me, don’t be afraid, and don’t die, just wait for me!
- Okay! – Artyom’s mother laughed. “I’ll wait for you, my dear, maybe I won’t die!”
“You breathe and be patient, then you won’t die,” said Artyom. “Look, as I breathe, so do you.”
The mother sighed, stopped and showed her son into the distance. There, at the end of the street, stood a new, large log school, it took the whole summer to build, and behind the school began a dark deciduous forest. It was still a long way from here to the school; there was a long row of houses and ten or eleven yards stretching up to it.
“Now go alone,” said the mother. – Get used to walking alone. Do you see the school?
- It’s as if! There she is!
- Well, go, go, Artemushko, go alone. Listen to the teacher there, she will be yours instead of me.
Artyom thought about it.
“No, she won’t marry you,” Artyom said quietly, “she’s a stranger.”
“You’ll get used to it, Apollinaria Nikolaevna will be like your own.” So go!
The mother kissed Artyom on the forehead, and he walked on alone.
Having walked far away, he looked back at his mother. His mother stood still and looked at him. Artyom wanted to cry for his mother and return to her, but he went forward again so that his mother would not be offended by him. And the mother also wanted to catch up with Artyom, take his hand and return home with him, but she just sighed and went home alone.

End of free trial.