Masters of 3D graffiti. Principles for processing personal data

3d graffiti- one of the unusual and most complex areas of street art, it is an image in two-dimensional space of three-dimensional objects ( 3d graffiti on the asphalt, wall, sidewalk, houses or in the interior of an apartment).

3D graffiti, having rapidly burst into urban landscapes, is now considered an independent species art. From flat images in graffiti in Lately withdrawal was outlined and undertaken successful attempts creating pseudo volumetric drawings. Writers create real pictures on the streets, shocking those around them. Art 3D graffiti on asphalt or the wall can deservedly be equated with his best masterpieces ever created by mankind, which you will not see at exhibitions or find in archives. They rightfully deserve to take the most honorable places in all kinds of galleries. 3D drawings are a form of anamorphic art in which the artist deliberately distorts an image to create the illusion of three-dimensionality.

German artist Edgar Müller – Mystical Cave

3D graffiti on asphalt or a wall is becoming more popular every year. In other words, 3D graffiti drawings create the illusion of the presence of a drawn object. By distorting space, 3D graffiti makes us perceive and see as real something that does not actually exist. The picture looks three-dimensional and the characters seem to “come out” of the image screen.

- the art of optical illusions. If you look at such drawings from a certain angle, they seem three-dimensional. main feature 3D graffiti used in interior design is a distortion of space. Drawings made using this technique can visually “reduce” or “increase” space, giving a colorful and original look to the facades of the building and hiding unwanted interior elements.

To hide an undesirable element of the interior using this technology, it is decorated with a painting depicting a perspective. Thus, the “canvas” ceases to be a disturbing and intrusive detail and attention is concentrated on the image itself. In the design of smooth walls, they look original when a “passage” opens in a small space of the wall narrow street or completely smooth surface The window “opens” onto the sun-drenched beach. By using this style of drawing, you can effectively advertise services and products, because such images themselves are memorable and attract attention, which is what advertising aims to do.

When decorating the facade of a building or interior three dimensional graffiti, do not forget that such drawings have an effect optical illusion only from a certain angle. Therefore, when composing and thinking through the composition it is necessary in such a way that it the best way looked right out of the gate.

Kurt Wenner drawings 3D graffiti on asphalt

Peculiarity such drawings is that at the beginning the surface for it is prepared, which is primed facade paint. To apply the pattern you need a special compressor with an adapter. Spray guns and airbrushes are used to transmit glows, realistic shadows, smooth transitions colors. Painters use these tools to spray paint. The paint is poured into the barrel of the spray gun, a hose is connected to supply air under pressure, for which a compressor is needed. The drawing is stretched vertically, so it is very important to correctly apply the contours of the image.

Such graffiti in the design of the interior space can become both an addition to the already present decorative elements and central composition, around which the entire interior will be built.

For 25 years, artist Kurt Wenner has rightfully held the title of one of best graffiti artists. He created his first work at the age of 16, after which, from the age of 17, he devoted his life entirely to painting. In the past, he has created illustrations for NASA exhibits and books. His street paintings today they remind passersby of the Renaissance. His main discovery was three-dimensional artistic geometry. Fame came to him when his works appeared on the sidewalks, he ended up in TV channels and news feeds. He released a collection of photographs, Renaissance Asphalt, of his street work. You can look at his stunning 3D graffiti for a long time, trying to determine where illusion ends and reality begins.

Tracey Lee Stam - American artist, passionate about drawing graffiti with crayons and paints, street art deservedly takes its place in the list of street art masters. Thanks to the largest 3D picture " last supper", depicted in the film "The Da Vinci Code", her name is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Tracey invited to Sochi in 2014 to design the Olympic venues. She is the winner of many competitions and is called the best street artist. In 2001, having visited Sochi during the X International Investment Forum “Sochi-2011”, Tracy created a multi-kilometer picture on the paving slabs in the center of Sochi between the Seaport and the Calypso restaurant. The “floor” canvas depicted fabulous mountains covered with forest, a cute red dragon and waterfalls. Through a special glass, at a certain angle, the drawn 3D picture was transformed into a stereo image.

The world's largest 3D graffiti was painted in London on Canary Wharf in November 2010 and was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Its author was British artist Joe Hill(Joe Hill), who worked for 7 days. The image occupies more than 1120 sq.m. and occupies almost an entire block. On it one could see actors invited to show graffiti to members of the commission from the Guinness Book of Records. General form What makes the picture stunning is the fact that the actors in it worked out on exercise machines. The image is fascinating, you want to look at it with your own eyes (see the video report about this at the very beginning of this article).

In this article we will learn how to draw 3D graffiti. Many of you have probably noticed the variety of multi-colored and three-dimensional designs on asphalt, the walls of residential and public buildings, on garages and fences. All of them are intricate, incomprehensible, but at the same time bright and striking. This direction is called modern 3D graffiti.

At first glance, it may seem that drawing such an image is very difficult and beyond the power of a beginner in this matter, but if you look into the “art” of graffiti in more detail, it turns out that there is nothing difficult about it. All you need to do is learn the basic rules for creating graffiti and purchase necessary supplies for creating .

Graffiti is a street art that dates back to ancient times, and is also a freestyle drawing style. He captivated the whole world with his popularity and scandalousness. Only young and active people are engaged in this type of activity.

So similar to graffiti in modern society, people in ancient times created cave drawings, pictographs. True, their drawings were simply scratched on the walls of homes and were “flat,” that is, they had no volume.

Now in modern society with the development of technology and the emergence modern materials it became possible to create three-dimensional and colored 3D graffiti with all sorts of effects.

All people have different attitudes towards three-dimensional 3D images on the walls of houses, fences and garages, underground passages and drawings on the asphalt. Someone finds this a real work of art and believes that this is a kind of expression of the “graffiti artists” of their thoughts, emotions and, perhaps, even protests.

Others, on the contrary, are sure that such 3D images spoil appearance various buildings and the whole appearance of the city. There are also people who are categorically against graffiti. They consider “graffiti artists” to be vandals and wreckers of public property.

A set for the beginner graffiti artist

So, where do you start the process of creating 3D graffiti? First, you need to stock up on a minimum set of beginner “graffiti artists”, because without these tools it will be difficult to create three-dimensional 3D graffiti.

You will need a sheet of white paper or cardboard, a simple pencil, an eraser, a pen or a marker. To create a color 3D image, you can use colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, gouache or pastels.

This choice depends only on your preferences and ability to use these tools.

But if you still decide to create your own graffiti on the street and prefer to paint a 3D image on a fence, then, of course, there will be a completely different set of tools. Then you will need high-quality graffiti paint (regardless of the manufacturer), an airbrush for spraying the paint, a respirator (to protect the respiratory tract from harmful substances) and rubber gloves.

Also, “graffiti artists” leave a unique signature on each of their “works of art.” It is created using a vandalizer - a special marker. If you create three-dimensional image, then most likely you will need a ladder - a stepladder. And if you draw at night, then a flashlight will not be amiss.

The process of creating 3D graffiti

It is best for a beginning graffiti artist to start practicing by drawing artistic writing on paper. The text can be of any content and consist of several letters or phrases. You can also try writing your name.

The first thing to do is to mark the area of ​​our image on a piece of paper. In this area you need to place (arrange) the future inscription and draw the outlines of the intended letters. Next you need to draw in detail letter by letter.

The letters should be as simple as possible, without twists. The main thing is to make sure that all the “letters” are even and the same in height and size.

It is necessary to leave a small distance between the letters in order to later enlarge them and give them the necessary volume.

Creating 3D graffiti and choosing a letter style

The next step will be to decide on the style of letters and choose the one that you like and suits you best. We advise you not to start practicing complex styles, which are already used by advanced writers in their work. A more suitable style for a beginning “graffiti artist” is the “Bubble” style, but we will talk about it a little later. Now let's look at some types of letter styles in graffiti.

So, for example, there is a style “Wild”, which means “wild”. In this style, all the letters are intertwined and confused with each other.

It will be almost impossible to read and understand what is written on the image, but it will be a very interesting and beautiful visualization. A lot of detailing is used here, that is, drawing small parts and additional elements.

The next style, “Blockbuster,” translated as “blockbuster,” implies the creation of huge and wide, usually three-dimensional letters on a specific background. Such letters are depicted using additional highlighting of light (white) or silver paint.

Throw up style uses simple lines, which are later turned into letters and filled with light or silver paints. In this style, quality is not the main thing. As a rule, in this style, “graffiti artists” work on the number of their images.

The “Character” style is used by experienced and skilled graffiti artists. This style is used when creating various comics and drawing “cartoon” movie characters, sometimes with speech. There is also multi-layered text with some letters superimposed on others. This method is also used by advanced writers.

There is a dynamic style. It is characterized by the dynamics of forms. The essence of this style is that this type graffiti is applied to moving objects, such as train cars. View this view street art works best on moving forms, which is why the style got its name.

"Computer Roc Style" is a kind of watershed style. In this style, the letters are divided into separate components, which are directed in different directions.

There are also camouflage styles. This style is characterized by color (yellow, green and blue colors) and the original junction of the letters, which resembles a loop.

The “Freestyle” style is a style without any restrictions. It can combine several already existing areas.

With all the difficulty of choice suitable style For graffiti, we advise you to choose the “bubble” style. The word “bubble” is translated as “bubbles”. This is a style in which the letters seem to “inflate” and really become like “bubbles”. This style usually uses about two or three colors. In this style, it will be easy for a beginner in the field of graffiti to depict letters.

Drawing 3D graffiti and its color scheme

Now that you have decided on the style of the letters, you can begin to fully draw them. They can be changed beyond recognition, and this is what makes graffiti so chic.

The more complex and less recognizable the inscription looks, the more interesting your “street art on paper” will look.

The next step is to create a color image. At this point, you can make multiple copies of your letters to try out different color schemes for your 3D graffiti.

Before you start coloring the letters, use an eraser to erase any unnecessary lines. The pencil outline can be traced with a pen or marker. This will make the outlines of the letters clearer and more expressive.

When choosing a color, do not limit yourself to one, but use several combinations, for example, blue, red and white. This will make the graffiti look more interesting. It should be bright and catchy, but, as they say, everything is good in moderation!

Creating volume in 3D graffiti

Now you need to start drawing light and shadow on the letters, the “volume” of the image will depend on this. Mentally imagine where your light source will be, or rather on which side. The closer the light source, the lighter the letters will be. And on the opposite side of the light source there will be a shadow on the letters.

Each letter should stand out from the background of the other letter. The light on the “letters” can be depicted more light colors, or you can simply add light highlights, for example, with white paint or an eraser. All kinds of highlights will give the 3D graffiti a glossy look. It is also necessary to shade the penumbra of the surrounding space.

When your letters are ready, for beauty and unusualness you can add a little pattern and finish the background, depict stars, all kinds of signs. This is where improvisation takes place.

Your imagination and inspiration will be your main helpers in creating voluminous and beautiful 3D graffiti.

After this practice using pencil and paper, you can move on to walls. To get started, you can use stencils. You can make them yourself from thick cardboard.

To do this, some kind of inscription is applied to the cardboard, and then cut out using a stationery knife. In the process of creating graffiti, such an inscription is simply placed on the wall and painted over with a can of spray paint. This stencil will increase the speed of drawing graffiti.

All lines must be smooth, that is, you cannot jerk your hand here, but the movements must be fast so that the paint does not flow. But even if this happened, everything can be quickly corrected. Simply wait for the paint to dry and repaint it with a different color.

If you decide to create 3D graffiti on the street, then you should follow the tips for creating graffiti. The most important thing for a writer is to find a surface on which he will draw a “work of art.” It is better to give preference to concrete or metal structures. It is better to prime the concrete before work, and degrease the metal.

You should not use uneven or painted surfaces as a base, as the paint will be applied unevenly and it will come off from such a surface along with the graffiti.

The most common mistake among beginners is that they forget about the background and immediately start drawing letters, which results in an unfilled outline and an uneven fill.

To avoid such an incident, you need to start your drawing by filling the background. Then the outlines of the letters are drawn.

It also happens that when drawing an image, the paint begins to flow. Don’t try to stop it with your hand; you still won’t be able to remove the “running paint.” But if this happens, then you just need to wait until the paint dries, and in the future you will need to cover it with paint of a different color.

Before using paint, always check that the nozzle is installed correctly; to do this, just spray a can on the asphalt, and after using a can of paint, you need to clean the nozzle so that the next color of paint does not contain remnants of the previous one. This must also be done to ensure that the paint inside the nozzle does not dry out.

Graffiti is divided into simple and complex. Images are considered simple if they are made using only one color, and images are considered complex when the drawing is made using two or more colors. Paints can be mixed if desired and necessary, but for this it is necessary to understand the main colors and combinations that are obtained when mixed.

Graffiti lessons for beginners

You can learn how to draw graffiti for beginners through several lessons. If a person draws for himself, has nothing to do with graphics, and has no art education, no special skills required. But if you want to do this professionally, then it is better to take drawing lessons to learn some rules.

In graffiti lessons for beginners, students learn the simplest symbols, such as their signature. In fact, it’s not difficult to learn, the main thing is not to be afraid and try to draw simple drawings pencil graffiti. This way, it will be easier in the future to go to complex types. To do this you will need plain paper, simple pencils and colored pencils. Bright letters look impressive; acid markers or paints are suitable for this.

For something unique, you can add icons like stars or patterns. This process is done as a rough draft before applying graffiti to the wall. You can use your name or any a short word, For example, trademark. All letters should overlap each other slightly or intertwine, but the word should be readable. The outline of all letters is mostly made black to highlight it in contrast. But depending on the style and choice of word, you can use any color you like and paint it with all its shades, starting with dark ones at the bottom and almost white at the top.

Where to draw

After long training, the image will be obtained easily and quickly. Having mastered graffiti on paper, you can move on to walls or a sheet of plywood. There will be some difficulty at first, especially if the word is larger than the size of a person. If the graffiti on paper is different from the same on the wall, don't be upset if you fail. You can find errors and fix them. The process of drawing graffiti itself must be approached step by step in order to get the highest quality result. You don't have to be for this talented artist The main thing is to be patient and do what you like.

It’s better to draw several sketches, choose the best one from 2 or 2 options suitable drawing. The easiest way is to redraw ready-made pictures, and then think about creating your own, unique ones. Graffiti on the wall is different: simple - made in one color, complex - several colors and shades are used.

You need to paint on the wall quickly so that the paint does not run. To avoid this, you can use a stencil and a roller. You can cut out the stencil yourself from thick cardboard and use spray paint. Using a stencil simplifies the process for a novice artist; in the future it will no longer be needed. If the drawing is huge, then stencils are needed to apply small details. Most graffiti is painted in black and white or yellow color, such color scheme looks very nice due to the contrast. Protection before starting drawing is important: gloves and a mask.

Learning how to draw graffiti is half the battle. Main question- where to draw? Although there are many abandoned premises, you need to know that you can be punished, fined, and even imprisoned for your masterpieces. It is necessary to select the drawings correctly so that they do not have a conflicting nature.


After choosing the surface and placement parameters, the main thing is not to forget about protection, and what it will be depends on the choice of materials. Liquid paints are inconvenient to paint on uneven surfaces, and often it flows, spoiling the entire drawing. Despite this, the design will be beautiful if it is applied to porous concrete; its adhesion to the material will last a long time.

There are many paints for graffiti, they differ in prices and quality. Aerosol paints are very convenient to use, since the application layer is uniform, looks high-quality and is completed faster. You should not paint in rainy or cold weather; the paint may not adhere well, then peel off and fall off completely. Pre-applied primer to the surface and, of course, dry and warm weather will help prevent this.

Every novice artist who paints graffiti for the first time makes mistakes. Very often they forget about the background, and the drawing seems to hang. Paint drips do not need to be stopped with your hands, preferably with a wet sponge. It is very important to appreciate the work of others; there is no need to finish drawing someone’s drawing, even if according to some rules it is not ideal. Under each masterpiece you can leave your name, like a signature. Each artist has his own style of execution, and such images are the author's own. Graffiti style allows you to plunge into the painted Magic world, being in the real. It is accessible and interesting at all times. Bring in bright colors in gray everyday life, anyone can, the main thing is desire.

Date of posting on the Site June 30, 2017 This Personal Data Processing Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) defines general principles and the procedure for processing personal data of Website Users and measures to ensure their security at AG Corp LLC.


The Parties use the following terms with the meanings indicated below:
a) Data – other data about the User (not included in the concept of personal data).
b) Legislation – the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Operator – AG Corp LLC, which independently or jointly with other persons organizes and (or) carries out the processing of personal data, as well as determines the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be processed, and actions (operations) performed with personal data.
c) Personal data – any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (User). User – a person who has access to the Site via the Internet and uses the Online Store Site.
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g) Transport companies are third parties providing courier services. Other terms used in the Policy are interpreted in accordance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation.


1.1. This Policy regarding the processing of personal data has been developed in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (with amendments and additions), other legislative and regulatory legal acts and determines the procedure for working with Personal Data of Users and (or) transferred by Users and the requirements for ensuring their security.
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10.1. This Policy and the relationship between the User and the Operator arising in connection with the application of the Policy are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.
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Artist Russian origin Nikolaj Arndt, who lives in Germany, uses crayons and paints to transform a flat pavement into a three-dimensional reality.

It’s amazing how accurately he manages to convey perspective, so that everything he draws seems alive and three-dimensional.

His paintings became favorite place for photos.

Is it really an amazing effect? It seems that we have at least toy pandas in front of us.

2.Artur Bordalo, better known informally as Bordalo II, decided to fight pollution in his native Lisbon with the help of street art. The piles of garbage in his hands are experiencing a rebirth. Everything is used - from the old ones car tires to small household rubbish. It seems that the artist is capable of making a sculpture or installation from the contents of any trash can.

The artist was born and raised in Lisbon. In 2007 he graduated from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon (Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa). Probably, young Bordalo decided to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather, the famous Lisbon painter Real Bordalo. The figurative painting of Bordalo Jr., or as he likes to call himself, Bordalo II, is full of color and movement. His creative art not only fights pollution environment, but also gives the residents of the metropolis the opportunity to take a fresh look at the monotonous urban landscapes.

3. The works of the Brazilian street artist Odeith seem to hover above the ground, breaking away from the surface. The thing is that he draws pseudo three-dimensional images on a plane, being one of the founders of the street art movement, specializing in optical illusions.

the artist admits that he began drawing 3D images in pursuit of worldwide fame. Odeith was unwavering in his determination to achieve mastery, and now he conquers any surface - corners, curved walls, and even the asphalt under the walls become the canvas for his “floating in the air” messages.

Of course, after worldwide recognition, Odeith has no need to engage in illegal graffiti. However, today his new works can be seen not only at official exhibitions, but also on fences along train routes. Odeith admits that the adrenaline of creating illegal drawings cannot be replaced by anything, it allows you to feel the spirit of real street art.

His work has been exhibited in the USA, Portugal, Germany, his native Brazil and other countries, and among the companies that collaborate with Odeith are: big names like Shell, Coke and Samsung.

4. Canadian photographer Trevor Williams has been stunning audiences for years with his magnificent light creations, which he paints using LEDs and xenon flashlights.

Using the help of members of the Fiz-iks group he created, which is located in Japan, he creates bright geometric figures against the backdrop of the very picturesque cityscapes of Japan.

The diverse Japanese landscapes bring interesting details in Williams' work - whether the filming takes place outside, in front of the temple, or inside, in an abandoned warehouse. The shapes, colors and patterns he chooses also combine wonderfully and enhance the impression of the paintings.

5. Incredible 3D graffiti from street artist named "DALeast".

DALeast - 29 summer artist from China, which is this moment lives and works in Cape Town, South Africa.

DALeast travels a lot and leaves his drawings on the walls of different cities around the world. His works can be seen in New York, London, Beijing and many other cities.

6. Madrid artist Eduardo Relero. He creates incredible graffiti that can be truly frightening if viewed from a certain angle.

His works decorated the streets of various cities, from Guadalajara to Kazan, but, unfortunately, similar art short-lived - the memory remains only in photographs.