Biography of Nozdryov dead souls. "Dead Souls": the image of Nozdryov

In the first half of the 19th century, many writers assigned a huge role to the theme of Russia in their work. At that time, a ruthless tyranny of landowners and officials reigned, and the life of the peasants was unbearably difficult. The life of serf Russia is reflected in many works. One of them was a novel-poem written by N.V. Gogol, " Dead Souls"The image of Nozdryov, as well as Chichikov, Manilov and other heroes, is very bright and outlines the attitude to reality of all representatives of the aristocracy of that time. The author in his work tried to convey to readers the immorality that reigned at that time in all its manifestations.

General sentiments in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century

Domestic government system at that time developed with an emphasis on serfdom. Important moral values were relegated to the background, and position in society and money were considered priorities. People did not strive for the best; they were not interested in either science or art. They did not try to leave descendants absolutely nothing cultural heritage. In achieving his goal - wealth - a person stops at nothing. He will deceive, steal, betray, sell. The current situation could not but worry thinking people, those who were far from indifferent to the fate of the Fatherland.

Representatives of the aristocracy in the work

The name "Dead Souls" was not chosen by chance by the author. It is very symbolic and perfectly reflects the mood of serf Russia. The author did not spare paint, depicting a whole gallery of faces, showing the spiritual decline that threatens the fatherland. At the beginning of the story, the reader is introduced to Manilov - an idle dreamer, a visionary. The series of portraits ends with the image of Plyushkin. This representative of the nobility appeared as “a hole in humanity.” In the work "Dead Souls" the image of Nozdryov appears approximately in the middle. In him you can see something from Plyushkin, something from Manilov.

Characteristics of Nozdryov's image

For the first time in the work he appears in the city of NN. The reader does not learn anything special about him except that he was a card sharper. His whole being was somehow absurd: he was ridiculous, he spoke nonsense, without thinking about the consequences of his statements. The author himself, depicting the image of Nozdryov, speaks of him as a “broken guy.” Actually, this is true, and all the hero’s actions emphasize this. Nozdryov got used to thinking little about the future. So, for example, he exchanged winnings at cards for absolutely unnecessary items and things, which he lost to others the very next day, more lucky players. All this, according to Gogol himself, was due to some kind of nimbleness, liveliness and restlessness of the character of the hero. This “energy” forced Nozdryov to commit other actions, most of them rash and spontaneous.

Hero's Vices

Everything that Nozdryov has - purebred dogs, horses - is all the best. But the hero’s boasting often has no basis. Despite the fact that his possessions border on someone else's forest, he speaks of it as his own. Illustrating the image of the landowner Nozdryov, it is impossible not to mention all the situations in which he found himself. Either he is taken out of a noble meeting, or he takes part in a fight. One of distinctive features character is his tendency to do dirty tricks to people. Moreover, the closer he got to the person, the stronger his desire to annoy him. So, Nozdryov upsets weddings and trade deals. However, he himself perceived his actions as mischief, not considering them offensive. Moreover, Nozdryov was even sincerely surprised if he heard that one of his acquaintances was offended by him.

Main features of the hero

Revealing the image of Nozdryov, the author depicts vulgarity in a kind of deceitfully impudent form. Its origins can be traced to the comedies of Aristophanes and Plautus. However, there is a lot in the character that is originally Russian and national. Nozdryov's main traits are boasting, arrogance, a tendency to rowdy, unpredictability, and energy. As the author himself notes, people of this type are, as a rule, “reckless, revelers, talkers,” and in their faces you can always see something direct, daring, open. Among other things, they love to go for walks and are avid gamers. They are distinguished by sociability, combined with unceremoniousness. Sometimes it seems that friendship with them can last a very long time, but such people can fight with a “new acquaintance” at a party that same evening.

Contrast between internal and external in a character

The description of Nozdryov’s image in the work is quite clear. When portraying the hero, the author spares no artistic means. The character portrait is expressive. Outwardly, he is a man of average height, well built, with ruddy, full cheeks, snow-white teeth and tar-colored sideburns. He was a fresh, healthy young man with physical strength. In the episode of the poem, the reader can trace the tradition of Russian heroism. However, the image of Nozdryov is a comic reflection of epic motifs. The contrast of his internal and external features very noticeable. Nozdryov’s lifestyle is the direct opposite of his actions epic heroes. Everything that the character in the poem does makes no sense, and his “exploits” do not extend beyond a fight at a fair or card cheating. The image of Nozdryov comically reflects the motif of a “broad soul”, “daring revelry” - primordially Russian traits. The whole appearance of the character is only the appearance of that national “breadth” in in a good way. The hero not only cannot claim “spiritual breadth”, but also shows absolutely opposite qualities. Nozdryov is a drunkard, impudent and a liar. At the same time, he is cowardly and completely insignificant.

Character's household

Depicting the landscape present in the episode of Chichikov’s visit to Nozdryov, the author points out the owner’s carelessness. His economy was in a very disorganized state and completely fell into disrepair. This, again, indicates a lack of orderliness and thoughtfulness in Nozdryov’s lifestyle. The stalls in his stable were empty, the house was neglected, and it was in disarray. The only place that was properly maintained was the kennel. On it, the landowner felt like a “father of the family.” According to a number of critics, the hero himself is somewhat like a dog: he can bark and cuddle at the same time. Nozdryov’s character traits are also reflected in the interior of the house. There are no papers or books in his office. However, the walls are hung with sabers, guns, Turkish daggers and various pipes. The barrel organ is symbolic in this interior. There is one trumpet in this subject that just didn’t want to calm down. This detail was a kind of symbol of the character’s character. It shows the irrepressible energy, restlessness and agility of the hero.

Nozdryov's behavior

The hero's energy pushes him to various feats. So, for example, having a tendency to exchange, everything that he has is instantly exchanged for something else. The hero immediately spends the money that appears at the fair, buying all sorts of completely smoking candles, clamps, pistols, pots, tobacco, raisins, and so on. But all purchased items are rarely delivered home, since he can lose everything on the same day. Despite the disorder of his life in general, Nozdryov shows consistency that is surprising to him when making a deal with Chichikov. The landowner is trying to sell everything he can: dogs, a stallion, a barrel organ. Afterwards, Nozdryov starts a game of checkers and an exchange of chaises. But Chichikov notices the trickery and abandons the game. Nozdryov’s manners are also peculiar. His speech is always emotional, varied in composition, he speaks loudly, often screaming. But the image of Nozdryov is static in the sense that he appears to the reader as already fully formed. The hero's backstory is closed, and nothing happens to the character during the course of the story. internal changes.


Gogol, portraying Nozdryov, created a colorful and easy recognizable character. The hero is a typical braggart, reckless driver, talker, debater, rowdy, reveler. He doesn't mind drinking at all and loves to play. However, despite all the “typicality”, some details and individual little things give the character individuality. The entire story is permeated with a fair amount of humor. However, the work depicts the heroes, their characters, manners, actions and behavior, reporting on a rather serious problem of that time - the loss of morality and spirituality. Gogol's novel-poem is “laughter through tears.” The author created the work, tormented by the question of what if people don’t come to their senses and start changing.

In the image of Nozdryov, Gogol presents us with “a deceitful and impudent variety of vulgarity.” Origins this image go back to the comedies of Aristophanes and Plautus, to Western European literature. However, there is a lot in this image that is purely Russian and national. A similar type was already noted by Pushkin in the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

My cousin, Buyanov,

In down, in a cap with a visor

(As you know him, of course)...

The main character traits of Nozdryov are arrogance, boasting, a tendency to rowdy, energy and unpredictability. Gogol notes that people of this type are always “talkers, revelers, reckless drivers”, in their faces you can always see “something open, direct, daring”, they are desperate players, lovers of taking a walk. They are sociable and unceremonious, “they will make friends, it seems, forever; but it almost always happens that the person who has made friends will fight with them that same evening at a friendly party.”

Revealing the image of Nozdryov, Gogol masterfully uses various artistic media. First of all, the portrait of the hero itself is expressive. “He was of average height, a very well-built fellow with full rosy cheeks, teeth as white as snow and jet-black sideburns. It was fresh, like blood and milk; his health seemed to be dripping from his face.”

It is characteristic that Nozdryov has an attractive appearance, physical strength, he laughs “with that ringing laugh that only fresh, healthy man...” Here in the poem the motif of Russian heroism arises. "Historical, folklore and literary tradition absorbed one of the leading motifs of “Dead Souls” - Russian heroism, which plays the role of a positive ideological pole in the poem,” wrote E. A. Smirnova. The portrait of the heroes “in the light of the motive of Russian physical heroism, both in its literal and travesty sense” was noted by V. A. Nedzvetsky.

And in Nozdryov’s depiction we observe a comic reduction of this motive. The contrast between his appearance and its internal appearance is enormous: the hero’s life is meaningless, the “exploits” of this “hero” do not go further than card cheating or a fight committed at a fair.

The very motive of “daring revelry”, “broad Russian soul”, present in Gogol throughout the entire narrative, is comically reduced in the image of Nozdryov. As a pre-revolutionary researcher notes, Nozdryov is only “the appearance of a broad nature. He can least of all claim to be recognized as a “broad person”: he is impudent, a drunkard, a liar, he is at the same time a coward and a completely insignificant person.”

The landscape that frames the episode of Chichikov’s visit to the landowner is also characteristic. “Nozdryov led his guests through a field, which in many places consisted of hummocks. The guests had to make their way between fallow fields and armored fields... In many places their feet squeezed out the water under them, the place was so low. At first they were careful and stepped carefully, but then, seeing that it was of no use, they walked straight, not distinguishing where the most and where the least dirt was.” This landscape speaks of the disturbed economy of the landowner and at the same time symbolizes Nozdryov’s carelessness.

Thus, the hero’s lifestyle is already devoid of any order. The landowner's economy fell into complete decline. There are empty stalls in his stable, a watermill without flutter, and the house is in disorder and neglect. And only the kennel is in his good condition. “Among dogs, just like a father among a family,” notes Gogol. This comparison sets the theme of the hero’s “slander” in the story. As S. Shevyrev notes, Nozdryov “is very similar to a dog: for no reason at the same time he barks, nibbles, and caresses.”

The hero is prone to lies, deception, and empty chatter. He can easily slander, slander a person, spread gossip about him, “a fable that is more stupid than it is difficult to invent.” It is characteristic that Nozdryov lies for no apparent reason, “out of love for art.” So, having come up with a story with governor's daughter, he continues to lie further, involving himself in this story. The reason for this is simple: Nozdryov understood that “he could have caused trouble in this way, but he could no longer hold his tongue. However, it was difficult, because such interesting details presented themselves of their own accord that it was impossible to refuse...”

The tendency to deceit and trickery manifests itself in him even during card game. That’s why the game often ends in a fight: “they beat him with their boots, or they gave him a hard time on his thick and very good sideburns...”

The character of the hero, his interests and lifestyle are reflected in the interior of his house. There are no books or papers in Nozdryov’s office, but there are hanging sabers, guns, Turkish daggers and pipes of various kinds - “wooden, clay, meerschaum, smoked and unsmoked, covered with suede and uncovered.” In this interior, one object is symbolic - a barrel organ, in which there is “one pipe, very lively, which did not want to calm down.” This expressive detail symbolizes the character of the hero, his restlessness, and irrepressible energy.

Nozdryov is unusually “active”, energetic, his nimbleness and liveliness of character push him to new and new “undertakings”. So, he loves to change: a gun, a dog, horses - everything instantly becomes an object of exchange. If he has money, then at the fair he immediately buys “all sorts of things”: clamps, smoking candles, raisins, tobacco, pistols, herrings, paintings, pots, etc. However, purchased items are rarely delivered to the house: on the same day he can lose everything.

Nozdryov is very consistent in his behavior and during buying and selling dead shower. He immediately tries to sell Chichikov a stallion, dogs, a barrel organ, then starts an exchange of chaises and a game of checkers. Noticing Nozdryov's trickery, Chichikov refuses to play. And then the “historical” man causes a scandal, a fight, and only the appearance of the police captain in the house saves Chichikov.

Nozdryov’s speech and manners are also characteristic. He talks loudly, emotionally, often screaming. His speech is very colorful and varied in composition.

In addition, it is worth noting the static nature of this image. Gogol gives the character of Nozdryov as already formed, ready-made; the background of this character is closed to the reader; throughout the narrative, no internal changes occur to the hero. However, as K. Aksakov notes, such “immobility” of the image is natural for an epic work.

Thus, the character created by Gogol - a braggart, a talker, a reckless driver, a reveler, a gambler, a rowdy and argumentative person, a lover of drinking and making up something - is colorful and easily recognizable. The hero is typical, and at the same time, thanks to a number of details, special little things, the writer was able to emphasize his individuality.

Nozdryov the third landowner to whom Chichikov approached with a very delicate proposal was Nozdryov. The author describes him as a young and energetic man of thirty-five years old.

The words: “talker, reveler, reckless driver” are also addressed to him. He is always overwhelmed with emotions, he is always in search of something unusual, something interesting, in search of adventure. Nozdryov can annoy his best friend for no particular reason. He is very passionate and loves to tickle his nerves.

Its dominant qualities, which bring clarity to all of the above things, are “brightness and liveliness.” All his behavior is explained by these two qualities. Nozdryov does not know the word “plan”, he does not conceive anything, does not plan anything. He just goes and does it. And in his affairs he knows no boundaries.

One of the episodes vividly describes these qualities of his. On the way to his friend, Sobakevich, in the tavern, Nozdryov intercepts the dumbfounded Chichikov and almost forcibly takes him to his estate. But there he makes a big scandal. Nozdryov quarrels strongly with Chichikov because the latter does not want to play cards for dead souls, and buy a stallion of “Arabian blood” and get several dead souls in addition.

Nozdryov is a broken, frivolous person. He easily loses at cards.
This person can easily betray, he does not know such a thing as strong friendship.
He has two children whom he does not raise at all. This shows his irresponsibility.
Nozdryov is a master of “pouring bullets”. He is a liar, but he is a liar under duress. He deliberately imposes one lie on another. Perhaps in this way he is trying to draw attention to himself.
Nozdryov loves to brag and exaggerate. He almost swore to Ch-woo that he caught huge fish.
Society provincial town treated Nozdryov and his antics with a certain indifference. But they couldn’t do it without Nozdryov either. After all, the city residents call Nozdryov when they want to find out who Ch. really is.

Nozdryov is a man of “dark and humble origin,” a rogue and a cunning man.

“He was as fresh as blood and milk; health seemed to be dripping from his face.” Nozdryov had black ones Thick hair, full rosy cheeks, teeth white as snow, jet-black sideburns. He was of average height and not bad built. There is something open, direct, and daring in the face. Talker. He spoke quickly, without thinking, making it up on the fly. He quickly changed his mind. Favorite word Nozdryov, by which he called both his son-in-law and Ch. - fetyuk (a word offensive to a man). He was a “broken fellow”, from childhood he was known as a good friend, he always made acquaintances quickly, struck up friendships that seemed to last forever, but always, having made friends with someone, he fought with him that same evening. Always eager to go for a walk, even marriage hasn’t changed him. His wife died, his children were no longer needed. I couldn't sit at home for more than a day. “I had a passion for cards.” He did not play completely sinlessly and cleanly, for this he was often beaten. He also had a passion for doing dirty things to his neighbor, sometimes for no reason. He was a man of all trades. Society tolerated him, but when he crossed the boundaries of what was permitted, he was kicked out (for example, at the governor’s ball).Ch. understood perfectly well that Nozdryov was a “trashy man.”

Gogol ironically calls him " historical person". And he says that the Nozdryovs will not soon disappear in Russia.

An interesting characterization of Nozdryov in the poem “Dead Souls”, which allows N.V. Gogol to show the type of landowners-revelers, who are characterized by debauchery. The characterization of the hero Nozdryov according to plan allows us to pay attention to the most bright features inherent in this character.

First impression

The reader becomes acquainted with the image of Nozdryov back in Chapter 1, when Chichikov meets him at dinner with the prosecutor. You can immediately note his love for “partying” and “losing.” The landowner is described in more detail by N.V. Gogol in the fourth chapter. Here he gives short biography hero: Nozdryov was married, but his wife died, leaving two children, whom the hero does not raise at all, because he is more interested in visiting the houses of other landowners. The children are with a “cute nanny.” At the time of the story, Nozdryov is 35 years old, but he behaves exactly the same as he did at eighteen and twenty years old.


Nozdryov's appearance is described positively. He is a well-built fellow with dark hair and sideburns. However, this attractiveness is only external; inside the hero is pitiful and empty. It’s not for nothing that the author says that Nozdryov felt like he belonged among dogs. Here this similarity is visible even in appearance: thick hair, sideburns that grew quickly, a chest covered with hair.

Blood with milk is a striking characteristic of Nozdryov. He is full of health and strength, but all his energy is spent on carousing and various fights.


Attitudes to surrounding things can show many character traits of the hero. Indifference to economic affairs shows an inability to undertake serious business. Nozdryov - far from it economic man, he, on the contrary, abandons his entire village, almost never appearing in it. That is why the roads there are bad, filled with water and mud, which is difficult to navigate without getting dirty.

But, despite the decline in the village, Nozdryov is a lover of boasting. He even boasts about a mill that doesn't work. He also verbally increases his territory so that guests will think better of him.

The furnishings of the office speak of Nozdryov’s explosive nature. There are no papers or books in the office, there are only guns and daggers that the hero uses in hunting.

The hero's kitchen is never cleaned and is in constant repair.

All these details show the inability to live, the hero seems to be created for brawls and fights.


Nozdryov’s hobbies are visible from the surrounding objects. He loves hunting, which allows him to fully reveal his character. Card games do the same, in which Nozdryov deceives his opponent in every possible way. Cards are given great attention In the story, Nozdryov constantly talks about how he “lost it” at cards and lost valuables and money. Cheating during the game shows that he is a skilled liar, which he does in Everyday life. Nozdryov is a lover of exaggeration. He also exaggerates when he says that he drank as many as seventeen bottles of champagne. However, the hero’s love for drinking cannot be denied.

The hero who leads such a riotous lifestyle was already described before N.V. Gogol. The image of Nozdryov is similar to the image of Buyanov, who was described by A. S. Pushkin in the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

People call Nozdryov a historical man because he constantly gets involved in various stories associated with fights.

The hero treats other people with contempt and quickly changes his opinion about them. Then he communicates with the person as if he were his own best friend, then I’m ready to fight with him. Chichikov, who was visiting Nozdryov, found himself in the same situation. Nozdryov loved to “spoil” people with whom he was close.

Author's attitude

The work expresses quite clearly author's position in relation to the image of Nozdryov. Writer denotes typicality this character: “Nozdryov’s face is probably already somewhat familiar to the reader. Everyone has met quite a few such people.”

With the help of Nozdryov N.V. Gogol managed to show the type of people who can be called “talkers, revelers, reckless drivers.” The writer saw such people in his contemporary society. Therefore, he says that those who will say that there are no such Nozdrevs anymore will be unfair, because they “will not be removed from the world for a long time.”

This article, which through appearance, material conditions and lifestyle shows the significance of Nozdryov’s image in the work, will help you write the essay “Characteristics of Nozdryov.”

Work test

It is no coincidence that “Dead Souls” received such a name. It conveys the mood that reigned in Russia. The gallery of characters depicted by the author demonstrates the spiritual decline to which the state has come. Among the landowners he meets main character, Nozdryov became a curious character, whose characterization Gogol gave in the middle of the work. Similar to Manilov and Plyushkin, Nozdryov also has individual traits.

History of creation

The poem “Dead Souls” was created abroad. The publication of the first volume took place in 1841. Gogol wanted to demonstrate the vices and shortcomings of Russia. At the center of the story was a man who personified Russian society. The image of Chichikov concentrates qualities traditional to the national mentality.

Analysis of the title “Dead Souls” proves its duality. The author also meant souls dead peasants which were redeemed and callous, empty souls landowners whose lives consisted of idleness and ignorance. Gogol conveyed the idea that the state does not respect the people who are ready to stand up for the Fatherland at any moment.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol planned to write satirical poem in the spirit of The Inspector General. Critics drew parallels between the images of Chichikov and, highlighting the matching descriptions of the characters, assessing the heroes’ entrepreneurial spirit and adventurism. In Dead Souls, mockery of the author gives way to sadness. Although the plot of the work looks comical, life goals and the lifestyle of his contemporaries are unpleasant to Gogol.

Nozdryov was one of the heroes whom the writer criticized. According to literary scholars, the prototype for creating the image was Pavel Trushkovsky, the writer’s son-in-law. Gogol hinted to his relative about the capital that he had squandered in an adventure with a tannery. Trushkovsky's machinations put the family into debt, for which the entire family took 26 years to pay off.

Other critics suggest that Fyodor Tolstoy was the prototype for the colorful image. Such conclusions allow us to draw letters to Gogol, in which the author comments on Tolstoy’s reaction to the work.

"Dead Souls"

Nozdryov was the third landowner to whom Chichikov came with a request to sell peasant souls. A thirty-five-year-old talker and reckless driver, Nozdryov was not an honest man, was distinguished by great passion and would, without hesitation, do a dirty trick to his neighbor. Gogol paints a Portrait of Nozdryov, talking about the lack of ambition, temper, hypocrisy and recklessness. The hero has no plans for the future, but he has more than enough desire to live for today. Having accidentally met Chichikov in a tavern on his way to, Nozdryov intercepts the buyer and takes him to his estate.

Chichikov refuses to play cards for souls and provokes an inadequate reaction from Nozdryov. Having quickly calmed down, the next morning the hero again offers bets to the guest, taking out checkers. Obviously cheating, Nozdryov loses, and Chichikov is saved from his anger only by the appearance of the police captain. The cries of a disgruntled player give rise to various rumors about Chichikov.

The first impression the character makes is funny. He talks nonsense, appears as a “broken guy,” and exchanges the money he won at cards for unnecessary trinkets. Nozdryov's restlessness pushed him to unpredictable actions. The hero fought in meeting of the nobility, did not disdain petty dirty tricks, upset weddings and was offended by reproaches and condemnation. An emotional scoundrel and rogue, a lively brawler, Nozdryov acquired a colorful image in Gogol’s work.

The estate where the hero lived complements his image more than a description of his appearance. A chaotic atmosphere, akin to the character of the owner of the estate, reigns everywhere. Nozdryov's prowess and energy are not used either in the service or on the farm. Lord's house, being in a disorderly state, does not make Nozdryov want to sort things out. But, unlike his neighbors, the hero demonstrates incredible liveliness and opens up a series of characters in whose souls there is at least something “alive” left.

The owner's carelessness led the estate to decay. The neglected house became evidence that Nozdryov is not a big fan of order and thoughtfulness. Only the kennel was in perfect shape. There were weapons on the walls, indicating the owner’s prowess; there were no books in the office or on the tables, which indicated a lack of prudence and serious interests of the hero. Nozdryov’s favorite activities are cards and hunting.

The opportunity to sell “dead souls” did not cause surprise or fear in Nozdryov. He was, in some respects, a lover of exchange and in such a transaction he saw precisely the opportunity to exchange property with Chichikov. That is why he sold the guest horses and a barrel organ, but in the end agreed to play checkers.

Nozdryov was a natural hero of the city, so no one was surprised at his antics. It is to him that the townspeople turn to him asking for help in finding out the identity of Chichikov. Despite being in demand among his neighbors, Nozdryov remains a character about whom little is known. The very first impression of the hero immediately forms an attitude towards him, although the biography remains unknown. Apart from the fact that he was a card sharper, the reader knows little about Nozdryov.

His family also remains under the veil of secrecy. The reader knows nothing about the landowner's parents, but it is clear that he is a young widower, left with two children after the death of his wife. However, they did not greatly burden their father, since they were in the care of a nanny.

Film adaptations

In 1909, director Pavel Cherdyntsev became interested in the plot of the work, in whose film the director himself appeared in the image of Nozdryov.

Boris Livanov in the film "Dead Souls"

In 1960, he starred in Leonid Trauberg's film based on the dramatization. The production was organized in the format of a teleplay.

A project similar in genre was filmed by Alexander Belinsky in 1969. Nozdryov was brought to life on screen.

Next movie by classic work was published in 1984 thanks to director Mikhail Schweitzer. Vitaly Shapovalov performed as Nozdryov.

Alexander Abdulov on film set("The Case of dead souls")

“The Case of Dead Souls” by Pavel Lungin is a 2005 series that includes several storylines, borrowed by the director from different works Gogol. He played Nozdryov in a multi-part project.