Why you can't die in... Dying (bedridden) patient: signs before death

Sooner or later, every person faces such a sad event as a funeral. Of course, you can dream that no one will ever die, but this simply does not happen. And there are a lot of all kinds of signs and superstitions associated with this event that must be observed. After all, if you do something wrong, you may face grief again in the near future.

Famous signs about the dead

The dead man looks with one eye - looking for a companion. Signs at a funeral are especially important, so they must be observed especially carefully. When the dead person's eyes are closed, you need to be careful and make sure that both eyes are completely closed. If one eye remains even slightly open, then the one on whom the gaze falls will follow.

If a girl dies, they dress her in all her wedding clothes.. A woman’s direct destiny is to become a wife and mother. If a girl died at a young age and did not have time to get married, then she becomes the bride of God. And she must appear before him precisely in wedding dress. That's why young girls are buried in a wedding dress.

Relatives do not carry the coffin so that the deceased does not think that his death is welcome. This sign actually sounds a little different. Relatives should not carry the coffin with the deceased in order not to follow. As they say, blood attracts blood. But for those who are not related by blood to the deceased, nothing will happen. But there is a warning for them too. Those who carry the coffin are required to tie a new towel on their arm. It is believed that in this way the deceased himself thanks these people for the tribute of respect shown.

When a person dies in the house, all the mirrors are covered thick fabric for forty days. This is not even a sign, but a rule that must be strictly observed. The fact is that the mirror is a kind of door between our world and the astral one. But a mirror can also serve as a trap for a dead person. It is believed that the dead do not immediately leave this world. They walk next to us, watch how we worry, listen to what we say. Only on the fortieth day does the soul go to heaven. Old people say that if a dead person accidentally looks into a mirror, he will be captured and leave without help. knowledgeable person won't be able to anymore. To prevent this from happening, so that a person’s soul can calmly pass into another world, the mirrors are covered. And only after the fortieth day can the covers be removed.

The dead man's measure is placed with him. You cannot leave things in the house that came into contact with a deceased person. Therefore, both the measurement that was taken for the coffin and the ropes that tied the hands and feet of the deceased must be placed in the coffin. Of course, there are rituals in magic that use ropes from a dead person. Such things are not given away voluntarily, but a witch can steal these things. Grief-stricken relatives are unlikely to be able to keep track of everything, but good acquaintances or close friends should ensure that no one can steal these things.

Why do omens come true at funerals?

After removing the deceased, they throw away the old broom and wood chips from the coffin. After the coffin is taken out of the house, the last person to leave the house sweeps and washes the floors after the deceased. And they sweep the floors and wash them only from the threshold into the room. But usually all this is done the other way around. After the floors have been washed, the mop used to scrub the floor and the rag must be taken out of the house and thrown away. You cannot leave these things in the house, otherwise very soon someone will follow the deceased.

The comb used to comb the deceased is either thrown into the river or placed in the coffin.. The fact is that a comb used to comb is considered unclean. It is no longer possible to wash it off or reprimand her. If there is a river near you, then The best decision- is to throw into the river. You cannot throw it into the lake, the water must be running. They do this so that the feeling of death leaves your home sooner, so that new death not to expect in the near future, and so that it is easier for your soul to survive the loss. After all, it is known that the living continue to be killed for a long time because of the loved ones who have left them. If there is no river nearby, then it is enough to put the comb in the coffin. True, this will not help you get rid of mental anguish. But most importantly, it is necessary to ensure that one of the unintelligent children does not take such a comb and comb their hair. It is very important.

A handful of earth into the grave and the ghost will not frighten. Everyone knows about the tradition that before burying a dead person, you need to throw a handful of earth on the lid of his coffin. But not everyone knows why this is done. People say that if a person does not throw a handful of earth, the deceased will find a weak spot and begin to scare him at night. Whether this is true or not needs to be verified. But who would want to arrange such a check?

A funeral procession past the windows - wake up everyone who sleeps in the house. This sign should be taken especially carefully. Indeed, it is popularly believed that if you pass a house there is a funeral procession, and someone is sleeping in the house, then the soul of the deceased can take with it the one who is sleeping. Therefore, it is imperative to wake up everyone sleeping in the house, so that God forbid you lose a person. You shouldn’t even feel sorry at such moments small child. It’s better to let him cry a little because he was woken up at the wrong time, than for something irreparable to happen to him later.

Don't cross the road in front of funeral procession– if a person dies of an illness, then you take this illness upon yourself . People really believe that you cannot cross the road in front of a coffin. Even if you are late, it is better to get a reprimand from your superiors than to take such problems on your own head. A person who does not know this or does not want to understand will definitely cause problems. The worst thing is that he will not only deprive himself of the opportunity to live his life the way he wants, but will also make his family and friends unhappy.

Signs at funerals and after them

When the grave is buried, take a glass and drink to the repose of your soul. It would seem impossible to object to this sign. Try to find a person in Rus' who will not drink to the wake of his soul. But there is such a sign that the souls of dead people move into birds. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to place a shot glass or drink vodka at the grave. But this can also be objected to. If during your lifetime you sat with a person at the same table, drank strong drinks and had a good time, then this person will not refuse to drink five drops with you even after death.

When you return from the funeral, touch the stove with your hand - so that there will not be a new deceased in the house for a long time. This sign is due to the fact that the stove is directly connected with. It's probably not even worth explaining. Old people say that if you hold on to the stove after the cemetery, then everything bad omens you'll burn it at the root. Therefore, it is imperative that after you return from the funeral, if you don’t hold on to the stove, you never know, maybe there is no stove, then be sure to light a candle. A candle is also a fire that can burn away all negative energies.

After the funeral there is a glass of water on the windowsill - the deceased comes and drinks from this glass. Firstly, a glass of water does not have to be placed on the windowsill. It is enough that you put it in any convenient location. And it’s best to put a glass where the deceased liked to sit and drink tea or any other drink. It is noticed that the water gradually decreases in the glass. Whether it evaporates or not, think for yourself, but it really is. Moreover, if before the fortieth day the glass is half empty, then water must be added.

Signs at funerals must be observed unquestioningly. Otherwise it can not be. A person is born, grows, lives - at every step we encounter signs. But if during life the consequences of failure to comply with the signs can be somehow corrected, then after death this cannot be done. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful, then you will be able to live longer and happier.

Spitsbergen is a special place. This is a territory that did not belong to anyone until the 30s of the 20th century.

St. John's worts and coal miners from England, Holland, Germany, America, and Russia lived here. But so that representatives of these civilized tribes would not completely kill the unique archipelago, it was decided to hang it on someone.” .

In 1920, as part of the Paris Peace Conference, the Spitsbergen Treaty was concluded, which secured Norway's sovereignty over the archipelago. The country also received the right to protect the flora and fauna of Svalbard (the whole world knows the archipelago by that name). The remaining states that signed the treaty now have the opportunity to conduct any commercial and scientific research activities there.

On this frozen Arctic land with a special international status, there are still three Russian villages: Barentsburg (alive), Pyramid (frozen) and Grumant (dead). The pyramid is called the only place on earth where real communism was built.

This was one of the few places on the planet where Soviet people did not live iron curtain and the ideological enemy had the opportunity to observe his lifestyle and draw conclusions. This means that everything had to be done to ensure that his conclusions were the most correct. And the Svalbard ideological reserve really worked effectively: the European tourist looked at us and envied us. Because just twenty years ago, the Norwegian Longyearbyen was a depressive barracks village, and Barentsburg and Pyramid were an oasis of comfortable life (Report “No Archipelago”, Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich, “Russian Reporter”, 2009).

Now everything has changed a lot. Longyearbyen is the largest settlement and administrative center of Spitsbergen with a population of 2,040 people (for comparison: the population of the entire Spitsbergen in 2012 is 2,642 people). Norwegians are its most numerous nation.

It can be said that the inhabitants of the “capital”, like everyone else on Svalbard, are often in danger. Protection from polar bears for them - real culture. For example, on the first day every university student learns how to shoot a polar animal correctly.

According to Norwegian law, beyond settlements You can only go out with a gun, which you have to rent for crazy money, but killing a bear with it is strictly prohibited. Every case of animal death is investigated as if it were nuclear explosion. And God forbid it turns out that at the time of the bear killing the distance between you was more than fifty meters - the fine will be such that you will have to work for it for half your life. Therefore, it is best not to kill bears, but to scare them. There are even some special people- professional bear repellers (Report “No Archipelago”, Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich, “Russian Reporter”, 2009).

Wild animals are not the only concern of northerners. Not only is it forbidden to walk around the archipelago without a gun, it is forbidden to die on Svalbard. If you become mortally ill, you will be immediately sent by plane or ship to the mainland so that you can rest on mainland. If you are still unlucky and go to another world on the archipelago, they will not be able to bury you there. The last tiny cemetery in Longyearbyen closed more than 70 years ago, when it was discovered that the bodies there did not decompose at all due to permafrost, and even attracted polar predators. Interestingly, this discovery attracted scientists at first. They tried to collect tissue samples from one of the deceased, but they turned out to be extremely dangerous: the body retained traces of the virus that claimed many lives during the epidemic in 1917.

The harsh climate, sense of danger and culture of protection make Svalbard's death policy justifiable. In an old BBC piece with Christine Grotting, a physiotherapist who at the time of publication ( 2008) lived in Spitsbergen for thirteen years. She told how much she fears the time when she will have to retire, because it is unknown what she will do then - there are no nursing homes in the city of Longyearbyen, there are no funds to care for old people. In her opinion, this greatly exacerbates the fear of death.

Despite this, of course, the Svalbardians are not at all unhappy and manage to maintain some strange optimism with a touch of Arctic severity. Here Christine tells what to do if you meet a bear, but you don’t happen to have a gun on hand: “Throw your mittens on the ground - in case it distracts him! If he does begin to click his teeth, it means he is angry and, most likely, quite ready to attack. At this very moment, you have a chance to remind him that it is forbidden to die in Longyearbyen, and then he may show respect for local laws."

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Itsukushima - Japan

Japanese islands Itsukushima are sacred place, and maintaining cleanliness is of utmost importance. Thus, in an attempt to keep the islands pure, the priests convinced the government to pass a law making it illegal to die on the islands. Since 1878, not only death, but also birth has been prohibited on the islands. Pregnant women and the elderly are allowed to visit the islands if they have a certificate stating that the former will not give birth during the period of visiting the island, and the latter will not die on the island.

The only time blood was shed on the island was during the Battle of Miyajima in 1555, after which the victor ordered the islands to be cleared of bodies and all the land “defiled” by blood was thrown into the sea.

Longyearbyen - Norway

In the Arctic city of Longyearbyen, on the islands of the Spitsbergen archipelago in Norway, there is also a similar ban. Death is prohibited. The city does have a small cemetery, but it stopped accepting new burials more than 70 years ago. The reason for the ban is that the organs of the deceased never decompose. It was discovered that the bodies buried at Longyearbyen were, in fact, perfectly preserved on permafrost. Scientists were even able to separate tissue from a man who died there in the early 20th century and found intact traces of the flu virus that killed him in 1917.

And those people who are seriously ill or will soon die are sent by plane or ship to other cities in Norway.

Falciano del Massico - Italy

In Falciano del Massico, a small town in southern Italy, people can't die, it's not because environment or religious beliefs, but simply because there is not a single free place for the dead in cemeteries. The mayor issued an order earlier this month in which he stated that "residents are prohibited from going beyond the boundaries of earthly life and passing into another world on the territory of the town."

At the same time, the mayor decided to build a new cemetery, but until then, people were ordered to “refrain from death.”

Sarpourenx - France

A decree banning people from dying was also issued by the mayor of Sarpourenx, a picturesque village in southwest France. The decision came after a French court refused permission to expand the city's existing cemetery. But Mayor Gerard Lalanna went a little too far, he not only banned death, but, according to his decree, everyone who decides to die will be severely punished.

Although, the penalties are not described in this decree...

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Let's imagine a little. Imagine: you are an astronaut on an international space station, an accident occurred and you were thrown outside without a protective suit. What will happen to you? How much time do you have to save yourself? Or will you die immediately as soon as you fall into the vacuum? In fact, there is time for salvation, albeit very little.

First of all, know that you will not be exposed to any of the effects typical of space films. You can't die instantly outer space. You will not freeze instantly, your blood will not turn to boiling water, and your eyes will not fall out of their sockets. The human body in a vacuum maintains its integrity thanks to the skin. Yes Yes! Take a close look at your body. It is the skin that is a lifesaver from many negative factors outer space. It is durable, easy to stretch and does an excellent job of maintaining the internal pressure of your body. This means that internal fluids will not boil due to pressure changes, and internal organs will not fly apart in different directions.

Many believe that the decisive factor in the rapid death of an unprotected person is extremely low temperature. But their thinking is fundamentally wrong. Yes, the temperature in space sometimes drops to quite terrible levels and few people would like to experience its effects on themselves. But many of us, imagining ourselves in the wild cold, simply forget about the elementary school physics course that taught us: “in a vacuum there is no convection - which means there is nothing to conduct heat there.” On Earth, a person falling into ice water begins to quickly lose heat, due to the fact that water is an excellent conductor of heat, and not because of its temperature, as many people think. The heat generated during the metabolic process is literally “pulled out” from the body. In space, there is no one to conduct this heat, because there is emptiness and vacuum all around.

There is only one factor that causes us to slowly cool in space. Every person on the planet emits heat, which we also call infrared radiation. This radiation is small, it would be just enough to power light bulb at 100 watts. On Earth, we don’t even notice the loss of this heat, since it is completely replenished sun rays and the radiation of our planet itself. In space we have nothing to make up for these losses, so sooner or later we will still turn into a popsicle. But, in this case, we can say we are still lucky, the loss of 100 watts of body energy is so insignificant in comparison with its reserves in our body that we still for a long time we can drift through space before freezing to death.

The main and only factor in our rapid death in outer space is our circulatory system. It’s not even the same as the absence of the main nutritional element in its structure - oxygen. There are no gases in space, including this vital important element. But your body doesn't know about it. Blood continues to circulate through your organs, passing through the lungs, picks up the next “passenger” there in the form of O2 - and floats on, not noticing that the “passenger” is a phantom. Your body is functioning, your heart continues to beat, but oxygen-deprived blood is already spreading throughout the body. It also goes to the control center - the brain.

The stage of oxygen starvation begins. At this stage, an attempt is made to save the body by moving the brain into hibernation mode. It seems to turn on an energy-saving mode, and you lose consciousness in less than a minute. But this does not mean that you are dead! If luck smiles on you and there is a nearby kind soul capable of transporting you to safe place, you will be safe and sound. Unless you slightly spoil your mood with a tan due to harsh cosmic ultraviolet radiation and ebullism.

If a miracle does not happen and there is no one to save you, more than two minutes in space will end sadly for you. Due to lack of oxygen, other organs will begin to shut down and what we usually call death will occur.

The most important! If you get into a vacuum, do not try to hold your breath! Your breathing system is not designed to withstand sudden changes in pressure in a vacuum. If you try not to breathe, the same thing will happen to you as when divers rise too quickly from depths of the sea, your lungs will burst.

Sounds scary right? Who said that walking in outer space is easy?

are a sacred place and maintaining cleanliness is of utmost importance. In an attempt to keep the island clean, the priests convinced the government to pass a law making it illegal to die on the islands. Since 1878, not only death, but also birth has been prohibited on the islands. Pregnant women and the elderly are allowed to visit the islands if they have a certificate stating that the former will not give birth and the latter will not die while visiting the island.

The only time blood was shed on the island was during the Battle of Miyajima in 1555, after which the victor ordered the islands to be cleared of bodies, and all the land “defiled” by blood was thrown into the sea.

Longyearbyen (Norway)

In the Arctic city on the islands of the Svalbard archipelago in Norway there is a similar prohibition: death is prohibited. The city does have a small cemetery, but it stopped accepting new burials more than 70 years ago. The reason for the ban is that the organs of the deceased never decompose. It was discovered that the bodies buried in Longyearbyen were in fact perfectly preserved in permafrost conditions. Scientists even managed to find traces of the influenza virus in the body tissues of a man who died in 1917.

Those people who are seriously ill or will soon die are sent by plane or ship to other cities in Norway.

Falciano del Massico (Italy)

IN , a small town in southern Italy, has a slightly different history of the death ban. People are prohibited from dying here not because of the environment or religious beliefs, but simply because there is not a single free place to bury the dead. The mayor issued an order according to which " local residents, like the guests of the village, are forbidden to leave the confines of earthly life in order to go to the next world.”The mayor is currently planning the construction of a new cemetery, but until then people are ordered to refrain from dying.


A decree prohibiting people from dying was issued by the mayor Sarpurenks , a picturesque village in southwest France. This decision was made after the court refused to expand the existing city cemetery. Mayor Gerard Lalanna went a little overboard: he not only banned death, but also issued a decree according to which everyone who decides to die will be severely punished. His actions were a symbolic protest against the court's decision. Lalanna himself died 10 months after the decree was passed.