Alexander Sokolovsky Instagram from the youth team. Alexander Sokolovsky VKontakte in person

Today we will talk about a popular aspiring actor who appeared in such TV series as “Kamenskaya”, “Raskol”, “Tail” and others. But the actor’s real popularity came from his role as captain of the hockey team in the TV series “Molodezhka.” We will talk about Alexander Sokolovsky. You will also find out if Sasha Sokolovsky is on the VKontakte social network.

Actor biography

Actor on social network

So, now it’s time to find out whether the young and promising actor “sits” on the social network for hours on end, just like he does with you. And we hasten to please you: Alexander Sokolovsky is registered on VKontakte. You can find his page at this address:

Sasha has about 300 VK friends and about 97 thousand subscribers. Alexander Sokolovsky VKontakte published several albums on the network, available to all users. One of them is an album with various demotivators and jokes. In the album “Photos on the Wall” you can find photographs with interesting episodes from the TV series “Molodezhka”, photographs of an actor from Everyday life, in nature, with his friends, as well as photographs from glossy magazine fashion.

Alexander Sokolovsky on VKontakte has published about 35 videos on his page, where you can find the most exciting moments from your favorite TV series “Molodezhka”, a chronicle of the filming of the TV series “Molodezhka”, videos of performances by KVN teams, a trailer for the film “The Passion of Chapai” and much more. . Netizens can try to add Sasha as a friend, but cannot send him a private message.

The actor, on his wall, regularly posts interesting shots from the series “Molodezhka”, posts news about the Youth Hockey League, refutes false news about the participants of the series “Molodezhka” that appear in the “yellow” press and posts various funny jokes. If you are interested in the work of an aspiring actor, add Sasha as a friend. Who knows, maybe you will be lucky and make friends with a young actor. Now you know that Alexander Sokolovsky is really registered on VK and how to find his page! Good luck!

Alexander Sokolovsky - young Russian actor theater and cinema. Famous actor did roles in popular TV series“Molodezhka” and “Sklifosovsky”. Film critics call Alexander Sokolovsky a promising actor, because for his young age he has already made an enviable career in cinema. Creative biography Alexandra has 25 roles in films and television series.

Childhood and youth

Sasha was born in St. Petersburg on February 12, 1989. No one in his family is involved in cinema, but the guy firmly decided that he would enroll in a theater institute at the age of 12. A childhood dream brought him to the Duet studio, where he began to learn the basics acting already in school age.

Amateur performances gave him great pleasure, but, growing up, Alexander Sokolovsky understood that for professional actor this is not enough. He also understood that the road to recognition would be thorny, so he was looking for alternative options.

At first Sasha wanted to enter the Faculty of Economics, then the Faculty of Journalism. After school, he went to Moscow and applied to several universities at once - GITIS was on this list. To his own surprise, the examiners believed in the guy’s talent. Soon he became a student at a prestigious theater university in Russia.


Alexander Sokolovsky's theatrical debut took place in his fourth year at the institute - it was a student project with many problems. The theater did not have its own premises or funding; all performances were based on the enthusiasm of the actors. Sokolovsky worked on this project for two years - this was enough time to gain experience.

Alexander Sokolovsky in the play "Treasure Island"

Then Alexander got a job at the Moscow Provincial Theater under the direction of. The audience saw him in the role of Yura in the play "Spring", Mowgli in "The Jungle Book" and Jim Hawkins in "Treasure Island".


In films, Alexander Sokolovsky began acting in student years. In 2005 he played cameo role in the series "Kamenskaya-4". In 2008, there were two more small roles in the films “Russia-88” and “Everyone will die, but I will stay.” Three years later, the actor appeared in the TV series “Split” - he considers this work his full-fledged film debut: firstly, the role was noticeable, and secondly, he began to be invited to filming more often.

Alexander Sokolovsky became famous in 2013, after the premiere of the series “Vangelia”. In the same year, he played Petka in the film “The Passion of Chapai”, and also starred in the historical film “Son of the Father of Nations”. But the audience remembered and fell in love with him for his images of cadet Arkadyev in the serial film “The Lavrova Method-2” and hockey player Yegor Shchukin in “Molodezhka”. In the series about hockey players, Sokolovsky plays main role center forward, so the actor starred in all episodes of the season.

Alexander Sokolovsky in the TV series "Molodezhka"

In the same year, the actor played the main role in the Russian-Ukrainian melodramatic series “Beautiful to Death.”

In 2014, the third season of the series “Sklifosovsky” with the participation of Alexander Sokolovsky was released. The actor also starred in new episodes of the Molodezhka project. In 2015, the actor returned to the role of resident Artem, Irina’s son, in the fourth season of Sklifosovsky.

Personal life

In Sokolovsky’s personal life, not everything is as successful as in his film career. The actor admits that he dated many girls, but to no avail. Alexander - only child in the family, his parents have been happily married for 30 years, dreaming of grandchildren. Their son's failures in his personal life upset them.

Several years ago, Sokolovsky vacationed in Crimea in the company of Alexandra Knyazeva, a graduate of GITIS. The actor said that they are friends.

But with the actress and model Christina Lazaryants, Alexander had romantic relationship. The couple dated for almost a year and a half, but at the end of 2014 the lovers broke up. Christina explained the breakup by the actor’s unpreparedness for serious relationship. She believes that Sasha takes life lightly and turns everything into a joke.

Fans also attributed an affair to the actor with Sokolovsky’s colleague in the TV series “Molodezhka”. The actors' characters had romantic feelings for each other, which became the basis for the rumors. But the relationship in real life the actors have not confirmed.

In his free time from filming, Alexander Sokolovsky enjoys wakeball, hockey, swimming, and acrobatics. The actor is an ardent fan healthy image life, he does not drink or smoke.

Alexander does not hide from his fans and shares news from his personal life on a verified page on the social network "In contact with", where the actor has 190 thousand subscribers. Also on the actor's page there is a link to "Instagram" Sokolovsky. The artist has 550 thousand subscribers on Instagram.

Alexander Sokolovsky now

In January 2016, the melodrama “Time of Daughters” was released, in which Alexander Sokolovsky took part. The film tells about a plot that is atypical for this genre. What is shown on the screens is not the classic modern “Cinderella”, but an almost revolutionary one. A poor orphan girl gets a job in the company of a famous oligarch, but not in order to improve her personal life, but in order to find incriminating evidence and take revenge on the person responsible for the death of her parents.

In the summer of 2016, Sokolovsky played a bartender in the comedy Odnoklassniki, the plot of which is built around a bachelorette party before a failed wedding.

In 2016, the actor appeared in the outrageous comedy Superbad. In the same year, Alexander returned to the role of resident Artem in the fifth season of the medical series “Sklifosovsky,” which was subtitled “Resuscitation.” Sokolovsky also played in the short film “Broken Promise.”

From October to December 24, the actor participated in the television figure skating competition “Ice Age”. The actor’s partner was a figure skater, the only Soviet and Russian Olympic champion in women's single skating. The couple Sokolovsky and Sotnikova won this season of the show.

In January 2017, the STS TV channel launched a new comedy series“You all piss me off,” in which Sokolovsky played the role of Timur. The series tells about an unfriendly journalist of a popular publication and the problems of her life.

Alexander Sokolovsky in the show "Ice Age"

In April 2017, Sokolovsky played the main role of Prince Felix in the Ukrainian adventure series"The Princess's Testament" The actor played the prince of a small state in which social equality has been achieved. The country is under threat because of an old debt that the king took from the ruler of France and cannot return, so the prince tries to find the semi-mythical treasure of his great-great-grandmother.

On May 27, 2017, the melodrama “Life without Vera” will be released on television, where Sokolovsky will play the main role of boxer Vasya, who is in love with an excellent student Vera.

At the end of 2017, the premiere of the mystical adventure drama “Nevsky Piglet” is planned, in which Alexander Sokolovsky will appear. The drama will explore the issues of time travel and the question of whether everyone is worthy of love and how to earn that feeling.

In the same year, the mystical thriller “Sleepers” will be released, in which the actor will play the main role of photographer Kostya. The plot is based on a story about photographs of sleeping people, which allegedly contain the souls of the dead. Photographer Kostya is part of a team of art fans who collect such photographs.

The actor also plans to film in the TV series “Souvenir from Odessa” and “The Story of a Film Fan.”

The premiere of the drama " Prophetic Oleg" In the film, Sokolovsky will play the role of Slavko. The drama will be a free adaptation of the book of the same name and will show the events of the 9th century AD, taking place with disunited Slavic tribes.


  • "Son of the Father of Nations"
  • "Passion for Chapai"
  • "Sklifosovsky"
  • "Molodezhka"
  • "Everyone will die, but I will remain"
  • "Russia-88"
  • "Vangelia"
  • "Beautiful to death"
  • "Team Che"
  • "Lavrova Method-2"
  • "The Princess's Testament"
  • "Life without Faith"
  • "You're all pissing me off"

In March, the continuation of the series “Molodezhka” will start on STS, in which the actor plays the main role. But few people know that after his film debut, Alexander had to become a waiter and learn to live within his means.

– This is the fourth year you have appeared on screen as the forward of the Bears hockey team, Yegor Shchukin. How did you get into the series?

– After the start of the series, life changed for the better, did you have money, connections, attention?

In American TV series, these are the actors who starred in the first season of Game of Thrones, in the second they are already multimillionaires, in Russia everything is much more modest. I think it's not entirely right to pamper young actors. Everything is working out for me little by little, the cap is not blown off - and thank God. On the one hand, nothing has changed, I remained the same person and I remember how I lived on nothing but pasta. On the other hand, I doubt that before this series I would have sat next to the governors and they would have invited me to come and visit again.

- What's the story about pasta? Have you not always been lucky in your profession?

I started acting in episodes from the first year of GITIS, then I got into the film “Everyone will die, but I will stay” by Valeria Gai Germanika. I came to the set and was discouraged by what was happening, because I imagined cinema a little differently, but with Germanika it was like creative chaos. It all depends on her mood. Let's say if she wants it to rain in this scene, everyone will sit and wait for it to rain, or she wants the actor to play it one way and no other way, and there will be 450 takes until it gets it right. I played the main character's friend in the film, there are three medium shots and even one line. In the cinema it was something like this: “Mom, mom, there I am!” I understood what real cinema is in 2009, when, having received my diploma, I was cast in the role of Savva, one of the main ones, in Nikolai Dostal’s film “Raskol.” It was like a sign from fate that I was going the right way. But the filming of “Split” ends, August 2010, whole year I worked in the coolest project that was then being made for television, I come home and understand that there were no castings or auditions, I was not approved anywhere. What's next? A month has passed, I’m doing nothing, the money has run out. But I am proud, independent, at the age of 19 I told my parents that now I would live alone and provide for myself. And now I’m 20 years old, I’m not invited anywhere, I understand that I need to work, but my ego doesn’t allow it! After two months, I realized that soon I would really have nothing to eat, and got a job as a waiter at the Pulkovo airport in my native St. Petersburg.

– This turn of events is a serious blow to pride. How did you survive it?

For the first month and a half, my ego was simply stifling. But here you need to be able to treat everything correctly and even look for the positive in such things. Which? I always liked communicating with people, four languages ​​were taught at my lyceum, I speak English fluently, and if I practice, I remember Spanish, French and German. While working at the airport, I spoke to each client in their language. At some point I started learning phrases in Greek and Japanese. I liked switching things up like that, it was kind of my mini-performance. Plus I have become resistant to stress. When you have 40 tables occupied at the same time, which you need to immediately serve and pay for, because people have flights, everyone is in a hurry, shouting, you gradually just stop delving into the problems.

Photo: Instagram by Alexander Sokolovsky

– But you, despite the failure, did not lose faith in your chosen profession and decided to take the cinema by storm again?

I always knew it was temporary. My second visit to the capital happened after four months of working at the airport, in February 2011. I packed two suitcases, boarded the train, and then I got off at the Leningradsky station and thought: “Well, why did you come here?” Thank you great friends who were sheltered for the first month. Then I rented a dead room, one producer took me on several projects, where I worked as an administrator, second director, location manager and even line producer. It continued like this from February to August. These were the six months when I tried to live in Moscow on 30 thousand rubles a month. All the things I didn’t know as a student, for example, this instant pasta in boxes, appeared to me after my role in “Split.” Values ​​have adjusted in the right direction, for which I thank this year, I realized that you can live in any circumstances. Well, then in August 2011 I was cast in the role of Petka in the project “The Passion of Chapai”, I was invited to the series “The Lavrova Method”, then there was “Unreal Story”, and only after that “Molodezhka” was formed.

– How did you end up in Moscow? There are also theater institutes in St. Petersburg, and films are shot there. Why didn’t you start building a career in your city?

Everyone said that I would definitely do it in St. Petersburg, Moscow was some kind of enemy field, where it was scary to meddle, but I was always attracted by dangers. And then the parents were offered a job in the capital. So everything worked out and we moved in together. I entered immediately at five theater institutes, passed all the rounds in three and flew at the competition, was enrolled in GITIS. The only university that did not accept me and did not let me even come close was Shchepkinskoe drama school. There they demolished the audition to the point where they said: “You, dude, are unsuitable for the profession, get out of here.” Then I tried for another two years to re-enroll there for the sake of some of my ambitions, but it didn’t work out.

– Almost all students after their diploma strive to go on stage. In your life, the Moscow Provincial Theater appeared later than cinema.

I’ve been running from the stage since graduating from GITIS, I think I just felt that my theater would find me. And it happened. The first season of “Molodezhka” was released, and in the middle of filming the second season, suddenly a call from Gubernsky was invited to a meeting with Bezrukov. Sergei Vitalievich and I talked, he said that he was going to stage the play “Mowgli”, he needed a young flexible actor. And I agreed, especially since I always had three dream roles - Mowgli, Peter Pan and Jim from Treasure Island.

– It is clear that hardly anyone will refuse such an invitation. But when you don’t live for the theater... Did you have any doubts that it wouldn’t work?

I'm at home at the movies, but I still have stage fright. Before we started staging Mowgli, Sergei Vitalievich said: “Listen, we are now releasing it on Small stage experimental production “Spring” based on the stories of Mikhail Zadornov, would you like to try it?” I say: “Well, I don’t know...” He replies: “Come on, come on, everything will work out for you.” And I came to rehearsals. There was a month left before the release of the play. Director Evgeniy Gomonoy gives me the play. I read it and asked: “Zhen, I don’t understand, here 90 percent of the author’s text and only 10 are dialogues. How to play it? And he responded: “So you are the author! This is actually a one-man show, you tell the story from the point of view of the narrator.” And then, looking at all these pages, and there were a lot of them, my knees began to shake. Considering that we were filming Molodezhka at the same time, there was no time at all. Before the premiere, I slept on stage for four days, we finished the rehearsal at two in the morning, the next one started at 9 in the morning, there was no point in going home. The play was released, everyone liked it, Zadornov was delighted. And “Mowgli” went much easier for me.

– Last year you won Ice Age, most likely, there were even more fans. Now, being a recognizable person, does it make it easier or more difficult for you to meet girls?

I realized that there is no need to announce my personal life in in social networks, because attention from strangers increases. Almost all breakups with girls happened because of my profession. Not everyone can cope with such pressure and jealousy. Probably in my case creative union would be a better decision than a relationship with a person not from show business.

– You once said that actors make bad fathers. Why did this opinion suddenly arise?

Parents are those people in a child’s life who should devote as much time as possible to his upbringing. I came to my mom and dad early, they were both 19 years old. Soon dad was drafted into the army; When he returned, I was already two years old. A monument should be erected to them because they survived the terrible 90s, unemployment and managed to raise a child. My parents worked a lot, but they always came home. Now let's look at my schedule. With the exception of rare visits, I was not in Moscow from last September to February, because one project was filmed in another country plus a tour. An actor is like a sailor who returns home for two days and then goes sailing for several months.

– You have a living example before your eyes – artistic director Bezrukov. Last year his daughter was born, he acts in films, runs a theater, and plays himself. This means you can be both a sailor and a father.

Until I met Sergei Vitalievich, it seemed to me that I was working a lot, but now I sometimes get the impression that there are two Sergei Vitalievich, because he has time everywhere. In Harry Potter, Hermione had a time turner ( magic item allowing you to go back in time. - Approx. “Antennas”), it seems to me that people like Bezrukov own it.

– To listen to you, it turns out that there are no options other than to abandon the family.

In no case! Family and art are the main things in our lives, everything else is secondary. I was ready for a family seven years ago, it seems to me. But I am extremely careful, I don’t want to make a mistake and stumble, therefore, as soon as I understand that the very woman with whom I want to live my whole life is nearby, I will immediately propose to her. To be led by primary feelings, and then a few years later to understand that this is not your person... I would not want such a situation. That's why I'm still not married.

– The older we get, the higher we raise the bar for ourselves in everything. Some people want to buy a cool car, others want to buy an apartment or a dacha. Are your needs increasing in this regard?

I bought my first car, a Toyota Corolla, in 2012, it was a super event, I considered myself a cool dude. Now I’m driving my fourth car, and it’s already part of life, like mobile phone, not wow. Although my dream came true, I always wanted a BMW X5 and gave myself such a birthday present. I am not a supporter of spending your entire salary on expensive brands or a car, and then eat buckwheat all year round. I think that you should buy within your means. The apartment is more for me for now complex issue. I’ve been renting for many years, but the one I’d like to live in costs a lot of money, it’s very far from me, and I’m not ready for a mortgage yet.

– Half of these activities are very dangerous. Where does this appetite for risk come from?

I always wonder why everything normal people They’re just walking along the cliff of a waterfall, and I want to jump into it? Here in Thailand we saw a beautiful waterfall in the distance. There was a difficult road to it along rocks and a mountain river, but I really wanted to go up there just to stand under it. And I climbed in. My friends looked at me like I was an idiot. I think that this is some kind of desire to constantly prove to yourself that you can, it keeps you on your toes, allows you to feel that you are living. My instinct of self-preservation has not yet awakened, it will probably work when the child appears.